path: root/services
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Diffstat (limited to 'services')
13 files changed, 261 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.cpp b/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.cpp
index 4342171..613e924 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.cpp
@@ -46,14 +46,16 @@ ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::availableToRead()
return mBuffer.raw != NULL ? mBuffer.frameCount - mConsumed : 0;
-ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
+ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::read(void *buffer,
+ size_t count,
+ int64_t readPTS)
if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(mBuffer.raw == NULL)) {
mBuffer.frameCount = count;
- status_t status = mProvider->getNextBuffer(&mBuffer, AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS);
+ status_t status = mProvider->getNextBuffer(&mBuffer, readPTS);
if (status != OK) {
return status == NOT_ENOUGH_DATA ? (ssize_t) WOULD_BLOCK : (ssize_t) status;
@@ -79,7 +81,8 @@ ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
return count;
-ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block)
+ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user,
+ int64_t readPTS, size_t block)
if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *us
// 1 <= count <= block
if (CC_UNLIKELY(mBuffer.raw == NULL)) {
mBuffer.frameCount = count;
- status_t status = mProvider->getNextBuffer(&mBuffer, AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS);
+ status_t status = mProvider->getNextBuffer(&mBuffer, readPTS);
if (CC_LIKELY(status == OK)) {
ALOG_ASSERT(mBuffer.raw != NULL && mBuffer.frameCount <= count);
// mConsumed is 0 either from constructor or after releaseBuffer()
@@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ ssize_t AudioBufferProviderSource::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *us
count = available;
if (CC_LIKELY(count > 0)) {
- ssize_t ret = via(user, (char *) mBuffer.raw + (mConsumed << mBitShift), count);
+ char* readTgt = (char *) mBuffer.raw + (mConsumed << mBitShift);
+ ssize_t ret = via(user, readTgt, count, readPTS);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(ret <= 0)) {
if (CC_LIKELY(accumulator > 0)) {
return accumulator;
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.h b/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.h
index 2b39937..1435a84 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.h
+++ b/services/audioflinger/AudioBufferProviderSource.h
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ public:
//virtual size_t framesOverrun();
//virtual size_t overruns();
virtual ssize_t availableToRead();
- virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count);
- virtual ssize_t readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block);
+ virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count, int64_t readPTS);
+ virtual ssize_t readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user,
+ int64_t readPTS, size_t block);
AudioBufferProvider * const mProvider;
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/AudioFlinger.cpp b/services/audioflinger/AudioFlinger.cpp
index 125ec3a..7e5f102 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/AudioFlinger.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/AudioFlinger.cpp
@@ -2791,9 +2791,10 @@ void AudioFlinger::MixerThread::threadLoop_mix()
int64_t pts;
status_t status = INVALID_OPERATION;
- if (NULL != mOutput->stream->get_next_write_timestamp) {
- status = mOutput->stream->get_next_write_timestamp(
- mOutput->stream, &pts);
+ if (mNormalSink != 0) {
+ status = mNormalSink->getNextWriteTimestamp(&pts);
+ } else {
+ status = mOutputSink->getNextWriteTimestamp(&pts);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
@@ -3579,7 +3580,8 @@ void AudioFlinger::MixerThread::dumpInternals(int fd, const Vector<String16>& ar
#define TEE_SINK_READ 1024
short buffer[TEE_SINK_READ * FCC_2];
size_t count = TEE_SINK_READ;
- ssize_t actual = teeSource->read(buffer, count);
+ ssize_t actual = teeSource->read(buffer, count,
+ AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS);
bool wasFirstRead = firstRead;
firstRead = false;
if (actual <= 0) {
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.cpp b/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.cpp
index 8a5aa0c..bc2d15b 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.cpp
@@ -67,4 +67,16 @@ ssize_t AudioStreamOutSink::write(const void *buffer, size_t count)
return ret;
+status_t AudioStreamOutSink::getNextWriteTimestamp(int64_t *timestamp) {
+ ALOG_ASSERT(timestamp != NULL);
+ if (NULL == mStream)
+ if (NULL == mStream->get_next_write_timestamp)
+ return mStream->get_next_write_timestamp(mStream, timestamp);
} // namespace android
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.h b/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.h
index 1eff3f6..5976b18 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.h
+++ b/services/audioflinger/AudioStreamOutSink.h
@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ public:
virtual ssize_t write(const void *buffer, size_t count);
+ // AudioStreamOutSink wraps a HAL's output stream. Its
+ // getNextWriteTimestamp method is simply a passthru to the HAL's underlying
+ // implementation of GNWT (if any)
+ virtual status_t getNextWriteTimestamp(int64_t *timestamp);
// NBAIO_Sink end
#if 0 // until necessary
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/FastMixer.cpp b/services/audioflinger/FastMixer.cpp
index 7652132..b89bf81 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/FastMixer.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/FastMixer.cpp
@@ -399,8 +399,13 @@ bool FastMixer::threadLoop()
ftDump->mUnderruns = underruns;
ftDump->mFramesReady = framesReady;
+ int64_t pts;
+ if (outputSink == NULL || (OK != outputSink->getNextWriteTimestamp(&pts)))
+ pts = AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS;
// process() is CPU-bound
- mixer->process(AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS);
+ mixer->process(pts);
mixBufferState = MIXED;
} else if (mixBufferState == MIXED) {
mixBufferState = UNDEFINED;
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.cpp b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.cpp
index f3fc19a..bd876b4 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.cpp
@@ -17,17 +17,22 @@
#define LOG_TAG "MonoPipe"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+#include <common_time/cc_helper.h>
#include <cutils/atomic.h>
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
+#include <utils/LinearTransform.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
+#include "AudioBufferProvider.h"
#include "MonoPipe.h"
#include "roundup.h"
namespace android {
MonoPipe::MonoPipe(size_t reqFrames, NBAIO_Format format, bool writeCanBlock) :
+ mUpdateSeq(0),
mBuffer(malloc(mMaxFrames * Format_frameSize(format))),
@@ -38,6 +43,37 @@ MonoPipe::MonoPipe(size_t reqFrames, NBAIO_Format format, bool writeCanBlock) :
mSetpoint((reqFrames * 11) / 16),
+ CCHelper tmpHelper;
+ status_t res;
+ uint64_t N, D;
+ mNextRdPTS = AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS;
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_zero = 0;
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.b_zero = 0;
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_numer = 0;
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_denom = 0;
+ D = Format_sampleRate(format);
+ if (OK != (res = tmpHelper.getLocalFreq(&N))) {
+ ALOGE("Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a"
+ " MonoPipe (res = %d). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be"
+ " non-functional", res);
+ return;
+ }
+ LinearTransform::reduce(&N, &D);
+ static const uint64_t kSignedHiBitsMask = ~(0x7FFFFFFFull);
+ static const uint64_t kUnsignedHiBitsMask = ~(0xFFFFFFFFull);
+ if ((N & kSignedHiBitsMask) || (D & kUnsignedHiBitsMask)) {
+ ALOGE("Cannot reduce sample rate to local clock frequency ratio to fit"
+ " in a 32/32 bit rational. (max reduction is 0x%016llx/0x%016llx"
+ "). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional", N, D);
+ return;
+ }
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_numer = static_cast<int32_t>(N);
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_denom = static_cast<uint32_t>(D);
@@ -162,4 +198,102 @@ void MonoPipe::setAvgFrames(size_t setpoint)
mSetpoint = setpoint;
+status_t MonoPipe::getNextWriteTimestamp(int64_t *timestamp)
+ int32_t front;
+ ALOG_ASSERT(NULL != timestamp);
+ if (0 == mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_denom)
+ observeFrontAndNRPTS(&front, timestamp);
+ if (AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS != *timestamp) {
+ // If we have a valid read-pointer and next read timestamp pair, then
+ // use the current value of the write pointer to figure out how many
+ // frames are in the buffer, and offset the timestamp by that amt. Then
+ // next time we write to the MonoPipe, the data will hit the speakers at
+ // the next read timestamp plus the current amount of data in the
+ // MonoPipe.
+ size_t pendingFrames = (mRear - front) & (mMaxFrames - 1);
+ *timestamp = offsetTimestampByAudioFrames(*timestamp, pendingFrames);
+ }
+ return OK;
+void MonoPipe::updateFrontAndNRPTS(int32_t newFront, int64_t newNextRdPTS)
+ // Set the MSB of the update sequence number to indicate that there is a
+ // multi-variable update in progress. Use an atomic store with an "acquire"
+ // barrier to make sure that the next operations cannot be re-ordered and
+ // take place before the change to mUpdateSeq is commited..
+ int32_t tmp = mUpdateSeq | 0x80000000;
+ android_atomic_acquire_store(tmp, &mUpdateSeq);
+ // Update mFront and mNextRdPTS
+ mFront = newFront;
+ mNextRdPTS = newNextRdPTS;
+ // We are finished with the update. Compute the next sequnce number (which
+ // should be the old sequence number, plus one, and with the MSB cleared)
+ // and then store it in mUpdateSeq using an atomic store with a "release"
+ // barrier so our update operations cannot be re-ordered past the update of
+ // the sequence number.
+ tmp = (tmp + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ android_atomic_release_store(tmp, &mUpdateSeq);
+void MonoPipe::observeFrontAndNRPTS(int32_t *outFront, int64_t *outNextRdPTS)
+ // Perform an atomic observation of mFront and mNextRdPTS. Basically,
+ // atomically observe the sequence number, then observer the variables, then
+ // atomically observe the sequence number again. If the two observations of
+ // the sequence number match, and the update-in-progress bit was not set,
+ // then we know we have a successful atomic observation. Otherwise, we loop
+ // around and try again.
+ //
+ // Note, it is very important that the observer be a lower priority thread
+ // than the updater. If the updater is lower than the observer, or they are
+ // the same priority and running with SCHED_FIFO (implying that quantum
+ // based premption is disabled) then we run the risk of deadlock.
+ int32_t seqOne, seqTwo;
+ do {
+ seqOne = android_atomic_acquire_load(&mUpdateSeq);
+ *outFront = mFront;
+ *outNextRdPTS = mNextRdPTS;
+ seqTwo = android_atomic_release_load(&mUpdateSeq);
+ } while ((seqOne != seqTwo) || (seqOne & 0x80000000));
+int64_t MonoPipe::offsetTimestampByAudioFrames(int64_t ts, size_t audFrames)
+ if (0 == mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_denom)
+ return AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS;
+ if (ts == AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS)
+ return AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS;
+ int64_t frame_lt_duration;
+ if (!mSamplesToLocalTime.doForwardTransform(audFrames,
+ &frame_lt_duration)) {
+ // This should never fail, but if there is a bug which is causing it
+ // to fail, this message would probably end up flooding the logs
+ // because the conversion would probably fail forever. Log the
+ // error, but then zero out the ratio in the linear transform so
+ // that we don't try to do any conversions from now on. This
+ // MonoPipe's getNextWriteTimestamp is now broken for good.
+ ALOGE("Overflow when attempting to convert %d audio frames to"
+ " duration in local time. getNextWriteTimestamp will fail from"
+ " now on.", audFrames);
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_numer = 0;
+ mSamplesToLocalTime.a_to_b_denom = 0;
+ return AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS;
+ }
+ return ts + frame_lt_duration;
} // namespace android
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.h b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.h
index f6e2cb3..c47bf6c 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.h
+++ b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipe.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <time.h>
+#include <utils/LinearTransform.h>
#include "NBAIO.h"
namespace android {
@@ -56,6 +57,20 @@ public:
virtual ssize_t write(const void *buffer, size_t count);
//virtual ssize_t writeVia(writeVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block);
+ // MonoPipe's implementation of getNextWriteTimestamp works in conjunction
+ // with MonoPipeReader. Every time a MonoPipeReader reads from the pipe, it
+ // receives a "readPTS" indicating the point in time for which the reader
+ // would like to read data. This "last read PTS" is offset by the amt of
+ // data the reader is currently mixing and then cached cached along with the
+ // updated read pointer. This cached value is the local time for which the
+ // reader is going to request data next time it reads data (assuming we are
+ // in steady state and operating with no underflows). Writers to the
+ // MonoPipe who would like to know when their next write operation will hit
+ // the speakers can call getNextWriteTimestamp which will return the value
+ // of the last read PTS plus the duration of the amt of data waiting to be
+ // read in the MonoPipe.
+ virtual status_t getNextWriteTimestamp(int64_t *timestamp);
// average number of frames present in the pipe under normal conditions.
// See throttling mechanism in MonoPipe::write()
size_t getAvgFrames() const { return mSetpoint; }
@@ -63,20 +78,42 @@ public:
size_t maxFrames() const { return mMaxFrames; }
+ // A pair of methods and a helper variable which allows the reader and the
+ // writer to update and observe the values of mFront and mNextRdPTS in an
+ // atomic lock-less fashion.
+ //
+ // :: Important ::
+ // Two assumptions must be true in order for this lock-less approach to
+ // function properly on all systems. First, there may only be one updater
+ // thread in the system. Second, the updater thread must be running at a
+ // strictly higher priority than the observer threads. Currently, both of
+ // these assumptions are true. The only updater is always a single
+ // FastMixer thread (which runs with SCHED_FIFO/RT priority while the only
+ // observer is always an AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread running with
+ // traditional (non-RT) audio priority.
+ void updateFrontAndNRPTS(int32_t newFront, int64_t newNextRdPTS);
+ void observeFrontAndNRPTS(int32_t *outFront, int64_t *outNextRdPTS);
+ volatile int32_t mUpdateSeq;
const size_t mReqFrames; // as requested in constructor, unrounded
const size_t mMaxFrames; // always a power of 2
void * const mBuffer;
// mFront and mRear will never be separated by more than mMaxFrames.
// 32-bit overflow is possible if the pipe is active for a long time, but if that happens it's
// safe because we "&" with (mMaxFrames-1) at end of computations to calculate a buffer index.
- volatile int32_t mFront; // written by reader with android_atomic_release_store,
- // read by writer with android_atomic_acquire_load
+ volatile int32_t mFront; // written by the reader with updateFrontAndNRPTS, observed by
+ // the writer with observeFrontAndNRPTS
volatile int32_t mRear; // written by writer with android_atomic_release_store,
// read by reader with android_atomic_acquire_load
+ volatile int64_t mNextRdPTS; // written by the reader with updateFrontAndNRPTS, observed by
+ // the writer with observeFrontAndNRPTS
bool mWriteTsValid; // whether mWriteTs is valid
struct timespec mWriteTs; // time that the previous write() completed
size_t mSetpoint; // target value for pipe fill depth
const bool mWriteCanBlock; // whether write() should block if the pipe is full
+ int64_t offsetTimestampByAudioFrames(int64_t ts, size_t audFrames);
+ LinearTransform mSamplesToLocalTime;
} // namespace android
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.cpp b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.cpp
index b80d0c0..39a07de 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.cpp
@@ -43,11 +43,25 @@ ssize_t MonoPipeReader::availableToRead()
return ret;
-ssize_t MonoPipeReader::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
+ssize_t MonoPipeReader::read(void *buffer, size_t count, int64_t readPTS)
+ // Compute the "next read PTS" and cache it. Callers of read pass a read
+ // PTS indicating the local time for which they are requesting data along
+ // with a count (which is the number of audio frames they are going to
+ // ultimately pass to the next stage of the pipeline). Offsetting readPTS
+ // by the duration of count will give us the readPTS which will be passed to
+ // us next time, assuming they system continues to operate in steady state
+ // with no discontinuities. We stash this value so it can be used by the
+ // MonoPipe writer to imlement getNextWriteTimestamp.
+ int64_t nextReadPTS;
+ nextReadPTS = mPipe->offsetTimestampByAudioFrames(readPTS, count);
// count == 0 is unlikely and not worth checking for explicitly; will be handled automatically
ssize_t red = availableToRead();
if (CC_UNLIKELY(red <= 0)) {
+ // Uh-oh, looks like we are underflowing. Update the next read PTS and
+ // get out.
+ mPipe->updateFrontAndNRPTS(mPipe->mFront, nextReadPTS);
return red;
if (CC_LIKELY((size_t) red > count)) {
@@ -66,7 +80,7 @@ ssize_t MonoPipeReader::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
memcpy((char *) buffer + (part1 << mBitShift), mPipe->mBuffer, part2 << mBitShift);
- android_atomic_release_store(red + mPipe->mFront, &mPipe->mFront);
+ mPipe->updateFrontAndNRPTS(red + mPipe->mFront, nextReadPTS);
mFramesRead += red;
return red;
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.h b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.h
index 9bb0a94..0e1c992 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.h
+++ b/services/audioflinger/MonoPipeReader.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
virtual ssize_t availableToRead();
- virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count);
+ virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count, int64_t readPTS);
// NBAIO_Source end
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.cpp b/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.cpp
index 9d71eae..2c07ebf 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.cpp
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ ssize_t NBAIO_Sink::writeVia(writeVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t bl
// This is a default implementation; it is expected that subclasses will optimize this.
-ssize_t NBAIO_Source::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block)
+ssize_t NBAIO_Source::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user,
+ int64_t readPTS, size_t block)
if (!mNegotiated) {
return (ssize_t) NEGOTIATE;
@@ -147,11 +148,11 @@ ssize_t NBAIO_Source::readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t bl
if (count > block) {
count = block;
- ssize_t ret = read(buffer, count);
+ ssize_t ret = read(buffer, count, readPTS);
if (ret > 0) {
ALOG_ASSERT((size_t) ret <= count);
size_t maxRet = ret;
- ret = via(user, buffer, maxRet);
+ ret = via(user, buffer, maxRet, readPTS);
if (ret > 0) {
ALOG_ASSERT((size_t) ret <= maxRet);
accumulator += ret;
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.h b/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.h
index b5ae0f1..81f42ed 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.h
+++ b/services/audioflinger/NBAIO.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
namespace android {
@@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ unsigned Format_channelCount(NBAIO_Format format);
// Callbacks used by NBAIO_Sink::writeVia() and NBAIO_Source::readVia() below.
typedef ssize_t (*writeVia_t)(void *user, void *buffer, size_t count);
-typedef ssize_t (*readVia_t)(void *user, const void *buffer, size_t count);
+typedef ssize_t (*readVia_t)(void *user, const void *buffer,
+ size_t count, int64_t readPTS);
// Abstract class (interface) representing a data port.
class NBAIO_Port : public RefBase {
@@ -198,6 +200,21 @@ public:
// < 0 status_t error occurred prior to the first frame transfer during this callback.
virtual ssize_t writeVia(writeVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block = 0);
+ // Get the time (on the LocalTime timeline) at which the first frame of audio of the next write
+ // operation to this sink will be eventually rendered by the HAL.
+ // Inputs:
+ // ts A pointer pointing to the int64_t which will hold the result.
+ // Return value:
+ // OK Everything went well, *ts holds the time at which the first audio frame of the next
+ // write operation will be rendered, or AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS if this sink
+ // does not know the answer for some reason. Sinks which eventually lead to a HAL
+ // which implements get_next_write_timestamp may return Invalid temporarily if the DMA
+ // output of the audio driver has not started yet. Sinks which lead to a HAL which
+ // does not implement get_next_write_timestamp, or which don't lead to a HAL at all,
+ // will always return kInvalidPTS.
+ // <other> Something unexpected happened internally. Check the logs and start debugging.
+ virtual status_t getNextWriteTimestamp(int64_t *ts) { return INVALID_OPERATION; }
NBAIO_Sink(NBAIO_Format format = Format_Invalid) : NBAIO_Port(format), mFramesWritten(0) { }
virtual ~NBAIO_Sink() { }
@@ -238,6 +255,8 @@ public:
// Inputs:
// buffer Non-NULL destination buffer owned by consumer.
// count Maximum number of frames to transfer.
+ // readPTS The presentation time (on the LocalTime timeline) for which data
+ // is being requested, or kInvalidPTS if not known.
// Return value:
// > 0 Number of frames successfully transferred prior to first error.
// = 0 Count was zero.
@@ -247,7 +266,7 @@ public:
// WOULD_BLOCK No frames can be transferred without blocking.
// OVERRUN read() has not been called frequently enough, or with enough frames to keep up.
// One or more frames were lost due to overrun, try again to read more recent data.
- virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count) = 0;
+ virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count, int64_t readPTS) = 0;
// Transfer data from source using a series of callbacks. More suitable for zero-fill,
// synthesis, and non-contiguous transfers (e.g. circular buffer or readv).
@@ -256,6 +275,8 @@ public:
// total Estimate of the number of frames the consumer desires. This is an estimate,
// and it can consume a different number of frames during the series of callbacks.
// user Arbitrary void * reserved for data consumer.
+ // readPTS The presentation time (on the LocalTime timeline) for which data
+ // is being requested, or kInvalidPTS if not known.
// block Number of frames per block, that is a suggested value for 'count' in each callback.
// Zero means no preference. This parameter is a hint only, and may be ignored.
// Return value:
@@ -278,7 +299,8 @@ public:
// > 0 Number of frames successfully transferred during this callback prior to first error.
// = 0 Count was zero.
// < 0 status_t error occurred prior to the first frame transfer during this callback.
- virtual ssize_t readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block = 0);
+ virtual ssize_t readVia(readVia_t via, size_t total, void *user,
+ int64_t readPTS, size_t block = 0);
NBAIO_Source(NBAIO_Format format = Format_Invalid) : NBAIO_Port(format), mFramesRead(0) { }
diff --git a/services/audioflinger/SourceAudioBufferProvider.cpp b/services/audioflinger/SourceAudioBufferProvider.cpp
index e9d6d2c..3343b53 100644
--- a/services/audioflinger/SourceAudioBufferProvider.cpp
+++ b/services/audioflinger/SourceAudioBufferProvider.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ status_t SourceAudioBufferProvider::getNextBuffer(Buffer *buffer, int64_t pts)
mSize = buffer->frameCount;
// read from source
- ssize_t actual = mSource->read(mAllocated, buffer->frameCount);
+ ssize_t actual = mSource->read(mAllocated, buffer->frameCount, pts);
if (actual > 0) {
ALOG_ASSERT((size_t) actual <= buffer->frameCount);
mOffset = 0;