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authorJames Cook <>2015-02-27 10:31:20 -0800
committerJames Cook <>2015-02-27 13:39:56 -0800
commit471559f129b8b0c87e70d013f13386fa8fc46ec7 (patch)
parent7af589995f8036bc9e622ec54fc29492152f926f (diff)
Reland: Improvements to TextView Ctrl-Z undo support
This relands commit 7713d18847c7fe81fb5f34e888aaf8167862f5fd which was reverted in commit 3ac0bcb095e0067721a5e35d3b4c51e4090842a3. Original description: * Undo/redo restores cursor position * Multiple deletes are consolidated into a single operation * Don't create undo history for invalid or no-op operations * Move logic for merging operations into Editor.EditOperation CTS tests in android.widget.cts.TextViewTest will land separately. Bug: 19332904 Bug: 19450037 Bug: 19505388 Change-Id: Ice27e3c4e5e421b47be8c4e9964c10844e61b0fc
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/core/java/android/widget/ b/core/java/android/widget/
index 8601d2b..1ba11da 100644
--- a/core/java/android/widget/
+++ b/core/java/android/widget/
@@ -4199,6 +4199,13 @@ public class Editor {
+ * @return True iff (start, end) is a valid range within the text.
+ */
+ private static boolean isValidRange(CharSequence text, int start, int end) {
+ return 0 <= start && start <= end && end <= text.length();
+ }
+ /**
* An InputFilter that monitors text input to maintain undo history. It does not modify the
* text being typed (and hence always returns null from the filter() method).
@@ -4213,97 +4220,123 @@ public class Editor {
public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end,
Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
- Log.d(TAG, "filter: source=" + source + " (" + start + "-" + end + ")");
- Log.d(TAG, "filter: dest=" + dest + " (" + dstart + "-" + dend + ")");
+ Log.d(TAG, "filter: source=" + source + " (" + start + "-" + end + ") " +
+ "dest=" + dest + " (" + dstart + "-" + dend + ")");
final UndoManager um = mEditor.mUndoManager;
if (um.isInUndo()) {
- if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "*** skipping, currently performing undo/redo");
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: skipping, currently performing undo/redo");
return null;
- um.beginUpdate("Edit text");
- TextModifyOperation op = um.getLastOperation(
- TextModifyOperation.class, mEditor.mUndoOwner, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_UNIQUE);
- if (op != null) {
- if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "Last op: range=(" + op.mRangeStart + "-" + op.mRangeEnd
- + "), oldText=" + op.mOldText);
- // See if we can continue modifying this operation.
- if (op.mOldText == null) {
- // The current operation is an add... are we adding more? We are adding
- // more if we are either appending new text to the end of the last edit or
- // completely replacing some or all of the last edit.
- // TODO: This sequence doesn't work right: a, left-arrow, b, undo, undo.
- // The two edits are incorrectly merged, so there is only one undo available.
- if (start < end && ((dstart >= op.mRangeStart && dend <= op.mRangeEnd)
- || (dstart == op.mRangeEnd && dend == op.mRangeEnd))) {
- op.mRangeEnd = dstart + (end-start);
- um.endUpdate();
- if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "*** merging with last op, mRangeEnd="
- + op.mRangeEnd);
- return null;
- }
- } else {
- // The current operation is a delete... can we delete more?
- if (start == end && dend == op.mRangeStart-1) {
- SpannableStringBuilder str;
- if (op.mOldText instanceof SpannableString) {
- str = (SpannableStringBuilder)op.mOldText;
- } else {
- str = new SpannableStringBuilder(op.mOldText);
- }
- str.insert(0, dest, dstart, dend);
- op.mRangeStart = dstart;
- op.mOldText = str;
- um.endUpdate();
- if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "*** merging with last op, range=("
- + op.mRangeStart + "-" + op.mRangeEnd
- + "), oldText=" + op.mOldText);
- return null;
- }
- }
+ // Text filters run before input operations are applied. However, some input operations
+ // are invalid and will throw exceptions when applied. This is common in tests. Don't
+ // attempt to undo invalid operations.
+ if (!isValidRange(source, start, end) || !isValidRange(dest, dstart, dend)) {
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: invalid op");
+ return null;
+ }
- // Couldn't add to the current undo operation, need to start a new
- // undo state for a new undo operation.
- um.commitState(null);
- um.setUndoLabel("Edit text");
+ // Earlier filters can rewrite input to be a no-op, for example due to a length limit
+ // on an input field. Skip no-op changes.
+ if (start == end && dstart == dend) {
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: skipping no-op");
+ return null;
- // Create a new undo state reflecting the operation being performed.
- op = new TextModifyOperation(mEditor.mUndoOwner);
- op.mRangeStart = dstart;
- if (start < end) {
- op.mRangeEnd = dstart + (end-start);
+ // Build a new operation with all the information from this edit.
+ EditOperation edit = new EditOperation(mEditor, source, start, end, dest, dstart, dend);
+ // Fetch the last edit operation and attempt to merge in the new edit.
+ um.beginUpdate("Edit text");
+ EditOperation lastEdit = um.getLastOperation(
+ EditOperation.class, mEditor.mUndoOwner, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_UNIQUE);
+ if (lastEdit == null) {
+ // Add this as the first edit.
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: adding first op " + edit);
+ um.addOperation(edit, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_NONE);
+ } else if (lastEdit.mergeWith(edit)) {
+ // Merge succeeded, nothing else to do.
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: merge succeeded, created " + lastEdit);
} else {
- op.mRangeEnd = dstart;
+ // Could not merge with the last edit, so commit the last edit and add this edit.
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "filter: merge failed, adding " + edit);
+ um.commitState(mEditor.mUndoOwner);
+ um.addOperation(edit, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_NONE);
- if (dstart < dend) {
- op.mOldText = dest.subSequence(dstart, dend);
- }
- if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "*** adding new op, range=(" + op.mRangeStart
- + "-" + op.mRangeEnd + "), oldText=" + op.mOldText);
- um.addOperation(op, UndoManager.MERGE_MODE_NONE);
- return null;
+ return null; // Text not changed.
* An operation to undo a single "edit" to a text view.
- public static class TextModifyOperation extends UndoOperation<Editor> {
- int mRangeStart, mRangeEnd;
- CharSequence mOldText;
+ public static class EditOperation extends UndoOperation<Editor> {
+ private static final int TYPE_INSERT = 0;
+ private static final int TYPE_DELETE = 1;
+ private static final int TYPE_REPLACE = 2;
- public TextModifyOperation(UndoOwner owner) {
- super(owner);
+ private int mType;
+ private String mOldText;
+ private int mOldTextStart;
+ private String mNewText;
+ private int mNewTextStart;
+ private int mOldCursorPos;
+ private int mNewCursorPos;
+ /**
+ * Constructs an edit operation from a text input operation that replaces the range
+ * (dstart, dend) of dest with (start, end) of source. See {@link InputFilter#filter}.
+ */
+ public EditOperation(Editor editor, CharSequence source, int start, int end,
+ Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
+ super(editor.mUndoOwner);
+ mOldText = dest.subSequence(dstart, dend).toString();
+ mNewText = source.subSequence(start, end).toString();
+ // Determine the type of the edit and store where it occurred. Avoid storing
+ // irrevelant data (e.g. mNewTextStart for a delete) because that makes the
+ // merging logic more complex (e.g. merging deletes could lead to mNewTextStart being
+ // outside the bounds of the final text).
+ if (mNewText.length() > 0 && mOldText.length() == 0) {
+ mType = TYPE_INSERT;
+ mNewTextStart = dstart;
+ } else if (mNewText.length() == 0 && mOldText.length() > 0) {
+ mType = TYPE_DELETE;
+ mOldTextStart = dstart;
+ } else {
+ mOldTextStart = mNewTextStart = dstart;
+ }
+ // Store cursor data.
+ mOldCursorPos = editor.mTextView.getSelectionStart();
+ mNewCursorPos = dstart + (end - start);
- public TextModifyOperation(Parcel src, ClassLoader loader) {
+ public EditOperation(Parcel src, ClassLoader loader) {
super(src, loader);
- mRangeStart = src.readInt();
- mRangeEnd = src.readInt();
- mOldText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(src);
+ mType = src.readInt();
+ mOldText = src.readString();
+ mOldTextStart = src.readInt();
+ mNewText = src.readString();
+ mNewTextStart = src.readInt();
+ mOldCursorPos = src.readInt();
+ mNewCursorPos = src.readInt();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
+ dest.writeInt(mType);
+ dest.writeString(mOldText);
+ dest.writeInt(mOldTextStart);
+ dest.writeString(mNewText);
+ dest.writeInt(mNewTextStart);
+ dest.writeInt(mOldCursorPos);
+ dest.writeInt(mNewCursorPos);
@@ -4312,62 +4345,139 @@ public class Editor {
public void undo() {
- swapText();
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "undo");
+ // Remove the new text and insert the old.
+ modifyText(mNewTextStart, getNewTextEnd(), mOldText, mOldTextStart, mOldCursorPos);
public void redo() {
- swapText();
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "redo");
+ // Remove the old text and insert the new.
+ modifyText(mOldTextStart, getOldTextEnd(), mNewText, mNewTextStart, mNewCursorPos);
- private void swapText() {
- // Both undo and redo involves swapping the contents of the range
- // in the text view with our local text.
- Editor editor = getOwnerData();
- Editable editable = (Editable)editor.mTextView.getText();
- CharSequence curText;
- if (mRangeStart >= mRangeEnd) {
- curText = null;
- } else {
- curText = editable.subSequence(mRangeStart, mRangeEnd);
+ /**
+ * Attempts to merge this existing operation with a new edit.
+ * @param edit The new edit operation.
+ * @return If the merge succeeded, returns true. Otherwise returns false and leaves this
+ * object unchanged.
+ */
+ private boolean mergeWith(EditOperation edit) {
+ switch (mType) {
+ return mergeInsertWith(edit);
+ return mergeDeleteWith(edit);
+ return mergeReplaceWith(edit);
+ default:
+ return false;
- if (DEBUG_UNDO) {
- Log.d(TAG, "Swap: range=(" + mRangeStart + "-" + mRangeEnd
- + "), oldText=" + mOldText);
- Log.d(TAG, "Swap: curText=" + curText);
+ }
+ private boolean mergeInsertWith(EditOperation edit) {
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "mergeInsertWith " + edit);
+ // Only merge continuous insertions.
+ if (edit.mType != TYPE_INSERT) {
+ return false;
- if (mOldText == null) {
- editable.delete(mRangeStart, mRangeEnd);
- mRangeEnd = mRangeStart;
- } else {
- editable.replace(mRangeStart, mRangeEnd, mOldText);
- mRangeEnd = mRangeStart + mOldText.length();
+ // Only merge insertions that are contiguous.
+ if (getNewTextEnd() != edit.mNewTextStart) {
+ return false;
- mOldText = curText;
+ mNewText += edit.mNewText;
+ mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos;
+ return true;
- @Override
- public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
- dest.writeInt(mRangeStart);
- dest.writeInt(mRangeEnd);
- TextUtils.writeToParcel(mOldText, dest, flags);
+ // TODO: Support forward delete.
+ private boolean mergeDeleteWith(EditOperation edit) {
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "mergeDeleteWith " + edit);
+ // Only merge continuous deletes.
+ if (edit.mType != TYPE_DELETE) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Only merge deletions that are contiguous.
+ if (mOldTextStart != edit.getOldTextEnd()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mOldTextStart = edit.mOldTextStart;
+ mOldText = edit.mOldText + mOldText;
+ mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos;
+ return true;
- public static final Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<TextModifyOperation> CREATOR
- = new Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<TextModifyOperation>() {
+ private boolean mergeReplaceWith(EditOperation edit) {
+ if (DEBUG_UNDO) Log.d(TAG, "mergeReplaceWith " + edit);
+ // Replacements can merge only with adjacent inserts and adjacent replacements.
+ if (edit.mType == TYPE_DELETE ||
+ getNewTextEnd() != edit.mOldTextStart ||
+ edit.mOldTextStart != edit.mNewTextStart) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mOldText += edit.mOldText;
+ mNewText += edit.mNewText;
+ mNewCursorPos = edit.mNewCursorPos;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private int getNewTextEnd() {
+ return mNewTextStart + mNewText.length();
+ }
+ private int getOldTextEnd() {
+ return mOldTextStart + mOldText.length();
+ }
+ private void modifyText(int deleteFrom, int deleteTo, CharSequence newText,
+ int newTextInsertAt, int newCursorPos) {
+ Editor editor = getOwnerData();
+ Editable text = (Editable) editor.mTextView.getText();
+ // Apply the edit if it is still valid.
+ if (isValidRange(text, deleteFrom, deleteTo) &&
+ newTextInsertAt <= text.length() - (deleteTo - deleteFrom)) {
+ if (deleteFrom != deleteTo) {
+ text.delete(deleteFrom, deleteTo);
+ }
+ if (newText.length() != 0) {
+ text.insert(newTextInsertAt, newText);
+ }
+ }
+ // Restore the cursor position.
+ // TODO: Select all the text that was undone.
+ if (newCursorPos <= text.length()) {
+ Selection.setSelection(text, newCursorPos);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "EditOperation: [" +
+ "mType=" + mType + ", " +
+ "mOldText=" + mOldText + ", " +
+ "mOldTextStart=" + mOldTextStart + ", " +
+ "mNewText=" + mNewText + ", " +
+ "mNewTextStart=" + mNewTextStart + ", " +
+ "mOldCursorPos=" + mOldCursorPos + ", " +
+ "mNewCursorPos=" + mNewCursorPos + "]";
+ }
+ public static final Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<EditOperation> CREATOR
+ = new Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<EditOperation>() {
- public TextModifyOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
- return new TextModifyOperation(in, null);
+ public EditOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
+ return new EditOperation(in, null);
- public TextModifyOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in, ClassLoader loader) {
- return new TextModifyOperation(in, loader);
+ public EditOperation createFromParcel(Parcel in, ClassLoader loader) {
+ return new EditOperation(in, loader);
- public TextModifyOperation[] newArray(int size) {
- return new TextModifyOperation[size];
+ public EditOperation[] newArray(int size) {
+ return new EditOperation[size];