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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp b/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp
index 4c4d9c2..2ac63f3 100644
--- a/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp
+++ b/camera/OMXCameraAdapter/OMXFD.cpp
@@ -279,32 +279,82 @@ status_t OMXCameraAdapter::encodeFaceCoordinates(const OMX_FACEDETECTIONTYPE *fa
if ( 0 < faceData->ulFaceCount ) {
+ int orient_mult;
+ int trans_left, trans_top, trans_right, trans_bot;
faces = ( camera_face_t * ) malloc(sizeof(camera_face_t)*faceData->ulFaceCount);
if ( NULL == faces ) {
return -ENOMEM;
+ /**
+ / * When device is 180 degrees oriented to the sensor, need to translate
+ / * the output from Ducati to what Android expects
+ / * Ducati always gives face coordinates in this form, irrespective of
+ / * rotation, i.e (l,t) always represents the point towards the left eye
+ / * and top of hair.
+ / * (l, t)
+ / * ---------------
+ / * - ,,,,,,, -
+ / * - | | -
+ / * - |<a <a| -
+ / * - (| ^ |) -
+ / * - | -=- | -
+ / * - \_____/ -
+ / * ---------------
+ / * (r, b)
+ / *
+ / * However, Android expects the coords to be in respect with what the
+ / * sensor is viewing, i.e Android expects sensor to see this with (l,t)
+ / * and (r,b) like so:
+ / * (l, t)
+ / * ---------------
+ / * - _____ -
+ / * - / \ -
+ / * - | -=- | -
+ / * - (| ^ |) -
+ / * - |a> a>| -
+ / * - | | -
+ / * - ,,,,,,, -
+ / * ---------------
+ / * (r, b)
+ */
+ if (mDeviceOrientation == 180) {
+ orient_mult = -1;
+ trans_left = 2; // right is now left
+ trans_top = 3; // bottom is now top
+ trans_right = 0; // left is now right
+ trans_bot = 1; // top is not bottom
+ } else {
+ orient_mult = 1;
+ trans_left = 0; // left
+ trans_top = 1; // top
+ trans_right = 2; // right
+ trans_bot = 3; // bottom
+ }
for ( int i = 0 ; i < faceData->ulFaceCount ; i++)
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nLeft / ( double ) previewWidth;
tmp *= hRange;
tmp -= hRange/2;
- faces[i].rect[0] = tmp;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_left] = tmp;
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nTop / ( double )previewHeight;
tmp *= vRange;
tmp -= vRange/2;
- faces[i].rect[1] = tmp;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_top] = tmp;
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nWidth / ( double ) previewWidth;
tmp *= hRange;
- faces[i].rect[2] = faces[i].rect[0] + tmp;
+ tmp *= orient_mult;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_right] = faces[i].rect[trans_left] + tmp;
tmp = ( double ) faceData->tFacePosition[i].nHeight / ( double ) previewHeight;
tmp *= vRange;
- faces[i].rect[3] = faces[i].rect[1] + tmp;
+ tmp *= orient_mult;
+ faces[i].rect[trans_bot] = faces[i].rect[trans_top] + tmp;
faces[i].score = faceData->tFacePosition[i].nScore;
faces[i].id = 0;