path: root/include
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authorDan Stoza <>2014-03-05 18:55:13 +0000
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2014-03-05 18:55:13 +0000
commitc1ef3efecbeff5bbea461d96bb5600b18d66bdb6 (patch)
tree51a4c7484bab78ec3086ec515928ed014e8d2623 /include
parent52badfb34190a78b4403f31b5b959eb68590a7d9 (diff)
parent3e96f1982fda358424b0b75f394cbf7c1794a072 (diff)
Merge "Change BufferQueue into producer/consumer wrapper"
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
5 files changed, 201 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/include/gui/BufferQueue.h b/include/gui/BufferQueue.h
index 15dc645..7eaf842 100644
--- a/include/gui/BufferQueue.h
+++ b/include/gui/BufferQueue.h
@@ -17,22 +17,15 @@
-#include <EGL/egl.h>
-#include <EGL/eglext.h>
-#include <binder/IBinder.h>
+#include <gui/BufferQueueProducer.h>
+#include <gui/BufferQueueConsumer.h>
#include <gui/IConsumerListener.h>
-#include <gui/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h>
-#include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
-#include <gui/IGraphicBufferConsumer.h>
-#include <ui/Fence.h>
-#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
+// These are only required to keep other parts of the framework with incomplete
+// dependencies building successfully
+#include <gui/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h>
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-#include <utils/Vector.h>
-#include <utils/threads.h>
+#include <binder/IBinder.h>
namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -317,264 +310,8 @@ public:
virtual void dump(String8& result, const char* prefix) const;
- // The default API number used to indicate no producer client is connected.
- enum { NO_CONNECTED_API = 0 };
- // Aliases for using enums from <IGraphicBufferConsumer.h>
- enum { STALE_BUFFER_SLOT = IGraphicBufferConsumer::STALE_BUFFER_SLOT };
- // freeBufferLocked frees the GraphicBuffer and sync resources for the
- // given slot.
- void freeBufferLocked(int index);
- // freeAllBuffersLocked frees the GraphicBuffer and sync resources for
- // all slots.
- void freeAllBuffersLocked();
- // setDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked sets the maximum number of buffer slots
- // that will be used if the producer does not override the buffer slot
- // count. The count must be between 2 and NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS, inclusive.
- // The initial default is 2.
- status_t setDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked(int count);
- // getMinUndequeuedBufferCount returns the minimum number of buffers
- // that must remain in a state other than DEQUEUED.
- // The async parameter tells whether we're in asynchronous mode.
- int getMinUndequeuedBufferCount(bool async) const;
- // getMinBufferCountLocked returns the minimum number of buffers allowed
- // given the current BufferQueue state.
- // The async parameter tells whether we're in asynchronous mode.
- int getMinMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
- // getMaxBufferCountLocked returns the maximum number of buffers that can
- // be allocated at once. This value depends upon the following member
- // variables:
- //
- // mDequeueBufferCannotBlock
- // mMaxAcquiredBufferCount
- // mDefaultMaxBufferCount
- // mOverrideMaxBufferCount
- // async parameter
- //
- // Any time one of these member variables is changed while a producer is
- // connected, mDequeueCondition must be broadcast.
- int getMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
- // stillTracking returns true iff the buffer item is still being tracked
- // in one of the slots.
- bool stillTracking(const BufferItem *item) const;
- struct BufferSlot {
- BufferSlot()
- : mEglDisplay(EGL_NO_DISPLAY),
- mBufferState(BufferSlot::FREE),
- mRequestBufferCalled(false),
- mFrameNumber(0),
- mEglFence(EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR),
- mAcquireCalled(false),
- mNeedsCleanupOnRelease(false) {
- }
- // mGraphicBuffer points to the buffer allocated for this slot or is NULL
- // if no buffer has been allocated.
- sp<GraphicBuffer> mGraphicBuffer;
- // mEglDisplay is the EGLDisplay used to create EGLSyncKHR objects.
- EGLDisplay mEglDisplay;
- // BufferState represents the different states in which a buffer slot
- // can be. All slots are initially FREE.
- enum BufferState {
- // FREE indicates that the buffer is available to be dequeued
- // by the producer. The buffer may be in use by the consumer for
- // a finite time, so the buffer must not be modified until the
- // associated fence is signaled.
- //
- // The slot is "owned" by BufferQueue. It transitions to DEQUEUED
- // when dequeueBuffer is called.
- FREE = 0,
- // DEQUEUED indicates that the buffer has been dequeued by the
- // producer, but has not yet been queued or canceled. The
- // producer may modify the buffer's contents as soon as the
- // associated ready fence is signaled.
- //
- // The slot is "owned" by the producer. It can transition to
- // QUEUED (via queueBuffer) or back to FREE (via cancelBuffer).
- // QUEUED indicates that the buffer has been filled by the
- // producer and queued for use by the consumer. The buffer
- // contents may continue to be modified for a finite time, so
- // the contents must not be accessed until the associated fence
- // is signaled.
- //
- // The slot is "owned" by BufferQueue. It can transition to
- // ACQUIRED (via acquireBuffer) or to FREE (if another buffer is
- // queued in asynchronous mode).
- QUEUED = 2,
- // ACQUIRED indicates that the buffer has been acquired by the
- // consumer. As with QUEUED, the contents must not be accessed
- // by the consumer until the fence is signaled.
- //
- // The slot is "owned" by the consumer. It transitions to FREE
- // when releaseBuffer is called.
- };
- // mBufferState is the current state of this buffer slot.
- BufferState mBufferState;
- // mRequestBufferCalled is used for validating that the producer did
- // call requestBuffer() when told to do so. Technically this is not
- // needed but useful for debugging and catching producer bugs.
- bool mRequestBufferCalled;
- // mFrameNumber is the number of the queued frame for this slot. This
- // is used to dequeue buffers in LRU order (useful because buffers
- // may be released before their release fence is signaled).
- uint64_t mFrameNumber;
- // mEglFence is the EGL sync object that must signal before the buffer
- // associated with this buffer slot may be dequeued. It is initialized
- // to EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR when the buffer is created and may be set to a
- // new sync object in releaseBuffer. (This is deprecated in favor of
- // mFence, below.)
- EGLSyncKHR mEglFence;
- // mFence is a fence which will signal when work initiated by the
- // previous owner of the buffer is finished. When the buffer is FREE,
- // the fence indicates when the consumer has finished reading
- // from the buffer, or when the producer has finished writing if it
- // called cancelBuffer after queueing some writes. When the buffer is
- // QUEUED, it indicates when the producer has finished filling the
- // buffer. When the buffer is DEQUEUED or ACQUIRED, the fence has been
- // passed to the consumer or producer along with ownership of the
- // buffer, and mFence is set to NO_FENCE.
- sp<Fence> mFence;
- // Indicates whether this buffer has been seen by a consumer yet
- bool mAcquireCalled;
- // Indicates whether this buffer needs to be cleaned up by the
- // consumer. This is set when a buffer in ACQUIRED state is freed.
- // It causes releaseBuffer to return STALE_BUFFER_SLOT.
- bool mNeedsCleanupOnRelease;
- };
- // mSlots is the array of buffer slots that must be mirrored on the
- // producer side. This allows buffer ownership to be transferred between
- // the producer and consumer without sending a GraphicBuffer over binder.
- // The entire array is initialized to NULL at construction time, and
- // buffers are allocated for a slot when requestBuffer is called with
- // that slot's index.
- BufferSlot mSlots[NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS];
- // mDefaultWidth holds the default width of allocated buffers. It is used
- // in dequeueBuffer() if a width and height of zero is specified.
- uint32_t mDefaultWidth;
- // mDefaultHeight holds the default height of allocated buffers. It is used
- // in dequeueBuffer() if a width and height of zero is specified.
- uint32_t mDefaultHeight;
- // mMaxAcquiredBufferCount is the number of buffers that the consumer may
- // acquire at one time. It defaults to 1 and can be changed by the
- // consumer via the setMaxAcquiredBufferCount method, but this may only be
- // done when no producer is connected to the BufferQueue.
- //
- // This value is used to derive the value returned for the
- // MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS query by the producer.
- int mMaxAcquiredBufferCount;
- // mDefaultMaxBufferCount is the default limit on the number of buffers
- // that will be allocated at one time. This default limit is set by the
- // consumer. The limit (as opposed to the default limit) may be
- // overridden by the producer.
- int mDefaultMaxBufferCount;
- // mOverrideMaxBufferCount is the limit on the number of buffers that will
- // be allocated at one time. This value is set by the image producer by
- // calling setBufferCount. The default is zero, which means the producer
- // doesn't care about the number of buffers in the pool. In that case
- // mDefaultMaxBufferCount is used as the limit.
- int mOverrideMaxBufferCount;
- // mGraphicBufferAlloc is the connection to SurfaceFlinger that is used to
- // allocate new GraphicBuffer objects.
- sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> mGraphicBufferAlloc;
- // mConsumerListener is used to notify the connected consumer of
- // asynchronous events that it may wish to react to. It is initially set
- // to NULL and is written by consumerConnect and consumerDisconnect.
- sp<IConsumerListener> mConsumerListener;
- // mConsumerControlledByApp whether the connected consumer is controlled by the
- // application.
- bool mConsumerControlledByApp;
- // mDequeueBufferCannotBlock whether dequeueBuffer() isn't allowed to block.
- // this flag is set during connect() when both consumer and producer are controlled
- // by the application.
- bool mDequeueBufferCannotBlock;
- // mUseAsyncBuffer whether an extra buffer is used in async mode to prevent
- // dequeueBuffer() from ever blocking.
- bool mUseAsyncBuffer;
- // mConnectedApi indicates the producer API that is currently connected
- // to this BufferQueue. It defaults to NO_CONNECTED_API (= 0), and gets
- // updated by the connect and disconnect methods.
- int mConnectedApi;
- // mDequeueCondition condition used for dequeueBuffer in synchronous mode
- mutable Condition mDequeueCondition;
- // mQueue is a FIFO of queued buffers used in synchronous mode
- typedef Vector<BufferItem> Fifo;
- Fifo mQueue;
- // mAbandoned indicates that the BufferQueue will no longer be used to
- // consume image buffers pushed to it using the IGraphicBufferProducer
- // interface. It is initialized to false, and set to true in the
- // consumerDisconnect method. A BufferQueue that has been abandoned will
- // return the NO_INIT error from all IGraphicBufferProducer methods
- // capable of returning an error.
- bool mAbandoned;
- // mConsumerName is a string used to identify the BufferQueue in log
- // messages. It is set by the setConsumerName method.
- String8 mConsumerName;
- // mMutex is the mutex used to prevent concurrent access to the member
- // variables of BufferQueue objects. It must be locked whenever the
- // member variables are accessed.
- mutable Mutex mMutex;
- // mFrameCounter is the free running counter, incremented on every
- // successful queueBuffer call, and buffer allocation.
- uint64_t mFrameCounter;
- // mBufferHasBeenQueued is true once a buffer has been queued. It is
- // reset when something causes all buffers to be freed (e.g. changing the
- // buffer count).
- bool mBufferHasBeenQueued;
- // mDefaultBufferFormat can be set so it will override
- // the buffer format when it isn't specified in dequeueBuffer
- uint32_t mDefaultBufferFormat;
- // mConsumerUsageBits contains flags the consumer wants for GraphicBuffers
- uint32_t mConsumerUsageBits;
- // mTransformHint is used to optimize for screen rotations
- uint32_t mTransformHint;
- // mConnectedProducerToken is used to set a binder death notification on the producer
- sp<IBinder> mConnectedProducerToken;
+ sp<BufferQueueProducer> mProducer;
+ sp<BufferQueueConsumer> mConsumer;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/include/gui/BufferQueueConsumer.h b/include/gui/BufferQueueConsumer.h
index 0980ebb..20db98c 100644
--- a/include/gui/BufferQueueConsumer.h
+++ b/include/gui/BufferQueueConsumer.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
-#include <gui/BufferQueueCore.h>
+#include <gui/BufferQueueDefs.h>
#include <gui/IGraphicBufferConsumer.h>
namespace android {
@@ -136,10 +136,34 @@ public:
// dump our state in a String
virtual void dump(String8& result, const char* prefix) const;
+ // Functions required for backwards compatibility.
+ // These will be modified/renamed in IGraphicBufferConsumer and will be
+ // removed from this class at that time. See b/13306289.
+ virtual status_t releaseBuffer(int buf, uint64_t frameNumber,
+ EGLDisplay display, EGLSyncKHR fence,
+ const sp<Fence>& releaseFence) {
+ return releaseBuffer(buf, frameNumber, releaseFence, display, fence);
+ }
+ virtual status_t consumerConnect(const sp<IConsumerListener>& consumer,
+ bool controlledByApp) {
+ return connect(consumer, controlledByApp);
+ }
+ virtual status_t consumerDisconnect() { return disconnect(); }
+ // End functions required for backwards compatibility
sp<BufferQueueCore> mCore;
- BufferQueueCore::SlotsType& mSlots;
- String8 mConsumerName; // Cached from mCore. Updated on setConsumerName.
+ // This references mCore->mSlots. Lock mCore->mMutex while accessing.
+ BufferQueueDefs::SlotsType& mSlots;
+ // This is a cached copy of the name stored in the BufferQueueCore.
+ // It's updated during setConsumerName.
+ String8 mConsumerName;
}; // class BufferQueueConsumer
diff --git a/include/gui/BufferQueueCore.h b/include/gui/BufferQueueCore.h
index ef11c61..f4341f8 100644
--- a/include/gui/BufferQueueCore.h
+++ b/include/gui/BufferQueueCore.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+#include <gui/BufferQueueDefs.h>
#include <gui/BufferSlot.h>
#include <utils/Condition.h>
@@ -54,22 +55,17 @@ class BufferQueueCore : public virtual RefBase {
friend class BufferQueueConsumer;
- // BufferQueue will keep track of at most this value of buffers. Attempts
- // at runtime to increase the number of buffers past this will fail.
- enum { NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS = 32 };
// Used as a placeholder slot number when the value isn't pointing to an
// existing buffer.
enum { INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT = -1 }; // TODO: Extract from IGBC::BufferItem
// We reserve two slots in order to guarantee that the producer and
// consumer can run asynchronously.
+ enum { MAX_MAX_ACQUIRED_BUFFERS = BufferQueueDefs::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS - 2 };
// The default API number used to indicate that no producer is connected
enum { NO_CONNECTED_API = 0 };
- typedef BufferSlot SlotsType[NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS];
typedef Vector<BufferItem> Fifo;
// BufferQueueCore manages a pool of gralloc memory slots to be used by
@@ -79,38 +75,159 @@ public:
virtual ~BufferQueueCore();
+ // Dump our state in a string
void dump(String8& result, const char* prefix) const;
+ // getMinUndequeuedBufferCountLocked returns the minimum number of buffers
+ // that must remain in a state other than DEQUEUED. The async parameter
+ // tells whether we're in asynchronous mode.
int getMinUndequeuedBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
+ // getMinMaxBufferCountLocked returns the minimum number of buffers allowed
+ // given the current BufferQueue state. The async parameter tells whether
+ // we're in asynchonous mode.
int getMinMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
+ // getMaxBufferCountLocked returns the maximum number of buffers that can be
+ // allocated at once. This value depends on the following member variables:
+ //
+ // mDequeueBufferCannotBlock
+ // mMaxAcquiredBufferCount
+ // mDefaultMaxBufferCount
+ // mOverrideMaxBufferCount
+ // async parameter
+ //
+ // Any time one of these member variables is changed while a producer is
+ // connected, mDequeueCondition must be broadcast.
int getMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async) const;
+ // setDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked sets the maximum number of buffer slots
+ // that will be used if the producer does not override the buffer slot
+ // count. The count must be between 2 and NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS, inclusive. The
+ // initial default is 2.
status_t setDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked(int count);
+ // freeBufferLocked frees the GraphicBuffer and sync resources for the
+ // given slot.
void freeBufferLocked(int slot);
+ // freeAllBuffersLocked frees the GraphicBuffer and sync resources for
+ // all slots.
void freeAllBuffersLocked();
+ // stillTracking returns true iff the buffer item is still being tracked
+ // in one of the slots.
bool stillTracking(const BufferItem* item) const;
- const sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc>& mAllocator;
+ // mAllocator is the connection to SurfaceFlinger that is used to allocate
+ // new GraphicBuffer objects.
+ sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> mAllocator;
+ // mMutex is the mutex used to prevent concurrent access to the member
+ // variables of BufferQueueCore objects. It must be locked whenever any
+ // member variable is accessed.
mutable Mutex mMutex;
+ // mIsAbandoned indicates that the BufferQueue will no longer be used to
+ // consume image buffers pushed to it using the IGraphicBufferProducer
+ // interface. It is initialized to false, and set to true in the
+ // consumerDisconnect method. A BufferQueue that is abandoned will return
+ // the NO_INIT error from all IGraphicBufferProducer methods capable of
+ // returning an error.
bool mIsAbandoned;
+ // mConsumerControlledByApp indicates whether the connected consumer is
+ // controlled by the application.
bool mConsumerControlledByApp;
+ // mConsumerName is a string used to identify the BufferQueue in log
+ // messages. It is set by the IGraphicBufferConsumer::setConsumerName
+ // method.
String8 mConsumerName;
+ // mConsumerListener is used to notify the connected consumer of
+ // asynchronous events that it may wish to react to. It is initially
+ // set to NULL and is written by consumerConnect and consumerDisconnect.
sp<IConsumerListener> mConsumerListener;
+ // mConsumerUsageBits contains flags that the consumer wants for
+ // GraphicBuffers.
uint32_t mConsumerUsageBits;
+ // mConnectedApi indicates the producer API that is currently connected
+ // to this BufferQueue. It defaults to NO_CONNECTED_API, and gets updated
+ // by the connect and disconnect methods.
int mConnectedApi;
+ // mConnectedProducerToken is used to set a binder death notification on
+ // the producer.
sp<IBinder> mConnectedProducerToken;
- BufferSlot mSlots[NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS];
+ // mSlots is an array of buffer slots that must be mirrored on the producer
+ // side. This allows buffer ownership to be transferred between the producer
+ // and consumer without sending a GraphicBuffer over Binder. The entire
+ // array is initialized to NULL at construction time, and buffers are
+ // allocated for a slot when requestBuffer is called with that slot's index.
+ BufferQueueDefs::SlotsType mSlots;
+ // mQueue is a FIFO of queued buffers used in synchronous mode.
Fifo mQueue;
+ // mOverrideMaxBufferCount is the limit on the number of buffers that will
+ // be allocated at one time. This value is set by the producer by calling
+ // setBufferCount. The default is 0, which means that the producer doesn't
+ // care about the number of buffers in the pool. In that case,
+ // mDefaultMaxBufferCount is used as the limit.
int mOverrideMaxBufferCount;
+ // mDequeueCondition is a condition variable used for dequeueBuffer in
+ // synchronous mode.
mutable Condition mDequeueCondition;
+ // mUseAsyncBuffer indicates whether an extra buffer is used in async mode
+ // to prevent dequeueBuffer from blocking.
bool mUseAsyncBuffer;
+ // mDequeueBufferCannotBlock indicates whether dequeueBuffer is allowed to
+ // block. This flag is set during connect when both the producer and
+ // consumer are controlled by the application.
bool mDequeueBufferCannotBlock;
+ // mDefaultBufferFormat can be set so it will override the buffer format
+ // when it isn't specified in dequeueBuffer.
uint32_t mDefaultBufferFormat;
+ // mDefaultWidth holds the default width of allocated buffers. It is used
+ // in dequeueBuffer if a width and height of 0 are specified.
int mDefaultWidth;
+ // mDefaultHeight holds the default height of allocated buffers. It is used
+ // in dequeueBuffer if a width and height of 0 are specified.
int mDefaultHeight;
+ // mDefaultMaxBufferCount is the default limit on the number of buffers that
+ // will be allocated at one time. This default limit is set by the consumer.
+ // The limit (as opposed to the default limit) may be overriden by the
+ // producer.
int mDefaultMaxBufferCount;
+ // mMaxAcquiredBufferCount is the number of buffers that the consumer may
+ // acquire at one time. It defaults to 1, and can be changed by the consumer
+ // via setMaxAcquiredBufferCount, but this may only be done while no
+ // producer is connected to the BufferQueue. This value is used to derive
+ // the value returned for the MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS query to the producer.
int mMaxAcquiredBufferCount;
+ // mBufferHasBeenQueued is true once a buffer has been queued. It is reset
+ // when something causes all buffers to be freed (e.g., changing the buffer
+ // count).
bool mBufferHasBeenQueued;
+ // mFrameCounter is the free running counter, incremented on every
+ // successful queueBuffer call and buffer allocation.
uint64_t mFrameCounter;
+ // mTransformHint is used to optimize for screen rotations.
uint32_t mTransformHint;
}; // class BufferQueueCore
diff --git a/include/gui/BufferQueueDefs.h b/include/gui/BufferQueueDefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bccc881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/gui/BufferQueueDefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <gui/BufferSlot.h>
+namespace android {
+ class BufferQueueCore;
+ namespace BufferQueueDefs {
+ // BufferQueue will keep track of at most this value of buffers.
+ // Attempts at runtime to increase the number of buffers past this
+ // will fail.
+ enum { NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS = 32 };
+ typedef BufferSlot SlotsType[NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS];
+ } // namespace BufferQueueDefs
+} // namespace android
diff --git a/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h b/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h
index 7f063aa..8912097 100644
--- a/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h
+++ b/include/gui/BufferQueueProducer.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-#include <gui/BufferQueueCore.h>
+#include <gui/BufferQueueDefs.h>
#include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
namespace android {
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ class BufferSlot;
class BufferQueueProducer : public BnGraphicBufferProducer,
private IBinder::DeathRecipient {
+ friend class BufferQueue; // Needed to access binderDied
BufferQueueProducer(const sp<BufferQueueCore>& core);
virtual ~BufferQueueProducer();
@@ -151,7 +152,9 @@ private:
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
sp<BufferQueueCore> mCore;
- BufferQueueCore::SlotsType& mSlots;
+ // This references mCore->mSlots. Lock mCore->mMutex while accessing.
+ BufferQueueDefs::SlotsType& mSlots;
// This is a cached copy of the name stored in the BufferQueueCore.
// It's updated during connect and dequeueBuffer (which should catch