path: root/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in
diff options
authorWolfgang Wiedmeyer <>2017-05-02 19:22:30 +0200
committerWolfgang Wiedmeyer <>2017-05-02 19:22:30 +0200
commita0ce80942766948d4cd1036b97e2ee721ed8ecce (patch)
tree5d596eea5771aa9f494d2b1fcf6b3b44da2d401c /packages/SystemUI/res/values-in
parenta3f7b1e4871de0b508bbefb0236d258d47a38f15 (diff)
parent0e4f9e2f03e376f0816c1e653bf97fe1d0176794 (diff)
Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of into replicant-6.0HEADreplicant-6.0-0001replicant-6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/SystemUI/res/values-in')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml
index 38880b4..cdf3ea5 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<!-- Strings for lockscreen shortcut hints -->
<string name="left_shortcut_hint">Geser ke kanan untuk %1$s</string>
<string name="right_shortcut_hint">Geser ke kiri untuk %1$s</string>
- <string name="lockscreen_message">Ketuk ikon di sebelah kiri atau kanan untuk menugaskan kembali pintasan layar kunci.</string>
+ <string name="lockscreen_message">Ketuk ikon di sebelah kiri atau kanan untuk mengatur pintasan kunci layar.</string>
<string name="lockscreen_default_target">Standar</string>
<string name="select_application">Pilih aplikasi</string>
<string name="lockscreen_choose_action_title">Pilih tindakan</string>
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_screen_timeout">Batas waktu layar: <xliff:g id="timeout" example="30 seconds">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- Announcement made when the screen timeout tile changes (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_screen_timeout_changed">Batas waktu layar diubah menjadi <xliff:g id="timeout" example="30 seconds">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
- <string name="qs_tile_performance">Mode Baterai</string>
+ <string name="qs_tile_performance">Mode baterai</string>
<!-- Content description of the battery mode tile in quick settings when on, power save mode (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_pwrsv">Mode baterai: hemat daya.</string>
<!-- Content description of the battery mode tile in quick settings when on, balanced mode (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_bal">Mode Baterai: seimbang.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_bal">Mode baterai: seimbang.</string>
<!-- Content description of the battery mode tile in quick settings when on, performance mode (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_perf">Mode Baterai: Performa.</string>
+ <string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_perf">Mode baterai: Performa.</string>
<!-- Content description of the battery mode tile in quick settings when on, efficiency mode (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_bias_power">Mode baterai: efisien.</string>
<!-- Content description of the battery mode tile in quick settings when on, quick mode (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_changed_bias_power">Mode baterai diubah menjadi mode efisien.</string>
<!-- Announcement made when the battery mode tile changes to quick (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_perf_profile_changed_bias_perf">Mode baterai diubah menjadi mode cepat.</string>
- <string name="quick_settings_performance_profile_detail_title">Mode Baterai</string>
+ <string name="quick_settings_performance_profile_detail_title">Mode baterai</string>
<!-- Content description of the lock screen tile in quick settings when off (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_lock_screen_off">Kunci layar mati.</string>
<!-- Content description of the lock screen tile in quick settings when on (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
<string name="dynamic_qs_tile_next_alarm_label">Alarm selanjutnya</string>
<string name="dynamic_qs_tile_ime_selector_label">Pemilih IME</string>
<string name="dynamic_qs_tile_su_label">Akses root</string>
+ <string name="dynamic_qs_tile_themes_label">Tema</string>
<string name="quick_settings_title_advanced_location">Lokasi Tri-state</string>
<!-- Content description of the location tile in quick settings when on, battery saving mode (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_quick_settings_location_battery_saving">Laporan Lokasi: mode hemat baterai.</string>