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authorJames Dong <>2011-06-03 16:56:03 -0700
committerJames Dong <>2011-06-21 17:05:42 -0700
commite67bb48b66f6003385a506966cb3314c1009afbe (patch)
parent93aa58fd944b5cfb825f592de29e25a4f02cf97a (diff)
Timestamp adjustment will not work well if we ask video encoder to produce B frames
Change-Id: Ic6a2235fefb6f15081091e1f2c1b12ee92fba5e0
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/MPEG4Writer.cpp b/media/libstagefright/MPEG4Writer.cpp
index 58f6699..ea9911c 100644
--- a/media/libstagefright/MPEG4Writer.cpp
+++ b/media/libstagefright/MPEG4Writer.cpp
@@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ static const uint8_t kNalUnitTypeSeqParamSet = 0x07;
static const uint8_t kNalUnitTypePicParamSet = 0x08;
static const int64_t kInitialDelayTimeUs = 700000LL;
-// Using longer adjustment period to suppress fluctuations in
-// the audio encoding paths
-static const int64_t kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs = 600000000LL; // 10 minutes
class MPEG4Writer::Track {
Track(MPEG4Writer *owner, const sp<MediaSource> &source, size_t trackId);
@@ -88,8 +84,6 @@ private:
int64_t mTrackDurationUs;
int64_t mMaxChunkDurationUs;
- // For realtime applications, we need to adjust the media clock
- // for video track based on the audio media clock
bool mIsRealTimeRecording;
int64_t mMaxTimeStampUs;
int64_t mEstimatedTrackSizeBytes;
@@ -175,28 +169,9 @@ private:
int64_t mPreviousTrackTimeUs;
int64_t mTrackEveryTimeDurationUs;
- // Has the media time adjustment for video started?
- bool mIsMediaTimeAdjustmentOn;
- // The time stamp when previous media time adjustment period starts
- int64_t mPrevMediaTimeAdjustTimestampUs;
- // Number of vidoe frames whose time stamp may be adjusted
- int64_t mMediaTimeAdjustNumFrames;
- // The sample number when previous meida time adjustmnet period starts
- int64_t mPrevMediaTimeAdjustSample;
- // The total accumulated drift time within a period of
- // kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs.
- int64_t mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs;
- // The total accumalated drift time since the start of the recording
- // excluding the current time adjustment period
- int64_t mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs;
// Update the audio track's drift information.
void updateDriftTime(const sp<MetaData>& meta);
- // Adjust the time stamp of the video track according to
- // the drift time information from the audio track.
- void adjustMediaTime(int64_t *timestampUs);
static void *ThreadWrapper(void *me);
status_t threadEntry();
@@ -1512,12 +1487,7 @@ status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::start(MetaData *params) {
mNumSttsTableEntries = 0;
mNumCttsTableEntries = 0;
mMdatSizeBytes = 0;
- mIsMediaTimeAdjustmentOn = false;
- mPrevMediaTimeAdjustTimestampUs = 0;
- mMediaTimeAdjustNumFrames = 0;
- mPrevMediaTimeAdjustSample = 0;
- mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs = 0;
- mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs = 0;
mMaxChunkDurationUs = 0;
mHasNegativeCttsDeltaDuration = false;
@@ -1816,128 +1786,6 @@ status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::makeAVCCodecSpecificData(
-* The video track's media time adjustment for real-time applications
-* is described as follows:
-* First, the media time adjustment is done for every period of
-* kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs. kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs
-* is currently a fixed value chosen heuristically. The value of
-* kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs should not be very large or very small
-* for two considerations: on one hand, a relatively large value
-* helps reduce large fluctuation of drift time in the audio encoding
-* path; while on the other hand, a relatively small value helps keep
-* restoring synchronization in audio/video more frequently. Note for the
-* very first period of kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs, there is
-* no media time adjustment for the video track.
-* Second, the total accumulated audio track time drift found
-* in a period of kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs is distributed
-* over a stream of incoming video frames. The number of video frames
-* affected is determined based on the number of recorded video frames
-* within the past kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs period.
-* We choose to distribute the drift time over only a portion
-* (rather than all) of the total number of recorded video frames
-* in order to make sure that the video track media time adjustment is
-* completed for the current period before the next video track media
-* time adjustment period starts. Currently, the portion chosen is a
-* half (0.5).
-* Last, various additional checks are performed to ensure that
-* the actual audio encoding path does not have too much drift.
-* In particular, 1) we want to limit the average incremental time
-* adjustment for each video frame to be less than a threshold
-* for a single period of kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs.
-* Currently, the threshold is set to 5 ms. If the average incremental
-* media time adjustment for a video frame is larger than the
-* threshold, the audio encoding path has too much time drift.
-* 2) We also want to limit the total time drift in the audio
-* encoding path to be less than a threshold for a period of
-* kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs. Currently, the threshold
-* is 0.5% of kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs. If the time drift of
-* the audio encoding path is larger than the threshold, the audio
-* encoding path has too much time drift. We treat the large time
-* drift of the audio encoding path as errors, since there is no
-* way to keep audio/video in synchronization for real-time
-* applications if the time drift is too large unless we drop some
-* video frames, which has its own problems that we don't want
-* to get into for the time being.
-void MPEG4Writer::Track::adjustMediaTime(int64_t *timestampUs) {
- if (*timestampUs - mPrevMediaTimeAdjustTimestampUs >=
- kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs) {
- LOGV("New media time adjustment period at %lld us", *timestampUs);
- mIsMediaTimeAdjustmentOn = true;
- mMediaTimeAdjustNumFrames =
- (mNumSamples - mPrevMediaTimeAdjustSample) >> 1;
- mPrevMediaTimeAdjustTimestampUs = *timestampUs;
- mPrevMediaTimeAdjustSample = mNumSamples;
- int64_t totalAccumDriftTimeUs = mOwner->getDriftTimeUs();
- mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs =
- totalAccumDriftTimeUs - mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs;
- mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs = totalAccumDriftTimeUs;
- // Check on incremental adjusted time per frame
- int64_t adjustTimePerFrameUs =
- mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs / mMediaTimeAdjustNumFrames;
- if (adjustTimePerFrameUs < 0) {
- adjustTimePerFrameUs = -adjustTimePerFrameUs;
- }
- if (adjustTimePerFrameUs >= 5000) {
- LOGE("Adjusted time per video frame is %lld us",
- adjustTimePerFrameUs);
- CHECK(!"Video frame time adjustment is too large!");
- }
- // Check on total accumulated time drift within a period of
- // kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs.
- int64_t driftPercentage = (mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs * 1000)
- / kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs;
- if (driftPercentage < 0) {
- driftPercentage = -driftPercentage;
- }
- if (driftPercentage > 5) {
- LOGE("Audio track has time drift %lld us over %lld us",
- mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs,
- kVideoMediaTimeAdjustPeriodTimeUs);
- CHECK(!"The audio track media time drifts too much!");
- }
- }
- if (mIsMediaTimeAdjustmentOn) {
- if (mNumSamples - mPrevMediaTimeAdjustSample <=
- mMediaTimeAdjustNumFrames) {
- // Do media time incremental adjustment
- int64_t incrementalAdjustTimeUs =
- (mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs *
- (mNumSamples - mPrevMediaTimeAdjustSample))
- / mMediaTimeAdjustNumFrames;
- *timestampUs +=
- (incrementalAdjustTimeUs + mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs);
- LOGV("Incremental video frame media time adjustment: %lld us",
- (incrementalAdjustTimeUs + mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs));
- } else {
- // Within the remaining adjustment period,
- // no incremental adjustment is needed.
- *timestampUs +=
- (mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs + mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs);
- LOGV("Fixed video frame media time adjustment: %lld us",
- (mTotalDriftTimeToAdjustUs + mPrevTotalAccumDriftTimeUs));
- }
- }
* Updates the drift time from the audio track so that
* the video track can get the updated drift time information
* from the file writer. The fluctuation of the drift time of the audio
@@ -2080,32 +1928,6 @@ status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::threadEntry() {
int32_t isSync = false;
meta_data->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &isSync);
- /*
- * The original timestamp found in the data buffer will be modified as below:
- *
- * There is a playback offset into this track if the track's start time
- * is not the same as the movie start time, which will be recorded in edst
- * box of the output file. The playback offset is to make sure that the
- * starting time of the audio/video tracks are synchronized. Although the
- * track's media timestamp may be subject to various modifications
- * as outlined below, the track's playback offset time remains unchanged
- * once the first data buffer of the track is received.
- *
- * The media time stamp will be calculated by subtracting the playback offset
- * (and potential pause durations) from the original timestamp in the buffer.
- *
- * If this track is a video track for a real-time recording application with
- * both audio and video tracks, its media timestamp will subject to further
- * modification based on the media clock of the audio track. This modification
- * is needed for the purpose of maintaining good audio/video synchronization.
- *
- * If the recording session is paused and resumed multiple times, the track
- * media timestamp will be modified as if the recording session had never been
- * paused at all during playback of the recorded output file. In other words,
- * the output file will have no memory of pause/resume durations.
- *
- */
CHECK(meta_data->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timestampUs));
@@ -2146,31 +1968,13 @@ status_t MPEG4Writer::Track::threadEntry() {
timestampUs, cttsDeltaTimeUs);
- // Media time adjustment for real-time applications
if (mIsRealTimeRecording) {
if (mIsAudio) {
- } else {
- adjustMediaTime(&timestampUs);
CHECK(timestampUs >= 0);
- if (mNumSamples > 1) {
- if (timestampUs <= lastTimestampUs) {
- LOGW("Frame arrives too late!");
- // Don't drop the late frame, since dropping a frame may cause
- // problems later during playback
- // The idea here is to avoid having two or more samples with the
- // same timestamp in the output file.
- if (mTimeScale >= 1000000LL) {
- timestampUs = lastTimestampUs + 1;
- } else {
- timestampUs = lastTimestampUs + (1000000LL + (mTimeScale >> 1)) / mTimeScale;
- }
- }
- }
LOGV("%s media time stamp: %lld and previous paused duration %lld",
mIsAudio? "Audio": "Video", timestampUs, previousPausedDurationUs);