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authorJeff Brown <>2012-03-29 03:05:57 -0700
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2012-03-29 03:05:57 -0700
commitc97ed10ba8ce3c3004f71c226a1142ea91a80424 (patch)
parent6183cd64a98a69ea247813c9ba0a07326c4bc1ae (diff)
parent70825161b5bf51ed48319e142751a9c88b104994 (diff)
Merge "Ensure pointer location view is attached to the policy thread."
2 files changed, 309 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/ b/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/
index 9a0ce3a..0524c25 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/widget/
@@ -188,178 +188,176 @@ public class PointerLocationView extends View {
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
- synchronized (mPointers) {
- final int w = getWidth();
- final int itemW = w/7;
- final int base = -mTextMetrics.ascent+1;
- final int bottom = mHeaderBottom;
- final int NP = mPointers.size();
+ final int w = getWidth();
+ final int itemW = w/7;
+ final int base = -mTextMetrics.ascent+1;
+ final int bottom = mHeaderBottom;
+ final int NP = mPointers.size();
+ // Labels
+ if (mActivePointerId >= 0) {
+ final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(mActivePointerId);
- // Labels
- if (mActivePointerId >= 0) {
- final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(mActivePointerId);
- canvas.drawRect(0, 0, itemW-1, bottom,mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(0, 0, itemW-1, bottom,mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
+ .append("P: ").append(mCurNumPointers)
+ .append(" / ").append(mMaxNumPointers)
+ .toString(), 1, base, mTextPaint);
+ final int N = ps.mTraceCount;
+ if ((mCurDown && ps.mCurDown) || N == 0) {
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW, 0, (itemW * 2) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- .append("P: ").append(mCurNumPointers)
- .append(" / ").append(mMaxNumPointers)
- .toString(), 1, base, mTextPaint);
- final int N = ps.mTraceCount;
- if ((mCurDown && ps.mCurDown) || N == 0) {
- canvas.drawRect(itemW, 0, (itemW * 2) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
- .append("X: ").append(ps.mCoords.x, 1)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW, base, mTextPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 2, 0, (itemW * 3) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
- .append("Y: ").append(ps.mCoords.y, 1)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW * 2, base, mTextPaint);
- } else {
- float dx = ps.mTraceX[N - 1] - ps.mTraceX[0];
- float dy = ps.mTraceY[N - 1] - ps.mTraceY[0];
- canvas.drawRect(itemW, 0, (itemW * 2) - 1, bottom,
- Math.abs(dx) < mVC.getScaledTouchSlop()
- ? mTextBackgroundPaint : mTextLevelPaint);
- canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
- .append("dX: ").append(dx, 1)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW, base, mTextPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 2, 0, (itemW * 3) - 1, bottom,
- Math.abs(dy) < mVC.getScaledTouchSlop()
- ? mTextBackgroundPaint : mTextLevelPaint);
- canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
- .append("dY: ").append(dy, 1)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW * 2, base, mTextPaint);
- }
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 3, 0, (itemW * 4) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ .append("X: ").append(ps.mCoords.x, 1)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW, base, mTextPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 2, 0, (itemW * 3) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- .append("Xv: ").append(ps.mXVelocity, 3)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW * 3, base, mTextPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 4, 0, (itemW * 5) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
- .append("Yv: ").append(ps.mYVelocity, 3)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW * 4, base, mTextPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 5, 0, (itemW * 6) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 5, 0, (itemW * 5) + (ps.mCoords.pressure * itemW) - 1,
- bottom, mTextLevelPaint);
+ .append("Y: ").append(ps.mCoords.y, 1)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW * 2, base, mTextPaint);
+ } else {
+ float dx = ps.mTraceX[N - 1] - ps.mTraceX[0];
+ float dy = ps.mTraceY[N - 1] - ps.mTraceY[0];
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW, 0, (itemW * 2) - 1, bottom,
+ Math.abs(dx) < mVC.getScaledTouchSlop()
+ ? mTextBackgroundPaint : mTextLevelPaint);
- .append("Prs: ").append(ps.mCoords.pressure, 2)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW * 5, base, mTextPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 6, 0, w, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
- canvas.drawRect(itemW * 6, 0, (itemW * 6) + (ps.mCoords.size * itemW) - 1,
- bottom, mTextLevelPaint);
+ .append("dX: ").append(dx, 1)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW, base, mTextPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 2, 0, (itemW * 3) - 1, bottom,
+ Math.abs(dy) < mVC.getScaledTouchSlop()
+ ? mTextBackgroundPaint : mTextLevelPaint);
- .append("Size: ").append(ps.mCoords.size, 2)
- .toString(), 1 + itemW * 6, base, mTextPaint);
+ .append("dY: ").append(dy, 1)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW * 2, base, mTextPaint);
- // Pointer trace.
- for (int p = 0; p < NP; p++) {
- final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(p);
- // Draw path.
- final int N = ps.mTraceCount;
- float lastX = 0, lastY = 0;
- boolean haveLast = false;
- boolean drawn = false;
- mPaint.setARGB(255, 128, 255, 255);
- for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
- float x = ps.mTraceX[i];
- float y = ps.mTraceY[i];
- if (Float.isNaN(x)) {
- haveLast = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (haveLast) {
- canvas.drawLine(lastX, lastY, x, y, mPathPaint);
- canvas.drawPoint(lastX, lastY, mPaint);
- drawn = true;
- }
- lastX = x;
- lastY = y;
- haveLast = true;
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 3, 0, (itemW * 4) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
+ .append("Xv: ").append(ps.mXVelocity, 3)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW * 3, base, mTextPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 4, 0, (itemW * 5) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
+ .append("Yv: ").append(ps.mYVelocity, 3)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW * 4, base, mTextPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 5, 0, (itemW * 6) - 1, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 5, 0, (itemW * 5) + (ps.mCoords.pressure * itemW) - 1,
+ bottom, mTextLevelPaint);
+ canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
+ .append("Prs: ").append(ps.mCoords.pressure, 2)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW * 5, base, mTextPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 6, 0, w, bottom, mTextBackgroundPaint);
+ canvas.drawRect(itemW * 6, 0, (itemW * 6) + (ps.mCoords.size * itemW) - 1,
+ bottom, mTextLevelPaint);
+ canvas.drawText(mText.clear()
+ .append("Size: ").append(ps.mCoords.size, 2)
+ .toString(), 1 + itemW * 6, base, mTextPaint);
+ }
+ // Pointer trace.
+ for (int p = 0; p < NP; p++) {
+ final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(p);
+ // Draw path.
+ final int N = ps.mTraceCount;
+ float lastX = 0, lastY = 0;
+ boolean haveLast = false;
+ boolean drawn = false;
+ mPaint.setARGB(255, 128, 255, 255);
+ for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
+ float x = ps.mTraceX[i];
+ float y = ps.mTraceY[i];
+ if (Float.isNaN(x)) {
+ haveLast = false;
+ continue;
- if (drawn) {
- // Draw movement estimate curve.
- mPaint.setARGB(128, 128, 0, 128);
- float lx = ps.mEstimator.estimateX(-ESTIMATE_PAST_POINTS * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
- float ly = ps.mEstimator.estimateY(-ESTIMATE_PAST_POINTS * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
- for (int i = -ESTIMATE_PAST_POINTS + 1; i <= ESTIMATE_FUTURE_POINTS; i++) {
- float x = ps.mEstimator.estimateX(i * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
- float y = ps.mEstimator.estimateY(i * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
- canvas.drawLine(lx, ly, x, y, mPaint);
- lx = x;
- ly = y;
- }
- // Draw velocity vector.
- mPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 64, 128);
- float xVel = ps.mXVelocity * (1000 / 60);
- float yVel = ps.mYVelocity * (1000 / 60);
- canvas.drawLine(lastX, lastY, lastX + xVel, lastY + yVel, mPaint);
+ if (haveLast) {
+ canvas.drawLine(lastX, lastY, x, y, mPathPaint);
+ canvas.drawPoint(lastX, lastY, mPaint);
+ drawn = true;
- if (mCurDown && ps.mCurDown) {
- // Draw crosshairs.
- canvas.drawLine(0, ps.mCoords.y, getWidth(), ps.mCoords.y, mTargetPaint);
- canvas.drawLine(ps.mCoords.x, 0, ps.mCoords.x, getHeight(), mTargetPaint);
- // Draw current point.
- int pressureLevel = (int)(ps.mCoords.pressure * 255);
- mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 255, 255 - pressureLevel);
- canvas.drawPoint(ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y, mPaint);
- // Draw current touch ellipse.
- mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 255 - pressureLevel, 128);
- drawOval(canvas, ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y, ps.mCoords.touchMajor,
- ps.mCoords.touchMinor, ps.mCoords.orientation, mPaint);
- // Draw current tool ellipse.
- mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 128, 255 - pressureLevel);
- drawOval(canvas, ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y, ps.mCoords.toolMajor,
- ps.mCoords.toolMinor, ps.mCoords.orientation, mPaint);
- // Draw the orientation arrow.
- float arrowSize = ps.mCoords.toolMajor * 0.7f;
- if (arrowSize < 20) {
- arrowSize = 20;
- }
- mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 255, 0);
- float orientationVectorX = (float) (Math.sin(ps.mCoords.orientation)
- * arrowSize);
- float orientationVectorY = (float) (-Math.cos(ps.mCoords.orientation)
- * arrowSize);
- if (ps.mToolType == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS
- || ps.mToolType == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_ERASER) {
- // Show full circle orientation.
- canvas.drawLine(ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y,
- ps.mCoords.x + orientationVectorX,
- ps.mCoords.y + orientationVectorY,
- mPaint);
- } else {
- // Show half circle orientation.
- canvas.drawLine(
- ps.mCoords.x - orientationVectorX,
- ps.mCoords.y - orientationVectorY,
- ps.mCoords.x + orientationVectorX,
- ps.mCoords.y + orientationVectorY,
- mPaint);
- }
- // Draw the tilt point along the orientation arrow.
- float tiltScale = (float) Math.sin(
- ps.mCoords.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_TILT));
- canvas.drawCircle(
- ps.mCoords.x + orientationVectorX * tiltScale,
- ps.mCoords.y + orientationVectorY * tiltScale,
- 3.0f, mPaint);
+ lastX = x;
+ lastY = y;
+ haveLast = true;
+ }
+ if (drawn) {
+ // Draw movement estimate curve.
+ mPaint.setARGB(128, 128, 0, 128);
+ float lx = ps.mEstimator.estimateX(-ESTIMATE_PAST_POINTS * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
+ float ly = ps.mEstimator.estimateY(-ESTIMATE_PAST_POINTS * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
+ for (int i = -ESTIMATE_PAST_POINTS + 1; i <= ESTIMATE_FUTURE_POINTS; i++) {
+ float x = ps.mEstimator.estimateX(i * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
+ float y = ps.mEstimator.estimateY(i * ESTIMATE_INTERVAL);
+ canvas.drawLine(lx, ly, x, y, mPaint);
+ lx = x;
+ ly = y;
+ // Draw velocity vector.
+ mPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 64, 128);
+ float xVel = ps.mXVelocity * (1000 / 60);
+ float yVel = ps.mYVelocity * (1000 / 60);
+ canvas.drawLine(lastX, lastY, lastX + xVel, lastY + yVel, mPaint);
+ }
+ if (mCurDown && ps.mCurDown) {
+ // Draw crosshairs.
+ canvas.drawLine(0, ps.mCoords.y, getWidth(), ps.mCoords.y, mTargetPaint);
+ canvas.drawLine(ps.mCoords.x, 0, ps.mCoords.x, getHeight(), mTargetPaint);
+ // Draw current point.
+ int pressureLevel = (int)(ps.mCoords.pressure * 255);
+ mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 255, 255 - pressureLevel);
+ canvas.drawPoint(ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y, mPaint);
+ // Draw current touch ellipse.
+ mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 255 - pressureLevel, 128);
+ drawOval(canvas, ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y, ps.mCoords.touchMajor,
+ ps.mCoords.touchMinor, ps.mCoords.orientation, mPaint);
+ // Draw current tool ellipse.
+ mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 128, 255 - pressureLevel);
+ drawOval(canvas, ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y, ps.mCoords.toolMajor,
+ ps.mCoords.toolMinor, ps.mCoords.orientation, mPaint);
+ // Draw the orientation arrow.
+ float arrowSize = ps.mCoords.toolMajor * 0.7f;
+ if (arrowSize < 20) {
+ arrowSize = 20;
+ }
+ mPaint.setARGB(255, pressureLevel, 255, 0);
+ float orientationVectorX = (float) (Math.sin(ps.mCoords.orientation)
+ * arrowSize);
+ float orientationVectorY = (float) (-Math.cos(ps.mCoords.orientation)
+ * arrowSize);
+ if (ps.mToolType == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS
+ || ps.mToolType == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_ERASER) {
+ // Show full circle orientation.
+ canvas.drawLine(ps.mCoords.x, ps.mCoords.y,
+ ps.mCoords.x + orientationVectorX,
+ ps.mCoords.y + orientationVectorY,
+ mPaint);
+ } else {
+ // Show half circle orientation.
+ canvas.drawLine(
+ ps.mCoords.x - orientationVectorX,
+ ps.mCoords.y - orientationVectorY,
+ ps.mCoords.x + orientationVectorX,
+ ps.mCoords.y + orientationVectorY,
+ mPaint);
+ }
+ // Draw the tilt point along the orientation arrow.
+ float tiltScale = (float) Math.sin(
+ ps.mCoords.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_TILT));
+ canvas.drawCircle(
+ ps.mCoords.x + orientationVectorX * tiltScale,
+ ps.mCoords.y + orientationVectorY * tiltScale,
+ 3.0f, mPaint);
@@ -461,111 +459,109 @@ public class PointerLocationView extends View {
public void addPointerEvent(MotionEvent event) {
- synchronized (mPointers) {
- final int action = event.getAction();
- int NP = mPointers.size();
- if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
- || (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) {
- final int index = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK)
- >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; // will be 0 for down
- if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
- for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) {
- final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(p);
- ps.clearTrace();
- ps.mCurDown = false;
- }
- mCurDown = true;
- mCurNumPointers = 0;
- mMaxNumPointers = 0;
- mVelocity.clear();
+ final int action = event.getAction();
+ int NP = mPointers.size();
+ if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
+ || (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) {
+ final int index = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK)
+ >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; // will be 0 for down
+ if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
+ for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) {
+ final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(p);
+ ps.clearTrace();
+ ps.mCurDown = false;
+ mCurDown = true;
+ mCurNumPointers = 0;
+ mMaxNumPointers = 0;
+ mVelocity.clear();
+ }
- mCurNumPointers += 1;
- if (mMaxNumPointers < mCurNumPointers) {
- mMaxNumPointers = mCurNumPointers;
- }
+ mCurNumPointers += 1;
+ if (mMaxNumPointers < mCurNumPointers) {
+ mMaxNumPointers = mCurNumPointers;
+ }
- final int id = event.getPointerId(index);
- while (NP <= id) {
- PointerState ps = new PointerState();
- mPointers.add(ps);
- NP++;
- }
- if (mActivePointerId < 0 ||
- !mPointers.get(mActivePointerId).mCurDown) {
- mActivePointerId = id;
- }
- final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(id);
- ps.mCurDown = true;
+ final int id = event.getPointerId(index);
+ while (NP <= id) {
+ PointerState ps = new PointerState();
+ mPointers.add(ps);
+ NP++;
- final int NI = event.getPointerCount();
- mVelocity.addMovement(event);
- mVelocity.computeCurrentVelocity(1);
- final int N = event.getHistorySize();
- for (int historyPos = 0; historyPos < N; historyPos++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
- final int id = event.getPointerId(i);
- final PointerState ps = mCurDown ? mPointers.get(id) : null;
- final PointerCoords coords = ps != null ? ps.mCoords : mTempCoords;
- event.getHistoricalPointerCoords(i, historyPos, coords);
- if (mPrintCoords) {
- logCoords("Pointer", action, i, coords, id,
- event.getToolType(i), event.getButtonState());
- }
- if (ps != null) {
- ps.addTrace(coords.x, coords.y);
- }
- }
+ if (mActivePointerId < 0 ||
+ !mPointers.get(mActivePointerId).mCurDown) {
+ mActivePointerId = id;
+ final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(id);
+ ps.mCurDown = true;
+ }
+ final int NI = event.getPointerCount();
+ mVelocity.addMovement(event);
+ mVelocity.computeCurrentVelocity(1);
+ final int N = event.getHistorySize();
+ for (int historyPos = 0; historyPos < N; historyPos++) {
for (int i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
final int id = event.getPointerId(i);
final PointerState ps = mCurDown ? mPointers.get(id) : null;
final PointerCoords coords = ps != null ? ps.mCoords : mTempCoords;
- event.getPointerCoords(i, coords);
+ event.getHistoricalPointerCoords(i, historyPos, coords);
if (mPrintCoords) {
logCoords("Pointer", action, i, coords, id,
event.getToolType(i), event.getButtonState());
if (ps != null) {
ps.addTrace(coords.x, coords.y);
- ps.mXVelocity = mVelocity.getXVelocity(id);
- ps.mYVelocity = mVelocity.getYVelocity(id);
- mVelocity.getEstimator(id, -1, -1, ps.mEstimator);
- ps.mToolType = event.getToolType(i);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
+ final int id = event.getPointerId(i);
+ final PointerState ps = mCurDown ? mPointers.get(id) : null;
+ final PointerCoords coords = ps != null ? ps.mCoords : mTempCoords;
+ event.getPointerCoords(i, coords);
+ if (mPrintCoords) {
+ logCoords("Pointer", action, i, coords, id,
+ event.getToolType(i), event.getButtonState());
+ }
+ if (ps != null) {
+ ps.addTrace(coords.x, coords.y);
+ ps.mXVelocity = mVelocity.getXVelocity(id);
+ ps.mYVelocity = mVelocity.getYVelocity(id);
+ mVelocity.getEstimator(id, -1, -1, ps.mEstimator);
+ ps.mToolType = event.getToolType(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
+ || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
+ || (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) {
+ final int index = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK)
+ >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; // will be 0 for UP
+ final int id = event.getPointerId(index);
+ final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(id);
+ ps.mCurDown = false;
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
- || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
- || (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) {
- final int index = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK)
- >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; // will be 0 for UP
- final int id = event.getPointerId(index);
- final PointerState ps = mPointers.get(id);
- ps.mCurDown = false;
- if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
- || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
- mCurDown = false;
- mCurNumPointers = 0;
- } else {
- mCurNumPointers -= 1;
- if (mActivePointerId == id) {
- mActivePointerId = event.getPointerId(index == 0 ? 1 : 0);
- }
- ps.addTrace(Float.NaN, Float.NaN);
+ || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
+ mCurDown = false;
+ mCurNumPointers = 0;
+ } else {
+ mCurNumPointers -= 1;
+ if (mActivePointerId == id) {
+ mActivePointerId = event.getPointerId(index == 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ ps.addTrace(Float.NaN, Float.NaN);
- postInvalidate();
+ invalidate();
diff --git a/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/ b/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
index b5dace0..92c94a9 100755
--- a/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
+++ b/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
@@ -346,17 +346,19 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
boolean mHasSoftInput = false;
- int mPointerLocationMode = 0;
- PointerLocationView mPointerLocationView = null;
- InputChannel mPointerLocationInputChannel;
+ int mPointerLocationMode = 0; // guarded by mLock
// The last window we were told about in focusChanged.
WindowState mFocusedWindow;
IApplicationToken mFocusedApp;
- final class PointerLocationInputEventReceiver extends InputEventReceiver {
- public PointerLocationInputEventReceiver(InputChannel inputChannel, Looper looper) {
+ private static final class PointerLocationInputEventReceiver extends InputEventReceiver {
+ private final PointerLocationView mView;
+ public PointerLocationInputEventReceiver(InputChannel inputChannel, Looper looper,
+ PointerLocationView view) {
super(inputChannel, looper);
+ mView = view;
@@ -366,19 +368,19 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
if (event instanceof MotionEvent
&& (event.getSource() & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) {
final MotionEvent motionEvent = (MotionEvent)event;
- synchronized (mLock) {
- if (mPointerLocationView != null) {
- mPointerLocationView.addPointerEvent(motionEvent);
- handled = true;
- }
- }
+ mView.addPointerEvent(motionEvent);
+ handled = true;
} finally {
finishInputEvent(event, handled);
+ // Pointer location view state, only modified on the mHandler Looper.
PointerLocationInputEventReceiver mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver;
+ PointerLocationView mPointerLocationView;
+ InputChannel mPointerLocationInputChannel;
// The current size of the screen; really; (ir)regardless of whether the status
// bar can be hidden or not
@@ -476,6 +478,23 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
final KeyCharacterMap.FallbackAction mFallbackAction = new KeyCharacterMap.FallbackAction();
+ private static final int MSG_ENABLE_POINTER_LOCATION = 1;
+ private static final int MSG_DISABLE_POINTER_LOCATION = 2;
+ private class PolicyHandler extends Handler {
+ @Override
+ public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
+ switch (msg.what) {
+ enablePointerLocation();
+ break;
+ disablePointerLocation();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
private UEventObserver mHDMIObserver = new UEventObserver() {
public void onUEvent(UEventObserver.UEvent event) {
@@ -808,7 +827,7 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
// don't create KeyguardViewMediator if headless
mKeyguardMediator = new KeyguardViewMediator(context, this, powerManager);
- mHandler = new Handler();
+ mHandler = new PolicyHandler();
mOrientationListener = new MyOrientationListener(mContext);
try {
@@ -967,8 +986,6 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
public void updateSettings() {
ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
boolean updateRotation = false;
- View addView = null;
- View removeView = null;
synchronized (mLock) {
mEndcallBehavior = Settings.System.getInt(resolver,
@@ -1001,16 +1018,8 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
Settings.System.POINTER_LOCATION, 0);
if (mPointerLocationMode != pointerLocation) {
mPointerLocationMode = pointerLocation;
- if (pointerLocation != 0) {
- if (mPointerLocationView == null) {
- mPointerLocationView = new PointerLocationView(mContext);
- mPointerLocationView.setPrintCoords(false);
- addView = mPointerLocationView;
- }
- } else {
- removeView = mPointerLocationView;
- mPointerLocationView = null;
- }
+ mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(pointerLocation != 0 ?
// use screen off timeout setting as the timeout for the lockscreen
@@ -1044,7 +1053,13 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
if (updateRotation) {
- if (addView != null) {
+ }
+ private void enablePointerLocation() {
+ if (mPointerLocationView == null) {
+ mPointerLocationView = new PointerLocationView(mContext);
+ mPointerLocationView.setPrintCoords(false);
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
@@ -1058,37 +1073,40 @@ public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager)
lp.inputFeatures |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL;
- wm.addView(addView, lp);
- if (mPointerLocationInputChannel == null) {
- try {
- mPointerLocationInputChannel =
- mWindowManager.monitorInput("PointerLocationView");
- mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver =
- new PointerLocationInputEventReceiver(
- mPointerLocationInputChannel, mHandler.getLooper());
- } catch (RemoteException ex) {
- Slog.e(TAG, "Could not set up input monitoring channel for PointerLocation.",
- ex);
- }
+ wm.addView(mPointerLocationView, lp);
+ try {
+ mPointerLocationInputChannel =
+ mWindowManager.monitorInput("PointerLocationView");
+ mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver =
+ new PointerLocationInputEventReceiver(mPointerLocationInputChannel,
+ Looper.myLooper(), mPointerLocationView);
+ } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+ Slog.e(TAG, "Could not set up input monitoring channel for PointerLocation.",
+ ex);
- if (removeView != null) {
- if (mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver != null) {
- mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver.dispose();
- mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver = null;
- }
- if (mPointerLocationInputChannel != null) {
- mPointerLocationInputChannel.dispose();
- mPointerLocationInputChannel = null;
- }
+ }
+ private void disablePointerLocation() {
+ if (mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver != null) {
+ mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver.dispose();
+ mPointerLocationInputEventReceiver = null;
+ }
+ if (mPointerLocationInputChannel != null) {
+ mPointerLocationInputChannel.dispose();
+ mPointerLocationInputChannel = null;
+ }
+ if (mPointerLocationView != null) {
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager)
- wm.removeView(removeView);
+ wm.removeView(mPointerLocationView);
+ mPointerLocationView = null;
private int readRotation(int resID) {
try {
int rotation = mContext.getResources().getInteger(resID);