path: root/services/camera/libcameraservice/Camera2Client.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'services/camera/libcameraservice/Camera2Client.h')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/Camera2Client.h b/services/camera/libcameraservice/Camera2Client.h
index a3ab128..4023397 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/Camera2Client.h
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/Camera2Client.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include "Camera2Device.h"
#include "CameraService.h"
-#include "camera/CameraParameters.h"
+#include "camera2/Parameters.h"
#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
#include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
#include <gui/CpuConsumer.h>
@@ -83,17 +83,6 @@ public:
virtual void notifyAutoWhitebalance(uint8_t newState, int triggerId);
- enum State {
- };
- static const char *getStateName(State state);
/** ICamera interface-related private members */
// Mutex that must be locked by methods implementing the ICamera interface.
@@ -107,7 +96,8 @@ private:
// up to the camera user
mutable Mutex mICameraClientLock;
- class Parameters;
+ typedef camera2::Parameters Parameters;
+ typedef camera2::CameraMetadata CameraMetadata;
status_t setPreviewWindowL(const sp<IBinder>& binder,
sp<ANativeWindow> window);
@@ -128,161 +118,8 @@ private:
status_t commandPingL();
status_t commandSetVideoBufferCountL(size_t count);
- // Current camera state; this is the contents of the CameraParameters object
- // in a more-efficient format. The enum values are mostly based off the
- // corresponding camera2 enums, not the camera1 strings. A few are defined
- // here if they don't cleanly map to camera2 values.
- struct Parameters {
- int previewWidth, previewHeight;
- int32_t previewFpsRange[2];
- int previewFps; // deprecated, here only for tracking changes
- int previewFormat;
- int previewTransform; // set by CAMERA_CMD_SET_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION
- int pictureWidth, pictureHeight;
- int32_t jpegThumbSize[2];
- int32_t jpegQuality, jpegThumbQuality;
- int32_t jpegRotation;
- bool gpsEnabled;
- double gpsCoordinates[3];
- int64_t gpsTimestamp;
- String8 gpsProcessingMethod;
- uint8_t wbMode;
- uint8_t effectMode;
- uint8_t antibandingMode;
- uint8_t sceneMode;
- enum flashMode_t {
- } flashMode;
- enum focusMode_t {
- } focusMode;
- struct Area {
- int left, top, right, bottom;
- int weight;
- Area() {}
- Area(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int weight):
- left(left), top(top), right(right), bottom(bottom),
- weight(weight) {}
- };
- Vector<Area> focusingAreas;
- int32_t exposureCompensation;
- bool autoExposureLock;
- bool autoWhiteBalanceLock;
- Vector<Area> meteringAreas;
- int zoom;
- int videoWidth, videoHeight;
- bool recordingHint;
- bool videoStabilization;
- String8 paramsFlattened;
- // These parameters are also part of the camera API-visible state, but not directly
- // listed in Camera.Parameters
- bool storeMetadataInBuffers;
- bool playShutterSound;
- bool enableFaceDetect;
- bool enableFocusMoveMessages;
- int afTriggerCounter;
- int currentAfTriggerId;
- bool afInMotion;
- uint32_t previewCallbackFlags;
- bool previewCallbackOneShot;
- // Overall camera state
- State state;
- };
- // This class encapsulates the Parameters class so that it can only be accessed
- // by constructing a Key object, which locks the LockedParameter's mutex.
- class LockedParameters {
- public:
- class Key {
- public:
- Key(LockedParameters &p):
- mParameters(p.mParameters),
- mLockedParameters(p) {
- mLockedParameters.mLock.lock();
- }
- ~Key() {
- mLockedParameters.mLock.unlock();
- }
- Parameters &mParameters;
- private:
- // Disallow copying, default construction
- Key();
- Key(const Key &);
- Key &operator=(const Key &);
- LockedParameters &mLockedParameters;
- };
- class ReadKey {
- public:
- ReadKey(const LockedParameters &p):
- mParameters(p.mParameters),
- mLockedParameters(p) {
- mLockedParameters.mLock.lock();
- }
- ~ReadKey() {
- mLockedParameters.mLock.unlock();
- }
- const Parameters &mParameters;
- private:
- // Disallow copying, default construction
- ReadKey();
- ReadKey(const ReadKey &);
- ReadKey &operator=(const ReadKey &);
- const LockedParameters &mLockedParameters;
- };
- // Only use for dumping or other debugging
- const Parameters &unsafeUnlock() {
- return mParameters;
- }
- private:
- Parameters mParameters;
- mutable Mutex mLock;
- } mParameters;
- // Static device information; this is a subset of the information
- // available through the staticInfo() method, used for frequently-accessed
- // values or values that have to be calculated from the static information.
- struct DeviceInfo {
- int32_t arrayWidth;
- int32_t arrayHeight;
- uint8_t bestFaceDetectMode;
- int32_t maxFaces;
- };
- const DeviceInfo *mDeviceInfo;
+ // Current camera device configuration
+ camera2::SharedParameters mParameters;
/** Camera device-related private members */
@@ -291,8 +128,6 @@ private:
void setPreviewCallbackFlagL(Parameters &params, int flag);
status_t updateRequests(const Parameters &params);
- // Number of zoom steps to simulate
- static const unsigned int NUM_ZOOM_STEPS = 10;
// Used with stream IDs
static const int NO_STREAM = -1;
@@ -445,21 +280,8 @@ private:
sp<MemoryBase> *mBuffers;
- // Get values for static camera info entry. min/maxCount are used for error
- // checking the number of values in the entry. 0 for max/minCount means to
- // do no bounds check in that direction. In case of error, the entry data
- // pointer is null and the count is 0.
- camera_metadata_ro_entry_t staticInfo(uint32_t tag,
- size_t minCount=0, size_t maxCount=0) const;
- // Extract frequently-used camera static information into mDeviceInfo
- status_t buildDeviceInfo();
- // Convert static camera info from a camera2 device to the
- // old API parameter map.
- status_t buildDefaultParameters();
// Update parameters all requests use, based on mParameters
- status_t updateRequestCommon(CameraMetadata *request, const Parameters &params);
+ status_t updateRequestCommon(CameraMetadata *request, const Parameters &params) const;
// Map from sensor active array pixel coordinates to normalized camera
// parameter coordinates. The former are (0,0)-(array width - 1, array height
@@ -469,24 +291,6 @@ private:
int arrayXToNormalized(int width) const;
int arrayYToNormalized(int height) const;
- // Convert camera1 preview format string to camera2 enum
- static int formatStringToEnum(const char *format);
- static const char *formatEnumToString(int format);
- static int wbModeStringToEnum(const char *wbMode);
- static int effectModeStringToEnum(const char *effectMode);
- static int abModeStringToEnum(const char *abMode);
- static int sceneModeStringToEnum(const char *sceneMode);
- static Parameters::flashMode_t flashModeStringToEnum(const char *flashMode);
- static Parameters::focusMode_t focusModeStringToEnum(const char *focusMode);
- static status_t parseAreas(const char *areasCStr,
- Vector<Parameters::Area> *areas);
- static status_t validateAreas(const Vector<Parameters::Area> &areas,
- size_t maxRegions);
- static bool boolFromString(const char *boolStr);
- // Map from camera orientation + facing to gralloc transform enum
- static int degToTransform(int degrees, bool mirror);
static size_t calculateBufferSize(int width, int height,
int format, int stride);