path: root/docs/html/tools/adk/aoa.jd
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-page.title=Android Open Accessory Protocol
-<div id="qv-wrapper">
- <div id="qv">
- <h2>In this document</h2>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="#accessory-protocol">Implementing the Android Accessory Protocol</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="#wait">Wait for and detect connected devices</a></li>
- <li><a href="#determine">Determine the device's accessory mode support</a></li>
- <li><a href="#start">Attempt to start the device in accessory mode</a></li>
- <li><a href="#establish">Establish communication with the device</a></li>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <h2>See also</h2>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="aoa2.html">Android Open Accessory Protocol 2.0</a></li>
- <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/connectivity/usb/accessory.html">USB Accessory Dev
- </ol>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p>With Android 3.1, the platform introduces Android Open Accessory
- support, which allows external USB hardware (an Android USB accessory) to interact with an
- Android-powered device in a special accessory mode. When an Android-powered powered device is
- in accessory mode, the connected accessory acts as the USB host (powers the bus and enumerates
- devices) and the Android-powered device acts as the USB device. Android USB accessories are
- specifically designed to attach to Android-powered devices and adhere to a simple protocol
- (Android accessory protocol) that allows them to detect Android-powered devices that support
- accessory mode. Accessories must also provide 500mA at 5V for charging power. Many previously
- released Android-powered devices are only capable of acting as a USB device and cannot initiate
- connections with external USB devices. Android Open Accessory support overcomes this limitation
- and allows you to build accessories that can interact with an assortment of Android-powered
- devices by allowing the accessory to initiate the connection.</p>
- <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Accessory mode is ultimately dependent on the device's
- hardware and not all devices support accessory mode. Devices that support accessory mode can
- be filtered using a <code>&lt;uses-feature&gt;</code> element in your corresponding application's
- Android manifest. For more information, see the <a href=
- "{@docRoot}guide/topics/connectivity/usb/accessory.html#manifest">USB Accessory</a> developer
- <h2 id="accessory-protocol">Implementing the Android Accessory Protocol</h2>
- <p>An Android USB accessory must adhere to Android Accessory Protocol, which defines how
- an accessory detects and sets up communication with an Android-powered device. In general, an
- accessory should carry out the following steps:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Wait for and detect connected devices</li>
- <li>Determine the device's accessory mode support</li>
- <li>Attempt to start the device in accessory mode if needed</li>
- <li>Establish communication with the device if it supports the Android accessory protocol</li>
- </ol>
- <p>The following sections go into depth about how to implement these steps.</p>
- <h3 id="wait">Wait for and detect connected devices</h3>
- <p>Your accessory should have logic to continuously check
- for connected Android-powered devices. When a device is connected, your accessory should
- determine if the device supports accessory mode.</p>
- <h3 id="determine">Determine the device's accessory mode support</h3>
- <p>When an Android-powered device is connected, it can be in one of three states:</p>
- <ol type="a">
- <li>The attached device supports Android accessory mode and is already in accessory mode.</li>
- <li>The attached device supports Android accessory mode, but it is not in accessory mode.</li>
- <li>The attached device does not support Android accessory mode.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>During the initial connection, the accessory should check the vendor and product IDs of the
- connected device's USB device descriptor. The vendor ID should match Google's ID (0x18D1) and the
- product ID should be 0x2D00 or 0x2D01 if the device is already in accessory mode (case A). If so,
- the accessory can now <a href="#establish">establish communication with the device</a> through
- bulk transfer endpoints with its own communication protocol. There is no need to start the device
- in accessory mode.</p>
- <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> 0x2D00 is reserved for Android-powered devices that
- support accessory mode. 0x2D01 is reserved for devices that support accessory mode as well as the
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge) protocol, which exposes a second interface with two bulk endpoints for
- ADB. You can use these endpoints for debugging the accessory application if you are simulating
- the accessory on a computer. In general, do not use this interface unless your accessory is
- implementing a passthrough to ADB on the device.</p>
- <p>If the vendor and product ID do not match, there is no way to distinguish between states b and
- c, so the accessory <a href="#start">attempts to start the device in accessory mode</a> to figure
- out if the device is supported.</p>
- <h3 id="start">Attempt to start the device in accessory mode</h3>
- <p>If the vendor and product IDs do not correspond to an Android-powered device in accessory
- mode, the accessory cannot discern whether the device supports accessory mode and is not in that
- state, or if the device does not support accessory mode at all. This is because devices that
- support accessory mode but aren't in it initially report the device's manufacturer vendor ID and
- product ID, and not the special Android Open Accessory ones. In either case, the accessory should
-try to start
- the device into accessory mode to figure out if the device supports it. The following steps
- explain how to do this:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Send a 51 control request ("Get Protocol") to figure out if the device supports the Android
- accessory protocol. A non-zero number is returned if the protocol is supported, which
- represents the version of the protocol that the device supports (currently, only version 1
- exists). This request is a control request on endpoint 0 with the following characteristics:
- <pre>
-request: 51
-value: 0
-index: 0
-data: protocol version number (16 bits little endian sent from the device to the
- </li>
- <li>If the device returns a proper protocol version, send identifying string information to the
- device. This information allows the device to figure out an appropriate application for this
- accessory and also present the user with a URL if an appropriate application does not exist.
- These requests are control requests on endpoint 0 (for each string ID) with the following
- characteristics:
- <pre>
-request: 52
-value: 0
-index: string ID
-data zero terminated UTF8 string sent from accessory to device
- <p>The following string IDs are supported, with a maximum size of 256 bytes for each string
- (must be zero terminated with \0).</p>
- <pre>
-manufacturer name: 0
-model name: 1
-description: 2
-version: 3
-URI: 4
-serial number: 5
- </li>
- <li>When the identifying strings are sent, request the device start up in accessory mode. This
- request is a control request on endpoint 0 with the following characteristics:
- <pre>
-request: 53
-value: 0
-index: 0
-data: none
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>After sending the final control request, the connected USB device should re-introduce itself
- on the bus in accessory mode and the accessory can re-enumerate the connected devices. The
- algorithm jumps back to <a href="#determine">determining the device's accessory mode support</a>
- to check for the vendor and product ID. The vendor ID and product ID of the device will be
- different if the device successfully switched to accessory mode and will now correspond to
- Google's vendor and product IDs instead of the device manufacturer's IDs. The accessory can now
- <a href="#establish">establish communication with the device</a>.</p>
- <p>If at any point these steps fail, the device does not support Android accessory mode and the
- accessory should wait for the next device to be connected.</p>
- <h3 id="establish">Establish communication with the device</h3>
- <p>If an Android-powered device in accessory mode is detected, the accessory can query the
- device's interface and endpoint descriptors to obtain the bulk endpoints to communicate with the
- device. An Android-powered device that has a product ID of 0x2D00 has one interface with two bulk
- endpoints for input and output communication. A device with product ID of 0x2D01 has two
- interfaces with two bulk endpoints each for input and output communication. The first interface
- is for standard communication while the second interface is for ADB communication. To communicate
- on an interface, all you need to do is find the first bulk input and output endpoints, set the
- device's configuration to a value of 1 with a SET_CONFIGURATION (0x09) device request, then
- communicate using the endpoints.</p>