diff options
authorAlexei Shlychkov <x0177296@ti.com>2012-10-12 12:11:01 -0700
committerZiyann <jaraidaniel@gmail.com>2014-10-01 13:01:05 +0200
commit60f2c665341a2eb20327ea04a08cfc482e573ae8 (patch)
parent1fbd2937d6dc3639d3d851c418942716acbc52de (diff)
gcx: fixed scaler temp parameter calculations.
Change-Id: I137acb5efc00bc3ea2dbb9ad596234061cf78257 Signed-off-by: Alexei Shlychkov <x0177296@ti.com>
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/misc/gcx/gcbv/gcfilter.c b/drivers/misc/gcx/gcbv/gcfilter.c
index d5cbee6..a75045b 100644
--- a/drivers/misc/gcx/gcbv/gcfilter.c
+++ b/drivers/misc/gcx/gcbv/gcfilter.c
@@ -78,7 +78,10 @@ GCDBG_FILTERDEF(filter, GCZONE_NONE,
* Miscellaneous defines.
-#define GC_BITS_PER_CACHELINE (64 * 8)
enum gcscaletype {
@@ -1356,6 +1359,8 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
dstdelta.top = dstclipped->top - dstrect->top;
dstdelta.right = dstclipped->right - dstrect->left;
dstdelta.bottom = dstclipped->bottom - dstrect->top;
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "dst deltas = (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+ dstdelta.left, dstdelta.top, dstdelta.right, dstdelta.bottom);
/* Compute the source offsets. */
srcdelta.left = dstdelta.left * horscalefactor;
@@ -1363,16 +1368,6 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
srcdelta.right = (dstdelta.right - 1) * horscalefactor + (1 << 16);
srcdelta.bottom = (dstdelta.bottom - 1) * verscalefactor + (1 << 16);
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "offsets (dst, src):\n");
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " left = %d, 0x%08X\n",
- dstdelta.left, srcdelta.left);
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " top = %d, 0x%08X\n",
- dstdelta.top, srcdelta.top);
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " right = %d, 0x%08X\n",
- dstdelta.right, srcdelta.right);
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " bottom = %d, 0x%08X\n",
- dstdelta.bottom, srcdelta.bottom);
/* Before rendering each destination pixel, the HW will select the
* corresponding source center pixel to apply the kernel around.
* To make this process precise we need to add 0.5 to source initial
@@ -1382,22 +1377,18 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
srcdelta.top += 0x00008000;
srcdelta.right += 0x00008000;
srcdelta.bottom += 0x00008000;
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "src deltas = "
+ "(0x%08X,0x%08X)-(0x%08X,0x%08X)\n",
+ srcdelta.left, srcdelta.top, srcdelta.right, srcdelta.bottom);
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "src deltas (int) = (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n",
+ srcdelta.left >> 16, srcdelta.top >> 16,
+ srcdelta.right >> 16, srcdelta.bottom >> 16);
/* Determine clipped source rectangle. */
srcclipped.left = srcrect->left + (srcdelta.left >> 16);
srcclipped.top = srcrect->top + (srcdelta.top >> 16);
srcclipped.right = srcrect->left + (srcdelta.right >> 16);
srcclipped.bottom = srcrect->top + (srcdelta.bottom >> 16);
- GCPRINT_RECT(GCZONE_FILTER, " clipped source", &srcclipped);
- /* Validate the source rectangle. */
- if (!valid_rect(srcinfo->geom, &srcclipped)) {
- BVSETBLTERROR((srcinfo->index == 0)
- "invalid source rectangle.");
- goto exit;
- }
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "source:\n");
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " stride = %d, geom = %dx%d\n",
@@ -1405,15 +1396,24 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
srcinfo->geom->width, srcinfo->geom->height);
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " rotation = %d\n",
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " rect offsets = "
- "(0x%08X,0x%08X)-(0x%08X,0x%08X)\n",
- srcdelta.left, srcdelta.top, srcdelta.right, srcdelta.bottom);
+ GCPRINT_RECT(GCZONE_FILTER, " clipped rect", &srcclipped);
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "destination:\n");
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " stride = %d, geom size = %dx%d\n",
- bvbltparams->dstgeom->virtstride,
- bvbltparams->dstgeom->width, bvbltparams->dstgeom->height);
- GCPRINT_RECT(GCZONE_FILTER, " rect", dstclipped);
+ dstinfo->geom->virtstride,
+ dstinfo->geom->width, dstinfo->geom->height);
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, " rotation = %d\n",
+ dstinfo->angle);
+ GCPRINT_RECT(GCZONE_FILTER, " clipped rect", dstclipped);
+ /* Validate the source rectangle. */
+ if (!valid_rect(srcinfo->geom, &srcclipped)) {
+ BVSETBLTERROR((srcinfo->index == 0)
+ "invalid source rectangle.");
+ goto exit;
+ }
/* Map the source. */
bverror = do_map(srcinfo->buf.desc, batch, &srcmap);
@@ -1560,8 +1560,10 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
srcx = ((srcrect->left - leftextra) << 16) + srcdelta.left;
srcy = (srcrect->top << 16) + srcdelta.top;
GCDBG(GCZONE_SRC, "src origin: 0x%08X,0x%08X\n", srcx, srcy);
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_SRC, "src origin (int): %d,%d\n",
+ srcx >> 16, srcy >> 16);
- /* Determine the size of the temporary image. */
+ /* Determine the size of the temporary rectangle. */
tmprectwidth = leftextra + rightextra
+ ((srcdelta.right >> 16) - (srcdelta.left >> 16));
tmprectheight = dstadjusted->bottom - dstadjusted->top;
@@ -1569,41 +1571,67 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
tmprectwidth, tmprectheight);
/* Determine the temporary destination coordinates. */
- tmpinfo.rect.left = ((tmpinfo.angle % 2) == 0)
- ? (srcx >> 16) & tmpalignmask
- : dstadjusted->left & dstalignmask;
- tmpinfo.rect.top = 0;
- tmpinfo.rect.right = tmpinfo.rect.left + tmprectwidth;
- tmpinfo.rect.bottom = tmpinfo.rect.top + tmprectheight;
- GCPRINT_RECT(GCZONE_DEST, "tmp dest", &tmpinfo.rect);
+ switch (tmpinfo.angle) {
+ case ROT_ANGLE_0:
+ case ROT_ANGLE_180:
+ tmpinfo.rect.left = (srcx >> 16) & tmpalignmask;
+ tmpinfo.rect.top = 0;
+ tmpinfo.rect.right = tmpinfo.rect.left + tmprectwidth;
+ tmpinfo.rect.bottom = tmprectheight;
- /* Determine the temporaty surface dimensions. */
- tmpgeom.width = tmpinfo.rect.right;
- tmpgeom.height = tmpinfo.rect.bottom;
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp dims: %dx%d\n",
- tmpgeom.width, tmpgeom.height);
+ tmpgeom.width = (tmpinfo.rect.right + tmpalignmask)
+ & ~tmpalignmask;
+ tmpgeom.height = tmprectheight;
- /* Determine the physical size of the surface. */
- if ((tmpinfo.angle % 2) == 0) {
- tmpgeom.width = (tmpgeom.width + tmpalignmask)
- & ~tmpalignmask;
tmpinfo.physwidth = tmpgeom.width;
tmpinfo.physheight = tmpgeom.height;
- } else {
- tmpgeom.height = (tmpgeom.height + tmpalignmask)
+ break;
+ case ROT_ANGLE_90:
+ tmpinfo.rect.left = 0;
+ tmpinfo.rect.top = dstadjusted->left & dstalignmask;
+ tmpinfo.rect.right = tmprectwidth;
+ tmpinfo.rect.bottom = tmpinfo.rect.top + tmprectheight;
+ tmpgeom.width = tmprectwidth;
+ tmpgeom.height = (tmpinfo.rect.bottom + tmpalignmask)
& ~tmpalignmask;
+ tmpinfo.physwidth = tmpgeom.height;
+ tmpinfo.physheight = tmpgeom.width;
+ break;
+ case ROT_ANGLE_270:
+ tmpinfo.rect.left = 0;
+ tmpinfo.rect.right = tmprectwidth;
+ tmpinfo.rect.bottom = dstadjusted->left & dstalignmask;
+ tmpgeom.width = tmprectwidth;
+ tmpgeom.height = (tmpinfo.rect.bottom + tmprectheight
+ + tmpalignmask) & ~tmpalignmask;
+ tmpinfo.rect.bottom = tmpgeom.height
+ - tmpinfo.rect.bottom;
+ tmpinfo.rect.top = tmpinfo.rect.bottom
+ - tmprectheight;
tmpinfo.physwidth = tmpgeom.height;
tmpinfo.physheight = tmpgeom.width;
+ break;
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp aligned dims: %dx%d\n",
+ GCPRINT_RECT(GCZONE_DEST, "tmp dest", &tmpinfo.rect);
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp geometry size = %dx%d\n",
tmpgeom.width, tmpgeom.height);
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp physical dims: %dx%d\n",
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp physical size = %dx%d\n",
tmpinfo.physwidth, tmpinfo.physheight);
/* Determine the size of the temporaty surface. */
tmpgeom.virtstride = (tmpinfo.physwidth
* tmpinfo.format.bitspp) / 8;
tmpsize = tmpgeom.virtstride * tmpinfo.physheight;
+ tmpsize = (tmpsize + ~PAGE_MASK) & PAGE_MASK;
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp stride = %d\n", tmpgeom.virtstride);
GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp size (bytes) = %d\n", tmpsize);
@@ -1620,22 +1648,17 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
goto exit;
- /* Compute the temp alignments needed to compensate
+ /* Compute the temp buffer alignments needed to compensate
* for the surface base address misalignment if any. */
- tmpinfo.xpixalign = get_pixel_offset(&tmpinfo, 0);
+ tmpinfo.xpixalign = 0;
tmpinfo.ypixalign = 0;
- tmpinfo.bytealign = (tmpinfo.xpixalign
- * (int) tmpinfo.format.bitspp) / 8;
+ tmpinfo.bytealign = (get_pixel_offset(&tmpinfo, 0)
+ * (int) tmpinfo.format.bitspp) / 8;
GCDBG(GCZONE_SRC, "tmp offset (pixels) = %d,%d\n",
tmpinfo.xpixalign, tmpinfo.ypixalign);
GCDBG(GCZONE_SRC, "tmp offset (bytes) = %d\n",
- /* Adjust physical size. */
- tmpinfo.physwidth -= tmpinfo.xpixalign;
- GCDBG(GCZONE_FILTER, "tmp adjusted physical dims: %dx%d\n",
- tmpinfo.physwidth, tmpinfo.physheight);
/* Load the vertical filter. */
bverror = load_filter(bvbltparams, batch,
@@ -1677,12 +1700,37 @@ enum bverror do_filter(struct bvbltparams *bvbltparams,
dstrotated0.right -= dstinfo->xpixalign;
/* Determine the source origin. */
- srcx = ((leftextra + tmpinfo.rect.left) << 16)
- + (srcdelta.left & 0xFFFF);
- srcy = (tmpinfo.rect.top << 16)
- + (srcdelta.top & 0xFFFF);
- GCDBG(GCZONE_SRC, "src origin: 0x%08X,0x%08X\n",
- srcx, srcy);
+ switch (tmpinfo.angle) {
+ case ROT_ANGLE_0:
+ srcx = ((tmpinfo.rect.left + leftextra) << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.left & 0xFFFF);
+ srcy = (tmpinfo.rect.top << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.top & 0xFFFF);
+ break;
+ case ROT_ANGLE_90:
+ srcx = (tmpinfo.rect.left << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.top & 0xFFFF);
+ srcy = ((tmpinfo.rect.top + rightextra) << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.left & 0xFFFF);
+ break;
+ case ROT_ANGLE_180:
+ srcx = ((tmpinfo.rect.left + rightextra) << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.left & 0xFFFF);
+ srcy = (tmpinfo.rect.top << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.top & 0xFFFF);
+ break;
+ case ROT_ANGLE_270:
+ srcx = (tmpinfo.rect.left << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.top & 0xFFFF);
+ srcy = ((tmpinfo.rect.top + leftextra) << 16)
+ + (srcdelta.left & 0xFFFF);
+ break;
+ }
+ GCDBG(GCZONE_SRC, "src origin: 0x%08X,0x%08X\n", srcx, srcy);
/* Load the horizontal filter. */
bverror = load_filter(bvbltparams, batch,