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Diffstat (limited to 'packages')
56 files changed, 348 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-bg/strings.xml index 914750a..a431bf7 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-bg/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-bg/strings.xml @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ <string name="allow_restore_button_label" msgid="3081286752277127827">"Възстановяване на данните ми"</string> <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Без възстановяване"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Моля, въведете текущата си парола за резервно копие по-долу:"</string> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_restore_text (1570864916855208992) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_backup_text (5866590762672844664) --> - <skip /> + <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"Моля, въведете паролата си за шифроване на устройството по-долу."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Моля, въведете паролата си за шифроване на устройството по-долу. Тя ще се използва и за шифроване на резервното копие на архива."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Моля, въведете парола, която да използвате за шифроване на пълното резервно копие на данните. Ако не е попълнена, ще бъде използвана текущата ви парола за резервно копие:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Ако искате да шифровате пълното резервно копие на данните, въведете парола по-долу:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Ако възстановените данни са шифровани, моля, въведете паролата по-долу:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-de/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-de/strings.xml index 7a19b2e..a8f2d13 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-de/strings.xml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Nicht wiederherstellen"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Geben Sie Ihr aktuelles Sicherungspasswort unten ein:"</string> <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"Geben Sie Ihr Passwort zur Geräteverschlüsselung unten ein."</string> - <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Geben Sie Ihr Passwort zur Geräteverschlüsselung unten ein. Damit wird ebenfalls das Sicherungsarchiv verschlüsselt."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Geben Sie Ihr Passwort zur Geräteverschlüsselung unten ein. Damit wird auch das Sicherungsarchiv verschlüsselt."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Geben Sie ein Passwort für die Verschlüsselung der vollständigen Sicherungsdaten ein. Wenn Sie dieses Feld leer lassen, wird Ihr aktuelles Sicherungspasswort verwendet:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Wenn Sie die gesamten Sicherungsdaten verschlüsseln möchten, geben Sie unten ein Passwort ein:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Geben Sie das Passwort unten ein, wenn die Daten für die Wiederherstellung verschlüsselt sind:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml index 7a732df..21afa31 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"No restaurar"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Introduce tu contraseña actual de copia de seguridad a continuación:"</string> <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"Introduce tu contraseña de encriptación del dispositivo a continuación:"</string> - <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Introduce tu contraseña de encriptación del dispositivo a continuación. Esto también se utilizará para encriptar la copia de seguridad."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Introduce tu contraseña de encriptación del dispositivo a continuación. Esta contraseña también se utilizará para encriptar la copia de seguridad."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Introduce una contraseña para encriptar los datos de la copia de seguridad completa. Si dejas este campo en blanco, se utilizará tu contraseña actual de copia de seguridad:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Si deseas encriptar los datos de la copia de seguridad completa, introduce una contraseña a continuación:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Si los datos de recuperación están encriptados, vuelve a introducir la contraseña a continuación:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-hr/strings.xml index 0c4cfd9..c5c4ce9 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-hr/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-hr/strings.xml @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ <string name="allow_restore_button_label" msgid="3081286752277127827">"Vrati moje podatke"</string> <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Ne vraćaj"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"U nastavku unesite trenutačnu zaporku za sigurnosnu kopiju:"</string> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_restore_text (1570864916855208992) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_backup_text (5866590762672844664) --> - <skip /> + <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"U nastavku unesite svoju zaporku za enkripciju uređaja."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"U nastavku unesite svoju zaporku enkripcije za uređaj. Ona će se upotrijebiti i za enkripciju te za arhivu sigurnosnih kopija."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Unesite zaporku koju ćete upotrebljavati za kriptiranje podataka potpune sigurnosne kopije. Ako je ostavite praznom, bit će upotrijebljena vaša trenutačna zaporka za sigurnosno kopiranje:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Ako želite kriptirati podatke potpune sigurnosne kopije, u nastavku unesite zaporku:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Ako su podaci za vraćanje kriptirani, unesite zaporku u nastavku:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-in/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-in/strings.xml index 65196bd..3fb6d6b 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-in/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-in/strings.xml @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ <string name="allow_restore_button_label" msgid="3081286752277127827">"Memulihkan data saya"</string> <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Jangan pulihkan"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Masukkan sandi cadangan Anda saat ini di bawah:"</string> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_restore_text (1570864916855208992) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_backup_text (5866590762672844664) --> - <skip /> + <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"Masukkan sandi enkripsi perangkat Anda di bawah."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Masukkan sandi enkripsi perangkat Anda di bawah. Sandi ini juga akan digunakan untuk mengenkripsi arsip cadangan."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Masukkan sandi yang digunakan untuk mengenkripsi data cadangan lengkap. Jika bidang ini dikosongkan, sandi cadangan Anda saat ini akan digunakan:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Jika Anda ingin mengenkripsi data cadangan lengkap, masukkan sandi di bawah:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Jika data pemulihan dienkripsi, masukkan sandi di bawah:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ja/strings.xml index 5ddcc22..98916c5 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ja/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ja/strings.xml @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ <string name="allow_restore_button_label" msgid="3081286752277127827">"データを復元する"</string> <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"復元しない"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"以下に現在のバックアップ用のパスワードを入力してください:"</string> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_restore_text (1570864916855208992) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_backup_text (5866590762672844664) --> - <skip /> + <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"以下に端末暗号化用のパスワードを入力してください。"</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"以下に端末暗号化用のパスワードを入力してください。このパスワードはバックアップアーカイブの暗号化にも使用します。"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"フルバックアップデータの暗号化に使用するパスワードを入力してください。空白のままにした場合、現在のバックアップ用のパスワードが使用されます:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"フルバックアップのデータを暗号化する場合は、以下にパスワードを入力してください:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"復元するデータが暗号化されている場合、以下にパスワードを入力してください:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-nb/strings.xml index a04d90d..a93c081 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-nb/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-nb/strings.xml @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <string name="backup_confirm_title" msgid="827563724209303345">"Fullstendig sikkerhetskopi"</string> <string name="restore_confirm_title" msgid="5469365809567486602">"Fullstendig gjenoppretting"</string> - <string name="backup_confirm_text" msgid="1878021282758896593">"En full sikkerhetskopi av alle dataene til en tilkoblet stasjonær datamaskin er forespurt. Vil du tillate dette?"\n\n"Hvis du ikke har bedt om sikkerhetskopieringen selv, må du ikke tillate at operasjonen fortsetter."</string> + <string name="backup_confirm_text" msgid="1878021282758896593">"En full sikkerhetskopi av alle dataene til en tilkoblet datamaskin er forespurt. Vil du tillate dette?"\n\n"Hvis du ikke har bedt om sikkerhetskopieringen selv, må du ikke tillate at operasjonen fortsetter."</string> <string name="allow_backup_button_label" msgid="4217228747769644068">"Sikkerhetskopier dataene mine"</string> <string name="deny_backup_button_label" msgid="6009119115581097708">"Ikke sikkerhetskopiér"</string> - <string name="restore_confirm_text" msgid="7499866728030461776">"En full gjenoppretting av alle data fra en tilkoblet stasjonær datamaskin er forespurt. Vil du tillate dette?"\n\n"Hvis du ikke har bedt om gjenopprettingen selv, må du ikke la operasjonen fortsette. Handlingen vil erstatte alle dataene som ligger på enheten!"</string> + <string name="restore_confirm_text" msgid="7499866728030461776">"En full gjenoppretting av alle data fra en tilkoblet datamaskin er forespurt. Vil du tillate dette?"\n\n"Hvis du ikke har bedt om gjenopprettingen selv, må du ikke la operasjonen fortsette. Handlingen vil erstatte alle dataene som ligger på enheten!"</string> <string name="allow_restore_button_label" msgid="3081286752277127827">"Gjenopprett dataene mine"</string> <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Ikke gjenopprett"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Skriv inn ditt nåværende passord for sikkerhetskopiering nedenfor:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ro/strings.xml index 82cdfaf..4c49bf8 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ro/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ro/strings.xml @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ <string name="allow_restore_button_label" msgid="3081286752277127827">"Restabiliţi datele dvs."</string> <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Nu restabiliţi"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Introduceţi mai jos parola actuală pentru copia de rezervă:"</string> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_restore_text (1570864916855208992) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for device_encryption_backup_text (5866590762672844664) --> - <skip /> + <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"Introduceţi mai jos parola pentru criptarea dispozitivului."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Introduceţi mai jos parola de criptare a dispozitivului. Aceasta va fi utilizată, de asemenea, pentru a cripta arhiva copiei de rezervă."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Introduceţi o parolă pentru a o utiliza la criptarea datelor copiei de rezervă complete. Dacă acest câmp rămâne necompletat, pentru copierea de rezervă se va utiliza parola dvs. actuală."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Dacă doriţi să criptaţi datele copiei de rezervă complete, introduceţi o parolă mai jos:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Dacă datele pentru restabilire sunt criptate, introduceţi parola mai jos:"</string> diff --git a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ru/strings.xml index 2ce3ff6..98b8bfc 100644 --- a/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ru/strings.xml +++ b/packages/BackupRestoreConfirmation/res/values-ru/strings.xml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ <string name="deny_restore_button_label" msgid="1724367334453104378">"Не восстанавливать"</string> <string name="current_password_text" msgid="8268189555578298067">"Введите пароль для резервного копирования:"</string> <string name="device_encryption_restore_text" msgid="1570864916855208992">"Введите пароль для шифрования устройства."</string> - <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Введите пароль для шифрования устройства, а также архива резервных копий."</string> + <string name="device_encryption_backup_text" msgid="5866590762672844664">"Введите пароль для шифрования устройства и архива резервных копий."</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_text" msgid="4981585714795233099">"Введите пароль для шифрования всех резервных данных. Если поле останется пустым, будет использован текущий пароль:"</string> <string name="backup_enc_password_optional" msgid="1350137345907579306">"Чтобы зашифровать все резервные данные, введите пароль:"</string> <string name="restore_enc_password_text" msgid="6140898525580710823">"Если восстановленные данные зашифрованы, введите пароль:"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-af/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-af/strings.xml index cde7613..bb8697e 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-af/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-af/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Strek om skerm te vul"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Versoenbaarheid-zoem"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"As \'n program vir \'n kleiner skerm ontwerp is, sal \'n zoemkontrole naby die horlosie verskyn"</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB-lêeroordrag-opsies"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Heg as \'n mediaspeler (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-am/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-am/strings.xml index e7a19cc..aed83dd 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-am/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-am/strings.xml @@ -62,20 +62,13 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"ማያ ለመሙለት ሳብ"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"የተኳኋኝነት አጉላ"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"ትግበራ ለትንሽ ማያ ሲነደፍ፣ የአጉላ መቆመጣጠሪያ በሰዓት በኩል ብቅ ይላል።"</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> - <skip /> + <!-- outdated translation 3808900131607378535 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_ticker" msgid="7403652894056693515">"በማስቀመጥ ላይ..."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 7158814134399651627 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_title" msgid="8242282144535555697">"ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ በማስቀመጥ ላይ..."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 7138808001579871654 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_text" msgid="2419718443411738818">"ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ እስኪቀመጥ እባክህ ጠብቅ"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 1656379291643543172 --> <string name="screenshot_saved_title" msgid="6461865960961414961">"ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ ተቀርጿል"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 5040360894749163221 --> <string name="screenshot_saved_text" msgid="1152839647677558815">"ያንተን ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ ለማየት ንካ"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 1140968728869009679 --> <string name="screenshot_failed_title" msgid="705781116746922771">"ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ አልተሳካም"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 9163506496592455352 --> <string name="screenshot_failed_text" msgid="8134011269572415402">"ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ ማስቀመጥ አልተቻለም። ውጫዊ ማከማቻ አገልግሎት ላይ ሊሆን ይችላል።"</string> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"የUSB ፋይል ሰደዳ አማራጮች"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"እንደ ማህደረ አጫዋች (MTP) ሰካ"</string> <string name="use_ptp_button_title" msgid="7517127540301625751">"እንደ ካሜራ (PTP) ሰካ"</string> @@ -128,8 +121,7 @@ <string name="accessibility_tty_enabled" msgid="4613200365379426561">"TeleTypewriter ነቅቷል።"</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_vibrate" msgid="666585363364155055">"የስልክ ጥሪ ይንዘር።"</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_silent" msgid="9061243307939135383">"የስልክ ጥሪ ፀጥታ።"</string> - <!-- no translation found for accessibility_recents_item_dismissed (6803574935084867070) --> - <skip /> + <string name="accessibility_recents_item_dismissed" msgid="6803574935084867070">"<xliff:g id="APP">%s</xliff:g> ተሰናብቷል::"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_3g_title" msgid="5257833881698644687">"2G-3G ውሂብ ቦዝኗል"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_4g_title" msgid="4789143363492682629">"4G ውሂብ ቦዝኗል"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_mobile_title" msgid="1046047248844821202">"የተንቀሳቃሽ ውሂብ ቦዝኗል"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ar/strings.xml index 8c35ba7..00c8bf8 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ar/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ar/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"توسيع بملء الشاشة"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"تكبير/تصغير التوافق"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"عند تصميم تطبيق لشاشة أصغر، سيظهر عنصر تحكم في التكبير/التصغير بجوار الساعة."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"خيارات نقل الملفات عبر USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"تحميل كمشغل وسائط (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-bg/strings.xml index 1b5244e..f349d33 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-bg/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-bg/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Разпъване – запълва екрана"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Промяна на мащаба за съвместимост"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Когато дадено приложение е създадено за по-малък екран, до часовника ще се покаже управление за промяна на мащаба."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Опции за пренос на файлове чрез USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Свързване като медиен плейър (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ca/strings.xml index c9bda33..b798318 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ca/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ca/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Estira per omplir pant."</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom de compatibilitat"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Quan una aplicació s\'hagi dissenyat per a una pantalla més petita, apareixerà un control de zoom al costat del rellotge."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opcions transf. fitxers USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Munta com a reproductor multimèdia (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-cs/strings.xml index 1ae0071..78d9d27 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-cs/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-cs/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Na celou obrazovku"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilní přiblížení"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Pokud je aplikace navržena pro menší obrazovku, zobrazí se vedle hodin ovládací prvek přiblížení."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Možnosti přenosu souborů pomocí rozhraní USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Připojit jako přehrávač médií (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-da/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-da/strings.xml index f1704b1..9d27c30 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-da/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-da/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Stræk til fuld skærm"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilitetszoom"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Når en app er udviklet til en mindre skærm, vises der en zoomfunktion ved uret."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Muligheder for USB-filoverførsel"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Isæt som en medieafspiller (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-de/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-de/strings.xml index e5d23ad..19c8500 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-de/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Auf Bildschirmgröße anpassen"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilitätszoom"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Wenn eine App für einen kleineren Bildschirm ausgelegt ist, wird ein Zoom-Steuerelement neben der Uhr angezeigt."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB-Dateiübertragungsoptionen"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Als Medienplayer (MTP) bereitstellen"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-el/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-el/strings.xml index aca9004..8e31690 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-el/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-el/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Προβoλή σε πλήρη οθ."</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Ζουμ για συμβατότητα"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Όταν μια εφαρμογή έχει σχεδιαστεί για προβολή σε μικρότερη οθόνη, δίπλα από το ρολόι θα εμφανιστεί ένα στοιχείο ελέγχου ζουμ."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Επιλογές μεταφοράς αρχείων μέσω USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Προσάρτηση ως μονάδας αναπαραγωγής μέσων (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml index d8b0408..53e298b 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml @@ -62,20 +62,13 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Stretch to fill screen"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Compatibility Zoom"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"When an app was designed for a smaller screen, a zoom control will appear by the clock."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> - <skip /> + <string name="screenshot_saving_ticker" msgid="7403652894056693515">"Saving screenshot…"</string> + <string name="screenshot_saving_title" msgid="8242282144535555697">"Saving screenshot…"</string> + <string name="screenshot_saving_text" msgid="2419718443411738818">"Screenshot is being saved."</string> + <string name="screenshot_saved_title" msgid="6461865960961414961">"Screenshot captured."</string> + <string name="screenshot_saved_text" msgid="1152839647677558815">"Touch to view your screenshot."</string> + <string name="screenshot_failed_title" msgid="705781116746922771">"Couldn\'t capture screenshot."</string> + <string name="screenshot_failed_text" msgid="8134011269572415402">"Couldn\'t save screenshot. Storage may be in use."</string> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB file transfer options"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Mount as a media player (MTP)"</string> <string name="use_ptp_button_title" msgid="7517127540301625751">"Mount as a camera (PTP)"</string> @@ -128,8 +121,7 @@ <string name="accessibility_tty_enabled" msgid="4613200365379426561">"TeleTypewriter enabled."</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_vibrate" msgid="666585363364155055">"Ringer vibrate."</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_silent" msgid="9061243307939135383">"Ringer silent."</string> - <!-- no translation found for accessibility_recents_item_dismissed (6803574935084867070) --> - <skip /> + <string name="accessibility_recents_item_dismissed" msgid="6803574935084867070">"<xliff:g id="APP">%s</xliff:g> dismissed."</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_3g_title" msgid="5257833881698644687">"2G-3G data disabled"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_4g_title" msgid="4789143363492682629">"4G data disabled"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_mobile_title" msgid="1046047248844821202">"Mobile data disabled"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml index b21a1c7..098b6f6 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Estirar p/ ocupar la pantalla"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom de compatibilidad"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Cuando una aplicación fue diseñada para una pantalla más pequeña, aparece un control de zoom junto al reloj."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opciones de transferencia de archivos por USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Activar como reproductor de medios (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es/strings.xml index 367791a..258d53e 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-es/strings.xml @@ -62,20 +62,13 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Expandir para ajustar"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom de compatibilidad"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Si la aplicación se ha diseñado para una pantalla más pequeña, aparecerá un control de zoom junto al reloj."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> - <skip /> + <!-- outdated translation 3808900131607378535 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_ticker" msgid="7403652894056693515">"Guardando..."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 7158814134399651627 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_title" msgid="8242282144535555697">"Guardando captura de pantalla..."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 7138808001579871654 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_text" msgid="2419718443411738818">"Espera a que se guarde la captura de pantalla."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 1656379291643543172 --> <string name="screenshot_saved_title" msgid="6461865960961414961">"Captura de pantalla guardada"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 5040360894749163221 --> <string name="screenshot_saved_text" msgid="1152839647677558815">"Tocar para ver la captura de pantalla"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 1140968728869009679 --> <string name="screenshot_failed_title" msgid="705781116746922771">"Error al hacer captura de pantalla"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 9163506496592455352 --> <string name="screenshot_failed_text" msgid="8134011269572415402">"Error al guardar la captura de pantalla. Es posible que el almacenamiento externo esté en uso."</string> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opciones de transferencia de archivos por USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Activar como reproductor de medios (MTP)"</string> <string name="use_ptp_button_title" msgid="7517127540301625751">"Activar como cámara (PTP)"</string> @@ -128,8 +121,7 @@ <string name="accessibility_tty_enabled" msgid="4613200365379426561">"Teletipo habilitado"</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_vibrate" msgid="666585363364155055">"Modo vibración"</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_silent" msgid="9061243307939135383">"Modo silencio"</string> - <!-- no translation found for accessibility_recents_item_dismissed (6803574935084867070) --> - <skip /> + <string name="accessibility_recents_item_dismissed" msgid="6803574935084867070">"Se ha eliminado <xliff:g id="APP">%s</xliff:g>."</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_3g_title" msgid="5257833881698644687">"Datos 2G-3G inhabilitados"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_4g_title" msgid="4789143363492682629">"Datos 4G inhabilitados"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_mobile_title" msgid="1046047248844821202">"Datos móviles inhabilitados"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fa/strings.xml index ef1bf8e..1e9682a 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fa/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fa/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"گسترده کردن برای پر کردن صفحه"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"بزرگنمایی سازگاری"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"اگر یک برنامه برای صفحه کوچک تری طراحی شده باشد، یک کنترل بزرگنمایی توسط ساعت نشان داده می شود."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"گزینه های انتقال فایل USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"نصب به عنوان دستگاه پخش رسانه (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fi/strings.xml index 5ffa449..ea0144c 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fi/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fi/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Venytä koko näyttöön"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Yhteensopivuustilan zoomaus"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Jos sovellus on suunniteltu pienemmälle näytölle, kellon viereen tulee näkyviin zoomaussäädin."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB-tiedostonsiirtoasetukset"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Käytä mediasoittimena (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fr/strings.xml index 29c608e..6e1125e 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fr/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-fr/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Étirer pour remplir l\'écran"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom de compatibilité"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Si une application a été conçue pour un écran plus petit, une commande de zoom s\'affiche à côté de l\'horloge."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Options transfert fichiers USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Installer en tant que lecteur multimédia (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hi/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hi/strings.xml index 688cc1b..d8219a0 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hi/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hi/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"स्क्रीन को भरने के लिए खींचें"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"संगतता ज़ूम"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"जब किसी छोटी स्क्रीन के लिए एप्लिकेशन को डिज़ाइन किया जाता है, तो ज़ूम नियंत्रण क्लॉक के पास दिखाई देगा."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB फ़ाइल स्थानांतरण विकल्प"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"मीडिया प्लेयर के रूप में माउंट करें (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hr/strings.xml index 017c72f..8a94890 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hr/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hr/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Rastegni i ispuni zaslon"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilni zum"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Kada je aplikacija dizajnirana za manji zaslon, kontrole zumiranja prikazuju se pored sata."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opcije USB prijenosa datoteka"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Učitaj kao media player (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hu/strings.xml index 73ae3dc..560379d 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hu/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-hu/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Nyújtás kitöltéshez"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilitás -- nagyítás/kicsinyítés"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Ha egy alkalmazást kisebb képernyőre terveztek, akkor a nagyítás/kicsinyítés vezérlője az óra mellett jelenik meg."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB-fájlátvitel beállításai"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Csatlakoztatás médialejátszóként (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/strings.xml index 1f53b1b..fb0c518 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-in/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Rentangkn utk mngisi layar"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom Kompatibilitas"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Saat apl dirancang untuk layar yang lebih kecil, kontrol zoom akan tampil di dekat jam."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opsi transfer berkas USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Pasang sebagai pemutar media (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-it/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-it/strings.xml index c2cb0e7..e549950 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-it/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-it/strings.xml @@ -62,20 +62,13 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Estendi per riemp. schermo"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom compatibilità"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Se un\'applicazione è stata progettata per uno schermo più piccolo, accanto all\'orologio viene visualizzato un controllo dello zoom."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> - <skip /> + <!-- outdated translation 3808900131607378535 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_ticker" msgid="7403652894056693515">"Salvataggio..."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 7158814134399651627 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_title" msgid="8242282144535555697">"Salvataggio screenshot..."</string> + <!-- outdated translation 7138808001579871654 --> <string name="screenshot_saving_text" msgid="2419718443411738818">"Attendi il salvataggio dello screenshot"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 1656379291643543172 --> <string name="screenshot_saved_title" msgid="6461865960961414961">"Screenshot acquisito"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 5040360894749163221 --> <string name="screenshot_saved_text" msgid="1152839647677558815">"Tocca per visualizzare il tuo screenshot"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 1140968728869009679 --> <string name="screenshot_failed_title" msgid="705781116746922771">"Screenshot non riuscito"</string> + <!-- outdated translation 9163506496592455352 --> <string name="screenshot_failed_text" msgid="8134011269572415402">"Salvataggio screenshot non riuscito. L\'archivio esterno potrebbe essere in uso."</string> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opzioni trasferimento file USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Monta come lettore multimediale (MTP)"</string> <string name="use_ptp_button_title" msgid="7517127540301625751">"Monta come videocamera (PTP)"</string> @@ -130,8 +123,7 @@ <string name="accessibility_tty_enabled" msgid="4613200365379426561">"Telescrivente abilitata."</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_vibrate" msgid="666585363364155055">"Suoneria vibrazione."</string> <string name="accessibility_ringer_silent" msgid="9061243307939135383">"Suoneria silenziosa."</string> - <!-- no translation found for accessibility_recents_item_dismissed (6803574935084867070) --> - <skip /> + <string name="accessibility_recents_item_dismissed" msgid="6803574935084867070">"<xliff:g id="APP">%s</xliff:g> eliminata."</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_3g_title" msgid="5257833881698644687">"Dati 2G-3G disattivati"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_4g_title" msgid="4789143363492682629">"Dati 4G disattivati"</string> <string name="data_usage_disabled_dialog_mobile_title" msgid="1046047248844821202">"Dati mobili disattivati"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-iw/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-iw/strings.xml index cdd36a6..9bc1304 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-iw/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-iw/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"מתח כדי למלא את המסך"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"שינוי מרחק מתצוגה לתאימות"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"כאשר יישום מיועד למסך קטן יותר, פקד של מרחק מתצוגה יופיע ליד השעון."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"אפשרויות העברת קבצים ב-USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"טען כנגן מדיה (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ja/strings.xml index 47292fb..7a1034d 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ja/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ja/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"画面サイズに合わせて拡大"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"互換ズーム"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"より小型の画面向けのアプリの場合は、ズームコントロールが時計のそばに表示されます。"</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USBファイル転送オプション"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"メディアプレーヤー(MTP)としてマウント"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ko/strings.xml index e0a0ecf..1266a39 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ko/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ko/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"전체화면 모드로 확대"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"호환성 확대/축소"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"앱이 작은 화면에 맞도록 설계된 경우 시계 옆에 확대/축소 컨트롤이 표시됩니다."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB 파일 전송 옵션"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"미디어 플레이어로 마운트(MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lt/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lt/strings.xml index b7f5aba..8157b33 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lt/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lt/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Ištempti, kad atit. ekr."</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Suderinamumo mastelio keitimas"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Kai programa bus pritaikyta mažesniam ekranui, mastelio keitimo valdiklis bus parodytas šalia laikrodžio."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB failo perdavimo parinktys"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Įmontuoti kaip medijos grotuvą (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lv/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lv/strings.xml index d6409c2..45129e9 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lv/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-lv/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Stiepiet, lai aizp. ekr."</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Saderības tālummaiņa"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Ja lietotne ir paredzēta mazākam ekrānam, blakus pulkstenim tiks parādīta tālummaiņas vadīkla."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB failu pārsūtīšanas opcijas"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Pievienot kā multivides atskaņotāju (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ms/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ms/strings.xml index f84af39..3d5bda1 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ms/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ms/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Regang utk memenuhi skrin"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Keserasian Zum"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Apabila apl direka untuk skrin yang lebih kecil, kawalan zum akan muncul di tepi jam."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Pilihan pemindahan fail USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Lekapkan sebagai pemain media (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nb/strings.xml index 4db2e07..c917920 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nb/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nb/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Strekk for å fylle skjerm"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilitets-zooming"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Når en app er utformet for en mindre skjerm, vises det en zoomkontroll ved klokken."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Altern. for USB-filoverføring"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Sett inn som mediespiller (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nl/strings.xml index 2a5cc66..339af46 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nl/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-nl/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Rek uit v. schermvulling"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Compatibiliteitszoom"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Wanneer een app is ontworpen voor een kleiner scherm, wordt naast de klok een zoomknop weergegeven."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opties voor USB-bestandsoverdracht"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Koppelen als mediaspeler (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pl/strings.xml index 00cbf95..e16e32b 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pl/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pl/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Rozciągnij, aby wypełnić ekran"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Powiększenie w trybie zgodności"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Jeśli aplikacja została przystosowana do mniejszego ekranu, obok zegara zostanie wyświetlony element sterujący powiększeniem."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB – opcje przesyłania plików"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Podłącz jako odtwarzacz multimedialny (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml index c65ad95..fdbdf13 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Esticar p. caber em ec. int."</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Compatibilidade de zoom"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Sempre que uma aplicação tiver sido concebida para ecrãs mais pequenos, aparecerá um controlo de zoom junto ao relógio."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opções de transm. de fich. USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Montar como leitor de multimédia (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt/strings.xml index a37fdca..3d8f12e 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-pt/strings.xml @@ -62,20 +62,13 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Ampliar p/ preencher tela"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom em modo de compatibilidade"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Quando um aplicativo é desenvolvido para uma tela menor, um controle de zoom é exibido perto do relógio."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> - <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> - <skip /> + <string name="screenshot_saving_ticker" msgid="7403652894056693515">"Salvar captura de tela..."</string> + <string name="screenshot_saving_title" msgid="8242282144535555697">"Salvar captura de tela..."</string> + <string name="screenshot_saving_text" msgid="2419718443411738818">"A captura de tela está sendo salva."</string> + <string name="screenshot_saved_title" msgid="6461865960961414961">"Captura de tela obtida."</string> + <string name="screenshot_saved_text" msgid="1152839647677558815">"Toque para visualizar a captura de tela."</string> + <string name="screenshot_failed_title" msgid="705781116746922771">"Não foi possível obter a captura de tela."</string> + <string name="screenshot_failed_text" msgid="8134011269572415402">"Não foi possível salvar a captura de tela. O armazenamento pode estar em uso."</string> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opções transf. arq. por USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Conectar como media player (MTP)"</string> <string name="use_ptp_button_title" msgid="7517127540301625751">"Montar como uma câmera (PTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-rm/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-rm/strings.xml index 90271a3..e1db314 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-rm/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-rm/strings.xml @@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ <skip /> <!-- no translation found for compat_mode_help_body (4946726776359270040) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <!-- no translation found for usb_preference_title (6551050377388882787) --> <skip /> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ro/strings.xml index 084993b..22954a7 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ro/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ro/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Înt. pt. a umple ecranul"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom de compatibilitate"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Atunci când o aplicaţie a fost concepută pentru un ecran mai mic, o comandă pentru mărire/micşorare va apărea alături de ceas."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opţiuni pentru transferul de fişiere prin USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Montaţi ca player media (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ru/strings.xml index c23d82b..40ad944 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ru/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-ru/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Растянуть на весь экран"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Масштаб и совместимость"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Если приложение рассчитано на экран меньших размеров, рядом с часами появятся средства масштабирования."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Параметры передачи через USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Подключить как мультимедийный проигрыватель (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sk/strings.xml index af3ed00..37498fe 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sk/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sk/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Na celú obrazovku"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kompatibilné priblíženie"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Ak je aplikácia navrhnutá pre menšiu obrazovku, zobrazí sa vedľa hodín ovládací prvok priblíženia."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Možnosti prenosu súborov USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Pripojiť ako prehrávač médií (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sl/strings.xml index 34c5e0b..badde16 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sl/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sl/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Raztegnitev čez zaslon"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Povečava združljivosti"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Če je program izdelan za manjše zaslone, se ob uri pokaže kontrolnik za povečavo."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Možnosti prenosa datotek prek USB-ja"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Vpni kot predvajalnik (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sr/strings.xml index d0f24b2..6a91fa6 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sr/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sr/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Развуци на цео екран"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Компатибилно зумирање"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Када је апликација намењена мањем екрану, контрола зумирања приказује се поред сата."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Опције USB преноса датотека"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Прикључи као медија плејер (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sv/strings.xml index ab438e8..18d9750 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sv/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sv/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Dra för att fylla skärmen"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom i kompatibilitetsläge"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"När en app är anpassad för en mindre skärm visas ett zoomreglage vid klockan."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Överföringsalternativ"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Montera som mediaspelare (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sw/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sw/strings.xml index 98e2310..33371f1 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sw/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-sw/strings.xml @@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Tanua ili kujaza skrini"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Kukuza kwa Utangamanifu"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Wakati programu ilibuniwa kwa skrini ndogo, kidhibiti cha kukuza kitaonekana kwa saa."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Machaguo ya uhamisho wa faili la USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Angika kama kichezeshi cha midia (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-th/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-th/strings.xml index ee2af5d..b78400d 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-th/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-th/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"ยืดจนเต็มหน้าจอ"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"ความเข้ากันได้ของการย่อ/ขยาย"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"สำหรับแอปพลิเคชันที่ออกแบบมาสำหรับหน้าจอขนาดเล็ก ตัวควบคุมการย่อ/ขยายจะปรากฏขึ้นข้างนาฬิกา"</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"ตัวเลือกการถ่ายโอนไฟล์ USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"ต่อเชื่อมเป็นโปรแกรมเล่นสื่อ (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tl/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tl/strings.xml index 8cff0b3..7778a10 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tl/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tl/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"I-stretch upang mapuno screen"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Zoom sa Pagiging Tugma"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Kapag nakadisenyo ang isang app para sa mas maliit na screen, isang kontrol ng zoom ang lalabas sa may orasan."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Opsyon paglipat ng USB file"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"I-mount bilang isang media player (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tr/strings.xml index 7fd5c61..2e1691b 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tr/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-tr/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Genişlet (ekran kapansın)"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Uyumluluk Zum\'u"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Uygulama küçük bir ekran için tasarlanmışsa saatin yanında bir yakınlaştırma denetimi görünür."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB dosya aktarım seçenekleri"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Medya oynatıcı olarak ekle (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-uk/strings.xml index 5b92cc0..36084eb 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-uk/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-uk/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Розтягнути на весь екран"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Елемент керування масштабом для сумісності"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Якщо програму призначено для менших екранів, елемент керування масштабом буде відображатися біля годинника."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Парам.передав.файлів через USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Підключити як медіапрогравач (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-vi/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-vi/strings.xml index d1158e4..f804146 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-vi/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-vi/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Giãn ra để lấp đầy m.hình"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Thu phóng tương thích"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Khi ứng dụng được thiết kế cho một màn hình nhỏ hơn, điều khiển thu phóng sẽ xuất hiện bên cạnh đồng hồ."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Tùy chọn truyền tệp USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Gắn như một trình phát đa phương tiện (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml index 2b1bfd6..271aac0 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"拉伸以填满屏幕"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"兼容性缩放"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"如果应用程序是针对较小屏幕设计的,则时钟旁会显示缩放控件。"</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB 文件传输选项"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"作为媒体播放器 (MTP) 装载"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml index 2ffca64..cc00e66 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"放大為全螢幕"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"相容性縮放"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"執行專為較小螢幕設計的應用程式時,系統會在時鐘旁顯示縮放控制項。"</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"USB 檔案傳輸選項"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"掛接為媒體播放器 (MTP)"</string> diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zu/strings.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zu/strings.xml index 5ef5152..4bbb11d 100644 --- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zu/strings.xml +++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values-zu/strings.xml @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ <string name="compat_mode_off" msgid="4434467572461327898">"Nweba ukugcwalisa isikrini"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_header" msgid="7020175705401506719">"Ukuhambelana Kokusondeza"</string> <string name="compat_mode_help_body" msgid="4946726776359270040">"Uma uhlelo lokusebenza lwenzelwe isikrini ezincane, isilawuli sokusondeza sizovela ngakuyiwashi."</string> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (3808900131607378535) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_ticker (7403652894056693515) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (7158814134399651627) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_title (8242282144535555697) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (7138808001579871654) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saving_text (2419718443411738818) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (1656379291643543172) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_title (6461865960961414961) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (5040360894749163221) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_saved_text (1152839647677558815) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (1140968728869009679) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_title (705781116746922771) --> <skip /> - <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (9163506496592455352) --> + <!-- no translation found for screenshot_failed_text (8134011269572415402) --> <skip /> <string name="usb_preference_title" msgid="6551050377388882787">"Okukhethwa kokudluliswa kwefayela ye-USB"</string> <string name="use_mtp_button_title" msgid="4333504413563023626">"Lengisa njengesidlali semediya (MTP)"</string> |