path: root/include/ui/InputReader.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/ui/InputReader.h')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/ui/InputReader.h b/include/ui/InputReader.h
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+++ b/include/ui/InputReader.h
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+ * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <ui/EventHub.h>
+#include <ui/Input.h>
+#include <ui/InputDispatchPolicy.h>
+#include <ui/InputDispatcher.h>
+#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
+#include <utils/threads.h>
+#include <utils/Timers.h>
+#include <utils/RefBase.h>
+#include <utils/String8.h>
+#include <utils/BitSet.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+/* Maximum pointer id value supported.
+ * (This is limited by our use of BitSet32 to track pointer assignments.) */
+#define MAX_POINTER_ID 32
+/** Amount that trackball needs to move in order to generate a key event. */
+/* Slop distance for jumpy pointer detection.
+ * The vertical range of the screen divided by this is our epsilon value. */
+/* Number of jumpy points to drop for touchscreens that need it. */
+/* Maximum squared distance for averaging.
+ * If moving farther than this, turn of averaging to avoid lag in response. */
+/* Maximum number of historical samples to average. */
+namespace android {
+extern int32_t updateMetaState(int32_t keyCode, bool down, int32_t oldMetaState);
+extern int32_t rotateKeyCode(int32_t keyCode, int32_t orientation);
+ * An input device structure tracks the state of a single input device.
+ *
+ * This structure is only used by ReaderThread and is not intended to be shared with
+ * DispatcherThread (because that would require locking). This works out fine because
+ * DispatcherThread is only interested in cooked event data anyways and does not need
+ * any of the low-level data from InputDevice.
+ */
+struct InputDevice {
+ struct AbsoluteAxisInfo {
+ int32_t minValue; // minimum value
+ int32_t maxValue; // maximum value
+ int32_t range; // range of values, equal to maxValue - minValue
+ int32_t flat; // center flat position, eg. flat == 8 means center is between -8 and 8
+ int32_t fuzz; // error tolerance, eg. fuzz == 4 means value is +/- 4 due to noise
+ };
+ struct VirtualKey {
+ int32_t keyCode;
+ int32_t scanCode;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ // computed hit box, specified in touch screen coords based on known display size
+ int32_t hitLeft;
+ int32_t hitTop;
+ int32_t hitRight;
+ int32_t hitBottom;
+ inline bool isHit(int32_t x, int32_t y) const {
+ return x >= hitLeft && x <= hitRight && y >= hitTop && y <= hitBottom;
+ }
+ };
+ struct KeyboardState {
+ struct Current {
+ int32_t metaState;
+ nsecs_t downTime; // time of most recent key down
+ } current;
+ void reset();
+ };
+ struct TrackballState {
+ struct Accumulator {
+ enum {
+ FIELD_REL_X = 2,
+ };
+ uint32_t fields;
+ bool btnMouse;
+ int32_t relX;
+ int32_t relY;
+ inline void clear() {
+ fields = 0;
+ }
+ inline bool isDirty() {
+ return fields != 0;
+ }
+ } accumulator;
+ struct Current {
+ bool down;
+ nsecs_t downTime;
+ } current;
+ struct Precalculated {
+ float xScale;
+ float yScale;
+ float xPrecision;
+ float yPrecision;
+ } precalculated;
+ void reset();
+ };
+ struct SingleTouchScreenState {
+ struct Accumulator {
+ enum {
+ FIELD_ABS_X = 2,
+ FIELD_ABS_Y = 4,
+ };
+ uint32_t fields;
+ bool btnTouch;
+ int32_t absX;
+ int32_t absY;
+ int32_t absPressure;
+ int32_t absToolWidth;
+ inline void clear() {
+ fields = 0;
+ }
+ inline bool isDirty() {
+ return fields != 0;
+ }
+ } accumulator;
+ struct Current {
+ bool down;
+ int32_t x;
+ int32_t y;
+ int32_t pressure;
+ int32_t size;
+ } current;
+ void reset();
+ };
+ struct MultiTouchScreenState {
+ struct Accumulator {
+ enum {
+ };
+ uint32_t pointerCount;
+ struct Pointer {
+ uint32_t fields;
+ int32_t absMTPositionX;
+ int32_t absMTPositionY;
+ int32_t absMTTouchMajor;
+ int32_t absMTWidthMajor;
+ int32_t absMTTrackingId;
+ inline void clear() {
+ fields = 0;
+ }
+ } pointers[MAX_POINTERS + 1]; // + 1 to remove the need for extra range checks
+ inline void clear() {
+ pointerCount = 0;
+ pointers[0].clear();
+ }
+ inline bool isDirty() {
+ return pointerCount != 0;
+ }
+ } accumulator;
+ void reset();
+ };
+ struct PointerData {
+ uint32_t id;
+ int32_t x;
+ int32_t y;
+ int32_t pressure;
+ int32_t size;
+ };
+ struct TouchData {
+ uint32_t pointerCount;
+ PointerData pointers[MAX_POINTERS];
+ BitSet32 idBits;
+ uint32_t idToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID];
+ void copyFrom(const TouchData& other);
+ inline void clear() {
+ pointerCount = 0;
+ idBits.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ // common state used for both single-touch and multi-touch screens after the initial
+ // touch decoding has been performed
+ struct TouchScreenState {
+ Vector<VirtualKey> virtualKeys;
+ struct Parameters {
+ bool useBadTouchFilter;
+ bool useJumpyTouchFilter;
+ bool useAveragingTouchFilter;
+ AbsoluteAxisInfo xAxis;
+ AbsoluteAxisInfo yAxis;
+ AbsoluteAxisInfo pressureAxis;
+ AbsoluteAxisInfo sizeAxis;
+ } parameters;
+ // The touch data of the current sample being processed.
+ TouchData currentTouch;
+ // The touch data of the previous sample that was processed. This is updated
+ // incrementally while the current sample is being processed.
+ TouchData lastTouch;
+ // The time the primary pointer last went down.
+ nsecs_t downTime;
+ struct CurrentVirtualKeyState {
+ bool down;
+ nsecs_t downTime;
+ int32_t keyCode;
+ int32_t scanCode;
+ } currentVirtualKey;
+ struct AveragingTouchFilterState {
+ // Individual history tracks are stored by pointer id
+ uint32_t historyStart[MAX_POINTERS];
+ uint32_t historyEnd[MAX_POINTERS];
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ int32_t x;
+ int32_t y;
+ int32_t pressure;
+ } pointers[MAX_POINTERS];
+ } averagingTouchFilter;
+ struct JumpTouchFilterState {
+ int32_t jumpyPointsDropped;
+ } jumpyTouchFilter;
+ struct Precalculated {
+ float xScale;
+ float yScale;
+ float pressureScale;
+ float sizeScale;
+ } precalculated;
+ void reset();
+ bool applyBadTouchFilter();
+ bool applyJumpyTouchFilter();
+ void applyAveragingTouchFilter();
+ void calculatePointerIds();
+ bool isPointInsideDisplay(int32_t x, int32_t y) const;
+ };
+ InputDevice(int32_t id, uint32_t classes, String8 name);
+ int32_t id;
+ uint32_t classes;
+ String8 name;
+ bool ignored;
+ KeyboardState keyboard;
+ TrackballState trackball;
+ TouchScreenState touchScreen;
+ union {
+ SingleTouchScreenState singleTouchScreen;
+ MultiTouchScreenState multiTouchScreen;
+ };
+ void reset();
+ inline bool isKeyboard() const { return classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD; }
+ inline bool isAlphaKey() const { return classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY; }
+ inline bool isTrackball() const { return classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_TRACKBALL; }
+ inline bool isDPad() const { return classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD; }
+ inline bool isSingleTouchScreen() const { return (classes
+ inline bool isMultiTouchScreen() const { return classes
+ inline bool isTouchScreen() const { return classes
+/* Processes raw input events and sends cooked event data to an input dispatcher
+ * in accordance with the input dispatch policy. */
+class InputReaderInterface : public virtual RefBase {
+ InputReaderInterface() { }
+ virtual ~InputReaderInterface() { }
+ /* Runs a single iteration of the processing loop.
+ * Nominally reads and processes one incoming message from the EventHub.
+ *
+ * This method should be called on the input reader thread.
+ */
+ virtual void loopOnce() = 0;
+ /* Gets the current virtual key. Returns false if not down.
+ *
+ * This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
+ */
+ virtual bool getCurrentVirtualKey(int32_t* outKeyCode, int32_t* outScanCode) const = 0;
+/* The input reader reads raw event data from the event hub and processes it into input events
+ * that it sends to the input dispatcher. Some functions of the input reader are controlled
+ * by the input dispatch policy, such as early event filtering in low power states.
+ */
+class InputReader : public InputReaderInterface {
+ InputReader(const sp<EventHubInterface>& eventHub,
+ const sp<InputDispatchPolicyInterface>& policy,
+ const sp<InputDispatcherInterface>& dispatcher);
+ virtual ~InputReader();
+ virtual void loopOnce();
+ virtual bool getCurrentVirtualKey(int32_t* outKeyCode, int32_t* outScanCode) const;
+ // Lock that must be acquired while manipulating state that may be concurrently accessed
+ // from other threads by input state query methods. It should be held for as short a
+ // time as possible.
+ //
+ // Exported state:
+ // - global virtual key code and scan code
+ // - device list and immutable properties of devices such as id, name, and class
+ // (but not other internal device state)
+ mutable Mutex mExportedStateLock;
+ // current virtual key information
+ int32_t mGlobalVirtualKeyCode;
+ int32_t mGlobalVirtualScanCode;
+ // combined key meta state
+ int32_t mGlobalMetaState;
+ sp<EventHubInterface> mEventHub;
+ sp<InputDispatchPolicyInterface> mPolicy;
+ sp<InputDispatcherInterface> mDispatcher;
+ KeyedVector<int32_t, InputDevice*> mDevices;
+ // display properties needed to translate touch screen coordinates into display coordinates
+ int32_t mDisplayOrientation;
+ int32_t mDisplayWidth;
+ int32_t mDisplayHeight;
+ // low-level input event decoding
+ void process(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleDeviceAdded(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleDeviceRemoved(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleSync(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleKey(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleRelativeMotion(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleAbsoluteMotion(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ void handleSwitch(const RawEvent* rawEvent);
+ // input policy processing and dispatch
+ void onKey(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, bool down,
+ int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, uint32_t policyFlags);
+ void onSwitch(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, bool down, int32_t code);
+ void onSingleTouchScreenStateChanged(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device);
+ void onMultiTouchScreenStateChanged(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device);
+ void onTouchScreenChanged(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, bool havePointerIds);
+ void onTrackballStateChanged(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device);
+ void onConfigurationChanged(nsecs_t when);
+ bool applyStandardInputDispatchPolicyActions(nsecs_t when,
+ int32_t policyActions, uint32_t* policyFlags);
+ bool consumeVirtualKeyTouches(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, uint32_t policyFlags);
+ void dispatchVirtualKey(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, uint32_t policyFlags,
+ int32_t keyEventAction, int32_t keyEventFlags);
+ void dispatchTouches(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, uint32_t policyFlags);
+ void dispatchTouch(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device, uint32_t policyFlags,
+ InputDevice::TouchData* touch, BitSet32 idBits, int32_t motionEventAction);
+ // display
+ void resetDisplayProperties();
+ bool refreshDisplayProperties();
+ // device management
+ InputDevice* getDevice(int32_t deviceId);
+ InputDevice* getNonIgnoredDevice(int32_t deviceId);
+ void addDevice(nsecs_t when, int32_t deviceId);
+ void removeDevice(nsecs_t when, InputDevice* device);
+ void configureDevice(InputDevice* device);
+ void configureDeviceForCurrentDisplaySize(InputDevice* device);
+ void configureVirtualKeys(InputDevice* device);
+ void configureAbsoluteAxisInfo(InputDevice* device, int axis, const char* name,
+ InputDevice::AbsoluteAxisInfo* out);
+ // global meta state management for all devices
+ void resetGlobalMetaState();
+ int32_t globalMetaState();
+ // virtual key management
+ void updateGlobalVirtualKeyState();
+/* Reads raw events from the event hub and processes them, endlessly. */
+class InputReaderThread : public Thread {
+ InputReaderThread(const sp<InputReaderInterface>& reader);
+ virtual ~InputReaderThread();
+ sp<InputReaderInterface> mReader;
+ virtual bool threadLoop();
+} // namespace android
+#endif // _UI_INPUT_READER_H