path: root/support/src
diff options
authorUrs Grob <>2009-04-21 02:06:05 -0700
committerThe Android Open Source Project <>2009-04-21 02:06:05 -0700
commit214a4e01cfb8ac07474c128b9431b19b7ed1b99b (patch)
tree603145ae2c84f1606ca374ecc5bddee5d8638780 /support/src
parent3e2d5e5270554027119f55790e105bace89320e0 (diff)
AI 147121: Fixes for tests in the luni module.
There are still some tests that are failing in the cts host. This CL will fix most of them in the luni module. BUG=1285921 Automated import of CL 147121
Diffstat (limited to 'support/src')
3 files changed, 1296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/src/test/java/tests/support/ b/support/src/test/java/tests/support/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99bdc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/src/test/java/tests/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+interface Support_HttpConstants {
+ /** 2XX: generally "OK" */
+ public static final int HTTP_OK = 200;
+ public static final int HTTP_CREATED = 201;
+ public static final int HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202;
+ public static final int HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE = 203;
+ public static final int HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204;
+ public static final int HTTP_RESET = 205;
+ public static final int HTTP_PARTIAL = 206;
+ /** 3XX: relocation/redirect */
+ public static final int HTTP_MULT_CHOICE = 300;
+ public static final int HTTP_MOVED_PERM = 301;
+ public static final int HTTP_MOVED_TEMP = 302;
+ public static final int HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303;
+ public static final int HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
+ public static final int HTTP_USE_PROXY = 305;
+ /** 4XX: client error */
+ public static final int HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400;
+ public static final int HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
+ public static final int HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402;
+ public static final int HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403;
+ public static final int HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404;
+ public static final int HTTP_BAD_METHOD = 405;
+ public static final int HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406;
+ public static final int HTTP_PROXY_AUTH = 407;
+ public static final int HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 408;
+ public static final int HTTP_CONFLICT = 409;
+ public static final int HTTP_GONE = 410;
+ public static final int HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411;
+ public static final int HTTP_PRECON_FAILED = 412;
+ public static final int HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413;
+ public static final int HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG = 414;
+ public static final int HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 415;
+ /** 5XX: server error */
+ public static final int HTTP_SERVER_ERROR = 500;
+ public static final int HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = 501;
+ public static final int HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502;
+ public static final int HTTP_UNAVAILABLE = 503;
+ public static final int HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504;
+ public static final int HTTP_VERSION = 505;
+ /** Method IDs */
+ public static final int UNKNOWN_METHOD = 0;
+ public static final int GET_METHOD = 1;
+ public static final int HEAD_METHOD = 2;
+ public static final int POST_METHOD = 3;
+ public static final String[] requestHeaders = {
+ "cache-control",
+ "connection",
+ "date",
+ "pragma",
+ "trailer",
+ "transfer-encoding",
+ "upgrade",
+ "via",
+ "warning",
+ "accept",
+ "accept-charset",
+ "accept-encoding",
+ "accept-language",
+ "authorization",
+ "expect",
+ "from",
+ "host",
+ "if-match",
+ "if-modified-since",
+ "if-none-match",
+ "if-range",
+ "if-unmodified-since",
+ "max-forwards",
+ "proxy-authentication",
+ "range",
+ "referer",
+ "te",
+ "user-agent",
+ "keep-alive",
+ "allow",
+ "content-encoding",
+ "content-language",
+ "content-length",
+ "content-location",
+ "content-md5",
+ "content-range",
+ "content-type",
+ "expires",
+ "last-modified",
+ "location",
+ "server"
+ };
+ public static final int REQ_UNKNOWN = -1;
+ public static final int REQ_CACHE_CONTROL = 0;
+ public static final int REQ_CONNECTION = 1;
+ public static final int REQ_DATE = 2;
+ public static final int REQ_PRAGMA = 3;
+ public static final int REQ_TRAILER = 4;
+ public static final int REQ_TRANSFER_ENCODING = 5;
+ public static final int REQ_UPGRADE = 6;
+ public static final int REQ_VIA = 7;
+ public static final int REQ_WARNING = 8;
+ public static final int REQ_ACCEPT = 9;
+ public static final int REQ_ACCEPT_CHARSET = 10;
+ public static final int REQ_ACCEPT_ENCODING = 11;
+ public static final int REQ_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = 12;
+ public static final int REQ_AUTHORIZATION = 13;
+ public static final int REQ_EXPECT = 14;
+ public static final int REQ_FROM = 15;
+ public static final int REQ_HOST = 16;
+ public static final int REQ_IF_MATCH = 17;
+ public static final int REQ_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = 18;
+ public static final int REQ_IF_NONE_MATCH = 19;
+ public static final int REQ_IF_RANGE = 20;
+ public static final int REQ_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = 21;
+ public static final int REQ_MAX_FORWARDS = 22;
+ public static final int REQ_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION = 23;
+ public static final int REQ_RANGE = 24;
+ public static final int REQ_REFERER = 25;
+ public static final int REQ_TE = 26;
+ public static final int REQ_USER_AGENT = 27;
+ public static final int REQ_KEEP_ALIVE = 28;
+ public static final int REQ_ALLOW = 29;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_ENCODING = 30;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = 31;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH = 32;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_LOCATION = 33;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_MD5 = 34;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_RANGE = 35;
+ public static final int REQ_CONTENT_TYPE = 36;
+ public static final int REQ_EXPIRES = 37;
+ public static final int REQ_LAST_MODIFIED = 38;
+ public static final int REQ_LOCATION = 39;
+ public static final int REQ_SERVER = 40;
diff --git a/support/src/test/java/tests/support/ b/support/src/test/java/tests/support/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f414ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/src/test/java/tests/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.Date;
+ * Represents test data used by the Request API tests
+ */
+public class Support_TestWebData {
+ /*
+ * Simple Html body
+ * <html>
+ * <body>
+ * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
+ * </body>
+ * </html>
+ */
+ public final static byte[] test1 = {
+ (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x68, (byte)0x74, (byte)0x6d,
+ (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a, (byte)0x3c,
+ (byte)0x62, (byte)0x6f, (byte)0x64, (byte)0x79,
+ (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a, (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x68,
+ (byte)0x31, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x48, (byte)0x65,
+ (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x6f, (byte)0x20,
+ (byte)0x57, (byte)0x6f, (byte)0x72, (byte)0x6c,
+ (byte)0x64, (byte)0x21, (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x2f,
+ (byte)0x68, (byte)0x31, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a,
+ (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x2f, (byte)0x62, (byte)0x6f,
+ (byte)0x64, (byte)0x79, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a,
+ (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x2f, (byte)0x68, (byte)0x74,
+ (byte)0x6d, (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a
+ };
+ /*
+ * Simple Html body
+ * <html>
+ * <body>
+ * <h1>Hello World!</h1>
+ * </body>
+ * </html>
+ */
+ public final static byte[] test2 = {
+ (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x68, (byte)0x74, (byte)0x6d,
+ (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a, (byte)0x3c,
+ (byte)0x62, (byte)0x6f, (byte)0x64, (byte)0x79,
+ (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a, (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x68,
+ (byte)0x31, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x48, (byte)0x65,
+ (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x6f, (byte)0x20,
+ (byte)0x57, (byte)0x6f, (byte)0x72, (byte)0x6c,
+ (byte)0x64, (byte)0x21, (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x2f,
+ (byte)0x68, (byte)0x31, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a,
+ (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x2f, (byte)0x62, (byte)0x6f,
+ (byte)0x64, (byte)0x79, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a,
+ (byte)0x3c, (byte)0x2f, (byte)0x68, (byte)0x74,
+ (byte)0x6d, (byte)0x6c, (byte)0x3e, (byte)0x0a
+ };
+ // string for test request post body
+ public final static String postContent = "user=111";
+ // Array of all test data
+ public final static byte[][] tests = {
+ test1,
+ test2
+ };
+ /**
+ * List of static test cases for use with test server
+ */
+ public static Support_TestWebData[] testParams = {
+ new Support_TestWebData(52, 14000000, "test1", "text/html", false, 0),
+ new Support_TestWebData(52, 14000002, "test2", "unknown/unknown", false,
+ new Date().getTime() + 100000)
+ };
+ /**
+ * List of response strings for use by the test server
+ */
+ public static String[] testServerResponse = {
+ "Redirecting 301",
+ "Redirecting 302",
+ "Redirecting 303",
+ "Redirecting 307"
+ };
+ // Redirection indices into testServerResponse
+ public final static int REDIRECT_301 = 0;
+ public final static int REDIRECT_302 = 1;
+ public final static int REDIRECT_303 = 2;
+ public final static int REDIRECT_307 = 3;
+ /**
+ * Creates a data package with information used by the server when responding
+ * to requests
+ */
+ Support_TestWebData(int length, int lastModified, String name, String type, boolean isDir, long expDate) {
+ testLength = length;
+ testLastModified = lastModified;
+ testName = name;
+ testType = type;
+ testDir = isDir;
+ testExp = expDate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a data package with information used by the server when responding
+ * to requests
+ */
+ private Support_TestWebData(String path, String type) {
+ File file = new File(path);
+ testLength = file.length();
+ testLastModified = file.lastModified();
+ testName = file.getName();
+ testType = type;
+ testDir = file.isDirectory();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ FileInputStream in = null;
+ try {
+ in = new FileInputStream(file);
+ while (in.available() > 0) {
+ out.write(;
+ }
+ in.close();
+ out.flush();
+ test0Data = out.toByteArray();
+ out.close();
+ test0DataAvailable = true;
+ return;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // ignore
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ if (in != null) {
+ in.close();
+ }
+ if (out != null) {
+ out.close();
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void initDynamicTestWebData(String path, String type) {
+ test0Params = new Support_TestWebData(path, type);
+ }
+ // Length of test entity body
+ public long testLength;
+ // Last modified date value (milliseconds)
+ public long testLastModified;
+ // Test identification name
+ public String testName;
+ // The MIME type to assume for this test
+ public String testType;
+ // The expiration date
+ public long testExp;
+ // Indicates if this is a directory or not
+ public boolean testDir;
+ // Indicate if test0 data has bin initialized
+ public static boolean test0DataAvailable = false;
+ // test0 data
+ public static byte[] test0Data;
+ // test0 parameters
+ public static Support_TestWebData test0Params;
diff --git a/support/src/test/java/tests/support/ b/support/src/test/java/tests/support/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee7248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/src/test/java/tests/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.lang.Thread;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ * TestWebServer is a simulated controllable test server that
+ * can respond to requests from HTTP clients.
+ *
+ * The server can be controlled to change how it reacts to any
+ * requests, and can be told to simulate various events (such as
+ * network failure) that would happen in a real environment.
+ */
+public class Support_TestWebServer implements Support_HttpConstants {
+ /* static class data/methods */
+ private final static String LOGTAG = "httpsv";
+ /* Where worker threads stand idle */
+ Vector threads = new Vector();
+ /* List of all active worker threads */
+ Vector activeThreads = new Vector();
+ /* timeout on client connections */
+ int timeout = 0;
+ /* max # worker threads */
+ int workers = 5;
+ /* Default port for this server to listen on */
+ final static int DEFAULT_PORT = 8080;
+ /* Default socket timeout value */
+ final static int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5000;
+ /* Version string (configurable) */
+ protected String HTTP_VERSION_STRING = "HTTP/1.1";
+ /* Indicator for whether this server is configured as a HTTP/1.1
+ * or HTTP/1.0 server
+ */
+ private boolean http11 = true;
+ /* The thread handling new requests from clients */
+ private AcceptThread acceptT;
+ /* timeout on client connections */
+ int mTimeout;
+ /* Server port */
+ int mPort;
+ /* Switch on/off logging */
+ boolean mLog = false;
+ /* If set, this will keep connections alive after a request has been
+ * processed.
+ */
+ boolean keepAlive = true;
+ /* If set, this will cause response data to be sent in 'chunked' format */
+ boolean chunked = false;
+ /* If set, this will indicate a new redirection host */
+ String redirectHost = null;
+ /* If set, this indicates the reason for redirection */
+ int redirectCode = -1;
+ /* Set the number of connections the server will accept before shutdown */
+ int acceptLimit = 100;
+ /* Count of number of accepted connections */
+ int acceptedConnections = 0;
+ public Support_TestWebServer() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new server with default port and timeout.
+ * @param log Set true if you want trace output
+ */
+ public void initServer(boolean log) throws Exception {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new server with default timeout.
+ * @param port Sets the server to listen on this port
+ * @param log Set true if you want trace output
+ */
+ public void initServer(int port, boolean log) throws Exception {
+ initServer(port, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, log);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new server with default timeout and disabled log.
+ * @param port Sets the server to listen on this port
+ * @param servePath the path to the dynamic web test data
+ * @param contentType the type of the dynamic web test data
+ */
+ public void initServer(int port, String servePath, String contentType)
+ throws Exception {
+ Support_TestWebData.initDynamicTestWebData(servePath, contentType);
+ initServer(port, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize a new server with default port and timeout.
+ * @param port Sets the server to listen on this port
+ * @param timeout Indicates the period of time to wait until a socket is
+ * closed
+ * @param log Set true if you want trace output
+ */
+ public void initServer(int port, int timeout, boolean log) throws Exception {
+ mPort = port;
+ mTimeout = timeout;
+ mLog = log;
+ keepAlive = true;
+ if (acceptT == null) {
+ acceptT = new AcceptThread();
+ acceptT.init();
+ acceptT.start();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print to the log file (if logging enabled)
+ * @param s String to send to the log
+ */
+ protected void log(String s) {
+ if (mLog) {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the server to be an HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 server.
+ * This should be called prior to any requests being sent
+ * to the server.
+ * @param set True for the server to be HTTP/1.1, false for HTTP/1.0
+ */
+ public void setHttpVersion11(boolean set) {
+ http11 = set;
+ if (set) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call this to determine whether server connection should remain open
+ * @param value Set true to keep connections open after a request
+ * completes
+ */
+ public void setKeepAlive(boolean value) {
+ keepAlive = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call this to indicate whether chunked data should be used
+ * @param value Set true to make server respond with chunk encoded
+ * content data.
+ */
+ public void setChunked(boolean value) {
+ chunked = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call this to specify the maximum number of sockets to accept
+ * @param limit The number of sockets to accept
+ */
+ public void setAcceptLimit(int limit) {
+ acceptLimit = limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call this to indicate redirection port requirement.
+ * When this value is set, the server will respond to a request with
+ * a redirect code with the Location response header set to the value
+ * specified.
+ * @param redirect The location to be redirected to
+ * @param redirectCode The code to send when redirecting
+ */
+ public void setRedirect(String redirect, int code) {
+ redirectHost = redirect;
+ redirectCode = code;
+ log("Server will redirect output to "+redirect+" code "+code);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cause the thread accepting connections on the server socket to close
+ */
+ public void close() {
+ /* Stop the Accept thread */
+ if (acceptT != null) {
+ log("Closing AcceptThread"+acceptT);
+ acceptT.close();
+ acceptT = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The AcceptThread is responsible for initiating worker threads
+ * to handle incoming requests from clients.
+ */
+ class AcceptThread extends Thread {
+ ServerSocket ss = null;
+ boolean running = false;
+ public void init() {
+ // Networking code doesn't support ServerSocket(port) yet
+ InetSocketAddress ia = new InetSocketAddress(mPort);
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ ss = new ServerSocket();
+ // Socket timeout functionality is not available yet
+ //ss.setSoTimeout(5000);
+ ss.setReuseAddress(true);
+ ss.bind(ia);
+ break;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log("IOException in AcceptThread.init()");
+ // wait and retry
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(1000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main thread responding to new connections
+ */
+ public synchronized void run() {
+ running = true;
+ try {
+ while (running) {
+ // Log.d(LOGTAG, "TestWebServer run() calling accept()");
+ Socket s = ss.accept();
+ acceptedConnections++;
+ if (acceptedConnections >= acceptLimit) {
+ running = false;
+ }
+ Worker w = null;
+ synchronized (threads) {
+ if (threads.isEmpty()) {
+ Worker ws = new Worker();
+ ws.setSocket(s);
+ activeThreads.addElement(ws);
+ (new Thread(ws, "additional worker")).start();
+ } else {
+ w = (Worker) threads.elementAt(0);
+ threads.removeElementAt(0);
+ w.setSocket(s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (SocketException e) {
+ log("SocketException in AcceptThread: probably closed during accept");
+ running = false;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log("IOException in AcceptThread");
+ running = false;
+ }
+ log("AcceptThread terminated" + this);
+ }
+ // Close this socket
+ public void close() {
+ try {
+ running = false;
+ /* Stop server socket from processing further. Currently
+ this does not cause the SocketException from ss.accept
+ therefore the acceptLimit functionality has been added
+ to circumvent this limitation */
+ ss.close();
+ // Stop worker threads from continuing
+ for (Enumeration e = activeThreads.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
+ Worker w = (Worker)e.nextElement();
+ w.close();
+ }
+ activeThreads.clear();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ /* We are shutting down the server, so we expect
+ * things to die. Don't propagate.
+ */
+ log("IOException caught by server socket close");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Size of buffer for reading from the connection
+ final static int BUF_SIZE = 2048;
+ /* End of line byte sequence */
+ static final byte[] EOL = {(byte)'\r', (byte)'\n' };
+ /**
+ * The worker thread handles all interactions with a current open
+ * connection. If pipelining is turned on, this will allow this
+ * thread to continuously operate on numerous requests before the
+ * connection is closed.
+ */
+ class Worker implements Support_HttpConstants, Runnable {
+ /* buffer to use to hold request data */
+ byte[] buf;
+ /* Socket to client we're handling */
+ private Socket s;
+ /* Reference to current request method ID */
+ private int requestMethod;
+ /* Reference to current requests test file/data */
+ private String testID;
+ /* Reference to test number from testID */
+ private int testNum;
+ /* Reference to whether new request has been initiated yet */
+ private boolean readStarted;
+ /* Indicates whether current request has any data content */
+ private boolean hasContent = false;
+ boolean running = false;
+ /* Request headers are stored here */
+ private Hashtable<String, String> headers = new Hashtable<String, String>();
+ /* Create a new worker thread */
+ Worker() {
+ buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE];
+ s = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called by the AcceptThread to unblock this Worker to process
+ * a request.
+ * @param s The socket on which the connection has been made
+ */
+ synchronized void setSocket(Socket s) {
+ this.s = s;
+ notify();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called by the accept thread when it's closing. Potentially unblocks
+ * the worker thread to terminate properly
+ */
+ synchronized void close() {
+ running = false;
+ notify();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main worker thread. This will wait until a request has
+ * been identified by the accept thread upon which it will
+ * service the thread.
+ */
+ public synchronized void run() {
+ running = true;
+ while(running) {
+ if (s == null) {
+ /* nothing to do */
+ try {
+ log(this+" Moving to wait state");
+ wait();
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ /* should not happen */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!running) break;
+ }
+ try {
+ handleClient();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log("Exception during handleClient in the TestWebServer: "
+ + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ /* go back in wait queue if there's fewer
+ * than numHandler connections.
+ */
+ s = null;
+ Vector pool = threads;
+ synchronized (pool) {
+ if (pool.size() >= workers) {
+ /* too many threads, exit this one */
+ activeThreads.remove(this);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ pool.addElement(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ log(this+" terminated");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Zero out the buffer from last time
+ */
+ private void clearBuffer() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++) {
+ buf[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility method to read a line of data from the input stream
+ * @param is Inputstream to read
+ * @return number of bytes read
+ */
+ private int readOneLine(InputStream is) {
+ int read = 0;
+ clearBuffer();
+ try {
+ log("Reading one line: started ="+readStarted+" avail="+is.available());
+ StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
+ while ((!readStarted) || (is.available() > 0)) {
+ int data =;
+ // We shouldn't get EOF but we need tdo check
+ if (data == -1) {
+ log("EOF returned");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ buf[read] = (byte)data;
+ log.append((char)data);
+ readStarted = true;
+ if (buf[read++]==(byte)'\n') {
+ log(log.toString());
+ return read;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log("IOException from readOneLine");
+ }
+ return read;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read a chunk of data
+ * @param is Stream from which to read data
+ * @param length Amount of data to read
+ * @return number of bytes read
+ */
+ private int readData(InputStream is, int length) {
+ int read = 0;
+ int count;
+ // At the moment we're only expecting small data amounts
+ byte[] buf = new byte[length];
+ try {
+ while (is.available() > 0) {
+ count =, read, length-read);
+ read += count;
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log("IOException from readData");
+ }
+ return read;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read the status line from the input stream extracting method
+ * information.
+ * @param is Inputstream to read
+ * @return number of bytes read
+ */
+ private int parseStatusLine(InputStream is) {
+ int index;
+ int nread = 0;
+ log("Parse status line");
+ // Check for status line first
+ nread = readOneLine(is);
+ // Bomb out if stream closes prematurely
+ if (nread == -1) {
+ requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (buf[0] == (byte)'G' &&
+ buf[1] == (byte)'E' &&
+ buf[2] == (byte)'T' &&
+ buf[3] == (byte)' ') {
+ requestMethod = GET_METHOD;
+ log("GET request");
+ index = 4;
+ } else if (buf[0] == (byte)'H' &&
+ buf[1] == (byte)'E' &&
+ buf[2] == (byte)'A' &&
+ buf[3] == (byte)'D' &&
+ buf[4] == (byte)' ') {
+ requestMethod = HEAD_METHOD;
+ log("HEAD request");
+ index = 5;
+ } else if (buf[0] == (byte)'P' &&
+ buf[1] == (byte)'O' &&
+ buf[2] == (byte)'S' &&
+ buf[3] == (byte)'T' &&
+ buf[4] == (byte)' ') {
+ requestMethod = POST_METHOD;
+ log("POST request");
+ index = 5;
+ } else {
+ // Unhandled request
+ requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // A valid method we understand
+ if (requestMethod > UNKNOWN_METHOD) {
+ // Read file name
+ int i = index;
+ while (buf[i] != (byte)' ') {
+ // There should be HTTP/1.x at the end
+ if ((buf[i] == (byte)'\n') || (buf[i] == (byte)'\r')) {
+ requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ testID = new String(buf, 0, index, i-index);
+ if (testID.startsWith("/")) {
+ testID = testID.substring(1);
+ }
+ return nread;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read a header from the input stream
+ * @param is Inputstream to read
+ * @return number of bytes read
+ */
+ private int parseHeader(InputStream is) {
+ int index = 0;
+ int nread = 0;
+ log("Parse a header");
+ // Check for status line first
+ nread = readOneLine(is);
+ // Bomb out if stream closes prematurely
+ if (nread == -1) {
+ requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Read header entry 'Header: data'
+ int i = index;
+ while (buf[i] != (byte)':') {
+ // There should be an entry after the header
+ if ((buf[i] == (byte)'\n') || (buf[i] == (byte)'\r')) {
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ String headerName = new String(buf, 0, i);
+ i++; // Over ':'
+ while (buf[i] == ' ') {
+ i++;
+ }
+ String headerValue = new String(buf, i, nread-1);
+ headers.put(headerName, headerValue);
+ return nread;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read all headers from the input stream
+ * @param is Inputstream to read
+ * @return number of bytes read
+ */
+ private int readHeaders(InputStream is) {
+ int nread = 0;
+ log("Read headers");
+ // Headers should be terminated by empty CRLF line
+ while (true) {
+ int headerLen = 0;
+ headerLen = parseHeader(is);
+ if (headerLen == -1)
+ return -1;
+ nread += headerLen;
+ if (headerLen <= 2) {
+ return nread;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read content data from the input stream
+ * @param is Inputstream to read
+ * @return number of bytes read
+ */
+ private int readContent(InputStream is) {
+ int nread = 0;
+ log("Read content");
+ String lengthString = headers.get(requestHeaders[REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH]);
+ int length = new Integer(lengthString).intValue();
+ // Read content
+ length = readData(is, length);
+ return length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main loop, reading requests.
+ */
+ void handleClient() throws IOException {
+ InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream());
+ PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream());
+ int nread = 0;
+ /* we will only block in read for this many milliseconds
+ * before we fail with,
+ * at which point we will abandon the connection.
+ */
+ s.setSoTimeout(mTimeout);
+ s.setTcpNoDelay(true);
+ do {
+ nread = parseStatusLine(is);
+ if (requestMethod != UNKNOWN_METHOD) {
+ // If status line found, read any headers
+ nread = readHeaders(is);
+ // Then read content (if any)
+ // TODO handle chunked encoding from the client
+ if (headers.get(requestHeaders[REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH]) != null) {
+ nread = readContent(is);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (nread > 0) {
+ /* we don't support this method */
+ " unsupported method type: ");
+ ps.write(buf, 0, 5);
+ ps.write(EOL);
+ ps.flush();
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (!keepAlive || nread <= 0) {
+ headers.clear();
+ readStarted = false;
+ s.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset test number prior to outputing data
+ testNum = -1;
+ // Write out the data
+ printStatus(ps);
+ printHeaders(ps);
+ // Write line between headers and body
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ // Write the body
+ if (redirectCode == -1) {
+ switch (requestMethod) {
+ case GET_METHOD:
+ if ((testNum < -1) || (testNum > Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) {
+ send404(ps);
+ } else {
+ sendFile(ps);
+ }
+ break;
+ // Nothing to do
+ break;
+ // Post method write body data
+ if ((testNum > 0) || (testNum < Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) {
+ sendFile(ps);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else { // Redirecting
+ switch (redirectCode) {
+ case 301:
+ // Seems 301 needs a body by neon (although spec
+ // says SHOULD).
+ psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_301]);
+ break;
+ case 302:
+ //
+ psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_302]);
+ break;
+ case 303:
+ psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_303]);
+ break;
+ case 307:
+ psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_307]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ps.flush();
+ // Reset for next request
+ readStarted = false;
+ headers.clear();
+ } while (keepAlive);
+ s.close();
+ }
+ // Print string to log and output stream
+ void psPrint(PrintStream ps, String s) throws IOException {
+ log(s);
+ ps.print(s);
+ }
+ // Print bytes to log and output stream
+ void psWrite(PrintStream ps, byte[] bytes, int len) throws IOException {
+ log(new String(bytes));
+ ps.write(bytes, 0, len);
+ }
+ // Print CRLF to log and output stream
+ void psWriteEOL(PrintStream ps) throws IOException {
+ log("CRLF");
+ ps.write(EOL);
+ }
+ // Print status to log and output stream
+ void printStatus(PrintStream ps) throws IOException {
+ // Handle redirects first.
+ if (redirectCode != -1) {
+ log("REDIRECTING TO "+redirectHost+" status "+redirectCode);
+ psPrint(ps, HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + redirectCode +" Moved permanently");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "Location: " + redirectHost);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (testID.startsWith("test")) {
+ testNum = Integer.valueOf(testID.substring(4))-1;
+ }
+ if ((testNum < -1) || (testNum > Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) {
+ psPrint(ps, HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + HTTP_NOT_FOUND + " not found");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ } else {
+ psPrint(ps, HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + HTTP_OK+" OK");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ }
+ log("Status sent");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the server response and output to the stream
+ * @param ps The PrintStream to output response headers and data to
+ */
+ void printHeaders(PrintStream ps) throws IOException {
+ if ((testNum < -1) || (testNum > Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) {
+ // 404 status already sent
+ return;
+ }
+ SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
+ psPrint(ps,"Server: TestWebServer"+mPort);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "Date: " + df.format(new Date()));
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "Connection: " + ((keepAlive) ? "Keep-Alive" : "Close"));
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ // Yuk, if we're not redirecting, we add the file details
+ if (redirectCode == -1) {
+ if (testNum == -1) {
+ if (!Support_TestWebData.test0DataAvailable) {
+ log("testdata was not initilaized");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (chunked) {
+ psPrint(ps, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked");
+ } else {
+ psPrint(ps, "Content-length: "
+ + Support_TestWebData.test0Data.length);
+ }
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "Last Modified: " + (new Date(
+ Support_TestWebData.test0Params.testLastModified)));
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "Content-type: "
+ + Support_TestWebData.test0Params.testType);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ if (Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp > 0) {
+ long exp;
+ exp = Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp;
+ psPrint(ps, "expires: "
+ + df.format(exp) + " GMT");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ }
+ } else if (!Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testDir) {
+ if (chunked) {
+ psPrint(ps, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked");
+ } else {
+ psPrint(ps, "Content-length: "+Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testLength);
+ }
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps,"Last Modified: " + (new
+ Date(Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testLastModified)));
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "Content-type: " + Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testType);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ if (Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp > 0) {
+ long exp;
+ exp = Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp;
+ psPrint(ps, "expires: "
+ + df.format(exp) + " GMT");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ }
+ } else {
+ psPrint(ps, "Content-type: text/html");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Content-length of 301, 302, 303, 307 are the same.
+ psPrint(ps, "Content-length: "+(Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_301]).length());
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ }
+ log("Headers sent");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends the 404 not found message
+ * @param ps The PrintStream to write to
+ */
+ void send404(PrintStream ps) throws IOException {
+ ps.println("Not Found\n\n"+
+ "The requested resource was not found.\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends the data associated with the headers
+ * @param ps The PrintStream to write to
+ */
+ void sendFile(PrintStream ps) throws IOException {
+ // For now just make a chunk with the whole of the test data
+ // It might be worth making this multiple chunks for large
+ // test data to test multiple chunks.
+ if (testNum == -1) {
+ if (!Support_TestWebData.test0DataAvailable) {
+ log("testdata was not initilaized");
+ return;
+ }
+ int dataSize = Support_TestWebData.test0Data.length;
+ if (chunked) {
+ psPrint(ps, Integer.toHexString(dataSize));
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psWrite(ps, Support_TestWebData.test0Data, dataSize);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "0");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ } else {
+ psWrite(ps, Support_TestWebData.test0Data, dataSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int dataSize = Support_TestWebData.tests[testNum].length;
+ if (chunked) {
+ psPrint(ps, Integer.toHexString(dataSize));
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psWrite(ps, Support_TestWebData.tests[testNum], dataSize);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psPrint(ps, "0");
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ psWriteEOL(ps);
+ } else {
+ psWrite(ps, Support_TestWebData.tests[testNum], dataSize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }