path: root/docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd
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authorRich Sloager <>2015-07-30 19:09:32 +0000
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2015-07-30 19:09:32 +0000
commit378a3a8932cfc1140962bcb36a1dd057218c9e4d (patch)
tree95d8e1d601834a7f339be4702201f12d59ea9251 /docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd
parent6c00399c89bf4953ef36872e6fa237afff7a6491 (diff)
parent9ef94efaea82bcd534499c3ca9389f475cfd26f3 (diff)
Merge "docs: studio 1.3 annotation-update" into mnc-preview-docs
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd b/docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd
index fe9f9cc..b0d5a22 100644
--- a/docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd
+++ b/docs/html/tools/debugging/annotations.jd
@@ -7,7 +7,12 @@ page.title=Improving Code Inspection with Annotations
<h2>In this document</h2>
<li><a href="#adding-nullness">Adding Nullness Annotations</a></li>
- <li><a href="#res-annotations">Adding Resource Annotation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#res-annotations">Adding Resource Annotations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#thread-annotations">Adding Thread Annotations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#value-constraint">Adding Value Constraint Annotations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#permissions">Adding Permission Annotations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#check-result">Adding CheckResult Annotations</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#call-super">Adding CallSuper Annotations</a></li>
<li><a href="#enum-annotations">Creating Enumerated Annotations</a></li>
@@ -70,6 +75,10 @@ values in your code, for example:</p>
<dt>{@link @AnyRes}</dt>
<dd>References any type of <a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/R.html"><code>R.</code></a>
resource. </dd>
+ <dt><code>@UiThread</code></dt>
+ <dd>Calls from a UI
+ <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">thread</a>. </dd>
<p>For a complete list of the supported annotations, either examine the contents of the
@@ -85,11 +94,14 @@ development tools.</p>
<p>To add annotations to your code, first add a dependency to the
{@link Support-Annotations} library. In Android Studio,
-add the dependency to your <code>build.gradle</code> file. </p>
+add the dependency using the <strong>File &gt; Project Structure &gt; Dependencies</strong> menu
+option or your <code>build.gradle</code> file. The following example shows how to add the
+{@link Support-Annotations} library dependency in the
+<code>build.gradle</code> file: </p>
dependencies {
- compile ''
+ compile ''
@@ -143,18 +155,20 @@ inferring nullability in Android Studio, see
<h2 id="res-annotations">Adding Resource Annotations</h2>
-<p>Add {@link @StringRes} annotations to check that
-a resource parameter contains a
+<p>Validating resource types can be useful as Android references to resources, such as
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html"><code>Drawables</code></a> and
+<a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/R.string.html"><code>R.string</code></a> resources, are
+passed as integers. Code that expects a parameter to reference a specific type of resource, for
+example <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html"><code>Drawables</code></a>,
+can be passed the expected reference type of <code>int</code>, but actually reference a different
+type of resource, such as a <code>R.string</code></a> resource. </p>
+<p>For example, add {@link @StringRes} annotations to check
+that a resource parameter contains a
<a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/R.string.html"><code>R.string</code></a>
reference. During code inspection, the annotation generates a warning if a <code>R.string</code>
reference is not passed in the parameter.</p>
-<p>Validating resource types can be useful as Android references to
-<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html"><code>Drawables</code></a> and
-<a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/R.string.html"><code>R.string</code></a> resources are both
-passed as integers. Code that expects a parameter to reference a <code>Drawable</code> can be passed
-the expected reference type of int, but actually reference a <code>R.string</code></a> resource. </p>
<p>This example attaches the {@link @StringRes}
annotation to the <code>resId</code> parameter to validate that it is really a string resource. </p>
@@ -168,11 +182,135 @@ import;
<p>Annotations for the other resource types, such as
{@link @DrawableRes},
+{@link @DimenRes},
{@link @ColorRes}, and
{@link @InterpolatorRes} can be added using
the same annotation format and run during the code inspection. </p>
+<h2 id="thread-annotations">Adding Thread Annotations</h2>
+<p>Thread annotations check if a method is called from a specific type of
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">thread</a>. The following thread
+annotations are supported: </p>
+ <li><code>@UiThread</code> </li>
+ <li><code>@MainThread</code> </li>
+ <li><code>@WorkerThread</code> </li>
+ <li><code>@BinderThread</code>
+<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>@MainThread</code>
+and the <code>@UiThread</code> annotations are interchangeable so
+methods calls from either thread type are allowed for these annotations. </p>
+<p>If all methods in a class share the same threading requirement, you can add a single
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">thread</a>
+annotation to the class to verify that all methods in the class are called from the same type of
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">thread</a>. </p>
+<p>A common use of the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">thread</a>
+annotation is to validate method overrides in the
+<a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html">AsyncTask</a> class as this class performs
+background operations and publishes results only on the UI
+<a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/processes-and-threads.html">thread</a>. </p>
+<h2 id="value-constraint">Adding Value Constraint Annotations</h2>
+<p>Use the <code>@IntRange</code>,
+<code>@FloatRange</code>, and
+<code>@Size</code> annotations to validate the values of passed
+parameters. </p>
+<p>The <code>@IntRange</code> annotation validates that the parameter
+value is within a specified range. The following example ensures that the <code>alpha</code>
+parameter contains an integer value from 0 to 255: </p>
+public void setAlpha(&#64;IntRange(from=0,to=255) int alpha) { … }
+<p>The <code>@FloatRange</code> annotation checks that the parameter
+value is within a specified range of floating point values. The following example ensures that the
+<code>alpha</code> parameter contains a float value from 0.0 to 1.0: </p>
+public void setAlpha(&#64;FloatRange(from=0.0, to=1.0) float alpha) {...}
+<p>The <code>@Size</code> annotation checks the size of a collection or
+array, as well as the length of a string. For example, use the <code>&#64;Size(min=1)</code>
+annotation to check if a collection is not empty, and the <code>&#64;Size(2)</code> annotation to
+validate that an array contains exactly two values. The following example ensures that the
+<code>location</code> array contains at least one element: </p>
+int[] location = new int[3];
+button.getLocationOnScreen(@Size(min=1) location);
+<h2 id="permissions">Adding Permission Annotations</h2>
+<p>Use the <code>@RequiresPermission</code> annotation to
+validate the permissions of the caller of a method. To check for a single permission from a
+list the valid permissions, use the <code>anyOf</code> attribute. To check for a set of
+permissions, use the <code>allOf</code> attribute. The following example annotates the
+<code>setWallpaper</code> method to ensure that the caller of the method has the
+<code>permission.SET_WALLPAPERS</code> permission. </p>
+public abstract void setWallpaper(Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException;
+<p>This example requires the caller of the
+<code>updateVisitedHistory</code> method to have both read and write bookmark history permissions. </p>
+&#64;RequiresPermission(allOf = {
+ Manifest.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS,
+ Manifest.permission.WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS})
+public static final void updateVisitedHistory(ContentResolver cr, String url, boolean real) {
+ ...
+<h2 id="check-result">Adding CheckResults Annotations</h2>
+<p>Use the <code>@CheckResults</code> annotation to
+validate that a method's result or return value is actually used. The following example annotates
+the <code>checkPermissions</code> method to ensure the return value of the method is actually
+referenced. It also names the
+<a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/content/ContextWrapper.html#enforcePermission">enforcePermission</a>
+method as a method to be suggested to the developer as a replacement. </p>
+public abstract int checkPermission(@NonNull String permission, int pid, int uid);
+{@link @StringDef}
+<h2 id="call-super">Adding CallSuper Annotations</h2>
+<p>Use the <code>@CallSuper</code> annotation to validate that an
+overriding method calls the super implementation of the method. The following example annotates
+the <code>onCreate</code> method to ensure that any overriding method implementations call
+<code>super.onCreate()</code>. </p>
+protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
<h2 id="enum-annotations">Creating Enumerated Annotations</h2>
<p>Use the {@link @IntDef} and
{@link @StringDef} annotations