path: root/tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp
diff options
authorAdam Lesinski <>2014-01-23 18:17:42 -0800
committerAdam Lesinski <>2014-01-27 10:31:04 -0800
commit282e181b58cf72b6ca770dc7ca5f91f135444502 (patch)
treee313e7ab30ff4679562efa37bde29cfcb9e375d3 /tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp
parent7023df08f14ec5dee76ac54c03e870f84e297636 (diff)
Revert "Move frameworks/base/tools/ to frameworks/tools/"
This reverts commit 9f6a119c8aa276432ece4fe2118bd8a3c9b1067e.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp b/tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f291ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/aidl/generate_java_binder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+#include "generate_java.h"
+#include "Type.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// =================================================
+class StubClass : public Class
+ StubClass(Type* type, Type* interfaceType);
+ virtual ~StubClass();
+ Variable* transact_code;
+ Variable* transact_data;
+ Variable* transact_reply;
+ Variable* transact_flags;
+ SwitchStatement* transact_switch;
+ void make_as_interface(Type* interfaceType);
+StubClass::StubClass(Type* type, Type* interfaceType)
+ :Class()
+ this->comment = "/** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */";
+ this->modifiers = PUBLIC | ABSTRACT | STATIC;
+ this->what = Class::CLASS;
+ this->type = type;
+ this->extends = BINDER_NATIVE_TYPE;
+ this->interfaces.push_back(interfaceType);
+ // descriptor
+ Field* descriptor = new Field(STATIC | FINAL | PRIVATE,
+ new Variable(STRING_TYPE, "DESCRIPTOR"));
+ descriptor->value = "\"" + interfaceType->QualifiedName() + "\"";
+ this->elements.push_back(descriptor);
+ // ctor
+ Method* ctor = new Method;
+ ctor->modifiers = PUBLIC;
+ ctor->comment = "/** Construct the stub at attach it to the "
+ "interface. */";
+ ctor->name = "Stub";
+ ctor->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ MethodCall* attach = new MethodCall(THIS_VALUE, "attachInterface",
+ 2, THIS_VALUE, new LiteralExpression("DESCRIPTOR"));
+ ctor->statements->Add(attach);
+ this->elements.push_back(ctor);
+ // asInterface
+ make_as_interface(interfaceType);
+ // asBinder
+ Method* asBinder = new Method;
+ asBinder->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE;
+ asBinder->returnType = IBINDER_TYPE;
+ asBinder->name = "asBinder";
+ asBinder->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ asBinder->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(THIS_VALUE));
+ this->elements.push_back(asBinder);
+ // onTransact
+ this->transact_code = new Variable(INT_TYPE, "code");
+ this->transact_data = new Variable(PARCEL_TYPE, "data");
+ this->transact_reply = new Variable(PARCEL_TYPE, "reply");
+ this->transact_flags = new Variable(INT_TYPE, "flags");
+ Method* onTransact = new Method;
+ onTransact->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE;
+ onTransact->returnType = BOOLEAN_TYPE;
+ onTransact->name = "onTransact";
+ onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_code);
+ onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_data);
+ onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_reply);
+ onTransact->parameters.push_back(this->transact_flags);
+ onTransact->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ onTransact->exceptions.push_back(REMOTE_EXCEPTION_TYPE);
+ this->elements.push_back(onTransact);
+ this->transact_switch = new SwitchStatement(this->transact_code);
+ onTransact->statements->Add(this->transact_switch);
+ MethodCall* superCall = new MethodCall(SUPER_VALUE, "onTransact", 4,
+ this->transact_code, this->transact_data,
+ this->transact_reply, this->transact_flags);
+ onTransact->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(superCall));
+StubClass::make_as_interface(Type *interfaceType)
+ Variable* obj = new Variable(IBINDER_TYPE, "obj");
+ Method* m = new Method;
+ m->comment = "/**\n * Cast an IBinder object into an ";
+ m->comment += interfaceType->QualifiedName();
+ m->comment += " interface,\n";
+ m->comment += " * generating a proxy if needed.\n */";
+ m->modifiers = PUBLIC | STATIC;
+ m->returnType = interfaceType;
+ m->name = "asInterface";
+ m->parameters.push_back(obj);
+ m->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ IfStatement* ifstatement = new IfStatement();
+ ifstatement->expression = new Comparison(obj, "==", NULL_VALUE);
+ ifstatement->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ ifstatement->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(NULL_VALUE));
+ m->statements->Add(ifstatement);
+ // IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR)
+ MethodCall* queryLocalInterface = new MethodCall(obj, "queryLocalInterface");
+ queryLocalInterface->arguments.push_back(new LiteralExpression("DESCRIPTOR"));
+ IInterfaceType* iinType = new IInterfaceType();
+ Variable *iin = new Variable(iinType, "iin");
+ VariableDeclaration* iinVd = new VariableDeclaration(iin, queryLocalInterface, NULL);
+ m->statements->Add(iinVd);
+ // Ensure the instance type of the local object is as expected.
+ // One scenario where this is needed is if another package (with a
+ // different class loader) runs in the same process as the service.
+ // if (iin != null && iin instanceof <interfaceType>) return (<interfaceType>) iin;
+ Comparison* iinNotNull = new Comparison(iin, "!=", NULL_VALUE);
+ Comparison* instOfCheck = new Comparison(iin, " instanceof ",
+ new LiteralExpression(interfaceType->QualifiedName()));
+ IfStatement* instOfStatement = new IfStatement();
+ instOfStatement->expression = new Comparison(iinNotNull, "&&", instOfCheck);
+ instOfStatement->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ instOfStatement->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(new Cast(interfaceType, iin)));
+ m->statements->Add(instOfStatement);
+ string proxyType = interfaceType->QualifiedName();
+ proxyType += ".Stub.Proxy";
+ NewExpression* ne = new NewExpression(NAMES.Find(proxyType));
+ ne->arguments.push_back(obj);
+ m->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(ne));
+ this->elements.push_back(m);
+// =================================================
+class ProxyClass : public Class
+ ProxyClass(Type* type, InterfaceType* interfaceType);
+ virtual ~ProxyClass();
+ Variable* mRemote;
+ bool mOneWay;
+ProxyClass::ProxyClass(Type* type, InterfaceType* interfaceType)
+ :Class()
+ this->modifiers = PRIVATE | STATIC;
+ this->what = Class::CLASS;
+ this->type = type;
+ this->interfaces.push_back(interfaceType);
+ mOneWay = interfaceType->OneWay();
+ // IBinder mRemote
+ mRemote = new Variable(IBINDER_TYPE, "mRemote");
+ this->elements.push_back(new Field(PRIVATE, mRemote));
+ // Proxy()
+ Variable* remote = new Variable(IBINDER_TYPE, "remote");
+ Method* ctor = new Method;
+ ctor->name = "Proxy";
+ ctor->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ ctor->parameters.push_back(remote);
+ ctor->statements->Add(new Assignment(mRemote, remote));
+ this->elements.push_back(ctor);
+ // IBinder asBinder()
+ Method* asBinder = new Method;
+ asBinder->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE;
+ asBinder->returnType = IBINDER_TYPE;
+ asBinder->name = "asBinder";
+ asBinder->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ asBinder->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(mRemote));
+ this->elements.push_back(asBinder);
+// =================================================
+static void
+generate_new_array(Type* t, StatementBlock* addTo, Variable* v,
+ Variable* parcel)
+ Variable* len = new Variable(INT_TYPE, v->name + "_length");
+ addTo->Add(new VariableDeclaration(len, new MethodCall(parcel, "readInt")));
+ IfStatement* lencheck = new IfStatement();
+ lencheck->expression = new Comparison(len, "<", new LiteralExpression("0"));
+ lencheck->statements->Add(new Assignment(v, NULL_VALUE));
+ lencheck->elseif = new IfStatement();
+ lencheck->elseif->statements->Add(new Assignment(v,
+ new NewArrayExpression(t, len)));
+ addTo->Add(lencheck);
+static void
+generate_write_to_parcel(Type* t, StatementBlock* addTo, Variable* v,
+ Variable* parcel, int flags)
+ if (v->dimension == 0) {
+ t->WriteToParcel(addTo, v, parcel, flags);
+ }
+ if (v->dimension == 1) {
+ t->WriteArrayToParcel(addTo, v, parcel, flags);
+ }
+static void
+generate_create_from_parcel(Type* t, StatementBlock* addTo, Variable* v,
+ Variable* parcel, Variable** cl)
+ if (v->dimension == 0) {
+ t->CreateFromParcel(addTo, v, parcel, cl);
+ }
+ if (v->dimension == 1) {
+ t->CreateArrayFromParcel(addTo, v, parcel, cl);
+ }
+static void
+generate_read_from_parcel(Type* t, StatementBlock* addTo, Variable* v,
+ Variable* parcel, Variable** cl)
+ if (v->dimension == 0) {
+ t->ReadFromParcel(addTo, v, parcel, cl);
+ }
+ if (v->dimension == 1) {
+ t->ReadArrayFromParcel(addTo, v, parcel, cl);
+ }
+static void
+generate_method(const method_type* method, Class* interface,
+ StubClass* stubClass, ProxyClass* proxyClass, int index)
+ arg_type* arg;
+ int i;
+ bool hasOutParams = false;
+ const bool oneway = proxyClass->mOneWay || method->oneway;
+ // == the TRANSACT_ constant =============================================
+ string transactCodeName = "TRANSACTION_";
+ transactCodeName += method->;
+ char transactCodeValue[60];
+ sprintf(transactCodeValue, "(android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + %d)", index);
+ Field* transactCode = new Field(STATIC | FINAL,
+ new Variable(INT_TYPE, transactCodeName));
+ transactCode->value = transactCodeValue;
+ stubClass->elements.push_back(transactCode);
+ // == the declaration in the interface ===================================
+ Method* decl = new Method;
+ decl->comment = gather_comments(method->comments_token->extra);
+ decl->modifiers = PUBLIC;
+ decl->returnType = NAMES.Search(method->;
+ decl->returnTypeDimension = method->type.dimension;
+ decl->name = method->;
+ arg = method->args;
+ while (arg != NULL) {
+ decl->parameters.push_back(new Variable(
+ NAMES.Search(arg->, arg->,
+ arg->type.dimension));
+ arg = arg->next;
+ }
+ decl->exceptions.push_back(REMOTE_EXCEPTION_TYPE);
+ interface->elements.push_back(decl);
+ // == the stub method ====================================================
+ Case* c = new Case(transactCodeName);
+ MethodCall* realCall = new MethodCall(THIS_VALUE, method->;
+ // interface token validation is the very first thing we do
+ c->statements->Add(new MethodCall(stubClass->transact_data,
+ "enforceInterface", 1, new LiteralExpression("DESCRIPTOR")));
+ // args
+ Variable* cl = NULL;
+ VariableFactory stubArgs("_arg");
+ arg = method->args;
+ while (arg != NULL) {
+ Type* t = NAMES.Search(arg->;
+ Variable* v = stubArgs.Get(t);
+ v->dimension = arg->type.dimension;
+ c->statements->Add(new VariableDeclaration(v));
+ if (convert_direction(arg-> & IN_PARAMETER) {
+ generate_create_from_parcel(t, c->statements, v,
+ stubClass->transact_data, &cl);
+ } else {
+ if (arg->type.dimension == 0) {
+ c->statements->Add(new Assignment(v, new NewExpression(v->type)));
+ }
+ else if (arg->type.dimension == 1) {
+ generate_new_array(v->type, c->statements, v,
+ stubClass->transact_data);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "aidl:internal error %s:%d\n", __FILE__,
+ __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ realCall->arguments.push_back(v);
+ arg = arg->next;
+ }
+ // the real call
+ Variable* _result = NULL;
+ if (0 == strcmp(method->, "void")) {
+ c->statements->Add(realCall);
+ if (!oneway) {
+ // report that there were no exceptions
+ MethodCall* ex = new MethodCall(stubClass->transact_reply,
+ "writeNoException", 0);
+ c->statements->Add(ex);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _result = new Variable(decl->returnType, "_result",
+ decl->returnTypeDimension);
+ c->statements->Add(new VariableDeclaration(_result, realCall));
+ if (!oneway) {
+ // report that there were no exceptions
+ MethodCall* ex = new MethodCall(stubClass->transact_reply,
+ "writeNoException", 0);
+ c->statements->Add(ex);
+ }
+ // marshall the return value
+ generate_write_to_parcel(decl->returnType, c->statements, _result,
+ stubClass->transact_reply,
+ }
+ // out parameters
+ i = 0;
+ arg = method->args;
+ while (arg != NULL) {
+ Type* t = NAMES.Search(arg->;
+ Variable* v = stubArgs.Get(i++);
+ if (convert_direction(arg-> & OUT_PARAMETER) {
+ generate_write_to_parcel(t, c->statements, v,
+ stubClass->transact_reply,
+ hasOutParams = true;
+ }
+ arg = arg->next;
+ }
+ // return true
+ c->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(TRUE_VALUE));
+ stubClass->transact_switch->cases.push_back(c);
+ // == the proxy method ===================================================
+ Method* proxy = new Method;
+ proxy->comment = gather_comments(method->comments_token->extra);
+ proxy->modifiers = PUBLIC | OVERRIDE;
+ proxy->returnType = NAMES.Search(method->;
+ proxy->returnTypeDimension = method->type.dimension;
+ proxy->name = method->;
+ proxy->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ arg = method->args;
+ while (arg != NULL) {
+ proxy->parameters.push_back(new Variable(
+ NAMES.Search(arg->, arg->,
+ arg->type.dimension));
+ arg = arg->next;
+ }
+ proxy->exceptions.push_back(REMOTE_EXCEPTION_TYPE);
+ proxyClass->elements.push_back(proxy);
+ // the parcels
+ Variable* _data = new Variable(PARCEL_TYPE, "_data");
+ proxy->statements->Add(new VariableDeclaration(_data,
+ new MethodCall(PARCEL_TYPE, "obtain")));
+ Variable* _reply = NULL;
+ if (!oneway) {
+ _reply = new Variable(PARCEL_TYPE, "_reply");
+ proxy->statements->Add(new VariableDeclaration(_reply,
+ new MethodCall(PARCEL_TYPE, "obtain")));
+ }
+ // the return value
+ _result = NULL;
+ if (0 != strcmp(method->, "void")) {
+ _result = new Variable(proxy->returnType, "_result",
+ method->type.dimension);
+ proxy->statements->Add(new VariableDeclaration(_result));
+ }
+ // try and finally
+ TryStatement* tryStatement = new TryStatement();
+ proxy->statements->Add(tryStatement);
+ FinallyStatement* finallyStatement = new FinallyStatement();
+ proxy->statements->Add(finallyStatement);
+ // the interface identifier token: the DESCRIPTOR constant, marshalled as a string
+ tryStatement->statements->Add(new MethodCall(_data, "writeInterfaceToken",
+ 1, new LiteralExpression("DESCRIPTOR")));
+ // the parameters
+ arg = method->args;
+ while (arg != NULL) {
+ Type* t = NAMES.Search(arg->;
+ Variable* v = new Variable(t, arg->, arg->type.dimension);
+ int dir = convert_direction(arg->;
+ if (dir == OUT_PARAMETER && arg->type.dimension != 0) {
+ IfStatement* checklen = new IfStatement();
+ checklen->expression = new Comparison(v, "==", NULL_VALUE);
+ checklen->statements->Add(new MethodCall(_data, "writeInt", 1,
+ new LiteralExpression("-1")));
+ checklen->elseif = new IfStatement();
+ checklen->elseif->statements->Add(new MethodCall(_data, "writeInt",
+ 1, new FieldVariable(v, "length")));
+ tryStatement->statements->Add(checklen);
+ }
+ else if (dir & IN_PARAMETER) {
+ generate_write_to_parcel(t, tryStatement->statements, v, _data, 0);
+ }
+ arg = arg->next;
+ }
+ // the transact call
+ MethodCall* call = new MethodCall(proxyClass->mRemote, "transact", 4,
+ new LiteralExpression("Stub." + transactCodeName),
+ _data, _reply ? _reply : NULL_VALUE,
+ new LiteralExpression(
+ oneway ? "android.os.IBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY" : "0"));
+ tryStatement->statements->Add(call);
+ // throw back exceptions.
+ if (_reply) {
+ MethodCall* ex = new MethodCall(_reply, "readException", 0);
+ tryStatement->statements->Add(ex);
+ }
+ // returning and cleanup
+ if (_reply != NULL) {
+ if (_result != NULL) {
+ generate_create_from_parcel(proxy->returnType,
+ tryStatement->statements, _result, _reply, &cl);
+ }
+ // the out/inout parameters
+ arg = method->args;
+ while (arg != NULL) {
+ Type* t = NAMES.Search(arg->;
+ Variable* v = new Variable(t, arg->, arg->type.dimension);
+ if (convert_direction(arg-> & OUT_PARAMETER) {
+ generate_read_from_parcel(t, tryStatement->statements,
+ v, _reply, &cl);
+ }
+ arg = arg->next;
+ }
+ finallyStatement->statements->Add(new MethodCall(_reply, "recycle"));
+ }
+ finallyStatement->statements->Add(new MethodCall(_data, "recycle"));
+ if (_result != NULL) {
+ proxy->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(_result));
+ }
+static void
+generate_interface_descriptors(StubClass* stub, ProxyClass* proxy)
+ // the interface descriptor transaction handler
+ Case* c = new Case("INTERFACE_TRANSACTION");
+ c->statements->Add(new MethodCall(stub->transact_reply, "writeString",
+ 1, new LiteralExpression("DESCRIPTOR")));
+ c->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(TRUE_VALUE));
+ stub->transact_switch->cases.push_back(c);
+ // and the proxy-side method returning the descriptor directly
+ Method* getDesc = new Method;
+ getDesc->modifiers = PUBLIC;
+ getDesc->returnType = STRING_TYPE;
+ getDesc->returnTypeDimension = 0;
+ getDesc->name = "getInterfaceDescriptor";
+ getDesc->statements = new StatementBlock;
+ getDesc->statements->Add(new ReturnStatement(new LiteralExpression("DESCRIPTOR")));
+ proxy->elements.push_back(getDesc);
+generate_binder_interface_class(const interface_type* iface)
+ InterfaceType* interfaceType = static_cast<InterfaceType*>(
+ NAMES.Find(iface->package, iface->;
+ // the interface class
+ Class* interface = new Class;
+ interface->comment = gather_comments(iface->comments_token->extra);
+ interface->modifiers = PUBLIC;
+ interface->what = Class::INTERFACE;
+ interface->type = interfaceType;
+ interface->interfaces.push_back(IINTERFACE_TYPE);
+ // the stub inner class
+ StubClass* stub = new StubClass(
+ NAMES.Find(iface->package, append(iface->, ".Stub").c_str()),
+ interfaceType);
+ interface->elements.push_back(stub);
+ // the proxy inner class
+ ProxyClass* proxy = new ProxyClass(
+ NAMES.Find(iface->package,
+ append(iface->, ".Stub.Proxy").c_str()),
+ interfaceType);
+ stub->elements.push_back(proxy);
+ // stub and proxy support for getInterfaceDescriptor()
+ generate_interface_descriptors(stub, proxy);
+ // all the declared methods of the interface
+ int index = 0;
+ interface_item_type* item = iface->interface_items;
+ while (item != NULL) {
+ if (item->item_type == METHOD_TYPE) {
+ method_type * method_item = (method_type*) item;
+ generate_method(method_item, interface, stub, proxy, method_item->assigned_id);
+ }
+ item = item->next;
+ index++;
+ }
+ return interface;