path: root/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/vc/m4p2/src/armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe_s.s
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/vc/m4p2/src/armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe_s.s')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/vc/m4p2/src/armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe_s.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/vc/m4p2/src/armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe_s.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e30900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/libstagefright/codecs/on2/h264dec/omxdl/arm11/vc/m4p2/src/armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe_s.s
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+; *
+; * File Name: armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe_s.s
+; * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
+; * Revision: 9641
+; * Date: Thursday, February 7, 2008
+; *
+; * (c) Copyright 2007-2008 ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved.
+; *
+; *
+; *
+; * Description:
+; * Contains modules for zigzag scanning and VLC decoding
+; * for inter, intra block.
+; *
+; *
+; *
+; * Function: omxVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe
+; *
+; * Description:
+; * Performs VLC decoding and inverse zigzag scan
+; *
+; *
+; *
+; *
+; */
+ INCLUDE omxtypes_s.h
+ INCLUDE armCOMM_BitDec_s.h
+ IF ARM1136JS
+;//Input Arguments
+ppBitStream RN 0
+pBitOffset RN 1
+pDst RN 2
+shortVideoHeader RN 3
+;//Local Variables
+Return RN 0
+pVlcTableL0L1 RN 4
+pLMAXTableL0L1 RN 4
+pRMAXTableL0L1 RN 4
+pZigzagTable RN 4
+ftype RN 0
+temp3 RN 4
+temp RN 5
+Count RN 6
+Escape RN 5
+;// armVCM4P2_FillVLDBuffer
+zigzag RN 0
+storeLevel RN 1
+temp2 RN 4
+temp1 RN 5
+sign RN 5
+Last RN 7
+storeRun RN 14
+packRetIndex RN 5
+markerbit RN 5
+;// Scratch Registers
+RBitStream RN 8
+RBitBuffer RN 9
+RBitCount RN 10
+T1 RN 11
+T2 RN 12
+LR RN 14
+ M_ALLOC4 pppBitStream,4
+ M_ALLOC4 ppOffset,4
+ M_ALLOC4 pLinkRegister,4
+ M_START armVCM4P2_DecodeVLCZigzag_AC_unsafe
+ ;// get the table addresses from stack
+ M_ARG ppVlcTableL0L1,4
+ M_ARG ppLMAXTableL0L1,4
+ M_ARG ppRMAXTableL0L1,4
+ M_ARG ppZigzagTable,4
+ ;// Store ALL zeros at pDst
+ MOV temp1,#0 ;// Initialize Count to zero
+ MOV Last,#0
+ M_STR LR,pLinkRegister ;// Store Link Register on Stack
+ MOV temp2,#0
+ MOV LR,#0
+ ;// Initialize the Macro and Store all zeros to pDst
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ M_BD_INIT0 ppBitStream, pBitOffset, RBitStream, RBitBuffer, RBitCount
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ M_BD_INIT1 T1, T2, T2
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ M_BD_INIT2 T1, T2, T2
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ M_STR ppBitStream,pppBitStream ;// Store ppBitstream on stack
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ M_STR pBitOffset,ppOffset ;// Store pBitOffset on stack
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ STM pDst!,{temp2,temp1,Last,LR}
+ SUB pDst,pDst,#128 ;// Restore pDst
+ ;// The armVCM4P2_GetVLCBits begins
+ M_BD_LOOK8 Escape,7 ;// Load Escape Value
+ LSR Escape,Escape,#25
+ CMP Escape,#3 ;// check for escape mode
+ MOVNE ftype,#0
+ BNE notEscapemode ;// Branch if not in Escape mode 3
+ M_BD_VSKIP8 #7,T1
+ CMP shortVideoHeader,#0 ;// Check shortVideoHeader flag to know the type of Escape mode
+ BEQ endFillVLD
+ ;// Escape Mode 4
+ M_BD_READ8 Last,1,T1
+ M_BD_READ8 storeRun,6,T1
+ M_BD_READ8 storeLevel,8,T1
+ ;// Check whether the Reserved values for Level are used and Exit with an Error Message if it is so
+ TEQ storeLevel,#0
+ TEQNE storeLevel,#128
+ BEQ ExitError
+ ADD temp2,storeRun,Count
+ CMP temp2,#64
+ BGE ExitError ;// error if Count+storeRun >= 64
+ ;// Load address of zigzagTable
+ M_LDR pZigzagTable,ppZigzagTable ;// Loading the Address of Zigzag table
+ ;// armVCM4P2_FillVLDBuffer
+ SXTB storeLevel,storeLevel ;// Sign Extend storeLevel to 32 bits
+ ;// To Reflect Runlength
+ ADD Count,Count,storeRun
+ LDRB zigzag,[pZigzagTable,Count]
+ ADD Count,Count,#1
+ STRH storeLevel,[pDst,zigzag] ;// store Level
+ B ExitOk
+ ;// Load Ftype( Escape Mode) value based on the two successive bits in the bitstream
+ M_BD_READ8 temp1,1,T1
+ CMP temp1,#0
+ MOVEQ ftype,#1
+ BEQ notEscapemode
+ M_BD_READ8 temp1,1,T1
+ CMP temp1,#1
+ MOVEQ ftype,#3
+ MOVNE ftype,#2
+ ;// Load optimized packed VLC table with last=0 and Last=1
+ M_LDR pVlcTableL0L1,ppVlcTableL0L1 ;// Load Combined VLC Table
+ CMP ftype,#3 ;// If ftype >=3 get perform Fixed Length Decoding (Escape Mode 3)
+ BGE EscapeMode3 ;// Else continue normal VLC Decoding
+ ;// Variable lengh decoding, "armUnPackVLC32"
+ M_BD_VLD packRetIndex,T1,T2,pVlcTableL0L1,4,2
+ LDR temp3,=0xFFF
+ CMP packRetIndex,temp3 ;// Check for invalid symbol
+ BEQ ExitError ;// if invalid symbol occurs exit with an error message
+ AND Last,packRetIndex,#2 ;// Get Last from packed Index
+ LSR storeRun,packRetIndex,#7 ;// Get Run Value from Packed index
+ AND storeLevel,packRetIndex,#0x7c ;// storeLevel=packRetIndex[2-6],storeLevel[0-1]=0
+ M_LDR pLMAXTableL0L1,ppLMAXTableL0L1 ;// Load LMAX table
+ LSR storeLevel,storeLevel,#2 ;// Level value
+ CMP ftype,#1
+ BNE ftype2
+ ;// ftype==1; Escape mode =1
+ ADD temp1, pLMAXTableL0L1, Last, LSL#4 ;// If the Last=1 add 32 to table address
+ LDRB temp1,[temp1,storeRun]
+ ADD storeLevel,temp1,storeLevel
+ ;// ftype =2; Escape mode =2
+ M_LDR pRMAXTableL0L1,ppRMAXTableL0L1 ;// Load RMAX Table
+ CMP ftype,#2
+ ADD temp1, pRMAXTableL0L1, Last, LSL#4 ;// If Last=1 add 32 to table address
+ SUB temp2,storeLevel,#1
+ LDRB temp1,[temp1,temp2]
+ ADD storeRun,storeRun,#1
+ ADD storeRun,temp1
+ ;// armVCM4P2_FillVLDBuffer
+ M_LDR pZigzagTable,ppZigzagTable ;// Load address of zigzagTable
+ M_BD_READ8 sign,1,T1
+ CMP sign,#1
+ RSBEQ storeLevel,storeLevel,#0
+ ADD temp1,storeRun,Count ;// Exit with an error message if Run + Count exceeds 63
+ CMP temp1,#64
+ BGE ExitError
+ ;// To Reflect Runlenght
+ ADD Count,Count,storeRun
+ LDRB zigzag,[pZigzagTable,Count]
+ CMP Last,#2 ;// Check if the Level val is Last non zero val
+ ADD Count,Count,#1
+ LSR Last,Last,#1
+ STRH storeLevel,[pDst,zigzag]
+ BNE end
+ B ExitOk
+ ;// Fixed Lengh Decoding Escape Mode 3
+ M_BD_READ8 Last,1,T1
+ M_BD_READ8 storeRun,6,T1
+ ADD temp2,storeRun,Count ;// Exit with an error message if Run + Count exceeds 63
+ CMP temp2,#64
+ BGE ExitError
+ M_BD_READ8 markerbit,1,T1
+ TEQ markerbit,#0 ;// Exit with an error message if marker bit is zero
+ BEQ ExitError
+ M_BD_READ16 storeLevel,12,T1
+ TST storeLevel,#0x800 ;// test if the level is negative
+ SUBNE storeLevel,storeLevel,#4096
+ CMP storeLevel,#0
+ CMPNE storeLevel,#-2048
+ BEQ ExitError ;// Exit with an error message if Level==0 or -2048
+ M_LDR pZigzagTable,ppZigzagTable ;// Load address of zigzagTable
+ M_BD_READ8 markerbit,1,T1
+ ;// armVCM4P2_FillVLDBuffer ( Sign not used as storeLevel is preprocessed)
+ ;// To Reflect Run Length
+ ADD Count,Count,storeRun
+ LDRB zigzag,[pZigzagTable,Count]
+ CMP Last,#1
+ ADD Count,Count,#1
+ STRH storeLevel,[pDst,zigzag]
+ BNE end
+ B ExitOk
+ CMP Count,#64 ;//Run the Loop untill Count reaches 64
+ BLT getVLCbits
+ ;// Exit When VLC Decoding is done Successfully
+ ;// Loading ppBitStream and pBitOffset from stack
+ CMP Last,#1
+ M_LDR ppBitStream,pppBitStream
+ M_LDR pBitOffset,ppOffset
+ ;//Ending the macro
+ M_BD_FINI ppBitStream,pBitOffset
+ MOVEQ Return,#OMX_Sts_NoErr
+ MOVNE Return,#OMX_Sts_Err
+ M_LDR LR,pLinkRegister ;// Load the Link Register Back
+ B exit2
+ ;// Exit When an Error occurs
+ M_LDR ppBitStream,pppBitStream
+ M_LDR pBitOffset,ppOffset
+ ;//Ending the macro
+ M_BD_FINI ppBitStream,pBitOffset
+ M_LDR LR,pLinkRegister
+ MOV Return,#OMX_Sts_Err