path: root/core/res
diff options
authorEric Fischer <>2009-10-13 16:03:48 -0700
committerEric Fischer <>2009-10-13 16:03:48 -0700
commitbd6c80f689bc36523b935d84f9e5e563c2040f64 (patch)
treeacd8daab6fc8be945468699c0c20953426dda7b8 /core/res
parent332c793432be71d40473fed803123165c57197cd (diff)
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
Diffstat (limited to 'core/res')
20 files changed, 2432 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index fba6c08..7251f36 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Sleduje vaši fyzickou polohu"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Síťová komunikace"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Umožňuje aplikacím získat přístup k různým funkcím sítě."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Vaše účty Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Přístup k dostupným účtům Google."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Řízení hardwaru"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Přímý přístup k hardwaru telefonu."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefonní hovory"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Zadejte kód PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Nesprávný kód PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Chcete-li telefon odemknout, stiskněte Menu a poté 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Zkuste to prosím znovu"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Nabíjení (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Nabito."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Připojte dobíjecí zařízení."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Není vložena SIM karta."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"V telefonu není žádná karta SIM."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Nabíjení..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Prosím připojte dobíjecí zařízení"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Baterie je vybitá:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"zbývá méně než <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Využití baterie"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Test továrního nastavení se nezdařil"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Test FACTORY_TEST lze provést pouze u balíčků nainstalovaných ve složce /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Chcete opustit tuto stránku?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Vyberte OK, chcete-li pokračovat, nebo Zrušit, chcete-li na stránce zůstat."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Potvrdit"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"čtení historie a záložek Prohlížeče"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Umožňuje aplikaci číst všechny navštívené adresy URL a záložky Prohlížeče."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"zápis do historie a záložek Prohlížeče"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Usnadnění"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Tapeta"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Změnit tapetu"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-da/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-da/strings.xml
index 99f8ec9..41f1a96 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-da/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-da/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Overvåg din fysiske placering"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Netværkskommunikation"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Tillader programmer at få adgang til forskellige netværksfunktioner."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Dine Google-konti"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Få adgang til tilgængelige Google-konti."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Hardwarekontroller"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Direkte adgang til hardware på håndsættet."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefonopkald"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Indtast PIN-kode"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Forkert PIN-kode!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Tryk på Menu og dernæst på 0 for at låse op."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Beklager! Prøv igen"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Oplader (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Opladt."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Tilslut din oplader."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Der er ikke noget SIM-kort."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Der er ikke noget SIM-kort i telefonen."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Oplader ..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Forbind oplader"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Batteriet er ved at blive tomt:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"mindre end <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> tilbage."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Batteriforbrug"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Fabrikstest mislykkedes"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Handlingen FACTORY_TEST understøttes kun af pakker installeret i /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"Javascript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Naviger væk fra denne side?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n" Vælg OK for at fortsætte eller Annuller for at blive på den aktuelle side."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Bekræft"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"læs browserens oversigt og bogmærker"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Tillader programmet at læse alle de webadresser, browseren har besøgt, og alle browserens bogmærker."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"skriv browserens oversigt og bogmærker"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Tilgængelighed"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Tapet"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Skift tapet"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-de/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 02f685a..6f6aa9f 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Ihren physischen Standort überwachen"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Netzwerkkommunikation"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Ermöglicht Anwendungen den Zugriff auf verschiedene Netzwerkfunktionen."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Ihre Google-Konten"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Greift auf verfügbare Google-Konten zu."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Hardware-Steuerelemente"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Direkter Zugriff auf Hardware über Headset"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Anrufe"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"PIN-Code eingeben"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Falscher PIN-Code!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Drücken Sie zum Entsperren die Menütaste und dann auf \"0\"."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Tut uns leid. Versuchen Sie es noch einmal."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Wird geladen (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Aufgeladen"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Bitte Ladegerät anschließen"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Keine SIM-Karte."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Keine SIM-Karte im Telefon."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Wird aufgeladen..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Ladegerät anschließen"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Akku ist fast leer."</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"Nur noch weniger als <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> vorhanden."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Akkuverbrauch"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Werkstest fehlgeschlagen"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Die Aktion FACTORY_TEST wird nur für unter \"/system/app\" gespeicherte Pakete unterstützt."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Von dieser Seite navigieren?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Wählen Sie \"OK\", um fortzufahren, oder wählen Sie \"Abbrechen\", um auf der aktuellen Seite zu bleiben."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Bestätigen"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"Browserverlauf und Lesezeichen lesen"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Ermöglicht der Anwendung, alle URLs, die mit dem Browser besucht wurden, sowie alle Lesezeichen des Browsers zu lesen."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"Browserverlauf und Lesezeichen schreiben"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Eingabehilfen"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Hintergrund"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Hintergrundbild ändern"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-el/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-el/strings.xml
index 23c6565..c2f421c 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Παρακολούθηση της φυσικής τοποθεσίας σας"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Επικοινωνία δικτύου"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Επιτρέπει σε εφαρμογές να αποκτήσουν πρόσβαση σε διάφορες λειτουργίες δικτύου."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Οι λογαριασμοί σας Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Πρόσβαση στους διαθέσιμους λογαριασμούς Google."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Στοιχεία ελέγχου υλικού"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Άμεση πρόσβαση στο υλικό της συσκευής τηλεφώνου."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Πληκτρολογήστε τον κωδικό αριθμό PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Εσφαλμένος κωδικός αριθμός PIN!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Για ξεκλείδωμα, πατήστε το πλήκτρο Menu και, στη συνέχεια, το πλήκτρο 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Προσπαθήστε αργότερα"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Φόρτιση (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Φορτίστηκε."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Συνδέστε τον φορτιστή."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Δεν υπάρχει κάρτα SIM."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Δεν υπάρχει κάρτα SIM στο τηλέφωνο."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Φόρτιση..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Συνδέστε τον φορτιστή"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Η στάθμη της μπαταρίας είναι χαμηλή:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"απομένουν λιγότερο από <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Χρήση μπαταρίας"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Η εργοστασιακή δοκιμή απέτυχε"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Η ενέργεια FACTORY_TEST υποστηρίζεται μόνο για πακέτα που είναι εγκατεστημένα στον κατάλογο /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Απομάκρυνση από αυτή τη σελίδα;"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Επιλέξτε OK για συνέχεια, ή Ακύρωση για παραμονή στην τρέχουσα σελίδα."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Επιβεβαίωση"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"ανάγνωση ιστορικού και σελιδοδεικτών προγράμματος περιήγησης"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Επιτρέπει στην εφαρμογή την ανάγνωση όλων των διευθύνσεων URL που το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης έχει επισκεφθεί και όλων των σελιδοδεικτών του προγράμματος περιήγησης."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"εγγραφή ιστορικού και σελιδοδεικτών προγράμματος περιήγησης"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Προσβασιμότητα"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Ταπετσαρία"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Αλλαγή ταπετσαρίας"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
index e2059d8..88f16a9 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
@@ -111,8 +111,7 @@
<string name="httpErrorFile" msgid="8250549644091165175">"No se ha podido acceder al archivo."</string>
<string name="httpErrorFileNotFound" msgid="5588380756326017105">"No se ha encontrado el archivo solicitado."</string>
<string name="httpErrorTooManyRequests" msgid="1235396927087188253">"Se están procesando demasiadas solicitudes. Vuelve a intentarlo más tarde."</string>
- <!-- no translation found for notification_title (1259940370369187045) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="notification_title" msgid="1259940370369187045">"Error al iniciar la sesión de <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%1$s</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="contentServiceSync" msgid="8353523060269335667">"Sincronización"</string>
<string name="contentServiceSyncNotificationTitle" msgid="397743349191901458">"Sincronización"</string>
<string name="contentServiceTooManyDeletesNotificationDesc" msgid="8100981435080696431">"Demasiadas eliminaciones de <xliff:g id="CONTENT_TYPE">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
@@ -148,8 +147,8 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Controla tu ubicación física"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Comunicación de red"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Admite aplicaciones que acceden a varias funciones de red."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Tus cuentas de Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Acceder a las cuentas disponibles de Google."</string>
+ <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="3359646291125325519">"Tus cuentas"</string>
+ <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="4948732641827091312">"Acceder a las cuentas disponibles."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Controles de hardware"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Acceso directo al hardware en el teléfono."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Llamadas telefónicas"</string>
@@ -433,6 +432,58 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <string name="phoneTypeCustom" msgid="1644738059053355820">"Personalizado"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeHome" msgid="2570923463033985887">"Página principal"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeMobile" msgid="6501463557754751037">"Celular"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeWork" msgid="8863939667059911633">"Trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeFaxWork" msgid="3517792160008890912">"Fax laboral"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeFaxHome" msgid="2067265972322971467">"Fax personal"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypePager" msgid="7582359955394921732">"Localizador"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeOther" msgid="1544425847868765990">"Otro"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeCallback" msgid="2712175203065678206">"Devolución de llamada"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeCar" msgid="8738360689616716982">"Automóvil"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeCompanyMain" msgid="540434356461478916">"Empresa principal"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeIsdn" msgid="8022453193171370337">"ISDN"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeMain" msgid="6766137010628326916">"Principal"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeOtherFax" msgid="8587657145072446565">"Otro fax"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeRadio" msgid="4093738079908667513">"Radio"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeTelex" msgid="3367879952476250512">"Télex"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeTtyTdd" msgid="8606514378585000044">"TTY TDD"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeWorkMobile" msgid="1311426989184065709">"Celular del trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeWorkPager" msgid="649938731231157056">"Localizador del trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeAssistant" msgid="5596772636128562884">"Asistente"</string>
+ <string name="phoneTypeMms" msgid="7254492275502768992">"MMS"</string>
+ <string name="eventTypeBirthday" msgid="2813379844211390740">"Cumpleaños"</string>
+ <string name="eventTypeAnniversary" msgid="3876779744518284000">"Aniversario"</string>
+ <string name="eventTypeOther" msgid="5834288791948564594">"Evento"</string>
+ <string name="emailTypeCustom" msgid="8525960257804213846">"Personalizado"</string>
+ <string name="emailTypeHome" msgid="449227236140433919">"Página principal"</string>
+ <string name="emailTypeWork" msgid="3548058059601149973">"Trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="emailTypeOther" msgid="2923008695272639549">"Otro"</string>
+ <string name="emailTypeMobile" msgid="119919005321166205">"Celular"</string>
+ <string name="postalTypeCustom" msgid="8903206903060479902">"Personalizado"</string>
+ <string name="postalTypeHome" msgid="8165756977184483097">"Página principal"</string>
+ <string name="postalTypeWork" msgid="5268172772387694495">"Trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="postalTypeOther" msgid="2726111966623584341">"Otro"</string>
+ <string name="imTypeCustom" msgid="2074028755527826046">"Personalizado"</string>
+ <string name="imTypeHome" msgid="6241181032954263892">"Página principal"</string>
+ <string name="imTypeWork" msgid="1371489290242433090">"Trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="imTypeOther" msgid="5377007495735915478">"Otro"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolCustom" msgid="6919453836618749992">"Personalizado"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolAim" msgid="7050360612368383417">"AIM"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolMsn" msgid="144556545420769442">"Windows Live"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolYahoo" msgid="8271439408469021273">"Yahoo"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolSkype" msgid="9019296744622832951">"Skype"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolQq" msgid="8887484379494111884">"QQ"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolGoogleTalk" msgid="3808393979157698766">"Google Talk"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolIcq" msgid="1574870433606517315">"ICQ"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolJabber" msgid="2279917630875771722">"Jabber"</string>
+ <string name="imProtocolNetMeeting" msgid="8287625655986827971">"NetMeeting"</string>
+ <string name="orgTypeWork" msgid="29268870505363872">"Trabajo"</string>
+ <string name="orgTypeOther" msgid="3951781131570124082">"Otro"</string>
+ <string name="orgTypeCustom" msgid="225523415372088322">"Personalizado"</string>
+ <string name="contact_status_update_attribution" msgid="5112589886094402795">"a través de <xliff:g id="SOURCE">%1$s</xliff:g>"</string>
+ <string name="contact_status_update_attribution_with_date" msgid="5945386376369979909">"<xliff:g id="DATE">%1$s</xliff:g> a través de <xliff:g id="SOURCE">%2$s</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Ingresar el código de PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"¡Código de PIN incorrecto!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Para desbloquear, presiona el menú y luego 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +498,7 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Lo sentimos, vuelve a intentarlo"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Cargando (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Cargada."</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_battery_short" msgid="3617549178603354656">"Segmento <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Conecta tu cargador."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"No hay tarjeta SIM."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"No hay tarjeta SIM en el teléfono."</string>
@@ -478,7 +530,7 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Cargando..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Conecta el cargador"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Hay poca batería:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"menos de <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> restante."</string>
+ <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="696154104579022959">"Restan <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> o menos."</string>
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Uso de la batería"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Error en la prueba de fábrica"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"La acción FACTORY_TEST se admite solamente en paquetes instalados en /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +540,7 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"¿Deseas salir de esta página?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Selecciona Aceptar para continuar o Cancelar para permanecer en la página actual."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Confirmar"</string>
+ <string name="double_tap_toast" msgid="1068216937244567247">"Sugerencia: presiona dos veces para acercar y alejar"</string>
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"leer historial y marcadores del navegador"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Permite a la aplicación leer todas las URL que ha visitado el navegador y todos los marcadores del navegador."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"escribir historial y marcadores del navegador"</string>
@@ -692,10 +745,8 @@
<string name="extmedia_format_message" msgid="3621369962433523619">"¿Estás seguro de que quieres formatear la tarjeta SD? Se perderán todos los datos de tu tarjeta."</string>
<string name="extmedia_format_button_format" msgid="4131064560127478695">"Formato"</string>
<string name="adb_active_notification_title" msgid="6729044778949189918">"Depuración de USB conectada"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for adb_active_notification_message (8470296818270110396) -->
- <skip />
- <!-- no translation found for select_input_method (6865512749462072765) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="adb_active_notification_message" msgid="8470296818270110396">"Seleccionar para desactivar la depuración de USB."</string>
+ <string name="select_input_method" msgid="6865512749462072765">"Seleccionar método de entrada"</string>
<string name="fast_scroll_alphabet" msgid="5433275485499039199">" ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"</string>
<string name="fast_scroll_numeric_alphabet" msgid="4030170524595123610">" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"</string>
<string name="candidates_style" msgid="4333913089637062257"><u>"candidatos"</u></string>
@@ -731,11 +782,14 @@
<string name="allow" msgid="7225948811296386551">"Permitir"</string>
<string name="deny" msgid="2081879885755434506">"Denegar"</string>
<string name="permission_request_notification_title" msgid="5390555465778213840">"Permiso solicitado"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for permission_request_notification_with_subtitle (4325409589686688000) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="permission_request_notification_with_subtitle" msgid="4325409589686688000">"Permiso solicitado"\n"para la cuenta <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="input_method_binding_label" msgid="1283557179944992649">"Método de entrada"</string>
<string name="sync_binding_label" msgid="3687969138375092423">"Sincronización"</string>
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Accesibilidad"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Papel tapiz"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Cambiar fondo de pantalla"</string>
+ <string name="pptp_vpn_description" msgid="2688045385181439401">"Protocolo de túnel punto a punto"</string>
+ <string name="l2tp_vpn_description" msgid="3750692169378923304">"Protocolo de túnel de nivel 2"</string>
+ <string name="l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description" msgid="3945043564008303239">"Clave previamente compartida según L2TP/IPSec VPN"</string>
+ <string name="l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description" msgid="5382714073103653577">"Certificado según L2TP/IPSec VPN"</string>
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-es/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 74f7e11..b5e9814 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Controlar su ubicación física"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Comunicación de red"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Permite que las aplicaciones accedan a distintas funciones de red."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Tus cuentas de Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Acceder a las cuentas de Google disponibles"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Controles de hardware"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Acceso directo al hardware del móvil"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Llamadas de teléfono"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Introduce el código PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"El código PIN es incorrecto."</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Para desbloquear el teléfono, pulsa la tecla de menú y, a continuación, pulsa 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Inténtalo de nuevo"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Cargando (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Cargado"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Conecta el cargador"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Falta la tarjeta SIM"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"No se ha insertado ninguna tarjeta SIM en el teléfono."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Cargando..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Conecta el cargador"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Se está agotando la batería:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"menos del <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> disponible."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Uso de la batería"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Fallo en la prueba de fábrica"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"La acción FACTORY_TEST sólo es compatible con los paquetes instalados en /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"¿Quieres salir de esta página?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Selecciona \"Aceptar\" para continuar o \"Cancelar\" para permanecer en la página actual."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Confirmar"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"leer información de marcadores y del historial del navegador"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Permite que la aplicación lea todas las URL que ha visitado el navegador y todos sus marcadores."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"escribir en marcadores y en el historial del navegador"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Accesibilidad"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Fondo de pantalla"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Cambiar fondo de pantalla"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index c0f59f2..9f842c3 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Suivre votre position géographique"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Communications réseau"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Permet à des applications d\'accéder à différentes fonctionnalités du réseau."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Vos comptes Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Accédez aux comptes Google disponibles."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Commandes du matériel"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Permet d\'accéder directement au matériel de l\'appareil."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Appels"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Saisissez le code PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Le code PIN est incorrect !"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Pour débloquer le clavier, appuyez sur \"Menu\" puis sur 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Désolé. Merci de réessayer."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Chargement (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Chargé"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Branchez votre chargeur."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Aucune carte SIM n\'a été trouvée."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Aucune carte SIM n\'est insérée dans le téléphone."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Chargement..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Branchez le chargeur"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Le niveau de la batterie est bas :"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"Batterie restante inférieure à <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Utilisation de la batterie"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Échec du test usine"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"L\'action FACTORY_TEST est uniquement prise en charge pour les paquets de données installés dans in/system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Vous souhaitez quitter cette page ?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Sélectionnez OK pour continuer ou Annuler pour rester sur la page actuelle."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Confirmer"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"lire l\'historique et les favoris du navigateur"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Autorise l\'application à lire toutes les URL auxquelles le navigateur a accédé et tous ses favoris."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"écrire dans l\'historique et les favoris du navigateur"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Accessibilité"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Fond d\'écran"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Changer de fond d\'écran"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-it/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-it/strings.xml
index d62625f..7edb480 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
<string name="global_action_toggle_silent_mode" msgid="8219525344246810925">"Modalità silenziosa"</string>
<string name="global_action_silent_mode_on_status" msgid="3289841937003758806">"Audio non attivo"</string>
<string name="global_action_silent_mode_off_status" msgid="1506046579177066419">"Audio attivo"</string>
- <string name="global_actions_toggle_airplane_mode" msgid="5884330306926307456">"Modalità aereo attiva"</string>
+ <string name="global_actions_toggle_airplane_mode" msgid="5884330306926307456">"Modalità aereo"</string>
<string name="global_actions_airplane_mode_on_status" msgid="2719557982608919750">"Modalità aereo attiva"</string>
<string name="global_actions_airplane_mode_off_status" msgid="5075070442854490296">"Modalità aereo non attiva"</string>
<string name="safeMode" msgid="2788228061547930246">"Modalità provvisoria"</string>
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Monitorare la posizione fisica dell\'utente"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Comunicazione di rete"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Consentono l\'accesso delle applicazioni a varie funzionalità di rete."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"I tuoi account Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Accedere agli account Google disponibili."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Controlli hardware"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Accedere direttamente all\'hardware del ricevitore."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefonate"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Inserisci il PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Codice PIN errato."</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Per sbloccare, premi Menu, poi 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Riprova"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"In carica (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Carico."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Collegare il caricabatterie."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Nessuna SIM presente."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Nessuna SIM presente nel telefono."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"In carica..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Collegare il caricabatterie"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Batteria quasi scarica:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"energia residua inferiore a <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Utilizzo batteria"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Test di fabbrica non riuscito"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"L\'azione FACTORY_TEST è supportata soltanto per i pacchetti installati in /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Uscire da questa pagina?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Seleziona OK per continuare o Annulla per rimanere nella pagina corrente."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Conferma"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"lettura cronologia e segnalibri del browser"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Consente all\'applicazione di leggere tutti gli URL visitati e tutti i segnalibri del browser."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"creazione cronologia e segnalibri del browser"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Accesso facilitato"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Sfondo"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Cambia sfondo"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index 55e6b50..e0fc9f5 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"現在地を追跡"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"ネットワーク通信"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"ネットワークのさまざまな機能へのアクセスをアプリケーションに許可します。"</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Googleアカウント"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"利用可能なGoogleアカウントへのアクセス"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"ハードウェアの制御"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"携帯電話のハードウェアに直接アクセスします。"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"電話/通話"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"PINコードを入力"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"PINコードが正しくありません。"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"MENU、0キーでロック解除"</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"やり直してください"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"充電中(<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"充電完了。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"充電してください。"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"SIMカードが挿入されていません"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"SIMカードが挿入されていません"</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"充電中..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"充電してください"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"電池が残り少なくなっています:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"残量<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>以下"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"電池使用量"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"出荷時試験が失敗"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"FACTORY_TEST操作は、/system/appにインストールされたパッケージのみが対象です。"</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"このページから移動しますか?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"移動する場合は[OK]、今のページに残る場合は[キャンセル]を選択してください。"</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"確認"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"ブラウザの履歴とブックマークを読み取る"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"ブラウザでアクセスしたすべてのURLおよびブラウザのすべてのブックマークの読み取りをアプリケーションに許可します。"</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"ブラウザの履歴とブックマークを書き込む"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"アクセシビリティ"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"壁紙"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"壁紙を変更"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index 3db36fc..2de1e08 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"실제 위치 모니터링"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"네트워크 통신"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"응용프로그램이 다양한 네트워크 기능에 액세스할 수 있도록 합니다."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Google 계정"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"사용 가능한 Google 계정에 액세스합니다."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"하드웨어 제어"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"휴대전화의 하드웨어에 직접 액세스합니다."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"전화 통화"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"PIN 코드 입력"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"PIN 코드가 잘못되었습니다."</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"잠금해제하려면 메뉴를 누른 다음 0을 누릅니다."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"죄송합니다. 다시 시도하세요."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"충전 중(<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"충전되었습니다."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"충전기를 연결하세요."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"SIM 카드가 없습니다."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"휴대전화에 SIM 카드가 없습니다."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"충전 중..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"충전기를 연결하세요."</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"배터리 전원이 부족합니다."</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> 미만 남음"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"배터리 사용"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"출고 테스트 불합격"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"FACTORY_TEST 작업은 /system/app 디렉토리에 설치된 패키지에 대해서만 지원됩니다."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"자바스크립트"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"다른 페이지를 탐색하시겠습니까?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"계속하려면 \'확인\'을 선택하고 현재 페이지에 그대로 있으려면 \'취소\'를 선택하세요."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"확인"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"브라우저의 기록 및 북마크 읽기"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"응용프로그램이 브라우저로 방문한 모든 URL과 브라우저의 모든 북마크를 읽도록 허용합니다."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"브라우저의 기록 및 북마크 쓰기"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"접근성"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"배경화면"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"배경화면 변경"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml
index 19524d8..eead1cd 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Overvåking av telefonens fysiske plassering"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Nettverkstilgang"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Gir applikasjoner tilgang til diverse nettverksfunksjoner."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Google-kontoer"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Tilgang til tilgjengelige Google-kontoer."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Maskinvarekontroll"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Direkte tilgang til maskinvaren på telefonen."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefonsamtaler"</string>
@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@
<string name="permdesc_shutdown" msgid="7046500838746291775">"Lar applikasjonen sette aktivitetshåndtereren i avslutningstilstand. Slår ikke systemet helt av."</string>
<string name="permlab_stopAppSwitches" msgid="4138608610717425573">"forhindre applikasjonsbytte"</string>
<string name="permdesc_stopAppSwitches" msgid="3857886086919033794">"Lar applikasjonen forhindre brukeren fra å bytte til en annen applikasjon."</string>
- <string name="permlab_runSetActivityWatcher" msgid="7811586187574696296">"overvåke og kontrollere all applikasjonsoppstart"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_runSetActivityWatcher" msgid="7811586187574696296">"Blokker popup-vinduer"</string>
<string name="permdesc_runSetActivityWatcher" msgid="3228701938345388092">"Lar applikasjonen overvåke og kontrollere hvordan systemet starter applikasjoner. Ondsinnede applikasjoner kan ta over systemet helt. Denne rettigheten behøves bare for utvikling, aldri for vanlig bruk av telefonen."</string>
<string name="permlab_broadcastPackageRemoved" msgid="2576333434893532475">"kringkaste melding om fjernet pakke"</string>
<string name="permdesc_broadcastPackageRemoved" msgid="3453286591439891260">"Lar applikasjonen kringkaste en melding om at en applikasjonspakke er blitt fjernet. Ondsinnede applikasjoner kan bruke dette til å drepe vilkårlige andre kjørende applikasjoner."</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Skriv inn PIN-kode:"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Gal PIN-kode!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"For å låse opp, trykk på menyknappen og deretter 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Beklager, prøv igjen:"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Lader (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Fullt ladet"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Koble til en batterilader."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Mangler SIM-kort."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Ikke noe SIM-kort i telefonen."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Lader…"</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Koble til en lader"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Batteriet er nesten tomt:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"mindre enn <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> igjen."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Batteribruk"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Factory test failed"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"The FACTORY_TEST action is only supported for packages installed in /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Naviger bort fra denne siden?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Velg OK for å fortsette, eller Avbryt for å forbli på denne siden."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Bekreft"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"lese nettleserens logg og bokmerker"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Lar applikasjonen lese alle adresser nettleseren har besøkt, og alle nettleserens bokmerker."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"skrive til nettleserens logg og bokmerker"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Tilgjengelighet"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Bakgrunnsbilde"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Endre bakgrunnsbilde"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 085a99c..eb4ebad 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Uw fysieke locatie bijhouden"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Netwerkcommunicatie"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Toepassingen toestaan verschillende netwerkfuncties te openen."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Uw Google-accounts"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Toegang tot de beschikbare Google-accounts."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Bedieningselementen hardware"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Rechtstreekse toegang tot hardware op de handset."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefoonoproepen"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"PIN-code invoeren"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Onjuiste PIN-code!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Druk op \'Menu\' en vervolgens op 0 om te ontgrendelen."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Probeer het opnieuw"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Opladen (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Opgeladen."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Sluit de oplader aan."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Geen SIM-kaart."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Geen SIM-kaart in telefoon."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Opladen..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Sluit de oplader aan"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"De accu raakt op:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"minder dan <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> resterend."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Accugebruik"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Fabriekstest mislukt"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"De actie FACTORY_TEST wordt alleen ondersteund voor pakketten die zijn geïnstalleerd in /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Wilt u deze pagina verlaten?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Kies OK om door te gaan of Annuleren om op de huidige pagina te blijven."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Bevestigen"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"browsergeschiedenis en bladwijzers lezen"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Hiermee kan een toepassing de URL\'s lezen die u via de browser heeft bezocht, evenals alle bladwijzers van de browser."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"browsergeschiedenis en bladwijzers schrijven"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Toegankelijkheid"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Achtergrond"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Achtergrond wijzigen"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 145deda..abf60a1 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Monitorowanie fizycznej lokalizacji"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Połączenia sieciowe"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Pozwól aplikacjom na dostęp do różnych funkcji sieci."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Twoje konta Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Uzyskaj dostęp do dostępnych kont Google."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Sterowanie sprzętowe"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Bezpośredni dostęp do elementów sprzętowych telefonu."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Połączenia telefoniczne"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Wprowadź kod PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Błędny kod PIN!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Aby odblokować, naciśnij Menu, a następnie 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Niestety, spróbuj ponownie"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Ładowanie (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Naładowany."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Podłącz ładowarkę."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Brak karty SIM."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Brak karty SIM w telefonie."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Ładowanie..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Podłącz ładowarkę"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Bateria się rozładowuje:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"pozostało mniej niż <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Użycie baterii"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Nieudany test fabryczny"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Czynność FACTORY_TEST jest obsługiwana tylko dla pakietów zainstalowanych w katalogu /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Czy opuścić tę stronę?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Wybierz opcję OK, aby kontynuować, lub opcję Anuluj, aby pozostać na tej stronie."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Potwierdź"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"odczyt historii i zakładek przeglądarki"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Umożliwia aplikacji odczyt wszystkich adresów URL odwiedzonych przez przeglądarkę, a także wszystkich zakładek przeglądarki."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"zapis historii i zakładek przeglądarki"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Ułatwienia dostępu"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Tapeta"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Zmień tapetę"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
index 4e9a0a8..732d455 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Monitorizar a sua localização física"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Comunicação de rede"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Permite o acesso de aplicações a várias funcionalidades de rede."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"As suas Contas Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Aceda às Contas Google disponíveis."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Controlos de hardware"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Aceda directamente ao hardware no telefone."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Chamadas"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Introduzir código PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Código PIN incorrecto!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Para desbloquear, prima Menu e, em seguida, 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Lamentamos, tente novamente"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"A carregar (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Carregado."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Ligue o carregador."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Nenhum cartão SIM."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Nenhum cartão SIM no telefone."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"A carregar..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Ligue o carregador"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"A bateria está a ficar fraca:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"resta menos de <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Utilização da bateria"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"O teste de fábrica falhou"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"A acção FACTORY_TEST apenas é suportada para pacotes instalados em /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Navegar para outra página?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Seleccione OK para continuar ou Cancelar para permanecer na página actual."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Confirmar"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"ler histórico e marcadores do browser"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Permite que a aplicação leia todos os URLs visitados pelo browser e todos os marcadores do browser."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"gravar histórico e marcadores do browser"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Acessibilidade"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Imagem de fundo"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Alterar imagem de fundo"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index 72990a1..973c7ec 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Monitora o seu local físico."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Comunicação da rede"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Permite que os aplicativos acessem diversos recursos de rede."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Suas Contas do Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Acessar as Contas do Google disponíveis."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Controles de hardware"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Acessa o hardware diretamente no aparelho."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Chamadas telefônicas"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Digite o código PIN"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Código PIN incorreto!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Para desbloquear, pressione Menu e, em seguida, 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Tente novamente"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Carregando (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Carregado."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Conecte o seu carregador."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Sem cartão SIM."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Não há um cartão SIM no telefone."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Carregando..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Conecte o carregador"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"A bateria está ficando baixa:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"menos de <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> restantes."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Uso da bateria"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Falha no teste de fábrica"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"A ação FACTORY_TEST é suportada apenas para pacotes instalados em /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Deseja sair desta página?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Selecione OK para continuar ou Cancelar para permanecer na página atual."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Confirmar"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"ler histórico e favoritos do Navegador"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Permite que o aplicativo leia todos os URLs visitados pelo Navegador e todos os favoritos do Navegador."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"gravar histórico e favoritos do Navegador"</string>
@@ -585,7 +696,7 @@
<string name="weeks" msgid="6509623834583944518">"semanas"</string>
<string name="year" msgid="4001118221013892076">"ano"</string>
<string name="years" msgid="6881577717993213522">"anos"</string>
- <string name="every_weekday" msgid="8777593878457748503">"Todos os dias da semana (de segunda a sexta)"</string>
+ <string name="every_weekday" msgid="8777593878457748503">"De segunda a sexta-feira"</string>
<string name="daily" msgid="5738949095624133403">"Diariamente"</string>
<string name="weekly" msgid="983428358394268344">"Semanalmente na <xliff:g id="DAY">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="monthly" msgid="2667202947170988834">"Mensalmente"</string>
@@ -719,7 +830,7 @@
<string name="ime_action_go" msgid="8320845651737369027">"Ir"</string>
<string name="ime_action_search" msgid="658110271822807811">"Pesquisar"</string>
<string name="ime_action_send" msgid="2316166556349314424">"Enviar"</string>
- <string name="ime_action_next" msgid="3138843904009813834">"Próximo"</string>
+ <string name="ime_action_next" msgid="3138843904009813834">"Avançar"</string>
<string name="ime_action_done" msgid="8971516117910934605">"Concluído"</string>
<string name="ime_action_default" msgid="2840921885558045721">"Executar"</string>
<string name="dial_number_using" msgid="5789176425167573586">"Discar número"\n"usando <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Acessibilidade"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Papel de parede"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Alterar papel de parede"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index a286312..4c54df3 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Отслеживание физического местоположения"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Сетевой обмен данными"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Позволяет приложениям получать доступ к различным сетевым функциям."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Ваши аккаунты Google"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Входить в доступные аккаунты Google."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Элементы управления аппаратным обеспечением"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Прямой доступ к аппаратному обеспечению телефона."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Телефонные вызовы"</string>
@@ -388,7 +390,7 @@
<string name="permdesc_readDictionary" msgid="1082972603576360690">"Позволяет приложению считывать любые слова, имена и фразы личного пользования, которые могут храниться в пользовательском словаре."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeDictionary" msgid="6703109511836343341">"записывать в пользовательский словарь"</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeDictionary" msgid="2241256206524082880">"Позволяет приложению записывать новые слова в пользовательский словарь."</string>
- <string name="permlab_sdcardWrite" msgid="8079403759001777291">"изменить/удалить содержание SD-карты"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_sdcardWrite" msgid="8079403759001777291">"изменять/удалять содержание SD-карты"</string>
<string name="permdesc_sdcardWrite" msgid="6643963204976471878">"Разрешает приложению запись на SD-карту"</string>
<string-array name="phoneTypes">
<item msgid="8901098336658710359">"Домашний"</item>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Введите PIN-код"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Неверный PIN-код!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Для разблокировки нажмите \"Меню\", а затем 0."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Повторите попытку"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Идет зарядка (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Заряжена."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Подключите зарядное устройство."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Нет SIM-карты."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"SIM-карта не установлена."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Идет зарядка..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Подключите зарядное устройство"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Батарея разряжена:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"осталось менее <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Расход заряда батареи"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Не удалось провести стандартный тест"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Действие FACTORY_TEST поддерживается только для пакетов, установленных в /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Перейти с этой страницы?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Нажмите \"ОК\", чтобы продолжить, или \"Отмена\", чтобы остаться на текущей странице."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Подтвердите"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"считывать историю и закладки браузера"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Разрешает приложению считывать все URL, посещенные браузером, и все его закладки."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"записывать историю и закладки браузера"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Специальные возможности"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Фоновый рисунок"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Изменить фоновый рисунок"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml
index 0f0d966..e82dafc 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Övervaka din fysiska plats"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Nätverkskommunikation"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Tillåt att program kommer åt olika nätverksfunktioner."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Dina Google-konton"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Få åtkomst till tillgängliga Google-konton."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Kontroller för maskinvara"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Direkt åtkomst till maskinvara på handenheten."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefonsamtal"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"Ange PIN-kod"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Fel PIN-kod!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Tryck på Meny och sedan på 0 om du vill låsa upp."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Försök igen"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Laddar (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Laddad."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Anslut din laddare."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"Inget SIM-kort."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Inget SIM-kort i telefonen."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Laddar…"</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Anslut laddaren"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Batteriet håller på att ta slut:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"Mindre än <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> återstår."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Batteriförbrukning"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Det gick fel vid fabrikstestet"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"Åtgärden FACTORY_TEST stöds endast för paket som har installerats i /system/app."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Vill du lämna den här den här sidan?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Tryck på OK om du vill fortsätta eller på Avbryt om du vill vara kvar på den aktuella sidan."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Bekräfta"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"läsa webbläsarhistorik och bokmärken"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Tillåter att program läser alla webbadresser som webbläsaren har öppnat och alla webbläsarens bokmärken."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"skriva webbläsarhistorik och bokmärken"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Tillgänglighet"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Bakgrund"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Ändra bakgrund"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index a63a387..7b983be 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"Fiziksel konumunuzu izleyin"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"Ağ iletişimi"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"Uygulamaların çeşitli ağ özelliklerine erişmesine izin verir."</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"Google hesaplarınız"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"Kullanılabilir Google hesaplarına erişin."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"Donanım denetimleri"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"Telefon donanımına doğrudan erişim."</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"Telefon çağrıları"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"PIN kodunu gir"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"Yanlış PIN kodu!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"Kilidi açmak için önce Menü\'ye, sonra 0\'a basın."</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"Üzgünüz, lütfen yeniden deneyin"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"Şarj oluyor (<xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g><xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"Şarj oldu."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"Şarj cihazınızı bağlayın."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"SIM kart yok."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"Telefonda SIM kart yok."</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"Şarj oluyor…"</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"Lütfen şarj cihazını takın"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"Pil tükeniyor:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g> adetten daha az kaldı."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"Pil kullanımı"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"Fabrika testi yapılamadı"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"FACTORY_TEST işlemi yalnızca /system/app dizinine yüklenmiş paketler için desteklenir."</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"Bu sayfadan ayrılıyor musunuz?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"Devam etmek için Tamam\'ı, sayfada kalmak için İptal\'i tıklatın."</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"Onayla"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"Tarayıcı geçmişini ve favorileri oku"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"Uygulamaya Tarayıcının ziyaret etmiş olduğu tüm URL\'leri ve Tarayıcının tüm favorilerini okuma izni verir."</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"Tarayıcı geçmişini ve favorileri yaz"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"Erişebilirlik"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"Duvar Kağıdı"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"Duvar kağıdını değiştir"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
index 2974203..d2a34aa 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
<string name="defaultVoiceMailAlphaTag" msgid="2660020990097733077">"语音信箱"</string>
<string name="defaultMsisdnAlphaTag" msgid="2850889754919584674">"MSISDN1"</string>
<string name="mmiError" msgid="5154499457739052907">"出现连接问题或 MMI 码无效。"</string>
- <string name="serviceEnabled" msgid="8147278346414714315">"服务已启用。"</string>
+ <string name="serviceEnabled" msgid="8147278346414714315">"已启用服务。"</string>
<string name="serviceEnabledFor" msgid="6856228140453471041">"已针对以下内容启用了服务:"</string>
- <string name="serviceDisabled" msgid="1937553226592516411">"服务已被停用。"</string>
+ <string name="serviceDisabled" msgid="1937553226592516411">"已停用服务。"</string>
<string name="serviceRegistered" msgid="6275019082598102493">"注册成功。"</string>
<string name="serviceErased" msgid="1288584695297200972">"清除成功。"</string>
<string name="passwordIncorrect" msgid="7612208839450128715">"密码不正确。"</string>
@@ -42,25 +42,25 @@
<string name="invalidPin" msgid="3850018445187475377">"输入一个 4 至 8 位数的 PIN。"</string>
<string name="needPuk" msgid="919668385956251611">"您的 SIM 卡被 PUK 锁定。请输入 PUK 码进行解锁。"</string>
<string name="needPuk2" msgid="4526033371987193070">"输入 PUK2 以解锁 SIM 卡。"</string>
- <string name="ClipMmi" msgid="6952821216480289285">"来电显示"</string>
- <string name="ClirMmi" msgid="7784673673446833091">"外拨电话显示"</string>
+ <string name="ClipMmi" msgid="6952821216480289285">"来电者信息"</string>
+ <string name="ClirMmi" msgid="7784673673446833091">"外拨者信息"</string>
<string name="CfMmi" msgid="5123218989141573515">"呼叫转接"</string>
<string name="CwMmi" msgid="9129678056795016867">"呼叫等待"</string>
<string name="BaMmi" msgid="455193067926770581">"呼叫限制"</string>
<string name="PwdMmi" msgid="7043715687905254199">"密码更改"</string>
<string name="PinMmi" msgid="3113117780361190304">"PIN 码更改"</string>
<string name="CnipMmi" msgid="3110534680557857162">"来电显示"</string>
- <string name="CnirMmi" msgid="3062102121430548731">"来电显示已禁用"</string>
+ <string name="CnirMmi" msgid="3062102121430548731">"来电显示受限制"</string>
<string name="ThreeWCMmi" msgid="9051047170321190368">"三方通话"</string>
<string name="RuacMmi" msgid="7827887459138308886">"拒绝不想接听的骚扰电话"</string>
<string name="CndMmi" msgid="3116446237081575808">"主叫号码传送"</string>
<string name="DndMmi" msgid="1265478932418334331">"请勿打扰"</string>
- <string name="CLIRDefaultOnNextCallOn" msgid="429415409145781923">"来电显示默认设置为受限制。下一个呼叫:受限制"</string>
- <string name="CLIRDefaultOnNextCallOff" msgid="3092918006077864624">"来电显示默认设置为受限制。下一个呼叫:不受限制"</string>
- <string name="CLIRDefaultOffNextCallOn" msgid="6179425182856418465">"来电显示默认设置为不受限制。下一个呼叫:受限制"</string>
- <string name="CLIRDefaultOffNextCallOff" msgid="2567998633124408552">"来电显示默认设置为不受限制。下一个呼叫:不受限制"</string>
+ <string name="CLIRDefaultOnNextCallOn" msgid="429415409145781923">"来电者信息在默认情况下受限制。在下一次通话中:受限制"</string>
+ <string name="CLIRDefaultOnNextCallOff" msgid="3092918006077864624">"来电者信息在默认情况受限制。在下一次通话中:不受限制"</string>
+ <string name="CLIRDefaultOffNextCallOn" msgid="6179425182856418465">"来电者信息在默认情况下不受限制。在下一次通话中:受限制"</string>
+ <string name="CLIRDefaultOffNextCallOff" msgid="2567998633124408552">"来电者信息在默认情况下不受限制。在下一次通话中:不受限制"</string>
<string name="serviceNotProvisioned" msgid="8614830180508686666">"未提供服务。"</string>
- <string name="CLIRPermanent" msgid="5460892159398802465">"无法更改来电显示设置。"</string>
+ <string name="CLIRPermanent" msgid="5460892159398802465">"无法更改来电者信息设置。"</string>
<string name="RestrictedChangedTitle" msgid="5592189398956187498">"访问受限情况已发生变化"</string>
<string name="RestrictedOnData" msgid="8653794784690065540">"数据服务已禁用。"</string>
<string name="RestrictedOnEmergency" msgid="6581163779072833665">"紧急服务已禁用。"</string>
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
<string name="contentServiceSync" msgid="8353523060269335667">"同步"</string>
<string name="contentServiceSyncNotificationTitle" msgid="397743349191901458">"同步"</string>
<string name="contentServiceTooManyDeletesNotificationDesc" msgid="8100981435080696431">"太多<xliff:g id="CONTENT_TYPE">%s</xliff:g>删除项。"</string>
- <string name="low_memory" msgid="6632412458436461203">"手机存储空间已满!请删除一些文件来腾出空间。"</string>
+ <string name="low_memory" msgid="6632412458436461203">"手机内存已用完!请删除一些文件来腾出空间。"</string>
<string name="me" msgid="6545696007631404292">"我"</string>
<string name="power_dialog" msgid="1319919075463988638">"手机选项"</string>
<string name="silent_mode" msgid="7167703389802618663">"静音模式"</string>
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@
<string name="global_action_lock" msgid="2844945191792119712">"屏幕锁定"</string>
<string name="global_action_power_off" msgid="4471879440839879722">"关机"</string>
<string name="global_action_toggle_silent_mode" msgid="8219525344246810925">"静音模式"</string>
- <string name="global_action_silent_mode_on_status" msgid="3289841937003758806">"声音已“关闭”"</string>
- <string name="global_action_silent_mode_off_status" msgid="1506046579177066419">"声音已“开启”"</string>
+ <string name="global_action_silent_mode_on_status" msgid="3289841937003758806">"已关闭声音"</string>
+ <string name="global_action_silent_mode_off_status" msgid="1506046579177066419">"已打开声音"</string>
<string name="global_actions_toggle_airplane_mode" msgid="5884330306926307456">"飞行模式"</string>
<string name="global_actions_airplane_mode_on_status" msgid="2719557982608919750">"飞行模式已开启"</string>
<string name="global_actions_airplane_mode_off_status" msgid="5075070442854490296">"飞行模式已关闭"</string>
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"监视您的物理位置"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"网络通信"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"允许应用程序访问各种网络功能。"</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"您的 Google 帐户"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"访问可用的 Google 帐户。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"硬件控制"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"直接访问手机上的硬件。"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"手机通话"</string>
@@ -164,8 +166,8 @@
<string name="permdesc_statusBar" msgid="1365473595331989732">"允许应用程序停用状态栏,或者添加和删除系统图标。"</string>
<string name="permlab_expandStatusBar" msgid="1148198785937489264">"展开/折叠状态栏"</string>
<string name="permdesc_expandStatusBar" msgid="7088604400110768665">"允许应用程序展开或折叠状态栏。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_processOutgoingCalls" msgid="1136262550878335980">"拦截对外呼叫"</string>
- <string name="permdesc_processOutgoingCalls" msgid="2228988201852654461">"允许应用程序处理对外呼叫和更改要拨打的号码。恶意应用程序可借此监视、重定向或阻止对外呼叫。"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_processOutgoingCalls" msgid="1136262550878335980">"拦截外拨电话"</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_processOutgoingCalls" msgid="2228988201852654461">"允许应用程序处理外拨电话和更改要拨打的号码。恶意应用程序可借此监视、重定向或阻止外拨电话。"</string>
<string name="permlab_receiveSms" msgid="2697628268086208535">"接收短信"</string>
<string name="permdesc_receiveSms" msgid="6298292335965966117">"允许应用程序接收和处理短信。恶意应用程序可借此监视您的信息,或者将信息删除而不向您显示。"</string>
<string name="permlab_receiveMms" msgid="8894700916188083287">"接收彩信"</string>
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@
<string name="permdesc_writeSms" msgid="6299398896177548095">"允许应用程序写入手机或 SIM 卡中存储的短信。恶意应用程序可借此删除您的信息。"</string>
<string name="permlab_receiveWapPush" msgid="8258226427716551388">"接收 WAP"</string>
<string name="permdesc_receiveWapPush" msgid="5979623826128082171">"允许应用程序接收和处理 WAP 消息。恶意应用程序可借此监视您的消息,或者将消息删除而不向您显示。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_getTasks" msgid="5005277531132573353">"检索所运行的应用程序"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_getTasks" msgid="5005277531132573353">"检索当前运行的应用程序"</string>
<string name="permdesc_getTasks" msgid="7048711358713443341">"允许应用程序检索有关当前和最近运行的任务的信息。恶意应用程序可借此发现有关其他应用程序的私有信息。"</string>
<string name="permlab_reorderTasks" msgid="5669588525059921549">"对正在运行的应用程序重新排序"</string>
<string name="permdesc_reorderTasks" msgid="126252774270522835">"允许应用程序将任务移至前台和后台。恶意应用程序可借此强行进到前台,而不受您的控制。"</string>
@@ -204,11 +206,11 @@
<string name="permdesc_broadcastSmsReceived" msgid="9122419277306740155">"允许应用程序广播已收到短信的通知。恶意应用程序可借此伪造收到的短信。"</string>
<string name="permlab_broadcastWapPush" msgid="3145347413028582371">"发送 WAP 一键接收广播"</string>
<string name="permdesc_broadcastWapPush" msgid="3955303669461378091">"允许应用程序广播收到 WAP 一键信息的通知。恶意应用程序可借此乱发彩信或暗中用恶意内容替换任意网页中的内容。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_setProcessLimit" msgid="2451873664363662666">"限制所运行进程的数量"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_setProcessLimit" msgid="2451873664363662666">"限制运行的进程个数"</string>
<string name="permdesc_setProcessLimit" msgid="7824786028557379539">"允许应用程序控制将运行的最大进程数。普通应用程序从不需要使用此权限。"</string>
<string name="permlab_setAlwaysFinish" msgid="5342837862439543783">"关闭所有后台应用程序"</string>
<string name="permdesc_setAlwaysFinish" msgid="8773936403987091620">"允许应用程序控制活动是否始终是一转至后台就完成。普通应用程序从不需要使用此权限。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_batteryStats" msgid="7863923071360031652">"修改电池使用情况统计信息"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_batteryStats" msgid="7863923071360031652">"修改电池统计信息"</string>
<string name="permdesc_batteryStats" msgid="5847319823772230560">"允许修改收集的电池使用情况统计信息。普通应用程序不能使用此权限。"</string>
<string name="permlab_backup" msgid="470013022865453920">"控制系统备份和还原"</string>
<string name="permdesc_backup" msgid="4837493065154256525">"允许应用程序控制系统的备份和还原机制。不适用于普通应用程序。"</string>
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@
<string name="permlab_setAnimationScale" msgid="2805103241153907174">"修改全局动画速度"</string>
<string name="permdesc_setAnimationScale" msgid="7181522138912391988">"允许应用程序随时更改全局动画速度(加快或放慢动画)。"</string>
<string name="permlab_manageAppTokens" msgid="17124341698093865">"管理应用程序令牌"</string>
- <string name="permdesc_manageAppTokens" msgid="977127907524195988">"允许应用程序创建和管理自己的令牌,从而绕开正常的 Z 排序方式。普通应用程序从不需要使用此权限。"</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_manageAppTokens" msgid="977127907524195988">"允许应用程序创建和管理自己的令牌,从而绕开正常的 Z 方向排序。普通应用程序从不需要使用此权限。"</string>
<string name="permlab_injectEvents" msgid="1378746584023586600">"按键和控制按钮"</string>
<string name="permdesc_injectEvents" msgid="3946098050410874715">"允许应用程序将其自己的输入活动(按键等)提供给其他应用程序。恶意应用程序可借此掌控手机。"</string>
<string name="permlab_readInputState" msgid="469428900041249234">"记录您输入的内容和采取的操作"</string>
@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@
<string name="permdesc_bindInputMethod" msgid="3734838321027317228">"允许手机用户绑定至输入法的顶级界面。普通应用程序从不需要使用此权限。"</string>
<string name="permlab_bindWallpaper" msgid="8716400279937856462">"绑定到壁纸"</string>
<string name="permdesc_bindWallpaper" msgid="5287754520361915347">"允许手机用户绑定到壁纸的顶级界面。应该从不需要将此权限授予普通应用程序。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_setOrientation" msgid="3365947717163866844">"更改屏幕浏览模式"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_setOrientation" msgid="3365947717163866844">"更改屏幕显示方向"</string>
<string name="permdesc_setOrientation" msgid="6335814461615851863">"允许应用程序随时更改屏幕的旋转方向。普通应用程序从不需要使用此权限。"</string>
<string name="permlab_signalPersistentProcesses" msgid="4255467255488653854">"向应用程序发送 Linux 信号"</string>
<string name="permdesc_signalPersistentProcesses" msgid="3565530463215015289">"允许应用程序请求将提供的信号发送给所有持续的进程。"</string>
@@ -247,7 +249,7 @@
<string name="permlab_installPackages" msgid="335800214119051089">"直接安装应用程序"</string>
<string name="permdesc_installPackages" msgid="526669220850066132">"允许应用程序安装新的或更新的 Android 包。恶意应用程序可借此添加具有极大权限的新应用程序。"</string>
<string name="permlab_clearAppCache" msgid="4747698311163766540">"删除所有应用程序缓存数据"</string>
- <string name="permdesc_clearAppCache" msgid="7740465694193671402">"允许应用程序通过删除应用程序缓存目录中的文件释放手机存储空间。对系统进程的访问通常受到严格限制。"</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_clearAppCache" msgid="7740465694193671402">"允许应用程序通过删除应用程序缓存目录中的文件释放手机内存。通常严格限制访问系统进程。"</string>
<string name="permlab_readLogs" msgid="4811921703882532070">"读取系统日志文件"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readLogs" msgid="2257937955580475902">"允许应用程序读取系统的各日志文件。这样应用程序可以发现有关您操作手机的一般信息,但这些信息不应包含任何个人信息或私有信息。"</string>
<string name="permlab_diagnostic" msgid="8076743953908000342">"读取/写入诊断所拥有的资源"</string>
@@ -264,7 +266,7 @@
<string name="permdesc_writeGservices" msgid="6602362746516676175">"允许应用程序修改 Google 服务地图。普通应用程序不能使用此权限。"</string>
<string name="permlab_receiveBootCompleted" msgid="7776779842866993377">"开机时自动启动"</string>
<string name="permdesc_receiveBootCompleted" msgid="698336728415008796">"允许应用程序在系统完成启动后即自行启动。这样会延长手机的启动时间,而且如果应用程序一直运行,会降低手机的整体速度。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_broadcastSticky" msgid="7919126372606881614">"发送顽固广播"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_broadcastSticky" msgid="7919126372606881614">"发送置顶广播"</string>
<string name="permdesc_broadcastSticky" msgid="1920045289234052219">"允许应用程序发送顽固广播,这些广播在结束后仍会保留。恶意应用程序可能会借此使手机耗用太多内存,从而降低其速度或稳定性。"</string>
<string name="permlab_readContacts" msgid="6219652189510218240">"读取联系人数据"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readContacts" msgid="3371591512896545975">"允许应用程序读取您手机上存储的所有联系人(地址)数据。恶意应用程序可借此将您的数据发送给其他人。"</string>
@@ -278,11 +280,11 @@
<string name="permdesc_readCalendar" msgid="5533029139652095734">"允许应用程序读取您手机上存储的所有日历活动。恶意应用程序可借此将您的日历活动发送给其他人。"</string>
<string name="permlab_writeCalendar" msgid="377926474603567214">"写入日历数据"</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeCalendar" msgid="8674240662630003173">"允许应用程序修改您手机上存储的日历活动。恶意应用程序可借此清除或修改您的日历数据。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_accessMockLocation" msgid="8688334974036823330">"用于测试的模拟位置源"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_accessMockLocation" msgid="8688334974036823330">"禁止使用位置来源进行测试"</string>
<string name="permdesc_accessMockLocation" msgid="7648286063459727252">"创建用于测试的模拟位置源。恶意应用程序可借此替代真正的位置源(如 GPS 或网络提供商)返回的位置和/或状态。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_accessLocationExtraCommands" msgid="2836308076720553837">"接收额外的位置提供者命令"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_accessLocationExtraCommands" msgid="2836308076720553837">"访问更多位置提供者的命令"</string>
<string name="permdesc_accessLocationExtraCommands" msgid="1948144701382451721">"访问额外的位置提供程序命令。恶意应用程序可借此干扰 GPS 或其他位置源的运作。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_installLocationProvider" msgid="6578101199825193873">"安装地点信息提供程序的权限"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_installLocationProvider" msgid="6578101199825193873">"安装位置信息提供程序"</string>
<string name="permdesc_installLocationProvider" msgid="5449175116732002106">"创建用于测试的模拟地点信息源。恶意应用程序可借此覆盖真正的地点信息源(如 GPS 或网络提供商)返回的地点和/或状态,或者监视您的地点并向外部信息源报告。"</string>
<string name="permlab_accessFineLocation" msgid="8116127007541369477">"精准位置 (GPS)"</string>
<string name="permdesc_accessFineLocation" msgid="7411213317434337331">"访问精准的位置源,例如手机上的全球定位系统(如果适用)。恶意应用程序可能借此确定您所处的位置,并消耗额外的电池电量。"</string>
@@ -313,9 +315,9 @@
<string name="permlab_hardware_test" msgid="4148290860400659146">"测试硬件"</string>
<string name="permdesc_hardware_test" msgid="3668894686500081699">"允许应用程序控制各种用于硬件测试的外围设备。"</string>
<string name="permlab_callPhone" msgid="3925836347681847954">"直接拨打电话号码"</string>
- <string name="permdesc_callPhone" msgid="3369867353692722456">"允许应用程序在没有您干预的情况下呼叫电话号码。恶意应用程序可借此在您的话费单上产生意外通话费。请注意,此权限不允许应用程序呼叫紧急电话号码。"</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_callPhone" msgid="3369867353692722456">"允许应用程序在无人操作的情况下拨打电话。恶意应用程序可借此在您的话费单上产生意外通话费。请注意,此权限不允许应用程序拨打紧急电话。"</string>
<string name="permlab_callPrivileged" msgid="4198349211108497879">"直接呼叫任何电话号码"</string>
- <string name="permdesc_callPrivileged" msgid="244405067160028452">"允许应用程序在没有您干预的情况下呼叫任何电话号码(包括紧急电话号码)。恶意应用程序可借此对紧急服务拨打骚扰电话和非法电话。"</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_callPrivileged" msgid="244405067160028452">"允许应用程序在无人操作的情况下拨打任何电话(包括紧急电话)。恶意应用程序可借此向紧急服务拨打骚扰电话和非法电话。"</string>
<string name="permlab_performCdmaProvisioning" msgid="5604848095315421425">"直接启动 CDMA 电话设置"</string>
<string name="permdesc_performCdmaProvisioning" msgid="6457447676108355905">"允许应用程序启动 CDMA 服务。恶意应用程序可能会无端启动 CDMA 服务"</string>
<string name="permlab_locationUpdates" msgid="7785408253364335740">"控制位置更新通知"</string>
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@
<string name="permdesc_useCredentials" msgid="7416570544619546974">"允许应用程序请求身份验证标记。"</string>
<string name="permlab_accessNetworkState" msgid="6865575199464405769">"查看网络状态"</string>
<string name="permdesc_accessNetworkState" msgid="558721128707712766">"允许应用程序查看所有网络的状态。"</string>
- <string name="permlab_createNetworkSockets" msgid="9121633680349549585">"互联网完全访问"</string>
+ <string name="permlab_createNetworkSockets" msgid="9121633680349549585">"完全访问互联网"</string>
<string name="permdesc_createNetworkSockets" msgid="4593339106921772192">"允许应用程序创建网络套接字。"</string>
<string name="permlab_writeApnSettings" msgid="7823599210086622545">"写入接入点名称设置"</string>
<string name="permdesc_writeApnSettings" msgid="7443433457842966680">"允许应用程序修改 APN 设置,例如任何 APN 的代理和端口。"</string>
@@ -407,10 +409,10 @@
<item msgid="2374913952870110618">"自定义邮箱"</item>
<string-array name="postalAddressTypes">
- <item msgid="6880257626740047286">"住宅地址"</item>
- <item msgid="5629153956045109251">"单位地址"</item>
- <item msgid="4966604264500343469">"其他地址"</item>
- <item msgid="4932682847595299369">"自定义地址"</item>
+ <item msgid="6880257626740047286">"住宅"</item>
+ <item msgid="5629153956045109251">"单位"</item>
+ <item msgid="4966604264500343469">"其他"</item>
+ <item msgid="4932682847595299369">"自定义"</item>
<string-array name="imAddressTypes">
<item msgid="1738585194601476694">"住宅聊天工具"</item>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"输入 PIN 码"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"PIN 码不正确!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"要解锁,请先按 MENU 再按 0。"</string>
@@ -446,15 +552,17 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_correct" msgid="9039008650362261237">"正确!"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"很抱歉,请重试"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"正在充电 (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"电已充满。"</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"已充满。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"连接您的充电器。"</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"没有 SIM 卡。"</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"手机中无 SIM 卡。"</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_instructions" msgid="8874620818937719067">"请插入 SIM 卡。"</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"没有 SIM 卡"</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"手机中无 SIM 卡"</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_instructions" msgid="8874620818937719067">"请插入 SIM 卡"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_network_locked_message" msgid="143389224986028501">"网络已锁定"</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_sim_puk_locked_message" msgid="7441797339976230">"SIM 卡被 PUK 锁定。"</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_sim_puk_locked_message" msgid="7441797339976230">"SIM 卡被 PUK 锁定"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_sim_puk_locked_instructions" msgid="635967534992394321">"请参阅《用户指南》或联系客服人员。"</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_sim_locked_message" msgid="8066660129206001039">"SIM 卡被锁定。"</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_sim_locked_message" msgid="8066660129206001039">"SIM 卡被锁定"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_sim_unlock_progress_dialog_message" msgid="595323214052881264">"正在解锁 SIM 卡..."</string>
<string name="lockscreen_too_many_failed_attempts_dialog_message" msgid="3514742106066877476">"您已经 <xliff:g id="NUMBER_0">%d</xliff:g> 次错误地绘制了解锁图案。"\n\n"请在 <xliff:g id="NUMBER_1">%d</xliff:g> 秒后重试。"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_failed_attempts_almost_glogin" msgid="3351013842320127827">"您已经 <xliff:g id="NUMBER_0">%d</xliff:g> 次错误地绘制了解锁图案。如果再尝试 <xliff:g id="NUMBER_1">%d</xliff:g> 次后仍不成功,系统会要求您使用自己的 Google 登录信息解锁手机。"\n\n"请在 <xliff:g id="NUMBER_2">%d</xliff:g> 秒后重试。"</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"正在充电..."</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"请连接充电器"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"电量在减少:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"剩余电量不足 <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"电量使用情况"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"出厂测试失败"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"只有 /system/app 中安装的包支持 FACTORY_TEST 操作。"</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"是否从该页面导航至它处?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n"选择“确定”继续,或选择“取消”留在当前页面。"</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"确认"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"读取浏览器的历史记录和书签"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"允许应用程序读取用浏览器访问过的所有网址,以及浏览器的所有书签。"</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"写入浏览器的历史记录和书签"</string>
@@ -614,16 +725,16 @@
<string name="addToDictionary" msgid="8793624991686948709">"将“<xliff:g id="WORD">%s</xliff:g>”添加到词典"</string>
<string name="editTextMenuTitle" msgid="1672989176958581452">"编辑文字"</string>
<string name="low_internal_storage_view_title" msgid="1399732408701697546">"空间不足"</string>
- <string name="low_internal_storage_view_text" msgid="635106544616378836">"手机存储空间正在减少。"</string>
+ <string name="low_internal_storage_view_text" msgid="635106544616378836">"手机内存空间正在减少。"</string>
<string name="ok" msgid="5970060430562524910">"确定"</string>
<string name="cancel" msgid="6442560571259935130">"取消"</string>
<string name="yes" msgid="5362982303337969312">"确定"</string>
<string name="no" msgid="5141531044935541497">"取消"</string>
<string name="dialog_alert_title" msgid="2049658708609043103">"注意事项"</string>
- <string name="capital_on" msgid="1544682755514494298">"开启"</string>
+ <string name="capital_on" msgid="1544682755514494298">"打开"</string>
<string name="capital_off" msgid="6815870386972805832">"关闭"</string>
- <string name="whichApplication" msgid="4533185947064773386">"使用以下内容完成操作"</string>
- <string name="alwaysUse" msgid="4583018368000610438">"默认用于执行此操作。"</string>
+ <string name="whichApplication" msgid="4533185947064773386">"使用以下方式发送"</string>
+ <string name="alwaysUse" msgid="4583018368000610438">"默认使用此方式发送。"</string>
<string name="clearDefaultHintMsg" msgid="4815455344600932173">"清除“主屏幕设置”&gt;“应用程序”&gt;“管理应用程序”中的默认设置。"</string>
<string name="chooseActivity" msgid="1009246475582238425">"选择一项操作"</string>
<string name="noApplications" msgid="1691104391758345586">"没有应用程序可执行此操作。"</string>
@@ -680,7 +791,7 @@
<string name="usb_storage_button_unmount" msgid="6092146330053864766">"不安装"</string>
<string name="usb_storage_error_message" msgid="2534784751603345363">"使用 SD 卡进行 USB 存储时出现问题。"</string>
<string name="usb_storage_notification_title" msgid="8175892554757216525">"USB 已连接"</string>
- <string name="usb_storage_notification_message" msgid="7380082404288219341">"选择以将文件复制到计算机/从计算机复制文件。"</string>
+ <string name="usb_storage_notification_message" msgid="7380082404288219341">"选择将文件复制到计算机/从计算机复制到存储设备。"</string>
<string name="usb_storage_stop_notification_title" msgid="2336058396663516017">"关闭 USB 存储设备"</string>
<string name="usb_storage_stop_notification_message" msgid="2591813490269841539">"选中以关闭 USB 存储设备。"</string>
<string name="usb_storage_stop_title" msgid="6014127947456185321">"关闭 USB 存储设备"</string>
@@ -691,7 +802,7 @@
<string name="extmedia_format_title" msgid="8663247929551095854">"格式化 SD 卡"</string>
<string name="extmedia_format_message" msgid="3621369962433523619">"您确定要格式化 SD 卡?卡上的所有数据都会丢失。"</string>
<string name="extmedia_format_button_format" msgid="4131064560127478695">"格式化"</string>
- <string name="adb_active_notification_title" msgid="6729044778949189918">"已连接 USB 调试接口"</string>
+ <string name="adb_active_notification_title" msgid="6729044778949189918">"已连接 USB 调试"</string>
<!-- no translation found for adb_active_notification_message (8470296818270110396) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for select_input_method (6865512749462072765) -->
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"辅助功能"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"壁纸"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"更改壁纸"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />
diff --git a/core/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index 8f9f310..a2234b4 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
<string name="permgroupdesc_location" msgid="2430258821648348660">"監視實際位置"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_network" msgid="5808983377727109831">"網路通訊"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_network" msgid="5035763698958415998">"允許應用程式存取多項網路功能。"</string>
- <string name="permgrouplab_accounts" msgid="7140261692496314430">"您的 Google 帳戶"</string>
- <string name="permgroupdesc_accounts" msgid="6735915929704895193">"存取可用 Google 帳戶。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (3359646291125325519) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (4948732641827091312) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permgrouplab_hardwareControls" msgid="7998214968791599326">"硬體控制"</string>
<string name="permgroupdesc_hardwareControls" msgid="4357057861225462702">"在免持設備上直接存取硬體。"</string>
<string name="permgrouplab_phoneCalls" msgid="9067173988325865923">"撥打電話"</string>
@@ -433,6 +435,110 @@
<item msgid="2506857312718630823">"ICQ"</item>
<item msgid="1648797903785279353">"Jabber"</item>
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCustom (1644738059053355820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeHome (2570923463033985887) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMobile (6501463557754751037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWork (8863939667059911633) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxWork (3517792160008890912) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeFaxHome (2067265972322971467) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypePager (7582359955394921732) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOther (1544425847868765990) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCallback (2712175203065678206) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCar (8738360689616716982) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeCompanyMain (540434356461478916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeIsdn (8022453193171370337) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMain (6766137010628326916) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeOtherFax (8587657145072446565) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeRadio (4093738079908667513) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTelex (3367879952476250512) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeTtyTdd (8606514378585000044) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkMobile (1311426989184065709) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeWorkPager (649938731231157056) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeAssistant (5596772636128562884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for phoneTypeMms (7254492275502768992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeBirthday (2813379844211390740) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeAnniversary (3876779744518284000) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for eventTypeOther (5834288791948564594) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeCustom (8525960257804213846) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeHome (449227236140433919) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeWork (3548058059601149973) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeOther (2923008695272639549) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for emailTypeMobile (119919005321166205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeCustom (8903206903060479902) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeHome (8165756977184483097) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeWork (5268172772387694495) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for postalTypeOther (2726111966623584341) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeCustom (2074028755527826046) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeHome (6241181032954263892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeWork (1371489290242433090) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imTypeOther (5377007495735915478) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolCustom (6919453836618749992) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolAim (7050360612368383417) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolMsn (144556545420769442) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolYahoo (8271439408469021273) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolSkype (9019296744622832951) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolQq (8887484379494111884) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolGoogleTalk (3808393979157698766) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolIcq (1574870433606517315) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolJabber (2279917630875771722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for imProtocolNetMeeting (8287625655986827971) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeWork (29268870505363872) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeOther (3951781131570124082) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for orgTypeCustom (225523415372088322) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution (5112589886094402795) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for contact_status_update_attribution_with_date (5945386376369979909) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="keyguard_password_enter_pin_code" msgid="3731488827218876115">"輸入 PIN 碼"</string>
<string name="keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code" msgid="1295984114338107718">"PIN 碼錯誤!"</string>
<string name="keyguard_label_text" msgid="861796461028298424">"如要解鎖,請按 Menu 鍵,然後按 0。"</string>
@@ -447,6 +553,8 @@
<string name="lockscreen_pattern_wrong" msgid="4817583279053112312">"很抱歉,請再試一次"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_plugged_in" msgid="613343852842944435">"正在充電 (<xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="PERCENT">%%</xliff:g>)"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_charged" msgid="4938930459620989972">"充電完成。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_battery_short (3617549178603354656) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="lockscreen_low_battery" msgid="1482873981919249740">"請連接充電器。"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short" msgid="7381499217732227295">"沒有 SIM 卡。"</string>
<string name="lockscreen_missing_sim_message" msgid="2186920585695169078">"手機未插入 SIM 卡。"</string>
@@ -478,7 +586,8 @@
<string name="battery_status_charging" msgid="756617993998772213">"充電中"</string>
<string name="battery_low_title" msgid="7923774589611311406">"請連接充電器"</string>
<string name="battery_low_subtitle" msgid="7388781709819722764">"電池電量即將不足:"</string>
- <string name="battery_low_percent_format" msgid="6564958083485073855">"電池電量不到 <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%d%%</xliff:g>。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (696154104579022959) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="battery_low_why" msgid="7279169609518386372">"電池使用狀況"</string>
<string name="factorytest_failed" msgid="5410270329114212041">"出廠測試失敗"</string>
<string name="factorytest_not_system" msgid="4435201656767276723">"只有安裝在 /system/app 裡的程式才能支援 FACTORY_TEST 操作。"</string>
@@ -488,6 +597,8 @@
<string name="js_dialog_title_default" msgid="6961903213729667573">"JavaScript"</string>
<string name="js_dialog_before_unload" msgid="1901675448179653089">"離開此頁?"\n\n"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE">%s</xliff:g>"\n\n" 選取 [確定] 離開此頁;或 [取消] 留在此頁。"</string>
<string name="save_password_label" msgid="6860261758665825069">"確認"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for double_tap_toast (1068216937244567247) -->
+ <skip />
<string name="permlab_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="1284843728203412135">"讀取瀏覽器的記錄與書籤"</string>
<string name="permdesc_readHistoryBookmarks" msgid="4981489815467617191">"允許應用程式讀取瀏覽器曾經造訪過的所有網址,以及瀏覽器的所有書籤。"</string>
<string name="permlab_writeHistoryBookmarks" msgid="9009434109836280374">"寫入瀏覽器的記錄與書籤"</string>
@@ -738,4 +849,12 @@
<string name="accessibility_binding_label" msgid="4148120742096474641">"協助工具"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_binding_label" msgid="1240087844304687662">"桌布"</string>
<string name="chooser_wallpaper" msgid="7873476199295190279">"變更桌布"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pptp_vpn_description (2688045385181439401) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_vpn_description (3750692169378923304) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_psk_vpn_description (3945043564008303239) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for l2tp_ipsec_crt_vpn_description (5382714073103653577) -->
+ <skip />