path: root/docs
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authorRich Sloager <>2015-08-17 15:37:57 +0000
committerAndroid Git Automerger <>2015-08-17 15:37:57 +0000
commit110a55749af8c4190e39358e6d6be43cfad81ed3 (patch)
treee25f214959c3c37520cb62973ef2caac0f6cd7a6 /docs
parent7026df3b94143bf486c7477f1e3884ce255bb879 (diff)
parentf82f33d3aef0c9211c5ed66d583ce6d5f5cf92eb (diff)
am f82f33d3: am 4c5b6cc4: Merge "docs: studio 1.3 live templates" into mnc-preview-docs
* commit 'f82f33d3aef0c9211c5ed66d583ce6d5f5cf92eb': docs: studio 1.3 live templates
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/html/sdk/installing/studio-tips.jd b/docs/html/sdk/installing/studio-tips.jd
index 7d37b1d..b8511a4 100644
--- a/docs/html/sdk/installing/studio-tips.jd
+++ b/docs/html/sdk/installing/studio-tips.jd
@@ -131,11 +131,42 @@ a class, method, or field from a library for which you do not have source file a
build and run code prototypes. Together with Android Studio coding assistance, scratch
files allow you to quickly run and debug code updates with the support of all file operations.
By embedding code created with scripting languages, you can run your code from within the
- scratch file.</p>
+ scratch file.</p>
+<h3 id="live-template">Live templates</h3>
+<p>Live templates allow you to enter code snippets for fast insertion and completion of small chunks
+of code. To insert a live template, type the template abbreviations and press the
+Tab key. Android Studio inserts the code snippet associated with the template into
+your code. </p>
+<p>For example, entering the <code>newInstance</code> abbreviation followed by the
+Tab key inserts the code for a new fragment instance with argument placeholders. </p>
+public static $fragment$ newInstance($args$) {
+ $nullChecks$
+ Bundle args = new Bundle();
+ $addArgs$
+ $fragment$ fragment = new $fragment$();
+ fragment.setArguments(args);
+ return fragment;
+<p>Similarly, the <code>fbc</code> abbreviation inserts a <code>findViewById</code> call along
+with cast and resource id syntax. </p>
+() findViewById(;
+<p>Use the <strong>File &gt; Settings &gt; Editor &gt; Live Templates</strong> menu option to
+display the full list of supported live templates and customize the inserted code. </p>
<h2 id="intellij">Working with IntelliJ-based Coding Practices</h3>