path: root/core/tests/coretests/src
diff options
authorMatthew Williams <>2015-04-17 18:22:51 -0700
committerMatthew Williams <>2015-05-03 16:19:27 -0700
commit303650c9cdb7cec88e7ec20747b161d9fff10719 (patch)
tree310f95b0e6ff91830cebfdc015ee158015fc5d27 /core/tests/coretests/src
parentca030f8ed5fd52f2821d159b9c16d0c514dc0688 (diff)
Add full backup criteria to android manifest
BUG: 20010079 Api change: ApplicationInfo now has a fullBackupContent int where -1 is (off) 0 is (on) and >0 indicates an xml resource that should be parsed in order for a developer to indicate exactly which files they want to include/exclude from the backup set. dd: Change-Id: I90273dc0aef5e9a3230c6b074a45e8f5409ed5ce
Diffstat (limited to 'core/tests/coretests/src')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/backup/ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/backup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c9c63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.util.ArrayMap;
+import android.util.ArraySet;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
+import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+public class FullBackupTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+ private XmlPullParserFactory mFactory;
+ private XmlPullParser mXpp;
+ private Context mContext;
+ Map<String, Set<String>> includeMap;
+ Set<String> excludesSet;
+ @Override
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ mFactory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
+ mXpp = mFactory.newPullParser();
+ mContext = getContext();
+ includeMap = new ArrayMap();
+ excludesSet = new ArraySet();
+ }
+ public void testparseBackupSchemeFromXml_onlyInclude() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<include path=\"onlyInclude.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "</full-backup-content>"));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ assertEquals("Excluding files when there was no <exclude/> tag.", 0, excludesSet.size());
+ assertEquals("Unexpected number of <include/>s", 1, includeMap.size());
+ Set<String> fileDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.DATA_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertEquals("Didn't find expected file domain include.", 1, fileDomainIncludes.size());
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <include/>",
+ new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "onlyInclude.txt").getCanonicalPath(),
+ fileDomainIncludes.iterator().next());
+ }
+ public void testparseBackupSchemeFromXml_onlyExclude() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"onlyExclude.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "</full-backup-content>"));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ assertEquals("Including files when there was no <include/> tag.", 0, includeMap.size());
+ assertEquals("Unexpected number of <exclude/>s", 1, excludesSet.size());
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <exclude/>",
+ new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "onlyExclude.txt").getCanonicalPath(),
+ excludesSet.iterator().next());
+ }
+ public void testparseBackupSchemeFromXml_includeAndExclude() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"exclude.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "<include path=\"include.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "</full-backup-content>"));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ Set<String> fileDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.DATA_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertEquals("Didn't find expected file domain include.", 1, fileDomainIncludes.size());
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <include/>",
+ new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "include.txt").getCanonicalPath(),
+ fileDomainIncludes.iterator().next());
+ assertEquals("Unexpected number of <exclude/>s", 1, excludesSet.size());
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <exclude/>",
+ new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "exclude.txt").getCanonicalPath(),
+ excludesSet.iterator().next());
+ }
+ public void testparseBackupSchemeFromXml_lotsOfIncludesAndExcludes() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"exclude1.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "<include path=\"include1.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"exclude2.txt\" domain=\"database\"/>" +
+ "<include path=\"include2.txt\" domain=\"database\"/>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"exclude3.txt\" domain=\"sharedpref\"/>" +
+ "<include path=\"include3.txt\" domain=\"sharedpref\"/>" +
+ "</full-backup-content>"));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ Set<String> fileDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.DATA_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertEquals("Didn't find expected file domain include.", 1, fileDomainIncludes.size());
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <include/>",
+ new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "include1.txt").getCanonicalPath(),
+ fileDomainIncludes.iterator().next());
+ Set<String> databaseDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.DATABASE_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertEquals("Didn't find expected database domain include.",
+ 2, databaseDomainIncludes.size()); // two expected here because of "-journal" file
+ assertTrue("Invalid path parsed for <include/>",
+ databaseDomainIncludes.contains(
+ new File(mContext.getDatabasePath("foo").getParentFile(), "include2.txt")
+ .getCanonicalPath()));
+ assertTrue("Invalid path parsed for <include/>",
+ databaseDomainIncludes.contains(
+ new File(
+ mContext.getDatabasePath("foo").getParentFile(),
+ "include2.txt-journal")
+ .getCanonicalPath()));
+ Set<String> sharedPrefDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.SHAREDPREFS_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertEquals("Didn't find expected sharedpref domain include.",
+ 1, sharedPrefDomainIncludes.size());
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <include/>",
+ new File(mContext.getSharedPrefsFile("foo").getParentFile(), "include3.txt")
+ .getCanonicalPath(),
+ sharedPrefDomainIncludes.iterator().next());
+ assertEquals("Unexpected number of <exclude/>s", 4, excludesSet.size());
+ // Sets are annoying to iterate over b/c order isn't enforced - convert to an array and
+ // sort lexicographically.
+ List<String> arrayedSet = new ArrayList<String>(excludesSet);
+ Collections.sort(arrayedSet);
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <exclude/>",
+ new File(mContext.getDatabasePath("foo").getParentFile(), "exclude2.txt")
+ .getCanonicalPath(),
+ arrayedSet.get(0));
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <exclude/>",
+ new File(mContext.getDatabasePath("foo").getParentFile(), "exclude2.txt-journal")
+ .getCanonicalPath(),
+ arrayedSet.get(1));
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <exclude/>",
+ new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "exclude1.txt").getCanonicalPath(),
+ arrayedSet.get(2));
+ assertEquals("Invalid path parsed for <exclude/>",
+ new File(mContext.getSharedPrefsFile("foo").getParentFile(), "exclude3.txt")
+ .getCanonicalPath(),
+ arrayedSet.get(3));
+ }
+ public void testParseBackupSchemeFromXml_invalidXmlFails() throws Exception {
+ // Invalid root tag.
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-weird-tag>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"invalidRootTag.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "</ffull-weird-tag>" ));
+ try {
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ fail("Invalid root xml tag should throw an XmlPullParserException");
+ } catch (XmlPullParserException expected) {}
+ // Invalid exclude tag.
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<excluded path=\"invalidExcludeTag.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "</full-backup-conten>t" ));
+ try {
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ fail("Misspelled xml exclude tag should throw an XmlPullParserException");
+ } catch (XmlPullParserException expected) {}
+ // Just for good measure - invalid include tag.
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<yinclude path=\"invalidIncludeTag.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" +
+ "</full-backup-conten>t" ));
+ try {
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ fail("Misspelled xml exclude tag should throw an XmlPullParserException");
+ } catch (XmlPullParserException expected) {}
+ }
+ public void testInvalidPath_doesNotBackup() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"..\" domain=\"file\"/>" + // Invalid use of ".." dir.
+ "</full-backup-content>" ));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ assertEquals("Didn't throw away invalid \"..\" path.", 0, includeMap.size());
+ Set<String> fileDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.DATA_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertNull("Didn't throw away invalid \"..\" path.", fileDomainIncludes);
+ }
+ public void testDoubleDotInPath_isIgnored() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<include path=\"..\" domain=\"file\"/>" + // Invalid use of ".." dir.
+ "</full-backup-content>" ));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ assertEquals("Didn't throw away invalid \"..\" path.", 0, includeMap.size());
+ Set<String> fileDomainIncludes = includeMap.get(FullBackup.DATA_TREE_TOKEN);
+ assertNull("Didn't throw away invalid \"..\" path.", fileDomainIncludes);
+ }
+ public void testDoubleSlashInPath_isIgnored() throws Exception {
+ mXpp.setInput(new StringReader(
+ "<full-backup-content>" +
+ "<exclude path=\"//hello.txt\" domain=\"file\"/>" + // Invalid use of "//"
+ "</full-backup-content>" ));
+ FullBackup.BackupScheme bs = FullBackup.getBackupSchemeForTest(mContext);
+ bs.parseBackupSchemeFromXmlLocked(mXpp, excludesSet, includeMap);
+ assertEquals("Didn't throw away invalid path containing \"//\".", 0, excludesSet.size());
+ }