path: root/docs/html/resources/articles/on-screen-inputs.jd
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+page.title=Onscreen Input Methods
+<p>Starting from Android 1.5, the Android platform offers an Input Method
+Framework (IMF) that lets you create on-screen input methods such as software
+keyboards. This article provide an overview of what Android input method editors
+(IMEs) are and what an application needs to do to work well with them. The IMF
+is designed to support new classes of Android devices, such as those without
+hardware keyboards, so it is important that your application works well with the
+IMF and offers a great experience for users.</p>
+<h3>What is an input method?</h3>
+<p>The Android IMF is designed to support a variety of IMEs, including soft
+keyboard, hand-writing recognizers, and hard keyboard translators. Our focus,
+however, will be on soft keyboards, since this is the kind of input method that
+is currently part of the platform.</p>
+<p>A user will usually access the current IME by tapping on a text view to
+edit, as shown here in the home screen:</p>
+<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px; margin-right: 10px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_004.png">
+<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs.png">
+<p>The soft keyboard is positioned at the bottom of the screen over the
+application's window. To organize the available space between the application
+and IME, we use a few approaches; the one shown here is called <em>pan and
+scan</em>, and simply involves scrolling the application window around so that
+the currently focused view is visible. This is the default mode, since it is the
+safest for existing applications.</p>
+<p>Most often the preferred screen layout is a <em>resize</em>, where the
+application's window is resized to be entirely visible. An example is shown
+here, when composing an e-mail message:</p>
+<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px; margin-right: 10px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_005.png">
+<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_003.png">
+<p>The size of the application window is changed so that none of it is hidden by
+the IME, allowing full access to both the application and IME. This of course
+only works for applications that have a resizeable area that can be reduced to
+make enough space, but the vertical space in this mode is actually no less than
+what is available in landscape orientation, so very often an application can
+already accommodate it.</p>
+<p>The final major mode is <em>fullscreen</em> or <em>extract</em>
+mode. This is used when the IME is too large to reasonably share space
+with the underlying application. With the standard IMEs, you will only
+encounter this situation when the screen is in a landscape orientation,
+although other IMEs are free to use it whenever they desire. In this
+case the application window is left as-is, and the IME simply displays
+fullscreen on top of it, as shown here:</p>
+<img style="width: 480px; height: 320px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_006.png">
+<img style="width: 480px; height: 320px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_002.png">
+<p>Because the IME is covering the application, it has its own editing area,
+which shows the text actually contained in the application. There are also some
+limited opportunities the application has to customize parts of the IME (the
+"done" button at the top and enter key label at the bottom) to improve the user
+<h3>Basic XML attributes for controlling IMEs</h3>
+<p>There are a number of things the system does to try to help existing
+applications work with IMEs as well as possible, such as:</p>
+<li>Use pan and scan mode by default, unless it can reasonably guess that
+resize mode will work by the existence of lists, scroll views, etc.</li>
+<li>Analyze the various existing TextView attributes to guess at the kind of
+content (numbers, plain text, etc) to help the soft keyboard display an
+appropriate key layout.</li>
+<li>Assign a few default actions to the fullscreen IME, such as "next field"
+and "done".</li>
+<p>There are also some simple things you can do in your application that will
+often greatly improve its user experience. Except where explicitly mentioned,
+these will work in any Android platform version, even those previous to Android
+1.5 (since they will simply ignore these new options).</p>
+<h4>Specifying each EditText control's input type</h4>
+<p>The most important thing for an application to do is to use the new
+attribute on each <code>EditText</code>. The attribute provides much richer
+about the text content. This attribute actually replaces many existing
+attributes (<code>android:</code><code>password</code>,
+<code>android:</code><code>autoText</code>, and
+<code>android:</code><code>editable</code>). If you specify the older attributes
+and the new <code>android:inputType</code> attribute, the system uses
+<code>android:inputType</code> and ignores the others. </p>
+<p>The <code>android:inputType</code> attribute has three pieces:</p>
+<li>The <em>class</em> is the overall interpretation of characters. The
+currently supported classes are <code>text</code> (plain text),
+<code>number</code> (decimal number), <code>phone</code> (phone number), and
+<code>datetime</code> (a date or time).</li>
+<li>The <em>variation</em> is a further refinement on the class. In the
+attribute you will normally specify the class and variant together, with the
+class as a prefix. For example, <code>textEmailAddress</code> is a text field
+where the user will enter something that is an e-mail address ( so
+the key layout will have an '@' character in easy access, and
+<code>numberSigned</code> is a numeric field with a sign. If only the class is
+specified, then you get the default/generic variant.</li>
+<li>Additional <em>flags</em> can be specified that supply further refinement.
+These flags are specific to a class. For example, some flags for the
+<code>text</code> class are <code>textCapSentences</code>,
+<code>textAutoCorrect</code>, and <code>textMultiline</code>.</li>
+<p>As an example, here is the new EditText for the IM application's message text view:</p>
+<pre> &lt;EditText android:id="@+id/edtInput"
+ android:layout_width="0dip"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_weight="1"
+ android:inputType="textShortMessage|textAutoCorrect|textCapSentences|textMultiLine"
+ android:imeOptions="actionSend|flagNoEnterAction"
+ android:maxLines="4"
+ android:maxLength="2000"
+ android:hint="@string/compose_hint"/&gt;</pre>
+<p>A full description of all of the input types can be found in the
+documentation. It is important to make use of the correct input types that are
+available, so that the soft keyboard can use the optimal keyboard layout for the
+text the user will be entering.</p>
+<h4>Enabling resize mode and other window features</h4>
+<p>The second most important thing for your app to do is to specify the overall
+behavior of your window in relation to the input method. The most visible aspect
+of this is controlling resize vs. pan and scan mode, but there are other things
+you can do as well to improve your user experience.</p>
+<p>You will usually control this behavior through the
+<code>android:windowSoftInputMode</code> attribute on each
+<code>&lt;activity&gt;</code> definition in your
+<code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>. Like the input type, there are a couple
+different pieces of data that can be specified here by combining them
+<li>The window adjustment mode is specified with either
+<code>adjustResize</code> or <code>adjustPan</code>. It is highly recommended
+that you always specify one or the other.</li>
+<li>You can further control whether the IME will be shown automatically when
+your activity is displayed and other situations where the user moves to it. The
+system won't automatically show an IME by default, but in some cases it can be
+convenient for the user if an application enables this behavior. You can request
+this with <code>stateVisible</code>. There are also a number of other state
+options for finer-grained control that you can find in the documentation.</li>
+<p>A typical example of this field can be see in the edit contact activity,
+which ensures it is resized and automatically displays the IME for the user:</p>
+<pre> &lt;activity name="EditContactActivity"
+ android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustResize"&gt;
+ ...
+ &lt;/activity&gt;</pre>
+<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>Starting from Android 1.5 (API Level 3),
+the platform offers a new method,
+{@link android.view.Window#setSoftInputMode(int mode)},
+that non-Activity windows can use to control their behavior. Calling this method
+in your will make your application incompatible with previous versions of the
+Android platform.</p>
+<h4>Controlling the action buttons</h4>
+<p>The final customization we will look at is the "action" buttons in the IME.
+There are currently two types of actions:</p>
+<li>The enter key on a soft keyboard is typically bound to an action when not
+operating on a mult-line edit text. For example, on the G1 pressing the hard
+enter key will typically move to the next field or the application will
+intercept it to execute an action; with a soft keyboard, this overloading of the
+enter key remains, since the enter button just sends an enter key event.</li>
+<li>When in fullscreen mode, an IME may also put an additional action button to
+the right of the text being edited, giving the user quick access to a common
+application operation.</li>
+<p>These options are controlled with the <code>android:imeOptions</code>
+attribute on <code>TextView</code>. The value you supply here can be any
+combination of:</p>
+<li>One of the pre-defined action constants (<code>actionGo</code>,
+<code>actionSearch</code>, <code>actionSend</code>, <code>actionNext</code>,
+<code>actionDone</code>). If none of these are specified, the system will infer
+either <code>actionNext</code> or <code>actionDone</code> depending on whether
+there is a focusable field after this one; you can explicitly force no action
+with <code>actionNone</code>.</li>
+<li>The <code>flagNoEnterAction</code> option tells the IME that the action
+should <em>not</em> be available on the enter key, even if the text itself is
+not multi-line. This avoids having unrecoverable actions like (send) that can be
+accidentally touched by the user while typing.</li>
+<li>The <code>flagNoAccessoryAction</code> removes the action button from the
+text area, leaving more room for text.</li><li>The <code>flagNoExtractUi</code>
+completely removes the text area, allowing the application to be seen behind
+<p>The previous IM application message view also provides an example of an
+interesting use of <code>imeOptions</code>, to specify the send action but not
+let it be shown on the enter key:</p>
+<h3>APIs for controlling IMEs</h3>
+<p>For more advanced control over the IME, there are a variety of new APIs you
+can use. Unless special care is taken (such as by using reflection), using these
+APIs will cause your application to be incompatible with previous versions of
+Android, and you should make sure you specify
+<code>android:minSdkVersion="3"</code> in your manifest. For more information,
+see the documentation for the <a
+> manifest element.</p>
+<p>The primary API is the new <code>android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager</code> class, which you can retrieve with <code>Context.getSystemService()</code>.
+It allows you to interact with the global input method state, such as
+explicitly hiding or showing the current IME's input area.</p>
+<p>There are also new window flags controlling input method interaction, which you can control through the existing <code>Window.addFlags()</code> method and new <code>Window.setSoftInputMode()</code> method. The <code>PopupWindow</code>
+class has grown corresponding methods to control these options on its
+window. One thing in particular to be aware of is the new <code>WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM</code> constant, which is used to control whether a window is on top of or behind the current IME.</p>
+<p>Most of the interaction between an active IME and application is done through the <code>android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection</code>
+class. This is the API an application implement, which an IME calls to
+perform the appropriate edit operations on the application. You won't
+normally need to worry about this, since <code>TextView</code> provides its own implementation for itself.</p>
+<p>There are also a handful of new <code>View</code> APIs, the most important of these being<code> onCreateInputConnection()</code> which creates a new <code>InputConnection</code> for an IME (and fills in an <code>android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo</code>
+structure with your input type, IME options, and other data); again,
+most developers won't need to worry about this, since TextView takes
+care of it for you.</p> \ No newline at end of file