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authorTyler Luu <>2011-08-16 01:15:10 -0500
committerWu-cheng Li <>2011-08-16 15:54:49 +0800
commitfa28dae0efd774ddd8919e99c0add3e69300ea3a (patch)
parentb4a28dec029ecbd35aa27984f8681ae98286eca0 (diff)
CameraHal: FD results for 180 degree rot'ed
Need to translate FD results when phone is 180 degree oriented with respect to the sensor. Ducati outputs results differently then what Android expects in this orientation. See code comments. Change-Id: Ia17b3f03ee37b5ac988993024bc5c989cff96df2 Signed-off-by: Tyler Luu <> bug:5140593
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp b/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp
index 4c4d9c2..2ac63f3 100644
--- a/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp
+++ b/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp
@@ -279,32 +279,82 @@ status_t OMXCameraAdapter::encodeFaceCoordinates(const OMX_FACEDETECTIONTYPE *fa
if ( 0 < faceData->ulFaceCount ) {
+ int orient_mult;
+ int trans_left, trans_top, trans_right, trans_bot;
faces = ( camera_face_t * ) malloc(sizeof(camera_face_t)*faceData->ulFaceCount);
if ( NULL == faces ) {
return -ENOMEM;
+ /**
+ / * When device is 180 degrees oriented to the sensor, need to translate
+ / * the output from Ducati to what Android expects
+ / * Ducati always gives face coordinates in this form, irrespective of
+ / * rotation, i.e (l,t) always represents the point towards the left eye
+ / * and top of hair.
+ / * (l, t)
+ / * ---------------
+ / * - ,,,,,,, -
+ / * - | | -
+ / * - |<a <a| -
+ / * - (| ^ |) -
+ / * - | -=- | -
+ / * - \_____/ -
+ / * ---------------
+ / * (r, b)
+ / *
+ / * However, Android expects the coords to be in respect with what the
+ / * sensor is viewing, i.e Android expects sensor to see this with (l,t)
+ / * and (r,b) like so:
+ / * (l, t)
+ / * ---------------
+ / * - _____ -
+ / * - / \ -
+ / * - | -=- | -
+ / * - (| ^ |) -
+ / * - |a> a>| -
+ / * - | | -
+ / * - ,,,,,,, -
+ / * ---------------
+ / * (r, b)
+ */
+ if (mDeviceOrientation == 180) {
+ orient_mult = -1;
+ trans_left = 2; // right is now left
+ trans_top = 3; // bottom is now top
+ trans_right = 0; // left is now right
+ trans_bot = 1; // top is not bottom
+ } else {
+ orient_mult = 1;
+ trans_left = 0; // left
+ trans_top = 1; // top
+ trans_right = 2; // right
+ trans_bot = 3; // bottom
+ }
for ( int i = 0 ; i < faceData->ulFaceCount ; i++)
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nLeft / ( double ) previewWidth;
tmp *= hRange;
tmp -= hRange/2;
- faces[i].rect[0] = tmp;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_left] = tmp;
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nTop / ( double )previewHeight;
tmp *= vRange;
tmp -= vRange/2;
- faces[i].rect[1] = tmp;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_top] = tmp;
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nWidth / ( double ) previewWidth;
tmp *= hRange;
- faces[i].rect[2] = faces[i].rect[0] + tmp;
+ tmp *= orient_mult;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_right] = faces[i].rect[trans_left] + tmp;
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nHeight / ( double ) previewHeight;
tmp *= vRange;
- faces[i].rect[3] = faces[i].rect[1] + tmp;
+ tmp *= orient_mult;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_bot] = faces[i].rect[trans_top] + tmp;
faces[i].score = faceData->tFacePosition[i].nScore;
faces[i].id = 0;