path: root/include/media/stagefright/LPAPlayer.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* libstagefright: Squashed audio fixes from CodeAuroraHaynes Mathew George2013-04-081-1/+3
* libstagefright: Squashed commit of LPA/tunnel updates from CAFHaynes Mathew George2013-02-271-0/+5
* Revert "libstagefright: Convert mono to stereo for LPA clips"Ricardo Cerqueira2013-02-061-4/+1
* Squashed commit of updates from CodeAuroraMingming Yin2013-02-061-1/+4
* frameworks/av : Playing AAC and MP3 clips using LPA.Kalyani polepeddy2013-01-211-1/+2
* Squashed commit of audio changes from CodeAuroravivek mehta2012-12-231-0/+290