path: root/res/values-da
diff options
authorEric Fischer <>2009-07-13 15:45:27 -0700
committerEric Fischer <>2009-07-13 15:45:27 -0700
commit584d9a3d7b368d68aef213bd85786257a6d686ac (patch)
tree2fe8e47a98974d84220d3db7e85b392db03408b9 /res/values-da
parent24588aa2e489607b6942658f1b0ae0a6cfc2411a (diff)
Import new translations
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-da')
2 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-da/arrays.xml b/res/values-da/arrays.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9316d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-da/arrays.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:android=""
+ xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_videoquality_entries:0 (4155278146225809483) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_videoquality_entries:1 (2439895494739176281) -->
+ <string-array name="pref_camera_videoquality_entryvalues">
+ <item>"0"</item>
+ <item>"1"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entries:0 (1032315112880476480) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entries:1 (8670986040597021796) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entries:2 (8517673351926428895) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entryvalues:0 (1464827609202838923) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entryvalues:1 (8774526811603963446) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entryvalues:2 (2162726354815338735) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entries:0 (4050594067848730193) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entries:1 (3790683023711477464) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entries:2 (9171438155465781615) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entryvalues:0 (8888164339955946967) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entryvalues:1 (7986291844861222824) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entryvalues:2 (1696942781237476107) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entries:0 (280917070337827564) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entries:1 (6681843711112548190) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entries:2 (199919528808097195) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entryvalues:0 (4808693135969441168) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entryvalues:1 (1869144701125628961) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entryvalues:2 (1872639333981076053) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_entries:0 (5295270071208882750) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_entries:1 (1318390243219309490) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_entryvalues:0 (7221493087424876092) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_entryvalues:1 (1972869374425157325) -->
diff --git a/res/values-da/strings.xml b/res/values-da/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c8f260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-da/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:android=""
+ xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <string name="all_images">"Alle billeder"</string>
+ <string name="all_videos">"Alle videoer"</string>
+ <string name="camera_label">"Kamera"</string>
+ <string name="video_camera_label">"Videokamera"</string>
+ <string name="gallery_picker_label">"Galleri"</string>
+ <string name="gallery_camera_bucket_name">"Kamerabilleder"</string>
+ <string name="gallery_camera_videos_bucket_name">"Kameravideoer"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for gallery_camera_media_bucket_name (5560926838411387511) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="switch_to_video_lable">"Skift til video"</string>
+ <string name="switch_to_camera_lable">"Skift til kamera"</string>
+ <string name="crop_label">"Beskær billede"</string>
+ <string name="view_label">"Vis billede"</string>
+ <string name="preferences_label">"Kameraindstillinger"</string>
+ <string name="wait">"Vent ..."</string>
+ <string name="no_storage">"Indsæt et SD-kort, inden du bruger kameraet."</string>
+ <string name="not_enough_space">"Dit SD-kort er fuldt."</string>
+ <string name="preparing_sd">"Forbereder SD-kort ..."</string>
+ <string name="wallpaper">"Indstiller tapet. Vent et øjeblik ..."</string>
+ <string name="savingImage">"Gemmer billede ..."</string>
+ <string name="runningFaceDetection">"Vent ..."</string>
+ <string name="settings">"Indstillinger"</string>
+ <string name="view">"Vis"</string>
+ <string name="details">"Detaljer"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for show_on_map (441725587731006228) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="rotate">"Roter"</string>
+ <string name="rotate_left">"Roter til venstre"</string>
+ <string name="rotate_right">"Roter til højre"</string>
+ <string name="slide_show">"Diasshow"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for multiselect (4761682939945434146) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="capture_picture">"Fotografer billede"</string>
+ <string name="capture_video">"Fotografer video"</string>
+ <string name="crop_save_text">"Gem"</string>
+ <string name="crop_discard_text">"Kassér"</string>
+ <string name="confirm_delete_title">"Slet"</string>
+ <string name="confirm_delete_message">"Billedet slettes."</string>
+ <string name="confirm_delete_video_message">"Videoen slettes."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for confirm_delete_multiple_message (5962369828035778779) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_toss (7255331999518617841) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_share (7294755861072174509) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_set (8304758352155378636) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_play (6015456244323302817) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_attach (7957325229025880473) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_cancel (8188009385853399254) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_done (5417465988786728114) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_ok (5305096180300056529) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for review_retake (7804864054896088338) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="camera_toss">"Slet"</string>
+ <string name="camera_gallery">"Galleri"</string>
+ <string name="camera_share">"Del"</string>
+ <string name="camera_set">"Indstil som"</string>
+ <string name="camera_play">"Afspil"</string>
+ <string name="camera_attach">"Vedhæft"</string>
+ <string name="camera_cancel">"Annuller"</string>
+ <string name="camera_crop">"Beskær"</string>
+ <string name="no_way_to_share_image">"Dette billede kan ikke deles."</string>
+ <string name="no_way_to_share_video">"Denne video kan ikke deles."</string>
+ <string name="video_play">"Afspil"</string>
+ <string name="camera_gallery_photos_text">"Galleri"</string>
+ <string name="camera_pick_wallpaper">"Billeder"</string>
+ <string name="camera_setas_wallpaper">"Tapet"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_category">"Generelle indstillinger"</string>
+ <string name="pref_slideshow_category">"Diasshowindstillinger"</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_general_settings_category">"Generelle indstillinger"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_size_title">"Visningsstørrelse"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_size_summary">"Vælg, hvilken størrelse billeder og videoer skal vises i"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_size_dialogtitle">"Billedstørrelse"</string>
+ <string-array name="pref_gallery_size_choices">
+ <item>"Stor"</item>
+ <item>"Lille"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_sort_title">"Sorter rækkefølge"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_sort_summary">"Vælg rækkefølge på billeder og videoer"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_sort_dialogtitle">"Sorter billeder"</string>
+ <string-array name="pref_gallery_sort_choices">
+ <item>"Nyeste først"</item>
+ <item>"Nyeste sidst"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_title">"Diasshowinterval"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_summary">"Vælg, hvor længe hvert dias skal vises i showet"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_dialogtitle">"Diasshowinterval"</string>
+ <string-array name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_choices">
+ <item>"2 sekunder"</item>
+ <item>"3 sekunder"</item>
+ <item>"4 sekunder"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_title">"Diasshowovergang"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_summary">"Vælg den effekt, der skal bruges, når man går fra et dias til det næste"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_dialogtitle">"Diasshowovergang"</string>
+ <string-array name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_choices">
+ <item>"Ton ind og ud"</item>
+ <item>"Glid til venstre – højre"</item>
+ <item>"Glid op – ned"</item>
+ <item>"Tilfældigt udvalg"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_repeat_title">"Gentag diasshow"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_repeat_summary">"Afspil diasshow mere end en gang"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_shuffle_title">"Bland dias"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_shuffle_summary">"Vis billeder i tilfældig rækkefølge"</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_title">"Gem placeringer i billeder"</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_summary">"Registrer placering i billeddata"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_settings_category (5788821601203523037) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_title">"Vælg videokvalitet"</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_entry_0">"Lav (til MMS-beskeder)"</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_entry_1">"Høj (til SD-kort)"</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_dialogtitle">"Videokvalitet"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_title (3659987702892910722) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entry_1 (886640327548814447) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entry_10 (664455443394175885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_entry_30 (1197298883102352735) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_video_duration_dialogtitle (5762031980003877975) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picture_settings_category (1513001949820030759) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_title (8391466986280182397) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entry_2048x1536 (7304479270077279178) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1600x1200 (6722733164421134734) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1024x768 (6648351357102402892) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_picturesize_dialogtitle (2741153309776113961) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_title (3045390831339734843) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_superfine (4087830022547613205) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_fine (4474043704802385370) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_normal (1274801937207351293) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_jpegquality_dialogtitle (18195886066728203) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_title (3829707410870789496) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_entry_auto (7374820710300362457) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_entry_infinity (3413922419264967552) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_value_infinity (3629041045019224450) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_focusmode_dialogtitle (3464580667965511167) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="camerasettings">"Indstillinger"</string>
+ <string name="image_gallery_NoImageView_text">"Der blev ikke fundet nogen medier."</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_confirm_delete_title">"Bekræft sletninger"</string>
+ <string name="pref_gallery_confirm_delete_summary">"Vis bekræftelse, inden der slettes et billede eller en video"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for no_location_image (6929172123058811834) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="details_panel_title">"Detaljer"</string>
+ <string name="details_file_size">"Filstørrelse:"</string>
+ <string name="details_image_resolution">"Opløsning:"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for details_image_make (2888477930210903540) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for details_image_model (3608007849933924336) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for details_image_whitebalance (4412514247882436065) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for details_image_latitude (6701704806314765468) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for details_image_longitude (5583629669864057389) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for details_image_location (6460201074393148978) -->
+ <skip />
+ <string name="details_duration">"Varighed:"</string>
+ <string name="details_date_taken">"Dato taget:"</string>
+ <string name="details_frame_rate">"Rammefrekvens"</string>
+ <string name="details_bit_rate">"Bithastighed:"</string>
+ <string name="details_codec">"Codec:"</string>
+ <string name="details_format">"Format:"</string>
+ <string name="details_dimension_x">"%1$d x %2$d"</string>
+ <string name="details_ms">"%1$02d:%2$02d"</string>
+ <string name="details_hms">"%1$d:%2$02d:%3$02d"</string>
+ <string name="details_fps">"%1$d fps"</string>
+ <string name="details_kbps">"%1$d Kbps"</string>
+ <string name="details_mbps">"%1$g Mbps"</string>
+ <string name="details_ok">"OK"</string>
+ <string name="context_menu_header">"Billedvalgmuligheder"</string>
+ <string name="video_context_menu_header">"Videovalgmuligheder"</string>
+ <string name="multiface_crop_help">"Tryk på et ansigt for at begynde."</string>
+ <string name="photos_gallery_title">"Galleri"</string>
+ <string name="pick_photos_gallery_title">"Vælg billede"</string>
+ <string name="videos_gallery_title">"Galleri"</string>
+ <string name="pick_videos_gallery_title">"Vælg video"</string>
+ <string name="loading_progress_format_string">"<xliff:g id="COUNTER">%d</xliff:g> tilbage"</string>
+ <string name="sendImage">"Del billede via"</string>
+ <string name="setImage">"Indstil billedet som"</string>
+ <string name="sendVideo">"Del video via"</string>
+ <string name="movieviewlabel">"Film"</string>
+ <string name="loading_video">"Indlæser video ..."</string>
+ <string name="spaceIsLow_content">"Dit SD-kort er ved at løbe tør for plads. Skift kvalitetsindstillingerne, eller slet elementer fra Galleriet."</string>
+ <string name="resume_playing_title">"Genoptag video"</string>
+ <string name="resume_playing_message">"Genoptag afspilning fra %s ?"</string>
+ <string name="resume_playing_resume">"Genoptag afspilning"</string>
+ <string name="resume_playing_restart">"Start igen"</string>
+ <string name="gadget_title">"Billedramme"</string>
+ <string name="file_info_title">"Filoplysninger:"</string>
+ <string name="video_exceed_mms_limit">"Den video, du optog, er for stor til at sende via MMS. Prøv at optage et klip af kortere varighed."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for multiselect_share (5261644537749253581) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for multiselect_delete (9113461994546744603) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for multiselect_cancel (5969428692864002165) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for progress_dialog_title (4771577387849747804) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for delete_images_message (4504926868037899430) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for video_reach_size_limit (6179877322015552390) -->
+ <skip />