path: root/core
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1 files changed, 174 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/core/java/android/webkit/ b/core/java/android/webkit/
index 4b47537..72aed4b 100644
--- a/core/java/android/webkit/
+++ b/core/java/android/webkit/
@@ -1357,14 +1357,7 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Construct a new WebView with layout parameters, a default style and a set
- * of custom Javscript interfaces to be added to the WebView at initialization
- * time. This guarantees that these interfaces will be available when the JS
- * context is initialized.
- * @param javaScriptInterfaces is a Map of interface names, as keys, and
- * object implementing those interfaces, as values.
- * @param privateBrowsing If true the web view will be initialized in private mode.
- * @hide This is an implementation detail.
+ * See {@link WebViewProvider#init(Map, boolean)}
public void init(Map<String, Object> javaScriptInterfaces, boolean privateBrowsing) {
@@ -1867,36 +1860,36 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Specify whether the horizontal scrollbar has overlay style.
- * @param overlay TRUE if horizontal scrollbar should have overlay style.
+ * See {@link WebView#setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(boolean)}
+ @Override
public void setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(boolean overlay) {
mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar = overlay;
- * Specify whether the vertical scrollbar has overlay style.
- * @param overlay TRUE if vertical scrollbar should have overlay style.
+ * See {@link WebView#setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(boolean)
+ @Override
public void setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(boolean overlay) {
mOverlayVerticalScrollbar = overlay;
- * Return whether horizontal scrollbar has overlay style
- * @return TRUE if horizontal scrollbar has overlay style.
+ * See {@link WebView#overlayHorizontalScrollbar()}
+ @Override
public boolean overlayHorizontalScrollbar() {
return mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar;
- * Return whether vertical scrollbar has overlay style
- * @return TRUE if vertical scrollbar has overlay style.
+ * See {@link WebView#overlayVerticalScrollbar()}
+ @Override
public boolean overlayVerticalScrollbar() {
return mOverlayVerticalScrollbar;
@@ -1934,11 +1927,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Return the visible height (in pixels) of the embedded title bar (if any).
- *
- * @return This method is obsolete and always returns 0.
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#getVisibleTitleHeight()}
+ @Override
public int getVisibleTitleHeight() {
// Actually, this method returns the height of the embedded title bar if one is set via the
@@ -1985,17 +1976,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * @return The SSL certificate for the main top-level page or null if
- * there is no certificate (the site is not secure).
+ * See {@link WebView#getCertificate()}
+ @Override
public SslCertificate getCertificate() {
return mCertificate;
- * Sets the SSL certificate for the main top-level page.
+ * See {@link WebView#setCertificate(SslCertificate)}
+ @Override
public void setCertificate(SslCertificate certificate) {
if (DebugFlags.WEB_VIEW) {
@@ -2010,26 +2002,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Save the username and password for a particular host in the WebView's
- * internal database.
- * @param host The host that required the credentials.
- * @param username The username for the given host.
- * @param password The password for the given host.
+ * See {@link WebView#savePassword(String, String, String)}
+ @Override
public void savePassword(String host, String username, String password) {
mDatabase.setUsernamePassword(host, username, password);
- * Set the HTTP authentication credentials for a given host and realm.
- *
- * @param host The host for the credentials.
- * @param realm The realm for the credentials.
- * @param username The username for the password. If it is null, it means
- * password can't be saved.
- * @param password The password
+ * See {@link WebView#setHttpAuthUsernamePassword(String, String, String, String)}
+ @Override
public void setHttpAuthUsernamePassword(String host, String realm,
String username, String password) {
@@ -2037,14 +2021,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Retrieve the HTTP authentication username and password for a given
- * host & realm pair
- *
- * @param host The host for which the credentials apply.
- * @param realm The realm for which the credentials apply.
- * @return String[] if found, String[0] is username, which can be null and
- * String[1] is password. Return null if it can't find anything.
+ * See {@link WebView#getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(String, String)}
+ @Override
public String[] getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(String host, String realm) {
return mDatabase.getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(host, realm);
@@ -2082,10 +2061,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Destroy the internal state of the WebView. This method should be called
- * after the WebView has been removed from the view system. No other
- * methods may be called on a WebView after destroy.
+ * See {@link WebView#destroy()}
+ @Override
public void destroy() {
@@ -2115,10 +2093,7 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Enables platform notifications of data state and proxy changes.
- * Notifications are enabled by default.
- *
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#enablePlatformNotifications()}
public static void enablePlatformNotifications() {
@@ -2132,10 +2107,7 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Disables platform notifications of data state and proxy changes.
- * Notifications are enabled by default.
- *
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#disablePlatformNotifications()}
public static void disablePlatformNotifications() {
@@ -2161,11 +2133,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Inform WebView of the network state. This is used to set
- * the JavaScript property window.navigator.isOnline and
- * generates the online/offline event as specified in HTML5, sec. 5.7.7
- * @param networkUp boolean indicating if network is available
+ * See {@link WebView#setNetworkAvailable(boolean)}
+ @Override
public void setNetworkAvailable(boolean networkUp) {
@@ -2183,19 +2153,11 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
map.put("subtype", subtype);
mWebViewCore.sendMessage(EventHub.SET_NETWORK_TYPE, map);
- * Save the state of this WebView used in
- * {@link}. Please note that this
- * method no longer stores the display data for this WebView. The previous
- * behavior could potentially leak files if {@link #restoreState} was never
- * called. See {@link #savePicture} and {@link #restorePicture} for saving
- * and restoring the display data.
- * @param outState The Bundle to store the WebView state.
- * @return The same copy of the back/forward list used to save the state. If
- * saveState fails, the returned list will be null.
- * @see #savePicture
- * @see #restorePicture
+ * See {@link WebView#saveState(Bundle)}
+ @Override
public WebBackForwardList saveState(Bundle outState) {
if (outState == null) {
@@ -2244,14 +2206,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Save the current display data to the Bundle given. Used in conjunction
- * with {@link #saveState}.
- * @param b A Bundle to store the display data.
- * @param dest The file to store the serialized picture data. Will be
- * overwritten with this WebView's picture data.
- * @return True if the picture was successfully saved.
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#savePicture(Bundle, File)}
+ @Override
public boolean savePicture(Bundle b, final File dest) {
@@ -2311,15 +2268,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Restore the display data that was save in {@link #savePicture}. Used in
- * conjunction with {@link #restoreState}.
- *
- * Note that this will not work if the WebView is hardware accelerated.
- * @param b A Bundle containing the saved display data.
- * @param src The file where the picture data was stored.
- * @return True if the picture was successfully restored.
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#restorePicture(Bundle, File)};
+ @Override
public boolean restorePicture(Bundle b, File src) {
@@ -2402,7 +2353,6 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
* Clears the view state set with {@link #loadViewState(InputStream)}.
* This WebView will then switch to showing the content from webkit
- * @hide
public void clearViewState() {
mBlockWebkitViewMessages = false;
@@ -2411,19 +2361,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Restore the state of this WebView from the given map used in
- * {@link}. This method should
- * be called to restore the state of the WebView before using the object. If
- * it is called after the WebView has had a chance to build state (load
- * pages, create a back/forward list, etc.) there may be undesirable
- * side-effects. Please note that this method no longer restores the
- * display data for this WebView. See {@link #savePicture} and {@link
- * #restorePicture} for saving and restoring the display data.
- * @param inState The incoming Bundle of state.
- * @return The restored back/forward list or null if restoreState failed.
- * @see #savePicture
- * @see #restorePicture
+ * See {@link WebView#restoreState(Bundle)}
+ @Override
public WebBackForwardList restoreState(Bundle inState) {
WebBackForwardList returnList = null;
@@ -2478,15 +2418,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Load the given URL with the specified additional HTTP headers.
- * @param url The URL of the resource to load.
- * @param additionalHttpHeaders The additional headers to be used in the
- * HTTP request for this URL, specified as a map from name to
- * value. Note that if this map contains any of the headers
- * that are set by default by the WebView, such as those
- * controlling caching, accept types or the User-Agent, their
- * values may be overriden by the WebView's defaults.
+ * See {@link WebView#loadUrl(String, Map)}
+ @Override
public void loadUrl(String url, Map<String, String> additionalHttpHeaders) {
loadUrlImpl(url, additionalHttpHeaders);
@@ -2502,9 +2436,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Load the given URL.
- * @param url The URL of the resource to load.
+ * See {@link WebView#loadUrl(String)}
+ @Override
public void loadUrl(String url) {
@@ -2518,13 +2452,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Load the url with postData using "POST" method into the WebView. If url
- * is not a network url, it will be loaded with {link
- * {@link #loadUrl(String)} instead.
- *
- * @param url The url of the resource to load.
- * @param postData The data will be passed to "POST" request.
+ * See {@link WebView#postUrl(String, byte[])}
+ @Override
public void postUrl(String url, byte[] postData) {
if (URLUtil.isNetworkUrl(url)) {
@@ -2540,31 +2470,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Load the given data into the WebView using a 'data' scheme URL.
- * <p>
- * Note that JavaScript's same origin policy means that script running in a
- * page loaded using this method will be unable to access content loaded
- * using any scheme other than 'data', including 'http(s)'. To avoid this
- * restriction, use {@link
- * #loadDataWithBaseURL(String,String,String,String,String)
- * loadDataWithBaseURL()} with an appropriate base URL.
- * <p>
- * If the value of the encoding parameter is 'base64', then the data must
- * be encoded as base64. Otherwise, the data must use ASCII encoding for
- * octets inside the range of safe URL characters and use the standard %xx
- * hex encoding of URLs for octets outside that range. For example,
- * '#', '%', '\', '?' should be replaced by %23, %25, %27, %3f respectively.
- * <p>
- * The 'data' scheme URL formed by this method uses the default US-ASCII
- * charset. If you need need to set a different charset, you should form a
- * 'data' scheme URL which explicitly specifies a charset parameter in the
- * mediatype portion of the URL and call {@link #loadUrl(String)} instead.
- * Note that the charset obtained from the mediatype portion of a data URL
- * always overrides that specified in the HTML or XML document itself.
- * @param data A String of data in the given encoding.
- * @param mimeType The MIME type of the data, e.g. 'text/html'.
- * @param encoding The encoding of the data.
+ * See {@link WebView#loadData(String, String, String)}
+ @Override
public void loadData(String data, String mimeType, String encoding) {
loadDataImpl(data, mimeType, encoding);
@@ -2582,27 +2490,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Load the given data into the WebView, using baseUrl as the base URL for
- * the content. The base URL is used both to resolve relative URLs and when
- * applying JavaScript's same origin policy. The historyUrl is used for the
- * history entry.
- * <p>
- * Note that content specified in this way can access local device files
- * (via 'file' scheme URLs) only if baseUrl specifies a scheme other than
- * 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'about' or 'javascript'.
- * <p>
- * If the base URL uses the data scheme, this method is equivalent to
- * calling {@link #loadData(String,String,String) loadData()} and the
- * historyUrl is ignored.
- * @param baseUrl URL to use as the page's base URL. If null defaults to
- * 'about:blank'
- * @param data A String of data in the given encoding.
- * @param mimeType The MIMEType of the data, e.g. 'text/html'. If null,
- * defaults to 'text/html'.
- * @param encoding The encoding of the data.
- * @param historyUrl URL to use as the history entry, if null defaults to
- * 'about:blank'.
+ * See {@link WebView#loadDataWithBaseURL(String, String, String, String, String)}
+ @Override
public void loadDataWithBaseURL(String baseUrl, String data,
String mimeType, String encoding, String historyUrl) {
@@ -2623,10 +2513,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Saves the current view as a web archive.
- *
- * @param filename The filename where the archive should be placed.
+ * See {@link WebView#saveWebArchive(String)}
+ @Override
public void saveWebArchive(String filename) {
saveWebArchiveImpl(filename, false, null);
@@ -2646,17 +2535,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Saves the current view as a web archive.
- *
- * @param basename The filename where the archive should be placed.
- * @param autoname If false, takes basename to be a file. If true, basename
- * is assumed to be a directory in which a filename will be
- * chosen according to the url of the current page.
- * @param callback Called after the web archive has been saved. The
- * parameter for onReceiveValue will either be the filename
- * under which the file was saved, or null if saving the
- * file failed.
+ * See {@link WebView#saveWebArchive(String, boolean, ValueCallback)}
+ @Override
public void saveWebArchive(String basename, boolean autoname, ValueCallback<String> callback) {
saveWebArchiveImpl(basename, autoname, callback);
@@ -2669,8 +2550,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Stop the current load.
+ * See {@link WebView#stopLoading()}
+ @Override
public void stopLoading() {
// TODO: should we clear all the messages in the queue before sending
@@ -2680,8 +2562,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Reload the current url.
+ * See {@link WebView#reload()}
+ @Override
public void reload() {
@@ -2690,9 +2573,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Return true if this WebView has a back history item.
- * @return True iff this WebView has a back history item.
+ * See {@link WebView#canGoBack()}
+ @Override
public boolean canGoBack() {
WebBackForwardList l = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList();
@@ -2706,17 +2589,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Go back in the history of this WebView.
+ * See {@link WebView#goBack()}
+ @Override
public void goBack() {
- * Return true if this WebView has a forward history item.
- * @return True iff this Webview has a forward history item.
+ * See {@link WebView#canGoForward()}
+ @Override
public boolean canGoForward() {
WebBackForwardList l = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList();
@@ -2730,19 +2614,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Go forward in the history of this WebView.
+ * See {@link WebView#goForward()}
+ @Override
public void goForward() {
- * Return true if the page can go back or forward the given
- * number of steps.
- * @param steps The negative or positive number of steps to move the
- * history.
+ * See {@link WebView#canGoBackOrForward(int)}
+ @Override
public boolean canGoBackOrForward(int steps) {
WebBackForwardList l = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList();
@@ -2757,12 +2640,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Go to the history item that is the number of steps away from
- * the current item. Steps is negative if backward and positive
- * if forward.
- * @param steps The number of steps to take back or forward in the back
- * forward list.
+ * See {@link WebView#goBackOrForward(int)}
+ @Override
public void goBackOrForward(int steps) {
@@ -2781,8 +2661,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Returns true if private browsing is enabled in this WebView.
+ * See {@link WebView#isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()}
+ @Override
public boolean isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() {
return getSettings().isPrivateBrowsingEnabled();
@@ -2802,10 +2683,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Scroll the contents of the view up by half the view size
- * @param top true to jump to the top of the page
- * @return true if the page was scrolled
+ * See {@link WebView#pageUp(boolean)}
+ @Override
public boolean pageUp(boolean top) {
if (mNativeClass == 0) {
@@ -2828,10 +2708,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Scroll the contents of the view down by half the page size
- * @param bottom true to jump to bottom of page
- * @return true if the page was scrolled
+ * See {@link WebView#pageDown(boolean)}
+ @Override
public boolean pageDown(boolean bottom) {
if (mNativeClass == 0) {
@@ -2853,9 +2732,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Clear the view so that onDraw() will draw nothing but white background,
- * and onMeasure() will return 0 if MeasureSpec is not MeasureSpec.EXACTLY
+ * See {@link WebView#clearView()}
+ @Override
public void clearView() {
mContentWidth = 0;
@@ -2865,14 +2744,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Return a new picture that captures the current display of the webview.
- * This is a copy of the display, and will be unaffected if the webview
- * later loads a different URL.
- *
- * @return a picture containing the current contents of the view. Note this
- * picture is of the entire document, and is not restricted to the
- * bounds of the view.
+ * See {@link WebView#capturePicture()}
+ @Override
public Picture capturePicture() {
if (mNativeClass == 0) return null;
@@ -2882,9 +2756,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Return the current scale of the WebView
- * @return The current scale.
+ * See {@link WebView#getScale()}
+ @Override
public float getScale() {
return mZoomManager.getScale();
@@ -2900,25 +2774,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Set the initial scale for the WebView. 0 means default. If
- * {@link WebSettings#getUseWideViewPort()} is true, it zooms out all the
- * way. Otherwise it starts with 100%. If initial scale is greater than 0,
- * WebView starts with this value as initial scale.
- * Please note that unlike the scale properties in the viewport meta tag,
- * this method doesn't take the screen density into account.
- *
- * @param scaleInPercent The initial scale in percent.
+ * See {@link WebView#setInitialScale(int)}
+ @Override
public void setInitialScale(int scaleInPercent) {
- * Invoke the graphical zoom picker widget for this WebView. This will
- * result in the zoom widget appearing on the screen to control the zoom
- * level of this WebView.
+ * See {@link WebView#invokeZoomPicker()}
+ @Override
public void invokeZoomPicker() {
if (!getSettings().supportZoom()) {
@@ -2930,23 +2797,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Return a HitTestResult based on the current cursor node. If a HTML::a tag
- * is found and the anchor has a non-JavaScript url, the HitTestResult type
- * is set to SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE and the url is set in the "extra" field. If the
- * anchor does not have a url or if it is a JavaScript url, the type will
- * be UNKNOWN_TYPE and the url has to be retrieved through
- * {@link #requestFocusNodeHref} asynchronously. If a HTML::img tag is
- * found, the HitTestResult type is set to IMAGE_TYPE and the url is set in
- * the "extra" field. A type of
- * SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE indicates an anchor with a url that has an image as
- * a child node. If a phone number is found, the HitTestResult type is set
- * to PHONE_TYPE and the phone number is set in the "extra" field of
- * HitTestResult. If a map address is found, the HitTestResult type is set
- * to GEO_TYPE and the address is set in the "extra" field of HitTestResult.
- * If an email address is found, the HitTestResult type is set to EMAIL_TYPE
- * and the email is set in the "extra" field of HitTestResult. Otherwise,
- * HitTestResult type is set to UNKNOWN_TYPE.
+ * See {@link WebView#getHitTestResult()}
+ @Override
public HitTestResult getHitTestResult() {
return mInitialHitTestResult;
@@ -2980,19 +2833,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Request the anchor or image element URL at the last tapped point.
- * If hrefMsg is null, this method returns immediately and does not
- * dispatch hrefMsg to its target. If the tapped point hits an image,
- * an anchor, or an image in an anchor, the message associates
- * strings in named keys in its data. The value paired with the key
- * may be an empty string.
- *
- * @param hrefMsg This message will be dispatched with the result of the
- * request. The message data contains three keys:
- * - "url" returns the anchor's href attribute.
- * - "title" returns the anchor's text.
- * - "src" returns the image's src attribute.
+ * See {@link WebView#requestFocusNodeHref(Message)}
+ @Override
public void requestFocusNodeHref(Message hrefMsg) {
if (hrefMsg == null) {
@@ -3013,12 +2856,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Request the url of the image last touched by the user. msg will be sent
- * to its target with a String representing the url as its object.
- *
- * @param msg This message will be dispatched with the result of the request
- * as the data member with "url" as key. The result can be null.
+ * See {@link WebView#requestImageRef(Message)}
+ @Override
public void requestImageRef(Message msg) {
if (0 == mNativeClass) return; // client isn't initialized
@@ -3521,11 +3361,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Get the url for the current page. This is not always the same as the url
- * passed to WebViewClient.onPageStarted because although the load for
- * that url has begun, the current page may not have changed.
- * @return The url for the current page.
+ * See {@link WebView#getUrl()}
+ @Override
public String getUrl() {
WebHistoryItem h = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem();
@@ -3533,13 +3371,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Get the original url for the current page. This is not always the same
- * as the url passed to WebViewClient.onPageStarted because although the
- * load for that url has begun, the current page may not have changed.
- * Also, there may have been redirects resulting in a different url to that
- * originally requested.
- * @return The url that was originally requested for the current page.
+ * See {@link WebView#getOriginalUrl()}
+ @Override
public String getOriginalUrl() {
WebHistoryItem h = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem();
@@ -3547,10 +3381,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Get the title for the current page. This is the title of the current page
- * until WebViewClient.onReceivedTitle is called.
- * @return The title for the current page.
+ * See {@link WebView#getTitle()}
+ @Override
public String getTitle() {
WebHistoryItem h = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem();
@@ -3558,10 +3391,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Get the favicon for the current page. This is the favicon of the current
- * page until WebViewClient.onReceivedIcon is called.
- * @return The favicon for the current page.
+ * See {@link WebView#getFavicon()}
+ @Override
public Bitmap getFavicon() {
WebHistoryItem h = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem();
@@ -3569,37 +3401,36 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Get the touch icon url for the apple-touch-icon <link> element, or
- * a URL on this site's server pointing to the standard location of a
- * touch icon.
- * @hide
+ * See {@link WebView#getTouchIconUrl()}
+ @Override
public String getTouchIconUrl() {
WebHistoryItem h = mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().getCurrentItem();
return h != null ? h.getTouchIconUrl() : null;
- * Get the progress for the current page.
- * @return The progress for the current page between 0 and 100.
+ * See {@link WebView#getProgress()}
+ @Override
public int getProgress() {
return mCallbackProxy.getProgress();
- * @return the height of the HTML content.
+ * See {@link WebView#getContentHeight()}
+ @Override
public int getContentHeight() {
return mContentHeight;
- * @return the width of the HTML content.
- * @hide
+ * See {@link WebView#getContentWidth()}
+ @Override
public int getContentWidth() {
return mContentWidth;
@@ -3612,32 +3443,27 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Pause all layout, parsing, and JavaScript timers for all webviews. This
- * is a global requests, not restricted to just this webview. This can be
- * useful if the application has been paused.
+ * See {@link WebView#pauseTimers()}
+ @Override
public void pauseTimers() {
- * Resume all layout, parsing, and JavaScript timers for all webviews.
- * This will resume dispatching all timers.
+ * See {@link WebView#resumeTimers()}
+ @Override
public void resumeTimers() {
- * Call this to pause any extra processing associated with this WebView and
- * its associated DOM, plugins, JavaScript etc. For example, if the WebView
- * is taken offscreen, this could be called to reduce unnecessary CPU or
- * network traffic. When the WebView is again "active", call onResume().
- *
- * Note that this differs from pauseTimers(), which affects all WebViews.
+ * See {@link WebView#onPause()}
+ @Override
public void onPause() {
if (!mIsPaused) {
@@ -3674,8 +3500,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Call this to resume a WebView after a previous call to onPause().
+ * See {@link WebView#onResume()}
+ @Override
public void onResume() {
if (mIsPaused) {
@@ -3697,29 +3524,26 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Returns true if the view is paused, meaning onPause() was called. Calling
- * onResume() sets the paused state back to false.
- * @hide
+ * See {@link WebView#isPaused()}
+ @Override
public boolean isPaused() {
return mIsPaused;
- * Call this to inform the view that memory is low so that it can
- * free any available memory.
+ * See {@link WebView#freeMemory()}
+ @Override
public void freeMemory() {
- * Clear the resource cache. Note that the cache is per-application, so
- * this will clear the cache for all WebViews used.
- *
- * @param includeDiskFiles If false, only the RAM cache is cleared.
+ * See {@link WebView#clearCache(boolean)}
+ @Override
public void clearCache(boolean includeDiskFiles) {
// Note: this really needs to be a static method as it clears cache for all
@@ -3730,17 +3554,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Make sure that clearing the form data removes the adapter from the
- * currently focused textfield if there is one.
+ * See {@link WebView#clearFormData()}
+ @Override
public void clearFormData() {
// TODO: Implement b/6083041
- * Tell the WebView to clear its internal back/forward list.
+ * See {@link WebView#clearHistory()}
+ @Override
public void clearHistory() {
@@ -3748,46 +3573,37 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Clear the SSL preferences table stored in response to proceeding with SSL
- * certificate errors.
+ * See {@link WebView#clearSslPreferences()}
+ @Override
public void clearSslPreferences() {
- * Return the WebBackForwardList for this WebView. This contains the
- * back/forward list for use in querying each item in the history stack.
- * This is a copy of the private WebBackForwardList so it contains only a
- * snapshot of the current state. Multiple calls to this method may return
- * different objects. The object returned from this method will not be
- * updated to reflect any new state.
+ * See {@link WebView#copyBackForwardList()}
+ @Override
public WebBackForwardList copyBackForwardList() {
return mCallbackProxy.getBackForwardList().clone();
- /*
- * Highlight and scroll to the next occurance of String in findAll.
- * Wraps the page infinitely, and scrolls. Must be called after
- * calling findAll.
- *
- * @param forward Direction to search.
+ /**
+ * See {@link WebView#findNext(boolean)}
+ @Override
public void findNext(boolean forward) {
if (0 == mNativeClass) return; // client isn't initialized
mWebViewCore.sendMessage(EventHub.FIND_NEXT, forward ? 1 : 0);
- /*
- * Find all instances of find on the page and highlight them.
- * @param find String to find.
- * @return int The number of occurances of the String "find"
- * that were found.
+ /**
+ * See {@link WebView#findAll(String)}
+ @Override
public int findAll(String find) {
return findAllBody(find, false);
@@ -3935,9 +3751,10 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
return WebViewCore.nativeFindAddress(addr, caseInsensitive);
- /*
- * Clear the highlighting surrounding text matches created by findAll.
+ /**
+ * See {@link WebView#clearMatches()}
+ @Override
public void clearMatches() {
if (mNativeClass == 0)
@@ -3965,11 +3782,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Query the document to see if it contains any image references. The
- * message object will be dispatched with arg1 being set to 1 if images
- * were found and 0 if the document does not reference any images.
- * @param response The message that will be dispatched with the result.
+ * See {@link WebView#documentHasImages(Message)}
+ @Override
public void documentHasImages(Message response) {
if (response == null) {
@@ -4396,10 +4211,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Set the WebViewClient that will receive various notifications and
- * requests. This will replace the current handler.
- * @param client An implementation of WebViewClient.
+ * See {@link WebView#setWebViewClient(WebViewClient)}
+ @Override
public void setWebViewClient(WebViewClient client) {
@@ -4416,22 +4230,18 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Register the interface to be used when content can not be handled by
- * the rendering engine, and should be downloaded instead. This will replace
- * the current handler.
- * @param listener An implementation of DownloadListener.
+ * See {@link WebView#setDownloadListener(DownloadListener)}
+ @Override
public void setDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener) {
- * Set the chrome handler. This is an implementation of WebChromeClient for
- * use in handling JavaScript dialogs, favicons, titles, and the progress.
- * This will replace the current handler.
- * @param client An implementation of WebChromeClient.
+ * See {@link WebView#setWebChromeClient(WebChromeClient)}
+ @Override
public void setWebChromeClient(WebChromeClient client) {
@@ -4467,11 +4277,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Set the Picture listener. This is an interface used to receive
- * notifications of a new Picture.
- * @param listener An implementation of WebView.PictureListener.
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#setPictureListener(PictureListener)}
+ @Override
public void setPictureListener(PictureListener listener) {
@@ -4495,31 +4303,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * This method injects the supplied Java object into the WebView. The
- * object is injected into the JavaScript context of the main frame, using
- * the supplied name. This allows the Java object to be accessed from
- * JavaScript. Note that that injected objects will not appear in
- * JavaScript until the page is next (re)loaded. For example:
- * <pre> webView.addJavascriptInterface(new Object(), "injectedObject");
- * webView.loadData("<!DOCTYPE html><title></title>", "text/html", null);
- * webView.loadUrl("javascript:alert(injectedObject.toString())");</pre>
- * <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong>
- * <ul>
- * <li> addJavascriptInterface() can be used to allow JavaScript to control
- * the host application. This is a powerful feature, but also presents a
- * security risk. Use of this method in a WebView containing untrusted
- * content could allow an attacker to manipulate the host application in
- * unintended ways, executing Java code with the permissions of the host
- * application. Use extreme care when using this method in a WebView which
- * could contain untrusted content.
- * <li> JavaScript interacts with Java object on a private, background
- * thread of the WebView. Care is therefore required to maintain thread
- * safety.</li>
- * </ul></p>
- * @param object The Java object to inject into the WebView's JavaScript
- * context. Null values are ignored.
- * @param name The name used to expose the instance in JavaScript.
+ * See {@link WebView#addJavascriptInterface(Object, String)}
+ @Override
public void addJavascriptInterface(Object object, String name) {
if (object == null) {
@@ -4532,9 +4318,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Removes a previously added JavaScript interface with the given name.
- * @param interfaceName The name of the interface to remove.
+ * See {@link WebView#removeJavascriptInterface(String)}
+ @Override
public void removeJavascriptInterface(String interfaceName) {
if (mWebViewCore != null) {
@@ -4545,33 +4331,28 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Return the WebSettings object used to control the settings for this
- * WebView.
- * @return A WebSettings object that can be used to control this WebView's
- * settings.
+ * See {@link WebView#getSettings()}
+ * Note this returns WebSettingsClassic, a sub-class of WebSettings, which can be used
+ * to access extension APIs.
+ @Override
public WebSettingsClassic getSettings() {
return (mWebViewCore != null) ? mWebViewCore.getSettings() : null;
- /**
- * Return the list of currently loaded plugins.
- * @return The list of currently loaded plugins.
- *
- * @hide
- * @deprecated This was used for Gears, which has been deprecated.
- */
+ /**
+ * See {@link WebView#getPluginList()}
+ */
public static synchronized PluginList getPluginList() {
return new PluginList();
- /**
- * @hide
- * @deprecated This was used for Gears, which has been deprecated.
- */
+ /**
+ * See {@link WebView#refreshPlugins(boolean)}
+ */
public void refreshPlugins(boolean reloadOpenPages) {
@@ -5501,10 +5282,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Use this method to put the WebView into text selection mode.
- * Do not rely on this functionality; it will be deprecated in the future.
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#emulateShiftHeld()}
+ @Override
public void emulateShiftHeld() {
@@ -7175,18 +6955,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Returns a view containing zoom controls i.e. +/- buttons. The caller is
- * in charge of installing this view to the view hierarchy. This view will
- * become visible when the user starts scrolling via touch and fade away if
- * the user does not interact with it.
- * <p/>
- * API version 3 introduces a built-in zoom mechanism that is shown
- * automatically by the MapView. This is the preferred approach for
- * showing the zoom UI.
- *
- * @deprecated The built-in zoom mechanism is preferred, see
- * {@link WebSettings#setBuiltInZoomControls(boolean)}.
+ * See {@link WebView#getZoomControls()}
+ @Override
public View getZoomControls() {
@@ -7214,34 +6985,36 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * @return TRUE if the WebView can be zoomed in.
+ * See {@link WebView#canZoomIn()}
+ @Override
public boolean canZoomIn() {
return mZoomManager.canZoomIn();
- * @return TRUE if the WebView can be zoomed out.
+ * See {@link WebView#canZoomOut()}
+ @Override
public boolean canZoomOut() {
return mZoomManager.canZoomOut();
- * Perform zoom in in the webview
- * @return TRUE if zoom in succeeds. FALSE if no zoom changes.
+ * See {@link WebView#zoomIn()}
+ @Override
public boolean zoomIn() {
return mZoomManager.zoomIn();
- * Perform zoom out in the webview
- * @return TRUE if zoom out succeeds. FALSE if no zoom changes.
+ * See {@link WebView#zoomOut()}
+ @Override
public boolean zoomOut() {
return mZoomManager.zoomOut();
@@ -9186,9 +8959,7 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * Set the background color. It's white by default. Pass
- * zero to make the view transparent.
- * @param color the ARGB color described by
+ * See {@link WebView#setBackgroundColor(int)}
public void setBackgroundColor(int color) {
@@ -9197,8 +8968,9 @@ public final class WebViewClassic implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.Sc
- * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
+ * See {@link WebView#debugDump()}
+ @Override
public void debugDump() {