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authorScott Main <>2010-08-17 11:48:09 -0700
committerScott Main <>2010-11-18 12:42:47 -0800
commitc18b534585741e1cc6c8328f7761c906f58c2684 (patch)
parent3d1c5a27884ef01772b187ff250daadb7678572e (diff)
new docs for fragments
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+ <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/topics/fragments/index.html">
+ <span class="en">Fragments</span>
+ </a> <span class="new">new!</span></li>
<li class="toggle-list">
<div><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/topics/graphics/index.html">
<span class="en">Graphics</span>
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+<div id="qv-wrapper">
+<div id="qv">
+ <h2>Quickview</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Decompose application functionality and UI into reusable modules</li>
+ <li>Add multiple fragments to a screen to avoid switching activities</li>
+ <li>Fragments have their own lifecycle, state, and back stack</li>
+ <li>Fragments require API Level HONEYCOMB or greater</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>In this document</h2>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#Creating">Creating fragments</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#Adding">Adding a fragment to an activity</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#Managing">Managing fragments</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#Lifecycle">Handling the lifecycle</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#Integrating">Integrating with the activity</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#Menus">Adding menus</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h2>Key classes</h2>
+ <ol>
+ <li>{@link}</li>
+ <li>{@link}</li>
+ <li>{@link}</li>
+ </ol>
+ <!--
+ <h2>Related samples</h2>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a
+ </ol>
+ -->
+<p>An {@link} is always the window in which users interact with your
+application, but a {@link} can be responsible for distinct operations and UI
+that's embedded in an activity. So, when using fragments, your activity becomes more like a
+container for fragments that define the activity's behavior and UI.</p>
+<p>Fragments have their own
+set of lifecylce callback methods and recieve their own user input events. A fragment must always be
+embedded in an activity and the fragment's lifecycle is directly affected by the activity's
+lifecycle. For example, when the activity is stopped, so are all fragments in it, and when
+the activity is destroyed, so are all fragments. However, while an activity
+is active (in the "resumed" lifecycle stage), you can manipulate the lifecycle of each fragment
+independently. For example, you can add and remove fragments while the activity is active and you
+can add each fragment to a back stack within the activity&mdash;each back stack entry in the
+activity is actually a record of a "transaction" that occurred with the activity's fragments, so
+that the user can reverse the transaction with the BACK key (this is discussed more later).</p>
+<div class="figure" style="width:314px">
+<img src="{@docRoot}images/fragment_lifecycle.png" alt="" />
+<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> The lifecycle of a fragment (while its
+activity is running).</p>
+<p>Android introduced fragments in Android X.X (API Level HONEYCOMB), with the primary intention to
+support more dynamic and flexible UI designs on large screen devices, such as tablets. Because a
+tablet has a much larger screen than a mobile phone, there's more room to interchange UI
+elements. Fragments allow that without the need for you to start a new activity or manage complex
+changes to the view hierarchy. By dividing the layout of an activity into fragments, the code
+that defines your activity becomes more modular and interchangable, allowing you to modify the
+activity's appearance at runtime and for different types of screens.</p>
+<p>For example, a news application can use one fragment to show a list of articles on the
+left and another fragment to display an article on the right&mdash;both fragments appear in one
+activity, side by side, and each fragment has its own set of lifecycle callback methods and handle
+their own user input events. Thus, instead using one activity to select an article and another
+activity to read the article, the user can select an article and read it all within the same
+<!-- ** TODO: Save this for later or move it down in the doc so the intro isn't overwhelming **
+<p>A fragment can be a modular and reusable component in your application. That is, because
+the fragment defines its own behavior using its own set of lifecycle callbacks, you can
+include one fragment in multiple activities. This also enables you to create one version of your
+application for multiple screen sizes. For instance, on an extra large screen (<em>xlarge</em>
+screen configuration), you can embed two or more fragments in one activity, but on a normal-sized
+screen (<em>normal</em> screen configuration), you can embed just one fragment in an activity and
+then start other activities in order to display the other fragments.</p>
+<p>When you use a fragment as a part of your layout, it technically lives within a {@link
+android.view.View} of the activity's layout and defines its own layout of views. You can insert a
+fragment into your activity layout by declaring the fragment in the activity's XML layout file, as
+a {@code &lt;fragment&gt;} element, or from your application code by adding it to an existing {@link
+android.view.View}. However, a fragment is not required to be a part of the activity
+layout&mdash;you might use a fragment as an invisible worker for the activity (more about that
+<p>The rest of this document describes how to build your application to use fragments, including
+how fragments can contribute to the activity options menu and action bar, create context menus,
+maintain their state when added to the activity's back stack, and more.</p>
+<h2 id="Creating">Creating a Fragment</h2>
+<p>An implementation of the {@link} class contains code that looks a lot like
+the code in an {@link}. In fact, if you're
+converting an existing Android application to use fragments, you'll move code
+from your {@link} implementation into your {@link} class
+implementation, and into some of the same callback methods. A fragment contains callback methods
+similar to an activity, such as {@link onCreate()}, {@link onStart()}, {@link onPause()}, and {@link onStop()}.</p>
+<p>If you're creating a fragment to be a modular piece of an activity UI, then your
+implementation of {@link} should include most of the same lifecycle
+callback methods traditionally implemented by the activity to initialize elements of the UI and
+save and restore state information. Usually, you'll want to implement the following methods:</p>
+ <dt>{@link onCreate()}</dt>
+ <dd>The system calls this when creating the fragment. Within your implementation, you should
+initialize the essential components of the fragment that should be retained when the fragment is
+paused or stopped.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link onCreateView()}</dt>
+ <dd>The system calls this when it's time for the fragment to draw its user interface for the
+first time. To draw a UI for your fragment, you must return a {@link android.view.View} from this
+method that is the root of your fragment's layout. You can return null if the fragment does not
+provide a UI.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link onPause()}</dt>
+ <dd>The system calls this method as the first indication that the user is leaving the
+fragment (though it does not always mean the fragment is being destroyed). This is usually where you
+should commit any changes that should be persisted beyond the current user session (because
+the user might not come back).</dd>
+<p>Most applications should implement at least these three methods for each fragment, but there are
+several other lifecycle callback methods that you should also use in order to provide the best
+user experience when switching fragments and when the activity is paused or stopped. All of the
+lifecycle callback methods are discussed more later, in
+the section about <a href="#Lifecycle">Handling the Lifecycle</a>.</p>
+<p>There are also a few different subclasses of {@link} that you might want
+to use:</p>
+ <dt>{@link}</dt>
+ <dd>Displays a floating dialog. Using this class to create a dialog is a good alternative to using
+the dialog helper methods in the {@link} class, because the dialog can be
+incorporated into the fragment back stack managed by the activity.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link}</dt>
+ <dd>Displays a list of items that are managed by an adapter (such as a {@link
+android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter}), similar to {@link}. Provides methods
+for managing a list, such as the {@link,View,int,long) onListItemClick()} callback to
+handle click events on list items.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link android.preference.PreferenceFragment}</dt>
+ <dd>Displays a hierarchy of {@link android.preference.Preference} objects as a list, similar to
+{@link android.preference.PreferenceActivity}. </dd>
+<p>However, subclassing the standard {@link} class is most common, if
+you're not creating a dialog, a list, or displaying preferences.</p>
+<h3 id="UI">Providing a user interface</h3>
+<p>To provide a UI layout for a fragment, you must implement
+the {@link onCreateView()}
+callback method in your {@link} (unless your fragment is a subclass of
+{@link}, which returns a {@link android.widget.ListView} from this method
+by default). The Android system calls {@link onCreateView()} when
+it's time for the fragment to draw its layout. Your implementation of this method must return a
+{@link android.view.View} that is the root of your fragment's layout.</p>
+<p>The easiest way to provide your layout is to inflate it from a <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/layout-resource.html">layout resource</a>. To help you
+inflate a layout, the {@link onCreateView()} method passes a
+{@link android.view.LayoutInflater} that you can use to get your layout. For example, here's a
+simple subclass of {@link} that contains an implementation of {@link onCreateView()} that loads the fragment's layout from a
+public static class SimpleFragment extends Fragment {
+ &#64;Override
+ public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
+ Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ // Inflate the layout for this fragment
+ return inflater.inflate(R.layout.simple_fragment, container, false);
+ }
+<p>The {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate(int,ViewGroup,boolean) inflate()} method takes
+three arguments:</p>
+ <li>The resource ID of the layout you want to inflate</li>
+ <li>The {@link android.view.ViewGroup} to be the parent of the
+inflated layout (supplying this is important in order to apply layout parameters from the parent
+ <li>And a boolean indicating whether the inflated layout should be attached to the {@link
+android.view.ViewGroup} (from the second parameter) during inflation (in this case, this
+is false because the system is already going to insert the layout into the appropriate parent
+view&mdash;doing otherwise would create a redundant view group in the final layout)</li>
+<p>The {@code container} parameter passed to {@link
+onCreateView()} provides the parent {@link android.view.ViewGroup} in which your fragment layout
+will be inserted, which you can use to generate layout parameters for your
+fragment layout. The {@code savedInstanceState} parameter is a {@link android.os.Bundle} that
+provides data about the previous instance of the fragment, if the fragment is being resumed
+(restoring state is discussed more in the section about <a href="#Lifecycle">Handling the
+<h3 id="Adding">Adding a Fragment to an Activity</h3>
+<p>Each fragment is embedded into the layout of its container activity as a part of the overall view
+hierarchy, whether or not it actually provides a UI. If a fragment is not embedded into the activity
+layout, then it is never created (it does not receive any lifecycle callbacks). There are two ways
+you can add a fragment to the activity layout:</p>
+ <li><b>Declare the fragment inside the activity's layout XML file.</b>
+<p>In this case, you can
+specify layout properties for the fragment as if it were a view itself and the fragment's layout
+fills that space. For example:</p>
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
+&lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
+ android:orientation="horizontal"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent"&gt;
+ &lt;fragment android:name=""
+ android:id="@+id/list"
+ android:layout_weight="1"
+ android:layout_width="0dp"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" /&gt;
+ &lt;fragment android:name=""
+ android:id="@+id/viewer"
+ android:layout_weight="2"
+ android:layout_width="0dp"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" /&gt;
+ <p>The {@code &lt;fragment&gt;} element uses the {@code android:name} attribute to specify the
+{@link} class to instantiate and insert into the layout. When the activity
+layout is created, the system instantiates each fragment in the layout and calls its {@link onCreateView()} method in order to retrieve the fragment's
+layout. The {@link android.view.View} object returned by {@link onCreateView()} is then
+placed directly in the activity layout in place of the {@code &lt;fragment&gt;} element.</p>
+<div class="note">
+ <p><strong>Note:</strong> Each fragment requires a unique identifier that
+the system can use to restore the fragment if the activity is restarted (and which you can use to
+perform fragment transactions). There are three ways to identify a fragment:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Supply the {@code android:id} attribute with a unique ID, in the {@code
+ <li>Supply the {@code android:tag} attribute with a unique string ID, in the {@code
+ &lt;fragment&gt;}</li>
+ <li>If neither of the previous two are provided, the system uses the ID of the container
+ view.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>Or, programmatically add the fragment to an existing {@link android.view.ViewGroup}.</b>
+<p>At any time while your activity is running (in the "resumed" state), you can add (and remove)
+fragments to your activity layout. You simply need to specify a {@link android.view.ViewGroup} in
+which to place the fragment.</p>
+ <p>To make any fragment transactions in your activity (such as add, remove, or replace a
+fragment), you must use APIs from {@link}. You can get an instance
+of {@link} from your {@link} using {@link}. You can then add a fragment using the {@link add()} method, specifying the fragment to add and the view in
+which to insert it. For example:</p>
+MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();
+openFragmentTransaction().add(, fragment).commit();
+ <p>The first argument passed to {@link add()}
+is the {@link android.view.ViewGroup} in which the fragment should be placed, specified by
+resource ID, and the second parameter is the fragment object.</p>
+ <p>Once you've made your changes using
+{@link}, you must
+call {@link} in order for the changes to take effect.</p>
+ </li>
+<h3 id="Example1">Example: simple fragments</h3>
+<p>In the last couple sections, you saw how to declare layout for a fragment and add it to an
+activity. What follows is some code that brings it all together, like a "Hello World" for
+<p>First, here's a layout file for a fragment:</p>
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
+&lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
+ android:orientation="vertical"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" &gt;
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:text="@string/hello" /&gt;
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:text="@string/hello" /&gt;
+<p>With that file saved at {@code res/layout/simple_fragment.xml}, the following {@link} uses it for its layout:</p>
+public static class SimpleFragment extends Fragment {
+ &#64;Override
+ public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
+ Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ // Inflate the layout for this fragment
+ return inflater.inflate(R.layout.simple_fragment, null);
+ }
+<p>And the following layout for an activity applies the fragment twice, side by side:</p>
+&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
+&lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
+ android:orientation="horizontal"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent"&gt;
+ &lt;fragment android:name="com.example.SimpleFragment"
+ android:id="@+id/list"
+ android:layout_weight="1"
+ android:layout_width="0dp"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" /&gt;
+ &lt;fragment android:name="com.example.SimpleFragment"
+ android:id="@+id/viewer"
+ android:layout_weight="1"
+ android:layout_width="0dp"
+ android:layout_height="match_parent" /&gt;
+<p>That's it. When an activity applies the previous layout as its content, the {@code
+SimpleFragment} class is instantiated for each occurence in the layout, applying the fragment
+layout when it receives the call to {@link onCreateView()}.</p>
+<p>Although the fragment in this example implements only the {@link onCreateView()} callback, there are several other lifecycle
+callback methods that you should implement in your application. For example, {@link onCreate()}, {@link onPause()}, {@link onStop()} and others that coincide with the fragment's lifecycle.</p>
+<h2 id="Managing">Managing Fragments</h2>
+<p>A useful feature of fragments is the ability to add, remove, replace, and perform other
+operations on a fragment as the user interacts with the activity, alowing for more rich user
+experiences without changing activities. In order to perform these operations, you must use {@link} to perform fragment "transactions." You can acquire {@link} from your activity with {@link}.</p>
+<p>Common transactions you can perform with fragments include:</p>
+ <dt>{@link add()}</dt>
+ <dd>Add a {@link} to the {@link} layout.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link remove()}</dt>
+ <dd>Remove a {@link} from the {@link} layout.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link replace()}</dt>
+ <dd>Replace an existing {@link} with another one.</dd>
+<p>For every transaction (or set of transactions) you perform, you must call {@link} in order for the transactions made with {@link} to be applied. Before you do, however, you can call {@link} to add the current fragment state to the
+activity's back stack, so that the user can return to the previous fragment state with the BACK key.
+For example, here's how a new fragment can replace another one, but keep the previous fragment
+in the back stack:</p>
+// Create new fragment
+Fragment newFragment = new MyFragment();
+FragmentTransaction ft = openFragmentTransaction();
+// Replace and add to back stack
+// Apply changes
+<p>In this example, {@code newFragment} replaces whatever fragment is currently in the
+layout container identified by the {@code} ID. By calling {@link addToBackStack()}, this transaction (the replace) is
+saved to the activity's back stack so that the user can reverse this change and bring back the
+previous fragment by pressing the BACK key.</p>
+<p>If you perform multiple transactions and call {@link addToBackStack()}, then all transactions performed
+before {@link} are added to the activity's back stack as a
+single event and the BACK key will reverse them all together.</p>
+<h2 id="Lifecycle">Handling the Lifecycle</h2>
+<p>A fragment has a lifecycle that corresponds to the lifecycle of the activity in which it
+resides. For example, a fragment has callback methods {@link onCreate()}, {@link onStart()}, {@link onPause()}, {@link onStop()}, and more.</p>
+<p>The lifecycle of the activity directly affects the lifecycle of the fragment, such that each
+lifecycle callback for the activity results in a similar callback for each fragment (for
+example, when the activity receives {@link}, each fragment receives
+{@link}). However, the
+fragment's lifecycle can also change independently&mdash;but only while the activity is
+resumed (while it is in the foreground)&mdash;because you can dynamically
+add, remove, and replace fragments without any change to the lifecycle of the activity.</p>
+<p>To accomodate backward navigation with the
+BACK key, you can optionally maintain a back stack of fragment transactions, as described in the
+previous section. So, if you
+replace one fragment with another, the user can press the BACK key and view the previous
+fragment. Additionally, each fragment can maintain its own state, such that
+when the user navigates back to a previous fragment, the state of that fragment can be restored in
+the same manner as the state of an activity is restored when it is stopped and restarted.</p>
+<p>Managing the lifecycle of a fragment is a lot like managing the lifecycle of an activity. A
+fragment and an activity both have an "resumed," "paused," and "stopped" state, and they can both
+retain their state using a {@link android.os.Bundle}. The only significant difference is that an
+activity is placed into a the task's back stack by default (so that the user can navigate to
+the previous activity with the BACK key), but a fragment is placed into the activity's back stack
+only when you explicitly call {@link
+addToBackStack()} before you {@link} a fragment
+<p>The order in which you perform transactions with {@link} doesn't
+matter, except:</p>
+ <li>You must call {@link} last</li>
+ <li>If you're adding multiple fragments to the same container, then the order in which
+you add them determines the order they appear</li>
+<p>If you do not call {@link
+addToBackStack()} when you perform a transaction that removes a fragment, then that fragment is
+destroyed when the transaction is committed.</p>
+<h3 id="CoordinatingWithTheActivity">Coordinating with the activity lifecycle</h3>
+<p>The lifecycle of an activity directly affects the lifecycle of a {@link}
+embedded in that activity. The {@link} class has lifecycle callback
+methods that match those in the {@link} class.</p>
+<p>Fragments have a few extra lifecycle callbacks, however, that handle unique interaction with the
+activity in order to perform actions such as build and destroy the fragment's UI. These additional
+callback methods are:</p>
+ <dt>{@link onAttach()}</dt>
+ <dd>Called when the fragment has been associated with the activity (the {@link} is passed in here).</dd>
+ <dt>{@link onCreateView()}</dt>
+ <dd>Called to create the view hierarchy associated with the fragment.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link onActivityCreated()}</dt>
+ <dd>Called when the activity's own {@link
+onCreate()} has finished.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link onDestroyView()}</dt>
+ <dd>Called when the view hierarchy associated with the fragment is being removed.</dd>
+ <dt>{@link onDetach()}</dt>
+ <dd>Called when the fragment is being disassociated from the activity.</dd>
+<p>The flow of a fragment's lifecycle, as it is affected by its container activity, is illustrated
+by figure 3. In this figure, you can see how each successive state of the activity determines which
+callback methods the fragment may receive. For example, when the activity has received
+its {@link onCreate()} callback, the fragment receives no more
+than the {@link onActivityCreated()} callback. However,
+once the activity reaches the resumed state, you can freely add and remove fragments to the
+activity, so the fragment lifecycle is no longer inhibitted by the state of the activity. Yet,
+when the activity leaves the resumed state, the fragment again is pushed through its lifecycle by
+the activity (unless you explicitly destroy the fragment sooner).</p>
+<img src="{@docRoot}images/activity_fragment_lifecycle.png" alt=""/>
+<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> The activity lifecycle's affect on the lifecycle
+of a fragment.</p>
+<h3 id="Integrating">Integrating with the Activity</h3>
+<p>Although a {@link} is implemented separate from an {@link} and can be used inside multiple activities, a fragment is directly tied to its
+container activity and can access the Activity instance with {@link}. So, a fragment can
+easily perform tasks such as find a view in the activity:</p>
+View listView = {@link}.{@link findViewById}(;
+<p>This makes it easy for your fragment to call public methods in the activity.</p>
+<p>Likewise, your activity can call public methods in the fragment when you have a reference to the
+{@link}. You can acquire a reference to the fragment with {@link findFragmentById()} and cast it to your implementation of
+{@link}. For example:</p>
+MyFragment fragment = (MyFragment) findFragmentById(;
+<h4 id="Callbacks">Creating event callbacks to the activity</h4>
+<p>In some cases, you might need a fragment to share events with the activity. A good way to do that
+is to define a callback interface inside the fragment and require that the host activity implement
+it. When the activity receives a callback, it can share the information with other fragments in the layout as
+<p>For example, if a news application has two fragments in an activity&mdash;one to show a list of
+articles (fragment A) and another to display an article (fragment B)&mdash;then fragment A must tell
+the activity when a list item is selected so that it can tell fragment B to display the article. In
+this case, the following interface is defined inside fragment A:</p>
+public static class FragmentA extends ListFragment {
+ ...
+ // Container Activity must implement this interface
+ public interface SelectedCallback {
+ public void onArticleSelected(Uri articleUri);
+ }
+ ...
+<p>Then the activity that hosts the fragment implements the {@code SelectedCallback} interface and
+overrides {@code onArticleSelected()} to notify fragment B of the event from fragment A. To ensure
+that the host activity implements this interface, fragment A's {@link onAttach()} callback method (called when
+the fragment is added to the activity) instantiates an instance of {@code SelectedCallback} by
+casting the {@link} that is passed into {@link
+public static class FragmentA extends ListFragment {
+ ...
+ &#64;Override
+ public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
+ super.onAttach(activity);
+ try {
+ mCallback = (SelectedCallback) activity;
+ } catch (ClassCastException e) {
+ activity.finish();
+ throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement SelectedCallback");
+ }
+ }
+ ...
+<p>If the activity has not implemented the interface, then a {@link java.lang.ClassCastException} is
+thrown and the activity is shut down. On success, the {@code mCallback} member holds a reference to
+the {@link}, so that fragment A can share events with the activity by calling
+methods defined by the {@code SelectedCallback} interface. For example, if fragment A is an
+extension of {@link}, each time
+the user clicks a list item, the system calls {@link
+onListItemClick()} in the fragment, which then calls {@code onArticleSelected()} to share
+the event with the activity:</p>
+public static class FragmentA extends ListFragment {
+ ...
+ &#64;Override
+ public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
+ // Append the clicked item's row ID with the content provider Uri
+ Uri noteUri = ContentUris.{@link android.content.ContentUris#withAppendedId withAppendedId}(ArticleColumns.CONTENT_URI, id);
+ // Send the event and Uri to the host activity
+ mCallback.onArticleSelected(noteUri);
+ }
+ ...
+<p>The {@code id} parameter passed to {@link onListItemClick()} is the row ID of the clicked item,
+which the activity (or other fragment) uses to fetch the article from the application's {@link
+<p><!--To see a complete implementation of this kind of callback interface, see the <a
+href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/NotePad/index.html">NotePad sample</a>. -->More information about
+using a content provider is available in the <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html">Content Providers</a> document.</p>
+<h2 id="Menus">Adding Action Items to the Activity</h2>
+<p>Your fragments can contribute action items to the activity's <a
+href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">action bar</a> (and menu items to the options menu)
+using the callback methods
+{@link,MenuInflater) onCreateOptionsMenu()}. In order
+for this method to receive calls, however, you must call {@link setHasOptionsMenu()} during the {@link onCreate()} callback in order to indicate that the fragment
+would like to receive a call to {@link,MenuInflater)
+onCreateOptionsMenu()}. Any action or menu items that you add from the fragment are appended to the
+items for the options menu (including those added by other fragments in the activity). The
+fragment also receives item-selected events with the {@link onOptionsItemSelected()} callback method.</p>
+<p>The {@link} class also contains methods to handle context menus. You can
+register a view to provide a context menu with {@link registerForContextMenu()}. When the user opens
+the context menu, the fragment receives a call to {@link,View,ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo)
+onCreateContextMenu()}. When the user selects an item, the fragment receives a call to {@link onContextItemSelected()}.</p>
+<p>For more information, see <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html">Creating
+Menus</a> and <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Using the Action Bar</a>.</p>
diff --git a/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.jd b/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.jd
index e030a4c..2648cb7 100644
--- a/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.jd
+++ b/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.jd
@@ -290,7 +290,8 @@ activity is ignored. The activity is not re-parented, but destroyed.
<dd>An icon representing the activity. The icon is displayed to users when
a representation of the activity is required on-screen. For example, icons
for activities that initiate tasks are displayed in the launcher window.
-The icon is often accompanied by a label (see the {@code label} attribute).
+The icon is often accompanied by a label (see the <a href="#label">{@code
+android:label}</a> attribute).
diff --git a/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/application-element.jd b/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/application-element.jd
index 9ac07fd..1fadc6e 100644
--- a/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/application-element.jd
+++ b/docs/html/guide/topics/manifest/application-element.jd
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ page.title=&lt;application&gt;
android:<a href="#icon">icon</a>="<i>drawable resource</i>"
android:<a href="#killrst">killAfterRestore</a>=["true" | "false"]
android:<a href="#label">label</a>="<i>string resource</i>"
+ android:<a href="#logo">logo</a>="<i>drawable resource</i>"
android:<a href="#space">manageSpaceActivity</a>="<i>string</i>"
android:<a href="#nm">name</a>="<i>string</i>"
android:<a href="#prmsn">permission</a>="<i>string</i>"
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ each of the application's components. See the individual
This attribute must be set as a reference to a drawable resource containing
-the image definition. There is no default icon.
+the image (for example {@code "@drawable/icon"}). There is no default icon.
<dt><a name="killrst"></a>{@code android:killAfterRestore}</dt>
@@ -154,6 +155,11 @@ However, as a convenience while you're developing the application,
it can also be set as a raw string.
+<dt><a name="logo"></a>{@code android:logo}</dt>
+<dd>A logo for the application as whole, and the default logo for activities.
+<p>This attribute must be set as a reference to a drawable resource containing
+the image (for example {@code "@drawable/logo"}). There is no default logo.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="space"></a>{@code android:manageSpaceActivity}</dt>
<dd>The fully qualified name of an Activity subclass that the system
can launch to let users manage the memory occupied by the application
diff --git a/docs/html/images/activity_fragment_lifecycle.png b/docs/html/images/activity_fragment_lifecycle.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..156aa40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/images/activity_fragment_lifecycle.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/html/images/fragment_lifecycle.png b/docs/html/images/fragment_lifecycle.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce9d395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/images/fragment_lifecycle.png
Binary files differ