path: root/media/libmedia
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media/libmedia')
42 files changed, 0 insertions, 17794 deletions
diff --git a/media/libmedia/ b/media/libmedia/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8e1dc7..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
- AudioParameter.cpp
-LOCAL_MODULE:= libmedia_helper
-LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
- AudioTrack.cpp \
- IAudioFlinger.cpp \
- IAudioFlingerClient.cpp \
- IAudioTrack.cpp \
- IAudioRecord.cpp \
- ICrypto.cpp \
- AudioRecord.cpp \
- AudioSystem.cpp \
- mediaplayer.cpp \
- IMediaPlayerService.cpp \
- IMediaPlayerClient.cpp \
- IMediaRecorderClient.cpp \
- IMediaPlayer.cpp \
- IMediaRecorder.cpp \
- IStreamSource.cpp \
- Metadata.cpp \
- mediarecorder.cpp \
- IMediaMetadataRetriever.cpp \
- mediametadataretriever.cpp \
- ToneGenerator.cpp \
- JetPlayer.cpp \
- IOMX.cpp \
- IAudioPolicyService.cpp \
- MediaScanner.cpp \
- MediaScannerClient.cpp \
- autodetect.cpp \
- IMediaDeathNotifier.cpp \
- MediaProfiles.cpp \
- IEffect.cpp \
- IEffectClient.cpp \
- AudioEffect.cpp \
- Visualizer.cpp \
- MemoryLeakTrackUtil.cpp \
- SoundPool.cpp \
- SoundPoolThread.cpp
- libui libcutils libutils libbinder libsonivox libicuuc libexpat \
- libcamera_client libstagefright_foundation \
- libgui libdl libaudioutils libmedia_native
-LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARY := libmedia_helper
-LOCAL_MODULE:= libmedia
- $(call include-path-for, graphics corecg) \
- $(TOP)/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax \
- external/icu4c/common \
- external/expat/lib \
- $(call include-path-for, audio-effects) \
- $(call include-path-for, audio-utils)
diff --git a/media/libmedia/AudioEffect.cpp b/media/libmedia/AudioEffect.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 34451ca..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/AudioEffect.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "AudioEffect"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <private/media/AudioEffectShared.h>
-#include <media/AudioEffect.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-namespace android {
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : mStatus(NO_INIT)
-AudioEffect::AudioEffect(const effect_uuid_t *type,
- const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
- int32_t priority,
- effect_callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int sessionId,
- audio_io_handle_t io
- )
- : mStatus(NO_INIT)
- mStatus = set(type, uuid, priority, cbf, user, sessionId, io);
-AudioEffect::AudioEffect(const char *typeStr,
- const char *uuidStr,
- int32_t priority,
- effect_callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int sessionId,
- audio_io_handle_t io
- )
- : mStatus(NO_INIT)
- effect_uuid_t type;
- effect_uuid_t *pType = NULL;
- effect_uuid_t uuid;
- effect_uuid_t *pUuid = NULL;
- ALOGV("Constructor string\n - type: %s\n - uuid: %s", typeStr, uuidStr);
- if (typeStr != NULL) {
- if (stringToGuid(typeStr, &type) == NO_ERROR) {
- pType = &type;
- }
- }
- if (uuidStr != NULL) {
- if (stringToGuid(uuidStr, &uuid) == NO_ERROR) {
- pUuid = &uuid;
- }
- }
- mStatus = set(pType, pUuid, priority, cbf, user, sessionId, io);
-status_t AudioEffect::set(const effect_uuid_t *type,
- const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
- int32_t priority,
- effect_callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int sessionId,
- audio_io_handle_t io)
- sp<IEffect> iEffect;
- sp<IMemory> cblk;
- int enabled;
- ALOGV("set %p mUserData: %p uuid: %p timeLow %08x", this, user, type, type ? type->timeLow : 0);
- if (mIEffect != 0) {
- ALOGW("Effect already in use");
- }
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (audioFlinger == 0) {
- ALOGE("set(): Could not get audioflinger");
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- if (type == NULL && uuid == NULL) {
- ALOGW("Must specify at least type or uuid");
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- mPriority = priority;
- mCbf = cbf;
- mUserData = user;
- mSessionId = sessionId;
- memset(&mDescriptor, 0, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- memcpy(&mDescriptor.type, EFFECT_UUID_NULL, sizeof(effect_uuid_t));
- memcpy(&mDescriptor.uuid, EFFECT_UUID_NULL, sizeof(effect_uuid_t));
- if (type != NULL) {
- memcpy(&mDescriptor.type, type, sizeof(effect_uuid_t));
- }
- if (uuid != NULL) {
- memcpy(&mDescriptor.uuid, uuid, sizeof(effect_uuid_t));
- }
- mIEffectClient = new EffectClient(this);
- iEffect = audioFlinger->createEffect(getpid(), (effect_descriptor_t *)&mDescriptor,
- mIEffectClient, priority, io, mSessionId, &mStatus, &mId, &enabled);
- if (iEffect == 0 || (mStatus != NO_ERROR && mStatus != ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
- ALOGE("set(): AudioFlinger could not create effect, status: %d", mStatus);
- return mStatus;
- }
- mEnabled = (volatile int32_t)enabled;
- mIEffect = iEffect;
- cblk = iEffect->getCblk();
- if (cblk == 0) {
- mStatus = NO_INIT;
- ALOGE("Could not get control block");
- return mStatus;
- }
- mIEffect = iEffect;
- mCblkMemory = cblk;
- mCblk = static_cast<effect_param_cblk_t*>(cblk->pointer());
- int bufOffset = ((sizeof(effect_param_cblk_t) - 1) / sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int);
- mCblk->buffer = (uint8_t *)mCblk + bufOffset;
- iEffect->asBinder()->linkToDeath(mIEffectClient);
- ALOGV("set() %p OK effect: %s id: %d status %d enabled %d", this,, mId, mStatus, mEnabled);
- return mStatus;
- ALOGV("Destructor %p", this);
- if (mStatus == NO_ERROR || mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
- if (mIEffect != NULL) {
- mIEffect->disconnect();
- mIEffect->asBinder()->unlinkToDeath(mIEffectClient);
- }
- IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
- }
- mIEffect.clear();
- mIEffectClient.clear();
- mCblkMemory.clear();
-status_t AudioEffect::initCheck() const
- return mStatus;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-effect_descriptor_t AudioEffect::descriptor() const
- return mDescriptor;
-bool AudioEffect::getEnabled() const
- return (mEnabled != 0);
-status_t AudioEffect::setEnabled(bool enabled)
- if (mStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- return (mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) ? (status_t) INVALID_OPERATION : mStatus;
- }
- status_t status = NO_ERROR;
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (enabled != mEnabled) {
- if (enabled) {
- ALOGV("enable %p", this);
- status = mIEffect->enable();
- } else {
- ALOGV("disable %p", this);
- status = mIEffect->disable();
- }
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- mEnabled = enabled;
- }
- }
- return status;
-status_t AudioEffect::command(uint32_t cmdCode,
- uint32_t cmdSize,
- void *cmdData,
- uint32_t *replySize,
- void *replyData)
- if (mStatus != NO_ERROR && mStatus != ALREADY_EXISTS) {
- ALOGV("command() bad status %d", mStatus);
- return mStatus;
- }
- if (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE || cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE) {
- if (mEnabled == (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE)) {
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- if (replySize == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(status_t) || replyData == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- mLock.lock();
- }
- status_t status = mIEffect->command(cmdCode, cmdSize, cmdData, replySize, replyData);
- if (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE || cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE) {
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = *(status_t *)replyData;
- }
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- mEnabled = (cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE);
- }
- mLock.unlock();
- }
- return status;
-status_t AudioEffect::setParameter(effect_param_t *param)
- if (mStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- return (mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) ? (status_t) INVALID_OPERATION : mStatus;
- }
- if (param == NULL || param->psize == 0 || param->vsize == 0) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- uint32_t size = sizeof(int);
- uint32_t psize = ((param->psize - 1) / sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int) + param->vsize;
- ALOGV("setParameter: param: %d, param2: %d", *(int *)param->data, (param->psize == 8) ? *((int *)param->data + 1): -1);
- return mIEffect->command(EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM, sizeof (effect_param_t) + psize, param, &size, &param->status);
-status_t AudioEffect::setParameterDeferred(effect_param_t *param)
- if (mStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- return (mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) ? (status_t) INVALID_OPERATION : mStatus;
- }
- if (param == NULL || param->psize == 0 || param->vsize == 0) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCblk->lock);
- int psize = ((param->psize - 1) / sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int) + param->vsize;
- int size = ((sizeof(effect_param_t) + psize - 1) / sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int);
- if (mCblk->clientIndex + size > EFFECT_PARAM_BUFFER_SIZE) {
- return NO_MEMORY;
- }
- int *p = (int *)(mCblk->buffer + mCblk->clientIndex);
- *p++ = size;
- memcpy(p, param, sizeof(effect_param_t) + psize);
- mCblk->clientIndex += size;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioEffect::setParameterCommit()
- if (mStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- return (mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) ? (status_t) INVALID_OPERATION : mStatus;
- }
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCblk->lock);
- if (mCblk->clientIndex == 0) {
- }
- uint32_t size = 0;
- return mIEffect->command(EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_COMMIT, 0, NULL, &size, NULL);
-status_t AudioEffect::getParameter(effect_param_t *param)
- if (mStatus != NO_ERROR && mStatus != ALREADY_EXISTS) {
- return mStatus;
- }
- if (param == NULL || param->psize == 0 || param->vsize == 0) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- ALOGV("getParameter: param: %d, param2: %d", *(int *)param->data, (param->psize == 8) ? *((int *)param->data + 1): -1);
- uint32_t psize = sizeof(effect_param_t) + ((param->psize - 1) / sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int) + param->vsize;
- return mIEffect->command(EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM, sizeof(effect_param_t) + param->psize, param, &psize, param);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void AudioEffect::binderDied()
- ALOGW("IEffect died");
- mStatus = DEAD_OBJECT;
- if (mCbf != NULL) {
- status_t status = DEAD_OBJECT;
- mCbf(EVENT_ERROR, mUserData, &status);
- }
- mIEffect.clear();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void AudioEffect::controlStatusChanged(bool controlGranted)
- ALOGV("controlStatusChanged %p control %d callback %p mUserData %p", this, controlGranted, mCbf, mUserData);
- if (controlGranted) {
- if (mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
- mStatus = NO_ERROR;
- }
- } else {
- if (mStatus == NO_ERROR) {
- }
- }
- if (mCbf != NULL) {
- mCbf(EVENT_CONTROL_STATUS_CHANGED, mUserData, &controlGranted);
- }
-void AudioEffect::enableStatusChanged(bool enabled)
- ALOGV("enableStatusChanged %p enabled %d mCbf %p", this, enabled, mCbf);
- if (mStatus == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
- mEnabled = enabled;
- if (mCbf != NULL) {
- mCbf(EVENT_ENABLE_STATUS_CHANGED, mUserData, &enabled);
- }
- }
-void AudioEffect::commandExecuted(uint32_t cmdCode,
- uint32_t cmdSize,
- void *cmdData,
- uint32_t replySize,
- void *replyData)
- if (cmdData == NULL || replyData == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (mCbf != NULL && cmdCode == EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM) {
- effect_param_t *cmd = (effect_param_t *)cmdData;
- cmd->status = *(int32_t *)replyData;
- mCbf(EVENT_PARAMETER_CHANGED, mUserData, cmd);
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t AudioEffect::queryNumberEffects(uint32_t *numEffects)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->queryNumberEffects(numEffects);
-status_t AudioEffect::queryEffect(uint32_t index, effect_descriptor_t *descriptor)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->queryEffect(index, descriptor);
-status_t AudioEffect::getEffectDescriptor(const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
- effect_descriptor_t *descriptor) /*const*/
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->getEffectDescriptor(uuid, descriptor);
-status_t AudioEffect::queryDefaultPreProcessing(int audioSession,
- effect_descriptor_t *descriptors,
- uint32_t *count)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->queryDefaultPreProcessing(audioSession, descriptors, count);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t AudioEffect::stringToGuid(const char *str, effect_uuid_t *guid)
- if (str == NULL || guid == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- int tmp[10];
- if (sscanf(str, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
- tmp, tmp+1, tmp+2, tmp+3, tmp+4, tmp+5, tmp+6, tmp+7, tmp+8, tmp+9) < 10) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- guid->timeLow = (uint32_t)tmp[0];
- guid->timeMid = (uint16_t)tmp[1];
- guid->timeHiAndVersion = (uint16_t)tmp[2];
- guid->clockSeq = (uint16_t)tmp[3];
- guid->node[0] = (uint8_t)tmp[4];
- guid->node[1] = (uint8_t)tmp[5];
- guid->node[2] = (uint8_t)tmp[6];
- guid->node[3] = (uint8_t)tmp[7];
- guid->node[4] = (uint8_t)tmp[8];
- guid->node[5] = (uint8_t)tmp[9];
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioEffect::guidToString(const effect_uuid_t *guid, char *str, size_t maxLen)
- if (guid == NULL || str == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- snprintf(str, maxLen, "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
- guid->timeLow,
- guid->timeMid,
- guid->timeHiAndVersion,
- guid->clockSeq,
- guid->node[0],
- guid->node[1],
- guid->node[2],
- guid->node[3],
- guid->node[4],
- guid->node[5]);
- return NO_ERROR;
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/AudioParameter.cpp b/media/libmedia/AudioParameter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index abc7b3f..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/AudioParameter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#define LOG_TAG "AudioParameter"
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <media/AudioParameter.h>
-namespace android {
-const char *AudioParameter::keyRouting = "routing";
-const char *AudioParameter::keySamplingRate = "sampling_rate";
-const char *AudioParameter::keyFormat = "format";
-const char *AudioParameter::keyChannels = "channels";
-const char *AudioParameter::keyFrameCount = "frame_count";
-const char *AudioParameter::keyInputSource = "input_source";
-AudioParameter::AudioParameter(const String8& keyValuePairs)
- char *str = new char[keyValuePairs.length()+1];
- mKeyValuePairs = keyValuePairs;
- strcpy(str, keyValuePairs.string());
- char *pair = strtok(str, ";");
- while (pair != NULL) {
- if (strlen(pair) != 0) {
- size_t eqIdx = strcspn(pair, "=");
- String8 key = String8(pair, eqIdx);
- String8 value;
- if (eqIdx == strlen(pair)) {
- value = String8("");
- } else {
- value = String8(pair + eqIdx + 1);
- }
- if (mParameters.indexOfKey(key) < 0) {
- mParameters.add(key, value);
- } else {
- mParameters.replaceValueFor(key, value);
- }
- } else {
- ALOGV("AudioParameter() cstor empty key value pair");
- }
- pair = strtok(NULL, ";");
- }
- delete[] str;
- mParameters.clear();
-String8 AudioParameter::toString()
- String8 str = String8("");
- size_t size = mParameters.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- str += mParameters.keyAt(i);
- str += "=";
- str += mParameters.valueAt(i);
- if (i < (size - 1)) str += ";";
- }
- return str;
-status_t AudioParameter::add(const String8& key, const String8& value)
- if (mParameters.indexOfKey(key) < 0) {
- mParameters.add(key, value);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } else {
- mParameters.replaceValueFor(key, value);
- }
-status_t AudioParameter::addInt(const String8& key, const int value)
- char str[12];
- if (snprintf(str, 12, "%d", value) > 0) {
- String8 str8 = String8(str);
- return add(key, str8);
- } else {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
-status_t AudioParameter::addFloat(const String8& key, const float value)
- char str[23];
- if (snprintf(str, 23, "%.10f", value) > 0) {
- String8 str8 = String8(str);
- return add(key, str8);
- } else {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
-status_t AudioParameter::remove(const String8& key)
- if (mParameters.indexOfKey(key) >= 0) {
- mParameters.removeItem(key);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } else {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
-status_t AudioParameter::get(const String8& key, String8& value)
- if (mParameters.indexOfKey(key) >= 0) {
- value = mParameters.valueFor(key);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } else {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
-status_t AudioParameter::getInt(const String8& key, int& value)
- String8 str8;
- status_t result = get(key, str8);
- value = 0;
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- int val;
- if (sscanf(str8.string(), "%d", &val) == 1) {
- value = val;
- } else {
- }
- }
- return result;
-status_t AudioParameter::getFloat(const String8& key, float& value)
- String8 str8;
- status_t result = get(key, str8);
- value = 0;
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- float val;
- if (sscanf(str8.string(), "%f", &val) == 1) {
- value = val;
- } else {
- }
- }
- return result;
-status_t AudioParameter::getAt(size_t index, String8& key, String8& value)
- if (mParameters.size() > index) {
- key = mParameters.keyAt(index);
- value = mParameters.valueAt(index);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } else {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/AudioRecord.cpp b/media/libmedia/AudioRecord.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ec593..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/AudioRecord.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,844 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "AudioRecord"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <private/media/AudioTrackShared.h>
-#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
-#include <media/AudioRecord.h>
-#include <media/mediarecorder.h>
-#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <utils/Timers.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
-#include <system/audio.h>
-#include <cutils/bitops.h>
-#include <cutils/compiler.h>
-namespace android {
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// static
-status_t AudioRecord::getMinFrameCount(
- int* frameCount,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- int channelCount)
- size_t size = 0;
- if (AudioSystem::getInputBufferSize(sampleRate, format, channelCount, &size)
- != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("AudioSystem could not query the input buffer size.");
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- if (size == 0) {
- ALOGE("Unsupported configuration: sampleRate %d, format %d, channelCount %d",
- sampleRate, format, channelCount);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- // We double the size of input buffer for ping pong use of record buffer.
- size <<= 1;
- if (audio_is_linear_pcm(format)) {
- size /= channelCount * audio_bytes_per_sample(format);
- }
- *frameCount = size;
- return NO_ERROR;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : mStatus(NO_INIT), mSessionId(0),
- mPreviousPriority(ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL), mPreviousSchedulingGroup(ANDROID_TGROUP_DEFAULT)
- audio_source_t inputSource,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- record_flags flags,
- callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int notificationFrames,
- int sessionId)
- : mStatus(NO_INIT), mSessionId(0),
- mPreviousPriority(ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL), mPreviousSchedulingGroup(ANDROID_TGROUP_DEFAULT)
- mStatus = set(inputSource, sampleRate, format, channelMask,
- frameCount, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames, sessionId);
- if (mStatus == NO_ERROR) {
- // Make sure that callback function exits in the case where
- // it is looping on buffer empty condition in obtainBuffer().
- // Otherwise the callback thread will never exit.
- stop();
- if (mClientRecordThread != 0) {
- mClientRecordThread->requestExitAndWait();
- mClientRecordThread.clear();
- }
- mAudioRecord.clear();
- IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
- AudioSystem::releaseAudioSessionId(mSessionId);
- }
-status_t AudioRecord::set(
- audio_source_t inputSource,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- record_flags flags,
- callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int notificationFrames,
- bool threadCanCallJava,
- int sessionId)
- ALOGV("set(): sampleRate %d, channelMask %d, frameCount %d",sampleRate, channelMask, frameCount);
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (mAudioRecord != 0) {
- }
- if (inputSource == AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT) {
- inputSource = AUDIO_SOURCE_MIC;
- }
- if (sampleRate == 0) {
- }
- // these below should probably come from the audioFlinger too...
- if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {
- format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
- }
- // validate parameters
- if (!audio_is_valid_format(format)) {
- ALOGE("Invalid format");
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- if (!audio_is_input_channel(channelMask)) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- int channelCount = popcount(channelMask);
- if (sessionId == 0 ) {
- mSessionId = AudioSystem::newAudioSessionId();
- } else {
- mSessionId = sessionId;
- }
- ALOGV("set(): mSessionId %d", mSessionId);
- audio_io_handle_t input = AudioSystem::getInput(inputSource,
- sampleRate,
- format,
- channelMask,
- (audio_in_acoustics_t)flags,
- mSessionId);
- if (input == 0) {
- ALOGE("Could not get audio input for record source %d", inputSource);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- // validate framecount
- int minFrameCount = 0;
- status_t status = getMinFrameCount(&minFrameCount, sampleRate, format, channelCount);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- ALOGV("AudioRecord::set() minFrameCount = %d", minFrameCount);
- if (frameCount == 0) {
- frameCount = minFrameCount;
- } else if (frameCount < minFrameCount) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- if (notificationFrames == 0) {
- notificationFrames = frameCount/2;
- }
- // create the IAudioRecord
- status = openRecord_l(sampleRate, format, channelMask,
- frameCount, input);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- if (cbf != NULL) {
- mClientRecordThread = new ClientRecordThread(*this, threadCanCallJava);
- }
- mStatus = NO_ERROR;
- mFormat = format;
- // Update buffer size in case it has been limited by AudioFlinger during track creation
- mFrameCount = mCblk->frameCount;
- mChannelCount = (uint8_t)channelCount;
- mChannelMask = channelMask;
- mActive = 0;
- mCbf = cbf;
- mNotificationFrames = notificationFrames;
- mRemainingFrames = notificationFrames;
- mUserData = user;
- // TODO: add audio hardware input latency here
- mLatency = (1000*mFrameCount) / sampleRate;
- mMarkerPosition = 0;
- mMarkerReached = false;
- mNewPosition = 0;
- mUpdatePeriod = 0;
- mInputSource = inputSource;
- mFlags = flags;
- mInput = input;
- AudioSystem::acquireAudioSessionId(mSessionId);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioRecord::initCheck() const
- return mStatus;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-uint32_t AudioRecord::latency() const
- return mLatency;
-audio_format_t AudioRecord::format() const
- return mFormat;
-int AudioRecord::channelCount() const
- return mChannelCount;
-uint32_t AudioRecord::frameCount() const
- return mFrameCount;
-size_t AudioRecord::frameSize() const
- if (audio_is_linear_pcm(mFormat)) {
- return channelCount()*audio_bytes_per_sample(mFormat);
- } else {
- return sizeof(uint8_t);
- }
-audio_source_t AudioRecord::inputSource() const
- return mInputSource;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t AudioRecord::start()
- status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
- sp<ClientRecordThread> t = mClientRecordThread;
- ALOGV("start");
- if (t != 0) {
- if (t->exitPending()) {
- if (t->requestExitAndWait() == WOULD_BLOCK) {
- ALOGE("AudioRecord::start called from thread");
- return WOULD_BLOCK;
- }
- }
- }
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- // acquire a strong reference on the IAudioRecord and IMemory so that they cannot be destroyed
- // while we are accessing the cblk
- sp<IAudioRecord> audioRecord = mAudioRecord;
- sp<IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- if (mActive == 0) {
- mActive = 1;
- pid_t tid;
- if (t != 0) {
- mReadyToRun = WOULD_BLOCK;
- t->run("AudioRecord", ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO);
- tid = t->getTid(); // pid_t is unknown until run()
- ALOGV("getTid=%d", tid);
- if (tid == -1) {
- tid = 0;
- }
- // thread blocks in readyToRun()
- } else {
- tid = 0; // not gettid()
- }
- cblk->lock.lock();
- if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- ALOGV("mAudioRecord->start(tid=%d)", tid);
- ret = mAudioRecord->start(tid);
- cblk->lock.lock();
- if (ret == DEAD_OBJECT) {
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &cblk->flags);
- }
- }
- if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
- ret = restoreRecord_l(cblk);
- }
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- if (ret == NO_ERROR) {
- mNewPosition = cblk->user + mUpdatePeriod;
- cblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS;
- cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- if (t != 0) {
- // thread unblocks in readyToRun() and returns NO_ERROR
- mReadyToRun = NO_ERROR;
- mCondition.signal();
- } else {
- mPreviousPriority = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0);
- mPreviousSchedulingGroup = androidGetThreadSchedulingGroup(0);
- androidSetThreadPriority(0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO);
- }
- } else {
- mActive = 0;
- // thread unblocks in readyToRun() and returns NO_INIT
- mReadyToRun = NO_INIT;
- mCondition.signal();
- }
- }
- return ret;
-status_t AudioRecord::stop()
- sp<ClientRecordThread> t = mClientRecordThread;
- ALOGV("stop");
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (mActive == 1) {
- mActive = 0;
- mCblk->cv.signal();
- mAudioRecord->stop();
- // the record head position will reset to 0, so if a marker is set, we need
- // to activate it again
- mMarkerReached = false;
- if (t != 0) {
- t->requestExit();
- } else {
- setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, mPreviousPriority);
- androidSetThreadSchedulingGroup(0, mPreviousSchedulingGroup);
- }
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
-bool AudioRecord::stopped() const
- return !mActive;
-uint32_t AudioRecord::getSampleRate() const
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- return mCblk->sampleRate;
-status_t AudioRecord::setMarkerPosition(uint32_t marker)
- if (mCbf == NULL) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- mMarkerPosition = marker;
- mMarkerReached = false;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioRecord::getMarkerPosition(uint32_t *marker) const
- if (marker == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- *marker = mMarkerPosition;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioRecord::setPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t updatePeriod)
- if (mCbf == NULL) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- uint32_t curPosition;
- getPosition(&curPosition);
- mNewPosition = curPosition + updatePeriod;
- mUpdatePeriod = updatePeriod;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioRecord::getPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t *updatePeriod) const
- if (updatePeriod == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- *updatePeriod = mUpdatePeriod;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioRecord::getPosition(uint32_t *position) const
- if (position == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- *position = mCblk->user;
- return NO_ERROR;
-unsigned int AudioRecord::getInputFramesLost() const
- if (mActive)
- return AudioSystem::getInputFramesLost(mInput);
- else
- return 0;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// must be called with mLock held
-status_t AudioRecord::openRecord_l(
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- audio_io_handle_t input)
- status_t status;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (audioFlinger == 0) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- sp<IAudioRecord> record = audioFlinger->openRecord(getpid(), input,
- sampleRate, format,
- channelMask,
- frameCount,
- IAudioFlinger::TRACK_DEFAULT,
- &mSessionId,
- &status);
- if (record == 0) {
- ALOGE("AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: %d", status);
- return status;
- }
- sp<IMemory> cblk = record->getCblk();
- if (cblk == 0) {
- ALOGE("Could not get control block");
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- mAudioRecord.clear();
- mAudioRecord = record;
- mCblkMemory.clear();
- mCblkMemory = cblk;
- mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t*>(cblk->pointer());
- mCblk->buffers = (char*)mCblk + sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
- android_atomic_and(~CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK, &mCblk->flags);
- mCblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS;
- mCblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioRecord::obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, int32_t waitCount)
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- int active;
- status_t result = NO_ERROR;
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- uint32_t framesReq = audioBuffer->frameCount;
- uint32_t waitTimeMs = (waitCount < 0) ? cblk->bufferTimeoutMs : WAIT_PERIOD_MS;
- audioBuffer->frameCount = 0;
- audioBuffer->size = 0;
- uint32_t framesReady = cblk->framesReady();
- if (framesReady == 0) {
- cblk->lock.lock();
- goto start_loop_here;
- while (framesReady == 0) {
- active = mActive;
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(!active)) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- }
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(!waitCount)) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- return WOULD_BLOCK;
- }
- if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
- mLock.unlock();
- result = cblk->cv.waitRelative(cblk->lock, milliseconds(waitTimeMs));
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- mLock.lock();
- if (mActive == 0) {
- return status_t(STOPPED);
- }
- cblk->lock.lock();
- }
- if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
- goto create_new_record;
- }
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(result != NO_ERROR)) {
- cblk->waitTimeMs += waitTimeMs;
- if (cblk->waitTimeMs >= cblk->bufferTimeoutMs) {
- ALOGW( "obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) "
- "user=%08x, server=%08x", cblk->user, cblk->server);
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- result = mAudioRecord->start(0); // callback thread hasn't changed
- cblk->lock.lock();
- if (result == DEAD_OBJECT) {
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &cblk->flags);
- result = AudioRecord::restoreRecord_l(cblk);
- }
- if (result != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGW("obtainBuffer create Track error %d", result);
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- return result;
- }
- cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- }
- if (--waitCount == 0) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- return TIMED_OUT;
- }
- }
- // read the server count again
- start_loop_here:
- framesReady = cblk->framesReady();
- }
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- }
- cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- if (framesReq > framesReady) {
- framesReq = framesReady;
- }
- uint32_t u = cblk->user;
- uint32_t bufferEnd = cblk->userBase + cblk->frameCount;
- if (u + framesReq > bufferEnd) {
- framesReq = bufferEnd - u;
- }
- audioBuffer->flags = 0;
- audioBuffer->channelCount= mChannelCount;
- audioBuffer->format = mFormat;
- audioBuffer->frameCount = framesReq;
- audioBuffer->size = framesReq*cblk->frameSize;
- audioBuffer->raw = (int8_t*)cblk->buffer(u);
- active = mActive;
- return active ? status_t(NO_ERROR) : status_t(STOPPED);
-void AudioRecord::releaseBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer)
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- mCblk->stepUser(audioBuffer->frameCount);
-audio_io_handle_t AudioRecord::getInput() const
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- return mInput;
-// must be called with mLock held
-audio_io_handle_t AudioRecord::getInput_l()
- mInput = AudioSystem::getInput(mInputSource,
- mCblk->sampleRate,
- mFormat,
- mChannelMask,
- (audio_in_acoustics_t)mFlags,
- mSessionId);
- return mInput;
-int AudioRecord::getSessionId() const
- return mSessionId;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ssize_t AudioRecord::read(void* buffer, size_t userSize)
- ssize_t read = 0;
- Buffer audioBuffer;
- int8_t *dst = static_cast<int8_t*>(buffer);
- if (ssize_t(userSize) < 0) {
- // sanity-check. user is most-likely passing an error code.
- ALOGE("AudioRecord::read(buffer=%p, size=%u (%d)",
- buffer, userSize, userSize);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- mLock.lock();
- // acquire a strong reference on the IAudioRecord and IMemory so that they cannot be destroyed
- // while we are accessing the cblk
- sp<IAudioRecord> audioRecord = mAudioRecord;
- sp<IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
- mLock.unlock();
- do {
- audioBuffer.frameCount = userSize/frameSize();
- // By using a wait count corresponding to twice the timeout period in
- // obtainBuffer() we give a chance to recover once for a read timeout
- // (if media_server crashed for instance) before returning a length of
- // 0 bytes read to the client
- status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, ((2 * MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS) / WAIT_PERIOD_MS));
- if (err < 0) {
- // out of buffers, return #bytes written
- if (err == status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS))
- break;
- if (err == status_t(TIMED_OUT))
- err = 0;
- return ssize_t(err);
- }
- size_t bytesRead = audioBuffer.size;
- memcpy(dst, audioBuffer.i8, bytesRead);
- dst += bytesRead;
- userSize -= bytesRead;
- read += bytesRead;
- releaseBuffer(&audioBuffer);
- } while (userSize);
- return read;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool AudioRecord::processAudioBuffer(const sp<ClientRecordThread>& thread)
- Buffer audioBuffer;
- uint32_t frames = mRemainingFrames;
- size_t readSize;
- mLock.lock();
- // acquire a strong reference on the IAudioRecord and IMemory so that they cannot be destroyed
- // while we are accessing the cblk
- sp<IAudioRecord> audioRecord = mAudioRecord;
- sp<IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- mLock.unlock();
- // Manage marker callback
- if (!mMarkerReached && (mMarkerPosition > 0)) {
- if (cblk->user >= mMarkerPosition) {
- mCbf(EVENT_MARKER, mUserData, (void *)&mMarkerPosition);
- mMarkerReached = true;
- }
- }
- // Manage new position callback
- if (mUpdatePeriod > 0) {
- while (cblk->user >= mNewPosition) {
- mCbf(EVENT_NEW_POS, mUserData, (void *)&mNewPosition);
- mNewPosition += mUpdatePeriod;
- }
- }
- do {
- audioBuffer.frameCount = frames;
- // Calling obtainBuffer() with a wait count of 1
- // limits wait time to WAIT_PERIOD_MS. This prevents from being
- // stuck here not being able to handle timed events (position, markers).
- status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, 1);
- if (err < NO_ERROR) {
- if (err != TIMED_OUT) {
- ALOGE_IF(err != status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS), "Error obtaining an audio buffer, giving up.");
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (err == status_t(STOPPED)) return false;
- size_t reqSize = audioBuffer.size;
- mCbf(EVENT_MORE_DATA, mUserData, &audioBuffer);
- readSize = audioBuffer.size;
- // Sanity check on returned size
- if (ssize_t(readSize) <= 0) {
- // The callback is done filling buffers
- // Keep this thread going to handle timed events and
- // still try to get more data in intervals of WAIT_PERIOD_MS
- // but don't just loop and block the CPU, so wait
- usleep(WAIT_PERIOD_MS*1000);
- break;
- }
- if (readSize > reqSize) readSize = reqSize;
- audioBuffer.size = readSize;
- audioBuffer.frameCount = readSize/frameSize();
- frames -= audioBuffer.frameCount;
- releaseBuffer(&audioBuffer);
- } while (frames);
- // Manage overrun callback
- if (mActive && (cblk->framesAvailable() == 0)) {
- ALOGV("Overrun user: %x, server: %x, flags %04x", cblk->user, cblk->server, cblk->flags);
- if (!(android_atomic_or(CBLK_UNDERRUN_ON, &cblk->flags) & CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK)) {
- mCbf(EVENT_OVERRUN, mUserData, 0);
- }
- }
- if (frames == 0) {
- mRemainingFrames = mNotificationFrames;
- } else {
- mRemainingFrames = frames;
- }
- return true;
-// must be called with mLock and cblk.lock held. Callers must also hold strong references on
-// the IAudioRecord and IMemory in case they are recreated here.
-// If the IAudioRecord is successfully restored, the cblk pointer is updated
-status_t AudioRecord::restoreRecord_l(audio_track_cblk_t*& cblk)
- status_t result;
- if (!(android_atomic_or(CBLK_RESTORING_ON, &cblk->flags) & CBLK_RESTORING_MSK)) {
- ALOGW("dead IAudioRecord, creating a new one");
- // signal old cblk condition so that other threads waiting for available buffers stop
- // waiting now
- cblk->cv.broadcast();
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- // if the new IAudioRecord is created, openRecord_l() will modify the
- // following member variables: mAudioRecord, mCblkMemory and mCblk.
- // It will also delete the strong references on previous IAudioRecord and IMemory
- result = openRecord_l(cblk->sampleRate, mFormat, mChannelMask,
- mFrameCount, getInput_l());
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- result = mAudioRecord->start(0); // callback thread hasn't changed
- }
- if (result != NO_ERROR) {
- mActive = false;
- }
- // signal old cblk condition for other threads waiting for restore completion
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_RESTORED_ON, &cblk->flags);
- cblk->cv.broadcast();
- } else {
- if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_RESTORED_MSK)) {
- ALOGW("dead IAudioRecord, waiting for a new one to be created");
- mLock.unlock();
- result = cblk->cv.waitRelative(cblk->lock, milliseconds(RESTORE_TIMEOUT_MS));
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- mLock.lock();
- } else {
- ALOGW("dead IAudioRecord, already restored");
- result = NO_ERROR;
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- }
- if (result != NO_ERROR || mActive == 0) {
- result = status_t(STOPPED);
- }
- }
- ALOGV("restoreRecord_l() status %d mActive %d cblk %p, old cblk %p flags %08x old flags %08x",
- result, mActive, mCblk, cblk, mCblk->flags, cblk->flags);
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- // from now on we switch to the newly created cblk
- cblk = mCblk;
- }
- cblk->lock.lock();
- ALOGW_IF(result != NO_ERROR, "restoreRecord_l() error %d", result);
- return result;
-// =========================================================================
-AudioRecord::ClientRecordThread::ClientRecordThread(AudioRecord& receiver, bool bCanCallJava)
- : Thread(bCanCallJava), mReceiver(receiver)
-bool AudioRecord::ClientRecordThread::threadLoop()
- return mReceiver.processAudioBuffer(this);
-status_t AudioRecord::ClientRecordThread::readyToRun()
- AutoMutex(mReceiver.mLock);
- while (mReceiver.mReadyToRun == WOULD_BLOCK) {
- mReceiver.mCondition.wait(mReceiver.mLock);
- }
- return mReceiver.mReadyToRun;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/AudioSystem.cpp b/media/libmedia/AudioSystem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 33c7d03..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/AudioSystem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,770 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#define LOG_TAG "AudioSystem"
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
-#include <media/IAudioPolicyService.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <system/audio.h>
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-namespace android {
-// client singleton for AudioFlinger binder interface
-Mutex AudioSystem::gLock;
-sp<IAudioFlinger> AudioSystem::gAudioFlinger;
-sp<AudioSystem::AudioFlingerClient> AudioSystem::gAudioFlingerClient;
-audio_error_callback AudioSystem::gAudioErrorCallback = NULL;
-// Cached values
-DefaultKeyedVector<audio_stream_type_t, audio_io_handle_t> AudioSystem::gStreamOutputMap(0);
-DefaultKeyedVector<audio_io_handle_t, AudioSystem::OutputDescriptor *> AudioSystem::gOutputs(0);
-// Cached values for recording queries, all protected by gLock
-uint32_t AudioSystem::gPrevInSamplingRate = 16000;
-audio_format_t AudioSystem::gPrevInFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
-int AudioSystem::gPrevInChannelCount = 1;
-size_t AudioSystem::gInBuffSize = 0;
-// establish binder interface to AudioFlinger service
-const sp<IAudioFlinger>& AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);
- if (gAudioFlinger == 0) {
- sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
- sp<IBinder> binder;
- do {
- binder = sm->getService(String16("media.audio_flinger"));
- if (binder != 0)
- break;
- ALOGW("AudioFlinger not published, waiting...");
- usleep(500000); // 0.5 s
- } while (true);
- if (gAudioFlingerClient == NULL) {
- gAudioFlingerClient = new AudioFlingerClient();
- } else {
- if (gAudioErrorCallback) {
- gAudioErrorCallback(NO_ERROR);
- }
- }
- binder->linkToDeath(gAudioFlingerClient);
- gAudioFlinger = interface_cast<IAudioFlinger>(binder);
- gAudioFlinger->registerClient(gAudioFlingerClient);
- }
- ALOGE_IF(gAudioFlinger==0, "no AudioFlinger!?");
- return gAudioFlinger;
-status_t AudioSystem::muteMicrophone(bool state) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->setMicMute(state);
-status_t AudioSystem::isMicrophoneMuted(bool* state) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *state = af->getMicMute();
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::setMasterVolume(float value)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- af->setMasterVolume(value);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::setMasterMute(bool mute)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- af->setMasterMute(mute);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getMasterVolume(float* volume)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *volume = af->masterVolume();
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getMasterMute(bool* mute)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *mute = af->masterMute();
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::setStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, float value,
- audio_io_handle_t output)
- if (uint32_t(stream) >= AUDIO_STREAM_CNT) return BAD_VALUE;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- af->setStreamVolume(stream, value, output);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::setStreamMute(audio_stream_type_t stream, bool mute)
- if (uint32_t(stream) >= AUDIO_STREAM_CNT) return BAD_VALUE;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- af->setStreamMute(stream, mute);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, float* volume,
- audio_io_handle_t output)
- if (uint32_t(stream) >= AUDIO_STREAM_CNT) return BAD_VALUE;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *volume = af->streamVolume(stream, output);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getStreamMute(audio_stream_type_t stream, bool* mute)
- if (uint32_t(stream) >= AUDIO_STREAM_CNT) return BAD_VALUE;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *mute = af->streamMute(stream);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::setMode(audio_mode_t mode)
- if (uint32_t(mode) >= AUDIO_MODE_CNT) return BAD_VALUE;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->setMode(mode);
-status_t AudioSystem::setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->setParameters(ioHandle, keyValuePairs);
-String8 AudioSystem::getParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keys) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- String8 result = String8("");
- if (af == 0) return result;
- result = af->getParameters(ioHandle, keys);
- return result;
-// convert volume steps to natural log scale
-// change this value to change volume scaling
-static const float dBPerStep = 0.5f;
-// shouldn't need to touch these
-static const float dBConvert = -dBPerStep * 2.302585093f / 20.0f;
-static const float dBConvertInverse = 1.0f / dBConvert;
-float AudioSystem::linearToLog(int volume)
- // float v = volume ? exp(float(100 - volume) * dBConvert) : 0;
- // ALOGD("linearToLog(%d)=%f", volume, v);
- // return v;
- return volume ? exp(float(100 - volume) * dBConvert) : 0;
-int AudioSystem::logToLinear(float volume)
- // int v = volume ? 100 - int(dBConvertInverse * log(volume) + 0.5) : 0;
- // ALOGD("logTolinear(%d)=%f", v, volume);
- // return v;
- return volume ? 100 - int(dBConvertInverse * log(volume) + 0.5) : 0;
-status_t AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(int* samplingRate, int streamType) {
- return getOutputSamplingRate(samplingRate, (audio_stream_type_t)streamType);
-status_t AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(int* samplingRate, audio_stream_type_t streamType)
- OutputDescriptor *outputDesc;
- audio_io_handle_t output;
- if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
- streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;
- }
- output = getOutput(streamType);
- if (output == 0) {
- }
- gLock.lock();
- outputDesc = AudioSystem::gOutputs.valueFor(output);
- if (outputDesc == NULL) {
- ALOGV("getOutputSamplingRate() no output descriptor for output %d in gOutputs", output);
- gLock.unlock();
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *samplingRate = af->sampleRate(output);
- } else {
- ALOGV("getOutputSamplingRate() reading from output desc");
- *samplingRate = outputDesc->samplingRate;
- gLock.unlock();
- }
- ALOGV("getOutputSamplingRate() streamType %d, output %d, sampling rate %d", streamType, output, *samplingRate);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(int* frameCount, int streamType) {
- return getOutputFrameCount(frameCount, (audio_stream_type_t)streamType);
-status_t AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(int* frameCount, audio_stream_type_t streamType)
- OutputDescriptor *outputDesc;
- audio_io_handle_t output;
- if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
- streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;
- }
- output = getOutput(streamType);
- if (output == 0) {
- }
- gLock.lock();
- outputDesc = AudioSystem::gOutputs.valueFor(output);
- if (outputDesc == NULL) {
- gLock.unlock();
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *frameCount = af->frameCount(output);
- } else {
- *frameCount = outputDesc->frameCount;
- gLock.unlock();
- }
- ALOGV("getOutputFrameCount() streamType %d, output %d, frameCount %d", streamType, output, *frameCount);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(uint32_t* latency, audio_stream_type_t streamType)
- OutputDescriptor *outputDesc;
- audio_io_handle_t output;
- if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
- streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;
- }
- output = getOutput(streamType);
- if (output == 0) {
- }
- gLock.lock();
- outputDesc = AudioSystem::gOutputs.valueFor(output);
- if (outputDesc == NULL) {
- gLock.unlock();
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- *latency = af->latency(output);
- } else {
- *latency = outputDesc->latency;
- gLock.unlock();
- }
- ALOGV("getOutputLatency() streamType %d, output %d, latency %d", streamType, output, *latency);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::getInputBufferSize(uint32_t sampleRate, audio_format_t format, int channelCount,
- size_t* buffSize)
- gLock.lock();
- // Do we have a stale gInBufferSize or are we requesting the input buffer size for new values
- size_t inBuffSize = gInBuffSize;
- if ((inBuffSize == 0) || (sampleRate != gPrevInSamplingRate) || (format != gPrevInFormat)
- || (channelCount != gPrevInChannelCount)) {
- gLock.unlock();
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) {
- }
- inBuffSize = af->getInputBufferSize(sampleRate, format, channelCount);
- gLock.lock();
- // save the request params
- gPrevInSamplingRate = sampleRate;
- gPrevInFormat = format;
- gPrevInChannelCount = channelCount;
- gInBuffSize = inBuffSize;
- }
- gLock.unlock();
- *buffSize = inBuffSize;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioSystem::setVoiceVolume(float value)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return af->setVoiceVolume(value);
-status_t AudioSystem::getRenderPosition(uint32_t *halFrames, uint32_t *dspFrames, audio_stream_type_t stream)
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- if (stream == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
- }
- return af->getRenderPosition(halFrames, dspFrames, getOutput(stream));
-unsigned int AudioSystem::getInputFramesLost(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- unsigned int result = 0;
- if (af == 0) return result;
- if (ioHandle == 0) return result;
- result = af->getInputFramesLost(ioHandle);
- return result;
-int AudioSystem::newAudioSessionId() {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af == 0) return 0;
- return af->newAudioSessionId();
-void AudioSystem::acquireAudioSessionId(int audioSession) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af != 0) {
- af->acquireAudioSessionId(audioSession);
- }
-void AudioSystem::releaseAudioSessionId(int audioSession) {
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (af != 0) {
- af->releaseAudioSessionId(audioSession);
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void AudioSystem::AudioFlingerClient::binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(AudioSystem::gLock);
- AudioSystem::gAudioFlinger.clear();
- // clear output handles and stream to output map caches
- AudioSystem::gStreamOutputMap.clear();
- AudioSystem::gOutputs.clear();
- if (gAudioErrorCallback) {
- gAudioErrorCallback(DEAD_OBJECT);
- }
- ALOGW("AudioFlinger server died!");
-void AudioSystem::AudioFlingerClient::ioConfigChanged(int event, audio_io_handle_t ioHandle,
- const void *param2) {
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged() event %d", event);
- const OutputDescriptor *desc;
- audio_stream_type_t stream;
- if (ioHandle == 0) return;
- Mutex::Autolock _l(AudioSystem::gLock);
- switch (event) {
- if (param2 == NULL) break;
- stream = *(const audio_stream_type_t *)param2;
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged() STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGED stream %d, output %d", stream, ioHandle);
- if (gStreamOutputMap.indexOfKey(stream) >= 0) {
- gStreamOutputMap.replaceValueFor(stream, ioHandle);
- }
- break;
- if (gOutputs.indexOfKey(ioHandle) >= 0) {
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged() opening already existing output! %d", ioHandle);
- break;
- }
- if (param2 == NULL) break;
- desc = (const OutputDescriptor *)param2;
- OutputDescriptor *outputDesc = new OutputDescriptor(*desc);
- gOutputs.add(ioHandle, outputDesc);
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged() new output samplingRate %d, format %d channels %d frameCount %d latency %d",
- outputDesc->samplingRate, outputDesc->format, outputDesc->channels, outputDesc->frameCount, outputDesc->latency);
- } break;
- if (gOutputs.indexOfKey(ioHandle) < 0) {
- ALOGW("ioConfigChanged() closing unknow output! %d", ioHandle);
- break;
- }
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged() output %d closed", ioHandle);
- gOutputs.removeItem(ioHandle);
- for (int i = gStreamOutputMap.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
- if (gStreamOutputMap.valueAt(i) == ioHandle) {
- gStreamOutputMap.removeItemsAt(i);
- }
- }
- } break;
- int index = gOutputs.indexOfKey(ioHandle);
- if (index < 0) {
- ALOGW("ioConfigChanged() modifying unknow output! %d", ioHandle);
- break;
- }
- if (param2 == NULL) break;
- desc = (const OutputDescriptor *)param2;
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged() new config for output %d samplingRate %d, format %d channels %d frameCount %d latency %d",
- ioHandle, desc->samplingRate, desc->format,
- desc->channels, desc->frameCount, desc->latency);
- OutputDescriptor *outputDesc = gOutputs.valueAt(index);
- delete outputDesc;
- outputDesc = new OutputDescriptor(*desc);
- gOutputs.replaceValueFor(ioHandle, outputDesc);
- } break;
- break;
- }
-void AudioSystem::setErrorCallback(audio_error_callback cb) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);
- gAudioErrorCallback = cb;
-bool AudioSystem::routedToA2dpOutput(audio_stream_type_t streamType) {
- switch (streamType) {
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
-// client singleton for AudioPolicyService binder interface
-sp<IAudioPolicyService> AudioSystem::gAudioPolicyService;
-sp<AudioSystem::AudioPolicyServiceClient> AudioSystem::gAudioPolicyServiceClient;
-// establish binder interface to AudioFlinger service
-const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service()
- gLock.lock();
- if (gAudioPolicyService == 0) {
- sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
- sp<IBinder> binder;
- do {
- binder = sm->getService(String16("media.audio_policy"));
- if (binder != 0)
- break;
- ALOGW("AudioPolicyService not published, waiting...");
- usleep(500000); // 0.5 s
- } while (true);
- if (gAudioPolicyServiceClient == NULL) {
- gAudioPolicyServiceClient = new AudioPolicyServiceClient();
- }
- binder->linkToDeath(gAudioPolicyServiceClient);
- gAudioPolicyService = interface_cast<IAudioPolicyService>(binder);
- gLock.unlock();
- } else {
- gLock.unlock();
- }
- return gAudioPolicyService;
-status_t AudioSystem::setDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices_t device,
- audio_policy_dev_state_t state,
- const char *device_address)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- const char *address = "";
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- if (device_address != NULL) {
- address = device_address;
- }
- return aps->setDeviceConnectionState(device, state, address);
-audio_policy_dev_state_t AudioSystem::getDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices_t device,
- const char *device_address)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- return aps->getDeviceConnectionState(device, device_address);
-status_t AudioSystem::setPhoneState(audio_mode_t state)
- if (uint32_t(state) >= AUDIO_MODE_CNT) return BAD_VALUE;
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->setPhoneState(state);
-status_t AudioSystem::setForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage, audio_policy_forced_cfg_t config)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->setForceUse(usage, config);
-audio_policy_forced_cfg_t AudioSystem::getForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return AUDIO_POLICY_FORCE_NONE;
- return aps->getForceUse(usage);
-audio_io_handle_t AudioSystem::getOutput(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- uint32_t samplingRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channels,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags)
- audio_io_handle_t output = 0;
- // Do not use stream to output map cache if the direct output
- // flag is set or if we are likely to use a direct output
- // (e.g voice call stream @ 8kHz could use BT SCO device and be routed to
- // a direct output on some platforms).
- // TODO: the output cache and stream to output mapping implementation needs to
- // be reworked for proper operation with direct outputs. This code is too specific
- // to the first use case we want to cover (Voice Recognition and Voice Dialer over
- // Bluetooth SCO
- if ((flags & AUDIO_POLICY_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) == 0 &&
- channels != AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO ||
- (samplingRate != 8000 && samplingRate != 16000))) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);
- output = AudioSystem::gStreamOutputMap.valueFor(stream);
- ALOGV_IF((output != 0), "getOutput() read %d from cache for stream %d", output, stream);
- }
- if (output == 0) {
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return 0;
- output = aps->getOutput(stream, samplingRate, format, channels, flags);
- if ((flags & AUDIO_POLICY_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) == 0) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);
- AudioSystem::gStreamOutputMap.add(stream, output);
- }
- }
- return output;
-status_t AudioSystem::startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
- audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int session)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->startOutput(output, stream, session);
-status_t AudioSystem::stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
- audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int session)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->stopOutput(output, stream, session);
-void AudioSystem::releaseOutput(audio_io_handle_t output)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return;
- aps->releaseOutput(output);
-audio_io_handle_t AudioSystem::getInput(audio_source_t inputSource,
- uint32_t samplingRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channels,
- audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics,
- int sessionId)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return 0;
- return aps->getInput(inputSource, samplingRate, format, channels, acoustics, sessionId);
-status_t AudioSystem::startInput(audio_io_handle_t input)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->startInput(input);
-status_t AudioSystem::stopInput(audio_io_handle_t input)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->stopInput(input);
-void AudioSystem::releaseInput(audio_io_handle_t input)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return;
- aps->releaseInput(input);
-status_t AudioSystem::initStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int indexMin,
- int indexMax)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->initStreamVolume(stream, indexMin, indexMax);
-status_t AudioSystem::setStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int index,
- audio_devices_t device)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->setStreamVolumeIndex(stream, index, device);
-status_t AudioSystem::getStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int *index,
- audio_devices_t device)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->getStreamVolumeIndex(stream, index, device);
-uint32_t AudioSystem::getStrategyForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return 0;
- return aps->getStrategyForStream(stream);
-audio_devices_t AudioSystem::getDevicesForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return (audio_devices_t)0;
- return aps->getDevicesForStream(stream);
-audio_io_handle_t AudioSystem::getOutputForEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->getOutputForEffect(desc);
-status_t AudioSystem::registerEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc,
- audio_io_handle_t io,
- uint32_t strategy,
- int session,
- int id)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->registerEffect(desc, io, strategy, session, id);
-status_t AudioSystem::unregisterEffect(int id)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->unregisterEffect(id);
-status_t AudioSystem::setEffectEnabled(int id, bool enabled)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- return aps->setEffectEnabled(id, enabled);
-status_t AudioSystem::isStreamActive(audio_stream_type_t stream, bool* state, uint32_t inPastMs)
- const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& aps = AudioSystem::get_audio_policy_service();
- if (aps == 0) return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- if (state == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- *state = aps->isStreamActive(stream, inPastMs);
- return NO_ERROR;
-void AudioSystem::clearAudioConfigCache()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(gLock);
- ALOGV("clearAudioConfigCache()");
- gStreamOutputMap.clear();
- gOutputs.clear();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void AudioSystem::AudioPolicyServiceClient::binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(AudioSystem::gLock);
- AudioSystem::gAudioPolicyService.clear();
- ALOGW("AudioPolicyService server died!");
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/AudioTrack.cpp b/media/libmedia/AudioTrack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bafde3a..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/AudioTrack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1531 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "AudioTrack"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <private/media/AudioTrackShared.h>
-#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
-#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <utils/Timers.h>
-#include <utils/Atomic.h>
-#include <cutils/bitops.h>
-#include <cutils/compiler.h>
-#include <system/audio.h>
-#include <system/audio_policy.h>
-#include <audio_utils/primitives.h>
-namespace android {
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// static
-status_t AudioTrack::getMinFrameCount(
- int* frameCount,
- audio_stream_type_t streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate)
- int afSampleRate;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- int afFrameCount;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- uint32_t afLatency;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- // Ensure that buffer depth covers at least audio hardware latency
- uint32_t minBufCount = afLatency / ((1000 * afFrameCount) / afSampleRate);
- if (minBufCount < 2) minBufCount = 2;
- *frameCount = (sampleRate == 0) ? afFrameCount * minBufCount :
- afFrameCount * minBufCount * sampleRate / afSampleRate;
- return NO_ERROR;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : mStatus(NO_INIT),
- mIsTimed(false),
- mPreviousSchedulingGroup(ANDROID_TGROUP_DEFAULT)
- audio_stream_type_t streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- int channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags,
- callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int notificationFrames,
- int sessionId)
- : mStatus(NO_INIT),
- mIsTimed(false),
- mPreviousSchedulingGroup(ANDROID_TGROUP_DEFAULT)
- mStatus = set(streamType, sampleRate, format, channelMask,
- frameCount, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames,
- 0 /*sharedBuffer*/, false /*threadCanCallJava*/, sessionId);
- int streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- int format,
- int channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- uint32_t flags,
- callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int notificationFrames,
- int sessionId)
- : mStatus(NO_INIT),
- mIsTimed(false),
- mPreviousPriority(ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL), mPreviousSchedulingGroup(ANDROID_TGROUP_DEFAULT)
- mStatus = set((audio_stream_type_t)streamType, sampleRate, (audio_format_t)format, channelMask,
- frameCount, (audio_policy_output_flags_t)flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames,
- 0 /*sharedBuffer*/, false /*threadCanCallJava*/, sessionId);
- audio_stream_type_t streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- int channelMask,
- const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags,
- callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int notificationFrames,
- int sessionId)
- : mStatus(NO_INIT),
- mIsTimed(false),
- mPreviousSchedulingGroup(ANDROID_TGROUP_DEFAULT)
- mStatus = set(streamType, sampleRate, format, channelMask,
- 0 /*frameCount*/, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames,
- sharedBuffer, false /*threadCanCallJava*/, sessionId);
- ALOGV_IF(mSharedBuffer != 0, "Destructor sharedBuffer: %p", mSharedBuffer->pointer());
- if (mStatus == NO_ERROR) {
- // Make sure that callback function exits in the case where
- // it is looping on buffer full condition in obtainBuffer().
- // Otherwise the callback thread will never exit.
- stop();
- if (mAudioTrackThread != 0) {
- mAudioTrackThread->requestExitAndWait();
- mAudioTrackThread.clear();
- }
- mAudioTrack.clear();
- IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
- AudioSystem::releaseAudioSessionId(mSessionId);
- }
-status_t AudioTrack::set(
- audio_stream_type_t streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- int channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags,
- callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int notificationFrames,
- const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
- bool threadCanCallJava,
- int sessionId)
- ALOGV_IF(sharedBuffer != 0, "sharedBuffer: %p, size: %d", sharedBuffer->pointer(), sharedBuffer->size());
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (mAudioTrack != 0) {
- ALOGE("Track already in use");
- }
- int afSampleRate;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- uint32_t afLatency;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- // handle default values first.
- if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
- streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;
- }
- if (sampleRate == 0) {
- sampleRate = afSampleRate;
- }
- // these below should probably come from the audioFlinger too...
- if (format == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) {
- format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
- }
- if (channelMask == 0) {
- }
- // validate parameters
- if (!audio_is_valid_format(format)) {
- ALOGE("Invalid format");
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- // force direct flag if format is not linear PCM
- if (!audio_is_linear_pcm(format)) {
- flags = (audio_policy_output_flags_t) (flags | AUDIO_POLICY_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT);
- }
- if (!audio_is_output_channel(channelMask)) {
- ALOGE("Invalid channel mask");
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- uint32_t channelCount = popcount(channelMask);
- audio_io_handle_t output = AudioSystem::getOutput(
- streamType,
- sampleRate, format, channelMask,
- flags);
- if (output == 0) {
- ALOGE("Could not get audio output for stream type %d", streamType);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- mVolume[LEFT] = 1.0f;
- mVolume[RIGHT] = 1.0f;
- mSendLevel = 0.0f;
- mFrameCount = frameCount;
- mNotificationFramesReq = notificationFrames;
- mSessionId = sessionId;
- mAuxEffectId = 0;
- // create the IAudioTrack
- status_t status = createTrack_l(streamType,
- sampleRate,
- format,
- (uint32_t)channelMask,
- frameCount,
- flags,
- sharedBuffer,
- output);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- if (cbf != NULL) {
- mAudioTrackThread = new AudioTrackThread(*this, threadCanCallJava);
- }
- mStatus = NO_ERROR;
- mStreamType = streamType;
- mFormat = format;
- mChannelMask = (uint32_t)channelMask;
- mChannelCount = channelCount;
- mSharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;
- mMuted = false;
- mActive = false;
- mCbf = cbf;
- mUserData = user;
- mLoopCount = 0;
- mMarkerPosition = 0;
- mMarkerReached = false;
- mNewPosition = 0;
- mUpdatePeriod = 0;
- mFlushed = false;
- mFlags = flags;
- AudioSystem::acquireAudioSessionId(mSessionId);
- mRestoreStatus = NO_ERROR;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::initCheck() const
- return mStatus;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-uint32_t AudioTrack::latency() const
- return mLatency;
-audio_stream_type_t AudioTrack::streamType() const
- return mStreamType;
-audio_format_t AudioTrack::format() const
- return mFormat;
-int AudioTrack::channelCount() const
- return mChannelCount;
-uint32_t AudioTrack::frameCount() const
- return mCblk->frameCount;
-size_t AudioTrack::frameSize() const
- if (audio_is_linear_pcm(mFormat)) {
- return channelCount()*audio_bytes_per_sample(mFormat);
- } else {
- return sizeof(uint8_t);
- }
-sp<IMemory>& AudioTrack::sharedBuffer()
- return mSharedBuffer;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void AudioTrack::start()
- sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
- status_t status = NO_ERROR;
- ALOGV("start %p", this);
- if (t != 0) {
- if (t->exitPending()) {
- if (t->requestExitAndWait() == WOULD_BLOCK) {
- ALOGE("AudioTrack::start called from thread");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- // acquire a strong reference on the IMemory and IAudioTrack so that they cannot be destroyed
- // while we are accessing the cblk
- sp<IAudioTrack> audioTrack = mAudioTrack;
- sp<IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- if (!mActive) {
- mFlushed = false;
- mActive = true;
- mNewPosition = cblk->server + mUpdatePeriod;
- cblk->lock.lock();
- cblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS;
- cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- android_atomic_and(~CBLK_DISABLED_ON, &cblk->flags);
- pid_t tid;
- if (t != 0) {
- t->run("AudioTrack", ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO);
- tid = t->getTid(); // pid_t is unknown until run()
- ALOGV("getTid=%d", tid);
- if (tid == -1) {
- tid = 0;
- }
- } else {
- mPreviousPriority = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0);
- mPreviousSchedulingGroup = androidGetThreadSchedulingGroup(0);
- androidSetThreadPriority(0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO);
- tid = 0; // not gettid()
- }
- ALOGV("start %p before lock cblk %p", this, mCblk);
- if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- ALOGV("mAudioTrack->start(tid=%d)", tid);
- status = mAudioTrack->start(tid);
- cblk->lock.lock();
- if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &cblk->flags);
- }
- }
- if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
- status = restoreTrack_l(cblk, true);
- }
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGV("start() failed");
- mActive = false;
- if (t != 0) {
- t->requestExit();
- } else {
- setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, mPreviousPriority);
- androidSetThreadSchedulingGroup(0, mPreviousSchedulingGroup);
- }
- }
- }
-void AudioTrack::stop()
- sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
- ALOGV("stop %p", this);
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (mActive) {
- mActive = false;
- mCblk->cv.signal();
- mAudioTrack->stop();
- // Cancel loops (If we are in the middle of a loop, playback
- // would not stop until loopCount reaches 0).
- setLoop_l(0, 0, 0);
- // the playback head position will reset to 0, so if a marker is set, we need
- // to activate it again
- mMarkerReached = false;
- // Force flush if a shared buffer is used otherwise audioflinger
- // will not stop before end of buffer is reached.
- if (mSharedBuffer != 0) {
- flush_l();
- }
- if (t != 0) {
- t->requestExit();
- } else {
- setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, mPreviousPriority);
- androidSetThreadSchedulingGroup(0, mPreviousSchedulingGroup);
- }
- }
-bool AudioTrack::stopped() const
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- return stopped_l();
-void AudioTrack::flush()
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- flush_l();
-// must be called with mLock held
-void AudioTrack::flush_l()
- ALOGV("flush");
- // clear playback marker and periodic update counter
- mMarkerPosition = 0;
- mMarkerReached = false;
- mUpdatePeriod = 0;
- if (!mActive) {
- mFlushed = true;
- mAudioTrack->flush();
- // Release AudioTrack callback thread in case it was waiting for new buffers
- // in AudioTrack::obtainBuffer()
- mCblk->cv.signal();
- }
-void AudioTrack::pause()
- ALOGV("pause");
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (mActive) {
- mActive = false;
- mAudioTrack->pause();
- }
-void AudioTrack::mute(bool e)
- mAudioTrack->mute(e);
- mMuted = e;
-bool AudioTrack::muted() const
- return mMuted;
-status_t AudioTrack::setVolume(float left, float right)
- if (left < 0.0f || left > 1.0f || right < 0.0f || right > 1.0f) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- mVolume[LEFT] = left;
- mVolume[RIGHT] = right;
- mCblk->setVolumeLR((uint32_t(uint16_t(right * 0x1000)) << 16) | uint16_t(left * 0x1000));
- return NO_ERROR;
-void AudioTrack::getVolume(float* left, float* right) const
- if (left != NULL) {
- *left = mVolume[LEFT];
- }
- if (right != NULL) {
- *right = mVolume[RIGHT];
- }
-status_t AudioTrack::setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level)
- ALOGV("setAuxEffectSendLevel(%f)", level);
- if (level < 0.0f || level > 1.0f) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- mSendLevel = level;
- mCblk->setSendLevel(level);
- return NO_ERROR;
-void AudioTrack::getAuxEffectSendLevel(float* level) const
- if (level != NULL) {
- *level = mSendLevel;
- }
-status_t AudioTrack::setSampleRate(int rate)
- int afSamplingRate;
- if (mIsTimed) {
- }
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSamplingRate, mStreamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- // Resampler implementation limits input sampling rate to 2 x output sampling rate.
- if (rate <= 0 || rate > afSamplingRate*2 ) return BAD_VALUE;
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- mCblk->sampleRate = rate;
- return NO_ERROR;
-uint32_t AudioTrack::getSampleRate() const
- if (mIsTimed) {
- }
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- return mCblk->sampleRate;
-status_t AudioTrack::setLoop(uint32_t loopStart, uint32_t loopEnd, int loopCount)
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- return setLoop_l(loopStart, loopEnd, loopCount);
-// must be called with mLock held
-status_t AudioTrack::setLoop_l(uint32_t loopStart, uint32_t loopEnd, int loopCount)
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- Mutex::Autolock _l(cblk->lock);
- if (loopCount == 0) {
- cblk->loopStart = UINT_MAX;
- cblk->loopEnd = UINT_MAX;
- cblk->loopCount = 0;
- mLoopCount = 0;
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- if (mIsTimed) {
- }
- if (loopStart >= loopEnd ||
- loopEnd - loopStart > cblk->frameCount ||
- cblk->server > loopStart) {
- ALOGE("setLoop invalid value: loopStart %d, loopEnd %d, loopCount %d, framecount %d, user %d", loopStart, loopEnd, loopCount, cblk->frameCount, cblk->user);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- if ((mSharedBuffer != 0) && (loopEnd > cblk->frameCount)) {
- ALOGE("setLoop invalid value: loop markers beyond data: loopStart %d, loopEnd %d, framecount %d",
- loopStart, loopEnd, cblk->frameCount);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- cblk->loopStart = loopStart;
- cblk->loopEnd = loopEnd;
- cblk->loopCount = loopCount;
- mLoopCount = loopCount;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::setMarkerPosition(uint32_t marker)
- if (mCbf == NULL) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- mMarkerPosition = marker;
- mMarkerReached = false;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::getMarkerPosition(uint32_t *marker) const
- if (marker == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- *marker = mMarkerPosition;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::setPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t updatePeriod)
- if (mCbf == NULL) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- uint32_t curPosition;
- getPosition(&curPosition);
- mNewPosition = curPosition + updatePeriod;
- mUpdatePeriod = updatePeriod;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::getPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t *updatePeriod) const
- if (updatePeriod == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- *updatePeriod = mUpdatePeriod;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::setPosition(uint32_t position)
- if (mIsTimed) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (!stopped_l()) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCblk->lock);
- if (position > mCblk->user) return BAD_VALUE;
- mCblk->server = position;
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_FORCEREADY_ON, &mCblk->flags);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::getPosition(uint32_t *position)
- if (position == NULL) return BAD_VALUE;
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- *position = mFlushed ? 0 : mCblk->server;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::reload()
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- if (!stopped_l()) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- flush_l();
- mCblk->stepUser(mCblk->frameCount);
- return NO_ERROR;
-audio_io_handle_t AudioTrack::getOutput()
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- return getOutput_l();
-// must be called with mLock held
-audio_io_handle_t AudioTrack::getOutput_l()
- return AudioSystem::getOutput(mStreamType,
- mCblk->sampleRate, mFormat, mChannelMask, mFlags);
-int AudioTrack::getSessionId() const
- return mSessionId;
-status_t AudioTrack::attachAuxEffect(int effectId)
- ALOGV("attachAuxEffect(%d)", effectId);
- status_t status = mAudioTrack->attachAuxEffect(effectId);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- mAuxEffectId = effectId;
- }
- return status;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// must be called with mLock held
-status_t AudioTrack::createTrack_l(
- audio_stream_type_t streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags,
- const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
- audio_io_handle_t output)
- status_t status;
- const sp<IAudioFlinger>& audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
- if (audioFlinger == 0) {
- ALOGE("Could not get audioflinger");
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- int afSampleRate;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- int afFrameCount;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- uint32_t afLatency;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- mNotificationFramesAct = mNotificationFramesReq;
- if (!audio_is_linear_pcm(format)) {
- if (sharedBuffer != 0) {
- frameCount = sharedBuffer->size();
- }
- } else {
- // Ensure that buffer depth covers at least audio hardware latency
- uint32_t minBufCount = afLatency / ((1000 * afFrameCount)/afSampleRate);
- if (minBufCount < 2) minBufCount = 2;
- int minFrameCount = (afFrameCount*sampleRate*minBufCount)/afSampleRate;
- if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
- if (frameCount == 0) {
- frameCount = minFrameCount;
- }
- if (mNotificationFramesAct == 0) {
- mNotificationFramesAct = frameCount/2;
- }
- // Make sure that application is notified with sufficient margin
- // before underrun
- if (mNotificationFramesAct > (uint32_t)frameCount/2) {
- mNotificationFramesAct = frameCount/2;
- }
- if (frameCount < minFrameCount) {
- // not ALOGW because it happens all the time when playing key clicks over A2DP
- ALOGV("Minimum buffer size corrected from %d to %d",
- frameCount, minFrameCount);
- frameCount = minFrameCount;
- }
- } else {
- // Ensure that buffer alignment matches channelCount
- int channelCount = popcount(channelMask);
- if (((uint32_t)sharedBuffer->pointer() & (channelCount | 1)) != 0) {
- ALOGE("Invalid buffer alignement: address %p, channelCount %d", sharedBuffer->pointer(), channelCount);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- frameCount = sharedBuffer->size()/channelCount/sizeof(int16_t);
- }
- }
- IAudioFlinger::track_flags_t trackFlags = IAudioFlinger::TRACK_DEFAULT;
- if (mIsTimed) {
- trackFlags |= IAudioFlinger::TRACK_TIMED;
- }
- sp<IAudioTrack> track = audioFlinger->createTrack(getpid(),
- streamType,
- sampleRate,
- format,
- channelMask,
- frameCount,
- trackFlags,
- sharedBuffer,
- output,
- &mSessionId,
- &status);
- if (track == 0) {
- ALOGE("AudioFlinger could not create track, status: %d", status);
- return status;
- }
- sp<IMemory> cblk = track->getCblk();
- if (cblk == 0) {
- ALOGE("Could not get control block");
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- mAudioTrack = track;
- mCblkMemory = cblk;
- mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t*>(cblk->pointer());
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_DIRECTION_OUT, &mCblk->flags);
- if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
- mCblk->buffers = (char*)mCblk + sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
- } else {
- mCblk->buffers = sharedBuffer->pointer();
- // Force buffer full condition as data is already present in shared memory
- mCblk->stepUser(mCblk->frameCount);
- }
- mCblk->setVolumeLR((uint32_t(uint16_t(mVolume[RIGHT] * 0x1000)) << 16) | uint16_t(mVolume[LEFT] * 0x1000));
- mCblk->setSendLevel(mSendLevel);
- mAudioTrack->attachAuxEffect(mAuxEffectId);
- mCblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS;
- mCblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- mRemainingFrames = mNotificationFramesAct;
- mLatency = afLatency + (1000*mCblk->frameCount) / sampleRate;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t AudioTrack::obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, int32_t waitCount)
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- bool active;
- status_t result = NO_ERROR;
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- uint32_t framesReq = audioBuffer->frameCount;
- uint32_t waitTimeMs = (waitCount < 0) ? cblk->bufferTimeoutMs : WAIT_PERIOD_MS;
- audioBuffer->frameCount = 0;
- audioBuffer->size = 0;
- uint32_t framesAvail = cblk->framesAvailable();
- cblk->lock.lock();
- if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
- goto create_new_track;
- }
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- if (framesAvail == 0) {
- cblk->lock.lock();
- goto start_loop_here;
- while (framesAvail == 0) {
- active = mActive;
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(!active)) {
- ALOGV("Not active and NO_MORE_BUFFERS");
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- }
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(!waitCount)) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- return WOULD_BLOCK;
- }
- if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
- mLock.unlock();
- result = cblk->cv.waitRelative(cblk->lock, milliseconds(waitTimeMs));
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- mLock.lock();
- if (!mActive) {
- return status_t(STOPPED);
- }
- cblk->lock.lock();
- }
- if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
- goto create_new_track;
- }
- if (CC_UNLIKELY(result != NO_ERROR)) {
- cblk->waitTimeMs += waitTimeMs;
- if (cblk->waitTimeMs >= cblk->bufferTimeoutMs) {
- // timing out when a loop has been set and we have already written upto loop end
- // is a normal condition: no need to wake AudioFlinger up.
- if (cblk->user < cblk->loopEnd) {
- ALOGW( "obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) %p "
- "user=%08x, server=%08x", this, cblk->user, cblk->server);
- //unlock cblk mutex before calling mAudioTrack->start() (see issue #1617140)
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- result = mAudioTrack->start(0); // callback thread hasn't changed
- cblk->lock.lock();
- if (result == DEAD_OBJECT) {
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &cblk->flags);
- result = restoreTrack_l(cblk, false);
- }
- if (result != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGW("obtainBuffer create Track error %d", result);
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- return result;
- }
- }
- cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- }
- if (--waitCount == 0) {
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- return TIMED_OUT;
- }
- }
- // read the server count again
- start_loop_here:
- framesAvail = cblk->framesAvailable_l();
- }
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- }
- // restart track if it was disabled by audioflinger due to previous underrun
- if (mActive && (cblk->flags & CBLK_DISABLED_MSK)) {
- android_atomic_and(~CBLK_DISABLED_ON, &cblk->flags);
- ALOGW("obtainBuffer() track %p disabled, restarting", this);
- mAudioTrack->start(0); // callback thread hasn't changed
- }
- cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
- if (framesReq > framesAvail) {
- framesReq = framesAvail;
- }
- uint32_t u = cblk->user;
- uint32_t bufferEnd = cblk->userBase + cblk->frameCount;
- if (u + framesReq > bufferEnd) {
- framesReq = bufferEnd - u;
- }
- audioBuffer->flags = mMuted ? Buffer::MUTE : 0;
- audioBuffer->channelCount = mChannelCount;
- audioBuffer->frameCount = framesReq;
- audioBuffer->size = framesReq * cblk->frameSize;
- if (audio_is_linear_pcm(mFormat)) {
- audioBuffer->format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
- } else {
- audioBuffer->format = mFormat;
- }
- audioBuffer->raw = (int8_t *)cblk->buffer(u);
- active = mActive;
- return active ? status_t(NO_ERROR) : status_t(STOPPED);
-void AudioTrack::releaseBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer)
- AutoMutex lock(mLock);
- mCblk->stepUser(audioBuffer->frameCount);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ssize_t AudioTrack::write(const void* buffer, size_t userSize)
- if (mSharedBuffer != 0) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- if (mIsTimed) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- if (ssize_t(userSize) < 0) {
- // Sanity-check: user is most-likely passing an error code, and it would
- // make the return value ambiguous (actualSize vs error).
- ALOGE("AudioTrack::write(buffer=%p, size=%u (%d)",
- buffer, userSize, userSize);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- ALOGV("write %p: %d bytes, mActive=%d", this, userSize, mActive);
- // acquire a strong reference on the IMemory and IAudioTrack so that they cannot be destroyed
- // while we are accessing the cblk
- mLock.lock();
- sp<IAudioTrack> audioTrack = mAudioTrack;
- sp<IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
- mLock.unlock();
- ssize_t written = 0;
- const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)buffer;
- Buffer audioBuffer;
- size_t frameSz = frameSize();
- do {
- audioBuffer.frameCount = userSize/frameSz;
- status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, -1);
- if (err < 0) {
- // out of buffers, return #bytes written
- if (err == status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS))
- break;
- return ssize_t(err);
- }
- size_t toWrite;
- // Divide capacity by 2 to take expansion into account
- toWrite = audioBuffer.size>>1;
- memcpy_to_i16_from_u8(audioBuffer.i16, (const uint8_t *) src, toWrite);
- } else {
- toWrite = audioBuffer.size;
- memcpy(audioBuffer.i8, src, toWrite);
- src += toWrite;
- }
- userSize -= toWrite;
- written += toWrite;
- releaseBuffer(&audioBuffer);
- } while (userSize >= frameSz);
- return written;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimedAudioTrack::TimedAudioTrack() {
- mIsTimed = true;
-status_t TimedAudioTrack::allocateTimedBuffer(size_t size, sp<IMemory>* buffer)
- status_t result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- // If the track is not invalid already, try to allocate a buffer. alloc
- // fails indicating that the server is dead, flag the track as invalid so
- // we can attempt to restore in in just a bit.
- if (!(mCblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
- result = mAudioTrack->allocateTimedBuffer(size, buffer);
- if (result == DEAD_OBJECT) {
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &mCblk->flags);
- }
- }
- // If the track is invalid at this point, attempt to restore it. and try the
- // allocation one more time.
- if (mCblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
- mCblk->lock.lock();
- result = restoreTrack_l(mCblk, false);
- mCblk->lock.unlock();
- if (result == OK)
- result = mAudioTrack->allocateTimedBuffer(size, buffer);
- }
- return result;
-status_t TimedAudioTrack::queueTimedBuffer(const sp<IMemory>& buffer,
- int64_t pts)
- // restart track if it was disabled by audioflinger due to previous underrun
- if (mActive && (mCblk->flags & CBLK_DISABLED_MSK)) {
- android_atomic_and(~CBLK_DISABLED_ON, &mCblk->flags);
- ALOGW("queueTimedBuffer() track %p disabled, restarting", this);
- mAudioTrack->start(0);
- }
- return mAudioTrack->queueTimedBuffer(buffer, pts);
-status_t TimedAudioTrack::setMediaTimeTransform(const LinearTransform& xform,
- TargetTimeline target)
- return mAudioTrack->setMediaTimeTransform(xform, target);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool AudioTrack::processAudioBuffer(const sp<AudioTrackThread>& thread)
- Buffer audioBuffer;
- uint32_t frames;
- size_t writtenSize;
- mLock.lock();
- // acquire a strong reference on the IMemory and IAudioTrack so that they cannot be destroyed
- // while we are accessing the cblk
- sp<IAudioTrack> audioTrack = mAudioTrack;
- sp<IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
- audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
- bool active = mActive;
- mLock.unlock();
- // Manage underrun callback
- if (active && (cblk->framesAvailable() == cblk->frameCount)) {
- ALOGV("Underrun user: %x, server: %x, flags %04x", cblk->user, cblk->server, cblk->flags);
- if (!(android_atomic_or(CBLK_UNDERRUN_ON, &cblk->flags) & CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK)) {
- mCbf(EVENT_UNDERRUN, mUserData, 0);
- if (cblk->server == cblk->frameCount) {
- mCbf(EVENT_BUFFER_END, mUserData, 0);
- }
- if (mSharedBuffer != 0) return false;
- }
- }
- // Manage loop end callback
- while (mLoopCount > cblk->loopCount) {
- int loopCount = -1;
- mLoopCount--;
- if (mLoopCount >= 0) loopCount = mLoopCount;
- mCbf(EVENT_LOOP_END, mUserData, (void *)&loopCount);
- }
- // Manage marker callback
- if (!mMarkerReached && (mMarkerPosition > 0)) {
- if (cblk->server >= mMarkerPosition) {
- mCbf(EVENT_MARKER, mUserData, (void *)&mMarkerPosition);
- mMarkerReached = true;
- }
- }
- // Manage new position callback
- if (mUpdatePeriod > 0) {
- while (cblk->server >= mNewPosition) {
- mCbf(EVENT_NEW_POS, mUserData, (void *)&mNewPosition);
- mNewPosition += mUpdatePeriod;
- }
- }
- // If Shared buffer is used, no data is requested from client.
- if (mSharedBuffer != 0) {
- frames = 0;
- } else {
- frames = mRemainingFrames;
- }
- // See description of waitCount parameter at declaration of obtainBuffer().
- // The logic below prevents us from being stuck below at obtainBuffer()
- // not being able to handle timed events (position, markers, loops).
- int32_t waitCount = -1;
- if (mUpdatePeriod || (!mMarkerReached && mMarkerPosition) || mLoopCount) {
- waitCount = 1;
- }
- do {
- audioBuffer.frameCount = frames;
- status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, waitCount);
- if (err < NO_ERROR) {
- if (err != TIMED_OUT) {
- ALOGE_IF(err != status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS), "Error obtaining an audio buffer, giving up.");
- return false;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (err == status_t(STOPPED)) return false;
- // Divide buffer size by 2 to take into account the expansion
- // due to 8 to 16 bit conversion: the callback must fill only half
- // of the destination buffer
- audioBuffer.size >>= 1;
- }
- size_t reqSize = audioBuffer.size;
- mCbf(EVENT_MORE_DATA, mUserData, &audioBuffer);
- writtenSize = audioBuffer.size;
- // Sanity check on returned size
- if (ssize_t(writtenSize) <= 0) {
- // The callback is done filling buffers
- // Keep this thread going to handle timed events and
- // still try to get more data in intervals of WAIT_PERIOD_MS
- // but don't just loop and block the CPU, so wait
- usleep(WAIT_PERIOD_MS*1000);
- break;
- }
- if (writtenSize > reqSize) writtenSize = reqSize;
- // 8 to 16 bit conversion, note that source and destination are the same address
- memcpy_to_i16_from_u8(audioBuffer.i16, (const uint8_t *) audioBuffer.i8, writtenSize);
- writtenSize <<= 1;
- }
- audioBuffer.size = writtenSize;
- // NOTE: mCblk->frameSize is not equal to AudioTrack::frameSize() for
- // 8 bit PCM data: in this case, mCblk->frameSize is based on a sample size of
- // 16 bit.
- audioBuffer.frameCount = writtenSize/mCblk->frameSize;
- frames -= audioBuffer.frameCount;
- releaseBuffer(&audioBuffer);
- }
- while (frames);
- if (frames == 0) {
- mRemainingFrames = mNotificationFramesAct;
- } else {
- mRemainingFrames = frames;
- }
- return true;
-// must be called with mLock and cblk.lock held. Callers must also hold strong references on
-// the IAudioTrack and IMemory in case they are recreated here.
-// If the IAudioTrack is successfully restored, the cblk pointer is updated
-status_t AudioTrack::restoreTrack_l(audio_track_cblk_t*& cblk, bool fromStart)
- status_t result;
- if (!(android_atomic_or(CBLK_RESTORING_ON, &cblk->flags) & CBLK_RESTORING_MSK)) {
- ALOGW("dead IAudioTrack, creating a new one from %s TID %d",
- fromStart ? "start()" : "obtainBuffer()", gettid());
- // signal old cblk condition so that other threads waiting for available buffers stop
- // waiting now
- cblk->cv.broadcast();
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- // refresh the audio configuration cache in this process to make sure we get new
- // output parameters in getOutput_l() and createTrack_l()
- AudioSystem::clearAudioConfigCache();
- // if the new IAudioTrack is created, createTrack_l() will modify the
- // following member variables: mAudioTrack, mCblkMemory and mCblk.
- // It will also delete the strong references on previous IAudioTrack and IMemory
- result = createTrack_l(mStreamType,
- cblk->sampleRate,
- mFormat,
- mChannelMask,
- mFrameCount,
- mFlags,
- mSharedBuffer,
- getOutput_l());
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- uint32_t user = cblk->user;
- uint32_t server = cblk->server;
- // restore write index and set other indexes to reflect empty buffer status
- mCblk->user = user;
- mCblk->server = user;
- mCblk->userBase = user;
- mCblk->serverBase = user;
- // restore loop: this is not guaranteed to succeed if new frame count is not
- // compatible with loop length
- setLoop_l(cblk->loopStart, cblk->loopEnd, cblk->loopCount);
- if (!fromStart) {
- mCblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS;
- // Make sure that a client relying on callback events indicating underrun or
- // the actual amount of audio frames played (e.g SoundPool) receives them.
- if (mSharedBuffer == 0) {
- uint32_t frames = 0;
- if (user > server) {
- frames = ((user - server) > mCblk->frameCount) ?
- mCblk->frameCount : (user - server);
- memset(mCblk->buffers, 0, frames * mCblk->frameSize);
- }
- // restart playback even if buffer is not completely filled.
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_FORCEREADY_ON, &mCblk->flags);
- // stepUser() clears CBLK_UNDERRUN_ON flag enabling underrun callbacks to
- // the client
- mCblk->stepUser(frames);
- }
- }
- if (mActive) {
- result = mAudioTrack->start(0); // callback thread hasn't changed
- ALOGW_IF(result != NO_ERROR, "restoreTrack_l() start() failed status %d", result);
- }
- if (fromStart && result == NO_ERROR) {
- mNewPosition = mCblk->server + mUpdatePeriod;
- }
- }
- if (result != NO_ERROR) {
- android_atomic_and(~CBLK_RESTORING_ON, &cblk->flags);
- ALOGW_IF(result != NO_ERROR, "restoreTrack_l() failed status %d", result);
- }
- mRestoreStatus = result;
- // signal old cblk condition for other threads waiting for restore completion
- android_atomic_or(CBLK_RESTORED_ON, &cblk->flags);
- cblk->cv.broadcast();
- } else {
- if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_RESTORED_MSK)) {
- ALOGW("dead IAudioTrack, waiting for a new one TID %d", gettid());
- mLock.unlock();
- result = cblk->cv.waitRelative(cblk->lock, milliseconds(RESTORE_TIMEOUT_MS));
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- result = mRestoreStatus;
- }
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- mLock.lock();
- } else {
- ALOGW("dead IAudioTrack, already restored TID %d", gettid());
- result = mRestoreStatus;
- cblk->lock.unlock();
- }
- }
- ALOGV("restoreTrack_l() status %d mActive %d cblk %p, old cblk %p flags %08x old flags %08x",
- result, mActive, mCblk, cblk, mCblk->flags, cblk->flags);
- if (result == NO_ERROR) {
- // from now on we switch to the newly created cblk
- cblk = mCblk;
- }
- cblk->lock.lock();
- ALOGW_IF(result != NO_ERROR, "restoreTrack_l() error %d TID %d", result, gettid());
- return result;
-status_t AudioTrack::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const
- const size_t SIZE = 256;
- char buffer[SIZE];
- String8 result;
- result.append(" AudioTrack::dump\n");
- snprintf(buffer, 255, " stream type(%d), left - right volume(%f, %f)\n", mStreamType, mVolume[0], mVolume[1]);
- result.append(buffer);
- snprintf(buffer, 255, " format(%d), channel count(%d), frame count(%d)\n", mFormat, mChannelCount, mCblk->frameCount);
- result.append(buffer);
- snprintf(buffer, 255, " sample rate(%d), status(%d), muted(%d)\n", (mCblk == 0) ? 0 : mCblk->sampleRate, mStatus, mMuted);
- result.append(buffer);
- snprintf(buffer, 255, " active(%d), latency (%d)\n", mActive, mLatency);
- result.append(buffer);
- ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
- return NO_ERROR;
-// =========================================================================
-AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::AudioTrackThread(AudioTrack& receiver, bool bCanCallJava)
- : Thread(bCanCallJava), mReceiver(receiver)
-bool AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::threadLoop()
- return mReceiver.processAudioBuffer(this);
-status_t AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::readyToRun()
- return NO_ERROR;
-void AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::onFirstRef()
-// =========================================================================
- : lock(Mutex::SHARED), cv(Condition::SHARED), user(0), server(0),
- userBase(0), serverBase(0), buffers(NULL), frameCount(0),
- loopStart(UINT_MAX), loopEnd(UINT_MAX), loopCount(0), mVolumeLR(0x10001000),
- mSendLevel(0), flags(0)
-uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::stepUser(uint32_t frameCount)
- uint32_t u = user;
- u += frameCount;
- // Ensure that user is never ahead of server for AudioRecord
- if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
- // If stepServer() has been called once, switch to normal obtainBuffer() timeout period
- if (bufferTimeoutMs == MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS-1) {
- bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS;
- }
- } else if (u > server) {
- ALOGW("stepServer occurred after track reset");
- u = server;
- }
- if (u >= userBase + this->frameCount) {
- userBase += this->frameCount;
- }
- user = u;
- // Clear flow control error condition as new data has been written/read to/from buffer.
- if (flags & CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK) {
- android_atomic_and(~CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK, &flags);
- }
- return u;
-bool audio_track_cblk_t::stepServer(uint32_t frameCount)
- if (!tryLock()) {
- ALOGW("stepServer() could not lock cblk");
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t s = server;
- s += frameCount;
- if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
- // Mark that we have read the first buffer so that next time stepUser() is called
- // we switch to normal obtainBuffer() timeout period
- if (bufferTimeoutMs == MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS) {
- bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS - 1;
- }
- // It is possible that we receive a flush()
- // while the mixer is processing a block: in this case,
- // stepServer() is called After the flush() has reset u & s and
- // we have s > u
- if (s > user) {
- ALOGW("stepServer occurred after track reset");
- s = user;
- }
- }
- if (s >= loopEnd) {
- ALOGW_IF(s > loopEnd, "stepServer: s %u > loopEnd %u", s, loopEnd);
- s = loopStart;
- if (--loopCount == 0) {
- loopEnd = UINT_MAX;
- loopStart = UINT_MAX;
- }
- }
- if (s >= serverBase + this->frameCount) {
- serverBase += this->frameCount;
- }
- server = s;
- if (!(flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
- cv.signal();
- }
- lock.unlock();
- return true;
-void* audio_track_cblk_t::buffer(uint32_t offset) const
- return (int8_t *)buffers + (offset - userBase) * frameSize;
-uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesAvailable()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(lock);
- return framesAvailable_l();
-uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesAvailable_l()
- uint32_t u = user;
- uint32_t s = server;
- if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
- uint32_t limit = (s < loopStart) ? s : loopStart;
- return limit + frameCount - u;
- } else {
- return frameCount + u - s;
- }
-uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesReady()
- uint32_t u = user;
- uint32_t s = server;
- if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
- if (u < loopEnd) {
- return u - s;
- } else {
- // do not block on mutex shared with client on AudioFlinger side
- if (!tryLock()) {
- ALOGW("framesReady() could not lock cblk");
- return 0;
- }
- uint32_t frames = UINT_MAX;
- if (loopCount >= 0) {
- frames = (loopEnd - loopStart)*loopCount + u - s;
- }
- lock.unlock();
- return frames;
- }
- } else {
- return s - u;
- }
-bool audio_track_cblk_t::tryLock()
- // the code below simulates lock-with-timeout
- // we MUST do this to protect the AudioFlinger server
- // as this lock is shared with the client.
- status_t err;
- err = lock.tryLock();
- if (err == -EBUSY) { // just wait a bit
- usleep(1000);
- err = lock.tryLock();
- }
- if (err != NO_ERROR) {
- // probably, the client just died.
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IAudioFlinger.cpp b/media/libmedia/IAudioFlinger.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ce10c8e..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IAudioFlinger.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1025 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#define LOG_TAG "IAudioFlinger"
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IAudioFlinger.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpAudioFlinger : public BpInterface<IAudioFlinger>
- BpAudioFlinger(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IAudioFlinger>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual sp<IAudioTrack> createTrack(
- pid_t pid,
- audio_stream_type_t streamType,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- track_flags_t flags,
- const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
- audio_io_handle_t output,
- int *sessionId,
- status_t *status)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- sp<IAudioTrack> track;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) streamType);
- data.writeInt32(sampleRate);
- data.writeInt32(format);
- data.writeInt32(channelMask);
- data.writeInt32(frameCount);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) flags);
- data.writeStrongBinder(sharedBuffer->asBinder());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- int lSessionId = 0;
- if (sessionId != NULL) {
- lSessionId = *sessionId;
- }
- data.writeInt32(lSessionId);
- status_t lStatus = remote()->transact(CREATE_TRACK, data, &reply);
- if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("createTrack error: %s", strerror(-lStatus));
- } else {
- lSessionId = reply.readInt32();
- if (sessionId != NULL) {
- *sessionId = lSessionId;
- }
- lStatus = reply.readInt32();
- track = interface_cast<IAudioTrack>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- if (status) {
- *status = lStatus;
- }
- return track;
- }
- virtual sp<IAudioRecord> openRecord(
- pid_t pid,
- audio_io_handle_t input,
- uint32_t sampleRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channelMask,
- int frameCount,
- track_flags_t flags,
- int *sessionId,
- status_t *status)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- sp<IAudioRecord> record;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) input);
- data.writeInt32(sampleRate);
- data.writeInt32(format);
- data.writeInt32(channelMask);
- data.writeInt32(frameCount);
- data.writeInt32(flags);
- int lSessionId = 0;
- if (sessionId != NULL) {
- lSessionId = *sessionId;
- }
- data.writeInt32(lSessionId);
- status_t lStatus = remote()->transact(OPEN_RECORD, data, &reply);
- if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("openRecord error: %s", strerror(-lStatus));
- } else {
- lSessionId = reply.readInt32();
- if (sessionId != NULL) {
- *sessionId = lSessionId;
- }
- lStatus = reply.readInt32();
- record = interface_cast<IAudioRecord>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- if (status) {
- *status = lStatus;
- }
- return record;
- }
- virtual uint32_t sampleRate(audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(SAMPLE_RATE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual int channelCount(audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(CHANNEL_COUNT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual audio_format_t format(audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(FORMAT, data, &reply);
- return (audio_format_t) reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual size_t frameCount(audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(FRAME_COUNT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual uint32_t latency(audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(LATENCY, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setMasterVolume(float value)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFloat(value);
- remote()->transact(SET_MASTER_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setMasterMute(bool muted)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(muted);
- remote()->transact(SET_MASTER_MUTE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual float masterVolume() const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(MASTER_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return reply.readFloat();
- }
- virtual bool masterMute() const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(MASTER_MUTE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, float value,
- audio_io_handle_t output)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeFloat(value);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(SET_STREAM_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setStreamMute(audio_stream_type_t stream, bool muted)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeInt32(muted);
- remote()->transact(SET_STREAM_MUTE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual float streamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(STREAM_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return reply.readFloat();
- }
- virtual bool streamMute(audio_stream_type_t stream) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- remote()->transact(STREAM_MUTE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setMode(audio_mode_t mode)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(mode);
- remote()->transact(SET_MODE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setMicMute(bool state)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(state);
- remote()->transact(SET_MIC_MUTE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual bool getMicMute() const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(GET_MIC_MUTE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) ioHandle);
- data.writeString8(keyValuePairs);
- remote()->transact(SET_PARAMETERS, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual String8 getParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keys) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) ioHandle);
- data.writeString8(keys);
- remote()->transact(GET_PARAMETERS, data, &reply);
- return reply.readString8();
- }
- virtual void registerClient(const sp<IAudioFlingerClient>& client)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeStrongBinder(client->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(REGISTER_CLIENT, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual size_t getInputBufferSize(uint32_t sampleRate, audio_format_t format, int channelCount) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(sampleRate);
- data.writeInt32(format);
- data.writeInt32(channelCount);
- remote()->transact(GET_INPUTBUFFERSIZE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual audio_io_handle_t openOutput(uint32_t *pDevices,
- uint32_t *pSamplingRate,
- audio_format_t *pFormat,
- uint32_t *pChannels,
- uint32_t *pLatencyMs,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- uint32_t devices = pDevices ? *pDevices : 0;
- uint32_t samplingRate = pSamplingRate ? *pSamplingRate : 0;
- audio_format_t format = pFormat ? *pFormat : AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
- uint32_t channels = pChannels ? *pChannels : 0;
- uint32_t latency = pLatencyMs ? *pLatencyMs : 0;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(devices);
- data.writeInt32(samplingRate);
- data.writeInt32(format);
- data.writeInt32(channels);
- data.writeInt32(latency);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) flags);
- remote()->transact(OPEN_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- audio_io_handle_t output = (audio_io_handle_t) reply.readInt32();
- ALOGV("openOutput() returned output, %d", output);
- devices = reply.readInt32();
- if (pDevices) *pDevices = devices;
- samplingRate = reply.readInt32();
- if (pSamplingRate) *pSamplingRate = samplingRate;
- format = (audio_format_t) reply.readInt32();
- if (pFormat) *pFormat = format;
- channels = reply.readInt32();
- if (pChannels) *pChannels = channels;
- latency = reply.readInt32();
- if (pLatencyMs) *pLatencyMs = latency;
- return output;
- }
- virtual audio_io_handle_t openDuplicateOutput(audio_io_handle_t output1,
- audio_io_handle_t output2)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output1);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output2);
- remote()->transact(OPEN_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return (audio_io_handle_t) reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t closeOutput(audio_io_handle_t output)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(CLOSE_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t suspendOutput(audio_io_handle_t output)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(SUSPEND_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t restoreOutput(audio_io_handle_t output)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(RESTORE_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual audio_io_handle_t openInput(uint32_t *pDevices,
- uint32_t *pSamplingRate,
- audio_format_t *pFormat,
- uint32_t *pChannels,
- audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- uint32_t devices = pDevices ? *pDevices : 0;
- uint32_t samplingRate = pSamplingRate ? *pSamplingRate : 0;
- audio_format_t format = pFormat ? *pFormat : AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
- uint32_t channels = pChannels ? *pChannels : 0;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(devices);
- data.writeInt32(samplingRate);
- data.writeInt32(format);
- data.writeInt32(channels);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) acoustics);
- remote()->transact(OPEN_INPUT, data, &reply);
- audio_io_handle_t input = (audio_io_handle_t) reply.readInt32();
- devices = reply.readInt32();
- if (pDevices) *pDevices = devices;
- samplingRate = reply.readInt32();
- if (pSamplingRate) *pSamplingRate = samplingRate;
- format = (audio_format_t) reply.readInt32();
- if (pFormat) *pFormat = format;
- channels = reply.readInt32();
- if (pChannels) *pChannels = channels;
- return input;
- }
- virtual status_t closeInput(int input)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(input);
- remote()->transact(CLOSE_INPUT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setStreamOutput(audio_stream_type_t stream, audio_io_handle_t output)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(SET_STREAM_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setVoiceVolume(float volume)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFloat(volume);
- remote()->transact(SET_VOICE_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t getRenderPosition(uint32_t *halFrames, uint32_t *dspFrames,
- audio_io_handle_t output) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- remote()->transact(GET_RENDER_POSITION, data, &reply);
- status_t status = reply.readInt32();
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- uint32_t tmp = reply.readInt32();
- if (halFrames) {
- *halFrames = tmp;
- }
- tmp = reply.readInt32();
- if (dspFrames) {
- *dspFrames = tmp;
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
- virtual unsigned int getInputFramesLost(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) ioHandle);
- remote()->transact(GET_INPUT_FRAMES_LOST, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual int newAudioSessionId()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- status_t status = remote()->transact(NEW_AUDIO_SESSION_ID, data, &reply);
- int id = 0;
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- id = reply.readInt32();
- }
- return id;
- }
- virtual void acquireAudioSessionId(int audioSession)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(audioSession);
- remote()->transact(ACQUIRE_AUDIO_SESSION_ID, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual void releaseAudioSessionId(int audioSession)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(audioSession);
- remote()->transact(RELEASE_AUDIO_SESSION_ID, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual status_t queryNumberEffects(uint32_t *numEffects) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- status_t status = remote()->transact(QUERY_NUM_EFFECTS, data, &reply);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- status = reply.readInt32();
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- if (numEffects != NULL) {
- *numEffects = (uint32_t)reply.readInt32();
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- virtual status_t queryEffect(uint32_t index, effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor) const
- {
- if (pDescriptor == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(index);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(QUERY_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- status = reply.readInt32();
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- virtual status_t getEffectDescriptor(const effect_uuid_t *pUuid,
- effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor) const
- {
- if (pUuid == NULL || pDescriptor == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.write(pUuid, sizeof(effect_uuid_t));
- status_t status = remote()->transact(GET_EFFECT_DESCRIPTOR, data, &reply);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- status = reply.readInt32();
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- virtual sp<IEffect> createEffect(pid_t pid,
- effect_descriptor_t *pDesc,
- const sp<IEffectClient>& client,
- int32_t priority,
- audio_io_handle_t output,
- int sessionId,
- status_t *status,
- int *id,
- int *enabled)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- sp<IEffect> effect;
- if (pDesc == NULL) {
- return effect;
- if (status) {
- *status = BAD_VALUE;
- }
- }
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- data.write(pDesc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- data.writeStrongBinder(client->asBinder());
- data.writeInt32(priority);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- data.writeInt32(sessionId);
- status_t lStatus = remote()->transact(CREATE_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("createEffect error: %s", strerror(-lStatus));
- } else {
- lStatus = reply.readInt32();
- int tmp = reply.readInt32();
- if (id) {
- *id = tmp;
- }
- tmp = reply.readInt32();
- if (enabled != NULL) {
- *enabled = tmp;
- }
- effect = interface_cast<IEffect>(reply.readStrongBinder());
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- }
- if (status) {
- *status = lStatus;
- }
- return effect;
- }
- virtual status_t moveEffects(int session, audio_io_handle_t srcOutput,
- audio_io_handle_t dstOutput)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlinger::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(session);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) srcOutput);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) dstOutput);
- remote()->transact(MOVE_EFFECTS, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnAudioFlinger::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case CREATE_TRACK: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- pid_t pid = data.readInt32();
- int streamType = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t sampleRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- int channelCount = data.readInt32();
- size_t bufferCount = data.readInt32();
- track_flags_t flags = (track_flags_t) data.readInt32();
- sp<IMemory> buffer = interface_cast<IMemory>(data.readStrongBinder());
- audio_io_handle_t output = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- int sessionId = data.readInt32();
- status_t status;
- sp<IAudioTrack> track = createTrack(pid,
- (audio_stream_type_t) streamType, sampleRate, format,
- channelCount, bufferCount, flags, buffer, output, &sessionId, &status);
- reply->writeInt32(sessionId);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(track->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case OPEN_RECORD: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- pid_t pid = data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t input = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t sampleRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- int channelCount = data.readInt32();
- size_t bufferCount = data.readInt32();
- track_flags_t flags = (track_flags_t) data.readInt32();
- int sessionId = data.readInt32();
- status_t status;
- sp<IAudioRecord> record = openRecord(pid, input,
- sampleRate, format, channelCount, bufferCount, flags, &sessionId, &status);
- reply->writeInt32(sessionId);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(record->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SAMPLE_RATE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( sampleRate((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( channelCount((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case FORMAT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( format((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case FRAME_COUNT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( frameCount((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case LATENCY: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( latency((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( setMasterVolume(data.readFloat()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( setMasterMute(data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeFloat( masterVolume() );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case MASTER_MUTE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( masterMute() );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int stream = data.readInt32();
- float volume = data.readFloat();
- audio_io_handle_t output = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( setStreamVolume((audio_stream_type_t) stream, volume, output) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int stream = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( setStreamMute((audio_stream_type_t) stream, data.readInt32()) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int stream = data.readInt32();
- int output = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeFloat( streamVolume((audio_stream_type_t) stream, output) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STREAM_MUTE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int stream = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( streamMute((audio_stream_type_t) stream) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_MODE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- audio_mode_t mode = (audio_mode_t) data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( setMode(mode) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_MIC_MUTE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int state = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( setMicMute(state) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_MIC_MUTE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32( getMicMute() );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t ioHandle = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- String8 keyValuePairs(data.readString8());
- reply->writeInt32(setParameters(ioHandle, keyValuePairs));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t ioHandle = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- String8 keys(data.readString8());
- reply->writeString8(getParameters(ioHandle, keys));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- sp<IAudioFlingerClient> client = interface_cast<IAudioFlingerClient>(data.readStrongBinder());
- registerClient(client);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- uint32_t sampleRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- int channelCount = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( getInputBufferSize(sampleRate, format, channelCount) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case OPEN_OUTPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- uint32_t devices = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t samplingRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t channels = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t latency = data.readInt32();
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags = (audio_policy_output_flags_t) data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t output = openOutput(&devices,
- &samplingRate,
- &format,
- &channels,
- &latency,
- flags);
- ALOGV("OPEN_OUTPUT output, %p", output);
- reply->writeInt32((int32_t) output);
- reply->writeInt32(devices);
- reply->writeInt32(samplingRate);
- reply->writeInt32(format);
- reply->writeInt32(channels);
- reply->writeInt32(latency);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t output1 = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t output2 = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32((int32_t) openDuplicateOutput(output1, output2));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case CLOSE_OUTPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(closeOutput((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(suspendOutput((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(restoreOutput((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case OPEN_INPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- uint32_t devices = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t samplingRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t channels = data.readInt32();
- audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics = (audio_in_acoustics_t) data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t input = openInput(&devices,
- &samplingRate,
- &format,
- &channels,
- acoustics);
- reply->writeInt32((int32_t) input);
- reply->writeInt32(devices);
- reply->writeInt32(samplingRate);
- reply->writeInt32(format);
- reply->writeInt32(channels);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case CLOSE_INPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(closeInput((audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- uint32_t stream = data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t output = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setStreamOutput((audio_stream_type_t) stream, output));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- float volume = data.readFloat();
- reply->writeInt32( setVoiceVolume(volume) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t output = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t halFrames;
- uint32_t dspFrames;
- status_t status = getRenderPosition(&halFrames, &dspFrames, output);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- reply->writeInt32(halFrames);
- reply->writeInt32(dspFrames);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t ioHandle = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(getInputFramesLost(ioHandle));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(newAudioSessionId());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int audioSession = data.readInt32();
- acquireAudioSessionId(audioSession);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int audioSession = data.readInt32();
- releaseAudioSessionId(audioSession);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- uint32_t numEffects;
- status_t status = queryNumberEffects(&numEffects);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- reply->writeInt32((int32_t)numEffects);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- case QUERY_EFFECT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- effect_descriptor_t desc;
- status_t status = queryEffect(data.readInt32(), &desc);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- reply->write(&desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- effect_uuid_t uuid;
-, sizeof(effect_uuid_t));
- effect_descriptor_t desc;
- status_t status = getEffectDescriptor(&uuid, &desc);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- reply->write(&desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- pid_t pid = data.readInt32();
- effect_descriptor_t desc;
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- sp<IEffectClient> client = interface_cast<IEffectClient>(data.readStrongBinder());
- int32_t priority = data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t output = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- int sessionId = data.readInt32();
- status_t status;
- int id;
- int enabled;
- sp<IEffect> effect = createEffect(pid, &desc, client, priority, output, sessionId, &status, &id, &enabled);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- reply->writeInt32(id);
- reply->writeInt32(enabled);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(effect->asBinder());
- reply->write(&desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case MOVE_EFFECTS: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlinger, data, reply);
- int session = data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t srcOutput = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t dstOutput = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(moveEffects(session, srcOutput, dstOutput));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#define LOG_TAG "IAudioFlingerClient"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IAudioFlingerClient.h>
-#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpAudioFlingerClient : public BpInterface<IAudioFlingerClient>
- BpAudioFlingerClient(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IAudioFlingerClient>(impl)
- {
- }
- void ioConfigChanged(int event, audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const void *param2)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioFlingerClient::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(event);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) ioHandle);
- if (event == AudioSystem::STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGED) {
- uint32_t stream = *(const uint32_t *)param2;
- ALOGV("ioConfigChanged stream %d", stream);
- data.writeInt32(stream);
- } else if (event != AudioSystem::OUTPUT_CLOSED && event != AudioSystem::INPUT_CLOSED) {
- const AudioSystem::OutputDescriptor *desc = (const AudioSystem::OutputDescriptor *)param2;
- data.writeInt32(desc->samplingRate);
- data.writeInt32(desc->format);
- data.writeInt32(desc->channels);
- data.writeInt32(desc->frameCount);
- data.writeInt32(desc->latency);
- }
- remote()->transact(IO_CONFIG_CHANGED, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(AudioFlingerClient, "");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnAudioFlingerClient::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioFlingerClient, data, reply);
- int event = data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t ioHandle = (audio_io_handle_t) data.readInt32();
- const void *param2 = NULL;
- AudioSystem::OutputDescriptor desc;
- uint32_t stream;
- if (event == AudioSystem::STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGED) {
- stream = data.readInt32();
- param2 = &stream;
- ALOGV("STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGED stream %d", stream);
- } else if (event != AudioSystem::OUTPUT_CLOSED && event != AudioSystem::INPUT_CLOSED) {
- desc.samplingRate = data.readInt32();
- desc.format = data.readInt32();
- desc.channels = data.readInt32();
- desc.frameCount = data.readInt32();
- desc.latency = data.readInt32();
- param2 = &desc;
- }
- ioConfigChanged(event, ioHandle, param2);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IAudioPolicyService.cpp b/media/libmedia/IAudioPolicyService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5040bd9..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IAudioPolicyService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#define LOG_TAG "IAudioPolicyService"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IAudioPolicyService.h>
-#include <system/audio.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
- SET_RINGER_MODE, // reserved, no longer used
-class BpAudioPolicyService : public BpInterface<IAudioPolicyService>
- BpAudioPolicyService(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IAudioPolicyService>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual status_t setDeviceConnectionState(
- audio_devices_t device,
- audio_policy_dev_state_t state,
- const char *device_address)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(device));
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(state));
- data.writeCString(device_address);
- remote()->transact(SET_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATE, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual audio_policy_dev_state_t getDeviceConnectionState(
- audio_devices_t device,
- const char *device_address)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(device));
- data.writeCString(device_address);
- remote()->transact(GET_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STATE, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <audio_policy_dev_state_t>(reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t setPhoneState(audio_mode_t state)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(state);
- remote()->transact(SET_PHONE_STATE, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t setForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage, audio_policy_forced_cfg_t config)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(usage));
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(config));
- remote()->transact(SET_FORCE_USE, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual audio_policy_forced_cfg_t getForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(usage));
- remote()->transact(GET_FORCE_USE, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <audio_policy_forced_cfg_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual audio_io_handle_t getOutput(
- audio_stream_type_t stream,
- uint32_t samplingRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channels,
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stream));
- data.writeInt32(samplingRate);
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(format));
- data.writeInt32(channels);
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(flags));
- remote()->transact(GET_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <audio_io_handle_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
- audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int session)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(output);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeInt32(session);
- remote()->transact(START_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
- audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int session)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(output);
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeInt32(session);
- remote()->transact(STOP_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual void releaseOutput(audio_io_handle_t output)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(output);
- remote()->transact(RELEASE_OUTPUT, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual audio_io_handle_t getInput(
- audio_source_t inputSource,
- uint32_t samplingRate,
- audio_format_t format,
- uint32_t channels,
- audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics,
- int audioSession)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) inputSource);
- data.writeInt32(samplingRate);
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(format));
- data.writeInt32(channels);
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(acoustics));
- data.writeInt32(audioSession);
- remote()->transact(GET_INPUT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <audio_io_handle_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t startInput(audio_io_handle_t input)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(input);
- remote()->transact(START_INPUT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t stopInput(audio_io_handle_t input)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(input);
- remote()->transact(STOP_INPUT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual void releaseInput(audio_io_handle_t input)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(input);
- remote()->transact(RELEASE_INPUT, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual status_t initStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int indexMin,
- int indexMax)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stream));
- data.writeInt32(indexMin);
- data.writeInt32(indexMax);
- remote()->transact(INIT_STREAM_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t setStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int index,
- audio_devices_t device)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stream));
- data.writeInt32(index);
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(device));
- remote()->transact(SET_STREAM_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t getStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,
- int *index,
- audio_devices_t device)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stream));
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(device));
- remote()->transact(GET_STREAM_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- int lIndex = reply.readInt32();
- if (index) *index = lIndex;
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual uint32_t getStrategyForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stream));
- remote()->transact(GET_STRATEGY_FOR_STREAM, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual audio_devices_t getDevicesForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stream));
- remote()->transact(GET_DEVICES_FOR_STREAM, data, &reply);
- return (audio_devices_t) reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual audio_io_handle_t getOutputForEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.write(desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- remote()->transact(GET_OUTPUT_FOR_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <audio_io_handle_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t registerEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc,
- audio_io_handle_t io,
- uint32_t strategy,
- int session,
- int id)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.write(desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- data.writeInt32(io);
- data.writeInt32(strategy);
- data.writeInt32(session);
- data.writeInt32(id);
- remote()->transact(REGISTER_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t unregisterEffect(int id)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(id);
- remote()->transact(UNREGISTER_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual status_t setEffectEnabled(int id, bool enabled)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(id);
- data.writeInt32(enabled);
- remote()->transact(SET_EFFECT_ENABLED, data, &reply);
- return static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- }
- virtual bool isStreamActive(audio_stream_type_t stream, uint32_t inPastMs) const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- data.writeInt32(inPastMs);
- remote()->transact(IS_STREAM_ACTIVE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t queryDefaultPreProcessing(int audioSession,
- effect_descriptor_t *descriptors,
- uint32_t *count)
- {
- if (descriptors == NULL || count == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioPolicyService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(audioSession);
- data.writeInt32(*count);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(QUERY_DEFAULT_PRE_PROCESSING, data, &reply);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return status;
- }
- status = static_cast <status_t> (reply.readInt32());
- uint32_t retCount = reply.readInt32();
- if (retCount != 0) {
- uint32_t numDesc = (retCount < *count) ? retCount : *count;
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t) * numDesc);
- }
- *count = retCount;
- return status;
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(AudioPolicyService, "");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnAudioPolicyService::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_devices_t device =
- static_cast <audio_devices_t>(data.readInt32());
- audio_policy_dev_state_t state =
- static_cast <audio_policy_dev_state_t>(data.readInt32());
- const char *device_address = data.readCString();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast<uint32_t> (setDeviceConnectionState(device,
- state,
- device_address)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_devices_t device =
- static_cast<audio_devices_t> (data.readInt32());
- const char *device_address = data.readCString();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast<uint32_t> (getDeviceConnectionState(device,
- device_address)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(setPhoneState((audio_mode_t) data.readInt32())));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_FORCE_USE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_policy_force_use_t usage = static_cast <audio_policy_force_use_t>(data.readInt32());
- audio_policy_forced_cfg_t config =
- static_cast <audio_policy_forced_cfg_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(setForceUse(usage, config)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_FORCE_USE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_policy_force_use_t usage = static_cast <audio_policy_force_use_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(getForceUse(usage)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_OUTPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream =
- static_cast <audio_stream_type_t>(data.readInt32());
- uint32_t samplingRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t channels = data.readInt32();
- audio_policy_output_flags_t flags =
- static_cast <audio_policy_output_flags_t>(data.readInt32());
- audio_io_handle_t output = getOutput(stream,
- samplingRate,
- format,
- channels,
- flags);
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int>(output));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case START_OUTPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t output = static_cast <audio_io_handle_t>(data.readInt32());
- uint32_t stream = data.readInt32();
- int session = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(startOutput(output,
- (audio_stream_type_t)stream,
- session)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STOP_OUTPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t output = static_cast <audio_io_handle_t>(data.readInt32());
- uint32_t stream = data.readInt32();
- int session = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stopOutput(output,
- (audio_stream_type_t)stream,
- session)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t output = static_cast <audio_io_handle_t>(data.readInt32());
- releaseOutput(output);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_INPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_source_t inputSource = (audio_source_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t samplingRate = data.readInt32();
- audio_format_t format = (audio_format_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t channels = data.readInt32();
- audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics =
- static_cast <audio_in_acoustics_t>(data.readInt32());
- int audioSession = data.readInt32();
- audio_io_handle_t input = getInput(inputSource,
- samplingRate,
- format,
- channels,
- acoustics,
- audioSession);
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int>(input));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case START_INPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t input = static_cast <audio_io_handle_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(startInput(input)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STOP_INPUT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t input = static_cast <audio_io_handle_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(stopInput(input)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_io_handle_t input = static_cast <audio_io_handle_t>(data.readInt32());
- releaseInput(input);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream =
- static_cast <audio_stream_type_t>(data.readInt32());
- int indexMin = data.readInt32();
- int indexMax = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(initStreamVolume(stream, indexMin,indexMax)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream =
- static_cast <audio_stream_type_t>(data.readInt32());
- int index = data.readInt32();
- audio_devices_t device = static_cast <audio_devices_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(setStreamVolumeIndex(stream,
- index,
- device)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream =
- static_cast <audio_stream_type_t>(data.readInt32());
- audio_devices_t device = static_cast <audio_devices_t>(data.readInt32());
- int index;
- status_t status = getStreamVolumeIndex(stream, &index, device);
- reply->writeInt32(index);
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <uint32_t>(status));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream =
- static_cast <audio_stream_type_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(getStrategyForStream(stream));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream =
- static_cast <audio_stream_type_t>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int>(getDevicesForStream(stream)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- effect_descriptor_t desc;
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- audio_io_handle_t output = getOutputForEffect(&desc);
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int>(output));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- effect_descriptor_t desc;
-, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
- audio_io_handle_t io = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t strategy = data.readInt32();
- int session = data.readInt32();
- int id = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int32_t>(registerEffect(&desc,
- io,
- strategy,
- session,
- id)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- int id = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int32_t>(unregisterEffect(id)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- int id = data.readInt32();
- bool enabled = static_cast <bool>(data.readInt32());
- reply->writeInt32(static_cast <int32_t>(setEffectEnabled(id, enabled)));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- audio_stream_type_t stream = (audio_stream_type_t) data.readInt32();
- uint32_t inPastMs = (uint32_t)data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32( isStreamActive((audio_stream_type_t) stream, inPastMs) );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioPolicyService, data, reply);
- int audioSession = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t count = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t retCount = count;
- effect_descriptor_t *descriptors =
- (effect_descriptor_t *)new char[count * sizeof(effect_descriptor_t)];
- status_t status = queryDefaultPreProcessing(audioSession, descriptors, &retCount);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (status != NO_ERROR && status != NO_MEMORY) {
- retCount = 0;
- }
- reply->writeInt32(retCount);
- if (retCount) {
- if (retCount < count) {
- count = retCount;
- }
- reply->write(descriptors, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t) * count);
- }
- delete[] descriptors;
- return status;
- }
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IAudioRecord.cpp b/media/libmedia/IAudioRecord.cpp
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index 377b9a8..0000000
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-** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#define LOG_TAG "IAudioRecord"
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IAudioRecord.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpAudioRecord : public BpInterface<IAudioRecord>
- BpAudioRecord(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IAudioRecord>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual status_t start(pid_t tid)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioRecord::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(tid);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(START, data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = reply.readInt32();
- } else {
- ALOGW("start() error: %s", strerror(-status));
- }
- return status;
- }
- virtual void stop()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioRecord::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(STOP, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- sp<IMemory> cblk;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioRecord::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- status_t status = remote()->transact(GET_CBLK, data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- cblk = interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- return cblk;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnAudioRecord::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case GET_CBLK: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioRecord, data, reply);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(getCblk()->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case START: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioRecord, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(start(data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STOP: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioRecord, data, reply);
- stop();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IAudioTrack.cpp b/media/libmedia/IAudioTrack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 09f31a7..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IAudioTrack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#define LOG_TAG "IAudioTrack"
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IAudioTrack.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpAudioTrack : public BpInterface<IAudioTrack>
- BpAudioTrack(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IAudioTrack>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- sp<IMemory> cblk;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- status_t status = remote()->transact(GET_CBLK, data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- cblk = interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- return cblk;
- }
- virtual status_t start(pid_t tid)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(tid);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(START, data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = reply.readInt32();
- } else {
- ALOGW("start() error: %s", strerror(-status));
- }
- return status;
- }
- virtual void stop()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(STOP, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual void flush()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(FLUSH, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual void mute(bool e)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(e);
- remote()->transact(MUTE, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual void pause()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(PAUSE, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual status_t attachAuxEffect(int effectId)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(effectId);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(ATTACH_AUX_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = reply.readInt32();
- } else {
- ALOGW("attachAuxEffect() error: %s", strerror(-status));
- }
- return status;
- }
- virtual status_t allocateTimedBuffer(size_t size, sp<IMemory>* buffer) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(size);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(ALLOCATE_TIMED_BUFFER,
- data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = reply.readInt32();
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- *buffer = interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
- virtual status_t queueTimedBuffer(const sp<IMemory>& buffer,
- int64_t pts) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeStrongBinder(buffer->asBinder());
- data.writeInt64(pts);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(QUEUE_TIMED_BUFFER,
- data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = reply.readInt32();
- }
- return status;
- }
- virtual status_t setMediaTimeTransform(const LinearTransform& xform,
- int target) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IAudioTrack::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt64(xform.a_zero);
- data.writeInt64(xform.b_zero);
- data.writeInt32(xform.a_to_b_numer);
- data.writeInt32(xform.a_to_b_denom);
- data.writeInt32(target);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(SET_MEDIA_TIME_TRANSFORM,
- data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = reply.readInt32();
- }
- return status;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnAudioTrack::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case GET_CBLK: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(getCblk()->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case START: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(start(data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STOP: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- stop();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case FLUSH: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- flush();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case MUTE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- mute( data.readInt32() );
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case PAUSE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- pause();
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(attachAuxEffect(data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- sp<IMemory> buffer;
- status_t status = allocateTimedBuffer(data.readInt32(), &buffer);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- reply->writeStrongBinder(buffer->asBinder());
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- sp<IMemory> buffer = interface_cast<IMemory>(
- data.readStrongBinder());
- uint64_t pts = data.readInt64();
- reply->writeInt32(queueTimedBuffer(buffer, pts));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IAudioTrack, data, reply);
- LinearTransform xform;
- xform.a_zero = data.readInt64();
- xform.b_zero = data.readInt64();
- xform.a_to_b_numer = data.readInt32();
- xform.a_to_b_denom = data.readInt32();
- int target = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setMediaTimeTransform(xform, target));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/ICrypto.cpp b/media/libmedia/ICrypto.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 827d7af..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/ICrypto.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "ICrypto"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/ICrypto.h>
-#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-struct BpCrypto : public BpInterface<ICrypto> {
- BpCrypto(const sp<IBinder> &impl)
- : BpInterface<ICrypto>(impl) {
- }
- virtual status_t initialize() {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(ICrypto::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(INITIALIZE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t terminate() {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(ICrypto::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(TERMINATE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setEntitlementKey(
- const void *key, size_t keyLength) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(ICrypto::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(keyLength);
- data.write(key, keyLength);
- remote()->transact(SET_ENTITLEMENT_KEY, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t setEntitlementControlMessage(
- const void *msg, size_t msgLength) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(ICrypto::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(msgLength);
- data.write(msg, msgLength);
- remote()->transact(SET_ECM, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual ssize_t decryptVideo(
- const void *iv, size_t ivLength,
- const void *srcData, size_t srcDataSize,
- void *dstData, size_t dstDataOffset) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(ICrypto::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- if (iv == NULL) {
- if (ivLength > 0) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- data.writeInt32(-1);
- } else {
- data.writeInt32(ivLength);
- data.write(iv, ivLength);
- }
- data.writeInt32(srcDataSize);
- data.write(srcData, srcDataSize);
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)dstData);
- data.writeInt32(dstDataOffset);
- remote()->transact(DECRYPT_VIDEO, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual ssize_t decryptAudio(
- const void *iv, size_t ivLength,
- const void *srcData, size_t srcDataSize,
- void *dstData, size_t dstDataSize) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(ICrypto::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- if (iv == NULL) {
- if (ivLength > 0) {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- data.writeInt32(-1);
- } else {
- data.writeInt32(ivLength);
- data.write(iv, ivLength);
- }
- data.writeInt32(srcDataSize);
- data.write(srcData, srcDataSize);
- data.writeInt32(dstDataSize);
- remote()->transact(DECRYPT_AUDIO, data, &reply);
- ssize_t res = reply.readInt32();
- if (res <= 0) {
- return res;
- }
-, res);
- return res;
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(Crypto, "android.hardware.ICrypto");
-status_t BnCrypto::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel &data, Parcel *reply, uint32_t flags) {
- switch (code) {
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(ICrypto, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(initialize());
- return OK;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(ICrypto, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(terminate());
- return OK;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(ICrypto, data, reply);
- size_t keyLength = data.readInt32();
- void *key = malloc(keyLength);
-, keyLength);
- reply->writeInt32(setEntitlementKey(key, keyLength));
- free(key);
- key = NULL;
- return OK;
- }
- case SET_ECM:
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(ICrypto, data, reply);
- size_t msgLength = data.readInt32();
- void *msg = malloc(msgLength);
-, msgLength);
- reply->writeInt32(setEntitlementControlMessage(msg, msgLength));
- free(msg);
- msg = NULL;
- return OK;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(ICrypto, data, reply);
- void *iv = NULL;
- int32_t ivLength = data.readInt32();
- if (ivLength >= 0) {
- iv = malloc(ivLength);
-, ivLength);
- }
- size_t srcDataSize = data.readInt32();
- void *srcData = malloc(srcDataSize);
-, srcDataSize);
- void *dstData = (void *)data.readIntPtr();
- size_t dstDataOffset = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(
- decryptVideo(
- iv,
- ivLength < 0 ? 0 : ivLength,
- srcData,
- srcDataSize,
- dstData,
- dstDataOffset));
- free(srcData);
- srcData = NULL;
- if (iv != NULL) {
- free(iv);
- iv = NULL;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(ICrypto, data, reply);
- void *iv = NULL;
- int32_t ivLength = data.readInt32();
- if (ivLength >= 0) {
- iv = malloc(ivLength);
-, ivLength);
- }
- size_t srcDataSize = data.readInt32();
- void *srcData = malloc(srcDataSize);
-, srcDataSize);
- size_t dstDataSize = data.readInt32();
- void *dstData = malloc(dstDataSize);
- ssize_t res =
- decryptAudio(
- iv,
- ivLength < 0 ? 0 : ivLength,
- srcData,
- srcDataSize,
- dstData,
- dstDataSize);
- reply->writeInt32(res);
- if (res > 0) {
- reply->write(dstData, res);
- }
- free(dstData);
- dstData = NULL;
- free(srcData);
- srcData = NULL;
- if (iv != NULL) {
- free(iv);
- iv = NULL;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IEffect.cpp b/media/libmedia/IEffect.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a303a8f..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IEffect.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "IEffect"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IEffect.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpEffect: public BpInterface<IEffect>
- BpEffect(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IEffect>(impl)
- {
- }
- status_t enable()
- {
- ALOGV("enable");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffect::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(ENABLE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t disable()
- {
- ALOGV("disable");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffect::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(DISABLE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t command(uint32_t cmdCode,
- uint32_t cmdSize,
- void *pCmdData,
- uint32_t *pReplySize,
- void *pReplyData)
- {
- ALOGV("command");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffect::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(cmdCode);
- int size = cmdSize;
- if (pCmdData == NULL) {
- size = 0;
- }
- data.writeInt32(size);
- if (size) {
- data.write(pCmdData, size);
- }
- if (pReplySize == NULL) {
- size = 0;
- } else {
- size = *pReplySize;
- }
- data.writeInt32(size);
- status_t status = remote()->transact(COMMAND, data, &reply);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- if (pReplySize != NULL)
- *pReplySize = 0;
- return status;
- }
- status = reply.readInt32();
- size = reply.readInt32();
- if (size != 0 && pReplyData != NULL && pReplySize != NULL) {
-, size);
- *pReplySize = size;
- }
- return status;
- }
- void disconnect()
- {
- ALOGV("disconnect");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffect::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(DISCONNECT, data, &reply);
- return;
- }
- virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- sp<IMemory> cblk;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffect::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- status_t status = remote()->transact(GET_CBLK, data, &reply);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- cblk = interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- return cblk;
- }
- };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnEffect::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case ENABLE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffect, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(enable());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case DISABLE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffect, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(disable());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case COMMAND: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffect, data, reply);
- uint32_t cmdCode = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t cmdSize = data.readInt32();
- char *cmd = NULL;
- if (cmdSize) {
- cmd = (char *)malloc(cmdSize);
-, cmdSize);
- }
- uint32_t replySize = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t replySz = replySize;
- char *resp = NULL;
- if (replySize) {
- resp = (char *)malloc(replySize);
- }
- status_t status = command(cmdCode, cmdSize, cmd, &replySz, resp);
- reply->writeInt32(status);
- if (replySz < replySize) {
- replySize = replySz;
- }
- reply->writeInt32(replySize);
- if (replySize) {
- reply->write(resp, replySize);
- }
- if (cmd) {
- free(cmd);
- }
- if (resp) {
- free(resp);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case DISCONNECT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffect, data, reply);
- disconnect();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_CBLK: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffect, data, reply);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(getCblk()->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IEffectClient.cpp b/media/libmedia/IEffectClient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aef4371..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IEffectClient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "IEffectClient"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <media/IEffectClient.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpEffectClient: public BpInterface<IEffectClient>
- BpEffectClient(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IEffectClient>(impl)
- {
- }
- void controlStatusChanged(bool controlGranted)
- {
- ALOGV("controlStatusChanged");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffectClient::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((uint32_t)controlGranted);
- remote()->transact(CONTROL_STATUS_CHANGED, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
- void enableStatusChanged(bool enabled)
- {
- ALOGV("enableStatusChanged");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffectClient::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((uint32_t)enabled);
- remote()->transact(ENABLE_STATUS_CHANGED, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
- void commandExecuted(uint32_t cmdCode,
- uint32_t cmdSize,
- void *pCmdData,
- uint32_t replySize,
- void *pReplyData)
- {
- ALOGV("commandExecuted");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IEffectClient::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(cmdCode);
- int size = cmdSize;
- if (pCmdData == NULL) {
- size = 0;
- }
- data.writeInt32(size);
- if (size) {
- data.write(pCmdData, size);
- }
- size = replySize;
- if (pReplyData == NULL) {
- size = 0;
- }
- data.writeInt32(size);
- if (size) {
- data.write(pReplyData, size);
- }
- remote()->transact(COMMAND_EXECUTED, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnEffectClient::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffectClient, data, reply);
- bool hasControl = (bool)data.readInt32();
- controlStatusChanged(hasControl);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffectClient, data, reply);
- bool enabled = (bool)data.readInt32();
- enableStatusChanged(enabled);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IEffectClient, data, reply);
- uint32_t cmdCode = data.readInt32();
- uint32_t cmdSize = data.readInt32();
- char *cmd = NULL;
- if (cmdSize) {
- cmd = (char *)malloc(cmdSize);
-, cmdSize);
- }
- uint32_t replySize = data.readInt32();
- char *resp = NULL;
- if (replySize) {
- resp = (char *)malloc(replySize);
-, replySize);
- }
- commandExecuted(cmdCode, cmdSize, cmd, replySize, resp);
- if (cmd) {
- free(cmd);
- }
- if (resp) {
- free(resp);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IMediaDeathNotifier.cpp b/media/libmedia/IMediaDeathNotifier.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9199db6..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IMediaDeathNotifier.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "IMediaDeathNotifier"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <media/IMediaDeathNotifier.h>
-namespace android {
-// client singleton for binder interface to services
-Mutex IMediaDeathNotifier::sServiceLock;
-sp<IMediaPlayerService> IMediaDeathNotifier::sMediaPlayerService;
-sp<IMediaDeathNotifier::DeathNotifier> IMediaDeathNotifier::sDeathNotifier;
-SortedVector< wp<IMediaDeathNotifier> > IMediaDeathNotifier::sObitRecipients;
-// establish binder interface to MediaPlayerService
-/*static*/const sp<IMediaPlayerService>&
- ALOGV("getMediaPlayerService");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(sServiceLock);
- if (sMediaPlayerService == 0) {
- sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
- sp<IBinder> binder;
- do {
- binder = sm->getService(String16("media.player"));
- if (binder != 0) {
- break;
- }
- ALOGW("Media player service not published, waiting...");
- usleep(500000); // 0.5 s
- } while (true);
- if (sDeathNotifier == NULL) {
- sDeathNotifier = new DeathNotifier();
- }
- binder->linkToDeath(sDeathNotifier);
- sMediaPlayerService = interface_cast<IMediaPlayerService>(binder);
- }
- ALOGE_IF(sMediaPlayerService == 0, "no media player service!?");
- return sMediaPlayerService;
-/*static*/ void
-IMediaDeathNotifier::addObitRecipient(const wp<IMediaDeathNotifier>& recipient)
- ALOGV("addObitRecipient");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(sServiceLock);
- sObitRecipients.add(recipient);
-/*static*/ void
-IMediaDeathNotifier::removeObitRecipient(const wp<IMediaDeathNotifier>& recipient)
- ALOGV("removeObitRecipient");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(sServiceLock);
- sObitRecipients.remove(recipient);
-IMediaDeathNotifier::DeathNotifier::binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) {
- ALOGW("media server died");
- // Need to do this with the lock held
- SortedVector< wp<IMediaDeathNotifier> > list;
- {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(sServiceLock);
- sMediaPlayerService.clear();
- list = sObitRecipients;
- }
- // Notify application when media server dies.
- // Don't hold the static lock during callback in case app
- // makes a call that needs the lock.
- size_t count = list.size();
- for (size_t iter = 0; iter < count; ++iter) {
- sp<IMediaDeathNotifier> notifier = list[iter].promote();
- if (notifier != 0) {
- notifier->died();
- }
- }
- ALOGV("DeathNotifier::~DeathNotifier");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(sServiceLock);
- sObitRecipients.clear();
- if (sMediaPlayerService != 0) {
- sMediaPlayerService->asBinder()->unlinkToDeath(this);
- }
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IMediaMetadataRetriever.cpp b/media/libmedia/IMediaMetadataRetriever.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e6d54b..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IMediaMetadataRetriever.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IMediaMetadataRetriever.h>
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-// The binder is supposed to propagate the scheduler group across
-// the binder interface so that remote calls are executed with
-// the same priority as local calls. This is currently not working
-// so this change puts in a temporary hack to fix the issue with
-// metadata retrieval which can be a huge CPU hit if done on a
-// foreground thread.
-#undef LOG_TAG
-#define LOG_TAG "IMediaMetadataRetriever"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <cutils/sched_policy.h>
-namespace android {
-static void sendSchedPolicy(Parcel& data)
- SchedPolicy policy;
- get_sched_policy(gettid(), &policy);
- data.writeInt32(policy);
-static void setSchedPolicy(const Parcel& data)
- SchedPolicy policy = (SchedPolicy) data.readInt32();
- set_sched_policy(gettid(), policy);
-static void restoreSchedPolicy()
- set_sched_policy(gettid(), SP_FOREGROUND);
-}; // end namespace android
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpMediaMetadataRetriever: public BpInterface<IMediaMetadataRetriever>
- BpMediaMetadataRetriever(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IMediaMetadataRetriever>(impl)
- {
- }
- // disconnect from media metadata retriever service
- void disconnect()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaMetadataRetriever::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(DISCONNECT, data, &reply);
- }
- status_t setDataSource(
- const char *srcUrl, const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaMetadataRetriever::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeCString(srcUrl);
- if (headers == NULL) {
- data.writeInt32(0);
- } else {
- // serialize the headers
- data.writeInt32(headers->size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < headers->size(); ++i) {
- data.writeString8(headers->keyAt(i));
- data.writeString8(headers->valueAt(i));
- }
- }
- remote()->transact(SET_DATA_SOURCE_URL, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaMetadataRetriever::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFileDescriptor(fd);
- data.writeInt64(offset);
- data.writeInt64(length);
- remote()->transact(SET_DATA_SOURCE_FD, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- sp<IMemory> getFrameAtTime(int64_t timeUs, int option)
- {
- ALOGV("getTimeAtTime: time(%lld us) and option(%d)", timeUs, option);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaMetadataRetriever::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt64(timeUs);
- data.writeInt32(option);
- sendSchedPolicy(data);
- remote()->transact(GET_FRAME_AT_TIME, data, &reply);
- status_t ret = reply.readInt32();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- sp<IMemory> extractAlbumArt()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaMetadataRetriever::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- sendSchedPolicy(data);
- remote()->transact(EXTRACT_ALBUM_ART, data, &reply);
- status_t ret = reply.readInt32();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- const char* extractMetadata(int keyCode)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaMetadataRetriever::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- sendSchedPolicy(data);
- data.writeInt32(keyCode);
- remote()->transact(EXTRACT_METADATA, data, &reply);
- status_t ret = reply.readInt32();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return reply.readCString();
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(MediaMetadataRetriever, "");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnMediaMetadataRetriever::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case DISCONNECT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaMetadataRetriever, data, reply);
- disconnect();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaMetadataRetriever, data, reply);
- const char* srcUrl = data.readCString();
- KeyedVector<String8, String8> headers;
- int32_t numHeaders = data.readInt32();
- for (int i = 0; i < numHeaders; ++i) {
- String8 key = data.readString8();
- String8 value = data.readString8();
- headers.add(key, value);
- }
- reply->writeInt32(
- setDataSource(srcUrl, numHeaders > 0 ? &headers : NULL));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaMetadataRetriever, data, reply);
- int fd = dup(data.readFileDescriptor());
- int64_t offset = data.readInt64();
- int64_t length = data.readInt64();
- reply->writeInt32(setDataSource(fd, offset, length));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaMetadataRetriever, data, reply);
- int64_t timeUs = data.readInt64();
- int option = data.readInt32();
- ALOGV("getTimeAtTime: time(%lld us) and option(%d)", timeUs, option);
- setSchedPolicy(data);
- sp<IMemory> bitmap = getFrameAtTime(timeUs, option);
- if (bitmap != 0) { // Don't send NULL across the binder interface
- reply->writeInt32(NO_ERROR);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(bitmap->asBinder());
- } else {
- reply->writeInt32(UNKNOWN_ERROR);
- }
- restoreSchedPolicy();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaMetadataRetriever, data, reply);
- setSchedPolicy(data);
- sp<IMemory> albumArt = extractAlbumArt();
- if (albumArt != 0) { // Don't send NULL across the binder interface
- reply->writeInt32(NO_ERROR);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(albumArt->asBinder());
- } else {
- reply->writeInt32(UNKNOWN_ERROR);
- }
- restoreSchedPolicy();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaMetadataRetriever, data, reply);
- setSchedPolicy(data);
- int keyCode = data.readInt32();
- const char* value = extractMetadata(keyCode);
- if (value != NULL) { // Don't send NULL across the binder interface
- reply->writeInt32(NO_ERROR);
- reply->writeCString(value);
- } else {
- reply->writeInt32(UNKNOWN_ERROR);
- }
- restoreSchedPolicy();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IMediaPlayer.cpp b/media/libmedia/IMediaPlayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bb237d..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IMediaPlayer.cpp
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@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IMediaPlayer.h>
-#include <media/IStreamSource.h>
-#include <gui/ISurfaceTexture.h>
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpMediaPlayer: public BpInterface<IMediaPlayer>
- BpMediaPlayer(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IMediaPlayer>(impl)
- {
- }
- // disconnect from media player service
- void disconnect()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(DISCONNECT, data, &reply);
- }
- status_t setDataSource(const char* url,
- const KeyedVector<String8, String8>* headers)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeCString(url);
- if (headers == NULL) {
- data.writeInt32(0);
- } else {
- // serialize the headers
- data.writeInt32(headers->size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < headers->size(); ++i) {
- data.writeString8(headers->keyAt(i));
- data.writeString8(headers->valueAt(i));
- }
- }
- remote()->transact(SET_DATA_SOURCE_URL, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFileDescriptor(fd);
- data.writeInt64(offset);
- data.writeInt64(length);
- remote()->transact(SET_DATA_SOURCE_FD, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setDataSource(const sp<IStreamSource> &source) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeStrongBinder(source->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(SET_DATA_SOURCE_STREAM, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- // pass the buffered ISurfaceTexture to the media player service
- status_t setVideoSurfaceTexture(const sp<ISurfaceTexture>& surfaceTexture)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- sp<IBinder> b(surfaceTexture->asBinder());
- data.writeStrongBinder(b);
- remote()->transact(SET_VIDEO_SURFACETEXTURE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t prepareAsync()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(PREPARE_ASYNC, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t start()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(START, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t stop()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(STOP, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t isPlaying(bool* state)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(IS_PLAYING, data, &reply);
- *state = reply.readInt32();
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t pause()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(PAUSE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t seekTo(int msec)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(msec);
- remote()->transact(SEEK_TO, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t getCurrentPosition(int* msec)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(GET_CURRENT_POSITION, data, &reply);
- *msec = reply.readInt32();
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t getDuration(int* msec)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(GET_DURATION, data, &reply);
- *msec = reply.readInt32();
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t reset()
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(RESET, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setAudioStreamType(audio_stream_type_t stream)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32((int32_t) stream);
- remote()->transact(SET_AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setLooping(int loop)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(loop);
- remote()->transact(SET_LOOPING, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFloat(leftVolume);
- data.writeFloat(rightVolume);
- remote()->transact(SET_VOLUME, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t invoke(const Parcel& request, Parcel *reply)
- {
- // Avoid doing any extra copy. The interface descriptor should
- // have been set by
- return remote()->transact(INVOKE, request, reply);
- }
- status_t setMetadataFilter(const Parcel& request)
- {
- Parcel reply;
- // Avoid doing any extra copy of the request. The interface
- // descriptor should have been set by
- remote()->transact(SET_METADATA_FILTER, request, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t getMetadata(bool update_only, bool apply_filter, Parcel *reply)
- {
- Parcel request;
- request.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- // TODO: Burning 2 ints for 2 boolean. Should probably use flags in an int here.
- request.writeInt32(update_only);
- request.writeInt32(apply_filter);
- remote()->transact(GET_METADATA, request, reply);
- return reply->readInt32();
- }
- status_t setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFloat(level);
- remote()->transact(SET_AUX_EFFECT_SEND_LEVEL, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t attachAuxEffect(int effectId)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(effectId);
- remote()->transact(ATTACH_AUX_EFFECT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setParameter(int key, const Parcel& request)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(key);
- if (request.dataSize() > 0) {
- data.appendFrom(const_cast<Parcel *>(&request), 0, request.dataSize());
- }
- remote()->transact(SET_PARAMETER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t getParameter(int key, Parcel *reply)
- {
- Parcel data;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(key);
- return remote()->transact(GET_PARAMETER, data, reply);
- }
- status_t setRetransmitEndpoint(const struct sockaddr_in* endpoint) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- status_t err;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- if (NULL != endpoint) {
- data.writeInt32(sizeof(*endpoint));
- data.write(endpoint, sizeof(*endpoint));
- } else {
- data.writeInt32(0);
- }
- err = remote()->transact(SET_RETRANSMIT_ENDPOINT, data, &reply);
- if (OK != err) {
- return err;
- }
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setNextPlayer(const sp<IMediaPlayer>& player) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- sp<IBinder> b(player->asBinder());
- data.writeStrongBinder(b);
- remote()->transact(SET_NEXT_PLAYER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnMediaPlayer::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case DISCONNECT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- disconnect();
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- const char* url = data.readCString();
- KeyedVector<String8, String8> headers;
- int32_t numHeaders = data.readInt32();
- for (int i = 0; i < numHeaders; ++i) {
- String8 key = data.readString8();
- String8 value = data.readString8();
- headers.add(key, value);
- }
- reply->writeInt32(setDataSource(url, numHeaders > 0 ? &headers : NULL));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- int fd = data.readFileDescriptor();
- int64_t offset = data.readInt64();
- int64_t length = data.readInt64();
- reply->writeInt32(setDataSource(fd, offset, length));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- sp<IStreamSource> source =
- interface_cast<IStreamSource>(data.readStrongBinder());
- reply->writeInt32(setDataSource(source));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- sp<ISurfaceTexture> surfaceTexture =
- interface_cast<ISurfaceTexture>(data.readStrongBinder());
- reply->writeInt32(setVideoSurfaceTexture(surfaceTexture));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(prepareAsync());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case START: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(start());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STOP: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(stop());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case IS_PLAYING: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- bool state;
- status_t ret = isPlaying(&state);
- reply->writeInt32(state);
- reply->writeInt32(ret);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case PAUSE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(pause());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SEEK_TO: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(seekTo(data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- int msec;
- status_t ret = getCurrentPosition(&msec);
- reply->writeInt32(msec);
- reply->writeInt32(ret);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_DURATION: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- int msec;
- status_t ret = getDuration(&msec);
- reply->writeInt32(msec);
- reply->writeInt32(ret);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case RESET: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(reset());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(setAudioStreamType((audio_stream_type_t) data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_LOOPING: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(setLooping(data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_VOLUME: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- float leftVolume = data.readFloat();
- float rightVolume = data.readFloat();
- reply->writeInt32(setVolume(leftVolume, rightVolume));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case INVOKE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- status_t result = invoke(data, reply);
- return result;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(setMetadataFilter(data));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_METADATA: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- bool update_only = static_cast<bool>(data.readInt32());
- bool apply_filter = static_cast<bool>(data.readInt32());
- const status_t retcode = getMetadata(update_only, apply_filter, reply);
- reply->setDataPosition(0);
- reply->writeInt32(retcode);
- reply->setDataPosition(0);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(setAuxEffectSendLevel(data.readFloat()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(attachAuxEffect(data.readInt32()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- int key = data.readInt32();
- Parcel request;
- if (data.dataAvail() > 0) {
- request.appendFrom(
- const_cast<Parcel *>(&data), data.dataPosition(), data.dataAvail());
- }
- request.setDataPosition(0);
- reply->writeInt32(setParameter(key, request));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- return getParameter(data.readInt32(), reply);
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- struct sockaddr_in endpoint;
- int amt = data.readInt32();
- if (amt == sizeof(endpoint)) {
-, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- reply->writeInt32(setRetransmitEndpoint(&endpoint));
- } else {
- reply->writeInt32(setRetransmitEndpoint(NULL));
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayer, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(setNextPlayer(interface_cast<IMediaPlayer>(data.readStrongBinder())));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
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deleted file mode 100644
index a670c96..0000000
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@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include <utils/RefBase.h>
-#include <binder/IInterface.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IMediaPlayerClient.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpMediaPlayerClient: public BpInterface<IMediaPlayerClient>
- BpMediaPlayerClient(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IMediaPlayerClient>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual void notify(int msg, int ext1, int ext2, const Parcel *obj)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerClient::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(msg);
- data.writeInt32(ext1);
- data.writeInt32(ext2);
- if (obj && obj->dataSize() > 0) {
- data.appendFrom(const_cast<Parcel *>(obj), 0, obj->dataSize());
- }
- remote()->transact(NOTIFY, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnMediaPlayerClient::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case NOTIFY: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerClient, data, reply);
- int msg = data.readInt32();
- int ext1 = data.readInt32();
- int ext2 = data.readInt32();
- Parcel obj;
- if (data.dataAvail() > 0) {
- obj.appendFrom(const_cast<Parcel *>(&data), data.dataPosition(), data.dataAvail());
- }
- notify(msg, ext1, ext2, &obj);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-}; // namespace android
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9120617..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IMediaPlayerService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <binder/IMemory.h>
-#include <media/ICrypto.h>
-#include <media/IMediaPlayerService.h>
-#include <media/IMediaRecorder.h>
-#include <media/IOMX.h>
-#include <media/IStreamSource.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h> // for status_t
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpMediaPlayerService: public BpInterface<IMediaPlayerService>
- BpMediaPlayerService(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IMediaPlayerService>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual sp<IMediaMetadataRetriever> createMetadataRetriever(pid_t pid)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- remote()->transact(CREATE_METADATA_RETRIEVER, data, &reply);
- return interface_cast<IMediaMetadataRetriever>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual sp<IMediaPlayer> create(
- pid_t pid, const sp<IMediaPlayerClient>& client, int audioSessionId) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- data.writeStrongBinder(client->asBinder());
- data.writeInt32(audioSessionId);
- remote()->transact(CREATE, data, &reply);
- return interface_cast<IMediaPlayer>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual sp<IMediaRecorder> createMediaRecorder(pid_t pid)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- remote()->transact(CREATE_MEDIA_RECORDER, data, &reply);
- return interface_cast<IMediaRecorder>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual sp<IMemory> decode(const char* url, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, audio_format_t* pFormat)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeCString(url);
- remote()->transact(DECODE_URL, data, &reply);
- *pSampleRate = uint32_t(reply.readInt32());
- *pNumChannels = reply.readInt32();
- *pFormat = (audio_format_t) reply.readInt32();
- return interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual sp<IMemory> decode(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, audio_format_t* pFormat)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFileDescriptor(fd);
- data.writeInt64(offset);
- data.writeInt64(length);
- remote()->transact(DECODE_FD, data, &reply);
- *pSampleRate = uint32_t(reply.readInt32());
- *pNumChannels = reply.readInt32();
- *pFormat = (audio_format_t) reply.readInt32();
- return interface_cast<IMemory>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual sp<IOMX> getOMX() {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(GET_OMX, data, &reply);
- return interface_cast<IOMX>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual sp<ICrypto> makeCrypto() {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(MAKE_CRYPTO, data, &reply);
- return interface_cast<ICrypto>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- virtual void addBatteryData(uint32_t params) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(params);
- remote()->transact(ADD_BATTERY_DATA, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual status_t pullBatteryData(Parcel* reply) {
- Parcel data;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- return remote()->transact(PULL_BATTERY_DATA, data, reply);
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(MediaPlayerService, "");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnMediaPlayerService::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case CREATE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- pid_t pid = data.readInt32();
- sp<IMediaPlayerClient> client =
- interface_cast<IMediaPlayerClient>(data.readStrongBinder());
- int audioSessionId = data.readInt32();
- sp<IMediaPlayer> player = create(pid, client, audioSessionId);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(player->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case DECODE_URL: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- const char* url = data.readCString();
- uint32_t sampleRate;
- int numChannels;
- audio_format_t format;
- sp<IMemory> player = decode(url, &sampleRate, &numChannels, &format);
- reply->writeInt32(sampleRate);
- reply->writeInt32(numChannels);
- reply->writeInt32((int32_t) format);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(player->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case DECODE_FD: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- int fd = dup(data.readFileDescriptor());
- int64_t offset = data.readInt64();
- int64_t length = data.readInt64();
- uint32_t sampleRate;
- int numChannels;
- audio_format_t format;
- sp<IMemory> player = decode(fd, offset, length, &sampleRate, &numChannels, &format);
- reply->writeInt32(sampleRate);
- reply->writeInt32(numChannels);
- reply->writeInt32((int32_t) format);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(player->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- pid_t pid = data.readInt32();
- sp<IMediaRecorder> recorder = createMediaRecorder(pid);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(recorder->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- pid_t pid = data.readInt32();
- sp<IMediaMetadataRetriever> retriever = createMetadataRetriever(pid);
- reply->writeStrongBinder(retriever->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case GET_OMX: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- sp<IOMX> omx = getOMX();
- reply->writeStrongBinder(omx->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case MAKE_CRYPTO: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- sp<ICrypto> crypto = makeCrypto();
- reply->writeStrongBinder(crypto->asBinder());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- uint32_t params = data.readInt32();
- addBatteryData(params);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);
- pullBatteryData(reply);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
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index a710fd7..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IMediaRecorder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
- **
- ** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "IMediaRecorder"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <camera/ICamera.h>
-#include <media/IMediaRecorderClient.h>
-#include <media/IMediaRecorder.h>
-#include <gui/Surface.h>
-#include <gui/ISurfaceTexture.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpMediaRecorder: public BpInterface<IMediaRecorder>
- BpMediaRecorder(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IMediaRecorder>(impl)
- {
- }
- status_t setCamera(const sp<ICamera>& camera, const sp<ICameraRecordingProxy>& proxy)
- {
- ALOGV("setCamera(%p,%p)", camera.get(), proxy.get());
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeStrongBinder(camera->asBinder());
- data.writeStrongBinder(proxy->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(SET_CAMERA, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- sp<ISurfaceTexture> querySurfaceMediaSource()
- {
- ALOGV("Query SurfaceMediaSource");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(QUERY_SURFACE_MEDIASOURCE, data, &reply);
- int returnedNull = reply.readInt32();
- if (returnedNull) {
- return NULL;
- }
- return interface_cast<ISurfaceTexture>(reply.readStrongBinder());
- }
- status_t setPreviewSurface(const sp<Surface>& surface)
- {
- ALOGV("setPreviewSurface(%p)", surface.get());
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- Surface::writeToParcel(surface, &data);
- remote()->transact(SET_PREVIEW_SURFACE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t init()
- {
- ALOGV("init");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(INIT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setVideoSource(int vs)
- {
- ALOGV("setVideoSource(%d)", vs);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(vs);
- remote()->transact(SET_VIDEO_SOURCE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setAudioSource(int as)
- {
- ALOGV("setAudioSource(%d)", as);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(as);
- remote()->transact(SET_AUDIO_SOURCE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setOutputFormat(int of)
- {
- ALOGV("setOutputFormat(%d)", of);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(of);
- remote()->transact(SET_OUTPUT_FORMAT, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setVideoEncoder(int ve)
- {
- ALOGV("setVideoEncoder(%d)", ve);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(ve);
- remote()->transact(SET_VIDEO_ENCODER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setAudioEncoder(int ae)
- {
- ALOGV("setAudioEncoder(%d)", ae);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(ae);
- remote()->transact(SET_AUDIO_ENCODER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setOutputFile(const char* path)
- {
- ALOGV("setOutputFile(%s)", path);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeCString(path);
- remote()->transact(SET_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setOutputFile(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
- ALOGV("setOutputFile(%d, %lld, %lld)", fd, offset, length);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeFileDescriptor(fd);
- data.writeInt64(offset);
- data.writeInt64(length);
- remote()->transact(SET_OUTPUT_FILE_FD, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setVideoSize(int width, int height)
- {
- ALOGV("setVideoSize(%dx%d)", width, height);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(width);
- data.writeInt32(height);
- remote()->transact(SET_VIDEO_SIZE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setVideoFrameRate(int frames_per_second)
- {
- ALOGV("setVideoFrameRate(%d)", frames_per_second);
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(frames_per_second);
- remote()->transact(SET_VIDEO_FRAMERATE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setParameters(const String8& params)
- {
- ALOGV("setParameter(%s)", params.string());
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeString8(params);
- remote()->transact(SET_PARAMETERS, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t setListener(const sp<IMediaRecorderClient>& listener)
- {
- ALOGV("setListener(%p)", listener.get());
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeStrongBinder(listener->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(SET_LISTENER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t prepare()
- {
- ALOGV("prepare");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(PREPARE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t getMaxAmplitude(int* max)
- {
- ALOGV("getMaxAmplitude");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(GET_MAX_AMPLITUDE, data, &reply);
- *max = reply.readInt32();
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t start()
- {
- ALOGV("start");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(START, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t stop()
- {
- ALOGV("stop");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(STOP, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t reset()
- {
- ALOGV("reset");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(RESET, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t close()
- {
- ALOGV("close");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(CLOSE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- status_t release()
- {
- ALOGV("release");
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorder::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(RELEASE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnMediaRecorder::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case RELEASE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(release());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case INIT: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(init());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case CLOSE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(close());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case RESET: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(reset());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case STOP: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(stop());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case START: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(start());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case PREPARE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(prepare());
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int max = 0;
- status_t ret = getMaxAmplitude(&max);
- reply->writeInt32(max);
- reply->writeInt32(ret);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int vs = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setVideoSource(vs));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int as = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setAudioSource(as));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int of = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setOutputFormat(of));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int ve = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setVideoEncoder(ve));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int ae = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setAudioEncoder(ae));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- const char* path = data.readCString();
- reply->writeInt32(setOutputFile(path));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int fd = dup(data.readFileDescriptor());
- int64_t offset = data.readInt64();
- int64_t length = data.readInt64();
- reply->writeInt32(setOutputFile(fd, offset, length));
- ::close(fd);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_VIDEO_SIZE: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int width = data.readInt32();
- int height = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setVideoSize(width, height));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- int frames_per_second = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(setVideoFrameRate(frames_per_second));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- reply->writeInt32(setParameters(data.readString8()));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_LISTENER: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- sp<IMediaRecorderClient> listener =
- interface_cast<IMediaRecorderClient>(data.readStrongBinder());
- reply->writeInt32(setListener(listener));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- sp<Surface> surface = Surface::readFromParcel(data);
- reply->writeInt32(setPreviewSurface(surface));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- case SET_CAMERA: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- sp<ICamera> camera = interface_cast<ICamera>(data.readStrongBinder());
- sp<ICameraRecordingProxy> proxy =
- interface_cast<ICameraRecordingProxy>(data.readStrongBinder());
- reply->writeInt32(setCamera(camera, proxy));
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorder, data, reply);
- // call the mediaserver side to create
- // a surfacemediasource
- sp<ISurfaceTexture> surfaceMediaSource = querySurfaceMediaSource();
- // The mediaserver might have failed to create a source
- int returnedNull= (surfaceMediaSource == NULL) ? 1 : 0 ;
- reply->writeInt32(returnedNull);
- if (!returnedNull) {
- reply->writeStrongBinder(surfaceMediaSource->asBinder());
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IMediaRecorderClient.cpp b/media/libmedia/IMediaRecorderClient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e7907e3..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IMediaRecorderClient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-#include <utils/RefBase.h>
-#include <binder/IInterface.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IMediaRecorderClient.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpMediaRecorderClient: public BpInterface<IMediaRecorderClient>
- BpMediaRecorderClient(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
- : BpInterface<IMediaRecorderClient>(impl)
- {
- }
- virtual void notify(int msg, int ext1, int ext2)
- {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaRecorderClient::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(msg);
- data.writeInt32(ext1);
- data.writeInt32(ext2);
- remote()->transact(NOTIFY, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(MediaRecorderClient, "");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-status_t BnMediaRecorderClient::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
- switch (code) {
- case NOTIFY: {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaRecorderClient, data, reply);
- int msg = data.readInt32();
- int ext1 = data.readInt32();
- int ext2 = data.readInt32();
- notify(msg, ext1, ext2);
- return NO_ERROR;
- } break;
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IOMX.cpp b/media/libmedia/IOMX.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 48e427a..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IOMX.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "IOMX"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <binder/IMemory.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <media/IOMX.h>
-#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h>
-namespace android {
-enum {
-class BpOMX : public BpInterface<IOMX> {
- BpOMX(const sp<IBinder> &impl)
- : BpInterface<IOMX>(impl) {
- }
- virtual bool livesLocally(node_id node, pid_t pid) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(pid);
- remote()->transact(LIVES_LOCALLY, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32() != 0;
- }
- virtual status_t listNodes(List<ComponentInfo> *list) {
- list->clear();
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- remote()->transact(LIST_NODES, data, &reply);
- int32_t n = reply.readInt32();
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- list->push_back(ComponentInfo());
- ComponentInfo &info = *--list->end();
- info.mName = reply.readString8();
- int32_t numRoles = reply.readInt32();
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < numRoles; ++j) {
- info.mRoles.push_back(reply.readString8());
- }
- }
- return OK;
- }
- virtual status_t allocateNode(
- const char *name, const sp<IOMXObserver> &observer, node_id *node) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeCString(name);
- data.writeStrongBinder(observer->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(ALLOCATE_NODE, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err == OK) {
- *node = (void*)reply.readIntPtr();
- } else {
- *node = 0;
- }
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t freeNode(node_id node) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- remote()->transact(FREE_NODE, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t sendCommand(
- node_id node, OMX_COMMANDTYPE cmd, OMX_S32 param) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(cmd);
- data.writeInt32(param);
- remote()->transact(SEND_COMMAND, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t getParameter(
- node_id node, OMX_INDEXTYPE index,
- void *params, size_t size) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(index);
- data.writeInt32(size);
- data.write(params, size);
- remote()->transact(GET_PARAMETER, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err != OK) {
- return err;
- }
-, size);
- return OK;
- }
- virtual status_t setParameter(
- node_id node, OMX_INDEXTYPE index,
- const void *params, size_t size) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(index);
- data.writeInt32(size);
- data.write(params, size);
- remote()->transact(SET_PARAMETER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t getConfig(
- node_id node, OMX_INDEXTYPE index,
- void *params, size_t size) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(index);
- data.writeInt32(size);
- data.write(params, size);
- remote()->transact(GET_CONFIG, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err != OK) {
- return err;
- }
-, size);
- return OK;
- }
- virtual status_t setConfig(
- node_id node, OMX_INDEXTYPE index,
- const void *params, size_t size) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(index);
- data.writeInt32(size);
- data.write(params, size);
- remote()->transact(SET_CONFIG, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t getState(
- node_id node, OMX_STATETYPE* state) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- remote()->transact(GET_STATE, data, &reply);
- *state = static_cast<OMX_STATETYPE>(reply.readInt32());
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t enableGraphicBuffers(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, OMX_BOOL enable) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.writeInt32((uint32_t)enable);
- remote()->transact(ENABLE_GRAPHIC_BUFFERS, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t getGraphicBufferUsage(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, OMX_U32* usage) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- remote()->transact(GET_GRAPHIC_BUFFER_USAGE, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- *usage = reply.readInt32();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t useBuffer(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, const sp<IMemory> &params,
- buffer_id *buffer) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.writeStrongBinder(params->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(USE_BUFFER, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err != OK) {
- *buffer = 0;
- return err;
- }
- *buffer = (void*)reply.readIntPtr();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t useGraphicBuffer(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index,
- const sp<GraphicBuffer> &graphicBuffer, buffer_id *buffer) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.write(*graphicBuffer);
- remote()->transact(USE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err != OK) {
- *buffer = 0;
- return err;
- }
- *buffer = (void*)reply.readIntPtr();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t storeMetaDataInBuffers(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, OMX_BOOL enable) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.writeInt32((uint32_t)enable);
- remote()->transact(STORE_META_DATA_IN_BUFFERS, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t allocateBuffer(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, size_t size,
- buffer_id *buffer, void **buffer_data) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.writeInt32(size);
- remote()->transact(ALLOC_BUFFER, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err != OK) {
- *buffer = 0;
- return err;
- }
- *buffer = (void *)reply.readIntPtr();
- *buffer_data = (void *)reply.readIntPtr();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t allocateBufferWithBackup(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, const sp<IMemory> &params,
- buffer_id *buffer) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.writeStrongBinder(params->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(ALLOC_BUFFER_WITH_BACKUP, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err != OK) {
- *buffer = 0;
- return err;
- }
- *buffer = (void*)reply.readIntPtr();
- return err;
- }
- virtual status_t freeBuffer(
- node_id node, OMX_U32 port_index, buffer_id buffer) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeInt32(port_index);
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- remote()->transact(FREE_BUFFER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t fillBuffer(node_id node, buffer_id buffer) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- remote()->transact(FILL_BUFFER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t emptyBuffer(
- node_id node,
- buffer_id buffer,
- OMX_U32 range_offset, OMX_U32 range_length,
- OMX_U32 flags, OMX_TICKS timestamp) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- data.writeInt32(range_offset);
- data.writeInt32(range_length);
- data.writeInt32(flags);
- data.writeInt64(timestamp);
- remote()->transact(EMPTY_BUFFER, data, &reply);
- return reply.readInt32();
- }
- virtual status_t getExtensionIndex(
- node_id node,
- const char *parameter_name,
- OMX_INDEXTYPE *index) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMX::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- data.writeCString(parameter_name);
- remote()->transact(GET_EXTENSION_INDEX, data, &reply);
- status_t err = reply.readInt32();
- if (err == OK) {
- *index = static_cast<OMX_INDEXTYPE>(reply.readInt32());
- } else {
- *index = OMX_IndexComponentStartUnused;
- }
- return err;
- }
-#define CHECK_INTERFACE(interface, data, reply) \
- do { if (!data.enforceInterface(interface::getInterfaceDescriptor())) { \
- ALOGW("Call incorrectly routed to " #interface); \
- } } while (0)
-status_t BnOMX::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel &data, Parcel *reply, uint32_t flags) {
- switch (code) {
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void *)data.readIntPtr();
- pid_t pid = (pid_t)data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(livesLocally(node, pid));
- return OK;
- }
- case LIST_NODES:
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- List<ComponentInfo> list;
- listNodes(&list);
- reply->writeInt32(list.size());
- for (List<ComponentInfo>::iterator it = list.begin();
- it != list.end(); ++it) {
- ComponentInfo &cur = *it;
- reply->writeString8(cur.mName);
- reply->writeInt32(cur.mRoles.size());
- for (List<String8>::iterator role_it = cur.mRoles.begin();
- role_it != cur.mRoles.end(); ++role_it) {
- reply->writeString8(*role_it);
- }
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- const char *name = data.readCString();
- sp<IOMXObserver> observer =
- interface_cast<IOMXObserver>(data.readStrongBinder());
- node_id node;
- status_t err = allocateNode(name, observer, &node);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if (err == OK) {
- reply->writeIntPtr((intptr_t)node);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- case FREE_NODE:
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- reply->writeInt32(freeNode(node));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- static_cast<OMX_COMMANDTYPE>(data.readInt32());
- OMX_S32 param = data.readInt32();
- reply->writeInt32(sendCommand(node, cmd, param));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- case GET_CONFIG:
- case SET_CONFIG:
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_INDEXTYPE index = static_cast<OMX_INDEXTYPE>(data.readInt32());
- size_t size = data.readInt32();
- void *params = malloc(size);
-, size);
- status_t err;
- switch (code) {
- err = getParameter(node, index, params, size);
- break;
- err = setParameter(node, index, params, size);
- break;
- case GET_CONFIG:
- err = getConfig(node, index, params, size);
- break;
- case SET_CONFIG:
- err = setConfig(node, index, params, size);
- break;
- default:
- }
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if ((code == GET_PARAMETER || code == GET_CONFIG) && err == OK) {
- reply->write(params, size);
- }
- free(params);
- params = NULL;
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- case GET_STATE:
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_STATETYPE state = OMX_StateInvalid;
- status_t err = getState(node, &state);
- reply->writeInt32(state);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- OMX_BOOL enable = (OMX_BOOL)data.readInt32();
- status_t err = enableGraphicBuffers(node, port_index, enable);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- OMX_U32 usage = 0;
- status_t err = getGraphicBufferUsage(node, port_index, &usage);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- reply->writeInt32(usage);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- case USE_BUFFER:
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- sp<IMemory> params =
- interface_cast<IMemory>(data.readStrongBinder());
- buffer_id buffer;
- status_t err = useBuffer(node, port_index, params, &buffer);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if (err == OK) {
- reply->writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- sp<GraphicBuffer> graphicBuffer = new GraphicBuffer();
- buffer_id buffer;
- status_t err = useGraphicBuffer(
- node, port_index, graphicBuffer, &buffer);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if (err == OK) {
- reply->writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- OMX_BOOL enable = (OMX_BOOL)data.readInt32();
- status_t err = storeMetaDataInBuffers(node, port_index, enable);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- size_t size = data.readInt32();
- buffer_id buffer;
- void *buffer_data;
- status_t err = allocateBuffer(
- node, port_index, size, &buffer, &buffer_data);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if (err == OK) {
- reply->writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- reply->writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer_data);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- sp<IMemory> params =
- interface_cast<IMemory>(data.readStrongBinder());
- buffer_id buffer;
- status_t err = allocateBufferWithBackup(
- node, port_index, params, &buffer);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if (err == OK) {
- reply->writeIntPtr((intptr_t)buffer);
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 port_index = data.readInt32();
- buffer_id buffer = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- reply->writeInt32(freeBuffer(node, port_index, buffer));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- buffer_id buffer = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- reply->writeInt32(fillBuffer(node, buffer));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- buffer_id buffer = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- OMX_U32 range_offset = data.readInt32();
- OMX_U32 range_length = data.readInt32();
- OMX_U32 flags = data.readInt32();
- OMX_TICKS timestamp = data.readInt64();
- reply->writeInt32(
- emptyBuffer(
- node, buffer, range_offset, range_length,
- flags, timestamp));
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMX, data, reply);
- node_id node = (void*)data.readIntPtr();
- const char *parameter_name = data.readCString();
- status_t err = getExtensionIndex(node, parameter_name, &index);
- reply->writeInt32(err);
- if (err == OK) {
- reply->writeInt32(index);
- }
- return OK;
- }
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-class BpOMXObserver : public BpInterface<IOMXObserver> {
- BpOMXObserver(const sp<IBinder> &impl)
- : BpInterface<IOMXObserver>(impl) {
- }
- virtual void onMessage(const omx_message &msg) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IOMXObserver::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.write(&msg, sizeof(msg));
- remote()->transact(OBSERVER_ON_MSG, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(OMXObserver, "android.hardware.IOMXObserver");
-status_t BnOMXObserver::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel &data, Parcel *reply, uint32_t flags) {
- switch (code) {
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IOMXObserver, data, reply);
- omx_message msg;
-, sizeof(msg));
- // XXX Could use readInplace maybe?
- onMessage(msg);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/IStreamSource.cpp b/media/libmedia/IStreamSource.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 078be94..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/IStreamSource.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "IStreamSource"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <media/IStreamSource.h>
-#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h>
-#include <binder/IMemory.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-// static
-const char *const IStreamListener::kKeyResumeAtPTS = "resume-at-PTS";
-// static
-const char *const IStreamListener::kKeyDiscontinuityMask = "discontinuity-mask";
-enum {
- // IStreamSource
- // IStreamListener
-struct BpStreamSource : public BpInterface<IStreamSource> {
- BpStreamSource(const sp<IBinder> &impl)
- : BpInterface<IStreamSource>(impl) {
- }
- virtual void setListener(const sp<IStreamListener> &listener) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IStreamSource::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeStrongBinder(listener->asBinder());
- remote()->transact(SET_LISTENER, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual void setBuffers(const Vector<sp<IMemory> > &buffers) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IStreamSource::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(buffers.size()));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < buffers.size(); ++i) {
- data.writeStrongBinder(buffers.itemAt(i)->asBinder());
- }
- remote()->transact(SET_BUFFERS, data, &reply);
- }
- virtual void onBufferAvailable(size_t index) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IStreamSource::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(index));
- remote()->transact(
- ON_BUFFER_AVAILABLE, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(StreamSource, "android.hardware.IStreamSource");
-status_t BnStreamSource::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel &data, Parcel *reply, uint32_t flags) {
- switch (code) {
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IStreamSource, data, reply);
- setListener(
- interface_cast<IStreamListener>(data.readStrongBinder()));
- break;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IStreamSource, data, reply);
- size_t n = static_cast<size_t>(data.readInt32());
- Vector<sp<IMemory> > buffers;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- sp<IMemory> mem =
- interface_cast<IMemory>(data.readStrongBinder());
- buffers.push(mem);
- }
- setBuffers(buffers);
- break;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IStreamSource, data, reply);
- onBufferAvailable(static_cast<size_t>(data.readInt32()));
- break;
- }
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
- return OK;
-struct BpStreamListener : public BpInterface<IStreamListener> {
- BpStreamListener(const sp<IBinder> &impl)
- : BpInterface<IStreamListener>(impl) {
- }
- virtual void queueBuffer(size_t index, size_t size) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IStreamListener::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(index));
- data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(size));
- remote()->transact(QUEUE_BUFFER, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
- virtual void issueCommand(
- Command cmd, bool synchronous, const sp<AMessage> &msg) {
- Parcel data, reply;
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IStreamListener::getInterfaceDescriptor());
- data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(cmd));
- data.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(synchronous));
- if (msg != NULL) {
- data.writeInt32(1);
- msg->writeToParcel(&data);
- } else {
- data.writeInt32(0);
- }
- remote()->transact(ISSUE_COMMAND, data, &reply, IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY);
- }
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(StreamListener, "android.hardware.IStreamListener");
-status_t BnStreamListener::onTransact(
- uint32_t code, const Parcel &data, Parcel *reply, uint32_t flags) {
- switch (code) {
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IStreamListener, data, reply);
- size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(data.readInt32());
- size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(data.readInt32());
- queueBuffer(index, size);
- break;
- }
- {
- CHECK_INTERFACE(IStreamListener, data, reply);
- Command cmd = static_cast<Command>(data.readInt32());
- bool synchronous = static_cast<bool>(data.readInt32());
- sp<AMessage> msg;
- if (data.readInt32()) {
- msg = AMessage::FromParcel(data);
- }
- issueCommand(cmd, synchronous, msg);
- break;
- }
- default:
- return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- }
- return OK;
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/JetPlayer.cpp b/media/libmedia/JetPlayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 52aee49..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/JetPlayer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "JetPlayer-C"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <utils/threads.h>
-#include <media/JetPlayer.h>
-namespace android
-static const int MIX_NUM_BUFFERS = 4;
-static const S_EAS_LIB_CONFIG* pLibConfig = NULL;
-JetPlayer::JetPlayer(void *javaJetPlayer, int maxTracks, int trackBufferSize) :
- mEventCallback(NULL),
- mJavaJetPlayerRef(javaJetPlayer),
- mTid(-1),
- mRender(false),
- mPaused(false),
- mMaxTracks(maxTracks),
- mEasData(NULL),
- mEasJetFileLoc(NULL),
- mAudioTrack(NULL),
- mTrackBufferSize(trackBufferSize)
- ALOGV("JetPlayer constructor");
- mPreviousJetStatus.currentUserID = -1;
- mPreviousJetStatus.segmentRepeatCount = -1;
- mPreviousJetStatus.numQueuedSegments = -1;
- mPreviousJetStatus.paused = true;
- ALOGV("~JetPlayer");
- release();
-int JetPlayer::init()
- //Mutex::Autolock lock(&mMutex);
- EAS_RESULT result;
- // retrieve the EAS library settings
- if (pLibConfig == NULL)
- pLibConfig = EAS_Config();
- if (pLibConfig == NULL) {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::init(): EAS library configuration could not be retrieved, aborting.");
- return EAS_FAILURE;
- }
- // init the EAS library
- result = EAS_Init(&mEasData);
- if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::init(): Error initializing Sonivox EAS library, aborting.");
- return result;
- }
- // init the JET library with the default app event controller range
- result = JET_Init(mEasData, NULL, sizeof(S_JET_CONFIG));
- if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::init(): Error initializing JET library, aborting.");
- return result;
- }
- // create the output AudioTrack
- mAudioTrack = new AudioTrack();
- mAudioTrack->set(AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC, //TODO parameterize this
- pLibConfig->sampleRate,
- audio_channel_out_mask_from_count(pLibConfig->numChannels),
- mTrackBufferSize,
- // create render and playback thread
- {
- Mutex::Autolock l(mMutex);
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::init(): trying to start render thread");
- mThread = new JetPlayerThread(this);
- mThread->run("jetRenderThread", ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO);
- mCondition.wait(mMutex);
- }
- if (mTid > 0) {
- // render thread started, we're ready
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::init(): render thread(%d) successfully started.", mTid);
- } else {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::init(): failed to start render thread.");
- return EAS_FAILURE;
- }
- return EAS_SUCCESS;
-void JetPlayer::setEventCallback(jetevent_callback eventCallback)
- Mutex::Autolock l(mMutex);
- mEventCallback = eventCallback;
-int JetPlayer::release()
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::release()");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- mPaused = true;
- mRender = false;
- if (mEasData) {
- JET_Pause(mEasData);
- JET_CloseFile(mEasData);
- JET_Shutdown(mEasData);
- EAS_Shutdown(mEasData);
- }
- if (mEasJetFileLoc) {
- free(mEasJetFileLoc);
- mEasJetFileLoc = NULL;
- }
- if (mAudioTrack) {
- mAudioTrack->stop();
- mAudioTrack->flush();
- delete mAudioTrack;
- mAudioTrack = NULL;
- }
- if (mAudioBuffer) {
- delete mAudioBuffer;
- mAudioBuffer = NULL;
- }
- mEasData = NULL;
- return EAS_SUCCESS;
-int JetPlayer::render() {
- EAS_I32 count;
- int temp;
- bool audioStarted = false;
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): entering");
- // allocate render buffer
- mAudioBuffer =
- new EAS_PCM[pLibConfig->mixBufferSize * pLibConfig->numChannels * MIX_NUM_BUFFERS];
- // signal main thread that we started
- {
- Mutex::Autolock l(mMutex);
- mTid = gettid();
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): render thread(%d) signal", mTid);
- mCondition.signal();
- }
- while (1) {
- mMutex.lock(); // [[[[[[[[ LOCK ---------------------------------------
- if (mEasData == NULL) {
- mMutex.unlock();
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): NULL EAS data, exiting render.");
- goto threadExit;
- }
- // nothing to render, wait for client thread to wake us up
- while (!mRender)
- {
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): signal wait");
- if (audioStarted) {
- mAudioTrack->pause();
- // we have to restart the playback once we start rendering again
- audioStarted = false;
- }
- mCondition.wait(mMutex);
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): signal rx'd");
- }
- // render midi data into the input buffer
- int num_output = 0;
- EAS_PCM* p = mAudioBuffer;
- for (int i = 0; i < MIX_NUM_BUFFERS; i++) {
- result = EAS_Render(mEasData, p, pLibConfig->mixBufferSize, &count);
- if (result != EAS_SUCCESS) {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::render(): EAS_Render returned error %ld", result);
- }
- p += count * pLibConfig->numChannels;
- num_output += count * pLibConfig->numChannels * sizeof(EAS_PCM);
- // send events that were generated (if any) to the event callback
- fireEventsFromJetQueue();
- }
- // update playback state
- //ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): updating state");
- JET_Status(mEasData, &mJetStatus);
- fireUpdateOnStatusChange();
- mPaused = mJetStatus.paused;
- mMutex.unlock(); // UNLOCK ]]]]]]]] -----------------------------------
- // check audio output track
- if (mAudioTrack == NULL) {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::render(): output AudioTrack was not created");
- goto threadExit;
- }
- // Write data to the audio hardware
- //ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): writing to audio output");
- if ((temp = mAudioTrack->write(mAudioBuffer, num_output)) < 0) {
- ALOGE("JetPlayer::render(): Error in writing:%d",temp);
- return temp;
- }
- // start audio output if necessary
- if (!audioStarted) {
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::render(): starting audio playback");
- mAudioTrack->start();
- audioStarted = true;
- }
- }//while (1)
- if (mAudioTrack != NULL) {
- mAudioTrack->stop();
- mAudioTrack->flush();
- }
- delete [] mAudioBuffer;
- mAudioBuffer = NULL;
- mMutex.lock();
- mTid = -1;
- mCondition.signal();
- mMutex.unlock();
- return result;
-// fire up an update if any of the status fields has changed
-// precondition: mMutex locked
-void JetPlayer::fireUpdateOnStatusChange()
- if ( (mJetStatus.currentUserID != mPreviousJetStatus.currentUserID)
- ||(mJetStatus.segmentRepeatCount != mPreviousJetStatus.segmentRepeatCount) ) {
- if (mEventCallback) {
- mEventCallback(
- mJetStatus.currentUserID,
- mJetStatus.segmentRepeatCount,
- mJavaJetPlayerRef);
- }
- mPreviousJetStatus.currentUserID = mJetStatus.currentUserID;
- mPreviousJetStatus.segmentRepeatCount = mJetStatus.segmentRepeatCount;
- }
- if (mJetStatus.numQueuedSegments != mPreviousJetStatus.numQueuedSegments) {
- if (mEventCallback) {
- mEventCallback(
- mJetStatus.numQueuedSegments,
- -1,
- mJavaJetPlayerRef);
- }
- mPreviousJetStatus.numQueuedSegments = mJetStatus.numQueuedSegments;
- }
- if (mJetStatus.paused != mPreviousJetStatus.paused) {
- if (mEventCallback) {
- mEventCallback(JetPlayer::JET_PAUSE_UPDATE,
- mJetStatus.paused,
- -1,
- mJavaJetPlayerRef);
- }
- mPreviousJetStatus.paused = mJetStatus.paused;
- }
-// fire up all the JET events in the JET engine queue (until the queue is empty)
-// precondition: mMutex locked
-void JetPlayer::fireEventsFromJetQueue()
- if (!mEventCallback) {
- // no callback, just empty the event queue
- while (JET_GetEvent(mEasData, NULL, NULL)) { }
- return;
- }
- EAS_U32 rawEvent;
- while (JET_GetEvent(mEasData, &rawEvent, NULL)) {
- mEventCallback(
- JetPlayer::JET_EVENT,
- rawEvent,
- -1,
- mJavaJetPlayerRef);
- }
-int JetPlayer::loadFromFile(const char* path)
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::loadFromFile(): path=%s", path);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- mEasJetFileLoc = (EAS_FILE_LOCATOR) malloc(sizeof(EAS_FILE));
- strncpy(mJetFilePath, path, sizeof(mJetFilePath));
- mJetFilePath[sizeof(mJetFilePath) - 1] = '\0';
- mEasJetFileLoc->path = mJetFilePath;
- mEasJetFileLoc->fd = 0;
- mEasJetFileLoc->length = 0;
- mEasJetFileLoc->offset = 0;
- EAS_RESULT result = JET_OpenFile(mEasData, mEasJetFileLoc);
- if (result != EAS_SUCCESS)
- else
- mState = EAS_STATE_OPEN;
- return( result );
-int JetPlayer::loadFromFD(const int fd, const long long offset, const long long length)
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::loadFromFD(): fd=%d offset=%lld length=%lld", fd, offset, length);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- mEasJetFileLoc = (EAS_FILE_LOCATOR) malloc(sizeof(EAS_FILE));
- mEasJetFileLoc->fd = fd;
- mEasJetFileLoc->offset = offset;
- mEasJetFileLoc->length = length;
- mEasJetFileLoc->path = NULL;
- EAS_RESULT result = JET_OpenFile(mEasData, mEasJetFileLoc);
- if (result != EAS_SUCCESS)
- else
- mState = EAS_STATE_OPEN;
- return( result );
-int JetPlayer::closeFile()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- return JET_CloseFile(mEasData);
-int JetPlayer::play()
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::play(): entering");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- EAS_RESULT result = JET_Play(mEasData);
- mPaused = false;
- mRender = true;
- JET_Status(mEasData, &mJetStatus);
- this->dumpJetStatus(&mJetStatus);
- fireUpdateOnStatusChange();
- // wake up render thread
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::play(): wakeup render thread");
- mCondition.signal();
- return result;
-int JetPlayer::pause()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- mPaused = true;
- EAS_RESULT result = JET_Pause(mEasData);
- mRender = false;
- JET_Status(mEasData, &mJetStatus);
- this->dumpJetStatus(&mJetStatus);
- fireUpdateOnStatusChange();
- return result;
-int JetPlayer::queueSegment(int segmentNum, int libNum, int repeatCount, int transpose,
- EAS_U32 muteFlags, EAS_U8 userID)
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::queueSegment segmentNum=%d, libNum=%d, repeatCount=%d, transpose=%d",
- segmentNum, libNum, repeatCount, transpose);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- return JET_QueueSegment(mEasData, segmentNum, libNum, repeatCount, transpose, muteFlags, userID);
-int JetPlayer::setMuteFlags(EAS_U32 muteFlags, bool sync)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- return JET_SetMuteFlags(mEasData, muteFlags, sync);
-int JetPlayer::setMuteFlag(int trackNum, bool muteFlag, bool sync)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- return JET_SetMuteFlag(mEasData, trackNum, muteFlag, sync);
-int JetPlayer::triggerClip(int clipId)
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::triggerClip clipId=%d", clipId);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- return JET_TriggerClip(mEasData, clipId);
-int JetPlayer::clearQueue()
- ALOGV("JetPlayer::clearQueue");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
- return JET_Clear_Queue(mEasData);
-void JetPlayer::dump()
- ALOGE("JetPlayer dump: JET file=%s", mEasJetFileLoc->path);
-void JetPlayer::dumpJetStatus(S_JET_STATUS* pJetStatus)
- if (pJetStatus!=NULL)
- ALOGV(">> current JET player status: userID=%d segmentRepeatCount=%d numQueuedSegments=%d paused=%d",
- pJetStatus->currentUserID, pJetStatus->segmentRepeatCount,
- pJetStatus->numQueuedSegments, pJetStatus->paused);
- else
- ALOGE(">> JET player status is NULL");
-} // end namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/MODULE_LICENSE_APACHE2 b/media/libmedia/MODULE_LICENSE_APACHE2
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/MODULE_LICENSE_APACHE2
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/media/libmedia/MediaProfiles.cpp b/media/libmedia/MediaProfiles.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c224f06..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/MediaProfiles.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1182 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "MediaProfiles"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <utils/Vector.h>
-#include <cutils/properties.h>
-#include <expat.h>
-#include <media/MediaProfiles.h>
-#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h>
-#include <OMX_Video.h>
-namespace android {
-Mutex MediaProfiles::sLock;
-bool MediaProfiles::sIsInitialized = false;
-MediaProfiles *MediaProfiles::sInstance = NULL;
-const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap MediaProfiles::sVideoEncoderNameMap[] = {
- {"h263", VIDEO_ENCODER_H263},
- {"h264", VIDEO_ENCODER_H264},
-const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap MediaProfiles::sAudioEncoderNameMap[] = {
- {"amrnb", AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB},
- {"amrwb", AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_WB},
-const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap MediaProfiles::sFileFormatMap[] = {
-const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap MediaProfiles::sVideoDecoderNameMap[] = {
-const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap MediaProfiles::sAudioDecoderNameMap[] = {
-const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap MediaProfiles::sCamcorderQualityNameMap[] = {
- {"480p", CAMCORDER_QUALITY_480P},
- {"720p", CAMCORDER_QUALITY_720P},
- {"1080p", CAMCORDER_QUALITY_1080P},
- {"timelapse480p", CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_480P},
- {"timelapse720p", CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_720P},
- {"timelapse1080p", CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_1080P},
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logVideoCodec(const MediaProfiles::VideoCodec& codec)
- ALOGV("video codec:");
- ALOGV("codec = %d", codec.mCodec);
- ALOGV("bit rate: %d", codec.mBitRate);
- ALOGV("frame width: %d", codec.mFrameWidth);
- ALOGV("frame height: %d", codec.mFrameHeight);
- ALOGV("frame rate: %d", codec.mFrameRate);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logAudioCodec(const MediaProfiles::AudioCodec& codec)
- ALOGV("audio codec:");
- ALOGV("codec = %d", codec.mCodec);
- ALOGV("bit rate: %d", codec.mBitRate);
- ALOGV("sample rate: %d", codec.mSampleRate);
- ALOGV("number of channels: %d", codec.mChannels);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logVideoEncoderCap(const MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap& cap)
- ALOGV("video encoder cap:");
- ALOGV("codec = %d", cap.mCodec);
- ALOGV("bit rate: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinBitRate, cap.mMaxBitRate);
- ALOGV("frame width: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinFrameWidth, cap.mMaxFrameWidth);
- ALOGV("frame height: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinFrameHeight, cap.mMaxFrameHeight);
- ALOGV("frame rate: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinFrameRate, cap.mMaxFrameRate);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logAudioEncoderCap(const MediaProfiles::AudioEncoderCap& cap)
- ALOGV("audio encoder cap:");
- ALOGV("codec = %d", cap.mCodec);
- ALOGV("bit rate: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinBitRate, cap.mMaxBitRate);
- ALOGV("sample rate: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinSampleRate, cap.mMaxSampleRate);
- ALOGV("number of channels: min = %d and max = %d", cap.mMinChannels, cap.mMaxChannels);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logVideoDecoderCap(const MediaProfiles::VideoDecoderCap& cap)
- ALOGV("video decoder cap:");
- ALOGV("codec = %d", cap.mCodec);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logAudioDecoderCap(const MediaProfiles::AudioDecoderCap& cap)
- ALOGV("audio codec cap:");
- ALOGV("codec = %d", cap.mCodec);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::logVideoEditorCap(const MediaProfiles::VideoEditorCap& cap)
- ALOGV("videoeditor cap:");
- ALOGV("mMaxInputFrameWidth = %d", cap.mMaxInputFrameWidth);
- ALOGV("mMaxInputFrameHeight = %d", cap.mMaxInputFrameHeight);
- ALOGV("mMaxOutputFrameWidth = %d", cap.mMaxOutputFrameWidth);
- ALOGV("mMaxOutputFrameHeight = %d", cap.mMaxOutputFrameHeight);
-/*static*/ int
-MediaProfiles::findTagForName(const MediaProfiles::NameToTagMap *map, size_t nMappings, const char *name)
- int tag = -1;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nMappings; ++i) {
- if (!strcmp(map[i].name, name)) {
- tag = map[i].tag;
- break;
- }
- }
- return tag;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::VideoCodec*
-MediaProfiles::createVideoCodec(const char **atts, MediaProfiles *profiles)
- CHECK(!strcmp("codec", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("bitRate", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("width", atts[4]) &&
- !strcmp("height", atts[6]) &&
- !strcmp("frameRate", atts[8]));
- const size_t nMappings = sizeof(sVideoEncoderNameMap)/sizeof(sVideoEncoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sVideoEncoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::VideoCodec *videoCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoCodec(static_cast<video_encoder>(codec),
- atoi(atts[3]), atoi(atts[5]), atoi(atts[7]), atoi(atts[9]));
- logVideoCodec(*videoCodec);
- size_t nCamcorderProfiles;
- CHECK((nCamcorderProfiles = profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.size()) >= 1);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles[nCamcorderProfiles - 1]->mVideoCodec = videoCodec;
- return videoCodec;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::AudioCodec*
-MediaProfiles::createAudioCodec(const char **atts, MediaProfiles *profiles)
- CHECK(!strcmp("codec", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("bitRate", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("sampleRate", atts[4]) &&
- !strcmp("channels", atts[6]));
- const size_t nMappings = sizeof(sAudioEncoderNameMap)/sizeof(sAudioEncoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sAudioEncoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::AudioCodec *audioCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::AudioCodec(static_cast<audio_encoder>(codec),
- atoi(atts[3]), atoi(atts[5]), atoi(atts[7]));
- logAudioCodec(*audioCodec);
- size_t nCamcorderProfiles;
- CHECK((nCamcorderProfiles = profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.size()) >= 1);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles[nCamcorderProfiles - 1]->mAudioCodec = audioCodec;
- return audioCodec;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::AudioDecoderCap*
-MediaProfiles::createAudioDecoderCap(const char **atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("name", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("enabled", atts[2]));
- const size_t nMappings = sizeof(sAudioDecoderNameMap)/sizeof(sAudioDecoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sAudioDecoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::AudioDecoderCap *cap =
- new MediaProfiles::AudioDecoderCap(static_cast<audio_decoder>(codec));
- logAudioDecoderCap(*cap);
- return cap;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::VideoDecoderCap*
-MediaProfiles::createVideoDecoderCap(const char **atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("name", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("enabled", atts[2]));
- const size_t nMappings = sizeof(sVideoDecoderNameMap)/sizeof(sVideoDecoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sVideoDecoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::VideoDecoderCap *cap =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoDecoderCap(static_cast<video_decoder>(codec));
- logVideoDecoderCap(*cap);
- return cap;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap*
-MediaProfiles::createVideoEncoderCap(const char **atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("name", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("enabled", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("minBitRate", atts[4]) &&
- !strcmp("maxBitRate", atts[6]) &&
- !strcmp("minFrameWidth", atts[8]) &&
- !strcmp("maxFrameWidth", atts[10]) &&
- !strcmp("minFrameHeight", atts[12]) &&
- !strcmp("maxFrameHeight", atts[14]) &&
- !strcmp("minFrameRate", atts[16]) &&
- !strcmp("maxFrameRate", atts[18]));
- const size_t nMappings = sizeof(sVideoEncoderNameMap)/sizeof(sVideoEncoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sVideoEncoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap *cap =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap(static_cast<video_encoder>(codec),
- atoi(atts[5]), atoi(atts[7]), atoi(atts[9]), atoi(atts[11]), atoi(atts[13]),
- atoi(atts[15]), atoi(atts[17]), atoi(atts[19]));
- logVideoEncoderCap(*cap);
- return cap;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::AudioEncoderCap*
-MediaProfiles::createAudioEncoderCap(const char **atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("name", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("enabled", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("minBitRate", atts[4]) &&
- !strcmp("maxBitRate", atts[6]) &&
- !strcmp("minSampleRate", atts[8]) &&
- !strcmp("maxSampleRate", atts[10]) &&
- !strcmp("minChannels", atts[12]) &&
- !strcmp("maxChannels", atts[14]));
- const size_t nMappings = sizeof(sAudioEncoderNameMap)/sizeof(sAudioEncoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sAudioEncoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::AudioEncoderCap *cap =
- new MediaProfiles::AudioEncoderCap(static_cast<audio_encoder>(codec), atoi(atts[5]), atoi(atts[7]),
- atoi(atts[9]), atoi(atts[11]), atoi(atts[13]),
- atoi(atts[15]));
- logAudioEncoderCap(*cap);
- return cap;
-/*static*/ output_format
-MediaProfiles::createEncoderOutputFileFormat(const char **atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("name", atts[0]));
- const size_t nMappings =sizeof(sFileFormatMap)/sizeof(sFileFormatMap[0]);
- const int format = findTagForName(sFileFormatMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(format != -1);
- return static_cast<output_format>(format);
-static bool isCameraIdFound(int cameraId, const Vector<int>& cameraIds) {
- for (int i = 0, n = cameraIds.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- if (cameraId == cameraIds[i]) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile*
-MediaProfiles::createCamcorderProfile(int cameraId, const char **atts, Vector<int>& cameraIds)
- CHECK(!strcmp("quality", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("fileFormat", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("duration", atts[4]));
- const size_t nProfileMappings = sizeof(sCamcorderQualityNameMap)/sizeof(sCamcorderQualityNameMap[0]);
- const int quality = findTagForName(sCamcorderQualityNameMap, nProfileMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(quality != -1);
- const size_t nFormatMappings = sizeof(sFileFormatMap)/sizeof(sFileFormatMap[0]);
- const int fileFormat = findTagForName(sFileFormatMap, nFormatMappings, atts[3]);
- CHECK(fileFormat != -1);
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile *profile = new MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile;
- profile->mCameraId = cameraId;
- if (!isCameraIdFound(cameraId, cameraIds)) {
- cameraIds.add(cameraId);
- }
- profile->mFileFormat = static_cast<output_format>(fileFormat);
- profile->mQuality = static_cast<camcorder_quality>(quality);
- profile->mDuration = atoi(atts[5]);
- return profile;
-MediaProfiles::findImageEncodingQualityLevels(int cameraId) const
- int n = mImageEncodingQualityLevels.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ImageEncodingQualityLevels *levels = mImageEncodingQualityLevels[i];
- if (levels->mCameraId == cameraId) {
- return levels;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void MediaProfiles::addImageEncodingQualityLevel(int cameraId, const char** atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("quality", atts[0]));
- int quality = atoi(atts[1]);
- ALOGV("%s: cameraId=%d, quality=%d", __func__, cameraId, quality);
- ImageEncodingQualityLevels *levels = findImageEncodingQualityLevels(cameraId);
- if (levels == NULL) {
- levels = new ImageEncodingQualityLevels();
- levels->mCameraId = cameraId;
- mImageEncodingQualityLevels.add(levels);
- }
- levels->mLevels.add(quality);
-/*static*/ int
-MediaProfiles::getCameraId(const char** atts)
- if (!atts[0]) return 0; // default cameraId = 0
- CHECK(!strcmp("cameraId", atts[0]));
- return atoi(atts[1]);
-void MediaProfiles::addStartTimeOffset(int cameraId, const char** atts)
- int offsetTimeMs = 700;
- if (atts[2]) {
- CHECK(!strcmp("startOffsetMs", atts[2]));
- offsetTimeMs = atoi(atts[3]);
- }
- ALOGV("%s: cameraId=%d, offset=%d ms", __func__, cameraId, offsetTimeMs);
- mStartTimeOffsets.replaceValueFor(cameraId, offsetTimeMs);
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::ExportVideoProfile*
-MediaProfiles::createExportVideoProfile(const char **atts)
- CHECK(!strcmp("name", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("profile", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("level", atts[4]));
- const size_t nMappings =
- sizeof(sVideoEncoderNameMap)/sizeof(sVideoEncoderNameMap[0]);
- const int codec = findTagForName(sVideoEncoderNameMap, nMappings, atts[1]);
- CHECK(codec != -1);
- MediaProfiles::ExportVideoProfile *profile =
- new MediaProfiles::ExportVideoProfile(
- codec, atoi(atts[3]), atoi(atts[5]));
- return profile;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::VideoEditorCap*
-MediaProfiles::createVideoEditorCap(const char **atts, MediaProfiles *profiles)
- CHECK(!strcmp("maxInputFrameWidth", atts[0]) &&
- !strcmp("maxInputFrameHeight", atts[2]) &&
- !strcmp("maxOutputFrameWidth", atts[4]) &&
- !strcmp("maxOutputFrameHeight", atts[6]) &&
- !strcmp("maxPrefetchYUVFrames", atts[8]));
- MediaProfiles::VideoEditorCap *pVideoEditorCap =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoEditorCap(atoi(atts[1]), atoi(atts[3]),
- atoi(atts[5]), atoi(atts[7]), atoi(atts[9]));
- logVideoEditorCap(*pVideoEditorCap);
- profiles->mVideoEditorCap = pVideoEditorCap;
- return pVideoEditorCap;
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::startElementHandler(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts)
- MediaProfiles *profiles = (MediaProfiles *) userData;
- if (strcmp("Video", name) == 0) {
- createVideoCodec(atts, profiles);
- } else if (strcmp("Audio", name) == 0) {
- createAudioCodec(atts, profiles);
- } else if (strcmp("VideoEncoderCap", name) == 0 &&
- strcmp("true", atts[3]) == 0) {
- profiles->mVideoEncoders.add(createVideoEncoderCap(atts));
- } else if (strcmp("AudioEncoderCap", name) == 0 &&
- strcmp("true", atts[3]) == 0) {
- profiles->mAudioEncoders.add(createAudioEncoderCap(atts));
- } else if (strcmp("VideoDecoderCap", name) == 0 &&
- strcmp("true", atts[3]) == 0) {
- profiles->mVideoDecoders.add(createVideoDecoderCap(atts));
- } else if (strcmp("AudioDecoderCap", name) == 0 &&
- strcmp("true", atts[3]) == 0) {
- profiles->mAudioDecoders.add(createAudioDecoderCap(atts));
- } else if (strcmp("EncoderOutputFileFormat", name) == 0) {
- profiles->mEncoderOutputFileFormats.add(createEncoderOutputFileFormat(atts));
- } else if (strcmp("CamcorderProfiles", name) == 0) {
- profiles->mCurrentCameraId = getCameraId(atts);
- profiles->addStartTimeOffset(profiles->mCurrentCameraId, atts);
- } else if (strcmp("EncoderProfile", name) == 0) {
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(
- createCamcorderProfile(profiles->mCurrentCameraId, atts, profiles->mCameraIds));
- } else if (strcmp("ImageEncoding", name) == 0) {
- profiles->addImageEncodingQualityLevel(profiles->mCurrentCameraId, atts);
- } else if (strcmp("VideoEditorCap", name) == 0) {
- createVideoEditorCap(atts, profiles);
- } else if (strcmp("ExportVideoProfile", name) == 0) {
- profiles->mVideoEditorExportProfiles.add(createExportVideoProfile(atts));
- }
-static bool isCamcorderProfile(camcorder_quality quality) {
- return quality >= CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LIST_START &&
-static bool isTimelapseProfile(camcorder_quality quality) {
-void MediaProfiles::initRequiredProfileRefs(const Vector<int>& cameraIds) {
- ALOGV("Number of camera ids: %d", cameraIds.size());
- CHECK(cameraIds.size() > 0);
- mRequiredProfileRefs = new RequiredProfiles[cameraIds.size()];
- for (size_t i = 0, n = cameraIds.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- mRequiredProfileRefs[i].mCameraId = cameraIds[i];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumRequiredProfiles; ++j) {
- mRequiredProfileRefs[i].mRefs[j].mHasRefProfile = false;
- mRequiredProfileRefs[i].mRefs[j].mRefProfileIndex = -1;
- if ((j & 1) == 0) { // low resolution
- mRequiredProfileRefs[i].mRefs[j].mResolutionProduct = 0x7FFFFFFF;
- } else { // high resolution
- mRequiredProfileRefs[i].mRefs[j].mResolutionProduct = 0;
- }
- }
- }
-int MediaProfiles::getRequiredProfileRefIndex(int cameraId) {
- for (size_t i = 0, n = mCameraIds.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- if (mCameraIds[i] == cameraId) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-void MediaProfiles::checkAndAddRequiredProfilesIfNecessary() {
- if (sIsInitialized) {
- return;
- }
- initRequiredProfileRefs(mCameraIds);
- for (size_t i = 0, n = mCamcorderProfiles.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- int product = mCamcorderProfiles[i]->mVideoCodec->mFrameWidth *
- mCamcorderProfiles[i]->mVideoCodec->mFrameHeight;
- camcorder_quality quality = mCamcorderProfiles[i]->mQuality;
- int cameraId = mCamcorderProfiles[i]->mCameraId;
- int index = -1;
- int refIndex = getRequiredProfileRefIndex(cameraId);
- CHECK(refIndex != -1);
- RequiredProfileRefInfo *info;
- camcorder_quality refQuality;
- VideoCodec *codec = NULL;
- // Check high and low from either camcorder profile or timelapse profile
- // but not both. Default, check camcorder profile
- size_t j = 0;
- size_t n = 2;
- if (isTimelapseProfile(quality)) {
- // Check timelapse profile instead.
- j = 2;
- n = kNumRequiredProfiles;
- } else {
- // Must be camcorder profile.
- CHECK(isCamcorderProfile(quality));
- }
- for (; j < n; ++j) {
- info = &(mRequiredProfileRefs[refIndex].mRefs[j]);
- if ((j % 2 == 0 && product > info->mResolutionProduct) || // low
- (j % 2 != 0 && product < info->mResolutionProduct)) { // high
- continue;
- }
- switch (j) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 3:
- break;
- default:
- CHECK(!"Should never reach here");
- }
- if (!info->mHasRefProfile) {
- index = getCamcorderProfileIndex(cameraId, refQuality);
- }
- if (index == -1) {
- // New high or low quality profile is found.
- // Update its reference.
- info->mHasRefProfile = true;
- info->mRefProfileIndex = i;
- info->mResolutionProduct = product;
- }
- }
- }
- for (size_t cameraId = 0; cameraId < mCameraIds.size(); ++cameraId) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumRequiredProfiles; ++j) {
- int refIndex = getRequiredProfileRefIndex(cameraId);
- CHECK(refIndex != -1);
- RequiredProfileRefInfo *info =
- &mRequiredProfileRefs[refIndex].mRefs[j];
- if (info->mHasRefProfile) {
- CamcorderProfile *profile =
- new CamcorderProfile(
- *mCamcorderProfiles[info->mRefProfileIndex]);
- // Overwrite the quality
- switch (j % kNumRequiredProfiles) {
- case 0:
- profile->mQuality = CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW;
- break;
- case 1:
- profile->mQuality = CAMCORDER_QUALITY_HIGH;
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 3:
- break;
- default:
- CHECK(!"Should never come here");
- }
- int index = getCamcorderProfileIndex(cameraId, profile->mQuality);
- if (index != -1) {
- ALOGV("Profile quality %d for camera %d already exists",
- profile->mQuality, cameraId);
- CHECK(index == refIndex);
- continue;
- }
- // Insert the new profile
- ALOGV("Add a profile: quality %d=>%d for camera %d",
- mCamcorderProfiles[info->mRefProfileIndex]->mQuality,
- profile->mQuality, cameraId);
- mCamcorderProfiles.add(profile);
- }
- }
- }
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles*
- ALOGV("getInstance");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(sLock);
- if (!sIsInitialized) {
- char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
- if (property_get("media.settings.xml", value, NULL) <= 0) {
- const char *defaultXmlFile = "/etc/media_profiles.xml";
- FILE *fp = fopen(defaultXmlFile, "r");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- ALOGW("could not find media config xml file");
- sInstance = createDefaultInstance();
- } else {
- fclose(fp); // close the file first.
- sInstance = createInstanceFromXmlFile(defaultXmlFile);
- }
- } else {
- sInstance = createInstanceFromXmlFile(value);
- }
- CHECK(sInstance != NULL);
- sInstance->checkAndAddRequiredProfilesIfNecessary();
- sIsInitialized = true;
- }
- return sInstance;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap*
- return new MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap(
- VIDEO_ENCODER_H263, 192000, 420000, 176, 352, 144, 288, 1, 20);
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap*
- return new MediaProfiles::VideoEncoderCap(
- VIDEO_ENCODER_MPEG_4_SP, 192000, 420000, 176, 352, 144, 288, 1, 20);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultVideoEncoders(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- profiles->mVideoEncoders.add(createDefaultH263VideoEncoderCap());
- profiles->mVideoEncoders.add(createDefaultM4vVideoEncoderCap());
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile*
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapseQcifProfile(camcorder_quality quality)
- MediaProfiles::VideoCodec *videoCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoCodec(VIDEO_ENCODER_H263, 1000000, 176, 144, 20);
- AudioCodec *audioCodec = new AudioCodec(AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB, 12200, 8000, 1);
- CamcorderProfile *profile = new MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile;
- profile->mCameraId = 0;
- profile->mFileFormat = OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP;
- profile->mQuality = quality;
- profile->mDuration = 60;
- profile->mVideoCodec = videoCodec;
- profile->mAudioCodec = audioCodec;
- return profile;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile*
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapse480pProfile(camcorder_quality quality)
- MediaProfiles::VideoCodec *videoCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoCodec(VIDEO_ENCODER_H263, 20000000, 720, 480, 20);
- AudioCodec *audioCodec = new AudioCodec(AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB, 12200, 8000, 1);
- CamcorderProfile *profile = new MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile;
- profile->mCameraId = 0;
- profile->mFileFormat = OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP;
- profile->mQuality = quality;
- profile->mDuration = 60;
- profile->mVideoCodec = videoCodec;
- profile->mAudioCodec = audioCodec;
- return profile;
-/*static*/ void
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **lowTimeLapseProfile,
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **lowSpecificTimeLapseProfile) {
- *lowTimeLapseProfile = createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapseQcifProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_LOW);
- *lowSpecificTimeLapseProfile = createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapseQcifProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_QCIF);
-/*static*/ void
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **highTimeLapseProfile,
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **highSpecificTimeLapseProfile) {
- *highTimeLapseProfile = createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapse480pProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_HIGH);
- *highSpecificTimeLapseProfile = createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapse480pProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_480P);
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile*
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultCamcorderQcifProfile(camcorder_quality quality)
- MediaProfiles::VideoCodec *videoCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoCodec(VIDEO_ENCODER_H263, 192000, 176, 144, 20);
- MediaProfiles::AudioCodec *audioCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::AudioCodec(AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB, 12200, 8000, 1);
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile *profile = new MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile;
- profile->mCameraId = 0;
- profile->mFileFormat = OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP;
- profile->mQuality = quality;
- profile->mDuration = 30;
- profile->mVideoCodec = videoCodec;
- profile->mAudioCodec = audioCodec;
- return profile;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile*
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultCamcorderCifProfile(camcorder_quality quality)
- MediaProfiles::VideoCodec *videoCodec =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoCodec(VIDEO_ENCODER_H263, 360000, 352, 288, 20);
- AudioCodec *audioCodec = new AudioCodec(AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB, 12200, 8000, 1);
- CamcorderProfile *profile = new MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile;
- profile->mCameraId = 0;
- profile->mFileFormat = OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP;
- profile->mQuality = quality;
- profile->mDuration = 60;
- profile->mVideoCodec = videoCodec;
- profile->mAudioCodec = audioCodec;
- return profile;
-/*static*/ void
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **lowProfile,
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **lowSpecificProfile) {
- *lowProfile = createDefaultCamcorderQcifProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_LOW);
- *lowSpecificProfile = createDefaultCamcorderQcifProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_QCIF);
-/*static*/ void
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **highProfile,
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile **highSpecificProfile) {
- *highProfile = createDefaultCamcorderCifProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_HIGH);
- *highSpecificProfile = createDefaultCamcorderCifProfile(CAMCORDER_QUALITY_CIF);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultCamcorderProfiles(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- // low camcorder profiles.
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile *lowProfile, *lowSpecificProfile;
- createDefaultCamcorderLowProfiles(&lowProfile, &lowSpecificProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(lowProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(lowSpecificProfile);
- // high camcorder profiles.
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile* highProfile, *highSpecificProfile;
- createDefaultCamcorderHighProfiles(&highProfile, &highSpecificProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(highProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(highSpecificProfile);
- // low camcorder time lapse profiles.
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile *lowTimeLapseProfile, *lowSpecificTimeLapseProfile;
- createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapseLowProfiles(&lowTimeLapseProfile, &lowSpecificTimeLapseProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(lowTimeLapseProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(lowSpecificTimeLapseProfile);
- // high camcorder time lapse profiles.
- MediaProfiles::CamcorderProfile *highTimeLapseProfile, *highSpecificTimeLapseProfile;
- createDefaultCamcorderTimeLapseHighProfiles(&highTimeLapseProfile, &highSpecificTimeLapseProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(highTimeLapseProfile);
- profiles->mCamcorderProfiles.add(highSpecificTimeLapseProfile);
- // For emulator and other legacy devices which does not have a
- // media_profiles.xml file, We assume that the default camera id
- // is 0 and that is the only camera available.
- profiles->mCameraIds.push(0);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultAudioEncoders(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- profiles->mAudioEncoders.add(createDefaultAmrNBEncoderCap());
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultVideoDecoders(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- MediaProfiles::VideoDecoderCap *cap =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoDecoderCap(VIDEO_DECODER_WMV);
- profiles->mVideoDecoders.add(cap);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultAudioDecoders(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- MediaProfiles::AudioDecoderCap *cap =
- new MediaProfiles::AudioDecoderCap(AUDIO_DECODER_WMA);
- profiles->mAudioDecoders.add(cap);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultEncoderOutputFileFormats(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- profiles->mEncoderOutputFileFormats.add(OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP);
- profiles->mEncoderOutputFileFormats.add(OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4);
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles::AudioEncoderCap*
- return new MediaProfiles::AudioEncoderCap(
- AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB, 5525, 12200, 8000, 8000, 1, 1);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultImageEncodingQualityLevels(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- ImageEncodingQualityLevels *levels = new ImageEncodingQualityLevels();
- levels->mCameraId = 0;
- levels->mLevels.add(70);
- levels->mLevels.add(80);
- levels->mLevels.add(90);
- profiles->mImageEncodingQualityLevels.add(levels);
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultVideoEditorCap(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- profiles->mVideoEditorCap =
- new MediaProfiles::VideoEditorCap(
-/*static*/ void
-MediaProfiles::createDefaultExportVideoProfiles(MediaProfiles *profiles)
- // Create default video export profiles
- profiles->mVideoEditorExportProfiles.add(
- new ExportVideoProfile(VIDEO_ENCODER_H263,
- OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline, OMX_VIDEO_H263Level10));
- profiles->mVideoEditorExportProfiles.add(
- new ExportVideoProfile(VIDEO_ENCODER_MPEG_4_SP,
- OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level1));
- profiles->mVideoEditorExportProfiles.add(
- new ExportVideoProfile(VIDEO_ENCODER_H264,
- OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline, OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel13));
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles*
- MediaProfiles *profiles = new MediaProfiles;
- createDefaultCamcorderProfiles(profiles);
- createDefaultVideoEncoders(profiles);
- createDefaultAudioEncoders(profiles);
- createDefaultVideoDecoders(profiles);
- createDefaultAudioDecoders(profiles);
- createDefaultEncoderOutputFileFormats(profiles);
- createDefaultImageEncodingQualityLevels(profiles);
- createDefaultVideoEditorCap(profiles);
- createDefaultExportVideoProfiles(profiles);
- return profiles;
-/*static*/ MediaProfiles*
-MediaProfiles::createInstanceFromXmlFile(const char *xml)
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- CHECK((fp = fopen(xml, "r")));
- XML_Parser parser = ::XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
- CHECK(parser != NULL);
- MediaProfiles *profiles = new MediaProfiles();
- ::XML_SetUserData(parser, profiles);
- ::XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElementHandler, NULL);
- /*
- expat is not compiled with -DXML_DTD. We don't have DTD parsing support.
- if (!::XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS)) {
- ALOGE("failed to enable DTD support in the xml file");
- }
- */
- const int BUFF_SIZE = 512;
- for (;;) {
- void *buff = ::XML_GetBuffer(parser, BUFF_SIZE);
- if (buff == NULL) {
- ALOGE("failed to in call to XML_GetBuffer()");
- delete profiles;
- profiles = NULL;
- goto exit;
- }
- int bytes_read = ::fread(buff, 1, BUFF_SIZE, fp);
- if (bytes_read < 0) {
- ALOGE("failed in call to read");
- delete profiles;
- profiles = NULL;
- goto exit;
- }
- CHECK(::XML_ParseBuffer(parser, bytes_read, bytes_read == 0));
- if (bytes_read == 0) break; // done parsing the xml file
- }
- ::XML_ParserFree(parser);
- ::fclose(fp);
- return profiles;
-Vector<output_format> MediaProfiles::getOutputFileFormats() const
- return mEncoderOutputFileFormats; // copy out
-Vector<video_encoder> MediaProfiles::getVideoEncoders() const
- Vector<video_encoder> encoders;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mVideoEncoders.size(); ++i) {
- encoders.add(mVideoEncoders[i]->mCodec);
- }
- return encoders; // copy out
-int MediaProfiles::getVideoEncoderParamByName(const char *name, video_encoder codec) const
- ALOGV("getVideoEncoderParamByName: %s for codec %d", name, codec);
- int index = -1;
- for (size_t i = 0, n = mVideoEncoders.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- if (mVideoEncoders[i]->mCodec == codec) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index == -1) {
- ALOGE("The given video encoder %d is not found", codec);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.width.min", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMinFrameWidth;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.width.max", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMaxFrameWidth;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.height.min", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMinFrameHeight;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.height.max", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMaxFrameHeight;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.bps.min", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMinBitRate;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.bps.max", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMaxBitRate;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.fps.min", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMinFrameRate;
- if (!strcmp("enc.vid.fps.max", name)) return mVideoEncoders[index]->mMaxFrameRate;
- ALOGE("The given video encoder param name %s is not found", name);
- return -1;
-int MediaProfiles::getVideoEditorExportParamByName(
- const char *name, int codec) const
- ALOGV("getVideoEditorExportParamByName: name %s codec %d", name, codec);
- ExportVideoProfile *exportProfile = NULL;
- int index = -1;
- for (size_t i =0; i < mVideoEditorExportProfiles.size(); i++) {
- exportProfile = mVideoEditorExportProfiles[i];
- if (exportProfile->mCodec == codec) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index == -1) {
- ALOGE("The given video decoder %d is not found", codec);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!strcmp("videoeditor.export.profile", name))
- return exportProfile->mProfile;
- if (!strcmp("videoeditor.export.level", name))
- return exportProfile->mLevel;
- ALOGE("The given video editor export param name %s is not found", name);
- return -1;
-int MediaProfiles::getVideoEditorCapParamByName(const char *name) const
- ALOGV("getVideoEditorCapParamByName: %s", name);
- if (mVideoEditorCap == NULL) {
- ALOGE("The mVideoEditorCap is not created, then create default cap.");
- createDefaultVideoEditorCap(sInstance);
- }
- if (!strcmp("videoeditor.input.width.max", name))
- return mVideoEditorCap->mMaxInputFrameWidth;
- if (!strcmp("videoeditor.input.height.max", name))
- return mVideoEditorCap->mMaxInputFrameHeight;
- if (!strcmp("videoeditor.output.width.max", name))
- return mVideoEditorCap->mMaxOutputFrameWidth;
- if (!strcmp("videoeditor.output.height.max", name))
- return mVideoEditorCap->mMaxOutputFrameHeight;
- if (!strcmp("maxPrefetchYUVFrames", name))
- return mVideoEditorCap->mMaxPrefetchYUVFrames;
- ALOGE("The given video editor param name %s is not found", name);
- return -1;
-Vector<audio_encoder> MediaProfiles::getAudioEncoders() const
- Vector<audio_encoder> encoders;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioEncoders.size(); ++i) {
- encoders.add(mAudioEncoders[i]->mCodec);
- }
- return encoders; // copy out
-int MediaProfiles::getAudioEncoderParamByName(const char *name, audio_encoder codec) const
- ALOGV("getAudioEncoderParamByName: %s for codec %d", name, codec);
- int index = -1;
- for (size_t i = 0, n = mAudioEncoders.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- if (mAudioEncoders[i]->mCodec == codec) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index == -1) {
- ALOGE("The given audio encoder %d is not found", codec);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!strcmp("", name)) return mAudioEncoders[index]->mMinChannels;
- if (!strcmp("", name)) return mAudioEncoders[index]->mMaxChannels;
- if (!strcmp("enc.aud.bps.min", name)) return mAudioEncoders[index]->mMinBitRate;
- if (!strcmp("enc.aud.bps.max", name)) return mAudioEncoders[index]->mMaxBitRate;
- if (!strcmp("enc.aud.hz.min", name)) return mAudioEncoders[index]->mMinSampleRate;
- if (!strcmp("enc.aud.hz.max", name)) return mAudioEncoders[index]->mMaxSampleRate;
- ALOGE("The given audio encoder param name %s is not found", name);
- return -1;
-Vector<video_decoder> MediaProfiles::getVideoDecoders() const
- Vector<video_decoder> decoders;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mVideoDecoders.size(); ++i) {
- decoders.add(mVideoDecoders[i]->mCodec);
- }
- return decoders; // copy out
-Vector<audio_decoder> MediaProfiles::getAudioDecoders() const
- Vector<audio_decoder> decoders;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioDecoders.size(); ++i) {
- decoders.add(mAudioDecoders[i]->mCodec);
- }
- return decoders; // copy out
-int MediaProfiles::getCamcorderProfileIndex(int cameraId, camcorder_quality quality) const
- int index = -1;
- for (size_t i = 0, n = mCamcorderProfiles.size(); i < n; ++i) {
- if (mCamcorderProfiles[i]->mCameraId == cameraId &&
- mCamcorderProfiles[i]->mQuality == quality) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return index;
-int MediaProfiles::getCamcorderProfileParamByName(const char *name,
- int cameraId,
- camcorder_quality quality) const
- ALOGV("getCamcorderProfileParamByName: %s for camera %d, quality %d",
- name, cameraId, quality);
- int index = getCamcorderProfileIndex(cameraId, quality);
- if (index == -1) {
- ALOGE("The given camcorder profile camera %d quality %d is not found",
- cameraId, quality);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!strcmp("duration", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mDuration;
- if (!strcmp("file.format", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mFileFormat;
- if (!strcmp("vid.codec", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mVideoCodec->mCodec;
- if (!strcmp("vid.width", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mVideoCodec->mFrameWidth;
- if (!strcmp("vid.height", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mVideoCodec->mFrameHeight;
- if (!strcmp("vid.bps", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mVideoCodec->mBitRate;
- if (!strcmp("vid.fps", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mVideoCodec->mFrameRate;
- if (!strcmp("aud.codec", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mAudioCodec->mCodec;
- if (!strcmp("aud.bps", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mAudioCodec->mBitRate;
- if (!strcmp("", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mAudioCodec->mChannels;
- if (!strcmp("aud.hz", name)) return mCamcorderProfiles[index]->mAudioCodec->mSampleRate;
- ALOGE("The given camcorder profile param id %d name %s is not found", cameraId, name);
- return -1;
-bool MediaProfiles::hasCamcorderProfile(int cameraId, camcorder_quality quality) const
- return (getCamcorderProfileIndex(cameraId, quality) != -1);
-Vector<int> MediaProfiles::getImageEncodingQualityLevels(int cameraId) const
- Vector<int> result;
- ImageEncodingQualityLevels *levels = findImageEncodingQualityLevels(cameraId);
- if (levels != NULL) {
- result = levels->mLevels; // copy out
- }
- return result;
-int MediaProfiles::getStartTimeOffsetMs(int cameraId) const {
- int offsetTimeMs = -1;
- ssize_t index = mStartTimeOffsets.indexOfKey(cameraId);
- if (index >= 0) {
- offsetTimeMs = mStartTimeOffsets.valueFor(cameraId);
- }
- ALOGV("offsetTime=%d ms and cameraId=%d", offsetTimeMs, cameraId);
- return offsetTimeMs;
- CHECK("destructor should never be called" == 0);
-#if 0
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioEncoders.size(); ++i) {
- delete mAudioEncoders[i];
- }
- mAudioEncoders.clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mVideoEncoders.size(); ++i) {
- delete mVideoEncoders[i];
- }
- mVideoEncoders.clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mVideoDecoders.size(); ++i) {
- delete mVideoDecoders[i];
- }
- mVideoDecoders.clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mAudioDecoders.size(); ++i) {
- delete mAudioDecoders[i];
- }
- mAudioDecoders.clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mCamcorderProfiles.size(); ++i) {
- delete mCamcorderProfiles[i];
- }
- mCamcorderProfiles.clear();
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/MediaScanner.cpp b/media/libmedia/MediaScanner.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 28b5aa7..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/MediaScanner.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "MediaScanner"
-#include <cutils/properties.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <media/mediascanner.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-namespace android {
- : mLocale(NULL), mSkipList(NULL), mSkipIndex(NULL) {
- loadSkipList();
-MediaScanner::~MediaScanner() {
- setLocale(NULL);
- free(mSkipList);
- free(mSkipIndex);
-void MediaScanner::setLocale(const char *locale) {
- if (mLocale) {
- free(mLocale);
- mLocale = NULL;
- }
- if (locale) {
- mLocale = strdup(locale);
- }
-const char *MediaScanner::locale() const {
- return mLocale;
-void MediaScanner::loadSkipList() {
- mSkipList = (char *)malloc(PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX * sizeof(char));
- if (mSkipList) {
- property_get("testing.mediascanner.skiplist", mSkipList, "");
- }
- if (!mSkipList || (strlen(mSkipList) == 0)) {
- free(mSkipList);
- mSkipList = NULL;
- return;
- }
- mSkipIndex = (int *)malloc(PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX * sizeof(int));
- if (mSkipIndex) {
- // dup it because strtok will modify the string
- char *skipList = strdup(mSkipList);
- if (skipList) {
- char * path = strtok(skipList, ",");
- int i = 0;
- while (path) {
- mSkipIndex[i++] = strlen(path);
- path = strtok(NULL, ",");
- }
- mSkipIndex[i] = -1;
- free(skipList);
- }
- }
-MediaScanResult MediaScanner::processDirectory(
- const char *path, MediaScannerClient &client) {
- int pathLength = strlen(path);
- if (pathLength >= PATH_MAX) {
- }
- char* pathBuffer = (char *)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1);
- if (!pathBuffer) {
- }
- int pathRemaining = PATH_MAX - pathLength;
- strcpy(pathBuffer, path);
- if (pathLength > 0 && pathBuffer[pathLength - 1] != '/') {
- pathBuffer[pathLength] = '/';
- pathBuffer[pathLength + 1] = 0;
- --pathRemaining;
- }
- client.setLocale(locale());
- MediaScanResult result = doProcessDirectory(pathBuffer, pathRemaining, client, false);
- free(pathBuffer);
- return result;
-bool MediaScanner::shouldSkipDirectory(char *path) {
- if (path && mSkipList && mSkipIndex) {
- int len = strlen(path);
- int idx = 0;
- // track the start position of next path in the comma
- // separated list obtained from getprop
- int startPos = 0;
- while (mSkipIndex[idx] != -1) {
- // no point to match path name if strlen mismatch
- if ((len == mSkipIndex[idx])
- // pick out the path segment from comma separated list
- // to compare against current path parameter
- && (strncmp(path, &mSkipList[startPos], len) == 0)) {
- return true;
- }
- startPos += mSkipIndex[idx] + 1; // extra char for the delimiter
- idx++;
- }
- }
- return false;
-MediaScanResult MediaScanner::doProcessDirectory(
- char *path, int pathRemaining, MediaScannerClient &client, bool noMedia) {
- // place to copy file or directory name
- char* fileSpot = path + strlen(path);
- struct dirent* entry;
- if (shouldSkipDirectory(path)) {
- ALOGD("Skipping: %s", path);
- }
- // Treat all files as non-media in directories that contain a ".nomedia" file
- if (pathRemaining >= 8 /* strlen(".nomedia") */ ) {
- strcpy(fileSpot, ".nomedia");
- if (access(path, F_OK) == 0) {
- ALOGV("found .nomedia, setting noMedia flag");
- noMedia = true;
- }
- // restore path
- fileSpot[0] = 0;
- }
- DIR* dir = opendir(path);
- if (!dir) {
- ALOGW("Error opening directory '%s', skipping: %s.", path, strerror(errno));
- }
- MediaScanResult result = MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK;
- while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
- if (doProcessDirectoryEntry(path, pathRemaining, client, noMedia, entry, fileSpot)
- break;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- return result;
-MediaScanResult MediaScanner::doProcessDirectoryEntry(
- char *path, int pathRemaining, MediaScannerClient &client, bool noMedia,
- struct dirent* entry, char* fileSpot) {
- struct stat statbuf;
- const char* name = entry->d_name;
- // ignore "." and ".."
- if (name[0] == '.' && (name[1] == 0 || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0))) {
- }
- int nameLength = strlen(name);
- if (nameLength + 1 > pathRemaining) {
- // path too long!
- }
- strcpy(fileSpot, name);
- int type = entry->d_type;
- if (type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
- // If the type is unknown, stat() the file instead.
- // This is sometimes necessary when accessing NFS mounted filesystems, but
- // could be needed in other cases well.
- if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) {
- if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) {
- type = DT_REG;
- } else if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
- type = DT_DIR;
- }
- } else {
- ALOGD("stat() failed for %s: %s", path, strerror(errno) );
- }
- }
- if (type == DT_DIR) {
- bool childNoMedia = noMedia;
- // set noMedia flag on directories with a name that starts with '.'
- // for example, the Mac ".Trashes" directory
- if (name[0] == '.')
- childNoMedia = true;
- // report the directory to the client
- if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) {
- status_t status = client.scanFile(path, statbuf.st_mtime, 0,
- true /*isDirectory*/, childNoMedia);
- if (status) {
- }
- }
- // and now process its contents
- strcat(fileSpot, "/");
- MediaScanResult result = doProcessDirectory(path, pathRemaining - nameLength - 1,
- client, childNoMedia);
- if (result == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) {
- }
- } else if (type == DT_REG) {
- stat(path, &statbuf);
- status_t status = client.scanFile(path, statbuf.st_mtime, statbuf.st_size,
- false /*isDirectory*/, noMedia);
- if (status) {
- }
- }
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/MediaScannerClient.cpp b/media/libmedia/MediaScannerClient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e1e3348..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/MediaScannerClient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <media/mediascanner.h>
-#include <utils/StringArray.h>
-#include "autodetect.h"
-#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
-#include "unicode/ustring.h"
-namespace android {
- : mNames(NULL),
- mValues(NULL),
- mLocaleEncoding(kEncodingNone)
- delete mNames;
- delete mValues;
-void MediaScannerClient::setLocale(const char* locale)
- if (!locale) return;
- if (!strncmp(locale, "ja", 2))
- mLocaleEncoding = kEncodingShiftJIS;
- else if (!strncmp(locale, "ko", 2))
- mLocaleEncoding = kEncodingEUCKR;
- else if (!strncmp(locale, "zh", 2)) {
- if (!strcmp(locale, "zh_CN")) {
- // simplified chinese for mainland China
- mLocaleEncoding = kEncodingGBK;
- } else {
- // assume traditional for non-mainland Chinese locales (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore)
- mLocaleEncoding = kEncodingBig5;
- }
- }
-void MediaScannerClient::beginFile()
- mNames = new StringArray;
- mValues = new StringArray;
-status_t MediaScannerClient::addStringTag(const char* name, const char* value)
- if (mLocaleEncoding != kEncodingNone) {
- // don't bother caching strings that are all ASCII.
- // call handleStringTag directly instead.
- // check to see if value (which should be utf8) has any non-ASCII characters
- bool nonAscii = false;
- const char* chp = value;
- char ch;
- while ((ch = *chp++)) {
- if (ch & 0x80) {
- nonAscii = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nonAscii) {
- // save the strings for later so they can be used for native encoding detection
- mNames->push_back(name);
- mValues->push_back(value);
- return OK;
- }
- // else fall through
- }
- // autodetection is not necessary, so no need to cache the values
- // pass directly to the client instead
- return handleStringTag(name, value);
-static uint32_t possibleEncodings(const char* s)
- uint32_t result = kEncodingAll;
- // if s contains a native encoding, then it was mistakenly encoded in utf8 as if it were latin-1
- // so we need to reverse the latin-1 -> utf8 conversion to get the native chars back
- uint8_t ch1, ch2;
- uint8_t* chp = (uint8_t *)s;
- while ((ch1 = *chp++)) {
- if (ch1 & 0x80) {
- ch2 = *chp++;
- ch1 = ((ch1 << 6) & 0xC0) | (ch2 & 0x3F);
- // ch1 is now the first byte of the potential native char
- ch2 = *chp++;
- if (ch2 & 0x80)
- ch2 = ((ch2 << 6) & 0xC0) | (*chp++ & 0x3F);
- // ch2 is now the second byte of the potential native char
- int ch = (int)ch1 << 8 | (int)ch2;
- result &= findPossibleEncodings(ch);
- }
- // else ASCII character, which could be anything
- }
- return result;
-void MediaScannerClient::convertValues(uint32_t encoding)
- const char* enc = NULL;
- switch (encoding) {
- case kEncodingShiftJIS:
- enc = "shift-jis";
- break;
- case kEncodingGBK:
- enc = "gbk";
- break;
- case kEncodingBig5:
- enc = "Big5";
- break;
- case kEncodingEUCKR:
- enc = "EUC-KR";
- break;
- }
- if (enc) {
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- UConverter *conv = ucnv_open(enc, &status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- ALOGE("could not create UConverter for %s", enc);
- return;
- }
- UConverter *utf8Conv = ucnv_open("UTF-8", &status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- ALOGE("could not create UConverter for UTF-8");
- ucnv_close(conv);
- return;
- }
- // for each value string, convert from native encoding to UTF-8
- for (int i = 0; i < mNames->size(); i++) {
- // first we need to untangle the utf8 and convert it back to the original bytes
- // since we are reducing the length of the string, we can do this in place
- uint8_t* src = (uint8_t *)mValues->getEntry(i);
- int len = strlen((char *)src);
- uint8_t* dest = src;
- uint8_t uch;
- while ((uch = *src++)) {
- if (uch & 0x80)
- *dest++ = ((uch << 6) & 0xC0) | (*src++ & 0x3F);
- else
- *dest++ = uch;
- }
- *dest = 0;
- // now convert from native encoding to UTF-8
- const char* source = mValues->getEntry(i);
- int targetLength = len * 3 + 1;
- char* buffer = new char[targetLength];
- // don't normally check for NULL, but in this case targetLength may be large
- if (!buffer)
- break;
- char* target = buffer;
- ucnv_convertEx(utf8Conv, conv, &target, target + targetLength,
- &source, (const char *)dest, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, &status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- ALOGE("ucnv_convertEx failed: %d", status);
- mValues->setEntry(i, "???");
- } else {
- // zero terminate
- *target = 0;
- mValues->setEntry(i, buffer);
- }
- delete[] buffer;
- }
- ucnv_close(conv);
- ucnv_close(utf8Conv);
- }
-void MediaScannerClient::endFile()
- if (mLocaleEncoding != kEncodingNone) {
- int size = mNames->size();
- uint32_t encoding = kEncodingAll;
- // compute a bit mask containing all possible encodings
- for (int i = 0; i < mNames->size(); i++)
- encoding &= possibleEncodings(mValues->getEntry(i));
- // if the locale encoding matches, then assume we have a native encoding.
- if (encoding & mLocaleEncoding)
- convertValues(mLocaleEncoding);
- // finally, push all name/value pairs to the client
- for (int i = 0; i < mNames->size(); i++) {
- status_t status = handleStringTag(mNames->getEntry(i), mValues->getEntry(i));
- if (status) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // else addStringTag() has done all the work so we have nothing to do
- delete mNames;
- delete mValues;
- mNames = NULL;
- mValues = NULL;
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/MemoryLeakTrackUtil.cpp b/media/libmedia/MemoryLeakTrackUtil.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a108ae..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/MemoryLeakTrackUtil.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <media/MemoryLeakTrackUtil.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
- * The code here originally resided in MediaPlayerService.cpp and was
- * shamelessly copied over to support memory leak tracking from
- * multiple places.
- */
-namespace android {
-#if defined(__arm__)
-extern "C" void get_malloc_leak_info(uint8_t** info, size_t* overallSize,
- size_t* infoSize, size_t* totalMemory, size_t* backtraceSize);
-extern "C" void free_malloc_leak_info(uint8_t* info);
-// Use the String-class below instead of String8 to allocate all memory
-// beforehand and not reenter the heap while we are examining it...
-struct MyString8 {
- static const size_t MAX_SIZE = 256 * 1024;
- MyString8()
- : mPtr((char *)malloc(MAX_SIZE)) {
- *mPtr = '\0';
- }
- ~MyString8() {
- free(mPtr);
- }
- void append(const char *s) {
- strcat(mPtr, s);
- }
- const char *string() const {
- return mPtr;
- }
- size_t size() const {
- return strlen(mPtr);
- }
- char *mPtr;
- MyString8(const MyString8 &);
- MyString8 &operator=(const MyString8 &);
-void dumpMemoryAddresses(int fd)
- const size_t SIZE = 256;
- char buffer[SIZE];
- MyString8 result;
- typedef struct {
- size_t size;
- size_t dups;
- intptr_t * backtrace;
- } AllocEntry;
- uint8_t *info = NULL;
- size_t overallSize = 0;
- size_t infoSize = 0;
- size_t totalMemory = 0;
- size_t backtraceSize = 0;
- get_malloc_leak_info(&info, &overallSize, &infoSize, &totalMemory, &backtraceSize);
- if (info) {
- uint8_t *ptr = info;
- size_t count = overallSize / infoSize;
- snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " Allocation count %i\n", count);
- result.append(buffer);
- snprintf(buffer, SIZE, " Total memory %i\n", totalMemory);
- result.append(buffer);
- AllocEntry * entries = new AllocEntry[count];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- // Each entry should be size_t, size_t, intptr_t[backtraceSize]
- AllocEntry *e = &entries[i];
- e->size = *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(ptr);
- ptr += sizeof(size_t);
- e->dups = *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(ptr);
- ptr += sizeof(size_t);
- e->backtrace = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t *>(ptr);
- ptr += sizeof(intptr_t) * backtraceSize;
- }
- // Now we need to sort the entries. They come sorted by size but
- // not by stack trace which causes problems using diff.
- bool moved;
- do {
- moved = false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < (count - 1); i++) {
- AllocEntry *e1 = &entries[i];
- AllocEntry *e2 = &entries[i+1];
- bool swap = e1->size < e2->size;
- if (e1->size == e2->size) {
- for(size_t j = 0; j < backtraceSize; j++) {
- if (e1->backtrace[j] == e2->backtrace[j]) {
- continue;
- }
- swap = e1->backtrace[j] < e2->backtrace[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (swap) {
- AllocEntry t = entries[i];
- entries[i] = entries[i+1];
- entries[i+1] = t;
- moved = true;
- }
- }
- } while (moved);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- AllocEntry *e = &entries[i];
- snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "size %8i, dup %4i, ", e->size, e->dups);
- result.append(buffer);
- for (size_t ct = 0; (ct < backtraceSize) && e->backtrace[ct]; ct++) {
- if (ct) {
- result.append(", ");
- }
- snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "0x%08x", e->backtrace[ct]);
- result.append(buffer);
- }
- result.append("\n");
- }
- delete[] entries;
- free_malloc_leak_info(info);
- }
- write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
-// Does nothing
-void dumpMemoryAddresses(int fd) {}
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/Metadata.cpp b/media/libmedia/Metadata.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ef8a9ed..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/Metadata.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "Metadata"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <media/Metadata.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <utils/RefBase.h>
-// This file contains code to serialize Metadata triples (key, type,
-// value) into a parcel. The Parcel is destinated to be decoded by the
-// class.
-namespace {
-// All these constants below must be kept in sync with
-enum MetadataId {
-// Types
-enum Types {
-const size_t kRecordHeaderSize = 3 * sizeof(int32_t);
-const int32_t kMetaMarker = 0x4d455441; // 'M' 'E' 'T' 'A'
-} // anonymous namespace
-namespace android {
-namespace media {
-Metadata::Metadata(Parcel *p)
- :mData(p),
- mBegin(p->dataPosition()) { }
-Metadata::~Metadata() { }
-void Metadata::resetParcel()
- mData->setDataPosition(mBegin);
-// Update the 4 bytes int at the beginning of the parcel which holds
-// the number of bytes written so far.
-void Metadata::updateLength()
- const size_t end = mData->dataPosition();
- mData->setDataPosition(mBegin);
- mData->writeInt32(end - mBegin);
- mData->setDataPosition(end);
-// Write the header. The java layer will look for the marker.
-bool Metadata::appendHeader()
- bool ok = true;
- // Placeholder for the length of the metadata
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(-1) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(kMetaMarker) == OK;
- return ok;
-bool Metadata::appendBool(int key, bool val)
- if (!checkKey(key)) {
- return false;
- }
- const size_t begin = mData->dataPosition();
- bool ok = true;
- // 4 int32s: size, key, type, value.
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(4 * sizeof(int32_t)) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(key) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(BOOLEAN_VAL) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(val ? 1 : 0) == OK;
- if (!ok) {
- mData->setDataPosition(begin);
- }
- return ok;
-bool Metadata::appendInt32(int key, int32_t val)
- if (!checkKey(key)) {
- return false;
- }
- const size_t begin = mData->dataPosition();
- bool ok = true;
- // 4 int32s: size, key, type, value.
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(4 * sizeof(int32_t)) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(key) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(INTEGER_VAL) == OK;
- ok = ok && mData->writeInt32(val) == OK;
- if (!ok) {
- mData->setDataPosition(begin);
- }
- return ok;
-// Check the key (i.e metadata id) is valid if it is a system one.
-// Loop over all the exiting ones in the Parcel to check for duplicate
-// (not allowed).
-bool Metadata::checkKey(int key)
- if (key < FIRST_SYSTEM_ID ||
- (LAST_SYSTEM_ID < key && key < FIRST_CUSTOM_ID)) {
- ALOGE("Bad key %d", key);
- return false;
- }
- size_t curr = mData->dataPosition();
- // Loop over the keys to check if it has been used already.
- mData->setDataPosition(mBegin);
- bool error = false;
- size_t left = curr - mBegin;
- while (left > 0) {
- size_t pos = mData->dataPosition();
- size_t size = mData->readInt32();
- if (size < kRecordHeaderSize || size > left) {
- error = true;
- break;
- }
- if (mData->readInt32() == key) {
- ALOGE("Key exists already %d", key);
- error = true;
- break;
- }
- mData->setDataPosition(pos + size);
- left -= size;
- }
- mData->setDataPosition(curr);
- return !error;
-} // namespace android::media
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/NOTICE b/media/libmedia/NOTICE
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b1efa..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/NOTICE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2005-2008, The Android Open Source Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- Apache License
- Version 2.0, January 2004
- 1. Definitions.
- "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
- and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
- "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
- the copyright owner that is granting the License.
- "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
- other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
- control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
- "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
- direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
- otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
- outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
- "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
- exercising permissions granted by this License.
- "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
- including but not limited to software source code, documentation
- source, and configuration files.
- "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
- transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
- not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
- and conversions to other media types.
- "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
- Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
- copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
- (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
- "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
- form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
- editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
- represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
- of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
- separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
- the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
- "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
- the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
- to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
- submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
- or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
- the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
- means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
- to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
- communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
- and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
- Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
- excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
- designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
- "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
- on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
- subsequently incorporated within the Work.
- 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
- this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
- worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
- copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
- publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
- Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
- 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
- this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
- worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
- (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
- use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
- where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
- by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
- Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
- with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
- institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
- cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
- or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
- or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
- granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
- as of the date such litigation is filed.
- 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
- Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
- modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
- meet the following conditions:
- (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
- Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
- (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that You changed the files; and
- (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
- that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
- attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
- excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
- the Derivative Works; and
- (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
- distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
- include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
- within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
- pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
- of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
- as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
- documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
- within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
- wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
- of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
- do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
- notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
- or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
- that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
- as modifying the License.
- You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
- may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
- for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
- for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
- reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
- the conditions stated in this License.
- 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
- any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
- by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
- this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
- Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
- the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
- with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
- 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
- names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
- except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
- origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
- 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
- agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
- Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
- appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
- risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
- 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
- whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
- unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
- negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
- liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
- incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
- result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
- Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
- work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
- other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
- has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
- 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
- the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
- and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
- or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
- License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
- on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
- of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
- defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
- incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
- of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
diff --git a/media/libmedia/SoundPool.cpp b/media/libmedia/SoundPool.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 306c57d..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/SoundPool.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,908 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "SoundPool"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-// XXX needed for timing latency
-#include <utils/Timers.h>
-#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
-#include <media/mediaplayer.h>
-#include <system/audio.h>
-#include "SoundPool.h"
-#include "SoundPoolThread.h"
-namespace android
-int kDefaultBufferCount = 4;
-uint32_t kMaxSampleRate = 48000;
-uint32_t kDefaultSampleRate = 44100;
-uint32_t kDefaultFrameCount = 1200;
-SoundPool::SoundPool(int maxChannels, audio_stream_type_t streamType, int srcQuality)
- ALOGV("SoundPool constructor: maxChannels=%d, streamType=%d, srcQuality=%d",
- maxChannels, streamType, srcQuality);
- // check limits
- mMaxChannels = maxChannels;
- if (mMaxChannels < 1) {
- mMaxChannels = 1;
- }
- else if (mMaxChannels > 32) {
- mMaxChannels = 32;
- }
- ALOGW_IF(maxChannels != mMaxChannels, "App requested %d channels", maxChannels);
- mQuit = false;
- mDecodeThread = 0;
- mStreamType = streamType;
- mSrcQuality = srcQuality;
- mAllocated = 0;
- mNextSampleID = 0;
- mNextChannelID = 0;
- mCallback = 0;
- mUserData = 0;
- mChannelPool = new SoundChannel[mMaxChannels];
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxChannels; ++i) {
- mChannelPool[i].init(this);
- mChannels.push_back(&mChannelPool[i]);
- }
- // start decode thread
- startThreads();
- ALOGV("SoundPool destructor");
- mDecodeThread->quit();
- quit();
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- mChannels.clear();
- if (mChannelPool)
- delete [] mChannelPool;
- // clean up samples
- ALOGV("clear samples");
- mSamples.clear();
- if (mDecodeThread)
- delete mDecodeThread;
-void SoundPool::addToRestartList(SoundChannel* channel)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mRestartLock);
- if (!mQuit) {
- mRestart.push_back(channel);
- mCondition.signal();
- }
-void SoundPool::addToStopList(SoundChannel* channel)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mRestartLock);
- if (!mQuit) {
- mStop.push_back(channel);
- mCondition.signal();
- }
-int SoundPool::beginThread(void* arg)
- SoundPool* p = (SoundPool*)arg;
- return p->run();
-int SoundPool::run()
- mRestartLock.lock();
- while (!mQuit) {
- mCondition.wait(mRestartLock);
- ALOGV("awake");
- if (mQuit) break;
- while (!mStop.empty()) {
- SoundChannel* channel;
- ALOGV("Getting channel from stop list");
- List<SoundChannel* >::iterator iter = mStop.begin();
- channel = *iter;
- mStop.erase(iter);
- mRestartLock.unlock();
- if (channel != 0) {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- channel->stop();
- }
- mRestartLock.lock();
- if (mQuit) break;
- }
- while (!mRestart.empty()) {
- SoundChannel* channel;
- ALOGV("Getting channel from list");
- List<SoundChannel*>::iterator iter = mRestart.begin();
- channel = *iter;
- mRestart.erase(iter);
- mRestartLock.unlock();
- if (channel != 0) {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- channel->nextEvent();
- }
- mRestartLock.lock();
- if (mQuit) break;
- }
- }
- mStop.clear();
- mRestart.clear();
- mCondition.signal();
- mRestartLock.unlock();
- ALOGV("goodbye");
- return 0;
-void SoundPool::quit()
- mRestartLock.lock();
- mQuit = true;
- mCondition.signal();
- mCondition.wait(mRestartLock);
- ALOGV("return from quit");
- mRestartLock.unlock();
-bool SoundPool::startThreads()
- createThreadEtc(beginThread, this, "SoundPool");
- if (mDecodeThread == NULL)
- mDecodeThread = new SoundPoolThread(this);
- return mDecodeThread != NULL;
-SoundChannel* SoundPool::findChannel(int channelID)
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxChannels; ++i) {
- if (mChannelPool[i].channelID() == channelID) {
- return &mChannelPool[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-SoundChannel* SoundPool::findNextChannel(int channelID)
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxChannels; ++i) {
- if (mChannelPool[i].nextChannelID() == channelID) {
- return &mChannelPool[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-int SoundPool::load(const char* path, int priority)
- ALOGV("load: path=%s, priority=%d", path, priority);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- sp<Sample> sample = new Sample(++mNextSampleID, path);
- mSamples.add(sample->sampleID(), sample);
- doLoad(sample);
- return sample->sampleID();
-int SoundPool::load(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, int priority)
- ALOGV("load: fd=%d, offset=%lld, length=%lld, priority=%d",
- fd, offset, length, priority);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- sp<Sample> sample = new Sample(++mNextSampleID, fd, offset, length);
- mSamples.add(sample->sampleID(), sample);
- doLoad(sample);
- return sample->sampleID();
-void SoundPool::doLoad(sp<Sample>& sample)
- ALOGV("doLoad: loading sample sampleID=%d", sample->sampleID());
- sample->startLoad();
- mDecodeThread->loadSample(sample->sampleID());
-bool SoundPool::unload(int sampleID)
- ALOGV("unload: sampleID=%d", sampleID);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- return mSamples.removeItem(sampleID);
-int SoundPool::play(int sampleID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume,
- int priority, int loop, float rate)
- ALOGV("play sampleID=%d, leftVolume=%f, rightVolume=%f, priority=%d, loop=%d, rate=%f",
- sampleID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate);
- sp<Sample> sample;
- SoundChannel* channel;
- int channelID;
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mQuit) {
- return 0;
- }
- // is sample ready?
- sample = findSample(sampleID);
- if ((sample == 0) || (sample->state() != Sample::READY)) {
- ALOGW(" sample %d not READY", sampleID);
- return 0;
- }
- dump();
- // allocate a channel
- channel = allocateChannel_l(priority);
- // no channel allocated - return 0
- if (!channel) {
- ALOGV("No channel allocated");
- return 0;
- }
- channelID = ++mNextChannelID;
- ALOGV("play channel %p state = %d", channel, channel->state());
- channel->play(sample, channelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate);
- return channelID;
-SoundChannel* SoundPool::allocateChannel_l(int priority)
- List<SoundChannel*>::iterator iter;
- SoundChannel* channel = NULL;
- // allocate a channel
- if (!mChannels.empty()) {
- iter = mChannels.begin();
- if (priority >= (*iter)->priority()) {
- channel = *iter;
- mChannels.erase(iter);
- ALOGV("Allocated active channel");
- }
- }
- // update priority and put it back in the list
- if (channel) {
- channel->setPriority(priority);
- for (iter = mChannels.begin(); iter != mChannels.end(); ++iter) {
- if (priority < (*iter)->priority()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- mChannels.insert(iter, channel);
- }
- return channel;
-// move a channel from its current position to the front of the list
-void SoundPool::moveToFront_l(SoundChannel* channel)
- for (List<SoundChannel*>::iterator iter = mChannels.begin(); iter != mChannels.end(); ++iter) {
- if (*iter == channel) {
- mChannels.erase(iter);
- mChannels.push_front(channel);
- break;
- }
- }
-void SoundPool::pause(int channelID)
- ALOGV("pause(%d)", channelID);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->pause();
- }
-void SoundPool::autoPause()
- ALOGV("autoPause()");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxChannels; ++i) {
- SoundChannel* channel = &mChannelPool[i];
- channel->autoPause();
- }
-void SoundPool::resume(int channelID)
- ALOGV("resume(%d)", channelID);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->resume();
- }
-void SoundPool::autoResume()
- ALOGV("autoResume()");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxChannels; ++i) {
- SoundChannel* channel = &mChannelPool[i];
- channel->autoResume();
- }
-void SoundPool::stop(int channelID)
- ALOGV("stop(%d)", channelID);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->stop();
- } else {
- channel = findNextChannel(channelID);
- if (channel)
- channel->clearNextEvent();
- }
-void SoundPool::setVolume(int channelID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->setVolume(leftVolume, rightVolume);
- }
-void SoundPool::setPriority(int channelID, int priority)
- ALOGV("setPriority(%d, %d)", channelID, priority);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->setPriority(priority);
- }
-void SoundPool::setLoop(int channelID, int loop)
- ALOGV("setLoop(%d, %d)", channelID, loop);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->setLoop(loop);
- }
-void SoundPool::setRate(int channelID, float rate)
- ALOGV("setRate(%d, %f)", channelID, rate);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- SoundChannel* channel = findChannel(channelID);
- if (channel) {
- channel->setRate(rate);
- }
-// call with lock held
-void SoundPool::done_l(SoundChannel* channel)
- ALOGV("done_l(%d)", channel->channelID());
- // if "stolen", play next event
- if (channel->nextChannelID() != 0) {
- ALOGV("add to restart list");
- addToRestartList(channel);
- }
- // return to idle state
- else {
- ALOGV("move to front");
- moveToFront_l(channel);
- }
-void SoundPool::setCallback(SoundPoolCallback* callback, void* user)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mCallbackLock);
- mCallback = callback;
- mUserData = user;
-void SoundPool::notify(SoundPoolEvent event)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mCallbackLock);
- if (mCallback != NULL) {
- mCallback(event, this, mUserData);
- }
-void SoundPool::dump()
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxChannels; ++i) {
- mChannelPool[i].dump();
- }
-Sample::Sample(int sampleID, const char* url)
- init();
- mSampleID = sampleID;
- mUrl = strdup(url);
- ALOGV("create sampleID=%d, url=%s", mSampleID, mUrl);
-Sample::Sample(int sampleID, int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length)
- init();
- mSampleID = sampleID;
- mFd = dup(fd);
- mOffset = offset;
- mLength = length;
- ALOGV("create sampleID=%d, fd=%d, offset=%lld, length=%lld", mSampleID, mFd, mLength, mOffset);
-void Sample::init()
- mData = 0;
- mSize = 0;
- mRefCount = 0;
- mSampleID = 0;
- mState = UNLOADED;
- mFd = -1;
- mOffset = 0;
- mLength = 0;
- mUrl = 0;
- ALOGV("Sample::destructor sampleID=%d, fd=%d", mSampleID, mFd);
- if (mFd > 0) {
- ALOGV("close(%d)", mFd);
- ::close(mFd);
- }
- mData.clear();
- delete mUrl;
-status_t Sample::doLoad()
- uint32_t sampleRate;
- int numChannels;
- audio_format_t format;
- sp<IMemory> p;
- ALOGV("Start decode");
- if (mUrl) {
- p = MediaPlayer::decode(mUrl, &sampleRate, &numChannels, &format);
- } else {
- p = MediaPlayer::decode(mFd, mOffset, mLength, &sampleRate, &numChannels, &format);
- ALOGV("close(%d)", mFd);
- ::close(mFd);
- mFd = -1;
- }
- if (p == 0) {
- ALOGE("Unable to load sample: %s", mUrl);
- return -1;
- }
- ALOGV("pointer = %p, size = %u, sampleRate = %u, numChannels = %d",
- p->pointer(), p->size(), sampleRate, numChannels);
- if (sampleRate > kMaxSampleRate) {
- ALOGE("Sample rate (%u) out of range", sampleRate);
- return - 1;
- }
- if ((numChannels < 1) || (numChannels > 2)) {
- ALOGE("Sample channel count (%d) out of range", numChannels);
- return - 1;
- }
- //_dumpBuffer(p->pointer(), p->size());
- uint8_t* q = static_cast<uint8_t*>(p->pointer()) + p->size() - 10;
- //_dumpBuffer(q, 10, 10, false);
- mData = p;
- mSize = p->size();
- mSampleRate = sampleRate;
- mNumChannels = numChannels;
- mFormat = format;
- mState = READY;
- return 0;
-void SoundChannel::init(SoundPool* soundPool)
- mSoundPool = soundPool;
-// call with sound pool lock held
-void SoundChannel::play(const sp<Sample>& sample, int nextChannelID, float leftVolume,
- float rightVolume, int priority, int loop, float rate)
- AudioTrack* oldTrack;
- AudioTrack* newTrack;
- status_t status;
- { // scope for the lock
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- ALOGV("SoundChannel::play %p: sampleID=%d, channelID=%d, leftVolume=%f, rightVolume=%f,"
- " priority=%d, loop=%d, rate=%f",
- this, sample->sampleID(), nextChannelID, leftVolume, rightVolume,
- priority, loop, rate);
- // if not idle, this voice is being stolen
- if (mState != IDLE) {
- ALOGV("channel %d stolen - event queued for channel %d", channelID(), nextChannelID);
- mNextEvent.set(sample, nextChannelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate);
- stop_l();
- return;
- }
- // initialize track
- int afFrameCount;
- int afSampleRate;
- audio_stream_type_t streamType = mSoundPool->streamType();
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- afFrameCount = kDefaultFrameCount;
- }
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- afSampleRate = kDefaultSampleRate;
- }
- int numChannels = sample->numChannels();
- uint32_t sampleRate = uint32_t(float(sample->sampleRate()) * rate + 0.5);
- uint32_t totalFrames = (kDefaultBufferCount * afFrameCount * sampleRate) / afSampleRate;
- uint32_t bufferFrames = (totalFrames + (kDefaultBufferCount - 1)) / kDefaultBufferCount;
- uint32_t frameCount = 0;
- if (loop) {
- frameCount = sample->size()/numChannels/
- ((sample->format() == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT) ? sizeof(int16_t) : sizeof(uint8_t));
- }
- // Ensure minimum audio buffer size in case of short looped sample
- if(frameCount < totalFrames) {
- frameCount = totalFrames;
- }
- // mToggle toggles each time a track is started on a given channel.
- // The toggle is concatenated with the SoundChannel address and passed to AudioTrack
- // as callback user data. This enables the detection of callbacks received from the old
- // audio track while the new one is being started and avoids processing them with
- // wrong audio audio buffer size (mAudioBufferSize)
- unsigned long toggle = mToggle ^ 1;
- void *userData = (void *)((unsigned long)this | toggle);
- uint32_t channels = (numChannels == 2) ?
- // do not create a new audio track if current track is compatible with sample parameters
- newTrack = new AudioTrack(streamType, sampleRate, sample->format(),
- channels, sample->getIMemory(), AUDIO_POLICY_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE, callback, userData);
- newTrack = new AudioTrack(streamType, sampleRate, sample->format(),
- channels, frameCount, AUDIO_POLICY_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE, callback, userData,
- bufferFrames);
- oldTrack = mAudioTrack;
- status = newTrack->initCheck();
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("Error creating AudioTrack");
- goto exit;
- }
- ALOGV("setVolume %p", newTrack);
- newTrack->setVolume(leftVolume, rightVolume);
- newTrack->setLoop(0, frameCount, loop);
- // From now on, AudioTrack callbacks received with previous toggle value will be ignored.
- mToggle = toggle;
- mAudioTrack = newTrack;
- mPos = 0;
- mSample = sample;
- mChannelID = nextChannelID;
- mPriority = priority;
- mLoop = loop;
- mLeftVolume = leftVolume;
- mRightVolume = rightVolume;
- mNumChannels = numChannels;
- mRate = rate;
- clearNextEvent();
- mState = PLAYING;
- mAudioTrack->start();
- mAudioBufferSize = newTrack->frameCount()*newTrack->frameSize();
- }
- ALOGV("delete oldTrack %p", oldTrack);
- delete oldTrack;
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- delete newTrack;
- mAudioTrack = NULL;
- }
-void SoundChannel::nextEvent()
- sp<Sample> sample;
- int nextChannelID;
- float leftVolume;
- float rightVolume;
- int priority;
- int loop;
- float rate;
- // check for valid event
- {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- nextChannelID = mNextEvent.channelID();
- if (nextChannelID == 0) {
- ALOGV("stolen channel has no event");
- return;
- }
- sample = mNextEvent.sample();
- leftVolume = mNextEvent.leftVolume();
- rightVolume = mNextEvent.rightVolume();
- priority = mNextEvent.priority();
- loop = mNextEvent.loop();
- rate = mNextEvent.rate();
- }
- ALOGV("Starting stolen channel %d -> %d", channelID(), nextChannelID);
- play(sample, nextChannelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate);
-void SoundChannel::callback(int event, void* user, void *info)
- SoundChannel* channel = static_cast<SoundChannel*>((void *)((unsigned long)user & ~1));
- channel->process(event, info, (unsigned long)user & 1);
-void SoundChannel::process(int event, void *info, unsigned long toggle)
- //ALOGV("process(%d)", mChannelID);
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- AudioTrack::Buffer* b = NULL;
- if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_MORE_DATA) {
- b = static_cast<AudioTrack::Buffer *>(info);
- }
- if (mToggle != toggle) {
- ALOGV("process wrong toggle %p channel %d", this, mChannelID);
- if (b != NULL) {
- b->size = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- sp<Sample> sample = mSample;
-// ALOGV("SoundChannel::process event %d", event);
- if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_MORE_DATA) {
- // check for stop state
- if (b->size == 0) return;
- if (mState == IDLE) {
- b->size = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (sample != 0) {
- // fill buffer
- uint8_t* q = (uint8_t*) b->i8;
- size_t count = 0;
- if (mPos < (int)sample->size()) {
- uint8_t* p = sample->data() + mPos;
- count = sample->size() - mPos;
- if (count > b->size) {
- count = b->size;
- }
- memcpy(q, p, count);
-// ALOGV("fill: q=%p, p=%p, mPos=%u, b->size=%u, count=%d", q, p, mPos, b->size, count);
- } else if (mPos < mAudioBufferSize) {
- count = mAudioBufferSize - mPos;
- if (count > b->size) {
- count = b->size;
- }
- memset(q, 0, count);
-// ALOGV("fill extra: q=%p, mPos=%u, b->size=%u, count=%d", q, mPos, b->size, count);
- }
- mPos += count;
- b->size = count;
- //ALOGV("buffer=%p, [0]=%d", b->i16, b->i16[0]);
- }
- } else if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_UNDERRUN) {
- ALOGV("process %p channel %d EVENT_UNDERRUN", this, mChannelID);
- mSoundPool->addToStopList(this);
- } else if (event == AudioTrack::EVENT_LOOP_END) {
- ALOGV("End loop %p channel %d count %d", this, mChannelID, *(int *)info);
- }
-// call with lock held
-bool SoundChannel::doStop_l()
- if (mState != IDLE) {
- setVolume_l(0, 0);
- ALOGV("stop");
- mAudioTrack->stop();
- mSample.clear();
- mState = IDLE;
- mPriority = IDLE_PRIORITY;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// call with lock held and sound pool lock held
-void SoundChannel::stop_l()
- if (doStop_l()) {
- mSoundPool->done_l(this);
- }
-// call with sound pool lock held
-void SoundChannel::stop()
- bool stopped;
- {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- stopped = doStop_l();
- }
- if (stopped) {
- mSoundPool->done_l(this);
- }
-//FIXME: Pause is a little broken right now
-void SoundChannel::pause()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mState == PLAYING) {
- ALOGV("pause track");
- mState = PAUSED;
- mAudioTrack->pause();
- }
-void SoundChannel::autoPause()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mState == PLAYING) {
- ALOGV("pause track");
- mState = PAUSED;
- mAutoPaused = true;
- mAudioTrack->pause();
- }
-void SoundChannel::resume()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mState == PAUSED) {
- ALOGV("resume track");
- mState = PLAYING;
- mAutoPaused = false;
- mAudioTrack->start();
- }
-void SoundChannel::autoResume()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mAutoPaused && (mState == PAUSED)) {
- ALOGV("resume track");
- mState = PLAYING;
- mAutoPaused = false;
- mAudioTrack->start();
- }
-void SoundChannel::setRate(float rate)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mAudioTrack != NULL && mSample != 0) {
- uint32_t sampleRate = uint32_t(float(mSample->sampleRate()) * rate + 0.5);
- mAudioTrack->setSampleRate(sampleRate);
- mRate = rate;
- }
-// call with lock held
-void SoundChannel::setVolume_l(float leftVolume, float rightVolume)
- mLeftVolume = leftVolume;
- mRightVolume = rightVolume;
- if (mAudioTrack != NULL)
- mAudioTrack->setVolume(leftVolume, rightVolume);
-void SoundChannel::setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- setVolume_l(leftVolume, rightVolume);
-void SoundChannel::setLoop(int loop)
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mAudioTrack != NULL && mSample != 0) {
- uint32_t loopEnd = mSample->size()/mNumChannels/
- ((mSample->format() == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT) ? sizeof(int16_t) : sizeof(uint8_t));
- mAudioTrack->setLoop(0, loopEnd, loop);
- mLoop = loop;
- }
- ALOGV("SoundChannel destructor %p", this);
- {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- clearNextEvent();
- doStop_l();
- }
- // do not call AudioTrack destructor with mLock held as it will wait for the AudioTrack
- // callback thread to exit which may need to execute process() and acquire the mLock.
- delete mAudioTrack;
-void SoundChannel::dump()
- ALOGV("mState = %d mChannelID=%d, mNumChannels=%d, mPos = %d, mPriority=%d, mLoop=%d",
- mState, mChannelID, mNumChannels, mPos, mPriority, mLoop);
-void SoundEvent::set(const sp<Sample>& sample, int channelID, float leftVolume,
- float rightVolume, int priority, int loop, float rate)
- mSample = sample;
- mChannelID = channelID;
- mLeftVolume = leftVolume;
- mRightVolume = rightVolume;
- mPriority = priority;
- mLoop = loop;
- mRate =rate;
-} // end namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/SoundPool.h b/media/libmedia/SoundPool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 002b045..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/SoundPool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef SOUNDPOOL_H_
-#define SOUNDPOOL_H_
-#include <utils/threads.h>
-#include <utils/List.h>
-#include <utils/Vector.h>
-#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
-#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
-namespace android {
-static const int IDLE_PRIORITY = -1;
-// forward declarations
-class SoundEvent;
-class SoundPoolThread;
-class SoundPool;
-// for queued events
-class SoundPoolEvent {
- SoundPoolEvent(int msg, int arg1=0, int arg2=0) :
- mMsg(msg), mArg1(arg1), mArg2(arg2) {}
- int mMsg;
- int mArg1;
- int mArg2;
- enum MessageType { INVALID, SAMPLE_LOADED };
-// callback function prototype
-typedef void SoundPoolCallback(SoundPoolEvent event, SoundPool* soundPool, void* user);
-// tracks samples used by application
-class Sample : public RefBase {
- enum sample_state { UNLOADED, LOADING, READY, UNLOADING };
- Sample(int sampleID, const char* url);
- Sample(int sampleID, int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length);
- ~Sample();
- int sampleID() { return mSampleID; }
- int numChannels() { return mNumChannels; }
- int sampleRate() { return mSampleRate; }
- audio_format_t format() { return mFormat; }
- size_t size() { return mSize; }
- int state() { return mState; }
- uint8_t* data() { return static_cast<uint8_t*>(mData->pointer()); }
- status_t doLoad();
- void startLoad() { mState = LOADING; }
- sp<IMemory> getIMemory() { return mData; }
- // hack
- void init(int numChannels, int sampleRate, audio_format_t format, size_t size, sp<IMemory> data ) {
- mNumChannels = numChannels; mSampleRate = sampleRate; mFormat = format; mSize = size; mData = data; }
- void init();
- size_t mSize;
- volatile int32_t mRefCount;
- uint16_t mSampleID;
- uint16_t mSampleRate;
- uint8_t mState : 3;
- uint8_t mNumChannels : 2;
- audio_format_t mFormat;
- int mFd;
- int64_t mOffset;
- int64_t mLength;
- char* mUrl;
- sp<IMemory> mData;
-// stores pending events for stolen channels
-class SoundEvent
- SoundEvent() : mChannelID(0), mLeftVolume(0), mRightVolume(0),
- mPriority(IDLE_PRIORITY), mLoop(0), mRate(0) {}
- void set(const sp<Sample>& sample, int channelID, float leftVolume,
- float rightVolume, int priority, int loop, float rate);
- sp<Sample> sample() { return mSample; }
- int channelID() { return mChannelID; }
- float leftVolume() { return mLeftVolume; }
- float rightVolume() { return mRightVolume; }
- int priority() { return mPriority; }
- int loop() { return mLoop; }
- float rate() { return mRate; }
- void clear() { mChannelID = 0; mSample.clear(); }
- sp<Sample> mSample;
- int mChannelID;
- float mLeftVolume;
- float mRightVolume;
- int mPriority;
- int mLoop;
- float mRate;
-// for channels aka AudioTracks
-class SoundChannel : public SoundEvent {
- SoundChannel() : mAudioTrack(NULL), mState(IDLE), mNumChannels(1),
- mPos(0), mToggle(0), mAutoPaused(false) {}
- ~SoundChannel();
- void init(SoundPool* soundPool);
- void play(const sp<Sample>& sample, int channelID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume,
- int priority, int loop, float rate);
- void setVolume_l(float leftVolume, float rightVolume);
- void setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume);
- void stop_l();
- void stop();
- void pause();
- void autoPause();
- void resume();
- void autoResume();
- void setRate(float rate);
- int state() { return mState; }
- void setPriority(int priority) { mPriority = priority; }
- void setLoop(int loop);
- int numChannels() { return mNumChannels; }
- void clearNextEvent() { mNextEvent.clear(); }
- void nextEvent();
- int nextChannelID() { return mNextEvent.channelID(); }
- void dump();
- static void callback(int event, void* user, void *info);
- void process(int event, void *info, unsigned long toggle);
- bool doStop_l();
- SoundPool* mSoundPool;
- AudioTrack* mAudioTrack;
- SoundEvent mNextEvent;
- Mutex mLock;
- int mState;
- int mNumChannels;
- int mPos;
- int mAudioBufferSize;
- unsigned long mToggle;
- bool mAutoPaused;
-// application object for managing a pool of sounds
-class SoundPool {
- friend class SoundPoolThread;
- friend class SoundChannel;
- SoundPool(int maxChannels, audio_stream_type_t streamType, int srcQuality);
- ~SoundPool();
- int load(const char* url, int priority);
- int load(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, int priority);
- bool unload(int sampleID);
- int play(int sampleID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume, int priority,
- int loop, float rate);
- void pause(int channelID);
- void autoPause();
- void resume(int channelID);
- void autoResume();
- void stop(int channelID);
- void setVolume(int channelID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume);
- void setPriority(int channelID, int priority);
- void setLoop(int channelID, int loop);
- void setRate(int channelID, float rate);
- audio_stream_type_t streamType() const { return mStreamType; }
- int srcQuality() const { return mSrcQuality; }
- // called from SoundPoolThread
- void sampleLoaded(int sampleID);
- // called from AudioTrack thread
- void done_l(SoundChannel* channel);
- // callback function
- void setCallback(SoundPoolCallback* callback, void* user);
- void* getUserData() { return mUserData; }
- SoundPool() {} // no default constructor
- bool startThreads();
- void doLoad(sp<Sample>& sample);
- sp<Sample> findSample(int sampleID) { return mSamples.valueFor(sampleID); }
- SoundChannel* findChannel (int channelID);
- SoundChannel* findNextChannel (int channelID);
- SoundChannel* allocateChannel_l(int priority);
- void moveToFront_l(SoundChannel* channel);
- void notify(SoundPoolEvent event);
- void dump();
- // restart thread
- void addToRestartList(SoundChannel* channel);
- void addToStopList(SoundChannel* channel);
- static int beginThread(void* arg);
- int run();
- void quit();
- Mutex mLock;
- Mutex mRestartLock;
- Condition mCondition;
- SoundPoolThread* mDecodeThread;
- SoundChannel* mChannelPool;
- List<SoundChannel*> mChannels;
- List<SoundChannel*> mRestart;
- List<SoundChannel*> mStop;
- DefaultKeyedVector< int, sp<Sample> > mSamples;
- int mMaxChannels;
- audio_stream_type_t mStreamType;
- int mSrcQuality;
- int mAllocated;
- int mNextSampleID;
- int mNextChannelID;
- bool mQuit;
- // callback
- Mutex mCallbackLock;
- SoundPoolCallback* mCallback;
- void* mUserData;
-} // end namespace android
-#endif /*SOUNDPOOL_H_*/
diff --git a/media/libmedia/SoundPoolThread.cpp b/media/libmedia/SoundPoolThread.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3b482..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/SoundPoolThread.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "SoundPoolThread"
-#include "utils/Log.h"
-#include "SoundPoolThread.h"
-namespace android {
-void SoundPoolThread::write(SoundPoolMsg msg) {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- while (mMsgQueue.size() >= maxMessages) {
- mCondition.wait(mLock);
- }
- // if thread is quitting, don't add to queue
- if (mRunning) {
- mMsgQueue.push(msg);
- mCondition.signal();
- }
-const SoundPoolMsg SoundPoolThread::read() {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- while (mMsgQueue.size() == 0) {
- mCondition.wait(mLock);
- }
- SoundPoolMsg msg = mMsgQueue[0];
- mMsgQueue.removeAt(0);
- mCondition.signal();
- return msg;
-void SoundPoolThread::quit() {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
- if (mRunning) {
- mRunning = false;
- mMsgQueue.clear();
- mMsgQueue.push(SoundPoolMsg(SoundPoolMsg::KILL, 0));
- mCondition.signal();
- mCondition.wait(mLock);
- }
- ALOGV("return from quit");
-SoundPoolThread::SoundPoolThread(SoundPool* soundPool) :
- mSoundPool(soundPool)
- mMsgQueue.setCapacity(maxMessages);
- if (createThreadEtc(beginThread, this, "SoundPoolThread")) {
- mRunning = true;
- }
- quit();
-int SoundPoolThread::beginThread(void* arg) {
- ALOGV("beginThread");
- SoundPoolThread* soundPoolThread = (SoundPoolThread*)arg;
- return soundPoolThread->run();
-int SoundPoolThread::run() {
- ALOGV("run");
- for (;;) {
- SoundPoolMsg msg = read();
- ALOGV("Got message m=%d, mData=%d", msg.mMessageType, msg.mData);
- switch (msg.mMessageType) {
- case SoundPoolMsg::KILL:
- ALOGV("goodbye");
- return NO_ERROR;
- case SoundPoolMsg::LOAD_SAMPLE:
- doLoadSample(msg.mData);
- break;
- default:
- ALOGW("run: Unrecognized message %d\n",
- msg.mMessageType);
- break;
- }
- }
-void SoundPoolThread::loadSample(int sampleID) {
- write(SoundPoolMsg(SoundPoolMsg::LOAD_SAMPLE, sampleID));
-void SoundPoolThread::doLoadSample(int sampleID) {
- sp <Sample> sample = mSoundPool->findSample(sampleID);
- status_t status = -1;
- if (sample != 0) {
- status = sample->doLoad();
- }
- mSoundPool->notify(SoundPoolEvent(SoundPoolEvent::SAMPLE_LOADED, sampleID, status));
-} // end namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/SoundPoolThread.h b/media/libmedia/SoundPoolThread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d388388..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/SoundPoolThread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <utils/threads.h>
-#include <utils/Vector.h>
-#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
-#include "SoundPool.h"
-namespace android {
-class SoundPoolMsg {
- enum MessageType { INVALID, KILL, LOAD_SAMPLE };
- SoundPoolMsg() : mMessageType(INVALID), mData(0) {}
- SoundPoolMsg(MessageType MessageType, int data) :
- mMessageType(MessageType), mData(data) {}
- uint16_t mMessageType;
- uint16_t mData;
- * This class handles background requests from the SoundPool
- */
-class SoundPoolThread {
- SoundPoolThread(SoundPool* SoundPool);
- ~SoundPoolThread();
- void loadSample(int sampleID);
- void quit();
- void write(SoundPoolMsg msg);
- static const size_t maxMessages = 5;
- static int beginThread(void* arg);
- int run();
- void doLoadSample(int sampleID);
- const SoundPoolMsg read();
- Mutex mLock;
- Condition mCondition;
- Vector<SoundPoolMsg> mMsgQueue;
- SoundPool* mSoundPool;
- bool mRunning;
-} // end namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/ToneGenerator.cpp b/media/libmedia/ToneGenerator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 717d316..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/ToneGenerator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1580 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "ToneGenerator"
-#include <utils/threads.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <utils/RefBase.h>
-#include <utils/Timers.h>
-#include <cutils/properties.h>
-#include "media/ToneGenerator.h"
-namespace android {
-// Descriptors for all available tones (See ToneGenerator::ToneDescriptor class declaration for details)
-const ToneGenerator::ToneDescriptor ToneGenerator::sToneDescriptors[] = {
- { segments: {{ duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1336, 941, 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_0
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1209, 697, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_1
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1336, 697, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_2
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1477, 697, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_3
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1209, 770, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_4
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1336, 770, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_5
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1477, 770, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_6
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1209, 852, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_7
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1336, 852, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_8
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1477, 852, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_9
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1209, 941, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_S
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1477, 941, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_P
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1633, 697, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_A
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1633, 770, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_B
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1633, 852, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_C
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 1633, 941, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_DTMF_D
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_DIAL
- { segments: { { duration: 500 , waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_BUSY
- { segments: { { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_CONGESTION
- { segments: { { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_RADIO_ACK
- { segments: { { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 2,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_RADIO_NOTAVAIL
- { segments: { { duration: 330, waveFreq: { 950, 1400, 1800, 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_ERROR
- { segments: { { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 600, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_CALL_WAITING
- { segments: { { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_RINGTONE
- { segments: { { duration: 40, waveFreq: { 400, 1200, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_PROP_BEEP
- { segments: { { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 1200, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 1,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_PROP_ACK
- { segments: { { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 300, 400, 500, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_PROP_NACK
- { segments: { { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 400, 1200, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_PROP_PROMPT
- { segments: { { duration: 40, waveFreq: { 400, 1200, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 40, waveFreq: { 400, 1200, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_PROP_BEEP2
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_INTERCEPT
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 7,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_INTERCEPT_ABBREV
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 480, 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 7,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_CONGESTION_ABBREV
- { segments: { { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 350, 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 2,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_CONFIRM
- { segments: { { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 480, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 3,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_SUP_PIP
- { segments: {{ duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_DIAL_TONE_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 440, 480, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_NETWORK_USA_RINGBACK
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_INTERCEPT
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ABBR_INTERCEPT
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 480, 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_REORDER
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 480, 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 7,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ABBR_REORDER
- { segments: { { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 480, 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_NETWORK_BUSY
- { segments: { { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 350, 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 2,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CONFIRM
- { segments: { { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 660, 1000, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ANSWER
- { segments: { { duration: 300, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_NETWORK_CALLWAITING
- { segments: { { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 480, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 3,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_PIP
- { segments: { { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 64, waveFreq: { 2556, 0}, 19, 0},
- { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0},
- { duration: 48, waveFreq: { 2556, 0}, 0, 0},
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0},
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALL_SIGNAL_ISDN_NORMAL
- { segments: { { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 64, waveFreq: { 2556, 0}, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 64, waveFreq: { 2556, 0}, 7, 4 },
- { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- { segments: { { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 64, waveFreq: { 2556, 0}, 3, 0 },
- { duration: 16, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 64, waveFreq: { 2556, 0}, 3, 4 },
- { duration: 16, waveFreq: { 2091, 0}, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALL_SIGNAL_ISDN_SP_PRI
- { segments: { { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0} },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALL_SIGNAL_ISDN_PAT3
- { segments: { { duration: 32, waveFreq: { 2091, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 64, waveFreq: { 2556, 0 }, 4, 0 },
- { duration: 20, waveFreq: { 2091, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 } , 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- { segments: { { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0} },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALL_SIGNAL_ISDN_PAT5
- { segments: { { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0} },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALL_SIGNAL_ISDN_PAT6
- { segments: { { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0} },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALL_SIGNAL_ISDN_PAT7
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 39, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_L
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 39, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_L
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 39, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_L
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 15, 0 },
- { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_SS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 15, 0 },
- { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_SS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 15, 0 },
- { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_SS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 15, 6 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_SSL
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 15, 6 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_SSL
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 15, 6 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_SSL
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 19, 0 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 19, 3 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_SS_2
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 19, 0 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 19, 3 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_SS_2
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 19, 0 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 19, 3 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_SS_2
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 9, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 19, 3 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 9, 6 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_SLS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 9, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 19, 3 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 9, 6 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_SLS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 9, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 19, 3 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 9, 6 },
- { duration: 3000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_SLS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 9, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 9, 3 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 9, 6 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 9, 9 },
- { duration: 2500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_S_X4
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 9, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 9, 3 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 9, 6 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 9, 9 },
- { duration: 2500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_S_X4
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 9, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 9, 3 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 9, 6 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 9, 9 },
- { duration: 2500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_S_X4
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 19, 0 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_PBX_L
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 19, 0 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_PBX_L
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 19, 0 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_PBX_L
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_PBX_SS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_PBX_SS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_PBX_SS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 15, 6 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_PBX_SSL
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 15, 6 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_PBX_SSL
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 15, 6 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_PBX_SSL
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 15, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 6 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_PBX_SLS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 15, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 6 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_PBX_SLS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 15, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 6 },
- { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_PBX_SLS
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 6 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 3700, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 4000, 0 }, 7, 9 },
- { duration: 800, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_HIGH_PBX_S_X4
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 6 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2600, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 2900, 0 }, 7, 9 },
- { duration: 800, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_MED_PBX_S_X4
- { segments: { { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 0 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 3 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 6 },
- { duration: 200, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1300, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 25, waveFreq: { 1450, 0 }, 7, 9 },
- { duration: 800, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_LOW_PBX_S_X4
- { segments: { { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 1109, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 784, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 740, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 622, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 1109, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ALERT_NETWORK_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 1245, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 659, 0 }, 2, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 1245, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ALERT_AUTOREDIAL_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 1150, 770, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ONE_MIN_BEEP
- { segments: { { duration: 120, waveFreq: { 941, 1477, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_KEYPAD_VOLUME_KEY_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 375, waveFreq: { 587, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 1175, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_PRESSHOLDKEY_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 587, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 784, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 831, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 784, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 1109, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 784, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 831, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 62, waveFreq: { 784, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ALERT_INCALL_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 941, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 10, waveFreq: { 0 }, 2, 0 },
- { duration: 4990, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_EMERGENCY_RINGBACK
- { segments: { { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 1319, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 2,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ALERT_CALL_GUARD
- { segments: { { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 1047, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 370, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_SOFT_ERROR_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 1480, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 1397, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 125, waveFreq: { 784, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 } },
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_CALLDROP_LITE
- { segments: { { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 425, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_NETWORK_BUSY_ONE_SHOT
- { segments: { { duration: 400, waveFreq: { 1150, 770 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_ABBR_ALERT
- { segments: { { duration: 0, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 }},
- repeatCnt: 0,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_CDMA_SIGNAL_OFF
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 350, 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_ANSI_DIAL
- { segments: { { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 480, 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_ANSI_BUSY
- { segments: { { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 480, 620, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 250, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_ANSI_CONGESTION
- { segments: { { duration: 300, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 9700, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 100, waveFreq: { 440, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 1 }, // TONE_ANSI_CALL_WAITING
- { segments: { { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 440, 480, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 4000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_ANSI_RINGTONE
- { segments: { { duration: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF, waveFreq: { 400, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_JAPAN_DIAL
- { segments: { { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 400, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 500, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_JAPAN_BUSY
- { segments: { { duration: 1000, waveFreq: { 400, 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 2000, waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0 },
- { duration: 0 , waveFreq: { 0 }, 0, 0}},
- repeatCnt: ToneGenerator::TONEGEN_INF,
- repeatSegment: 0 }, // TONE_JAPAN_RADIO_ACK
-// Used by ToneGenerator::getToneForRegion() to convert user specified supervisory tone type
-// to actual tone for current region.
-const unsigned char /*tone_type*/ ToneGenerator::sToneMappingTable[NUM_REGIONS-1][NUM_SUP_TONES] = {
- { // ANSI
- },
- { // JAPAN
- }
-// ToneGenerator class Implementation
-//---------------------------------- public methods ----------------------------
-// Method: ToneGenerator::ToneGenerator()
-// Description: Constructor. Initializes the tone sequencer, intantiates required sine wave
-// generators, instantiates output audio track.
-// Input:
-// streamType: Type of stream used for tone playback
-// volume: volume applied to tone (0.0 to 1.0)
-// Output:
-// none
-ToneGenerator::ToneGenerator(audio_stream_type_t streamType, float volume, bool threadCanCallJava) {
- ALOGV("ToneGenerator constructor: streamType=%d, volume=%f", streamType, volume);
- mState = TONE_IDLE;
- if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&mSamplingRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("Unable to marshal AudioFlinger");
- return;
- }
- mThreadCanCallJava = threadCanCallJava;
- mStreamType = streamType;
- mVolume = volume;
- mpAudioTrack = NULL;
- mpToneDesc = NULL;
- mpNewToneDesc = NULL;
- // Generate tone by chunks of 20 ms to keep cadencing precision
- mProcessSize = (mSamplingRate * 20) / 1000;
- char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
- property_get("gsm.operator.iso-country", value, "");
- if (strcmp(value,"us") == 0 ||
- strcmp(value,"ca") == 0) {
- mRegion = ANSI;
- } else if (strcmp(value,"jp") == 0) {
- mRegion = JAPAN;
- } else {
- mRegion = CEPT;
- }
- if (initAudioTrack()) {
- ALOGV("ToneGenerator INIT OK, time: %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- } else {
- ALOGV("!!!ToneGenerator INIT FAILED!!!");
- }
-// Method: ToneGenerator::~ToneGenerator()
-// Description: Destructor. Stop sound playback and delete audio track if
-// needed and delete sine wave generators.
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// none
-ToneGenerator::~ToneGenerator() {
- ALOGV("ToneGenerator destructor");
- if (mpAudioTrack != NULL) {
- stopTone();
- ALOGV("Delete Track: %p", mpAudioTrack);
- delete mpAudioTrack;
- }
-// Method: ToneGenerator::startTone()
-// Description: Starts tone playback.
-// Input:
-// toneType: Type of tone generated (values in enum tone_type)
-// durationMs: The tone duration in milliseconds. If the tone is limited in time by definition,
-// the actual duration will be the minimum of durationMs and the defined tone duration.
-// Ommiting or setting durationMs to -1 does not limit tone duration.
-// Output:
-// none
-bool ToneGenerator::startTone(tone_type toneType, int durationMs) {
- bool lResult = false;
- status_t lStatus;
- if ((toneType < 0) || (toneType >= NUM_TONES))
- return lResult;
- if (mState == TONE_IDLE) {
- ALOGV("startTone: try to re-init AudioTrack");
- if (!initAudioTrack()) {
- return lResult;
- }
- }
- ALOGV("startTone");
- mLock.lock();
- // Get descriptor for requested tone
- toneType = getToneForRegion(toneType);
- mpNewToneDesc = &sToneDescriptors[toneType];
- mDurationMs = durationMs;
- if (mState == TONE_STOPPED) {
- ALOGV("Start waiting for previous tone to stop");
- lStatus = mWaitCbkCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(3));
- if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("--- start wait for stop timed out, status %d", lStatus);
- mState = TONE_IDLE;
- mLock.unlock();
- return lResult;
- }
- }
- if (mState == TONE_INIT) {
- if (prepareWave()) {
- ALOGV("Immediate start, time %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- lResult = true;
- mLock.unlock();
- mpAudioTrack->start();
- mLock.lock();
- if (mState == TONE_STARTING) {
- ALOGV("Wait for start callback");
- lStatus = mWaitCbkCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(3));
- if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("--- Immediate start timed out, status %d", lStatus);
- mState = TONE_IDLE;
- lResult = false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- mState = TONE_IDLE;
- }
- } else {
- ALOGV("Delayed start");
- lStatus = mWaitCbkCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(3));
- if (lStatus == NO_ERROR) {
- if (mState != TONE_IDLE) {
- lResult = true;
- }
- ALOGV("cond received");
- } else {
- ALOGE("--- Delayed start timed out, status %d", lStatus);
- mState = TONE_IDLE;
- }
- }
- mLock.unlock();
- ALOGV_IF(lResult, "Tone started, time %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- ALOGW_IF(!lResult, "Tone start failed!!!, time %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- return lResult;
-// Method: ToneGenerator::stopTone()
-// Description: Stops tone playback.
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// none
-void ToneGenerator::stopTone() {
- ALOGV("stopTone");
- mLock.lock();
- if (mState == TONE_PLAYING || mState == TONE_STARTING || mState == TONE_RESTARTING) {
- ALOGV("waiting cond");
- status_t lStatus = mWaitCbkCond.waitRelative(mLock, seconds(3));
- if (lStatus == NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGV("track stop complete, time %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- } else {
- ALOGE("--- Stop timed out");
- mState = TONE_IDLE;
- mpAudioTrack->stop();
- }
- }
- clearWaveGens();
- mLock.unlock();
-//---------------------------------- private methods ---------------------------
-// Method: ToneGenerator::initAudioTrack()
-// Description: Allocates and configures AudioTrack used for PCM output.
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// none
-bool ToneGenerator::initAudioTrack() {
- if (mpAudioTrack) {
- delete mpAudioTrack;
- mpAudioTrack = NULL;
- }
- // Open audio track in mono, PCM 16bit, default sampling rate, default buffer size
- mpAudioTrack = new AudioTrack();
- ALOGV("Create Track: %p", mpAudioTrack);
- mpAudioTrack->set(mStreamType,
- 0,
- 0,
- audioCallback,
- this,
- 0,
- 0,
- mThreadCanCallJava);
- if (mpAudioTrack->initCheck() != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("AudioTrack->initCheck failed");
- goto initAudioTrack_exit;
- }
- mpAudioTrack->setVolume(mVolume, mVolume);
- mState = TONE_INIT;
- return true;
- // Cleanup
- if (mpAudioTrack != NULL) {
- ALOGV("Delete Track I: %p", mpAudioTrack);
- delete mpAudioTrack;
- mpAudioTrack = NULL;
- }
- return false;
-// Method: ToneGenerator::audioCallback()
-// Description: AudioTrack callback implementation. Generates a block of
-// PCM samples
-// and manages tone generator sequencer: tones pulses, tone duration...
-// Input:
-// user reference (pointer to our ToneGenerator)
-// info audio buffer descriptor
-// Output:
-// returned value: always true.
-void ToneGenerator::audioCallback(int event, void* user, void *info) {
- if (event != AudioTrack::EVENT_MORE_DATA) return;
- AudioTrack::Buffer *buffer = static_cast<AudioTrack::Buffer *>(info);
- ToneGenerator *lpToneGen = static_cast<ToneGenerator *>(user);
- short *lpOut = buffer->i16;
- unsigned int lNumSmp = buffer->size/sizeof(short);
- const ToneDescriptor *lpToneDesc = lpToneGen->mpToneDesc;
- if (buffer->size == 0) return;
- // Clear output buffer: WaveGenerator accumulates into lpOut buffer
- memset(lpOut, 0, buffer->size);
- while (lNumSmp) {
- unsigned int lReqSmp = lNumSmp < lpToneGen->mProcessSize*2 ? lNumSmp : lpToneGen->mProcessSize;
- unsigned int lGenSmp;
- unsigned int lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_CONT;
- bool lSignal = false;
- lpToneGen->mLock.lock();
- // Update pcm frame count and end time (current time at the end of this process)
- lpToneGen->mTotalSmp += lReqSmp;
- // Update tone gen state machine and select wave gen command
- switch (lpToneGen->mState) {
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_CONT;
- break;
- ALOGV("Starting Cbk");
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_START;
- break;
- ALOGV("Stop/restart Cbk");
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_STOP;
- lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp = TONEGEN_INF; // forced to skip state machine management below
- break;
- ALOGV("Stopped Cbk");
- goto audioCallback_EndLoop;
- default:
- ALOGV("Extra Cbk");
- goto audioCallback_EndLoop;
- }
- // Exit if tone sequence is over
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].duration == 0 ||
- lpToneGen->mTotalSmp > lpToneGen->mMaxSmp) {
- if (lpToneGen->mState == TONE_PLAYING) {
- lpToneGen->mState = TONE_STOPPING;
- }
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].duration == 0) {
- goto audioCallback_EndLoop;
- }
- // fade out before stopping if maximum duration reached
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_STOP;
- lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp = TONEGEN_INF; // forced to skip state machine management below
- }
- if (lpToneGen->mTotalSmp > lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp) {
- // Time to go to next sequence segment
- ALOGV("End Segment, time: %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- lGenSmp = lReqSmp;
- // If segment, ON -> OFF transition : ramp volume down
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[0] != 0) {
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_STOP;
- unsigned int lFreqIdx = 0;
- unsigned short lFrequency = lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[lFreqIdx];
- while (lFrequency != 0) {
- WaveGenerator *lpWaveGen = lpToneGen->mWaveGens.valueFor(lFrequency);
- lpWaveGen->getSamples(lpOut, lGenSmp, lWaveCmd);
- lFrequency = lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[++lFreqIdx];
- }
- ALOGV("ON->OFF, lGenSmp: %d, lReqSmp: %d", lGenSmp, lReqSmp);
- }
- // check if we need to loop and loop for the reqd times
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].loopCnt) {
- if (lpToneGen->mLoopCounter < lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].loopCnt) {
- ALOGV ("in if loop loopCnt(%d) loopctr(%d), CurSeg(%d)",
- lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].loopCnt,
- lpToneGen->mLoopCounter,
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment);
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment = lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].loopIndx;
- ++lpToneGen->mLoopCounter;
- } else {
- // completed loop. go to next segment
- lpToneGen->mLoopCounter = 0;
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment++;
- ALOGV ("in else loop loopCnt(%d) loopctr(%d), CurSeg(%d)",
- lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].loopCnt,
- lpToneGen->mLoopCounter,
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment);
- }
- } else {
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment++;
- ALOGV ("Goto next seg loopCnt(%d) loopctr(%d), CurSeg(%d)",
- lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].loopCnt,
- lpToneGen->mLoopCounter,
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment);
- }
- // Handle loop if last segment reached
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].duration == 0) {
- ALOGV("Last Seg: %d", lpToneGen->mCurSegment);
- // Pre increment loop count and restart if total count not reached. Stop sequence otherwise
- if (++lpToneGen->mCurCount <= lpToneDesc->repeatCnt) {
- ALOGV("Repeating Count: %d", lpToneGen->mCurCount);
- lpToneGen->mCurSegment = lpToneDesc->repeatSegment;
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneDesc->repeatSegment].waveFreq[0] != 0) {
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_START;
- }
- ALOGV("New segment %d, Next Time: %d", lpToneGen->mCurSegment,
- (lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp*1000)/lpToneGen->mSamplingRate);
- } else {
- lGenSmp = 0;
- ALOGV("End repeat, time: %d", (unsigned int)(systemTime()/1000000));
- }
- } else {
- ALOGV("New segment %d, Next Time: %d", lpToneGen->mCurSegment,
- (lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp*1000)/lpToneGen->mSamplingRate);
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[0] != 0) {
- // If next segment is not silent, OFF -> ON transition : reset wave generator
- lWaveCmd = WaveGenerator::WAVEGEN_START;
- ALOGV("OFF->ON, lGenSmp: %d, lReqSmp: %d", lGenSmp, lReqSmp);
- } else {
- lGenSmp = 0;
- }
- }
- // Update next segment transition position. No harm to do it also for last segment as lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp won't be used any more
- lpToneGen->mNextSegSmp
- += (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].duration * lpToneGen->mSamplingRate) / 1000;
- } else {
- // Inside a segment keep tone ON or OFF
- if (lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[0] == 0) {
- lGenSmp = 0; // If odd segment, tone is currently OFF
- } else {
- lGenSmp = lReqSmp; // If event segment, tone is currently ON
- }
- }
- if (lGenSmp) {
- // If samples must be generated, call all active wave generators and acumulate waves in lpOut
- unsigned int lFreqIdx = 0;
- unsigned short lFrequency = lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[lFreqIdx];
- while (lFrequency != 0) {
- WaveGenerator *lpWaveGen = lpToneGen->mWaveGens.valueFor(lFrequency);
- lpWaveGen->getSamples(lpOut, lGenSmp, lWaveCmd);
- lFrequency = lpToneDesc->segments[lpToneGen->mCurSegment].waveFreq[++lFreqIdx];
- }
- }
- lNumSmp -= lReqSmp;
- lpOut += lReqSmp;
- switch (lpToneGen->mState) {
- ALOGV("Cbk restarting track");
- if (lpToneGen->prepareWave()) {
- lpToneGen->mState = TONE_STARTING;
- // must reload lpToneDesc as prepareWave() may change mpToneDesc
- lpToneDesc = lpToneGen->mpToneDesc;
- } else {
- ALOGW("Cbk restarting prepareWave() failed");
- lpToneGen->mState = TONE_IDLE;
- lpToneGen->mpAudioTrack->stop();
- // Force loop exit
- lNumSmp = 0;
- }
- lSignal = true;
- break;
- ALOGV("Cbk Stopping");
- lpToneGen->mState = TONE_STOPPED;
- // Force loop exit
- lNumSmp = 0;
- break;
- lpToneGen->mState = TONE_INIT;
- ALOGV("Cbk Stopped track");
- lpToneGen->mpAudioTrack->stop();
- // Force loop exit
- lNumSmp = 0;
- buffer->size = 0;
- lSignal = true;
- break;
- ALOGV("Cbk starting track");
- lpToneGen->mState = TONE_PLAYING;
- lSignal = true;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- // Force loop exit
- lNumSmp = 0;
- buffer->size = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (lSignal)
- lpToneGen->mWaitCbkCond.signal();
- lpToneGen->mLock.unlock();
- }
-// Method: ToneGenerator::prepareWave()
-// Description: Prepare wave generators and reset tone sequencer state machine.
-// mpNewToneDesc must have been initialized before calling this function.
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// returned value: true if wave generators have been created, false otherwise
-bool ToneGenerator::prepareWave() {
- unsigned int segmentIdx = 0;
- if (mpNewToneDesc == NULL) {
- return false;
- }
- // Remove existing wave generators if any
- clearWaveGens();
- mpToneDesc = mpNewToneDesc;
- if (mDurationMs == -1) {
- mMaxSmp = TONEGEN_INF;
- } else {
- if (mDurationMs > (int)(TONEGEN_INF / mSamplingRate)) {
- mMaxSmp = (mDurationMs / 1000) * mSamplingRate;
- } else {
- mMaxSmp = (mDurationMs * mSamplingRate) / 1000;
- }
- ALOGV("prepareWave, duration limited to %d ms", mDurationMs);
- }
- while (mpToneDesc->segments[segmentIdx].duration) {
- // Get total number of sine waves: needed to adapt sine wave gain.
- unsigned int lNumWaves = numWaves(segmentIdx);
- unsigned int freqIdx = 0;
- unsigned int frequency = mpToneDesc->segments[segmentIdx].waveFreq[freqIdx];
- while (frequency) {
- // Instantiate a wave generator if ot already done for this frequency
- if (mWaveGens.indexOfKey(frequency) == NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
- ToneGenerator::WaveGenerator *lpWaveGen =
- new ToneGenerator::WaveGenerator((unsigned short)mSamplingRate,
- frequency,
- TONEGEN_GAIN/lNumWaves);
- mWaveGens.add(frequency, lpWaveGen);
- }
- frequency = mpNewToneDesc->segments[segmentIdx].waveFreq[++freqIdx];
- }
- segmentIdx++;
- }
- // Initialize tone sequencer
- mTotalSmp = 0;
- mCurSegment = 0;
- mCurCount = 0;
- mLoopCounter = 0;
- if (mpToneDesc->segments[0].duration == TONEGEN_INF) {
- mNextSegSmp = TONEGEN_INF;
- } else{
- mNextSegSmp = (mpToneDesc->segments[0].duration * mSamplingRate) / 1000;
- }
- return true;
-// Method: ToneGenerator::numWaves()
-// Description: Count number of sine waves needed to generate a tone segment (e.g 2 for DTMF).
-// Input:
-// segmentIdx tone segment index
-// Output:
-// returned value: nummber of sine waves
-unsigned int ToneGenerator::numWaves(unsigned int segmentIdx) {
- unsigned int lCnt = 0;
- if (mpToneDesc->segments[segmentIdx].duration) {
- while (mpToneDesc->segments[segmentIdx].waveFreq[lCnt]) {
- lCnt++;
- }
- lCnt++;
- }
- return lCnt;
-// Method: ToneGenerator::clearWaveGens()
-// Description: Removes all wave generators.
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// none
-void ToneGenerator::clearWaveGens() {
- ALOGV("Clearing mWaveGens:");
- for (size_t lIdx = 0; lIdx < mWaveGens.size(); lIdx++) {
- delete mWaveGens.valueAt(lIdx);
- }
- mWaveGens.clear();
-// Method: ToneGenerator::getToneForRegion()
-// Description: Get correct ringtone type according to current region.
-// The corrected ring tone type is the tone descriptor index in sToneDescriptors[].
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// none
-ToneGenerator::tone_type ToneGenerator::getToneForRegion(tone_type toneType) {
- tone_type regionTone;
- if (mRegion == CEPT || toneType < FIRST_SUP_TONE || toneType > LAST_SUP_TONE) {
- regionTone = toneType;
- } else {
- regionTone = (tone_type) sToneMappingTable[mRegion][toneType - FIRST_SUP_TONE];
- }
- ALOGV("getToneForRegion, tone %d, region %d, regionTone %d", toneType, mRegion, regionTone);
- return regionTone;
-// WaveGenerator::WaveGenerator class Implementation
-//---------------------------------- public methods ----------------------------
-// Method: WaveGenerator::WaveGenerator()
-// Description: Constructor.
-// Input:
-// samplingRate: Output sampling rate in Hz
-// frequency: Frequency of the sine wave to generate in Hz
-// volume: volume (0.0 to 1.0)
-// Output:
-// none
-ToneGenerator::WaveGenerator::WaveGenerator(unsigned short samplingRate,
- unsigned short frequency, float volume) {
- double d0;
- double F_div_Fs; // frequency / samplingRate
- F_div_Fs = frequency / (double)samplingRate;
- d0 = - (float)GEN_AMP * sin(2 * M_PI * F_div_Fs);
- mS2_0 = (short)d0;
- mS1 = 0;
- mS2 = mS2_0;
- mAmplitude_Q15 = (short)(32767. * 32767. * volume / GEN_AMP);
- // take some margin for amplitude fluctuation
- if (mAmplitude_Q15 > 32500)
- mAmplitude_Q15 = 32500;
- d0 = 32768.0 * cos(2 * M_PI * F_div_Fs); // Q14*2*cos()
- if (d0 > 32767)
- d0 = 32767;
- mA1_Q14 = (short) d0;
- ALOGV("WaveGenerator init, mA1_Q14: %d, mS2_0: %d, mAmplitude_Q15: %d",
- mA1_Q14, mS2_0, mAmplitude_Q15);
-// Method: WaveGenerator::~WaveGenerator()
-// Description: Destructor.
-// Input:
-// none
-// Output:
-// none
-ToneGenerator::WaveGenerator::~WaveGenerator() {
-// Method: WaveGenerator::getSamples()
-// Description: Generates count samples of a sine wave and accumulates
-// result in outBuffer.
-// Input:
-// outBuffer: Output buffer where to accumulate samples.
-// count: number of samples to produce.
-// command: special action requested (see enum gen_command).
-// Output:
-// none
-void ToneGenerator::WaveGenerator::getSamples(short *outBuffer,
- unsigned int count, unsigned int command) {
- long lS1, lS2;
- long lA1, lAmplitude;
- long Sample; // current sample
- // init local
- if (command == WAVEGEN_START) {
- lS1 = (long)0;
- lS2 = (long)mS2_0;
- } else {
- lS1 = (long)mS1;
- lS2 = (long)mS2;
- }
- lA1 = (long)mA1_Q14;
- lAmplitude = (long)mAmplitude_Q15;
- if (command == WAVEGEN_STOP) {
- lAmplitude <<= 16;
- if (count == 0) {
- return;
- }
- long dec = lAmplitude/count;
- // loop generation
- while (count--) {
- Sample = ((lA1 * lS1) >> S_Q14) - lS2;
- // shift delay
- lS2 = lS1;
- lS1 = Sample;
- Sample = ((lAmplitude>>16) * Sample) >> S_Q15;
- *(outBuffer++) += (short)Sample; // put result in buffer
- lAmplitude -= dec;
- }
- } else {
- // loop generation
- while (count--) {
- Sample = ((lA1 * lS1) >> S_Q14) - lS2;
- // shift delay
- lS2 = lS1;
- lS1 = Sample;
- Sample = (lAmplitude * Sample) >> S_Q15;
- *(outBuffer++) += (short)Sample; // put result in buffer
- }
- }
- // save status
- mS1 = (short)lS1;
- mS2 = (short)lS2;
-} // end namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/Visualizer.cpp b/media/libmedia/Visualizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd6ae4..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/Visualizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "Visualizer"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <cutils/bitops.h>
-#include <media/Visualizer.h>
-#include <audio_utils/fixedfft.h>
-namespace android {
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Visualizer::Visualizer (int32_t priority,
- effect_callback_t cbf,
- void* user,
- int sessionId)
- : AudioEffect(SL_IID_VISUALIZATION, NULL, priority, cbf, user, sessionId),
- mCaptureRate(CAPTURE_RATE_DEF),
- mCaptureSize(CAPTURE_SIZE_DEF),
- mSampleRate(44100000),
- mCaptureCallBack(NULL),
- mCaptureCbkUser(NULL)
- initCaptureSize();
-status_t Visualizer::setEnabled(bool enabled)
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCaptureLock);
- sp<CaptureThread> t = mCaptureThread;
- if (t != 0) {
- if (enabled) {
- if (t->exitPending()) {
- if (t->requestExitAndWait() == WOULD_BLOCK) {
- ALOGE("Visualizer::enable() called from thread");
- }
- }
- }
- t->mLock.lock();
- }
- status_t status = AudioEffect::setEnabled(enabled);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- if (t != 0) {
- if (enabled) {
- t->run("Visualizer");
- } else {
- t->requestExit();
- }
- }
- }
- if (t != 0) {
- t->mLock.unlock();
- }
- return status;
-status_t Visualizer::setCaptureCallBack(capture_cbk_t cbk, void* user, uint32_t flags, uint32_t rate)
- if (rate > CAPTURE_RATE_MAX) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCaptureLock);
- if (mEnabled) {
- }
- sp<CaptureThread> t = mCaptureThread;
- if (t != 0) {
- t->mLock.lock();
- }
- mCaptureThread.clear();
- mCaptureCallBack = cbk;
- mCaptureCbkUser = user;
- mCaptureFlags = flags;
- mCaptureRate = rate;
- if (t != 0) {
- t->mLock.unlock();
- }
- if (cbk != NULL) {
- mCaptureThread = new CaptureThread(*this, rate, ((flags & CAPTURE_CALL_JAVA) != 0));
- }
- ALOGV("setCaptureCallBack() rate: %d thread %p flags 0x%08x",
- rate, mCaptureThread.get(), mCaptureFlags);
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t Visualizer::setCaptureSize(uint32_t size)
- popcount(size) != 1) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCaptureLock);
- if (mEnabled) {
- }
- uint32_t buf32[sizeof(effect_param_t) / sizeof(uint32_t) + 2];
- effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)buf32;
- p->psize = sizeof(uint32_t);
- p->vsize = sizeof(uint32_t);
- *(int32_t *)p->data = VISUALIZER_PARAM_CAPTURE_SIZE;
- *((int32_t *)p->data + 1)= size;
- status_t status = setParameter(p);
- ALOGV("setCaptureSize size %d status %d p->status %d", size, status, p->status);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = p->status;
- }
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- mCaptureSize = size;
- }
- return status;
-status_t Visualizer::getWaveForm(uint8_t *waveform)
- if (waveform == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- if (mCaptureSize == 0) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- status_t status = NO_ERROR;
- if (mEnabled) {
- uint32_t replySize = mCaptureSize;
- status = command(VISUALIZER_CMD_CAPTURE, 0, NULL, &replySize, waveform);
- ALOGV("getWaveForm() command returned %d", status);
- if ((status == NO_ERROR) && (replySize == 0)) {
- status = NOT_ENOUGH_DATA;
- }
- } else {
- ALOGV("getWaveForm() disabled");
- memset(waveform, 0x80, mCaptureSize);
- }
- return status;
-status_t Visualizer::getFft(uint8_t *fft)
- if (fft == NULL) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- if (mCaptureSize == 0) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- status_t status = NO_ERROR;
- if (mEnabled) {
- uint8_t buf[mCaptureSize];
- status = getWaveForm(buf);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = doFft(fft, buf);
- }
- } else {
- memset(fft, 0, mCaptureSize);
- }
- return status;
-status_t Visualizer::doFft(uint8_t *fft, uint8_t *waveform)
- int32_t workspace[mCaptureSize >> 1];
- int32_t nonzero = 0;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCaptureSize; i += 2) {
- workspace[i >> 1] =
- ((waveform[i] ^ 0x80) << 24) | ((waveform[i + 1] ^ 0x80) << 8);
- nonzero |= workspace[i >> 1];
- }
- if (nonzero) {
- fixed_fft_real(mCaptureSize >> 1, workspace);
- }
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCaptureSize; i += 2) {
- short tmp = workspace[i >> 1] >> 21;
- while (tmp > 127 || tmp < -128) tmp >>= 1;
- fft[i] = tmp;
- tmp = workspace[i >> 1];
- tmp >>= 5;
- while (tmp > 127 || tmp < -128) tmp >>= 1;
- fft[i + 1] = tmp;
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
-void Visualizer::periodicCapture()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mCaptureLock);
- ALOGV("periodicCapture() %p mCaptureCallBack %p mCaptureFlags 0x%08x",
- this, mCaptureCallBack, mCaptureFlags);
- if (mCaptureCallBack != NULL &&
- mCaptureSize != 0) {
- uint8_t waveform[mCaptureSize];
- status_t status = getWaveForm(waveform);
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return;
- }
- uint8_t fft[mCaptureSize];
- if (mCaptureFlags & CAPTURE_FFT) {
- status = doFft(fft, waveform);
- }
- if (status != NO_ERROR) {
- return;
- }
- uint8_t *wavePtr = NULL;
- uint8_t *fftPtr = NULL;
- uint32_t waveSize = 0;
- uint32_t fftSize = 0;
- if (mCaptureFlags & CAPTURE_WAVEFORM) {
- wavePtr = waveform;
- waveSize = mCaptureSize;
- }
- if (mCaptureFlags & CAPTURE_FFT) {
- fftPtr = fft;
- fftSize = mCaptureSize;
- }
- mCaptureCallBack(mCaptureCbkUser, waveSize, wavePtr, fftSize, fftPtr, mSampleRate);
- }
-uint32_t Visualizer::initCaptureSize()
- uint32_t buf32[sizeof(effect_param_t) / sizeof(uint32_t) + 2];
- effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)buf32;
- p->psize = sizeof(uint32_t);
- p->vsize = sizeof(uint32_t);
- *(int32_t *)p->data = VISUALIZER_PARAM_CAPTURE_SIZE;
- status_t status = getParameter(p);
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- status = p->status;
- }
- uint32_t size = 0;
- if (status == NO_ERROR) {
- size = *((int32_t *)p->data + 1);
- }
- mCaptureSize = size;
- ALOGV("initCaptureSize size %d status %d", mCaptureSize, status);
- return size;
-Visualizer::CaptureThread::CaptureThread(Visualizer& receiver, uint32_t captureRate, bool bCanCallJava)
- : Thread(bCanCallJava), mReceiver(receiver)
- mSleepTimeUs = 1000000000 / captureRate;
- ALOGV("CaptureThread cstor %p captureRate %d mSleepTimeUs %d", this, captureRate, mSleepTimeUs);
-bool Visualizer::CaptureThread::threadLoop()
- ALOGV("CaptureThread %p enter", this);
- while (!exitPending())
- {
- usleep(mSleepTimeUs);
- mReceiver.periodicCapture();
- }
- ALOGV("CaptureThread %p exiting", this);
- return false;
-status_t Visualizer::CaptureThread::readyToRun()
- return NO_ERROR;
-void Visualizer::CaptureThread::onFirstRef()
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/autodetect.cpp b/media/libmedia/autodetect.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index be5c3b2..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/autodetect.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "autodetect.h"
-struct CharRange {
- uint16_t first;
- uint16_t last;
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
-// generated from
-static const CharRange kShiftJISRanges[] = {
- { 0x8140, 0x817E },
- { 0x8180, 0x81AC },
- { 0x81B8, 0x81BF },
- { 0x81C8, 0x81CE },
- { 0x81DA, 0x81E8 },
- { 0x81F0, 0x81F7 },
- { 0x81FC, 0x81FC },
- { 0x824F, 0x8258 },
- { 0x8260, 0x8279 },
- { 0x8281, 0x829A },
- { 0x829F, 0x82F1 },
- { 0x8340, 0x837E },
- { 0x8380, 0x8396 },
- { 0x839F, 0x83B6 },
- { 0x83BF, 0x83D6 },
- { 0x8440, 0x8460 },
- { 0x8470, 0x847E },
- { 0x8480, 0x8491 },
- { 0x849F, 0x84BE },
- { 0x8740, 0x875D },
- { 0x875F, 0x8775 },
- { 0x877E, 0x877E },
- { 0x8780, 0x879C },
- { 0x889F, 0x88FC },
- { 0x8940, 0x897E },
- { 0x8980, 0x89FC },
- { 0x8A40, 0x8A7E },
- { 0x8A80, 0x8AFC },
- { 0x8B40, 0x8B7E },
- { 0x8B80, 0x8BFC },
- { 0x8C40, 0x8C7E },
- { 0x8C80, 0x8CFC },
- { 0x8D40, 0x8D7E },
- { 0x8D80, 0x8DFC },
- { 0x8E40, 0x8E7E },
- { 0x8E80, 0x8EFC },
- { 0x8F40, 0x8F7E },
- { 0x8F80, 0x8FFC },
- { 0x9040, 0x907E },
- { 0x9080, 0x90FC },
- { 0x9140, 0x917E },
- { 0x9180, 0x91FC },
- { 0x9240, 0x927E },
- { 0x9280, 0x92FC },
- { 0x9340, 0x937E },
- { 0x9380, 0x93FC },
- { 0x9440, 0x947E },
- { 0x9480, 0x94FC },
- { 0x9540, 0x957E },
- { 0x9580, 0x95FC },
- { 0x9640, 0x967E },
- { 0x9680, 0x96FC },
- { 0x9740, 0x977E },
- { 0x9780, 0x97FC },
- { 0x9840, 0x9872 },
- { 0x989F, 0x98FC },
- { 0x9940, 0x997E },
- { 0x9980, 0x99FC },
- { 0x9A40, 0x9A7E },
- { 0x9A80, 0x9AFC },
- { 0x9B40, 0x9B7E },
- { 0x9B80, 0x9BFC },
- { 0x9C40, 0x9C7E },
- { 0x9C80, 0x9CFC },
- { 0x9D40, 0x9D7E },
- { 0x9D80, 0x9DFC },
- { 0x9E40, 0x9E7E },
- { 0x9E80, 0x9EFC },
- { 0x9F40, 0x9F7E },
- { 0x9F80, 0x9FFC },
- { 0xE040, 0xE07E },
- { 0xE080, 0xE0FC },
- { 0xE140, 0xE17E },
- { 0xE180, 0xE1FC },
- { 0xE240, 0xE27E },
- { 0xE280, 0xE2FC },
- { 0xE340, 0xE37E },
- { 0xE380, 0xE3FC },
- { 0xE440, 0xE47E },
- { 0xE480, 0xE4FC },
- { 0xE540, 0xE57E },
- { 0xE580, 0xE5FC },
- { 0xE640, 0xE67E },
- { 0xE680, 0xE6FC },
- { 0xE740, 0xE77E },
- { 0xE780, 0xE7FC },
- { 0xE840, 0xE87E },
- { 0xE880, 0xE8FC },
- { 0xE940, 0xE97E },
- { 0xE980, 0xE9FC },
- { 0xEA40, 0xEA7E },
- { 0xEA80, 0xEAA4 },
- { 0xED40, 0xED7E },
- { 0xED80, 0xEDFC },
- { 0xEE40, 0xEE7E },
- { 0xEE80, 0xEEEC },
- { 0xEEEF, 0xEEFC },
- { 0xFA40, 0xFA7E },
- { 0xFA80, 0xFAFC },
- { 0xFB40, 0xFB7E },
- { 0xFB80, 0xFBFC },
- { 0xFC40, 0xFC4B },
-// generated from
-static const CharRange kGBKRanges[] = {
- { 0x8140, 0x817E },
- { 0x8180, 0x81FE },
- { 0x8240, 0x827E },
- { 0x8280, 0x82FE },
- { 0x8340, 0x837E },
- { 0x8380, 0x83FE },
- { 0x8440, 0x847E },
- { 0x8480, 0x84FE },
- { 0x8540, 0x857E },
- { 0x8580, 0x85FE },
- { 0x8640, 0x867E },
- { 0x8680, 0x86FE },
- { 0x8740, 0x877E },
- { 0x8780, 0x87FE },
- { 0x8840, 0x887E },
- { 0x8880, 0x88FE },
- { 0x8940, 0x897E },
- { 0x8980, 0x89FE },
- { 0x8A40, 0x8A7E },
- { 0x8A80, 0x8AFE },
- { 0x8B40, 0x8B7E },
- { 0x8B80, 0x8BFE },
- { 0x8C40, 0x8C7E },
- { 0x8C80, 0x8CFE },
- { 0x8D40, 0x8D7E },
- { 0x8D80, 0x8DFE },
- { 0x8E40, 0x8E7E },
- { 0x8E80, 0x8EFE },
- { 0x8F40, 0x8F7E },
- { 0x8F80, 0x8FFE },
- { 0x9040, 0x907E },
- { 0x9080, 0x90FE },
- { 0x9140, 0x917E },
- { 0x9180, 0x91FE },
- { 0x9240, 0x927E },
- { 0x9280, 0x92FE },
- { 0x9340, 0x937E },
- { 0x9380, 0x93FE },
- { 0x9440, 0x947E },
- { 0x9480, 0x94FE },
- { 0x9540, 0x957E },
- { 0x9580, 0x95FE },
- { 0x9640, 0x967E },
- { 0x9680, 0x96FE },
- { 0x9740, 0x977E },
- { 0x9780, 0x97FE },
- { 0x9840, 0x987E },
- { 0x9880, 0x98FE },
- { 0x9940, 0x997E },
- { 0x9980, 0x99FE },
- { 0x9A40, 0x9A7E },
- { 0x9A80, 0x9AFE },
- { 0x9B40, 0x9B7E },
- { 0x9B80, 0x9BFE },
- { 0x9C40, 0x9C7E },
- { 0x9C80, 0x9CFE },
- { 0x9D40, 0x9D7E },
- { 0x9D80, 0x9DFE },
- { 0x9E40, 0x9E7E },
- { 0x9E80, 0x9EFE },
- { 0x9F40, 0x9F7E },
- { 0x9F80, 0x9FFE },
- { 0xA040, 0xA07E },
- { 0xA080, 0xA0FE },
- { 0xA1A1, 0xA1FE },
- { 0xA2A1, 0xA2AA },
- { 0xA2B1, 0xA2E2 },
- { 0xA2E5, 0xA2EE },
- { 0xA2F1, 0xA2FC },
- { 0xA3A1, 0xA3FE },
- { 0xA4A1, 0xA4F3 },
- { 0xA5A1, 0xA5F6 },
- { 0xA6A1, 0xA6B8 },
- { 0xA6C1, 0xA6D8 },
- { 0xA6E0, 0xA6EB },
- { 0xA6EE, 0xA6F2 },
- { 0xA6F4, 0xA6F5 },
- { 0xA7A1, 0xA7C1 },
- { 0xA7D1, 0xA7F1 },
- { 0xA840, 0xA87E },
- { 0xA880, 0xA895 },
- { 0xA8A1, 0xA8BB },
- { 0xA8BD, 0xA8BE },
- { 0xA8C0, 0xA8C0 },
- { 0xA8C5, 0xA8E9 },
- { 0xA940, 0xA957 },
- { 0xA959, 0xA95A },
- { 0xA95C, 0xA95C },
- { 0xA960, 0xA97E },
- { 0xA980, 0xA988 },
- { 0xA996, 0xA996 },
- { 0xA9A4, 0xA9EF },
- { 0xAA40, 0xAA7E },
- { 0xAA80, 0xAAA0 },
- { 0xAB40, 0xAB7E },
- { 0xAB80, 0xABA0 },
- { 0xAC40, 0xAC7E },
- { 0xAC80, 0xACA0 },
- { 0xAD40, 0xAD7E },
- { 0xAD80, 0xADA0 },
- { 0xAE40, 0xAE7E },
- { 0xAE80, 0xAEA0 },
- { 0xAF40, 0xAF7E },
- { 0xAF80, 0xAFA0 },
- { 0xB040, 0xB07E },
- { 0xB080, 0xB0FE },
- { 0xB140, 0xB17E },
- { 0xB180, 0xB1FE },
- { 0xB240, 0xB27E },
- { 0xB280, 0xB2FE },
- { 0xB340, 0xB37E },
- { 0xB380, 0xB3FE },
- { 0xB440, 0xB47E },
- { 0xB480, 0xB4FE },
- { 0xB540, 0xB57E },
- { 0xB580, 0xB5FE },
- { 0xB640, 0xB67E },
- { 0xB680, 0xB6FE },
- { 0xB740, 0xB77E },
- { 0xB780, 0xB7FE },
- { 0xB840, 0xB87E },
- { 0xB880, 0xB8FE },
- { 0xB940, 0xB97E },
- { 0xB980, 0xB9FE },
- { 0xBA40, 0xBA7E },
- { 0xBA80, 0xBAFE },
- { 0xBB40, 0xBB7E },
- { 0xBB80, 0xBBFE },
- { 0xBC40, 0xBC7E },
- { 0xBC80, 0xBCFE },
- { 0xBD40, 0xBD7E },
- { 0xBD80, 0xBDFE },
- { 0xBE40, 0xBE7E },
- { 0xBE80, 0xBEFE },
- { 0xBF40, 0xBF7E },
- { 0xBF80, 0xBFFE },
- { 0xC040, 0xC07E },
- { 0xC080, 0xC0FE },
- { 0xC140, 0xC17E },
- { 0xC180, 0xC1FE },
- { 0xC240, 0xC27E },
- { 0xC280, 0xC2FE },
- { 0xC340, 0xC37E },
- { 0xC380, 0xC3FE },
- { 0xC440, 0xC47E },
- { 0xC480, 0xC4FE },
- { 0xC540, 0xC57E },
- { 0xC580, 0xC5FE },
- { 0xC640, 0xC67E },
- { 0xC680, 0xC6FE },
- { 0xC740, 0xC77E },
- { 0xC780, 0xC7FE },
- { 0xC840, 0xC87E },
- { 0xC880, 0xC8FE },
- { 0xC940, 0xC97E },
- { 0xC980, 0xC9FE },
- { 0xCA40, 0xCA7E },
- { 0xCA80, 0xCAFE },
- { 0xCB40, 0xCB7E },
- { 0xCB80, 0xCBFE },
- { 0xCC40, 0xCC7E },
- { 0xCC80, 0xCCFE },
- { 0xCD40, 0xCD7E },
- { 0xCD80, 0xCDFE },
- { 0xCE40, 0xCE7E },
- { 0xCE80, 0xCEFE },
- { 0xCF40, 0xCF7E },
- { 0xCF80, 0xCFFE },
- { 0xD040, 0xD07E },
- { 0xD080, 0xD0FE },
- { 0xD140, 0xD17E },
- { 0xD180, 0xD1FE },
- { 0xD240, 0xD27E },
- { 0xD280, 0xD2FE },
- { 0xD340, 0xD37E },
- { 0xD380, 0xD3FE },
- { 0xD440, 0xD47E },
- { 0xD480, 0xD4FE },
- { 0xD540, 0xD57E },
- { 0xD580, 0xD5FE },
- { 0xD640, 0xD67E },
- { 0xD680, 0xD6FE },
- { 0xD740, 0xD77E },
- { 0xD780, 0xD7F9 },
- { 0xD840, 0xD87E },
- { 0xD880, 0xD8FE },
- { 0xD940, 0xD97E },
- { 0xD980, 0xD9FE },
- { 0xDA40, 0xDA7E },
- { 0xDA80, 0xDAFE },
- { 0xDB40, 0xDB7E },
- { 0xDB80, 0xDBFE },
- { 0xDC40, 0xDC7E },
- { 0xDC80, 0xDCFE },
- { 0xDD40, 0xDD7E },
- { 0xDD80, 0xDDFE },
- { 0xDE40, 0xDE7E },
- { 0xDE80, 0xDEFE },
- { 0xDF40, 0xDF7E },
- { 0xDF80, 0xDFFE },
- { 0xE040, 0xE07E },
- { 0xE080, 0xE0FE },
- { 0xE140, 0xE17E },
- { 0xE180, 0xE1FE },
- { 0xE240, 0xE27E },
- { 0xE280, 0xE2FE },
- { 0xE340, 0xE37E },
- { 0xE380, 0xE3FE },
- { 0xE440, 0xE47E },
- { 0xE480, 0xE4FE },
- { 0xE540, 0xE57E },
- { 0xE580, 0xE5FE },
- { 0xE640, 0xE67E },
- { 0xE680, 0xE6FE },
- { 0xE740, 0xE77E },
- { 0xE780, 0xE7FE },
- { 0xE840, 0xE87E },
- { 0xE880, 0xE8FE },
- { 0xE940, 0xE97E },
- { 0xE980, 0xE9FE },
- { 0xEA40, 0xEA7E },
- { 0xEA80, 0xEAFE },
- { 0xEB40, 0xEB7E },
- { 0xEB80, 0xEBFE },
- { 0xEC40, 0xEC7E },
- { 0xEC80, 0xECFE },
- { 0xED40, 0xED7E },
- { 0xED80, 0xEDFE },
- { 0xEE40, 0xEE7E },
- { 0xEE80, 0xEEFE },
- { 0xEF40, 0xEF7E },
- { 0xEF80, 0xEFFE },
- { 0xF040, 0xF07E },
- { 0xF080, 0xF0FE },
- { 0xF140, 0xF17E },
- { 0xF180, 0xF1FE },
- { 0xF240, 0xF27E },
- { 0xF280, 0xF2FE },
- { 0xF340, 0xF37E },
- { 0xF380, 0xF3FE },
- { 0xF440, 0xF47E },
- { 0xF480, 0xF4FE },
- { 0xF540, 0xF57E },
- { 0xF580, 0xF5FE },
- { 0xF640, 0xF67E },
- { 0xF680, 0xF6FE },
- { 0xF740, 0xF77E },
- { 0xF780, 0xF7FE },
- { 0xF840, 0xF87E },
- { 0xF880, 0xF8A0 },
- { 0xF940, 0xF97E },
- { 0xF980, 0xF9A0 },
- { 0xFA40, 0xFA7E },
- { 0xFA80, 0xFAA0 },
- { 0xFB40, 0xFB7E },
- { 0xFB80, 0xFBA0 },
- { 0xFC40, 0xFC7E },
- { 0xFC80, 0xFCA0 },
- { 0xFD40, 0xFD7E },
- { 0xFD80, 0xFDA0 },
- { 0xFE40, 0xFE4F },
-// generated from
-static const CharRange kEUCKRRanges[] = {
- { 0x8141, 0x815A },
- { 0x8161, 0x817A },
- { 0x8181, 0x81FE },
- { 0x8241, 0x825A },
- { 0x8261, 0x827A },
- { 0x8281, 0x82FE },
- { 0x8341, 0x835A },
- { 0x8361, 0x837A },
- { 0x8381, 0x83FE },
- { 0x8441, 0x845A },
- { 0x8461, 0x847A },
- { 0x8481, 0x84FE },
- { 0x8541, 0x855A },
- { 0x8561, 0x857A },
- { 0x8581, 0x85FE },
- { 0x8641, 0x865A },
- { 0x8661, 0x867A },
- { 0x8681, 0x86FE },
- { 0x8741, 0x875A },
- { 0x8761, 0x877A },
- { 0x8781, 0x87FE },
- { 0x8841, 0x885A },
- { 0x8861, 0x887A },
- { 0x8881, 0x88FE },
- { 0x8941, 0x895A },
- { 0x8961, 0x897A },
- { 0x8981, 0x89FE },
- { 0x8A41, 0x8A5A },
- { 0x8A61, 0x8A7A },
- { 0x8A81, 0x8AFE },
- { 0x8B41, 0x8B5A },
- { 0x8B61, 0x8B7A },
- { 0x8B81, 0x8BFE },
- { 0x8C41, 0x8C5A },
- { 0x8C61, 0x8C7A },
- { 0x8C81, 0x8CFE },
- { 0x8D41, 0x8D5A },
- { 0x8D61, 0x8D7A },
- { 0x8D81, 0x8DFE },
- { 0x8E41, 0x8E5A },
- { 0x8E61, 0x8E7A },
- { 0x8E81, 0x8EFE },
- { 0x8F41, 0x8F5A },
- { 0x8F61, 0x8F7A },
- { 0x8F81, 0x8FFE },
- { 0x9041, 0x905A },
- { 0x9061, 0x907A },
- { 0x9081, 0x90FE },
- { 0x9141, 0x915A },
- { 0x9161, 0x917A },
- { 0x9181, 0x91FE },
- { 0x9241, 0x925A },
- { 0x9261, 0x927A },
- { 0x9281, 0x92FE },
- { 0x9341, 0x935A },
- { 0x9361, 0x937A },
- { 0x9381, 0x93FE },
- { 0x9441, 0x945A },
- { 0x9461, 0x947A },
- { 0x9481, 0x94FE },
- { 0x9541, 0x955A },
- { 0x9561, 0x957A },
- { 0x9581, 0x95FE },
- { 0x9641, 0x965A },
- { 0x9661, 0x967A },
- { 0x9681, 0x96FE },
- { 0x9741, 0x975A },
- { 0x9761, 0x977A },
- { 0x9781, 0x97FE },
- { 0x9841, 0x985A },
- { 0x9861, 0x987A },
- { 0x9881, 0x98FE },
- { 0x9941, 0x995A },
- { 0x9961, 0x997A },
- { 0x9981, 0x99FE },
- { 0x9A41, 0x9A5A },
- { 0x9A61, 0x9A7A },
- { 0x9A81, 0x9AFE },
- { 0x9B41, 0x9B5A },
- { 0x9B61, 0x9B7A },
- { 0x9B81, 0x9BFE },
- { 0x9C41, 0x9C5A },
- { 0x9C61, 0x9C7A },
- { 0x9C81, 0x9CFE },
- { 0x9D41, 0x9D5A },
- { 0x9D61, 0x9D7A },
- { 0x9D81, 0x9DFE },
- { 0x9E41, 0x9E5A },
- { 0x9E61, 0x9E7A },
- { 0x9E81, 0x9EFE },
- { 0x9F41, 0x9F5A },
- { 0x9F61, 0x9F7A },
- { 0x9F81, 0x9FFE },
- { 0xA041, 0xA05A },
- { 0xA061, 0xA07A },
- { 0xA081, 0xA0FE },
- { 0xA141, 0xA15A },
- { 0xA161, 0xA17A },
- { 0xA181, 0xA1FE },
- { 0xA241, 0xA25A },
- { 0xA261, 0xA27A },
- { 0xA281, 0xA2E7 },
- { 0xA341, 0xA35A },
- { 0xA361, 0xA37A },
- { 0xA381, 0xA3FE },
- { 0xA441, 0xA45A },
- { 0xA461, 0xA47A },
- { 0xA481, 0xA4FE },
- { 0xA541, 0xA55A },
- { 0xA561, 0xA57A },
- { 0xA581, 0xA5AA },
- { 0xA5B0, 0xA5B9 },
- { 0xA5C1, 0xA5D8 },
- { 0xA5E1, 0xA5F8 },
- { 0xA641, 0xA65A },
- { 0xA661, 0xA67A },
- { 0xA681, 0xA6E4 },
- { 0xA741, 0xA75A },
- { 0xA761, 0xA77A },
- { 0xA781, 0xA7EF },
- { 0xA841, 0xA85A },
- { 0xA861, 0xA87A },
- { 0xA881, 0xA8A4 },
- { 0xA8A6, 0xA8A6 },
- { 0xA8A8, 0xA8AF },
- { 0xA8B1, 0xA8FE },
- { 0xA941, 0xA95A },
- { 0xA961, 0xA97A },
- { 0xA981, 0xA9FE },
- { 0xAA41, 0xAA5A },
- { 0xAA61, 0xAA7A },
- { 0xAA81, 0xAAF3 },
- { 0xAB41, 0xAB5A },
- { 0xAB61, 0xAB7A },
- { 0xAB81, 0xABF6 },
- { 0xAC41, 0xAC5A },
- { 0xAC61, 0xAC7A },
- { 0xAC81, 0xACC1 },
- { 0xACD1, 0xACF1 },
- { 0xAD41, 0xAD5A },
- { 0xAD61, 0xAD7A },
- { 0xAD81, 0xADA0 },
- { 0xAE41, 0xAE5A },
- { 0xAE61, 0xAE7A },
- { 0xAE81, 0xAEA0 },
- { 0xAF41, 0xAF5A },
- { 0xAF61, 0xAF7A },
- { 0xAF81, 0xAFA0 },
- { 0xB041, 0xB05A },
- { 0xB061, 0xB07A },
- { 0xB081, 0xB0FE },
- { 0xB141, 0xB15A },
- { 0xB161, 0xB17A },
- { 0xB181, 0xB1FE },
- { 0xB241, 0xB25A },
- { 0xB261, 0xB27A },
- { 0xB281, 0xB2FE },
- { 0xB341, 0xB35A },
- { 0xB361, 0xB37A },
- { 0xB381, 0xB3FE },
- { 0xB441, 0xB45A },
- { 0xB461, 0xB47A },
- { 0xB481, 0xB4FE },
- { 0xB541, 0xB55A },
- { 0xB561, 0xB57A },
- { 0xB581, 0xB5FE },
- { 0xB641, 0xB65A },
- { 0xB661, 0xB67A },
- { 0xB681, 0xB6FE },
- { 0xB741, 0xB75A },
- { 0xB761, 0xB77A },
- { 0xB781, 0xB7FE },
- { 0xB841, 0xB85A },
- { 0xB861, 0xB87A },
- { 0xB881, 0xB8FE },
- { 0xB941, 0xB95A },
- { 0xB961, 0xB97A },
- { 0xB981, 0xB9FE },
- { 0xBA41, 0xBA5A },
- { 0xBA61, 0xBA7A },
- { 0xBA81, 0xBAFE },
- { 0xBB41, 0xBB5A },
- { 0xBB61, 0xBB7A },
- { 0xBB81, 0xBBFE },
- { 0xBC41, 0xBC5A },
- { 0xBC61, 0xBC7A },
- { 0xBC81, 0xBCFE },
- { 0xBD41, 0xBD5A },
- { 0xBD61, 0xBD7A },
- { 0xBD81, 0xBDFE },
- { 0xBE41, 0xBE5A },
- { 0xBE61, 0xBE7A },
- { 0xBE81, 0xBEFE },
- { 0xBF41, 0xBF5A },
- { 0xBF61, 0xBF7A },
- { 0xBF81, 0xBFFE },
- { 0xC041, 0xC05A },
- { 0xC061, 0xC07A },
- { 0xC081, 0xC0FE },
- { 0xC141, 0xC15A },
- { 0xC161, 0xC17A },
- { 0xC181, 0xC1FE },
- { 0xC241, 0xC25A },
- { 0xC261, 0xC27A },
- { 0xC281, 0xC2FE },
- { 0xC341, 0xC35A },
- { 0xC361, 0xC37A },
- { 0xC381, 0xC3FE },
- { 0xC441, 0xC45A },
- { 0xC461, 0xC47A },
- { 0xC481, 0xC4FE },
- { 0xC541, 0xC55A },
- { 0xC561, 0xC57A },
- { 0xC581, 0xC5FE },
- { 0xC641, 0xC652 },
- { 0xC6A1, 0xC6FE },
- { 0xC7A1, 0xC7FE },
- { 0xC8A1, 0xC8FE },
- { 0xCAA1, 0xCAFE },
- { 0xCBA1, 0xCBFE },
- { 0xCCA1, 0xCCFE },
- { 0xCDA1, 0xCDFE },
- { 0xCEA1, 0xCEFE },
- { 0xCFA1, 0xCFFE },
- { 0xD0A1, 0xD0FE },
- { 0xD1A1, 0xD1FE },
- { 0xD2A1, 0xD2FE },
- { 0xD3A1, 0xD3FE },
- { 0xD4A1, 0xD4FE },
- { 0xD5A1, 0xD5FE },
- { 0xD6A1, 0xD6FE },
- { 0xD7A1, 0xD7FE },
- { 0xD8A1, 0xD8FE },
- { 0xD9A1, 0xD9FE },
- { 0xDAA1, 0xDAFE },
- { 0xDBA1, 0xDBFE },
- { 0xDCA1, 0xDCFE },
- { 0xDDA1, 0xDDFE },
- { 0xDEA1, 0xDEFE },
- { 0xDFA1, 0xDFFE },
- { 0xE0A1, 0xE0FE },
- { 0xE1A1, 0xE1FE },
- { 0xE2A1, 0xE2FE },
- { 0xE3A1, 0xE3FE },
- { 0xE4A1, 0xE4FE },
- { 0xE5A1, 0xE5FE },
- { 0xE6A1, 0xE6FE },
- { 0xE7A1, 0xE7FE },
- { 0xE8A1, 0xE8FE },
- { 0xE9A1, 0xE9FE },
- { 0xEAA1, 0xEAFE },
- { 0xEBA1, 0xEBFE },
- { 0xECA1, 0xECFE },
- { 0xEDA1, 0xEDFE },
- { 0xEEA1, 0xEEFE },
- { 0xEFA1, 0xEFFE },
- { 0xF0A1, 0xF0FE },
- { 0xF1A1, 0xF1FE },
- { 0xF2A1, 0xF2FE },
- { 0xF3A1, 0xF3FE },
- { 0xF4A1, 0xF4FE },
- { 0xF5A1, 0xF5FE },
- { 0xF6A1, 0xF6FE },
- { 0xF7A1, 0xF7FE },
- { 0xF8A1, 0xF8FE },
- { 0xF9A1, 0xF9FE },
- { 0xFAA1, 0xFAFE },
- { 0xFBA1, 0xFBFE },
- { 0xFCA1, 0xFCFE },
- { 0xFDA1, 0xFDFE },
-// generated from
-static const CharRange kBig5Ranges[] = {
- { 0xA140, 0xA17E },
- { 0xA1A1, 0xA1FE },
- { 0xA240, 0xA27E },
- { 0xA2A1, 0xA2FE },
- { 0xA340, 0xA37E },
- { 0xA3A1, 0xA3BF },
- { 0xA3E1, 0xA3E1 },
- { 0xA440, 0xA47E },
- { 0xA4A1, 0xA4FE },
- { 0xA540, 0xA57E },
- { 0xA5A1, 0xA5FE },
- { 0xA640, 0xA67E },
- { 0xA6A1, 0xA6FE },
- { 0xA740, 0xA77E },
- { 0xA7A1, 0xA7FE },
- { 0xA840, 0xA87E },
- { 0xA8A1, 0xA8FE },
- { 0xA940, 0xA97E },
- { 0xA9A1, 0xA9FE },
- { 0xAA40, 0xAA7E },
- { 0xAAA1, 0xAAFE },
- { 0xAB40, 0xAB7E },
- { 0xABA1, 0xABFE },
- { 0xAC40, 0xAC7E },
- { 0xACA1, 0xACFE },
- { 0xAD40, 0xAD7E },
- { 0xADA1, 0xADFE },
- { 0xAE40, 0xAE7E },
- { 0xAEA1, 0xAEFE },
- { 0xAF40, 0xAF7E },
- { 0xAFA1, 0xAFFE },
- { 0xB040, 0xB07E },
- { 0xB0A1, 0xB0FE },
- { 0xB140, 0xB17E },
- { 0xB1A1, 0xB1FE },
- { 0xB240, 0xB27E },
- { 0xB2A1, 0xB2FE },
- { 0xB340, 0xB37E },
- { 0xB3A1, 0xB3FE },
- { 0xB440, 0xB47E },
- { 0xB4A1, 0xB4FE },
- { 0xB540, 0xB57E },
- { 0xB5A1, 0xB5FE },
- { 0xB640, 0xB67E },
- { 0xB6A1, 0xB6FE },
- { 0xB740, 0xB77E },
- { 0xB7A1, 0xB7FE },
- { 0xB840, 0xB87E },
- { 0xB8A1, 0xB8FE },
- { 0xB940, 0xB97E },
- { 0xB9A1, 0xB9FE },
- { 0xBA40, 0xBA7E },
- { 0xBAA1, 0xBAFE },
- { 0xBB40, 0xBB7E },
- { 0xBBA1, 0xBBFE },
- { 0xBC40, 0xBC7E },
- { 0xBCA1, 0xBCFE },
- { 0xBD40, 0xBD7E },
- { 0xBDA1, 0xBDFE },
- { 0xBE40, 0xBE7E },
- { 0xBEA1, 0xBEFE },
- { 0xBF40, 0xBF7E },
- { 0xBFA1, 0xBFFE },
- { 0xC040, 0xC07E },
- { 0xC0A1, 0xC0FE },
- { 0xC140, 0xC17E },
- { 0xC1A1, 0xC1FE },
- { 0xC240, 0xC27E },
- { 0xC2A1, 0xC2FE },
- { 0xC340, 0xC37E },
- { 0xC3A1, 0xC3FE },
- { 0xC440, 0xC47E },
- { 0xC4A1, 0xC4FE },
- { 0xC540, 0xC57E },
- { 0xC5A1, 0xC5FE },
- { 0xC640, 0xC67E },
- { 0xC940, 0xC97E },
- { 0xC9A1, 0xC9FE },
- { 0xCA40, 0xCA7E },
- { 0xCAA1, 0xCAFE },
- { 0xCB40, 0xCB7E },
- { 0xCBA1, 0xCBFE },
- { 0xCC40, 0xCC7E },
- { 0xCCA1, 0xCCFE },
- { 0xCD40, 0xCD7E },
- { 0xCDA1, 0xCDFE },
- { 0xCE40, 0xCE7E },
- { 0xCEA1, 0xCEFE },
- { 0xCF40, 0xCF7E },
- { 0xCFA1, 0xCFFE },
- { 0xD040, 0xD07E },
- { 0xD0A1, 0xD0FE },
- { 0xD140, 0xD17E },
- { 0xD1A1, 0xD1FE },
- { 0xD240, 0xD27E },
- { 0xD2A1, 0xD2FE },
- { 0xD340, 0xD37E },
- { 0xD3A1, 0xD3FE },
- { 0xD440, 0xD47E },
- { 0xD4A1, 0xD4FE },
- { 0xD540, 0xD57E },
- { 0xD5A1, 0xD5FE },
- { 0xD640, 0xD67E },
- { 0xD6A1, 0xD6FE },
- { 0xD740, 0xD77E },
- { 0xD7A1, 0xD7FE },
- { 0xD840, 0xD87E },
- { 0xD8A1, 0xD8FE },
- { 0xD940, 0xD97E },
- { 0xD9A1, 0xD9FE },
- { 0xDA40, 0xDA7E },
- { 0xDAA1, 0xDAFE },
- { 0xDB40, 0xDB7E },
- { 0xDBA1, 0xDBFE },
- { 0xDC40, 0xDC7E },
- { 0xDCA1, 0xDCFE },
- { 0xDD40, 0xDD7E },
- { 0xDDA1, 0xDDFE },
- { 0xDE40, 0xDE7E },
- { 0xDEA1, 0xDEFE },
- { 0xDF40, 0xDF7E },
- { 0xDFA1, 0xDFFE },
- { 0xE040, 0xE07E },
- { 0xE0A1, 0xE0FE },
- { 0xE140, 0xE17E },
- { 0xE1A1, 0xE1FE },
- { 0xE240, 0xE27E },
- { 0xE2A1, 0xE2FE },
- { 0xE340, 0xE37E },
- { 0xE3A1, 0xE3FE },
- { 0xE440, 0xE47E },
- { 0xE4A1, 0xE4FE },
- { 0xE540, 0xE57E },
- { 0xE5A1, 0xE5FE },
- { 0xE640, 0xE67E },
- { 0xE6A1, 0xE6FE },
- { 0xE740, 0xE77E },
- { 0xE7A1, 0xE7FE },
- { 0xE840, 0xE87E },
- { 0xE8A1, 0xE8FE },
- { 0xE940, 0xE97E },
- { 0xE9A1, 0xE9FE },
- { 0xEA40, 0xEA7E },
- { 0xEAA1, 0xEAFE },
- { 0xEB40, 0xEB7E },
- { 0xEBA1, 0xEBFE },
- { 0xEC40, 0xEC7E },
- { 0xECA1, 0xECFE },
- { 0xED40, 0xED7E },
- { 0xEDA1, 0xEDFE },
- { 0xEE40, 0xEE7E },
- { 0xEEA1, 0xEEFE },
- { 0xEF40, 0xEF7E },
- { 0xEFA1, 0xEFFE },
- { 0xF040, 0xF07E },
- { 0xF0A1, 0xF0FE },
- { 0xF140, 0xF17E },
- { 0xF1A1, 0xF1FE },
- { 0xF240, 0xF27E },
- { 0xF2A1, 0xF2FE },
- { 0xF340, 0xF37E },
- { 0xF3A1, 0xF3FE },
- { 0xF440, 0xF47E },
- { 0xF4A1, 0xF4FE },
- { 0xF540, 0xF57E },
- { 0xF5A1, 0xF5FE },
- { 0xF640, 0xF67E },
- { 0xF6A1, 0xF6FE },
- { 0xF740, 0xF77E },
- { 0xF7A1, 0xF7FE },
- { 0xF840, 0xF87E },
- { 0xF8A1, 0xF8FE },
- { 0xF940, 0xF97E },
- { 0xF9A1, 0xF9FE },
-static bool charMatchesEncoding(int ch, const CharRange* encodingRanges, int rangeCount) {
- // Use binary search to see if the character is contained in the encoding
- int low = 0;
- int high = rangeCount;
- while (low < high) {
- int i = (low + high) / 2;
- const CharRange* range = &encodingRanges[i];
- if (ch >= range->first && ch <= range->last)
- return true;
- if (ch > range->last)
- low = i + 1;
- else
- high = i;
- }
- return false;
-extern uint32_t findPossibleEncodings(int ch)
- // ASCII matches everything
- if (ch < 256) return kEncodingAll;
- int result = kEncodingNone;
- if (charMatchesEncoding(ch, kShiftJISRanges, ARRAY_SIZE(kShiftJISRanges)))
- result |= kEncodingShiftJIS;
- if (charMatchesEncoding(ch, kGBKRanges, ARRAY_SIZE(kGBKRanges)))
- result |= kEncodingGBK;
- if (charMatchesEncoding(ch, kBig5Ranges, ARRAY_SIZE(kBig5Ranges)))
- result |= kEncodingBig5;
- if (charMatchesEncoding(ch, kEUCKRRanges, ARRAY_SIZE(kEUCKRRanges)))
- result |= kEncodingEUCKR;
- return result;
diff --git a/media/libmedia/autodetect.h b/media/libmedia/autodetect.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9675db3..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/autodetect.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <inttypes.h>
-// flags used for native encoding detection
-enum {
- kEncodingNone = 0,
- kEncodingShiftJIS = (1 << 0),
- kEncodingGBK = (1 << 1),
- kEncodingBig5 = (1 << 2),
- kEncodingEUCKR = (1 << 3),
- kEncodingAll = (kEncodingShiftJIS | kEncodingGBK | kEncodingBig5 | kEncodingEUCKR),
-// returns a bitfield containing the possible native encodings for the given character
-extern uint32_t findPossibleEncodings(int ch);
-#endif // AUTODETECT_H
diff --git a/media/libmedia/mediametadataretriever.cpp b/media/libmedia/mediametadataretriever.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b0241aa..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/mediametadataretriever.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "MediaMetadataRetriever"
-#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <media/mediametadataretriever.h>
-#include <media/IMediaPlayerService.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-namespace android {
-// client singleton for binder interface to service
-Mutex MediaMetadataRetriever::sServiceLock;
-sp<IMediaPlayerService> MediaMetadataRetriever::sService;
-sp<MediaMetadataRetriever::DeathNotifier> MediaMetadataRetriever::sDeathNotifier;
-const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& MediaMetadataRetriever::getService()
- Mutex::Autolock lock(sServiceLock);
- if (sService == 0) {
- sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
- sp<IBinder> binder;
- do {
- binder = sm->getService(String16("media.player"));
- if (binder != 0) {
- break;
- }
- ALOGW("MediaPlayerService not published, waiting...");
- usleep(500000); // 0.5 s
- } while (true);
- if (sDeathNotifier == NULL) {
- sDeathNotifier = new DeathNotifier();
- }
- binder->linkToDeath(sDeathNotifier);
- sService = interface_cast<IMediaPlayerService>(binder);
- }
- ALOGE_IF(sService == 0, "no MediaPlayerService!?");
- return sService;
- ALOGV("constructor");
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getService());
- if (service == 0) {
- ALOGE("failed to obtain MediaMetadataRetrieverService");
- return;
- }
- sp<IMediaMetadataRetriever> retriever(service->createMetadataRetriever(getpid()));
- if (retriever == 0) {
- ALOGE("failed to create IMediaMetadataRetriever object from server");
- }
- mRetriever = retriever;
- ALOGV("destructor");
- disconnect();
- IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
-void MediaMetadataRetriever::disconnect()
- ALOGV("disconnect");
- sp<IMediaMetadataRetriever> retriever;
- {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- retriever = mRetriever;
- mRetriever.clear();
- }
- if (retriever != 0) {
- retriever->disconnect();
- }
-status_t MediaMetadataRetriever::setDataSource(
- const char *srcUrl, const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers)
- ALOGV("setDataSource");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mRetriever == 0) {
- ALOGE("retriever is not initialized");
- }
- if (srcUrl == NULL) {
- ALOGE("data source is a null pointer");
- }
- ALOGV("data source (%s)", srcUrl);
- return mRetriever->setDataSource(srcUrl, headers);
-status_t MediaMetadataRetriever::setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length)
- ALOGV("setDataSource(%d, %lld, %lld)", fd, offset, length);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mRetriever == 0) {
- ALOGE("retriever is not initialized");
- }
- if (fd < 0 || offset < 0 || length < 0) {
- ALOGE("Invalid negative argument");
- }
- return mRetriever->setDataSource(fd, offset, length);
-sp<IMemory> MediaMetadataRetriever::getFrameAtTime(int64_t timeUs, int option)
- ALOGV("getFrameAtTime: time(%lld us) option(%d)", timeUs, option);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mRetriever == 0) {
- ALOGE("retriever is not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- return mRetriever->getFrameAtTime(timeUs, option);
-const char* MediaMetadataRetriever::extractMetadata(int keyCode)
- ALOGV("extractMetadata(%d)", keyCode);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mRetriever == 0) {
- ALOGE("retriever is not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- return mRetriever->extractMetadata(keyCode);
-sp<IMemory> MediaMetadataRetriever::extractAlbumArt()
- ALOGV("extractAlbumArt");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mRetriever == 0) {
- ALOGE("retriever is not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- return mRetriever->extractAlbumArt();
-void MediaMetadataRetriever::DeathNotifier::binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) {
- Mutex::Autolock lock(MediaMetadataRetriever::sServiceLock);
- MediaMetadataRetriever::sService.clear();
- ALOGW("MediaMetadataRetriever server died!");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(sServiceLock);
- if (sService != 0) {
- sService->asBinder()->unlinkToDeath(this);
- }
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/mediaplayer.cpp b/media/libmedia/mediaplayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b52a37d..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/mediaplayer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
-** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-** You may obtain a copy of the License at
-** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-** limitations under the License.
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "MediaPlayer"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <gui/SurfaceTextureClient.h>
-#include <media/mediaplayer.h>
-#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
-#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
-#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-#include <system/audio.h>
-#include <system/window.h>
-namespace android {
- ALOGV("constructor");
- mListener = NULL;
- mCookie = NULL;
- mDuration = -1;
- mCurrentPosition = -1;
- mSeekPosition = -1;
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE;
- mPrepareSync = false;
- mPrepareStatus = NO_ERROR;
- mLoop = false;
- mLeftVolume = mRightVolume = 1.0;
- mVideoWidth = mVideoHeight = 0;
- mLockThreadId = 0;
- mAudioSessionId = AudioSystem::newAudioSessionId();
- AudioSystem::acquireAudioSessionId(mAudioSessionId);
- mSendLevel = 0;
- mRetransmitEndpointValid = false;
- ALOGV("destructor");
- AudioSystem::releaseAudioSessionId(mAudioSessionId);
- disconnect();
- IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands();
-void MediaPlayer::disconnect()
- ALOGV("disconnect");
- sp<IMediaPlayer> p;
- {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- p = mPlayer;
- mPlayer.clear();
- }
- if (p != 0) {
- p->disconnect();
- }
-// always call with lock held
-void MediaPlayer::clear_l()
- mDuration = -1;
- mCurrentPosition = -1;
- mSeekPosition = -1;
- mVideoWidth = mVideoHeight = 0;
- mRetransmitEndpointValid = false;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setListener(const sp<MediaPlayerListener>& listener)
- ALOGV("setListener");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mListener = listener;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t MediaPlayer::attachNewPlayer(const sp<IMediaPlayer>& player)
- status_t err = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- sp<IMediaPlayer> p;
- { // scope for the lock
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if ( !( (mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE) ||
- (mCurrentState == MEDIA_PLAYER_STATE_ERROR ) ) ) {
- ALOGE("attachNewPlayer called in state %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- clear_l();
- p = mPlayer;
- mPlayer = player;
- if (player != 0) {
- err = NO_ERROR;
- } else {
- ALOGE("Unable to to create media player");
- }
- }
- if (p != 0) {
- p->disconnect();
- }
- return err;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setDataSource(
- const char *url, const KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers)
- ALOGV("setDataSource(%s)", url);
- status_t err = BAD_VALUE;
- if (url != NULL) {
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getMediaPlayerService());
- if (service != 0) {
- sp<IMediaPlayer> player(service->create(getpid(), this, mAudioSessionId));
- if ((NO_ERROR != doSetRetransmitEndpoint(player)) ||
- (NO_ERROR != player->setDataSource(url, headers))) {
- player.clear();
- }
- err = attachNewPlayer(player);
- }
- }
- return err;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setDataSource(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length)
- ALOGV("setDataSource(%d, %lld, %lld)", fd, offset, length);
- status_t err = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getMediaPlayerService());
- if (service != 0) {
- sp<IMediaPlayer> player(service->create(getpid(), this, mAudioSessionId));
- if ((NO_ERROR != doSetRetransmitEndpoint(player)) ||
- (NO_ERROR != player->setDataSource(fd, offset, length))) {
- player.clear();
- }
- err = attachNewPlayer(player);
- }
- return err;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setDataSource(const sp<IStreamSource> &source)
- ALOGV("setDataSource");
- status_t err = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getMediaPlayerService());
- if (service != 0) {
- sp<IMediaPlayer> player(service->create(getpid(), this, mAudioSessionId));
- if ((NO_ERROR != doSetRetransmitEndpoint(player)) ||
- (NO_ERROR != player->setDataSource(source))) {
- player.clear();
- }
- err = attachNewPlayer(player);
- }
- return err;
-status_t MediaPlayer::invoke(const Parcel& request, Parcel *reply)
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- const bool hasBeenInitialized =
- (mCurrentState != MEDIA_PLAYER_STATE_ERROR) &&
- if ((mPlayer != NULL) && hasBeenInitialized) {
- ALOGV("invoke %d", request.dataSize());
- return mPlayer->invoke(request, reply);
- }
- ALOGE("invoke failed: wrong state %X", mCurrentState);
-status_t MediaPlayer::setMetadataFilter(const Parcel& filter)
- ALOGD("setMetadataFilter");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
- if (mPlayer == NULL) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- return mPlayer->setMetadataFilter(filter);
-status_t MediaPlayer::getMetadata(bool update_only, bool apply_filter, Parcel *metadata)
- ALOGD("getMetadata");
- Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
- if (mPlayer == NULL) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- return mPlayer->getMetadata(update_only, apply_filter, metadata);
-status_t MediaPlayer::setVideoSurfaceTexture(
- const sp<ISurfaceTexture>& surfaceTexture)
- ALOGV("setVideoSurfaceTexture");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer == 0) return NO_INIT;
- return mPlayer->setVideoSurfaceTexture(surfaceTexture);
-// must call with lock held
-status_t MediaPlayer::prepareAsync_l()
- if ( (mPlayer != 0) && ( mCurrentState & ( MEDIA_PLAYER_INITIALIZED | MEDIA_PLAYER_STOPPED) ) ) {
- mPlayer->setAudioStreamType(mStreamType);
- return mPlayer->prepareAsync();
- }
- ALOGE("prepareAsync called in state %d", mCurrentState);
-// TODO: In case of error, prepareAsync provides the caller with 2 error codes,
-// one defined in the Android framework and one provided by the implementation
-// that generated the error. The sync version of prepare returns only 1 error
-// code.
-status_t MediaPlayer::prepare()
- ALOGV("prepare");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mLockThreadId = getThreadId();
- if (mPrepareSync) {
- mLockThreadId = 0;
- return -EALREADY;
- }
- mPrepareSync = true;
- status_t ret = prepareAsync_l();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- mLockThreadId = 0;
- return ret;
- }
- if (mPrepareSync) {
- mSignal.wait(mLock); // wait for prepare done
- mPrepareSync = false;
- }
- ALOGV("prepare complete - status=%d", mPrepareStatus);
- mLockThreadId = 0;
- return mPrepareStatus;
-status_t MediaPlayer::prepareAsync()
- ALOGV("prepareAsync");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- return prepareAsync_l();
-status_t MediaPlayer::start()
- ALOGV("start");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_STARTED)
- return NO_ERROR;
- if ( (mPlayer != 0) && ( mCurrentState & ( MEDIA_PLAYER_PREPARED |
- mPlayer->setLooping(mLoop);
- mPlayer->setVolume(mLeftVolume, mRightVolume);
- mPlayer->setAuxEffectSendLevel(mSendLevel);
- status_t ret = mPlayer->start();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- } else {
- ALOGV("playback completed immediately following start()");
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ALOGE("start called in state %d", mCurrentState);
-status_t MediaPlayer::stop()
- ALOGV("stop");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_STOPPED) return NO_ERROR;
- if ( (mPlayer != 0) && ( mCurrentState & ( MEDIA_PLAYER_STARTED | MEDIA_PLAYER_PREPARED |
- status_t ret = mPlayer->stop();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- } else {
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ALOGE("stop called in state %d", mCurrentState);
-status_t MediaPlayer::pause()
- ALOGV("pause");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- return NO_ERROR;
- if ((mPlayer != 0) && (mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_STARTED)) {
- status_t ret = mPlayer->pause();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- } else {
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_PLAYER_PAUSED;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ALOGE("pause called in state %d", mCurrentState);
-bool MediaPlayer::isPlaying()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- bool temp = false;
- mPlayer->isPlaying(&temp);
- ALOGV("isPlaying: %d", temp);
- if ((mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_STARTED) && ! temp) {
- ALOGE("internal/external state mismatch corrected");
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_PLAYER_PAUSED;
- }
- return temp;
- }
- ALOGV("isPlaying: no active player");
- return false;
-status_t MediaPlayer::getVideoWidth(int *w)
- ALOGV("getVideoWidth");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer == 0) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- *w = mVideoWidth;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t MediaPlayer::getVideoHeight(int *h)
- ALOGV("getVideoHeight");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer == 0) return INVALID_OPERATION;
- *h = mVideoHeight;
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t MediaPlayer::getCurrentPosition(int *msec)
- ALOGV("getCurrentPosition");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- if (mCurrentPosition >= 0) {
- ALOGV("Using cached seek position: %d", mCurrentPosition);
- *msec = mCurrentPosition;
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- return mPlayer->getCurrentPosition(msec);
- }
-status_t MediaPlayer::getDuration_l(int *msec)
- ALOGV("getDuration");
- if (mPlayer != 0 && isValidState) {
- status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
- if (mDuration <= 0)
- ret = mPlayer->getDuration(&mDuration);
- if (msec)
- *msec = mDuration;
- return ret;
- }
- ALOGE("Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer");
-status_t MediaPlayer::getDuration(int *msec)
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- return getDuration_l(msec);
-status_t MediaPlayer::seekTo_l(int msec)
- ALOGV("seekTo %d", msec);
- if ( msec < 0 ) {
- ALOGW("Attempt to seek to invalid position: %d", msec);
- msec = 0;
- } else if ((mDuration > 0) && (msec > mDuration)) {
- ALOGW("Attempt to seek to past end of file: request = %d, EOF = %d", msec, mDuration);
- msec = mDuration;
- }
- // cache duration
- mCurrentPosition = msec;
- if (mSeekPosition < 0) {
- getDuration_l(NULL);
- mSeekPosition = msec;
- return mPlayer->seekTo(msec);
- }
- else {
- ALOGV("Seek in progress - queue up seekTo[%d]", msec);
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- }
- ALOGE("Attempt to perform seekTo in wrong state: mPlayer=%p, mCurrentState=%u", mPlayer.get(), mCurrentState);
-status_t MediaPlayer::seekTo(int msec)
- mLockThreadId = getThreadId();
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- status_t result = seekTo_l(msec);
- mLockThreadId = 0;
- return result;
-status_t MediaPlayer::reset_l()
- mLoop = false;
- if (mCurrentState == MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE) return NO_ERROR;
- mPrepareSync = false;
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- status_t ret = mPlayer->reset();
- if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("reset() failed with return code (%d)", ret);
- } else {
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE;
- }
- // setDataSource has to be called again to create a
- // new mediaplayer.
- mPlayer = 0;
- return ret;
- }
- clear_l();
- return NO_ERROR;
-status_t MediaPlayer::doSetRetransmitEndpoint(const sp<IMediaPlayer>& player) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (player == NULL) {
- }
- if (mRetransmitEndpointValid) {
- return player->setRetransmitEndpoint(&mRetransmitEndpoint);
- }
- return OK;
-status_t MediaPlayer::reset()
- ALOGV("reset");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- return reset_l();
-status_t MediaPlayer::setAudioStreamType(audio_stream_type_t type)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setAudioStreamType");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mStreamType == type) return NO_ERROR;
- // Can't change the stream type after prepare
- ALOGE("setAudioStream called in state %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- // cache
- mStreamType = type;
- return OK;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setLooping(int loop)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setLooping");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mLoop = (loop != 0);
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- return mPlayer->setLooping(loop);
- }
- return OK;
-bool MediaPlayer::isLooping() {
- ALOGV("isLooping");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- return mLoop;
- }
- ALOGV("isLooping: no active player");
- return false;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setVolume(%f, %f)", leftVolume, rightVolume);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mLeftVolume = leftVolume;
- mRightVolume = rightVolume;
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- return mPlayer->setVolume(leftVolume, rightVolume);
- }
- return OK;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setAudioSessionId(int sessionId)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setAudioSessionId(%d)", sessionId);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE)) {
- ALOGE("setAudioSessionId called in state %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- if (sessionId < 0) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- if (sessionId != mAudioSessionId) {
- AudioSystem::releaseAudioSessionId(mAudioSessionId);
- AudioSystem::acquireAudioSessionId(sessionId);
- mAudioSessionId = sessionId;
- }
- return NO_ERROR;
-int MediaPlayer::getAudioSessionId()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- return mAudioSessionId;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setAuxEffectSendLevel(%f)", level);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mSendLevel = level;
- if (mPlayer != 0) {
- return mPlayer->setAuxEffectSendLevel(level);
- }
- return OK;
-status_t MediaPlayer::attachAuxEffect(int effectId)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::attachAuxEffect(%d)", effectId);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer == 0 ||
- (mCurrentState & MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE) ||
- (mCurrentState == MEDIA_PLAYER_STATE_ERROR )) {
- ALOGE("attachAuxEffect called in state %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- return mPlayer->attachAuxEffect(effectId);
-status_t MediaPlayer::setParameter(int key, const Parcel& request)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setParameter(%d)", key);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer != NULL) {
- return mPlayer->setParameter(key, request);
- }
- ALOGV("setParameter: no active player");
-status_t MediaPlayer::getParameter(int key, Parcel *reply)
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::getParameter(%d)", key);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if (mPlayer != NULL) {
- return mPlayer->getParameter(key, reply);
- }
- ALOGV("getParameter: no active player");
-status_t MediaPlayer::setRetransmitEndpoint(const char* addrString,
- uint16_t port) {
- ALOGV("MediaPlayer::setRetransmitEndpoint(%s:%hu)",
- addrString ? addrString : "(null)", port);
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- if ((mPlayer != NULL) || (mCurrentState != MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE))
- if (NULL == addrString) {
- mRetransmitEndpointValid = false;
- return OK;
- }
- struct in_addr saddr;
- if(!inet_aton(addrString, &saddr)) {
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- memset(&mRetransmitEndpoint, 0, sizeof(&mRetransmitEndpoint));
- mRetransmitEndpoint.sin_family = AF_INET;
- mRetransmitEndpoint.sin_addr = saddr;
- mRetransmitEndpoint.sin_port = htons(port);
- mRetransmitEndpointValid = true;
- return OK;
-void MediaPlayer::notify(int msg, int ext1, int ext2, const Parcel *obj)
- ALOGV("message received msg=%d, ext1=%d, ext2=%d", msg, ext1, ext2);
- bool send = true;
- bool locked = false;
- // TODO: In the future, we might be on the same thread if the app is
- // running in the same process as the media server. In that case,
- // this will deadlock.
- //
- // The threadId hack below works around this for the care of prepare
- // and seekTo within the same process.
- // FIXME: Remember, this is a hack, it's not even a hack that is applied
- // consistently for all use-cases, this needs to be revisited.
- if (mLockThreadId != getThreadId()) {
- mLock.lock();
- locked = true;
- }
- // Allows calls from JNI in idle state to notify errors
- if (!(msg == MEDIA_ERROR && mCurrentState == MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE) && mPlayer == 0) {
- ALOGV("notify(%d, %d, %d) callback on disconnected mediaplayer", msg, ext1, ext2);
- if (locked) mLock.unlock(); // release the lock when done.
- return;
- }
- switch (msg) {
- case MEDIA_NOP: // interface test message
- break;
- ALOGV("prepared");
- if (mPrepareSync) {
- ALOGV("signal application thread");
- mPrepareSync = false;
- mPrepareStatus = NO_ERROR;
- mSignal.signal();
- }
- break;
- ALOGV("playback complete");
- if (mCurrentState == MEDIA_PLAYER_IDLE) {
- ALOGE("playback complete in idle state");
- }
- if (!mLoop) {
- }
- break;
- // Always log errors.
- // ext1: Media framework error code.
- // ext2: Implementation dependant error code.
- ALOGE("error (%d, %d)", ext1, ext2);
- if (mPrepareSync)
- {
- ALOGV("signal application thread");
- mPrepareSync = false;
- mPrepareStatus = ext1;
- mSignal.signal();
- send = false;
- }
- break;
- case MEDIA_INFO:
- // ext1: Media framework error code.
- // ext2: Implementation dependant error code.
- ALOGW("info/warning (%d, %d)", ext1, ext2);
- }
- break;
- ALOGV("Received seek complete");
- if (mSeekPosition != mCurrentPosition) {
- ALOGV("Executing queued seekTo(%d)", mSeekPosition);
- mSeekPosition = -1;
- seekTo_l(mCurrentPosition);
- }
- else {
- ALOGV("All seeks complete - return to regularly scheduled program");
- mCurrentPosition = mSeekPosition = -1;
- }
- break;
- ALOGV("buffering %d", ext1);
- break;
- ALOGV("New video size %d x %d", ext1, ext2);
- mVideoWidth = ext1;
- mVideoHeight = ext2;
- break;
- ALOGV("Received timed text message");
- break;
- default:
- ALOGV("unrecognized message: (%d, %d, %d)", msg, ext1, ext2);
- break;
- }
- sp<MediaPlayerListener> listener = mListener;
- if (locked) mLock.unlock();
- // this prevents re-entrant calls into client code
- if ((listener != 0) && send) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mNotifyLock);
- ALOGV("callback application");
- listener->notify(msg, ext1, ext2, obj);
- ALOGV("back from callback");
- }
-/*static*/ sp<IMemory> MediaPlayer::decode(const char* url, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, audio_format_t* pFormat)
- ALOGV("decode(%s)", url);
- sp<IMemory> p;
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service = getMediaPlayerService();
- if (service != 0) {
- p = service->decode(url, pSampleRate, pNumChannels, pFormat);
- } else {
- ALOGE("Unable to locate media service");
- }
- return p;
-void MediaPlayer::died()
- ALOGV("died");
-/*static*/ sp<IMemory> MediaPlayer::decode(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length, uint32_t *pSampleRate, int* pNumChannels, audio_format_t* pFormat)
- ALOGV("decode(%d, %lld, %lld)", fd, offset, length);
- sp<IMemory> p;
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service = getMediaPlayerService();
- if (service != 0) {
- p = service->decode(fd, offset, length, pSampleRate, pNumChannels, pFormat);
- } else {
- ALOGE("Unable to locate media service");
- }
- return p;
-status_t MediaPlayer::setNextMediaPlayer(const sp<MediaPlayer>& next) {
- if (mPlayer == NULL) {
- return NO_INIT;
- }
- return mPlayer->setNextPlayer(next == NULL ? NULL : next->mPlayer);
-}; // namespace android
diff --git a/media/libmedia/mediarecorder.cpp b/media/libmedia/mediarecorder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9541015..0000000
--- a/media/libmedia/mediarecorder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
- **
- ** Copyright (c) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- **
- ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
- **
- **
- **
- ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ** limitations under the License.
- */
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-#define LOG_TAG "MediaRecorder"
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <media/mediarecorder.h>
-#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-#include <media/IMediaPlayerService.h>
-#include <media/IMediaRecorder.h>
-#include <media/mediaplayer.h> // for MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED
-#include <gui/ISurfaceTexture.h>
-namespace android {
-status_t MediaRecorder::setCamera(const sp<ICamera>& camera, const sp<ICameraRecordingProxy>& proxy)
- ALOGV("setCamera(%p,%p)", camera.get(), proxy.get());
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE)) {
- ALOGE("setCamera called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setCamera(camera, proxy);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setCamera failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setPreviewSurface(const sp<Surface>& surface)
- ALOGV("setPreviewSurface(%p)", surface.get());
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- ALOGE("setPreviewSurface called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- if (!mIsVideoSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("try to set preview surface without setting the video source first");
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setPreviewSurface(surface);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setPreviewSurface failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::init()
- ALOGV("init");
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE)) {
- ALOGE("init called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->init();
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("init failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- ret = mMediaRecorder->setListener(this);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setListener failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setVideoSource(int vs)
- ALOGV("setVideoSource(%d)", vs);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (mIsVideoSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("video source has already been set");
- }
- if (mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE) {
- ALOGV("Call init() since the media recorder is not initialized yet");
- status_t ret = init();
- if (OK != ret) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_INITIALIZED)) {
- ALOGE("setVideoSource called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- // following call is made over the Binder Interface
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setVideoSource(vs);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setVideoSource failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- mIsVideoSourceSet = true;
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setAudioSource(int as)
- ALOGV("setAudioSource(%d)", as);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE) {
- ALOGV("Call init() since the media recorder is not initialized yet");
- status_t ret = init();
- if (OK != ret) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- if (mIsAudioSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("audio source has already been set");
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_INITIALIZED)) {
- ALOGE("setAudioSource called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setAudioSource(as);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setAudioSource failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- mIsAudioSourceSet = true;
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setOutputFormat(int of)
- ALOGV("setOutputFormat(%d)", of);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_INITIALIZED)) {
- ALOGE("setOutputFormat called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- if (mIsVideoSourceSet && of >= OUTPUT_FORMAT_AUDIO_ONLY_START && of != OUTPUT_FORMAT_RTP_AVP && of != OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG2TS) { //first non-video output format
- ALOGE("output format (%d) is meant for audio recording only and incompatible with video recording", of);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setOutputFormat(of);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("setOutputFormat failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setVideoEncoder(int ve)
- ALOGV("setVideoEncoder(%d)", ve);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!mIsVideoSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("try to set the video encoder without setting the video source first");
- }
- if (mIsVideoEncoderSet) {
- ALOGE("video encoder has already been set");
- }
- ALOGE("setVideoEncoder called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setVideoEncoder(ve);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setVideoEncoder failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- mIsVideoEncoderSet = true;
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setAudioEncoder(int ae)
- ALOGV("setAudioEncoder(%d)", ae);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!mIsAudioSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("try to set the audio encoder without setting the audio source first");
- }
- if (mIsAudioEncoderSet) {
- ALOGE("audio encoder has already been set");
- }
- ALOGE("setAudioEncoder called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setAudioEncoder(ae);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setAudioEncoder failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- mIsAudioEncoderSet = true;
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setOutputFile(const char* path)
- ALOGV("setOutputFile(%s)", path);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (mIsOutputFileSet) {
- ALOGE("output file has already been set");
- }
- ALOGE("setOutputFile called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setOutputFile(path);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setOutputFile failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- mIsOutputFileSet = true;
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setOutputFile(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t length)
- ALOGV("setOutputFile(%d, %lld, %lld)", fd, offset, length);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (mIsOutputFileSet) {
- ALOGE("output file has already been set");
- }
- ALOGE("setOutputFile called in an invalid state(%d)", mCurrentState);
- }
- // It appears that if an invalid file descriptor is passed through
- // binder calls, the server-side of the inter-process function call
- // is skipped. As a result, the check at the server-side to catch
- // the invalid file descritpor never gets invoked. This is to workaround
- // this issue by checking the file descriptor first before passing
- // it through binder call.
- if (fd < 0) {
- ALOGE("Invalid file descriptor: %d", fd);
- return BAD_VALUE;
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setOutputFile(fd, offset, length);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGV("setOutputFile failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- mIsOutputFileSet = true;
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setVideoSize(int width, int height)
- ALOGV("setVideoSize(%d, %d)", width, height);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- ALOGE("setVideoSize called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- if (!mIsVideoSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("Cannot set video size without setting video source first");
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setVideoSize(width, height);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("setVideoSize failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-// Query a SurfaceMediaSurface through the Mediaserver, over the
-// binder interface. This is used by the Filter Framework (MeidaEncoder)
-// to get an <ISurfaceTexture> object to hook up to ANativeWindow.
-sp<ISurfaceTexture> MediaRecorder::
- querySurfaceMediaSourceFromMediaServer()
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mSurfaceMediaSource =
- mMediaRecorder->querySurfaceMediaSource();
- if (mSurfaceMediaSource == NULL) {
- ALOGE("SurfaceMediaSource could not be initialized!");
- }
- return mSurfaceMediaSource;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setVideoFrameRate(int frames_per_second)
- ALOGV("setVideoFrameRate(%d)", frames_per_second);
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- ALOGE("setVideoFrameRate called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- if (!mIsVideoSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("Cannot set video frame rate without setting video source first");
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setVideoFrameRate(frames_per_second);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("setVideoFrameRate failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::setParameters(const String8& params) {
- ALOGV("setParameters(%s)", params.string());
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- bool isInvalidState = (mCurrentState &
- if (isInvalidState) {
- ALOGE("setParameters is called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->setParameters(params);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("setParameters(%s) failed: %d", params.string(), ret);
- // Do not change our current state to MEDIA_RECORDER_ERROR, failures
- // of the only currently supported parameters, "max-duration" and
- // "max-filesize" are _not_ fatal.
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::prepare()
- ALOGV("prepare");
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- ALOGE("prepare called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- if (mIsAudioSourceSet != mIsAudioEncoderSet) {
- if (mIsAudioSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("audio source is set, but audio encoder is not set");
- } else { // must not happen, since setAudioEncoder checks this already
- ALOGE("audio encoder is set, but audio source is not set");
- }
- }
- if (mIsVideoSourceSet != mIsVideoEncoderSet) {
- if (mIsVideoSourceSet) {
- ALOGE("video source is set, but video encoder is not set");
- } else { // must not happen, since setVideoEncoder checks this already
- ALOGE("video encoder is set, but video source is not set");
- }
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->prepare();
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("prepare failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::getMaxAmplitude(int* max)
- ALOGV("getMaxAmplitude");
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_ERROR) {
- ALOGE("getMaxAmplitude called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->getMaxAmplitude(max);
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("getMaxAmplitude failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::start()
- ALOGV("start");
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_PREPARED)) {
- ALOGE("start called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->start();
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("start failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::stop()
- ALOGV("stop");
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_RECORDING)) {
- ALOGE("stop called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->stop();
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("stop failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- }
- // FIXME:
- // stop and reset are semantically different.
- // We treat them the same for now, and will change this in the future.
- doCleanUp();
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE;
- return ret;
-// Reset should be OK in any state
-status_t MediaRecorder::reset()
- ALOGV("reset");
- if (mMediaRecorder == NULL) {
- ALOGE("media recorder is not initialized yet");
- }
- doCleanUp();
- status_t ret = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
- switch (mCurrentState) {
- ret = OK;
- break;
- ret = doReset();
- if (OK != ret) {
- return ret; // No need to continue
- }
- } // Intentional fall through
- ret = close();
- break;
- default: {
- ALOGE("Unexpected non-existing state: %d", mCurrentState);
- break;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::close()
- ALOGV("close");
- if (!(mCurrentState & MEDIA_RECORDER_INITIALIZED)) {
- ALOGE("close called in an invalid state: %d", mCurrentState);
- }
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->close();
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("close failed: %d", ret);
- } else {
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE;
- }
- return ret;
-status_t MediaRecorder::doReset()
- ALOGV("doReset");
- status_t ret = mMediaRecorder->reset();
- if (OK != ret) {
- ALOGE("doReset failed: %d", ret);
- return ret;
- } else {
- }
- return ret;
-void MediaRecorder::doCleanUp()
- ALOGV("doCleanUp");
- mIsAudioSourceSet = false;
- mIsVideoSourceSet = false;
- mIsAudioEncoderSet = false;
- mIsVideoEncoderSet = false;
- mIsOutputFileSet = false;
-// Release should be OK in any state
-status_t MediaRecorder::release()
- ALOGV("release");
- if (mMediaRecorder != NULL) {
- return mMediaRecorder->release();
- }
-MediaRecorder::MediaRecorder() : mSurfaceMediaSource(NULL)
- ALOGV("constructor");
- const sp<IMediaPlayerService>& service(getMediaPlayerService());
- if (service != NULL) {
- mMediaRecorder = service->createMediaRecorder(getpid());
- }
- if (mMediaRecorder != NULL) {
- mCurrentState = MEDIA_RECORDER_IDLE;
- }
- doCleanUp();
-status_t MediaRecorder::initCheck()
- return mMediaRecorder != 0 ? NO_ERROR : NO_INIT;
- ALOGV("destructor");
- if (mMediaRecorder != NULL) {
- mMediaRecorder.clear();
- }
- if (mSurfaceMediaSource != NULL) {
- mSurfaceMediaSource.clear();
- }
-status_t MediaRecorder::setListener(const sp<MediaRecorderListener>& listener)
- ALOGV("setListener");
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
- mListener = listener;
- return NO_ERROR;
-void MediaRecorder::notify(int msg, int ext1, int ext2)
- ALOGV("message received msg=%d, ext1=%d, ext2=%d", msg, ext1, ext2);
- sp<MediaRecorderListener> listener;
- mLock.lock();
- listener = mListener;
- mLock.unlock();
- if (listener != NULL) {
- Mutex::Autolock _l(mNotifyLock);
- ALOGV("callback application");
- listener->notify(msg, ext1, ext2);
- ALOGV("back from callback");
- }
-void MediaRecorder::died()
- ALOGV("died");
-}; // namespace android