path: root/tools
diff options
authorThe Android Open Source Project <>2009-05-20 22:41:10 -0700
committerThe Android Open Source Project <>2009-05-20 22:41:10 -0700
commitbb59a9f428334f7345624e5f4eb66a6aad8dc5ce (patch)
treee6d3150bfada44fbf201b3cc7e356a69582fcf0c /tools
parentd6154db472459e436693f6d227f64f1da059e8cb (diff)
parentf479aa0900e9a85afdc78b1048684e37579ebf23 (diff)
Merge commit 'f479aa0900e9a85afdc78b1048684e37579ebf23'
Conflicts: api/current.xml core/res/res/values/public.xml
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/tools/aapt/ResourceTable.cpp b/tools/aapt/ResourceTable.cpp
index 25ab147..66607a3 100644
--- a/tools/aapt/ResourceTable.cpp
+++ b/tools/aapt/ResourceTable.cpp
@@ -661,6 +661,7 @@ status_t compileResourceFile(Bundle* bundle,
const String16 string_array16("string-array");
const String16 integer_array16("integer-array");
const String16 public16("public");
+ const String16 public_padding16("public-padding");
const String16 private_symbols16("private-symbols");
const String16 skip16("skip");
const String16 eat_comment16("eat-comment");
@@ -695,7 +696,7 @@ status_t compileResourceFile(Bundle* bundle,
bool hasErrors = false;
- uint32_t nextPublicId = 0;
+ DefaultKeyedVector<String16, uint32_t> nextPublicId(0);
ResXMLTree::event_code_t code;
do {
@@ -784,15 +785,15 @@ status_t compileResourceFile(Bundle* bundle,
hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
} else {
ident =;
- nextPublicId = ident+1;
+ nextPublicId.replaceValueFor(type, ident+1);
- } else if (nextPublicId == 0) {
+ } else if (nextPublicId.indexOfKey(type) < 0) {
srcPos.error("No 'id' attribute supplied <public>,"
" and no previous id defined in this file.\n");
hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
} else if (!localHasErrors) {
- ident = nextPublicId;
- nextPublicId++;
+ ident = nextPublicId.valueFor(type);
+ nextPublicId.replaceValueFor(type, ident+1);
if (!localHasErrors) {
@@ -826,6 +827,116 @@ status_t compileResourceFile(Bundle* bundle,
+ } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), public_padding16.string()) == 0) {
+ SourcePos srcPos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber());
+ String16 type;
+ ssize_t typeIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "type");
+ if (typeIdx < 0) {
+ srcPos.error("A 'type' attribute is required for <public-padding>\n");
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ }
+ type = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(typeIdx, &len));
+ String16 name;
+ ssize_t nameIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name");
+ if (nameIdx < 0) {
+ srcPos.error("A 'name' attribute is required for <public-padding>\n");
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ }
+ name = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(nameIdx, &len));
+ uint32_t start = 0;
+ ssize_t startIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "start");
+ if (startIdx >= 0) {
+ const char16_t* startStr = block.getAttributeStringValue(startIdx, &len);
+ Res_value startValue;
+ if (!ResTable::stringToInt(startStr, len, &startValue)) {
+ srcPos.error("Given 'start' attribute is not an integer: %s\n",
+ String8(block.getAttributeStringValue(startIdx, &len)).string());
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ } else {
+ start =;
+ }
+ } else if (nextPublicId.indexOfKey(type) < 0) {
+ srcPos.error("No 'start' attribute supplied <public-padding>,"
+ " and no previous id defined in this file.\n");
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ } else if (!localHasErrors) {
+ start = nextPublicId.valueFor(type);
+ }
+ uint32_t end = 0;
+ ssize_t endIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "end");
+ if (endIdx >= 0) {
+ const char16_t* endStr = block.getAttributeStringValue(endIdx, &len);
+ Res_value endValue;
+ if (!ResTable::stringToInt(endStr, len, &endValue)) {
+ srcPos.error("Given 'end' attribute is not an integer: %s\n",
+ String8(block.getAttributeStringValue(endIdx, &len)).string());
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ } else {
+ end =;
+ }
+ } else {
+ srcPos.error("No 'end' attribute supplied <public-padding>\n");
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ }
+ if (end >= start) {
+ nextPublicId.replaceValueFor(type, end+1);
+ } else {
+ srcPos.error("Padding start '%ul' is after end '%ul'\n",
+ start, end);
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ }
+ String16 comment(
+ block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr);
+ for (uint32_t curIdent=start; curIdent<=end; curIdent++) {
+ if (localHasErrors) {
+ break;
+ }
+ String16 curName(name);
+ char buf[64];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)(end-curIdent+1));
+ curName.append(String16(buf));
+ err = outTable->addEntry(srcPos, myPackage, type, curName,
+ String16("padding"), NULL, &curParams, false,
+ ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING, overwrite);
+ if (err < NO_ERROR) {
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ err = outTable->addPublic(srcPos, myPackage, type,
+ curName, curIdent);
+ if (err < NO_ERROR) {
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ sp<AaptSymbols> symbols = assets->getSymbolsFor(String8("R"));
+ if (symbols != NULL) {
+ symbols = symbols->addNestedSymbol(String8(type), srcPos);
+ }
+ if (symbols != NULL) {
+ symbols->makeSymbolPublic(String8(curName), srcPos);
+ symbols->appendComment(String8(curName), comment, srcPos);
+ } else {
+ srcPos.error("Unable to create symbols!\n");
+ hasErrors = localHasErrors = true;
+ }
+ }
+ while (( != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) {
+ if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) {
+ if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), public_padding16.string()) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
} else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), private_symbols16.string()) == 0) {
String16 pkg;
ssize_t pkgIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "package");