path: root/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s b/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
deleted file mode 100644
index b30e8cb..0000000
--- a/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacenc/src/asm/ARMV5E/CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-@ ** Copyright 2003-2010, VisualOn, Inc.
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-@ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@ ** limitations under the License.
-@ */
-@ File: CalcWindowEnergy_v5.s
-@ Content: CalcWindowEnergy function armv5 assemble
- .section .text
- .global CalcWindowEnergy
- stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
- sub r13, r13, #20
- mov r3, r3, lsl #16
- ldr r10, [r0, #168] @ states0 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[0];
- mov r3, r3, asr #16
- ldr r11, [r0, #172] @ states1 = blockSwitchingControl->iirStates[1];
- mov r2, r2, lsl #16
- ldr r12, hiPassCoeff @ Coeff0 = hiPassCoeff[0];
- mov r2, r2, asr #16
- ldr r14, hiPassCoeff + 4 @ Coeff1 = hiPassCoeff[1];
- mov r8, #0 @ w=0
- mov r5, #0 @ wOffset = 0;
- mov r6, #0 @ accuUE = 0;
- mov r7, #0 @ accuFE = 0;
- mov r4, #0 @ i=0
- str r8, [r13, #4]
- str r0, [r13, #8]
- str r3, [r13, #12]
- mov r9, r5, lsl #1
- ldrsh r9, [r1, r9] @ tempUnfiltered = timeSignal[tidx];
- add r5, r5, r2 @ tidx = tidx + chIncrement;
- smulwb r3, r14, r9 @ accu1 = L_mpy_ls(Coeff1, tempUnfiltered);
- smull r0, r8, r12, r11 @ accu2 = fixmul( Coeff0, states1 );
- mov r3, r3, lsl #1
- mov r8, r8, lsl #1
- sub r0, r3, r10 @ accu3 = accu1 - states0;
- sub r8, r0, r8 @ out = accu3 - accu2;
- mov r10, r3 @ states0 = accu1;
- mov r11, r8 @ states1 = out;
- mul r3, r9, r9
- mov r8, r8, asr #16
- add r4, r4, #1
- add r6, r6, r3, asr #7
- mul r9, r8, r8
- ldr r3, [r13, #12]
- add r7, r7, r9, asr #7
- cmp r4, r3
- ldr r0, [r13, #8]
- ldr r8, [r13, #4]
- add r4, r0, r8, lsl #2
- str r6, [r4, #72]
- add r8, r8, #1
- str r7, [r4, #136]
- cmp r8, #8
- str r10, [r0, #168]
- str r11, [r0, #172]
- mov r0, #1
- add r13, r13, #20
- ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
- .word 0xbec8b439
- .word 0x609d4952
- .end