path: root/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing
diff options
authorAlex Sakhartchouk <>2011-02-22 10:30:32 -0800
committerAlex Sakhartchouk <>2011-02-22 10:30:32 -0800
commitc29a4442812d5f0e9f1af13b36cb6a806b6b46e0 (patch)
tree65a6b04a509557293f56d6c14d99daffafc568dd /libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing
parentbdbdf0148d8ad36f8425b9be81c03dbe81333354 (diff)
Moving renderscript tests away from the library to a dedicated test folder.
Change-Id: I7d8e20a17513f167eae3681d77463c01f4fa24a7
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing')
-rw-r--r--libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable-hdpi/data.jpgbin76367 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable/data.jpgbin76367 -> 0 bytes
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 906 deletions
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/ b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa30d0..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-ifneq ($(TARGET_SIMULATOR),true)
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) \
- $(call all-renderscript-files-under, src)
-#LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android.renderscript
-LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := ImageProcessing
-include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/AndroidManifest.xml b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/AndroidManifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a33bc..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<manifest xmlns:android=""
- package="">
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
- <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" />
- <application android:label="Image Processing">
- <activity android:name="ImageProcessingActivity">
- <intent-filter>
- <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
- <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
- </intent-filter>
- </activity>
- </application>
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable-hdpi/data.jpg b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable-hdpi/data.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 81a87b1..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable-hdpi/data.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable/data.jpg b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable/data.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 81a87b1..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/drawable/data.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/layout/main.xml b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/layout/main.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b271b43..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/layout/main.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
- android:orientation="vertical"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent">
- <SurfaceView
- android:id="@+id/surface"
- android:layout_width="1dip"
- android:layout_height="1dip" />
- <ImageView
- android:id="@+id/display"
- android:layout_width="320dip"
- android:layout_height="266dip" />
- <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
- android:orientation="horizontal"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content">
- <Button
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/benchmark"
- android:onClick="benchmark"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/benchmarkText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:text="@string/saturation"/>
- </LinearLayout>
- <ScrollView
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent">
- <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
- android:orientation="vertical"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent">
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/inSaturationText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:text="@string/saturation"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/inSaturation"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/inGammaText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:text="@string/gamma"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/inGamma"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/outWhiteText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:text="@string/out_white"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/outWhite"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/inWhiteText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:text="@string/in_white"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/inWhite"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/outBlackText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:text="@string/out_black"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/outBlack"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/inBlackText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:text="@string/in_black"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/inBlack"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/blurText"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:textSize="8pt"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginTop="15sp"
- android:text="@string/blur_description"/>
- <SeekBar
- android:id="@+id/radius"
- android:layout_marginLeft="10sp"
- android:layout_marginRight="10sp"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
- </LinearLayout>
- </ScrollView>
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/values/strings.xml b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/values/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cc5cc4d..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/res/values/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- General -->
- <skip />
- <!--slider label -->
- <string name="blur_description">Blur Radius</string>
- <string name="in_white">In White</string>
- <string name="out_white">Out White</string>
- <string name="in_black">In Black</string>
- <string name="out_black">Out Black</string>
- <string name="gamma">Gamma</string>
- <string name="saturation">Saturation</string>
- <string name="benchmark">Benchmark</string>
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f2f52ab..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.renderscript.ScriptC;
-import android.renderscript.RenderScript;
-import android.renderscript.Type;
-import android.renderscript.Allocation;
-import android.renderscript.Element;
-import android.renderscript.Script;
-import android.view.SurfaceView;
-import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
-import android.widget.ImageView;
-import android.widget.SeekBar;
-import android.widget.TextView;
-import android.view.View;
-import java.lang.Math;
-public class ImageProcessingActivity extends Activity
- implements SurfaceHolder.Callback,
- SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener {
- private Bitmap mBitmapIn;
- private Bitmap mBitmapOut;
- private Bitmap mBitmapScratch;
- private ScriptC_threshold mScript;
- private ScriptC_vertical_blur mScriptVBlur;
- private ScriptC_horizontal_blur mScriptHBlur;
- private int mRadius = 0;
- private SeekBar mRadiusSeekBar;
- private float mInBlack = 0.0f;
- private SeekBar mInBlackSeekBar;
- private float mOutBlack = 0.0f;
- private SeekBar mOutBlackSeekBar;
- private float mInWhite = 255.0f;
- private SeekBar mInWhiteSeekBar;
- private float mOutWhite = 255.0f;
- private SeekBar mOutWhiteSeekBar;
- private float mGamma = 1.0f;
- private SeekBar mGammaSeekBar;
- private float mSaturation = 1.0f;
- private SeekBar mSaturationSeekBar;
- private TextView mBenchmarkResult;
- @SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal"})
- private RenderScript mRS;
- @SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal"})
- private Type mPixelType;
- @SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal"})
- private Allocation mInPixelsAllocation;
- @SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal"})
- private Allocation mOutPixelsAllocation;
- @SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal"})
- private Allocation mScratchPixelsAllocation1;
- private Allocation mScratchPixelsAllocation2;
- private SurfaceView mSurfaceView;
- private ImageView mDisplayView;
- class FilterCallback extends RenderScript.RSMessageHandler {
- private Runnable mAction = new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- mDisplayView.invalidate();
- }
- };
- @Override
- public void run() {
- mSurfaceView.removeCallbacks(mAction);
- }
- }
- int in[];
- int interm[];
- int out[];
- int MAX_RADIUS = 25;
- // Store our coefficients here
- float gaussian[];
- private long javaFilter() {
- final int width = mBitmapIn.getWidth();
- final int height = mBitmapIn.getHeight();
- final int count = width * height;
- if (in == null) {
- in = new int[count];
- interm = new int[count];
- out = new int[count];
- gaussian = new float[MAX_RADIUS * 2 + 1];
- mBitmapIn.getPixels(in, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
- }
- long t = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
- int w, h, r;
- float fRadius = (float)mRadius;
- int radius = (int)mRadius;
- // Compute gaussian weights for the blur
- // e is the euler's number
- float e = 2.718281828459045f;
- float pi = 3.1415926535897932f;
- // g(x) = ( 1 / sqrt( 2 * pi ) * sigma) * e ^ ( -x^2 / 2 * sigma^2 )
- // x is of the form [-radius .. 0 .. radius]
- // and sigma varies with radius.
- // Based on some experimental radius values and sigma's
- // we approximately fit sigma = f(radius) as
- // sigma = radius * 0.4 + 0.6
- // The larger the radius gets, the more our gaussian blur
- // will resemble a box blur since with large sigma
- // the gaussian curve begins to lose its shape
- float sigma = 0.4f * fRadius + 0.6f;
- // Now compute the coefficints
- // We will store some redundant values to save some math during
- // the blur calculations
- // precompute some values
- float coeff1 = 1.0f / (float)(Math.sqrt( 2.0f * pi ) * sigma);
- float coeff2 = - 1.0f / (2.0f * sigma * sigma);
- float normalizeFactor = 0.0f;
- float floatR = 0.0f;
- for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r ++) {
- floatR = (float)r;
- gaussian[r + radius] = coeff1 * (float)Math.pow(e, floatR * floatR * coeff2);
- normalizeFactor += gaussian[r + radius];
- }
- //Now we need to normalize the weights because all our coefficients need to add up to one
- normalizeFactor = 1.0f / normalizeFactor;
- for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r ++) {
- floatR = (float)r;
- gaussian[r + radius] *= normalizeFactor;
- }
- float blurredPixelR = 0.0f;
- float blurredPixelG = 0.0f;
- float blurredPixelB = 0.0f;
- float blurredPixelA = 0.0f;
- for (h = 0; h < height; h ++) {
- for (w = 0; w < width; w ++) {
- blurredPixelR = 0.0f;
- blurredPixelG = 0.0f;
- blurredPixelB = 0.0f;
- blurredPixelA = 0.0f;
- for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r ++) {
- // Stepping left and right away from the pixel
- int validW = w + r;
- // Clamp to zero and width max() isn't exposed for ints yet
- if (validW < 0) {
- validW = 0;
- }
- if (validW > width - 1) {
- validW = width - 1;
- }
- int input = in[h*width + validW];
- int R = ((input >> 24) & 0xff);
- int G = ((input >> 16) & 0xff);
- int B = ((input >> 8) & 0xff);
- int A = (input & 0xff);
- float weight = gaussian[r + radius];
- blurredPixelR += (float)(R)*weight;
- blurredPixelG += (float)(G)*weight;
- blurredPixelB += (float)(B)*weight;
- blurredPixelA += (float)(A)*weight;
- }
- int R = (int)blurredPixelR;
- int G = (int)blurredPixelG;
- int B = (int)blurredPixelB;
- int A = (int)blurredPixelA;
- interm[h*width + w] = (R << 24) | (G << 16) | (B << 8) | (A);
- }
- }
- for (h = 0; h < height; h ++) {
- for (w = 0; w < width; w ++) {
- blurredPixelR = 0.0f;
- blurredPixelG = 0.0f;
- blurredPixelB = 0.0f;
- blurredPixelA = 0.0f;
- for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r ++) {
- int validH = h + r;
- // Clamp to zero and width
- if (validH < 0) {
- validH = 0;
- }
- if (validH > height - 1) {
- validH = height - 1;
- }
- int input = interm[validH*width + w];
- int R = ((input >> 24) & 0xff);
- int G = ((input >> 16) & 0xff);
- int B = ((input >> 8) & 0xff);
- int A = (input & 0xff);
- float weight = gaussian[r + radius];
- blurredPixelR += (float)(R)*weight;
- blurredPixelG += (float)(G)*weight;
- blurredPixelB += (float)(B)*weight;
- blurredPixelA += (float)(A)*weight;
- }
- int R = (int)blurredPixelR;
- int G = (int)blurredPixelG;
- int B = (int)blurredPixelB;
- int A = (int)blurredPixelA;
- out[h*width + w] = (R << 24) | (G << 16) | (B << 8) | (A);
- }
- }
- t = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
- android.util.Log.v("Img", "Java frame time ms " + t);
- mBitmapOut.setPixels(out, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
- return t;
- }
- public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
- if (fromUser) {
- if (seekBar == mRadiusSeekBar) {
- float fRadius = progress / 100.0f;
- fRadius *= (float)(MAX_RADIUS);
- mRadius = (int)fRadius;
- mScript.set_radius(mRadius);
- } else if (seekBar == mInBlackSeekBar) {
- mInBlack = (float)progress;
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setLevels(mInBlack, mOutBlack, mInWhite, mOutWhite);
- } else if (seekBar == mOutBlackSeekBar) {
- mOutBlack = (float)progress;
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setLevels(mInBlack, mOutBlack, mInWhite, mOutWhite);
- } else if (seekBar == mInWhiteSeekBar) {
- mInWhite = (float)progress + 127.0f;
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setLevels(mInBlack, mOutBlack, mInWhite, mOutWhite);
- } else if (seekBar == mOutWhiteSeekBar) {
- mOutWhite = (float)progress + 127.0f;
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setLevels(mInBlack, mOutBlack, mInWhite, mOutWhite);
- } else if (seekBar == mGammaSeekBar) {
- mGamma = (float)progress/100.0f;
- mGamma = Math.max(mGamma, 0.1f);
- mGamma = 1.0f / mGamma;
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setGamma(mGamma);
- } else if (seekBar == mSaturationSeekBar) {
- mSaturation = (float)progress / 50.0f;
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setSaturation(mSaturation);
- }
- long t = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
- if (true) {
- mScript.invoke_filter();
- mOutPixelsAllocation.copyTo(mBitmapOut);
- } else {
- javaFilter();
- mDisplayView.invalidate();
- }
- t = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
- android.util.Log.v("Img", "Renderscript frame time core ms " + t);
- }
- }
- public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
- }
- public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
- }
- @Override
- protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- setContentView(R.layout.main);
- mBitmapIn = loadBitmap(;
- mBitmapOut = loadBitmap(;
- mBitmapScratch = loadBitmap(;
- mSurfaceView = (SurfaceView) findViewById(;
- mSurfaceView.getHolder().addCallback(this);
- mDisplayView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
- mDisplayView.setImageBitmap(mBitmapOut);
- mRadiusSeekBar = (SeekBar) findViewById(;
- mRadiusSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mInBlackSeekBar = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
- mInBlackSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mInBlackSeekBar.setMax(128);
- mInBlackSeekBar.setProgress(0);
- mOutBlackSeekBar = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
- mOutBlackSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mOutBlackSeekBar.setMax(128);
- mOutBlackSeekBar.setProgress(0);
- mInWhiteSeekBar = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
- mInWhiteSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mInWhiteSeekBar.setMax(128);
- mInWhiteSeekBar.setProgress(128);
- mOutWhiteSeekBar = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
- mOutWhiteSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mOutWhiteSeekBar.setMax(128);
- mOutWhiteSeekBar.setProgress(128);
- mGammaSeekBar = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
- mGammaSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mGammaSeekBar.setMax(150);
- mGammaSeekBar.setProgress(100);
- mSaturationSeekBar = (SeekBar)findViewById(;
- mSaturationSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(this);
- mSaturationSeekBar.setProgress(50);
- mBenchmarkResult = (TextView) findViewById(;
- mBenchmarkResult.setText("Result: not run");
- }
- public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
- createScript();
- mScript.invoke_filter();
- mOutPixelsAllocation.copyTo(mBitmapOut);
- }
- public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
- }
- public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
- }
- private void createScript() {
- mRS = RenderScript.create(this);
- mRS.setMessageHandler(new FilterCallback());
- mInPixelsAllocation = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmapIn,
- Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE,
- Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
- mOutPixelsAllocation = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, mBitmapOut,
- Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE,
- Allocation.USAGE_SCRIPT);
- Type.Builder tb = new Type.Builder(mRS, Element.F32_4(mRS));
- tb.setX(mBitmapIn.getWidth());
- tb.setY(mBitmapIn.getHeight());
- mScratchPixelsAllocation1 = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, tb.create());
- mScratchPixelsAllocation2 = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, tb.create());
- mScriptVBlur = new ScriptC_vertical_blur(mRS, getResources(), R.raw.vertical_blur);
- mScriptHBlur = new ScriptC_horizontal_blur(mRS, getResources(), R.raw.horizontal_blur);
- mScript = new ScriptC_threshold(mRS, getResources(), R.raw.threshold);
- mScript.set_width(mBitmapIn.getWidth());
- mScript.set_height(mBitmapIn.getHeight());
- mScript.set_radius(mRadius);
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setLevels(mInBlack, mOutBlack, mInWhite, mOutWhite);
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setGamma(mGamma);
- mScriptVBlur.invoke_setSaturation(mSaturation);
- mScript.bind_InPixel(mInPixelsAllocation);
- mScript.bind_OutPixel(mOutPixelsAllocation);
- mScript.bind_ScratchPixel1(mScratchPixelsAllocation1);
- mScript.bind_ScratchPixel2(mScratchPixelsAllocation2);
- mScript.set_vBlurScript(mScriptVBlur);
- mScript.set_hBlurScript(mScriptHBlur);
- }
- private Bitmap loadBitmap(int resource) {
- final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
- options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
- return copyBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), resource, options));
- }
- private static Bitmap copyBitmap(Bitmap source) {
- Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), source.getConfig());
- Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
- c.drawBitmap(source, 0, 0, null);
- source.recycle();
- return b;
- }
- // button hook
- public void benchmark(View v) {
- android.util.Log.v("Img", "Benchmarking");
- int oldRadius = mRadius;
- mRadius = MAX_RADIUS;
- mScript.set_radius(mRadius);
- long t = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
- mScript.invoke_filter();
- mOutPixelsAllocation.copyTo(mBitmapOut);
- t = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
- android.util.Log.v("Img", "Renderscript frame time core ms " + t);
- //long javaTime = javaFilter();
- //mBenchmarkResult.setText("RS: " + t + " ms Java: " + javaTime + " ms");
- mBenchmarkResult.setText("Result: " + t + " ms");
- mRadius = oldRadius;
- mScript.set_radius(mRadius);
- mScript.invoke_filter();
- mOutPixelsAllocation.copyTo(mBitmapOut);
- }
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
deleted file mode 100644
index 652ffd7..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#pragma version(1)
-#include "ip.rsh"
-void root(const void *v_in, void *v_out, const void *usrData, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
- float4 *output = (float4 *)v_out;
- const FilterStruct *fs = (const FilterStruct *)usrData;
- const float4 *input = (const float4 *)rsGetElementAt(fs->ain, 0, y);
- float3 blurredPixel = 0;
- const float *gPtr = fs->gaussian;
- if ((x > fs->radius) && (x < (fs->width - fs->radius))) {
- const float4 *i = input + (x - fs->radius);
- for (int r = -fs->radius; r <= fs->radius; r ++) {
- blurredPixel += i->xyz * gPtr[0];
- gPtr++;
- i++;
- }
- } else {
- for (int r = -fs->radius; r <= fs->radius; r ++) {
- // Stepping left and right away from the pixel
- int validW = rsClamp(x + r, (uint)0, (uint)(fs->width - 1));
- blurredPixel += input[validW].xyz * gPtr[0];
- gPtr++;
- }
- }
- output->xyz = blurredPixel;
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ip.rsh b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ip.rsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7a719..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ip.rsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#pragma rs java_package_name(
-#define MAX_RADIUS 25
-typedef struct FilterStruct_s {
- rs_allocation ain;
- float *gaussian; //[MAX_RADIUS * 2 + 1];
- int height;
- int width;
- int radius;
-} FilterStruct;
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f9a36..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#pragma version(1)
-#include "ip.rsh"
-int height;
-int width;
-int radius;
-uchar4 * InPixel;
-uchar4 * OutPixel;
-float4 * ScratchPixel1;
-float4 * ScratchPixel2;
-rs_script vBlurScript;
-rs_script hBlurScript;
-const int CMD_FINISHED = 1;
-// Store our coefficients here
-static float gaussian[MAX_RADIUS * 2 + 1];
-static void computeGaussianWeights() {
- // Compute gaussian weights for the blur
- // e is the euler's number
- float e = 2.718281828459045f;
- float pi = 3.1415926535897932f;
- // g(x) = ( 1 / sqrt( 2 * pi ) * sigma) * e ^ ( -x^2 / 2 * sigma^2 )
- // x is of the form [-radius .. 0 .. radius]
- // and sigma varies with radius.
- // Based on some experimental radius values and sigma's
- // we approximately fit sigma = f(radius) as
- // sigma = radius * 0.4 + 0.6
- // The larger the radius gets, the more our gaussian blur
- // will resemble a box blur since with large sigma
- // the gaussian curve begins to lose its shape
- float sigma = 0.4f * (float)radius + 0.6f;
- // Now compute the coefficints
- // We will store some redundant values to save some math during
- // the blur calculations
- // precompute some values
- float coeff1 = 1.0f / (sqrt( 2.0f * pi ) * sigma);
- float coeff2 = - 1.0f / (2.0f * sigma * sigma);
- float normalizeFactor = 0.0f;
- float floatR = 0.0f;
- int r;
- for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r ++) {
- floatR = (float)r;
- gaussian[r + radius] = coeff1 * pow(e, floatR * floatR * coeff2);
- normalizeFactor += gaussian[r + radius];
- }
- //Now we need to normalize the weights because all our coefficients need to add up to one
- normalizeFactor = 1.0f / normalizeFactor;
- for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r ++) {
- floatR = (float)r;
- gaussian[r + radius] *= normalizeFactor;
- }
-static void copyInput() {
- rs_allocation ain;
- rsSetObject(&ain,rsGetAllocation(InPixel));
- uint32_t dimx = rsAllocationGetDimX(ain);
- uint32_t dimy = rsAllocationGetDimY(ain);
- for (uint32_t y = 0; y < dimy; y++) {
- for (uint32_t x = 0; x < dimx; x++) {
- ScratchPixel1[x + y * dimx] = convert_float4(InPixel[x + y * dimx]);
- }
- }
-void filter() {
- copyInput();
- computeGaussianWeights();
- FilterStruct fs;
- fs.gaussian = gaussian;
- fs.width = width;
- fs.height = height;
- fs.radius = radius;
- fs.ain = rsGetAllocation(ScratchPixel1);
- rsForEach(hBlurScript, fs.ain, rsGetAllocation(ScratchPixel2), &fs);
- fs.ain = rsGetAllocation(ScratchPixel2);
- rsForEach(vBlurScript, fs.ain, rsGetAllocation(OutPixel), &fs);
- rsSendToClientBlocking(CMD_FINISHED);
diff --git a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/ b/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4ae4e..0000000
--- a/libs/rs/java/ImageProcessing/src/com/android/rs/image/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#pragma version(1)
-#include "ip.rsh"
-static float inBlack;
-static float outBlack;
-static float inWhite;
-static float outWhite;
-static float3 gamma;
-static float saturation;
-static float inWMinInB;
-static float outWMinOutB;
-static float overInWMinInB;
-static rs_matrix3x3 colorMat;
-void setLevels(float iBlk, float oBlk, float iWht, float oWht) {
- inBlack = iBlk;
- outBlack = oBlk;
- inWhite = iWht;
- outWhite = oWht;
- inWMinInB = inWhite - inBlack;
- outWMinOutB = outWhite - outBlack;
- overInWMinInB = 1.f / inWMinInB;
-void setSaturation(float sat) {
- saturation = sat;
- // Saturation
- // Linear weights
- //float rWeight = 0.3086f;
- //float gWeight = 0.6094f;
- //float bWeight = 0.0820f;
- // Gamma 2.2 weights (we haven't converted our image to linear space yet for perf reasons)
- float rWeight = 0.299f;
- float gWeight = 0.587f;
- float bWeight = 0.114f;
- float oneMinusS = 1.0f - saturation;
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 0, 0, oneMinusS * rWeight + saturation);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 0, 1, oneMinusS * rWeight);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 0, 2, oneMinusS * rWeight);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 1, 0, oneMinusS * gWeight);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 1, 1, oneMinusS * gWeight + saturation);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 1, 2, oneMinusS * gWeight);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 2, 0, oneMinusS * bWeight);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 2, 1, oneMinusS * bWeight);
- rsMatrixSet(&colorMat, 2, 2, oneMinusS * bWeight + saturation);
-void setGamma(float g) {
- gamma = (float3)g;
-extern uchar3 __attribute__((overloadable)) convert2uchar3(float3 xyz);
-void root(const void *v_in, void *v_out, const void *usrData, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
- uchar4 *output = (uchar4 *)v_out;
- const FilterStruct *fs = (const FilterStruct *)usrData;
- const float4 *input = (const float4 *)rsGetElementAt(fs->ain, x, 0);
- float3 blurredPixel = 0;
- const float *gPtr = fs->gaussian;
- if ((y > fs->radius) && (y < (fs->height - fs->radius))) {
- const float4 *i = input + ((y - fs->radius) * fs->width);
- for (int r = -fs->radius; r <= fs->radius; r ++) {
- blurredPixel += i->xyz * gPtr[0];
- gPtr++;
- i += fs->width;
- }
- } else {
- for (int r = -fs->radius; r <= fs->radius; r ++) {
- int validH = rsClamp(y + r, (uint)0, (uint)(fs->height - 1));
- const float4 *i = input + validH * fs->width;
- blurredPixel += i->xyz * gPtr[0];
- gPtr++;
- }
- }
- float3 temp = rsMatrixMultiply(&colorMat, blurredPixel);
- temp = (clamp(temp, 0.f, 255.f) - inBlack) * overInWMinInB;
- if (gamma.x != 1.0f)
- temp = pow(temp, (float3)gamma);
- temp = clamp(temp * outWMinOutB + outBlack, 0.f, 255.f);
- output->xyz = convert_uchar3(temp);
- //output->w = input->w;