path: root/openssl/src/main
diff options
authorElliott Hughes <>2009-09-10 18:24:33 -0700
committerElliott Hughes <>2009-09-10 18:24:33 -0700
commit611ddbe080e9436de83a47624156dba70b46d940 (patch)
treef198f8e3a7a7b7d1a1ee4193695aa4aa1e34dc14 /openssl/src/main
parenta6bd22ee1d45bb47c9957d3bc032db395873073a (diff)
Remove NativeBN_bn2twosComp.
NativeBN_bn2twosComp doesn't do what it claims to: it's an exact copy of NativeBN_BN_bn2bin (observe which OpenSSL BN_ function it calls!), and -- from the OpenSSL documentation -- that function "converts the absolute value of [its argument] into big-endian form". OpenSSL doesn't actually sport any appropriate function to call here, but luckily this code isn't called anywhere, and so can be removed. (BigInteger.toByteArray -- the most likely caller of this code -- seems to do the right thing, using Java code to make a big-endian two's-complement byte[]. Likewise, the conversion from a big-endian two's-complement byte[] for the corresponding BigInteger constructor looks right too, using native code to twiddle the bits itself.)
Diffstat (limited to 'openssl/src/main')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/openssl/src/main/java/org/openssl/ b/openssl/src/main/java/org/openssl/
index 44464e0..3597e3c 100644
--- a/openssl/src/main/java/org/openssl/
+++ b/openssl/src/main/java/org/openssl/
@@ -79,9 +79,6 @@ public class NativeBN {
public static native int[] bn2litEndInts(int a, int[] to);
- public static native byte[] bn2twosComp(int a, byte[] to);
public static native int sign(int a);
// Returns -1, 0, 1 AND NOT boolean.
// #define BN_is_negative(a) ((a)->neg != 0)
diff --git a/openssl/src/main/native/BNInterface.c b/openssl/src/main/native/BNInterface.c
index 4132e4f..755a93b 100644
--- a/openssl/src/main/native/BNInterface.c
+++ b/openssl/src/main/native/BNInterface.c
@@ -456,27 +456,6 @@ static jintArray NativeBN_bn2litEndInts(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, BIGNUM* a, jint
- * public static native byte[] bn2twosComp(int, byte[])
- */
-static jbyteArray NativeBN_bn2twosComp(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, BIGNUM* a, jbyteArray to) {
- if (!oneValidHandle(env, a)) return NULL;
- jbyteArray returnJBytes = to;
- unsigned char * tmpBytes;
- int len, byteCnt;
- byteCnt = BN_num_bytes(a);
-// FIXME: Currently ignoring array passed in to:
- returnJBytes = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, byteCnt);
-// FIXME: is it neccessary to check for returnJBytes != NULL?
- tmpBytes = (unsigned char *)((*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, returnJBytes, NULL));
- if (tmpBytes != NULL) {
- len = BN_bn2bin(a, tmpBytes);
- (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, returnJBytes, tmpBytes, 0);
- return returnJBytes;
- }
- else return NULL;
* public static native int sign(int)
@@ -833,7 +812,6 @@ static JNINativeMethod METHODS[] = {
{ "BN_bn2hex", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)NativeBN_BN_bn2hex },
{ "BN_bn2bin", "(I[B)[B", (void*)NativeBN_BN_bn2bin },
{ "bn2litEndInts", "(I[I)[I", (void*)NativeBN_bn2litEndInts },
- { "bn2twosComp", "(I[B)[B", (void*)NativeBN_bn2twosComp },
{ "sign", "(I)I", (void*)NativeBN_sign },
{ "BN_set_negative", "(II)V", (void*)NativeBN_BN_set_negative },
{ "twosCompFitsIntoBytes", "(II)Z", (void*)NativeBN_twosCompFitsIntoBytes },