path: root/cmds/keystore/netkeystore.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmds/keystore/netkeystore.c')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmds/keystore/netkeystore.c b/cmds/keystore/netkeystore.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0d683c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmds/keystore/netkeystore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#define LOG_TAG "keystore"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
+#include <cutils/sockets.h>
+#include <cutils/log.h>
+#include <cutils/properties.h>
+#include "netkeystore.h"
+#include "keymgmt.h"
+#define CMD_PUT_WITH_FILE "putfile"
+typedef void CMD_FUNC(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply);
+struct cmdinfo {
+ const char *name;
+ CMD_FUNC *func;
+static CMD_FUNC do_lock;
+static CMD_FUNC do_unlock;
+static CMD_FUNC do_passwd;
+static CMD_FUNC do_get_state;;
+static CMD_FUNC do_listkeys;
+static CMD_FUNC do_get_key;
+static CMD_FUNC do_put_key;
+static CMD_FUNC do_remove_key;
+static CMD_FUNC do_reset_keystore;
+#define str(x) #x
+struct cmdinfo cmds[] = {
+ { str(LOCK), do_lock },
+ { str(UNLOCK), do_unlock },
+ { str(PASSWD), do_passwd },
+ { str(GETSTATE), do_get_state },
+ { str(LISTKEYS), do_listkeys },
+ { str(GET), do_get_key },
+ { str(PUT), do_put_key },
+ { str(REMOVE), do_remove_key },
+ { str(RESET), do_reset_keystore },
+static struct ucred cr;
+static int check_get_perm(int uid)
+ if (uid == AID_WIFI || uid == AID_VPN) return 0;
+ return -1;
+static int check_reset_perm(int uid)
+ if (uid == AID_SYSTEM) return 0;
+ return -1;
+static int parse_keyname(char *name, uint32_t len,
+ char *namespace, char *keyname)
+ int count = 0;
+ char *c = namespace, *p = namespace, *t = name;
+ if (!name || !namespace || !keyname) return -1;
+ while (t < name + len && (*t != 0)) {
+ if (*t == ' ') {
+ if (c == keyname) return -1;
+ *p = count = 0;
+ c = p = keyname;
+ t++;
+ } else {
+ if (!isalnum(*t)) return -1;
+ *p++ = *t++;
+ // also check if the keyname/namespace is too long.
+ if (count++ == MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH) return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ return 0;
+// args of passwd():
+// firstPassword - for the first time
+// oldPassword newPassword - for changing the password
+static void do_passwd(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ reply->retcode = passwd((char*)cmd->data);
+// args of lock():
+// no argument
+static void do_lock(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ reply->retcode = lock();
+// args of unlock():
+// password
+static void do_unlock(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ reply->retcode = unlock((char*)cmd->data);
+// args of get_state():
+// no argument
+static void do_get_state(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ reply->retcode = get_state();
+// args of listkeys():
+// namespace
+static void do_listkeys(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ reply->retcode = list_keys((const char*)cmd->data, (char*)reply->data);
+ if (!reply->retcode) reply->len = strlen((char*)reply->data) + 1;
+// args of get():
+// namespace keyname
+static void do_get_key(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ char namespace[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH];
+ char keyname[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH];
+ if (check_get_perm(cr.uid)) {
+ LOGE("uid %d doesn't have the permission to get key value\n", cr.uid);
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (parse_keyname((char*)cmd->data, cmd->len, namespace, keyname)) {
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ } else {
+ reply->retcode = get_key(namespace, keyname, reply->data,
+ (int*)&reply->len);
+ }
+static int get_value_index(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd)
+ uint32_t count = 0, i;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cmd->len ; ++i) {
+ if (cmd->data[i] == ' ') {
+ if (++count == 2) return ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+// args of put():
+// namespace keyname keyvalue
+static void do_put_key(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ char namespace[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH];
+ char keyname[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH];
+ int p = get_value_index(cmd);
+ if (p == -1) {
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ } else {
+ unsigned char *value;
+ if (parse_keyname((char*)cmd->data, p - 1, namespace, keyname)) {
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ value = &cmd->data[p];
+ int len = cmd->len - p;
+ reply->retcode = put_key(namespace, keyname, value, len);
+ }
+// args of remove_key():
+// namespace keyname
+static void do_remove_key(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ char namespace[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH];
+ char keyname[MAX_KEY_NAME_LENGTH];
+ if (parse_keyname((char*)cmd->data, cmd->len, namespace, keyname)) {
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ reply->retcode = remove_key(namespace, keyname);
+// args of reset_keystore():
+// no argument
+static void do_reset_keystore(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ if (check_reset_perm(cr.uid)) {
+ LOGE("uid %d doesn't have the permission to reset the keystore\n",
+ cr.uid);
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ reply->retcode = reset_keystore();
+static void execute(LPC_MARSHAL *cmd, LPC_MARSHAL *reply)
+ uint32_t cmd_max = sizeof(cmds)/sizeof(struct cmdinfo);
+ if (cmd->opcode >= cmd_max) {
+ LOGE("the opcode (%d) is not valid", cmd->opcode);
+ reply->retcode = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ cmds[cmd->opcode].func(cmd, reply);
+static int set_read_timeout(int socket)
+ struct timeval tv;
+ tv.tv_sec = READ_TIMEOUT;
+ if (setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof tv))
+ {
+ LOGE("setsockopt failed");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int append_input_from_file(const char *filename, LPC_MARSHAL *cmd)
+ int fd, len, ret = 0;
+ // get opcode of the function put()
+ if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can not open file %s\n", filename);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cmd->data[cmd->len] = ' ';
+ cmd->len++;
+ len = read(fd, cmd->data + cmd->len, BUFFER_MAX - cmd->len);
+ if (len < 0 || (len == (int)(BUFFER_MAX - cmd->len))) {
+ ret = -1;
+ } else {
+ cmd->len += len;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return ret;
+static int flatten_str_args(int argc, const char **argv, LPC_MARSHAL *cmd)
+ int i, len = 0;
+ char *buf = (char*)cmd->data;
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < argc ; ++i) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ len = strlcpy(buf, argv[i], BUFFER_MAX);
+ } else {
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, BUFFER_MAX - len, " %s", argv[i]);
+ }
+ if (len >= BUFFER_MAX) return -1;
+ }
+ if (len) cmd->len = len;
+ return 0;
+static int parse_cmd(int argc, const char **argv, LPC_MARSHAL *cmd)
+ uint32_t i, len = 0;
+ uint32_t cmd_max = sizeof(cmds)/sizeof(cmds[0]);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cmd_max ; ++i) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(argv[0], cmds[i].name)) break;
+ }
+ if (i == cmd_max) {
+ // check if this is a command to put the key value with a file.
+ if (strcmp(argv[0], CMD_PUT_WITH_FILE) != 0) return -1;
+ cmd->opcode = PUT;
+ if (argc != 4) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s args\n\tnamespace keyname filename\n",
+ argv[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (flatten_str_args(argc - 2, argv + 1, cmd)) return -1;
+ return append_input_from_file(argv[3], cmd);
+ } else {
+ cmd->opcode = i;
+ return flatten_str_args(argc - 1, argv + 1, cmd);
+ }
+static int shell_command(const int argc, const char **argv)
+ int fd, i;
+ if (parse_cmd(argc, argv , &cmd)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect command or command line is too long.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fd = socket_local_client(SOCKET_PATH,
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Keystore service is not up and running.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (write_marshal(fd, &cmd)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect command or command line is too long.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (read_marshal(fd, &cmd)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read the result.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+[cmd.len] = 0;
+ fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", (cmd.retcode == 0) ? "Succeeded!" : "Failed!");
+ if (cmd.len) fprintf(stdout, "\t%s\n", (char*);
+ close(fd);
+ return 0;
+int main(const int argc, const char *argv[])
+ struct sockaddr addr;
+ socklen_t alen;
+ int lsocket, s;
+ LPC_MARSHAL cmd, reply;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ return shell_command(argc - 1, argv + 1);
+ }
+ if (init_keystore(KEYSTORE_DIR)) {
+ LOGE("Can not initialize the keystore, the directory exist?\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ lsocket = android_get_control_socket(SOCKET_PATH);
+ if (lsocket < 0) {
+ LOGE("Failed to get socket from environment: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (listen(lsocket, 5)) {
+ LOGE("Listen on socket failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fcntl(lsocket, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(LPC_MARSHAL));
+ for (;;) {
+ socklen_t cr_size = sizeof(cr);
+ alen = sizeof(addr);
+ s = accept(lsocket, &addr, &alen);
+ /* retrieve the caller info here */
+ if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &cr, &cr_size) < 0) {
+ close(s);
+ LOGE("Unable to recieve socket options\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (s < 0) {
+ LOGE("Accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ continue;
+ }
+ fcntl(s, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+ if (set_read_timeout(s)) {
+ close(s);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // read the command, execute and send the result back.
+ if(read_marshal(s, &cmd)) goto err;
+ LOGI("new connection\n");
+ execute(&cmd, &reply);
+ write_marshal(s, &reply);
+ memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(LPC_MARSHAL));
+ LOGI("closing connection\n");
+ close(s);
+ }
+ return 0;