path: root/docs/html/guide/topics/views/layout.jd
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+page.title=Common Layout Objects
+<p>The sections below describe some of the more common types of layout objects you'll be likely to use in your applications. Like other layouts, they are subclasses of {@link android.view.ViewGroup ViewGroup}.</p>
+<h2>FrameLayout<a name="framelayout" id="framelayout"></a></h2>
+<p>{@link android.widget.FrameLayout FrameLayout} is the simplest layout
+object. It is intended as a blank reserved space on your screen that you can
+later fill with a single object &mdash; for example, a picture that you'll swap out.
+All child elements are pinned to the top left corner of the screen; you cannot
+specify a location for a child of a {@link android.widget.FrameLayout
+FrameLayout}. Later children will simply be drawn over earlier objects,
+partially or totally obscuring them (unless the newer object is transparent).
+<h2>LinearLayout<a name="linearlayout" id="linearlayout"></a></h2>
+<p>A {@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout} aligns all children in a
+single direction &mdash; vertically or horizontally, depending on what property you
+set on the {@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout}. All children are
+stacked one after the other, so a vertical list will only have one child per
+row, no matter how wide they are, and a horizontal list will only be one row
+high (the height of the tallest child, plus padding). {@link
+android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout} respects margins between children,
+and also <em>gravity</em> (right, center, or left alignment of a child). </p>
+<p>{@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout} also supports assigning a
+<em>weight</em> to individual children. This value allows children to expand
+to fill any remaining space on a screen. This prevents a list of small objects
+from being bunched to one end of a large screen, allowing them to expand to
+fill the space. Children specify a weight value, and any remaining space is
+assigned to children in the proportion of their declared weight. Default
+weight is zero. So, for example, if there are three text boxes, and two of
+them declare a weight of 1, two of them will expand equally to fill the
+remaining space, and the third will not grow any additional amount.</p>
+<div class="sidebox">
+<p><strong>Tip</strong>: To create a proportionate size
+layout on the screen, create a container object that is fill_parent, assign
+the children heights or widths of zero, and then assign relative weight values
+to each child, depending on what proportion of the screen each should
+<p>The following two forms represent a {@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout} with a set of elements: a
+button, some labels, some text boxes. Both have padding values to adjust the
+padding nicely. The text boxes have their width set to <code>FILL_PARENT</code>; other
+elements are set to <code>WRAP_CONTENT</code>. The gravity, by default, is left. The form
+on the left has weight values unset (0 by default); the form on the right has
+the comments text box weight set to 1. If the Name textbox had also been set
+to 1, the Name and Comments text boxes would be the same height. </p>
+ <img src="{@docRoot}images/linearlayout.png" alt="Linear layout with
+weight attribute." width="421" height="348" />
+<p>Within a horizontal {@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout}, items are aligned by the position of
+their text base line (the first line of the first list element &mdash; topmost or
+leftmost &mdash; is considered the reference line). This is so that people scanning
+elements in a form shouldn't have to jump up and down to read element text in
+neighboring elements. This can be turned off by setting
+<code>android:baselineAligned=&quot;false&quot;</code> in the layout XML. </p>
+<h2>TableLayout<a name="tablelayout" id="tablelayout"></a></h2>
+<p>{@link android.widget.TableLayout TableLayout} positions its children into rows
+ and columns. A TableLayout consists of a number of TableRow objects,
+ each defining a row (actually, you can have other children, which will be explained
+ below). TableLayout containers do not display border lines for their rows, columns,
+ or cells. Each row has zero or more cells; each cell can hold one View object.
+ The table has as many columns as the row with the most cells. A table can leave
+cells empty. Cells cannot span columns, as they can in HTML. The following image
+ shows a table layout, with the invisible cell borders displayed as dotted lines. </p>
+<p><img src="{@docRoot}images/table_layout.png" alt="TableLayout example" width="499" height="348" /></p>
+<p>Columns can be hidden, can be marked to stretch to fill available screen space,
+ or can be marked as shrinkable to force the column to shrink until the table
+ fits the screen. See the reference documentation for this class for more details. </p>
+<h2>AbsoluteLayout<a name="absolutelayout" id="absolutelayout"></a></h2>
+<p>{@link android.widget.AbsoluteLayout AbsoluteLayout} enables children to specify
+ exact x/y coordinates to display on the screen, where (0,0) is the upper left
+ corner, and values increase as you move down or to the right. Margins are not
+ supported, and overlapping elements are allowed (although not recommended). We
+ generally recommend against using AbsoluteLayout unless you have good reasons
+ to use it, because it is fairly rigid and does not work well with different device
+ displays. </p>
+<h2>RelativeLayout<a name="relativelayout" id="relativelayout"></a></h2>
+<p>{@link android.widget.RelativeLayout RelativeLayout} lets children specify their
+ position relative to each other (specified by ID), or to the parent. So you can
+ align two elements by right border, or make one below another, or centered in
+ the screen. Elements are rendered in the order given, so if the first element
+ is centered in the screen, other elements aligning themselves to that element
+ will be aligned relative to screen center. If using XML to specify this layout
+ (as described later), a referenced element must be listed before you refer to
+ it. </p>
+<p>Here is an example relative layout with the visible and invisible elements outlined.
+ The root screen layout object is a RelativeLayout object. </p>
+<p><img src="{@docRoot}images/designing_ui_relative_layout.png" alt="RelativeLayout screen with elements highlighted." width="692" height="440" /></p>
+<p>This diagram shows the class names of the screen elements, followed by a list
+ of the properties of each. Some of these properties are supported directly by
+ the element, and some are supported by its LayoutParams member (subclass RelativeLayout
+ for all the elements in this screen, because all elements are children of a RelativeLayout
+ parent object). The RelativeLayout parameters are width, height, below, alignTop,
+ toLeft, padding, and marginLeft. Note that some of these parameters support values
+ relative to other children &mdash; hence the name RelativeLayout. These include the
+ toLeft, alignTop, and below properties, which indicate the object to the left,
+ top, and below respectively. </p>
+<h2>Summary of Important View Groups<a name="viewgroupsummary" id="viewgroupsummary"></a></h2>
+<p>These objects all hold child UI elements. Some provide visible UI, and others
+ only handle child layout. </p>
+<table width="100%" border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Class</th>
+ <th scope="col">Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.AbsoluteLayout AbsoluteLayout}<br /></td>
+ <td>Enables you to specify the location of child objects relative to the
+ parent in exact measurements (for example, pixels). </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.FrameLayout FrameLayout}</td>
+ <td>Layout that acts as a view frame to display
+ a single object. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.Gallery Gallery} </td>
+ <td>A horizontal scrolling display of images, from a bound list. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.GridView GridView} </td>
+ <td>Displays a scrolling grid of m columns and n rows.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.LinearLayout LinearLayout} </td>
+ <td>A layout that organizes its children into a single horizontal or vertical
+ row. It creates a scrollbar if the length of the window exceeds the length
+ of the screen. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.ListView ListView} </td>
+ <td>Displays a scrolling single column list. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.RelativeLayout RelativeLayout} </td>
+ <td>Enables you to specify the location of child objects relative to each
+ other (child A to the left of child B) or to the parent (aligned to the
+ top of the parent). </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.ScrollView ScrollView} </td>
+ <td>A vertically scrolling column of elements. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.Spinner Spinner} </td>
+ <td>Displays a single item at a time from a bound list, inside a one-row
+ textbox. Rather like a one-row listbox that can scroll either horizontally
+ or vertically. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.view.SurfaceView SurfaceView} </td>
+ <td>Provides direct access to a dedicated drawing surface. It can hold child
+ views layered on top of the surface, but is intended for applications
+ that need to draw pixels, rather than using widgets. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.TabHost TabHost} </td>
+ <td>Provides a tab selection list that monitors clicks and enables the application
+ to change the screen whenever a tab is clicked. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.TableLayout TableLayout} </td>
+ <td>A tabular layout with an arbitrary number of rows and columns, each cell
+ holding the widget of your choice. The rows resize to fit the largest
+ column. The cell borders are not
+ visible. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.ViewFlipper ViewFlipper} </td>
+ <td>A list that displays one item at a time, inside a one-row textbox. It
+ can be set to swap items at timed intervals, like a slide show. </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>{@link android.widget.ViewSwitcher ViewSwitcher} </td>
+ <td>Same as ViewFlipper. </td>
+ </tr>