path: root/include/hardware/display_defs.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* hardware/libhw: Add display_defs.h to declare custom enums/flagsArun Kumar K.R2016-01-081-0/+67
hwcomposer: Add HWC_BLIT compositiontype value - HWC_BLIT this layer will be handled in the HWC, using a blit engine - setting this will inform Surfaceflinger to flip FB_TARGET change-Id: I25d19ec41b57863d451c3e390109c912faf1381c libhardware: Disable rotation animation on External - Added two new flags to used to inform HWC about rotation and roation animation to HWC - This is used to disable rotation animation on external change-Id: I05a9796781dcda088ae6cd64481cd4e581d5cf9e Change-Id: Idbc7e43d4fa8ec2299b4c7ee8378a1afd710cdf1