diff options
authorJason Sams <>2013-01-30 15:13:00 -0800
committerJason Sams <>2013-02-01 13:45:36 -0800
commitfe02fc43d6ef1e7f2d418aa8c684d17ee71422cc (patch)
parentb20abf4132d2d2e30efcfd831d0c619101a0592e (diff)
Balls perf update
Change-Id: I627b125df36cfe137964472f95bb34b77d3d4355
4 files changed, 189 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
index 8cab9b8..d9d182c 100644
--- a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
+++ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.renderscript.*;
import android.util.Log;
public class BallsRS {
- public static final int PART_COUNT = 900;
+ public static final int PART_COUNT = 4000;
public BallsRS() {
@@ -30,11 +31,12 @@ public class BallsRS {
private RenderScriptGL mRS;
private ScriptC_balls mScript;
private ScriptC_ball_physics mPhysicsScript;
- private ProgramFragment mPFLines;
private ProgramFragment mPFPoints;
- private ProgramVertex mPV;
private ScriptField_Point mPoints;
private ScriptField_VpConsts mVpConsts;
+ private ScriptField_BallGrid mGrid;
+ private ScriptField_Ball mBalls;
+ private Allocation mGridCache;
void updateProjectionMatrices() {
mVpConsts = new ScriptField_VpConsts(mRS, 1,
@@ -56,8 +58,8 @@ public class BallsRS {
" vec4 pos = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n" +
" pos.xy = ATTRIB_position;\n" +
" gl_Position = UNI_MVP * pos;\n" +
- " varColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n" +
- " gl_PointSize = ATTRIB_size;\n" +
+ " varColor = ATTRIB_color;\n" +
+ " gl_PointSize = 12.0;\n" +
@@ -84,22 +86,21 @@ public class BallsRS {
return builder.create();
- public void init(RenderScriptGL rs, Resources res, int width, int height) {
- mRS = rs;
- mRes = res;
- ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder pfb = new ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder(rs);
+ private void createPF(int width, int height) {
+ ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder pfb = new ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder(mRS);
ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder.Format.RGBA, 0);
mPFPoints = pfb.create();
+ }
- pfb = new ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder(rs);
- pfb.setVaryingColor(true);
- mPFLines = pfb.create();
+ public void init(RenderScriptGL rs, Resources res, int width, int height) {
+ mRS = rs;
+ mRes = res;
+ createPF(width, height);
- android.util.Log.e("rs", "Load texture");
mPFPoints.bindTexture(loadTexture(R.drawable.flares), 0);
mPoints = new ScriptField_Point(mRS, PART_COUNT, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
@@ -109,16 +110,22 @@ public class BallsRS {
Mesh smP = smb.create();
- mPhysicsScript = new ScriptC_ball_physics(mRS, mRes, R.raw.ball_physics);
+ mGrid = ScriptField_BallGrid.create2D(mRS, (width + 99) / 100, (height + 99) / 100);
+ mGridCache = Allocation.createSized(mRS, Element.F32_2(mRS), PART_COUNT);
+ mBalls = new ScriptField_Ball(mRS, PART_COUNT, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
+ mPhysicsScript = new ScriptC_ball_physics(mRS);
+ mPhysicsScript.set_gGridCache(mGridCache);
+ mPhysicsScript.set_gBalls(mBalls.getAllocation());
- mScript = new ScriptC_balls(mRS, mRes, R.raw.balls);
+ mScript = new ScriptC_balls(mRS);
- mScript.bind_balls1(new ScriptField_Ball(mRS, PART_COUNT, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT));
- mScript.bind_balls2(new ScriptField_Ball(mRS, PART_COUNT, Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT));
+ mScript.bind_balls(mBalls);
+ mScript.set_gGrid(mGrid.getAllocation());
+ mScript.bind_gGridCache(mGridCache);
- mScript.set_gPFLines(mPFLines);
@@ -126,6 +133,7 @@ public class BallsRS {
mPhysicsScript.set_gMinPos(new Float2(5, 5));
mPhysicsScript.set_gMaxPos(new Float2(width - 5, height - 5));
+ mPhysicsScript.set_gGrid(mGrid.getAllocation());
mScript.invoke_initParts(width, height);
@@ -133,7 +141,7 @@ public class BallsRS {
public void newTouchPosition(float x, float y, float pressure, int id) {
- mPhysicsScript.invoke_touch(x, y, pressure, id);
+ mPhysicsScript.invoke_touch(x, y, pressure * mRS.getWidth() / 1280, id);
public void setAccel(float x, float y) {
diff --git a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
index 8a3db6d..5b5d2e0 100644
--- a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
+++ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ float2 gMaxPos = {1280.f, 700.f};
static float2 touchPos[10];
static float touchPressure[10];
+static const float gDT = 1.f / 30.f;
+rs_allocation gGrid;
+rs_allocation gGridCache;
+rs_allocation gBalls;
+float gScale = 1.f;
void touch(float x, float y, float pressure, int id) {
if (id >= 10) {
@@ -21,126 +28,128 @@ void touch(float x, float y, float pressure, int id) {
touchPressure[id] = pressure;
-void root(const Ball_t *ballIn, Ball_t *ballOut, const BallControl_t *ctl, uint32_t x) {
- float2 fv = {0, 0};
- float2 pos = ballIn->position;
- int arcID = -1;
- float arcInvStr = 100000;
- const Ball_t * bPtr = rsGetElementAt(ctl->ain, 0);
- for (uint32_t xin = 0; xin < ctl->dimX; xin++) {
- float2 vec = bPtr[xin].position - pos;
- float2 vec2 = vec * vec;
- float len2 = vec2.x + vec2.y;
- if (len2 < 10000) {
- //float minDist = ballIn->size + bPtr[xin].size;
- float forceScale = ballIn->size * bPtr[xin].size;
- forceScale *= forceScale;
- if (len2 > 16 /* (minDist*minDist)*/) {
- // Repulsion
- float len = sqrt(len2);
- fv -= (vec / (len * len * len)) * 20000.f * forceScale;
- } else {
- if (len2 < 1) {
- if (xin == x) {
- continue;
- }
- ballOut->delta = 0.f;
- ballOut->position = ballIn->position;
- if (xin > x) {
- ballOut->position.x += 1.f;
- } else {
- ballOut->position.x -= 1.f;
- }
- //ballOut->color.rgb = 1.f;
- //ballOut->arcID = -1;
- //ballOut->arcStr = 0;
- continue;
- }
- // Collision
- float2 axis = normalize(vec);
- float e1 = dot(axis, ballIn->delta);
- float e2 = dot(axis, bPtr[xin].delta);
- float e = (e1 - e2) * 0.45f;
- if (e1 > 0) {
- fv -= axis * e;
- } else {
- fv += axis * e;
- }
+void root(Ball_t *ball, uint32_t x) {
+ float2 fv = 0;
+ float pressure = 0;
+ float2 pos = ball->position;
+ int2 gridPos[9];
+ gridPos[0] = convert_int2((ball->position / 100.f) /*- 0.4999f*/);
+ gridPos[1] = (int2){gridPos[0].x - 1, gridPos[0].y - 1};
+ gridPos[2] = (int2){gridPos[0].x + 0, gridPos[0].y - 1};
+ gridPos[3] = (int2){gridPos[0].x + 1, gridPos[0].y - 1};
+ gridPos[4] = (int2){gridPos[0].x - 1, gridPos[0].y};
+ gridPos[5] = (int2){gridPos[0].x + 1, gridPos[0].y};
+ gridPos[6] = (int2){gridPos[0].x - 1, gridPos[0].y + 1};
+ gridPos[7] = (int2){gridPos[0].x + 0, gridPos[0].y + 1};
+ gridPos[8] = (int2){gridPos[0].x + 1, gridPos[0].y + 1};
+ for (int gct=0; gct < 9; gct++) {
+ if ((gridPos[gct].x >= rsAllocationGetDimX(gGrid)) ||
+ (gridPos[gct].x < 0) ||
+ (gridPos[gct].y >= rsAllocationGetDimY(gGrid)) ||
+ (gridPos[gct].y < 0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //rsDebug("grid ", gridPos[gct]);
+ const BallGrid_t *bg = (const BallGrid_t *)rsGetElementAt(gGrid, gridPos[gct].x, gridPos[gct].y);
+ for (int cidx = 0; cidx < bg->count; cidx++) {
+ float2 bcptr = rsGetElementAt_float2(gGridCache, bg->cacheIdx + cidx);
+ float2 vec = bcptr - pos;
+ float2 vec2 = vec * vec;
+ float len2 = vec2.x + vec2.y;
+ if ((len2 < 10000.f) && (len2 > 0.f)) {
+ float t = native_powr(len2, 1.5f) + 16.0f;
+ float2 pfv = (vec / t) * 16000.f;
+ pressure += length(pfv);
+ fv -= pfv;
- fv /= ballIn->size * ballIn->size * ballIn->size;
- fv -= gGravityVector * 4.f;
- fv *= ctl->dt;
+ //fv /= ball->size * ball->size * ball->size;
+ fv -= gGravityVector * 4.f * gScale;
+ fv *= gDT;
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
if (touchPressure[i] > 0.1f) {
- float2 vec = touchPos[i] - ballIn->position;
+ float2 vec = touchPos[i] - ball->position;
float2 vec2 = vec * vec;
float len2 = max(2.f, vec2.x + vec2.y);
- fv -= (vec / len2) * touchPressure[i] * 300.f;
+ float2 pfv = (vec / len2) * touchPressure[i] * 500.f * gScale;
+ pressure += length(pfv);
+ fv -= pfv;
- ballOut->delta = (ballIn->delta * (1.f - 0.004f)) + fv;
- ballOut->position = ballIn->position + (ballOut->delta * ctl->dt);
+ ball->delta = (ball->delta * (1.f - 0.008f)) + fv;
+ ball->position = ball->position + (ball->delta * gDT);
- const float wallForce = 400.f;
- if (ballOut->position.x > (gMaxPos.x - 20.f)) {
- float d = gMaxPos.x - ballOut->position.x;
+ const float wallForce = 400.f * gScale;
+ if (ball->position.x > (gMaxPos.x - 20.f)) {
+ float d = gMaxPos.x - ball->position.x;
if (d < 0.f) {
- if (ballOut->delta.x > 0) {
- ballOut->delta.x *= -0.7f;
+ if (ball->delta.x > 0) {
+ ball->delta.x *= -0.7f;
- ballOut->position.x = gMaxPos.x;
+ ball->position.x = gMaxPos.x - 1.f;
} else {
- ballOut->delta.x -= min(wallForce / (d * d), 10.f);
+ ball->delta.x -= min(wallForce / (d * d), 10.f);
- if (ballOut->position.x < (gMinPos.x + 20.f)) {
- float d = ballOut->position.x - gMinPos.x;
+ if (ball->position.x < (gMinPos.x + 20.f)) {
+ float d = ball->position.x - gMinPos.x;
if (d < 0.f) {
- if (ballOut->delta.x < 0) {
- ballOut->delta.x *= -0.7f;
+ if (ball->delta.x < 0) {
+ ball->delta.x *= -0.7f;
- ballOut->position.x = gMinPos.x + 1.f;
+ ball->position.x = gMinPos.x + 1.f;
} else {
- ballOut->delta.x += min(wallForce / (d * d), 10.f);
+ ball->delta.x += min(wallForce / (d * d), 10.f);
- if (ballOut->position.y > (gMaxPos.y - 20.f)) {
- float d = gMaxPos.y - ballOut->position.y;
+ if (ball->position.y > (gMaxPos.y - 20.f)) {
+ float d = gMaxPos.y - ball->position.y;
if (d < 0.f) {
- if (ballOut->delta.y > 0) {
- ballOut->delta.y *= -0.7f;
+ if (ball->delta.y > 0) {
+ ball->delta.y *= -0.7f;
- ballOut->position.y = gMaxPos.y;
+ ball->position.y = gMaxPos.y - 1.f;
} else {
- ballOut->delta.y -= min(wallForce / (d * d), 10.f);
+ ball->delta.y -= min(wallForce / (d * d), 10.f);
- if (ballOut->position.y < (gMinPos.y + 20.f)) {
- float d = ballOut->position.y - gMinPos.y;
+ if (ball->position.y < (gMinPos.y + 20.f)) {
+ float d = ball->position.y - gMinPos.y;
if (d < 0.f) {
- if (ballOut->delta.y < 0) {
- ballOut->delta.y *= -0.7f;
+ if (ball->delta.y < 0) {
+ ball->delta.y *= -0.7f;
- ballOut->position.y = gMinPos.y + 1.f;
+ ball->position.y = gMinPos.y + 1.f;
} else {
- ballOut->delta.y += min(wallForce / (d * d * d), 10.f);
+ ball->delta.y += min(wallForce / (d * d * d), 10.f);
- ballOut->size = ballIn->size;
+ // low pressure ~500, high ~2500
+ pressure = max(pressure - 400.f, 0.f);
+ ball->pressure = pressure;
+ //rsDebug("p ", pressure);
+ float4 color = 1.f;
+ color.r = pow(pressure, 0.25f) / 12.f;
+ color.b = 1.f - color.r;
+ color.g = sin(pressure / 1500.f * 3.14f);
+ color.rgb = max(color.rgb, (float3)0);
+ color.rgb = normalize(color.rgb);
+ ball->color = rsPackColorTo8888(color);
- //rsDebug("physics pos out", ballOut->position);
+ //rsDebug("physics pos out", ball->position);
diff --git a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
index dcdd586..9be9f38 100644
--- a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
+++ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@
#pragma stateStore(parent)
rs_program_fragment gPFPoints;
-rs_program_fragment gPFLines;
rs_mesh partMesh;
+rs_allocation gGrid;
+BallGrid_t *unused1;
+float2 *gGridCache;
typedef struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) Point {
float2 position;
- float size;
+ uchar4 color;
} Point_t;
Point_t *point;
@@ -24,58 +27,78 @@ VpConsts_t *vpConstants;
rs_script physics_script;
-Ball_t *balls1;
-Ball_t *balls2;
-static int frame = 0;
void initParts(int w, int h)
- uint32_t dimX = rsAllocationGetDimX(rsGetAllocation(balls1));
+ uint32_t dimX = rsAllocationGetDimX(rsGetAllocation(balls));
for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < dimX; ct++) {
- balls1[ct].position.x = rsRand(0.f, (float)w);
- balls1[ct].position.y = rsRand(0.f, (float)h);
- balls1[ct].delta.x = 0.f;
- balls1[ct].delta.y = 0.f;
- balls1[ct].size = 1.f;
- float r = rsRand(100.f);
- if (r > 90.f) {
- balls1[ct].size += pow(10.f, rsRand(0.f, 2.f)) * 0.07f;
- }
+ balls[ct].position.x = rsRand(0.f, (float)w);
+ balls[ct].position.y = rsRand(0.f, (float)h);
+ balls[ct].delta.x = 0.f;
+ balls[ct].delta.y = 0.f;
int root() {
rsgClearColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
- BallControl_t bc;
- Ball_t *bout;
- if (frame & 1) {
- bc.ain = rsGetAllocation(balls2);
- bc.aout = rsGetAllocation(balls1);
- bout = balls1;
- } else {
- bc.ain = rsGetAllocation(balls1);
- bc.aout = rsGetAllocation(balls2);
- bout = balls2;
+ int2 gridDims = (int2){ rsAllocationGetDimX(gGrid),
+ rsAllocationGetDimY(gGrid) };
+ rs_allocation ain = rsGetAllocation(balls);
+ int32_t dimX = rsAllocationGetDimX(ain);
+ // Binning
+ // Clear the particle list
+ for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < dimX; ct++) {
+ balls[ct].next = -1;
+ }
+ // Clear the grid
+ for (uint32_t y=0; y < gridDims.y; y++) {
+ for (uint32_t x=0; x < gridDims.x; x++) {
+ BallGrid_t *bg = (BallGrid_t *)rsGetElementAt(gGrid, x, y);
+ bg->count = 0;
+ bg->idx = -1;
+ }
- bc.dimX = rsAllocationGetDimX(bc.ain);
- bc.dt = 1.f / 30.f;
+ // Create the particle list per grid
+ for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < dimX; ct++) {
+ int2 p = convert_int2(balls[ct].position / 100.f);
+ p.x = rsClamp(p.x, 0, (int)(gridDims.x-1));
+ p.y = rsClamp(p.y, 0, (int)(gridDims.y-1));
+ BallGrid_t *bg = (BallGrid_t *)rsGetElementAt(gGrid, p.x, p.y);
+ bg->count ++;
+ balls[ct].next = bg->idx;
+ bg->idx = ct;
+ }
+ // Create the sorted grid cache
+ uint32_t gridIdx = 0;
+ for (uint32_t y=0; y < gridDims.y; y++) {
+ for (uint32_t x=0; x < gridDims.x; x++) {
+ BallGrid_t *bg = (BallGrid_t *)rsGetElementAt(gGrid, x, y);
+ bg->cacheIdx = gridIdx;
+ int idx = bg->idx;
+ while (idx >= 0) {
+ const Ball_t * bPtr = &balls[idx];
+ gGridCache[gridIdx++] = bPtr->position;
+ idx = bPtr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- rsForEach(physics_script, bc.ain, bc.aout, &bc, sizeof(bc));
- for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < bc.dimX; ct++) {
- point[ct].position = bout[ct].position;
- point[ct].size = 6.f /*+ bout[ct].color.g * 6.f*/ * bout[ct].size;
+ rsForEach(physics_script, ain, ain);
+ for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < dimX; ct++) {
+ point[ct].position = balls[ct].position;
+ point[ct].color = balls[ct].color;
- frame++;
return 1;
diff --git a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/balls.rsh b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/balls.rsh
index fc886f9..ebe23f8 100644
--- a/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/balls.rsh
+++ b/tests/RenderScriptTests/Balls/src/com/example/android/rs/balls/balls.rsh
@@ -2,17 +2,18 @@
typedef struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) Ball {
float2 delta;
float2 position;
- //float3 color;
- float size;
+ uchar4 color;
+ float pressure;
+ //float size;
+ int32_t next;
//int arcID;
//float arcStr;
} Ball_t;
Ball_t *balls;
-typedef struct BallControl {
- uint32_t dimX;
- rs_allocation ain;
- rs_allocation aout;
- float dt;
-} BallControl_t;
+typedef struct BallGrid {
+ int32_t idx;
+ int32_t count;
+ int32_t cacheIdx;
+} BallGrid_t;