path: root/telephony
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authorAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2009-08-12 15:48:31 -0700
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2009-08-12 15:48:31 -0700
commitaaa1fa96e1fc77d5212587cafdf5da74610d6275 (patch)
tree141446a2b8df7a02ce36f2aac460e9fb32d53417 /telephony
parentda8210ac84d68342c137c1b971d0029be4b010fc (diff)
parent18e7b98c1c7e3cf340e39e93be67b777e7036cc4 (diff)
Merge change 21006
* changes: Fix the issue of incorrect conversion of the plus sign in a dial string.
Diffstat (limited to 'telephony')
2 files changed, 287 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index a877c73..13713e5 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -26,8 +26,11 @@ import android.provider.ContactsContract;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.TextUtils;
+import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;
+import static;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@@ -57,6 +60,9 @@ public class PhoneNumberUtils
public static final int TOA_International = 0x91;
public static final int TOA_Unknown = 0x81;
+ static final String LOG_TAG = "PhoneNumberUtils";
+ private static final boolean DBG = false;
* global-phone-number = ["+"] 1*( DIGIT / written-sep )
* written-sep = ("-"/".")
@@ -227,6 +233,9 @@ public class PhoneNumberUtils
+ private static void log(String msg) {
+ Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);
+ }
/** index of the last character of the network portion
* (eg anything after is a post-dial string)
@@ -741,6 +750,14 @@ public class PhoneNumberUtils
return true;
+ private static boolean isNonSeparator(String address) {
+ for (int i = 0, count = address.length(); i < count; i++) {
+ if (!isNonSeparator(address.charAt(i))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
* Note: calls extractNetworkPortion(), so do not use for
* SIM EF[ADN] style records
@@ -1229,4 +1246,261 @@ public class PhoneNumberUtils
KEYPAD_MAP.put('w', '9'); KEYPAD_MAP.put('x', '9'); KEYPAD_MAP.put('y', '9'); KEYPAD_MAP.put('z', '9');
KEYPAD_MAP.put('W', '9'); KEYPAD_MAP.put('X', '9'); KEYPAD_MAP.put('Y', '9'); KEYPAD_MAP.put('Z', '9');
+ //================ Plus Code formatting =========================
+ private static final char PLUS_SIGN_CHAR = '+';
+ private static final String PLUS_SIGN_STRING = "+";
+ private static final String NANP_IDP_STRING = "011";
+ private static final int NANP_LENGTH = 10;
+ /**
+ * This function checks if there is a plus sign (+) in the passed-in dialing number.
+ * If there is, it processes the plus sign based on the default telephone
+ * numbering plan of the system when the phone is activated and the current
+ * telephone numbering plan of the system that the phone is camped on.
+ * Currently, we only support the case that the default and current telephone
+ * numbering plans are North American Numbering Plan(NANP).
+ *
+ * The passed-in dialStr should only contain the valid format as described below,
+ * 1) the 1st character in the dialStr should be one of the really dialable
+ * characters listed below
+ * ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , +
+ * 2) the dialStr should already strip out the separator characters,
+ * every character in the dialStr should be one of the non separator characters
+ * listed below
+ * ISO-LATIN characters 0-9, *, # , +, WILD, WAIT, PAUSE
+ *
+ * Otherwise, this function returns the dial string passed in
+ *
+ * This API is for CDMA only
+ *
+ * @hide TODO: pending API Council approval
+ */
+ public static String cdmaCheckAndProcessPlusCode(String dialStr) {
+ if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(dialStr)) {
+ if (isReallyDialable(dialStr.charAt(0)) &&
+ isNonSeparator(dialStr)) {
+ return cdmaCheckAndProcessPlusCodeByNumberFormat(dialStr,
+ getFormatTypeForLocale(Locale.getDefault()));
+ }
+ }
+ return dialStr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function should be called from checkAndProcessPlusCode only
+ * And it is used for test purpose also.
+ *
+ * It checks the dial string by looping through the network portion,
+ * post dial portion 1, post dial porting 2, etc. If there is any
+ * plus sign, then process the plus sign.
+ * Currently, this function supports the plus sign conversion within NANP only.
+ * Specifically, it handles the plus sign in the following ways:
+ * 1)+NANP or +1NANP,remove +, e.g.
+ * +8475797000 is converted to 8475797000,
+ * +18475797000 is converted to 18475797000,
+ * 2)+non-NANP Numbers,replace + with the current NANP IDP, e.g,
+ * +11875767800 is converted to 01111875767800
+ * 3)+NANP in post dial string(s), e.g.
+ * 8475797000;+8475231753 is converted to 8475797000;8475231753
+ *
+ * This function returns the original dial string if locale/numbering plan
+ * aren't supported.
+ *
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public static String cdmaCheckAndProcessPlusCodeByNumberFormat(String dialStr,int numFormat) {
+ String retStr = dialStr;
+ // Checks if the plus sign character is in the passed-in dial string
+ if (dialStr != null &&
+ dialStr.lastIndexOf(PLUS_SIGN_STRING) != -1) {
+ String postDialStr = null;
+ String tempDialStr = dialStr;
+ // Sets the retStr to null since the conversion will be performed below.
+ retStr = null;
+ if (DBG) log("checkAndProcessPlusCode,dialStr=" + dialStr);
+ // This routine is to process the plus sign in the dial string by loop through
+ // the network portion, post dial portion 1, post dial portion 2... etc. if
+ // applied
+ do {
+ String networkDialStr;
+ // Format the string based on the rules for the country the number is from
+ if (numFormat != FORMAT_NANP) {
+ // TODO: to support NANP international conversion and
+ // other telephone numbering plan
+ // Currently the phone is ever used in non-NANP system
+ // return the original dial string
+ Log.e("checkAndProcessPlusCode:non-NANP not supported", dialStr);
+ return dialStr;
+ } else {
+ // For the case that the default and current telephone
+ // numbering plans are NANP
+ networkDialStr = extractNetworkPortion(tempDialStr);
+ // Handles the conversion within NANP
+ networkDialStr = processPlusCodeWithinNanp(networkDialStr);
+ }
+ // Concatenates the string that is converted from network portion
+ if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(networkDialStr)) {
+ if (retStr == null) {
+ retStr = networkDialStr;
+ } else {
+ retStr = retStr.concat(networkDialStr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This should never happen since we checked the if dialStr is null
+ // and if it contains the plus sign in the begining of this function.
+ // The plus sign is part of the network portion.
+ Log.e("checkAndProcessPlusCode: null newDialStr", networkDialStr);
+ return dialStr;
+ }
+ postDialStr = extractPostDialPortion(tempDialStr);
+ if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(postDialStr)) {
+ int dialableIndex = findDialableIndexFromPostDialStr(postDialStr);
+ // dialableIndex should always be greater than 0
+ if (dialableIndex >= 1) {
+ retStr = appendPwCharBackToOrigDialStr(dialableIndex,
+ retStr,postDialStr);
+ // Skips the P/W character, extracts the dialable portion
+ tempDialStr = postDialStr.substring(dialableIndex);
+ } else {
+ // Non-dialable character such as P/W should not be at the end of
+ // the dial string after P/W processing in
+ // Set the postDialStr to "" to break out of the loop
+ if (dialableIndex < 0) {
+ postDialStr = "";
+ }
+ Log.e("wrong postDialStr=", postDialStr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (DBG) log("checkAndProcessPlusCode,postDialStr=" + postDialStr);
+ } while (!TextUtils.isEmpty(postDialStr) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(tempDialStr));
+ }
+ return retStr;
+ }
+ // This function gets the default international dialing prefix
+ private static String getDefaultIdp( ) {
+ String ps = null;
+ SystemProperties.get(PROPERTY_IDP_STRING, ps);
+ if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ps)) {
+ }
+ return ps;
+ }
+ private static boolean isTwoToNine (char c) {
+ if (c >= '2' && c <= '9') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function checks if the passed in string conforms to the NANP format
+ * i.e. NXX-NXX-XXXX, N is any digit 2-9 and X is any digit 0-9
+ */
+ private static boolean isNanp (String dialStr) {
+ boolean retVal = false;
+ if (dialStr != null) {
+ if (dialStr.length() == NANP_LENGTH) {
+ if (isTwoToNine(dialStr.charAt(0)) &&
+ isTwoToNine(dialStr.charAt(3))) {
+ retVal = true;
+ for (int i=1; i<NANP_LENGTH; i++ ) {
+ char c=dialStr.charAt(i);
+ if (!PhoneNumberUtils.isISODigit(c)) {
+ retVal = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Log.e("isNanp: null dialStr passed in", dialStr);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function checks if the passed in string conforms to 1-NANP format
+ */
+ private static boolean isOneNanp(String dialStr) {
+ boolean retVal = false;
+ if (dialStr != null) {
+ String newDialStr = dialStr.substring(1);
+ if ((dialStr.charAt(0) == '1') && isNanp(newDialStr)) {
+ retVal = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Log.e("isOneNanp: null dialStr passed in", dialStr);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function handles the plus code conversion within NANP CDMA network
+ * If the number format is
+ * 1)+NANP or +1NANP,remove +,
+ * 2)+non-NANP Numbers,replace + with the current IDP
+ */
+ private static String processPlusCodeWithinNanp(String networkDialStr) {
+ String retStr = networkDialStr;
+ if (DBG) log("processPlusCodeWithinNanp,networkDialStr=" + networkDialStr);
+ // If there is a plus sign at the beginning of the dial string,
+ // Convert the plus sign to the default IDP since it's an international number
+ if (networkDialStr != null &
+ networkDialStr.charAt(0) == PLUS_SIGN_CHAR &&
+ networkDialStr.length() > 1) {
+ String newStr = networkDialStr.substring(1);
+ if (isNanp(newStr) || isOneNanp(newStr)) {
+ // Remove the leading plus sign
+ retStr = newStr;
+ } else {
+ String idpStr = getDefaultIdp();
+ // Replaces the plus sign with the default IDP
+ retStr = networkDialStr.replaceFirst("[+]", idpStr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (DBG) log("processPlusCodeWithinNanp,retStr=" + retStr);
+ return retStr;
+ }
+ // This function finds the index of the dialable character(s)
+ // in the post dial string
+ private static int findDialableIndexFromPostDialStr(String postDialStr) {
+ for (int index = 0;index < postDialStr.length();index++) {
+ char c = postDialStr.charAt(index);
+ if (isReallyDialable(c)) {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // This function appends the non-diablable P/W character to the original
+ // dial string based on the dialable index passed in
+ private static String
+ appendPwCharBackToOrigDialStr(int dialableIndex,String origStr, String dialStr) {
+ String retStr;
+ // There is only 1 P/W character before the dialable characters
+ if (dialableIndex == 1) {
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(origStr);
+ ret = ret.append(dialStr.charAt(0));
+ retStr = ret.toString();
+ } else {
+ // It means more than 1 P/W characters in the post dial string,
+ // appends to retStr
+ String nonDigitStr = dialStr.substring(0,dialableIndex);
+ retStr = origStr.concat(nonDigitStr);
+ }
+ return retStr;
+ }
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/
index 69ef0e3..0c94e6a 100644..100755
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/
@@ -818,15 +818,12 @@ public class CdmaConnection extends Connection {
return c == PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT;
// This function is to find the next PAUSE character index if
// multiple pauses in a row. Otherwise it finds the next non PAUSE or
// non WAIT character index.
private static int
findNextPCharOrNonPOrNonWCharIndex(String phoneNumber, int currIndex) {
- boolean wMatched = false;
+ boolean wMatched = isWait(phoneNumber.charAt(currIndex));
int index = currIndex + 1;
int length = phoneNumber.length();
while (index < length) {
@@ -863,17 +860,17 @@ public class CdmaConnection extends Connection {
// Append the PW char
ret = (isPause(c)) ? PhoneNumberUtils.PAUSE : PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT;
- // if there is a PAUSE in at the begining of PW character sequences, and this
- // PW character sequences has more than 2 PAUSE and WAIT Characters,skip P, append W
- if (isPause(c) && (nextNonPwCharIndex > (currPwIndex + 1))) {
+ // if there is a PAUSE in at the beginning of PW character sequences, and this
+ // PW character sequences has more than 2 PAUSE and WAIT Characters,skip PAUSE,
+ // append WAIT.
+ if (isPause(c) && (nextNonPwCharIndex > (currPwIndex + 2))) {
ret = PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT;
return ret;
- * format orignal dial string
+ * format original dial string
* 1) convert international dialing prefix "+" to
* string specified per region
@@ -892,20 +889,10 @@ public class CdmaConnection extends Connection {
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
char c;
int currIndex = 0;
while (currIndex < length) {
c = phoneNumber.charAt(currIndex);
- if (PhoneNumberUtils.isDialable(c)) {
- if (c == '+') {
- String ps = null;
- SystemProperties.get(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_IDP_STRING, ps);
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ps)) {
- ps = "011";
- }
- ret.append(ps);
- } else {
- ret.append(c);
- }
- } else if (isPause(c) || isWait(c)) {
+ if (isPause(c) || isWait(c)) {
if (currIndex < length - 1) {
// if PW not at the end
int nextIndex = findNextPCharOrNonPOrNonWCharIndex(phoneNumber, currIndex);
@@ -913,8 +900,10 @@ public class CdmaConnection extends Connection {
if (nextIndex < length) {
char pC = findPOrWCharToAppend(phoneNumber, currIndex, nextIndex);
- // If PW char is immediately followed by non-PW char
- if (nextIndex > (currIndex + 1)) {
+ // If PW char sequence has more than 2 PW characters,
+ // skip to the last character since the sequence already be
+ // converted to WAIT character
+ if (nextIndex > (currIndex + 2)) {
currIndex = nextIndex - 1;
} else if (nextIndex == length) {
@@ -927,7 +916,7 @@ public class CdmaConnection extends Connection {
- return ret.toString();
+ return PhoneNumberUtils.cdmaCheckAndProcessPlusCode(ret.toString());
private void log(String msg) {