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3 files changed, 124 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/icu/src/main/java/com/ibm/icu4jni/text/ b/icu/src/main/java/com/ibm/icu4jni/text/
index 034491c..7cb5de2 100644
--- a/icu/src/main/java/com/ibm/icu4jni/text/
+++ b/icu/src/main/java/com/ibm/icu4jni/text/
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class NativeDecimalFormat {
private BigDecimal multiplierBigDecimal = null;
public NativeDecimalFormat(String pattern, Locale locale, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols) {
- this.addr = openDecimalFormat(locale.toString(), pattern);
+ this.addr = openDecimalFormat(pattern);
this.lastPattern = pattern;
@@ -188,27 +188,14 @@ public class NativeDecimalFormat {
- * Copies the DecimalFormatSymbols settings into our native peer.
+ * Copies the DecimalFormatSymbols settings into our native peer in bulk.
public void setDecimalFormatSymbols(final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs) {
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, dfs.getCurrencySymbol());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, dfs.getDecimalSeparator());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_DIGIT_SYMBOL, dfs.getDigit());
- char groupingSeparator = dfs.getGroupingSeparator();
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, groupingSeparator);
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, groupingSeparator);
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_INFINITY_SYMBOL, dfs.getInfinity());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, dfs.getInternationalCurrencySymbol());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, dfs.getMinusSign());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, dfs.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_NAN_SYMBOL, dfs.getNaN());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_PATTERN_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, dfs.getPatternSeparator());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_PERCENT_SYMBOL, dfs.getPercent());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_PERMILL_SYMBOL, dfs.getPerMill());
- setSymbol(this.addr, UNUM_ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL, dfs.getZeroDigit());
+ setDecimalFormatSymbols(this.addr, dfs.getCurrencySymbol(), dfs.getDecimalSeparator(),
+ dfs.getDigit(), dfs.getGroupingSeparator(), dfs.getInfinity(),
+ dfs.getInternationalCurrencySymbol(), dfs.getMinusSign(),
+ dfs.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator(), dfs.getNaN(), dfs.getPatternSeparator(),
+ dfs.getPercent(), dfs.getPerMill(), dfs.getZeroDigit());
private BigDecimal applyMultiplier(BigDecimal valBigDecimal) {
@@ -573,10 +560,10 @@ public class NativeDecimalFormat {
return null;
- private static int openDecimalFormat(String locale, String pattern) {
+ private static int openDecimalFormat(String pattern) {
try {
// FIXME: if we're about to override everything, should we just ask for the cheapest locale (presumably the root locale)?
- return openDecimalFormatImpl(locale, pattern);
+ return openDecimalFormatImpl(pattern);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
throw npe;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
@@ -604,8 +591,12 @@ public class NativeDecimalFormat {
// FIXME: do we need getSymbol any more? the Java-side object should be the canonical source.
private static native String getSymbol(int addr, int symbol);
private static native String getTextAttribute(int addr, int symbol);
- private static native int openDecimalFormatImpl(String locale, String pattern);
+ private static native int openDecimalFormatImpl(String pattern);
private static native Number parse(int addr, String string, ParsePosition position);
+ private static native void setDecimalFormatSymbols(int addr, String currencySymbol,
+ char decimalSeparator, char digit, char groupingSeparator, String infinity,
+ String internationalCurrencySymbol, char minusSign, char monetaryDecimalSeparator,
+ String nan, char patternSeparator, char percent, char perMill, char zeroDigit);
private static native void setSymbol(int addr, int symbol, String str);
private static native void setSymbol(int addr, int symbol, char ch);
private static native void setAttribute(int addr, int symbol, int i);
diff --git a/icu/src/main/native/NativeDecimalFormat.cpp b/icu/src/main/native/NativeDecimalFormat.cpp
index e974521..ba62726 100644
--- a/icu/src/main/native/NativeDecimalFormat.cpp
+++ b/icu/src/main/native/NativeDecimalFormat.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "digitlst.h"
#include "ErrorCode.h"
+#include "ScopedJavaUnicodeString.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -33,47 +34,33 @@ static void jniThrowNullPointerException(JNIEnv* env) {
jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException", NULL);
-DecimalFormat* toDecimalFormat(jint addr) {
+static DecimalFormat* toDecimalFormat(jint addr) {
return reinterpret_cast<DecimalFormat*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(addr));
-static jint openDecimalFormatImpl(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring locale, jstring pattern) {
- if (pattern == NULL) {
+static jint openDecimalFormatImpl(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring pattern0) {
+ if (pattern0 == NULL) {
return 0;
- // prepare the pattern string for the call to unum_open
- const UChar *pattChars = env->GetStringChars(pattern, NULL);
- int pattLen = env->GetStringLength(pattern);
- // prepare the locale string for the call to unum_open
- const char *localeChars = env->GetStringUTFChars(locale, NULL);
- // open a default type number format
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- UNumberFormat *fmt = unum_open(UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL, pattChars, pattLen,
- localeChars, NULL, &status);
- // release the allocated strings
- env->ReleaseStringChars(pattern, pattChars);
- env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(locale, localeChars);
+ UParseError parseError;
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString pattern(env, pattern0);
+ DecimalFormatSymbols* symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(status);
+ DecimalFormat* fmt = new DecimalFormat(pattern.unicodeString(), symbols, parseError, status);
+ if (fmt == NULL) {
+ delete symbols;
+ }
icu4jni_error(env, status);
return static_cast<jint>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(fmt));
static void closeDecimalFormatImpl(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint addr) {
- // get the pointer to the number format
- UNumberFormat *fmt = (UNumberFormat *)(int)addr;
- // close this number format
- unum_close(fmt);
+ delete toDecimalFormat(addr);
-static void setSymbol(JNIEnv *env, uintptr_t addr, jint symbol,
- const UChar* chars, int32_t charCount) {
+static void setSymbol(JNIEnv *env, uintptr_t addr, jint symbol, const UChar* chars, int32_t charCount) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UNumberFormat* fmt = reinterpret_cast<UNumberFormat*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(addr));
unum_setSymbol(fmt, static_cast<UNumberFormatSymbol>(symbol),
@@ -92,6 +79,32 @@ static void setSymbol_char(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jint addr, jint symbol, jchar ch
setSymbol(env, addr, symbol, &ch, 1);
+static void setDecimalFormatSymbols(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint addr, jstring currencySymbol0, jchar decimalSeparator, jchar digit, jchar groupingSeparator0, jstring infinity0, jstring internationalCurrencySymbol0, jchar minusSign, jchar monetaryDecimalSeparator, jstring nan0, jchar patternSeparator, jchar percent, jchar perMill, jchar zeroDigit) {
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString currencySymbol(env, currencySymbol0);
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString infinity(env, infinity0);
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString internationalCurrencySymbol(env, internationalCurrencySymbol0);
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString nan(env, nan0);
+ UnicodeString groupingSeparator(groupingSeparator0);
+ DecimalFormat* fmt = toDecimalFormat(addr);
+ DecimalFormatSymbols newSymbols(*fmt->getDecimalFormatSymbols());
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kCurrencySymbol, currencySymbol.unicodeString());
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kDecimalSeparatorSymbol, UnicodeString(decimalSeparator));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kDigitSymbol, UnicodeString(digit));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kGroupingSeparatorSymbol, groupingSeparator);
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kMonetaryGroupingSeparatorSymbol, groupingSeparator);
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kInfinitySymbol, infinity.unicodeString());
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kIntlCurrencySymbol, internationalCurrencySymbol.unicodeString());
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kMinusSignSymbol, UnicodeString(minusSign));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kMonetarySeparatorSymbol, UnicodeString(monetaryDecimalSeparator));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kNaNSymbol, nan.unicodeString());
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kPatternSeparatorSymbol, UnicodeString(patternSeparator));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kPercentSymbol, UnicodeString(percent));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kPerMillSymbol, UnicodeString(perMill));
+ newSymbols.setSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kZeroDigitSymbol, UnicodeString(zeroDigit));
+ fmt->setDecimalFormatSymbols(newSymbols);
static jstring getSymbol(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint addr, jint symbol) {
uint32_t resultlength, reslenneeded;
@@ -203,17 +216,19 @@ static jstring getTextAttribute(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint addr,
return res;
-static void applyPatternImpl(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint addr, jboolean localized, jstring pattern) {
- if (pattern == NULL) {
+static void applyPatternImpl(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint addr, jboolean localized, jstring pattern0) {
+ if (pattern0 == NULL) {
- UNumberFormat* fmt = reinterpret_cast<UNumberFormat*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(addr));
- const UChar* chars = env->GetStringChars(pattern, NULL);
- jsize charCount = env->GetStringLength(pattern);
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString pattern(env, pattern0);
+ DecimalFormat* fmt = toDecimalFormat(addr);
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- unum_applyPattern(fmt, localized, chars, charCount, NULL, &status);
- env->ReleaseStringChars(pattern, chars);
+ if (localized) {
+ fmt->applyLocalizedPattern(pattern.unicodeString(), status);
+ } else {
+ fmt->applyPattern(pattern.unicodeString(), status);
+ }
icu4jni_error(env, status);
@@ -589,31 +604,23 @@ static jint cloneDecimalFormatImpl(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jint addr) {
static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
/* name, signature, funcPtr */
- {"openDecimalFormatImpl", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I",
- (void*) openDecimalFormatImpl},
+ {"applyPatternImpl", "(IZLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*) applyPatternImpl},
+ {"cloneDecimalFormatImpl", "(I)I", (void*) cloneDecimalFormatImpl},
{"closeDecimalFormatImpl", "(I)V", (void*) closeDecimalFormatImpl},
- {"setSymbol", "(IIC)V", (void*) setSymbol_char},
- {"setSymbol", "(IILjava/lang/String;)V", (void*) setSymbol_String},
+ {"format", "(IDLjava/text/FieldPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) formatDouble},
+ {"format", "(IJLjava/text/FieldPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) formatLong},
+ {"format", "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/text/FieldPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;I)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) formatDigitList},
+ {"getAttribute", "(II)I", (void*) getAttribute},
{"getSymbol", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) getSymbol},
+ {"getTextAttribute", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) getTextAttribute},
+ {"openDecimalFormatImpl", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I", (void*) openDecimalFormatImpl},
+ {"parse", "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/text/ParsePosition;)Ljava/lang/Number;", (void*) parse},
{"setAttribute", "(III)V", (void*) setAttribute},
- {"getAttribute", "(II)I", (void*) getAttribute},
+ {"setDecimalFormatSymbols", "(ILjava/lang/String;CCCLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;CCLjava/lang/String;CCCC)V", (void*) setDecimalFormatSymbols},
+ {"setSymbol", "(IIC)V", (void*) setSymbol_char},
+ {"setSymbol", "(IILjava/lang/String;)V", (void*) setSymbol_String},
{"setTextAttribute", "(IILjava/lang/String;)V", (void*) setTextAttribute},
- {"getTextAttribute", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) getTextAttribute},
- {"applyPatternImpl", "(IZLjava/lang/String;)V", (void*) applyPatternImpl},
{"toPatternImpl", "(IZ)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) toPatternImpl},
- {"format",
- "(IJLjava/text/FieldPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;",
- (void*) formatLong},
- {"format",
- "(IDLjava/text/FieldPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)Ljava/lang/String;",
- (void*) formatDouble},
- {"format",
- "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/text/FieldPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;I)Ljava/lang/String;",
- (void*) formatDigitList},
- {"parse",
- "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/text/ParsePosition;)Ljava/lang/Number;",
- (void*) parse},
- {"cloneDecimalFormatImpl", "(I)I", (void*) cloneDecimalFormatImpl}
int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_text_NativeDecimalFormat(JNIEnv* env) {
return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env,
diff --git a/icu/src/main/native/ScopedJavaUnicodeString.h b/icu/src/main/native/ScopedJavaUnicodeString.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3486aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icu/src/main/native/ScopedJavaUnicodeString.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "JNIHelp.h"
+// A smart pointer that provides access to an ICU UnicodeString given a JNI
+// jstring. We give ICU a direct pointer to the characters on the Java heap.
+// It's clever enough to copy-on-write if necessary, but we only provide
+// const UnicodeString access anyway because attempted write access seems
+// likely to be an error.
+class ScopedJavaUnicodeString {
+ ScopedJavaUnicodeString(JNIEnv* env, jstring s) : mEnv(env), mString(s) {
+ mChars = env->GetStringChars(mString, NULL);
+ const int32_t charCount = env->GetStringLength(mString);
+ mUnicodeString.setTo(false, mChars, charCount);
+ }
+ ~ScopedJavaUnicodeString() {
+ mEnv->ReleaseStringChars(mString, mChars);
+ }
+ const UnicodeString& unicodeString() {
+ return mUnicodeString;
+ }
+ JNIEnv* mEnv;
+ jstring mString;
+ const UChar* mChars;
+ UnicodeString mUnicodeString;
+#endif // SCOPED_JAVA_UNICODE_STRING_H_included