path: root/xml/src/test/java
diff options
authorJesse Wilson <>2010-02-23 15:23:26 -0800
committerJesse Wilson <>2010-02-23 17:56:48 -0800
commitbda224da00c0372a7752b1304aeda98e2930c4af (patch)
treea28550992209058749a605e25ee35a48cd459964 /xml/src/test/java
parentea6435b142df4aaaf8854b3200b9f442b331f143 (diff)
Implementing still more DOM API for text nodes.
- Text.isElementContentWhitespace() - Text.getWholeText() - Text.replaceWholeText()
Diffstat (limited to 'xml/src/test/java')
4 files changed, 141 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/
index 6b10a0d..ea7abed 100644
--- a/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/
+++ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/
@@ -562,24 +562,18 @@ public class DocumentBuilderTest extends TestCase {
method = "parse",
args = {java.lang.String.class}
- public void test_parseLjava_lang_String() {
+ public void test_parseLjava_lang_String() throws Exception {
// case 1: Trivial use.
File f = new File(getClass().getResource("/simple.xml").getFile());
- try {
- Document d = db.parse(f.getAbsolutePath());
- assertNotNull(d);
+ Document d = db.parse(f.getAbsolutePath());
+ assertNotNull(d);
// TBD getXmlEncoding() is not supported
// assertEquals("ISO-8859-1", d.getXmlEncoding());
- assertEquals(2, d.getChildNodes().getLength());
- assertEquals("#comment",
- d.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeName());
- assertEquals("breakfast_menu",
- d.getChildNodes().item(1).getNodeName());
- } catch (IOException ioe) {
- fail("Unexpected IOException " + ioe.toString());
- } catch (SAXException sax) {
- fail("Unexpected SAXException " + sax.toString());
- }
+ assertEquals(2, d.getChildNodes().getLength());
+ assertEquals("#comment",
+ d.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeName());
+ assertEquals("breakfast_menu",
+ d.getChildNodes().item(1).getNodeName());
// case 2: Try to call parse with null argument
try {
@@ -587,10 +581,6 @@ public class DocumentBuilderTest extends TestCase {
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException was not thrown");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// expected
- } catch (IOException ioe) {
- fail("Unexpected IOException " + ioe.toString());
- } catch (SAXException sax) {
- fail("Unexpected SAXException " + sax.toString());
// case 3: Try to parse a non-existent uri
@@ -599,8 +589,6 @@ public class DocumentBuilderTest extends TestCase {
fail("Expected IOException was not thrown");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// expected
- } catch (SAXException sax) {
- fail("Unexpected SAXException " + sax.toString());
// case 4: Try to parse incorrect xml file
@@ -608,8 +596,6 @@ public class DocumentBuilderTest extends TestCase {
f = new File(getClass().getResource("/wrong.xml").getFile());
fail("Expected SAXException was not thrown");
- } catch (IOException ioe) {
- fail("Unexpected IOException " + ioe.toString());
} catch (SAXException sax) {
// expected
diff --git a/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/
index ca7cf71..e6d6481 100644
--- a/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/
+++ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/api/javax/xml/parsers/
@@ -677,8 +677,7 @@ public class SAXParserTest extends TestCase {
MyDefaultHandler dh = new MyDefaultHandler();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(list_wf[i]);
parser.parse(is, dh, SAXParserTestSupport.XML_SYSTEM_ID);
- assertTrue(SAXParserTestSupport.equalsMaps(hm,
- dh.createData()));
+ assertEquals(hm, dh.createData());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
fail("Unexpected IOException " + ioe.toString());
} catch (SAXException sax) {
diff --git a/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/
index 89da364..597e35e 100644
--- a/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/
+++ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public class AllTests {
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = tests.TestSuiteFactory.createTestSuite();
+ suite.addTestSuite(DomTest.class);
diff --git a/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/
index 5f0a19a..69e8b37 100644
--- a/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/
+++ b/xml/src/test/java/tests/xml/
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ public class DomTest extends TestCase {
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
domImplementation = builder.getDOMImplementation();
document = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
// doctype nodes
@@ -448,7 +447,6 @@ public class DomTest extends TestCase {
EntityReference entityReference = document.createEntityReference("sp");
- entityReference.setNodeValue("Maple Syrup");
try {
@@ -461,8 +459,7 @@ public class DomTest extends TestCase {
public void testAttributeSetTextContent() throws TransformerException {
String original = domToString(document);
- String expected = original.replaceFirst(
- "standard=\"strawberry\"", "standard=\"foobar\"");
+ String expected = original.replace("standard=\"strawberry\"", "standard=\"foobar\"");
assertEquals(expected, domToString(document));
@@ -614,8 +611,136 @@ public class DomTest extends TestCase {
- private String domToString(Document document)
- throws TransformerException {
+ public void testIsElementContentWhitespaceWithoutDeclaration() throws Exception {
+ String xml = "<menu> <item/> </menu>";
+ DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ Text text = (Text) factory.newDocumentBuilder()
+ .parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)))
+ .getDocumentElement().getChildNodes().item(0);
+ assertFalse(text.isElementContentWhitespace());
+ }
+ public void testIsElementContentWhitespaceWithDeclaration() throws Exception {
+ String xml = "<!DOCTYPE menu [\n"
+ + " <!ELEMENT menu (item)*>\n"
+ + " <!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA)>\n"
+ + "]><menu> <item/> </menu>";
+ DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ Text text = (Text) factory.newDocumentBuilder()
+ .parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)))
+ .getDocumentElement().getChildNodes().item(0);
+ assertTrue("This implementation does not recognize element content whitespace",
+ text.isElementContentWhitespace());
+ }
+ public void testGetWholeTextFirst() {
+ assertEquals("Belgian waffles & strawberries (< 5g of fat)",
+ descriptionText1.getWholeText());
+ }
+ public void testGetWholeTextMiddle() {
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't include preceding nodes in getWholeText()",
+ "Belgian waffles & strawberries (< 5g of fat)", descriptionText2.getWholeText());
+ }
+ public void testGetWholeTextLast() {
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't include preceding nodes in getWholeText()",
+ "Belgian waffles & strawberries (< 5g of fat)", descriptionText3.getWholeText());
+ }
+ public void testGetWholeTextOnly() {
+ assertEquals("60%", vitamincText.getWholeText());
+ }
+ public void testGetWholeTextWithEntityReference() {
+ EntityReference spReference = document.createEntityReference("sp");
+ description.insertBefore(spReference, descriptionText2);
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't resolve entity references in getWholeText()",
+ "BelgianMaple Syrup waffles & strawberries (< 5g of fat)",
+ descriptionText1.getWholeText());
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextFirst() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ Text replacement = descriptionText1.replaceWholeText("Eggos");
+ assertSame(descriptionText1, replacement);
+ String expected = original.replace(
+ "Belgian<![CDATA[ waffles & strawberries (< 5g ]]>of fat)", "Eggos");
+ assertEquals(expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextMiddle() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ Text replacement = descriptionText2.replaceWholeText("Eggos");
+ assertSame(descriptionText2, replacement);
+ String expected = original.replace(
+ "Belgian<![CDATA[ waffles & strawberries (< 5g ]]>of fat)", "<![CDATA[Eggos]]>");
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't remove preceding nodes in replaceWholeText()",
+ expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextLast() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ Text replacement = descriptionText3.replaceWholeText("Eggos");
+ assertSame(descriptionText3, replacement);
+ String expected = original.replace(
+ "Belgian<![CDATA[ waffles & strawberries (< 5g ]]>of fat)", "Eggos");
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't remove preceding nodes in replaceWholeText()",
+ expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextOnly() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ Text replacement = vitamincText.replaceWholeText("70%");
+ assertEquals(Node.TEXT_NODE, replacement.getNodeType());
+ assertSame(vitamincText, replacement);
+ String expected = original.replace("60%", "70%");
+ assertEquals(expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextFirstWithNull() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ assertNull(descriptionText1.replaceWholeText(null));
+ String expected = original.replaceFirst(">.*</description>", "/>");
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't remove adjacent nodes in replaceWholeText(null)",
+ expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextMiddleWithNull() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ assertNull(descriptionText2.replaceWholeText(null));
+ String expected = original.replaceFirst(">.*</description>", "/>");
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't remove adjacent nodes in replaceWholeText(null)",
+ expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextLastWithNull() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ assertNull(descriptionText3.replaceWholeText(null));
+ String expected = original.replaceFirst(">.*</description>", "/>");
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't remove adjacent nodes in replaceWholeText(null)",
+ expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextFirstWithEmptyString() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ assertNull(descriptionText1.replaceWholeText(""));
+ String expected = original.replaceFirst(">.*</description>", "/>");
+ assertEquals("This implementation doesn't remove adjacent nodes in replaceWholeText(null)",
+ expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWholeTextOnlyWithEmptyString() throws TransformerException {
+ String original = domToString(document);
+ assertNull(vitamincText.replaceWholeText(""));
+ String expected = original.replaceFirst(">.*</a:vitaminc>", "/>");
+ assertEquals(expected, domToString(document));
+ }
+ private String domToString(Document document) throws TransformerException {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(writer));
return writer.toString();