diff options
4 files changed, 225 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/ b/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/
index f7636a3..7a4e5a5 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/
@@ -150,15 +150,16 @@ public class SoundTrigger {
/** Key phrase text */
public final String text;
- /** Number of users this key phrase has been trained for */
- public final int numUsers;
+ /** Users this key phrase has been trained for. countains sound trigger specific user IDs
+ * derived from system user IDs {@link android.os.UserHandle#getIdentifier()}. */
+ public final int[] users;
- public Keyphrase(int id, int recognitionModes, String locale, String text, int numUsers) {
+ public Keyphrase(int id, int recognitionModes, String locale, String text, int[] users) { = id;
this.recognitionModes = recognitionModes;
this.locale = locale;
this.text = text;
- this.numUsers = numUsers;
+ this.users = users;
@@ -215,36 +216,86 @@ public class SoundTrigger {
/** Delay in ms between end of model detection and start of audio available for capture.
* A negative value is possible (e.g. if keyphrase is also available for capture) */
public final int captureDelayMs;
+ /** Duration in ms of audio captured before the start of the trigger. 0 if none. */
+ public final int capturePreambleMs;
/** Opaque data for use by system applications who know about voice engine internals,
* typically during enrollment. */
public final byte[] data;
RecognitionEvent(int status, int soundModelHandle, boolean captureAvailable,
- int captureSession, int captureDelayMs, byte[] data) {
+ int captureSession, int captureDelayMs, int capturePreambleMs, byte[] data) {
this.status = status;
this.soundModelHandle = soundModelHandle;
this.captureAvailable = captureAvailable;
this.captureSession = captureSession;
this.captureDelayMs = captureDelayMs;
+ this.capturePreambleMs = capturePreambleMs; = data;
+ * A RecognitionConfig is provided to
+ * {@link SoundTriggerModule#startRecognition(int, RecognitionConfig)} to configure the
+ * recognition request.
+ */
+ public static class RecognitionConfig {
+ /** True if the DSP should capture the trigger sound and make it available for further
+ * capture. */
+ public final boolean captureRequested;
+ /** List of all keyphrases in the sound model for which recognition should be performed with
+ * options for each keyphrase. */
+ public final KeyphraseRecognitionExtra keyphrases[];
+ /** Opaque data for use by system applications who know about voice engine internals,
+ * typically during enrollment. */
+ public final byte[] data;
+ public RecognitionConfig(boolean captureRequested,
+ KeyphraseRecognitionExtra keyphrases[], byte[] data) {
+ this.captureRequested = captureRequested;
+ this.keyphrases = keyphrases;
+ = data;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Confidence level for users defined in a keyphrase.
+ * - The confidence level is expressed in percent (0% -100%).
+ * When used in a {@link KeyphraseRecognitionEvent} it indicates the detected confidence level
+ * When used in a {@link RecognitionConfig} it indicates the minimum confidence level that
+ * should trigger a recognition.
+ * - The user ID is derived from the system ID {@link android.os.UserHandle#getIdentifier()}.
+ */
+ public static class ConfidenceLevel {
+ public final int userId;
+ public final int confidenceLevel;
+ public ConfidenceLevel(int userId, int confidenceLevel) {
+ this.userId = userId;
+ this.confidenceLevel = confidenceLevel;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* Additional data conveyed by a {@link KeyphraseRecognitionEvent}
* for a key phrase detection.
public static class KeyphraseRecognitionExtra {
- /** Confidence level for each user defined in the key phrase in the same order as
- * users in the key phrase. The confidence level is expressed in percentage (0% -100%) */
- public final int[] confidenceLevels;
+ /** The keyphrse ID */
+ public final int id;
/** Recognition modes matched for this event */
public final int recognitionModes;
- KeyphraseRecognitionExtra(int[] confidenceLevels, int recognitionModes) {
- this.confidenceLevels = confidenceLevels;
+ /** Confidence levels for all users recognized (KeyphraseRecognitionEvent) or to
+ * be recognized (RecognitionConfig) */
+ public final ConfidenceLevel[] confidenceLevels;
+ public KeyphraseRecognitionExtra(int id, int recognitionModes,
+ ConfidenceLevel[] confidenceLevels) {
+ = id;
this.recognitionModes = recognitionModes;
+ this.confidenceLevels = confidenceLevels;
@@ -259,9 +310,10 @@ public class SoundTrigger {
public final boolean keyphraseInCapture;
KeyphraseRecognitionEvent(int status, int soundModelHandle, boolean captureAvailable,
- int captureSession, int captureDelayMs, byte[] data,
+ int captureSession, int captureDelayMs, int capturePreambleMs, byte[] data,
boolean keyphraseInCapture, KeyphraseRecognitionExtra[] keyphraseExtras) {
- super(status, soundModelHandle, captureAvailable, captureSession, captureDelayMs, data);
+ super(status, soundModelHandle, captureAvailable, captureSession, captureDelayMs,
+ capturePreambleMs, data);
this.keyphraseInCapture = keyphraseInCapture;
this.keyphraseExtras = keyphraseExtras;
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/ b/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/
index 776f85d..4a54fd8 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/soundtrigger/
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ public class SoundTriggerModule {
* Recognition must be restarted after each callback (success or failure) received on
* the {@link SoundTrigger.StatusListener}.
* @param soundModelHandle The sound model handle to start listening to
- * @param data Opaque data for use by the implementation for this recognition
+ * @param config contains configuration information for this recognition request:
+ * recognition mode, keyphrases, users, minimum confidence levels...
* @return - {@link SoundTrigger#STATUS_OK} in case of success
* - {@link SoundTrigger#STATUS_ERROR} in case of unspecified error
* - {@link SoundTrigger#STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED} if the caller does not have
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ public class SoundTriggerModule {
* service fails
* - {@link SoundTrigger#STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION} if the call is out of sequence
- public native int startRecognition(int soundModelHandle, byte[] data);
+ public native int startRecognition(int soundModelHandle, SoundTrigger.RecognitionConfig config);
* Stop listening to all key phrases in a {@link SoundTrigger.SoundModel}
diff --git a/core/jni/android_hardware_SoundTrigger.cpp b/core/jni/android_hardware_SoundTrigger.cpp
index afb92a1..c9a0b1e 100644
--- a/core/jni/android_hardware_SoundTrigger.cpp
+++ b/core/jni/android_hardware_SoundTrigger.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static struct {
jfieldID recognitionModes;
jfieldID locale;
jfieldID text;
- jfieldID numUsers;
+ jfieldID users;
} gKeyphraseFields;
static const char* const kKeyphraseSoundModelClassPathName =
@@ -84,6 +84,14 @@ static struct {
jfieldID keyphrases;
} gKeyphraseSoundModelFields;
+static const char* const kRecognitionConfigClassPathName =
+ "android/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$RecognitionConfig";
+static jclass gRecognitionConfigClass;
+static struct {
+ jfieldID captureRequested;
+ jfieldID keyphrases;
+ jfieldID data;
+} gRecognitionConfigFields;
static const char* const kRecognitionEventClassPathName =
@@ -99,6 +107,20 @@ static const char* const kKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClassPathName =
static jclass gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClass;
static jmethodID gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraCstor;
+static struct {
+ jfieldID id;
+ jfieldID recognitionModes;
+ jfieldID confidenceLevels;
+} gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraFields;
+static const char* const kConfidenceLevelClassPathName =
+ "android/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$ConfidenceLevel";
+static jclass gConfidenceLevelClass;
+static jmethodID gConfidenceLevelCstor;
+static struct {
+ jfieldID userId;
+ jfieldID confidenceLevel;
+} gConfidenceLevelFields;
static Mutex gLock;
@@ -183,34 +205,45 @@ void JNISoundTriggerCallback::onRecognitionEvent(struct sound_trigger_recognitio
for (size_t i = 0; i < phraseEvent->num_phrases; i++) {
- jintArray jConfidenceLevels = env->NewIntArray(phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].num_users);
+ jobjectArray jConfidenceLevels = env->NewObjectArray(
+ phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].num_levels,
+ gConfidenceLevelClass, NULL);
if (jConfidenceLevels == NULL) {
- jint *nConfidenceLevels = env->GetIntArrayElements(jConfidenceLevels, NULL);
- memcpy(nConfidenceLevels,
- phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].confidence_levels,
- phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].num_users * sizeof(int));
- env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jConfidenceLevels, nConfidenceLevels, 0);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].num_levels; j++) {
+ jobject jConfidenceLevel = env->NewObject(gConfidenceLevelClass,
+ gConfidenceLevelCstor,
+ phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].levels[j].user_id,
+ phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].levels[j].level);
+ env->SetObjectArrayElement(jConfidenceLevels, j, jConfidenceLevel);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jConfidenceLevel);
+ }
jobject jNewExtra = env->NewObject(gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClass,
- jConfidenceLevels,
- phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].recognition_modes);
+ phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].id,
+ phraseEvent->phrase_extras[i].recognition_modes,
+ jConfidenceLevels);
if (jNewExtra == NULL) {
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jExtras, i, jNewExtra);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jNewExtra);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jConfidenceLevels);
jEvent = env->NewObject(gKeyphraseRecognitionEventClass, gKeyphraseRecognitionEventCstor,
event->status, event->model, event->capture_available,
- event->capture_session, event->capture_delay_ms, jData,
+ event->capture_session, event->capture_delay_ms,
+ event->capture_preamble_ms, jData,
phraseEvent->key_phrase_in_capture, jExtras);
} else {
jEvent = env->NewObject(gRecognitionEventClass, gRecognitionEventCstor,
event->status, event->model, event->capture_available,
- event->capture_session, event->capture_delay_ms, jData);
+ event->capture_session, event->capture_delay_ms,
+ event->capture_preamble_ms, jData);
@@ -381,7 +414,7 @@ android_hardware_SoundTrigger_loadSoundModel(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
jobject jSoundModel, jintArray jHandle)
- char *nData = NULL;
+ jbyte *nData = NULL;
struct sound_trigger_sound_model *nSoundModel;
jbyteArray jData;
sp<MemoryDealer> memoryDealer;
@@ -437,7 +470,7 @@ android_hardware_SoundTrigger_loadSoundModel(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
size = env->GetArrayLength(jData);
- nData = (char *)env->GetByteArrayElements(jData, NULL);
+ nData = env->GetByteArrayElements(jData, NULL);
if (jData == NULL) {
goto exit;
@@ -481,8 +514,16 @@ android_hardware_SoundTrigger_loadSoundModel(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
phraseModel->phrases[i].recognition_mode =
- phraseModel->phrases[i].num_users =
- env->GetIntField(jPhrase, gKeyphraseFields.numUsers);
+ jintArray jUsers = (jintArray)env->GetObjectField(jPhrase, gKeyphraseFields.users);
+ phraseModel->phrases[i].num_users = env->GetArrayLength(jUsers);
+ jint *nUsers = env->GetIntArrayElements(jUsers, NULL);
+ memcpy(phraseModel->phrases[i].users,
+ nUsers,
+ phraseModel->phrases[i].num_users * sizeof(int));
+ env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jUsers, nUsers, 0);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jUsers);
jstring jLocale = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(jPhrase, gKeyphraseFields.locale);
const char *nLocale = env->GetStringUTFChars(jLocale, NULL);
@@ -500,6 +541,7 @@ android_hardware_SoundTrigger_loadSoundModel(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
ALOGV("loadSoundModel phrases %d text %s locale %s",
i, phraseModel->phrases[i].text, phraseModel->phrases[i].locale);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jPhrase);
@@ -512,7 +554,7 @@ exit:
env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jHandle, nHandle, NULL);
if (nData != NULL) {
- env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jData, (jbyte *)nData, NULL);
+ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jData, nData, NULL);
return status;
@@ -534,7 +576,7 @@ android_hardware_SoundTrigger_unloadSoundModel(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
static jint
android_hardware_SoundTrigger_startRecognition(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
- jint jHandle, jbyteArray jData)
+ jint jHandle, jobject jConfig)
@@ -542,29 +584,82 @@ android_hardware_SoundTrigger_startRecognition(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
if (module == NULL) {
+ if (!env->IsInstanceOf(jConfig, gRecognitionConfigClass)) {
+ }
+ jbyteArray jData = (jbyteArray)env->GetObjectField(jConfig,;
jsize dataSize = 0;
- char *nData = NULL;
- sp<IMemory> memory;
+ jbyte *nData = NULL;
if (jData != NULL) {
dataSize = env->GetArrayLength(jData);
if (dataSize == 0) {
- nData = (char *)env->GetByteArrayElements(jData, NULL);
+ nData = env->GetByteArrayElements(jData, NULL);
if (nData == NULL) {
- sp<MemoryDealer> memoryDealer =
- new MemoryDealer(dataSize, "SoundTrigge-JNI::StartRecognition");
- if (memoryDealer == 0) {
+ }
+ size_t totalSize = sizeof(struct sound_trigger_recognition_config) + dataSize;
+ sp<MemoryDealer> memoryDealer =
+ new MemoryDealer(totalSize, "SoundTrigge-JNI::StartRecognition");
+ if (memoryDealer == 0) {
+ }
+ sp<IMemory> memory = memoryDealer->allocate(totalSize);
+ if (memory == 0 || memory->pointer() == NULL) {
+ }
+ if (dataSize != 0) {
+ memcpy((char *)memory->pointer() + sizeof(struct sound_trigger_recognition_config),
+ nData,
+ dataSize);
+ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jData, nData, 0);
+ }
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jData);
+ struct sound_trigger_recognition_config *config =
+ (struct sound_trigger_recognition_config *)memory->pointer();
+ config->data_size = dataSize;
+ config->data_offset = sizeof(struct sound_trigger_recognition_config);
+ config->capture_requested = env->GetIntField(jConfig,
+ gRecognitionConfigFields.captureRequested);
+ config->num_phrases = 0;
+ jobjectArray jPhrases =
+ (jobjectArray)env->GetObjectField(jConfig, gRecognitionConfigFields.keyphrases);
+ if (jPhrases != NULL) {
+ config->num_phrases = env->GetArrayLength(jPhrases);
+ }
+ ALOGV("startRecognition num phrases %d", config->num_phrases);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < config->num_phrases; i++) {
+ jobject jPhrase = env->GetObjectArrayElement(jPhrases, i);
+ config->phrases[i].id = env->GetIntField(jPhrase,
+ config->phrases[i].recognition_modes = env->GetIntField(jPhrase,
+ gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraFields.recognitionModes);
+ config->phrases[i].num_levels = 0;
+ jobjectArray jConfidenceLevels = (jobjectArray)env->GetObjectField(jPhrase,
+ gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraFields.confidenceLevels);
+ if (jConfidenceLevels != NULL) {
+ config->phrases[i].num_levels = env->GetArrayLength(jConfidenceLevels);
- memory = memoryDealer->allocate(dataSize);
- if (memory == 0 || memory->pointer() == NULL) {
+ ALOGV("startRecognition phrase %d num_levels %d", i, config->phrases[i].num_levels);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < config->phrases[i].num_levels; j++) {
+ jobject jConfidenceLevel = env->GetObjectArrayElement(jConfidenceLevels, j);
+ config->phrases[i].levels[j].user_id = env->GetIntField(jConfidenceLevel,
+ gConfidenceLevelFields.userId);
+ config->phrases[i].levels[j].level = env->GetIntField(jConfidenceLevel,
+ gConfidenceLevelFields.confidenceLevel);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jConfidenceLevel);
- memcpy(memory->pointer(), nData, dataSize);
+ ALOGV("startRecognition phrases %d", i);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jConfidenceLevels);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jPhrase);
+ env->DeleteLocalRef(jPhrases);
status = module->startRecognition(jHandle, memory);
return status;
@@ -608,7 +703,7 @@ static JNINativeMethod gModuleMethods[] = {
(void *)android_hardware_SoundTrigger_unloadSoundModel},
- "(I[B)I",
+ "(ILandroid/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$RecognitionConfig;)I",
(void *)android_hardware_SoundTrigger_startRecognition},
@@ -652,7 +747,7 @@ int register_android_hardware_SoundTrigger(JNIEnv *env)
gKeyphraseFields.recognitionModes = env->GetFieldID(keyphraseClass, "recognitionModes", "I");
gKeyphraseFields.locale = env->GetFieldID(keyphraseClass, "locale", "Ljava/lang/String;");
gKeyphraseFields.text = env->GetFieldID(keyphraseClass, "text", "Ljava/lang/String;");
- gKeyphraseFields.numUsers = env->GetFieldID(keyphraseClass, "numUsers", "I");
+ gKeyphraseFields.users = env->GetFieldID(keyphraseClass, "users", "[I");
jclass keyphraseSoundModelClass = env->FindClass(kKeyphraseSoundModelClassPathName);
gKeyphraseSoundModelClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(keyphraseSoundModelClass);
@@ -664,18 +759,42 @@ int register_android_hardware_SoundTrigger(JNIEnv *env)
jclass recognitionEventClass = env->FindClass(kRecognitionEventClassPathName);
gRecognitionEventClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(recognitionEventClass);
gRecognitionEventCstor = env->GetMethodID(recognitionEventClass, "<init>",
- "(IIZII[B)V");
+ "(IIZIII[B)V");
jclass keyphraseRecognitionEventClass = env->FindClass(kKeyphraseRecognitionEventClassPathName);
gKeyphraseRecognitionEventClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(keyphraseRecognitionEventClass);
gKeyphraseRecognitionEventCstor = env->GetMethodID(keyphraseRecognitionEventClass, "<init>",
- "(IIZII[BZ[Landroid/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$KeyphraseRecognitionExtra;)V");
+ "(IIZIII[BZ[Landroid/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$KeyphraseRecognitionExtra;)V");
+ jclass keyRecognitionConfigClass = env->FindClass(kRecognitionConfigClassPathName);
+ gRecognitionConfigClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(keyRecognitionConfigClass);
+ gRecognitionConfigFields.captureRequested = env->GetFieldID(keyRecognitionConfigClass,
+ "captureRequested",
+ "Z");
+ gRecognitionConfigFields.keyphrases = env->GetFieldID(keyRecognitionConfigClass,
+ "keyphrases",
+ "[Landroid/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$KeyphraseRecognitionExtra;");
+ = env->GetFieldID(keyRecognitionConfigClass,
+ "data",
+ "[B");
jclass keyphraseRecognitionExtraClass = env->FindClass(kKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClassPathName);
gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(keyphraseRecognitionExtraClass);
gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraCstor = env->GetMethodID(keyphraseRecognitionExtraClass, "<init>",
- "([II)V");
+ "(II[Landroid/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$ConfidenceLevel;)V");
+ = env->GetFieldID(gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClass, "id", "I");
+ gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraFields.recognitionModes = env->GetFieldID(gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClass, "recognitionModes", "I");
+ gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraFields.confidenceLevels = env->GetFieldID(gKeyphraseRecognitionExtraClass,
+ "confidenceLevels",
+ "[Landroid/hardware/soundtrigger/SoundTrigger$ConfidenceLevel;");
+ jclass confidenceLevelClass = env->FindClass(kConfidenceLevelClassPathName);
+ gConfidenceLevelClass = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(confidenceLevelClass);
+ gConfidenceLevelCstor = env->GetMethodID(confidenceLevelClass, "<init>", "(II)V");
+ gConfidenceLevelFields.userId = env->GetFieldID(confidenceLevelClass, "userId", "I");
+ gConfidenceLevelFields.confidenceLevel = env->GetFieldID(confidenceLevelClass,
+ "confidenceLevel", "I");
int status = AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(env,
kSoundTriggerClassPathName, gMethods, NELEM(gMethods));
@@ -685,5 +804,6 @@ int register_android_hardware_SoundTrigger(JNIEnv *env)
kModuleClassPathName, gModuleMethods, NELEM(gModuleMethods));
return status;
diff --git a/services/voiceinteraction/java/com/android/server/voiceinteraction/ b/services/voiceinteraction/java/com/android/server/voiceinteraction/
index cb902b2..a1240f4 100644
--- a/services/voiceinteraction/java/com/android/server/voiceinteraction/
+++ b/services/voiceinteraction/java/com/android/server/voiceinteraction/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
public static final String KEY_RECOGNITION_MODES = "modes";
public static final String KEY_LOCALE = "locale";
public static final String KEY_HINT_TEXT = "hint_text";
- public static final String KEY_NUM_USERS = "num_users";
+ public static final String KEY_USERS = "users";
public static final String KEY_SOUND_MODEL_ID = "sound_model_id";
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
+ KeyphraseContract.TABLE + "("
+ KeyphraseContract.KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
- + KeyphraseContract.KEY_NUM_USERS + " INTEGER,"
+ + KeyphraseContract.KEY_USERS + " INTEGER,"
+ KeyphraseContract.KEY_SOUND_MODEL_ID + " TEXT,"
+ KeyphraseContract.KEY_LOCALE + " TEXT,"
+ KeyphraseContract.KEY_HINT_TEXT + " TEXT" + ")";
@@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
do {
int id = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(KeyphraseContract.KEY_ID));
int modes = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(KeyphraseContract.KEY_RECOGNITION_MODES));
- int numUsers = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(KeyphraseContract.KEY_NUM_USERS));
+ int[] users = {c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(KeyphraseContract.KEY_USERS))};
String locale = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(KeyphraseContract.KEY_LOCALE));
String hintText = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(KeyphraseContract.KEY_HINT_TEXT));
- keyphrases.add(new Keyphrase(id, modes, locale, hintText, numUsers));
+ keyphrases.add(new Keyphrase(id, modes, locale, hintText, users));
} while (c.moveToNext());
Keyphrase[] keyphraseArr = new Keyphrase[keyphrases.size()];