path: root/rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp
diff options
authorMiao Wang <>2015-03-08 00:17:34 +0000
committerAndroid Git Automerger <>2015-03-08 00:17:34 +0000
commitde770528ec18445175ea2a1d025988c73e62d7c7 (patch)
treeb6e62ddcb3d837470117ee674acacb8e9c598962 /rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp
parentb5c8004d6fe5bca9d40e97484bf0ba88c152d067 (diff)
parent989e03f144e8031f33af08945e845283dddcc8ad (diff)
am 989e03f1: am c1e2bf95: am 4b5af9bc: Merge "[RenderScript] Update the java API about Allocation copyTo & From FieldPacker"
* commit '989e03f144e8031f33af08945e845283dddcc8ad': [RenderScript] Update the java API about Allocation copyTo & From FieldPacker
Diffstat (limited to 'rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp b/rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp
index c139df7..8483507 100644
--- a/rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp
+++ b/rs/jni/android_renderscript_RenderScript.cpp
@@ -1297,19 +1297,21 @@ nAllocationRead1D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jint off
// Copies from the Element in the Allocation pointed to by _alloc into the Java array data.
static void
-nAllocationElementRead(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc,
+nAllocationElementRead(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc,
jint xoff, jint yoff, jint zoff,
- jint lod, jint compIdx, jobject data, jint sizeBytes, int dataType)
+ jint lod, jint compIdx, jbyteArray data, jint sizeBytes)
- RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc;
+ jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data);
if (kLogApi) {
- ALOGD("nAllocationElementRead, con(%p), alloc(%p), xoff(%i), yoff(%i), zoff(%i), comp(%i), "
- "sizeBytes(%i)", (RsContext)con, alloc, xoff, yoff, zoff, compIdx, sizeBytes);
+ ALOGD("nAllocationElementRead, con(%p), alloc(%p), xoff(%i), yoff(%i), zoff(%i), comp(%i), len(%i), "
+ "sizeBytes(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, xoff, yoff, zoff, compIdx, len,
+ sizeBytes);
- int mSize = sizeBytes;
- int count = 0;
- PER_ARRAY_TYPE(0, rsAllocationElementRead, false, (RsContext)con, alloc,
- xoff, yoff, zoff, lod, ptr, sizeBytes, compIdx);
+ jbyte *ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(data, nullptr);
+ rsAllocationElementRead((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc,
+ xoff, yoff, zoff,
+ lod, ptr, sizeBytes, compIdx);
+ _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, ptr, JNI_ABORT);
// Copies from the Allocation pointed to by _alloc into the Java object data.
@@ -2372,7 +2374,7 @@ static JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
{"rsnAllocationData3D", "(JJIIIIIIIJIIII)V", (void*)nAllocationData3D_alloc },
{"rsnAllocationRead", "(JJLjava/lang/Object;IIZ)V", (void*)nAllocationRead },
{"rsnAllocationRead1D", "(JJIIILjava/lang/Object;IIIZ)V", (void*)nAllocationRead1D },
-{"rsnAllocationElementRead", "(JJIIIIILjava/lang/Object;II)V", (void*)nAllocationElementRead },
+{"rsnAllocationElementRead", "(JJIIIII[BI)V", (void*)nAllocationElementRead },
{"rsnAllocationRead2D", "(JJIIIIIILjava/lang/Object;IIIZ)V", (void*)nAllocationRead2D },
{"rsnAllocationRead3D", "(JJIIIIIIILjava/lang/Object;IIIZ)V", (void*)nAllocationRead3D },
{"rsnAllocationGetType", "(JJ)J", (void*)nAllocationGetType},