path: root/include/media/drm
diff options
authorJeff Tinker <>2013-02-07 17:46:18 -0800
committerJeff Tinker <>2013-03-13 13:35:36 -0700
commit56c78c47d8c22621a8a23375d8a6c63d99a9335d (patch)
tree951573b5090f8def5862ba4c78a5789f98baa1f7 /include/media/drm
parentf44e9f91f37d3fbed64bc952f241d5dc3c385b6a (diff)
Updated MediaDrm API based on review input.
Change-Id: I06716d2616bbe7efaea6cbf9ba7bf303dfae1650
Diffstat (limited to 'include/media/drm')
3 files changed, 205 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/include/media/drm/DrmAPI.h b/include/media/drm/DrmAPI.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77da0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/media/drm/DrmAPI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef DRM_API_H_
+#define DRM_API_H_
+#include <utils/List.h>
+#include <utils/String8.h>
+#include <utils/Vector.h>
+#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
+#include <utils/RefBase.h>
+#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABase.h>
+// Loadable DrmEngine shared libraries should define the entry points
+// createDrmFactory and createCryptoFactory as shown below:
+// extern "C" {
+// extern android::DrmFactory *createDrmFactory();
+// extern android::CryptoFactory *createCryptoFactory();
+// }
+namespace android {
+ struct DrmPlugin;
+ // DRMs are implemented in DrmEngine plugins, which are dynamically
+ // loadable shared libraries that implement the entry points
+ // createDrmFactory and createCryptoFactory. createDrmFactory
+ // constructs and returns an instance of a DrmFactory object. Similarly,
+ // createCryptoFactory creates an instance of a CryptoFactory object.
+ // When a MediaCrypto or MediaDrm object needs to be constructed, all
+ // available DrmEngines present in the plugins directory on the device
+ // are scanned for a matching DrmEngine that can support the crypto
+ // scheme. When a match is found, the DrmEngine's createCryptoPlugin and
+ // createDrmPlugin methods are used to create CryptoPlugin or
+ // DrmPlugin instances to support that DRM scheme.
+ class DrmFactory {
+ public:
+ DrmFactory() {}
+ virtual ~DrmFactory() {}
+ // DrmFactory::isCryptoSchemeSupported can be called to determine
+ // if the plugin factory is able to construct plugins that support a
+ // given crypto scheme, which is specified by a UUID.
+ virtual bool isCryptoSchemeSupported(const uint8_t uuid[16]) = 0;
+ // Construct a DrmPlugin for the crypto scheme specified by UUID.
+ virtual status_t createDrmPlugin(
+ const uint8_t uuid[16], DrmPlugin **plugin) = 0;
+ private:
+ DrmFactory(const DrmFactory &);
+ DrmFactory &operator=(const DrmFactory &);
+ };
+ class DrmPlugin {
+ public:
+ enum EventType {
+ kDrmPluginEventProvisionRequired,
+ kDrmPluginEventLicenseNeeded,
+ kDrmPluginEventLicenseExpired,
+ kDrmPluginEventVendorDefined
+ };
+ // A license can be for offline content or for online streaming.
+ // Offline licenses are persisted on the device and may be used when the device
+ // is disconnected from the network.
+ enum LicenseType {
+ kLicenseType_Offline,
+ kLicenseType_Streaming
+ };
+ DrmPlugin() {}
+ virtual ~DrmPlugin() {}
+ // Open a new session with the DrmPlugin object. A session ID is returned
+ // in the sessionId parameter.
+ virtual status_t openSession(Vector<uint8_t> &sessionId) = 0;
+ // Close a session on the DrmPlugin object.
+ virtual status_t closeSession(Vector<uint8_t> const &sessionId) = 0;
+ // A license request/response exchange occurs between the app and a License
+ // Server to obtain the keys required to decrypt the content. getLicenseRequest()
+ // is used to obtain an opaque license request blob that is delivered to the
+ // license server.
+ //
+ // The init data passed to getLicenseRequest is container-specific and its
+ // meaning is interpreted based on the mime type provided in the mimeType
+ // parameter to getLicenseRequest. It could contain, for example, the content
+ // ID, key ID or other data obtained from the content metadata that is required
+ // in generating the license request.
+ //
+ // licenseType specifes if the license is for streaming or offline content
+ //
+ // optionalParameters are included in the license server request message to
+ // allow a client application to provide additional message parameters to the
+ // server.
+ //
+ // If successful, the opaque license request blob is returned to the caller.
+ virtual status_t
+ getLicenseRequest(Vector<uint8_t> const &sessionId,
+ Vector<uint8_t> const &initData,
+ String8 const &mimeType, LicenseType licenseType,
+ KeyedVector<String8, String8> const &optionalParameters,
+ Vector<uint8_t> &request, String8 &defaultUrl) = 0;
+ // After a license response is received by the app, it is provided to the
+ // Drm plugin using provideLicenseResponse.
+ virtual status_t provideLicenseResponse(Vector<uint8_t> const &sessionId,
+ Vector<uint8_t> const &response) = 0;
+ // Remove the keys associated with a license.
+ virtual status_t removeLicense(Vector<uint8_t> const &sessionId) = 0;
+ // Request an informative description of the license for the session. The status
+ // is in the form of {name, value} pairs. Since DRM license policies vary by
+ // vendor, the specific status field names are determined by each DRM vendor.
+ // Refer to your DRM provider documentation for definitions of the field names
+ // for a particular DrmEngine.
+ virtual status_t
+ queryLicenseStatus(Vector<uint8_t> const &sessionId,
+ KeyedVector<String8, String8> &infoMap) const = 0;
+ // A provision request/response exchange occurs between the app and a
+ // provisioning server to retrieve a device certificate. getProvisionRequest
+ // is used to obtain an opaque license request blob that is delivered to the
+ // provisioning server.
+ //
+ // If successful, the opaque provision request blob is returned to the caller.
+ virtual status_t getProvisionRequest(Vector<uint8_t> &request,
+ String8 &defaultUrl) = 0;
+ // After a provision response is received by the app, it is provided to the
+ // Drm plugin using provideProvisionResponse.
+ virtual status_t provideProvisionResponse(Vector<uint8_t> const &response) = 0;
+ // A means of enforcing the contractual requirement for a concurrent stream
+ // limit per subscriber across devices is provided via SecureStop. SecureStop
+ // is a means of securely monitoring the lifetime of sessions. Since playback
+ // on a device can be interrupted due to reboot, power failure, etc. a means
+ // of persisting the lifetime information on the device is needed.
+ //
+ // A signed version of the sessionID is written to persistent storage on the
+ // device when each MediaCrypto object is created. The sessionID is signed by
+ // the device private key to prevent tampering.
+ //
+ // In the normal case, playback will be completed, the session destroyed and
+ // the Secure Stops will be queried. The App queries secure stops and forwards
+ // the secure stop message to the server which verifies the signature and
+ // notifies the server side database that the session destruction has been
+ // confirmed. The persisted record on the client is only removed after positive
+ // confirmation that the server received the message using releaseSecureStops().
+ virtual status_t getSecureStops(List<Vector<uint8_t> > &secureStops) = 0;
+ virtual status_t releaseSecureStops(Vector<uint8_t> const &ssRelease) = 0;
+ // Read a property value given the device property string. There are a few forms
+ // of property access methods, depending on the data type returned.
+ // Since DRM plugin properties may vary, additional field names may be defined
+ // by each DRM vendor. Refer to your DRM provider documentation for definitions
+ // of its additional field names.
+ //
+ // Standard values are:
+ // "vendor" [string] identifies the maker of the plugin
+ // "version" [string] identifies the version of the plugin
+ // "description" [string] describes the plugin
+ // 'deviceUniqueId' [byte array] The device unique identifier is established
+ // during device provisioning and provides a means of uniquely identifying
+ // each device.
+ virtual status_t getPropertyString(String8 const &name, String8 &value ) const = 0;
+ virtual status_t getPropertyByteArray(String8 const &name,
+ Vector<uint8_t> &value ) const = 0;
+ // Write a property value given the device property string. There are a few forms
+ // of property setting methods, depending on the data type.
+ // Since DRM plugin properties may vary, additional field names may be defined
+ // by each DRM vendor. Refer to your DRM provider documentation for definitions
+ // of its field names.
+ virtual status_t setPropertyString(String8 const &name,
+ String8 const &value ) = 0;
+ virtual status_t setPropertyByteArray(String8 const &name,
+ Vector<uint8_t> const &value ) = 0;
+ // TODO: provide way to send an event
+ private:
+ };
+} // namespace android
+#endif // DRM_API_H_
diff --git a/include/media/drm/DrmClientAPI.h b/include/media/drm/DrmClientAPI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a08933..0000000
--- a/include/media/drm/DrmClientAPI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef DRM_CLIENT_API_H_
-#define DRM_CLIENT_API_H_
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-#include <utils/Vector.h>
-#include <utils/List.h>
-#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABase.h>
-namespace android {
- // A DrmMessageStatus object aggregates a sessionId, which uniquely
- // identifies a playback context with a status code and opaque message
- // data.
- struct DrmMessageStatus {
- Vector<uint8_t> mSessionId;
- status_t mStatus;
- Vector<uint8_t> mData;
- };
- class DrmClientPlugin {
- public:
- // A license can be for downloaded, offline content or for online streaming
- // Offline licenses are persisted on the device and may be used when the device
- // is disconnected from the network.
- enum LicenseType {
- kLicenseType_Offline,
- kLicenseType_Streaming
- };
- DrmClientPlugin() {}
- virtual ~DrmClientPlugin() {}
- // A license request/response exchange occurs between the app and a License
- // Server to obtain the keys required to decrypt the content. getLicenseRequest()
- // is used to obtain an opaque license request blob that is delivered to the
- // license server.
- //
- // The init data passed to getLicenseRequest is container-specific and its
- // meaning is interpreted based on the mime type provided in the mimeType
- // parameter to getLicenseRequest. It could contain, for example, the content
- // ID, key ID or other data obtained from the content metadata that is required
- // in generating the license request.
- //
- // The DrmMessageStatus returned from getLicenseRequest contains a sessionId for
- // the new session, a status code indicating whether the operation was successful
- // and if so, the request blob is placed into the mData field.
- virtual DrmMessageStatus getLicenseRequest(Vector<uint8_t> const &initData,
- String8 const &mimeType, LicenseType licenseType) = 0;
- // After a license response is received by the app, it is provided to the
- // DrmClient plugin using provideLicenseResponse. The response data is provided
- // in the mData field of the response parameter.
- virtual status_t provideLicenseResponse(DrmMessageStatus const &response) = 0;
- // Remove the keys associated with a license and release the session
- virtual status_t clearLicense(Vector<uint8_t> const &sessionId) = 0;
- // A provision request/response exchange occurs between the app and a
- // provisioning server to retrieve a device certificate. getProvisionRequest
- // is used to obtain an opaque license request blob that is delivered to the
- // provisioning server.
- //
- // The DrmMessageStatus returned from getLicenseRequest contains a status code
- // indicating whether the operation was successful and if so, the request blob
- // is placed into the mData field.
- virtual DrmMessageStatus getProvisionRequest() = 0;
- // After a provision response is received by the app, it is provided to the
- // DrmClient plugin using provideProvisionResponse. The response data is
- // provided in the mData field of the response parameter.
- virtual status_t provideProvisionResponse(DrmMessageStatus const &response) = 0;
- // A means of enforcing the contractual requirement for a concurrent stream
- // limit per subscriber across devices is provided via SecureStop. SecureStop
- // is a means of securely monitoring the lifetime of sessions. Since playback
- // on a device can be interrupted due to reboot, power failure, etc. a means
- // of persisting the lifetime information on the device is needed.
- //
- // A signed version of the sessionID is written to persistent storage on the
- // device when each MediaCrypto object is created. The sessionID is signed by
- // the device private key to prevent tampering.
- //
- // In the normal case, playback will be completed, the session destroyed and
- // the Secure Stops will be queried. The App queries secure stops and forwards
- // the secure stop message to the server which verifies the signature and
- // notifies the server side database that the session destruction has been
- // confirmed. The persisted record on the client is only removed after positive
- // confirmation that the server received the message using releaseSecureStops().
- virtual List<DrmMessageStatus> getSecureStops() = 0;
- virtual status_t releaseSecureStops(DrmMessageStatus const &ssRelease) = 0;
- // Retrieve the device unique identifier for this device. The device unique
- // identifier is established during device provisioning.
- virtual Vector<uint8_t> getDeviceUniqueId() const = 0;
- private:
- };
-} // namespace android
-#endif // DRM_CLIENT_API_H_
diff --git a/include/media/drm/DrmEngineAPI.h b/include/media/drm/DrmEngineAPI.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 25bd34a..0000000
--- a/include/media/drm/DrmEngineAPI.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef DRM_ENGINE_API_H_
-#define DRM_ENGINE_API_H_
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABase.h>
-namespace android {
- class CryptoPlugin;
- class DrmClientPlugin;
- // DRMs are implemented in DrmEngine plugins, which are dynamically
- // loadable shared libraries that implement the entry point
- // createDrmPluginFactory. createDrmPluginFactory constructs and returns
- // an instance of a DrmPluginFactory object. When a MediaCrypto or
- // DrmClient object needs to be constructed, all available
- // DrmEngines present in the plugins directory on the device are scanned
- // for a matching DrmEngine that can support the crypto scheme. When a
- // match is found, the DrmEngine’s createCryptoPlugin or
- // createDrmClientPlugin methods are used to create CryptoPlugin or
- // DrmClientPlugin instances to support that DRM scheme.
- class DrmPluginFactory {
- public:
- DrmPluginFactory() {}
- virtual ~DrmPluginFactory() {}
- // DrmPluginFactory::isCryptoSchemeSupported can be called to determine
- // if the plugin factory is able to construct plugins that support a
- // given crypto scheme, which is specified by a UUID.
- virtual bool isCryptoSchemeSupported(const uint8_t uuid[16]) const = 0;
- // Construct a CryptoPlugin for the crypto scheme specified by UUID.
- // {data, size} provide scheme-specific initialization data.
- virtual status_t createCryptoPlugin(
- const uint8_t uuid[16], const void *data, size_t size,
- CryptoPlugin **plugin) = 0;
- // Construct a DrmClientPlugin for the crypto scheme specified by UUID.
- // {data, size} provide scheme-specific initialization data.
- virtual status_t createDrmClientPlugin(
- const uint8_t uuid[16], const void *data, size_t size,
- DrmClientPlugin **plugin) = 0;
- private:
- };
-} // namespace android
- // Loadable DrmEngine shared libraries should define the entry point
- // createDrmPluginFactory as shown below:
- //
- // extern "C" {
- // extern android::DrmPluginFactory *createDrmPluginFactory();
- // }
-#endif // DRM_ENGINE_API_H_