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authorRomain Guy <>2009-08-19 18:08:09 -0700
committerRomain Guy <>2009-08-19 18:08:09 -0700
commit8e7c671db74eae25da4df3158007ebd54d3e2b4c (patch)
parent7773e87178ba4978184198d83aa68498887a878f (diff)
Micro-optimizations for FallRS
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/Fall/res/raw/fall.c b/libs/rs/java/Fall/res/raw/fall.c
index 4f8377f..f348a62 100644
--- a/libs/rs/java/Fall/res/raw/fall.c
+++ b/libs/rs/java/Fall/res/raw/fall.c
@@ -68,17 +68,18 @@ void dropWithStrength(int x, int y, int r, int s) {
int* current = loadArrayI32(RSID_RIPPLE_MAP, index * rippleMapSize + origin);
int sqr = r * r;
+ float invs = 1.0f / s;
int h = 0;
- for ( ; h < r; h++) {
+ for ( ; h < r; h += 1) {
int sqv = h * h;
int yn = origin + (y - h) * (width + 2);
int yp = origin + (y + h) * (width + 2);
int w = 0;
- for ( ; w < r; w++) {
+ for ( ; w < r; w += 1) {
int squ = w * w;
if (squ + sqv < sqr) {
- int v = -sqrtf((sqr - (squ + sqv)) << 16) / s;
+ int v = -sqrtf((sqr - (squ + sqv)) << 16) * invs;
current[yn + x + w] = v;
current[yp + x + w] = v;
current[yn + x - w] = v;
@@ -110,16 +111,16 @@ void updateRipples() {
while (h) {
int w = width;
while (w) {
- int droplet = ((current[-b] + current[b] + current[-a] + current[a]) >> 1) - next[0];
+ int droplet = ((current[-b] + current[b] + current[-a] + current[a]) >> 1) - *next;
droplet -= (droplet >> DAMP);
- next[0] = droplet;
- current++;
- next++;
- w--;
+ *next = droplet;
+ current += 1;
+ next += 1;
+ w -= 1;
current += 2;
next += 2;
- h--;
+ h -= 1;
@@ -149,10 +150,14 @@ void generateRipples() {
int *map = loadArrayI32(RSID_REFRACTION_MAP, 0);
float *vertices = loadTriangleMeshVerticesF(NAMED_WaterMesh);
+ float fw = (float) width;
+ float fh = (float) height;
+ float fy = (1.0f / 512.0f) * (1.0f / RIPPLE_HEIGHT);
int h = height - 1;
while (h >= 0) {
int w = width - 1;
- int wave = current[0];
+ int wave = *current;
int offset = h * width;
while (w >= 0) {
int nextWave = current[1];
@@ -169,40 +174,47 @@ void generateRipples() {
v &= ~(v >> 31);
if (v >= height) v = height - 1;
- vertices[(offset + w) * 8 + 3] = u / (float) width;
- vertices[(offset + w) * 8 + 4] = v / (float) height;
+ int index = (offset + w) << 3;
+ vertices[index + 3] = u / fw;
+ vertices[index + 4] = v / fh;
// Update Z coordinate of the vertex
- vertices[(offset + w) * 8 + 7] = (dy / 512.0f) / RIPPLE_HEIGHT;
+ vertices[index + 7] = dy * fy;
- w--;
- current++;
+ w -= 1;
+ current += 1;
wave = nextWave;
- h--;
+ h -= 1;
current += 2;
// Compute the normals for lighting
int y = 0;
- for ( ; y < height; y++) {
+ int w8 = width << 3;
+ for ( ; y < height; y += 1) {
int x = 0;
int yOffset = y * width;
- for ( ; x < width; x++) {
+ for ( ; x < width; x += 1) {
+ int o = (yOffset + x) << 3;
+ int o1 = o + 8;
+ int ow = o + w8;
+ int ow1 = ow + 8;
// V1
- float v1x = vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 5];
- float v1y = vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 6];
- float v1z = vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 7];
+ float v1x = vertices[o + 5];
+ float v1y = vertices[o + 6];
+ float v1z = vertices[o + 7];
// V2
- float v2x = vertices[(yOffset + x + 1) * 8 + 5];
- float v2y = vertices[(yOffset + x + 1) * 8 + 6];
- float v2z = vertices[(yOffset + x + 1) * 8 + 7];
+ float v2x = vertices[o1 + 5];
+ float v2y = vertices[o1 + 6];
+ float v2z = vertices[o1 + 7];
// V3
- float v3x = vertices[(yOffset + width + x) * 8 + 5];
- float v3y = vertices[(yOffset + width + x) * 8 + 6];
- float v3z = vertices[(yOffset + width + x) * 8 + 7];
+ float v3x = vertices[ow + 5];
+ float v3y = vertices[ow + 6];
+ float v3z = vertices[ow + 7];
// N1
float n1x = v2x - v1x;
@@ -220,15 +232,15 @@ void generateRipples() {
float n3z = n1x * n2y - n1y * n2x;
// Normalize
- float len = magf3(n3x, n3y, n3z);
- n3x /= len;
- n3y /= len;
- n3z /= len;
+ float len = 1.0f / magf3(n3x, n3y, n3z);
+ n3x *= len;
+ n3y *= len;
+ n3z *= len;
// V2
- v2x = vertices[(yOffset + width + x + 1) * 8 + 5];
- v2y = vertices[(yOffset + width + x + 1) * 8 + 6];
- v2z = vertices[(yOffset + width + x + 1) * 8 + 7];
+ v2x = vertices[ow1 + 5];
+ v2y = vertices[ow1 + 6];
+ v2z = vertices[ow1 + 7];
// N1
n1x = v2x - v1x;
@@ -241,22 +253,22 @@ void generateRipples() {
n2z = v3z - v1z;
// Average of previous normal and N1 x N2
- n3x = n3x / 2.0f + (n1y * n2z - n1z * n2y) / 2.0f;
- n3y = n3y / 2.0f + (n1z * n2x - n1x * n2z) / 2.0f;
- n3z = n3z / 2.0f + (n1x * n2y - n1y * n2x) / 2.0f;
+ n3x = n3x * 0.5f + (n1y * n2z - n1z * n2y) * 0.5f;
+ n3y = n3y * 0.5f + (n1z * n2x - n1x * n2z) * 0.5f;
+ n3z = n3z * 0.5f + (n1x * n2y - n1y * n2x) * 0.5f;
// Normalize
- len = magf3(n3x, n3y, n3z);
- n3x /= len;
- n3y /= len;
- n3z /= len;
- vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 0] = n3x;
- vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 1] = n3y;
- vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 2] = -n3z;
+ len = 1.0f / magf3(n3x, n3y, n3z);
+ n3x *= len;
+ n3y *= len;
+ n3z *= len;
+ vertices[o + 0] = n3x;
+ vertices[o + 1] = n3y;
+ vertices[o + 2] = -n3z;
// reset Z
- //vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 7] = 0.0f;
+ //vertices[(yOffset + x) << 3 + 7] = 0.0f;
@@ -278,12 +290,12 @@ float averageZ(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float* vertices,
int vertexCount = 0;
int y = quadY1;
- for ( ; y < quadY2; y++) {
+ for ( ; y < quadY2; y += 1) {
int x = quadX1;
int yOffset = y * meshWidth;
- for ( ; x < quadX2; x++) {
- z += vertices[(yOffset + x) * 8 + 7];
- vertexCount++;
+ for ( ; x < quadX2; x += 1) {
+ z += vertices[(yOffset + x) << 3 + 7];
+ vertexCount += 1;
@@ -346,8 +358,8 @@ void drawLeaf(int index, float* vertices, int meshWidth, int meshHeight,
if (a <= 0.0f) {
float rippled = leafStruct[LEAF_STRUCT_RIPPLED];
if (rippled < 0.0f) {
- drop(((x + glWidth / 2.0f) / glWidth) * meshWidth,
- meshHeight - ((y + glHeight / 2.0f) / glHeight) * meshHeight,
+ drop(((x + glWidth * 0.5f) / glWidth) * meshWidth,
+ meshHeight - ((y + glHeight * 0.5f) / glHeight) * meshHeight,
spin /= 4.0f;
leafStruct[LEAF_STRUCT_SPIN] = spin;
@@ -465,19 +477,20 @@ void drawNormals() {
color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ float scale = 1.0f / 10.0f;
int y = 0;
- for ( ; y < height; y++) {
+ for ( ; y < height; y += 1) {
int yOffset = y * width;
int x = 0;
- for ( ; x < width; x++) {
- int offset = (yOffset + x) * 8;
+ for ( ; x < width; x += 1) {
+ int offset = (yOffset + x) << 3;
float vx = vertices[offset + 5];
float vy = vertices[offset + 6];
float vz = vertices[offset + 7];
float nx = vertices[offset + 0];
float ny = vertices[offset + 1];
float nz = vertices[offset + 2];
- drawLine(vx, vy, vz, vx + nx / 10.0f, vy + ny / 10.0f, vz + nz / 10.0f);
+ drawLine(vx, vy, vz, vx + nx * scale, vy + ny * scale, vz + nz * scale);