path: root/tests
diff options
authorNarayan Kamath <>2011-02-23 12:01:13 +0000
committerNarayan Kamath <>2011-03-02 18:10:21 +0000
commit80aad8d851601d39f73214c198111ca49e25f654 (patch)
treef0f859bcd85f8f203243404165034038637e75a5 /tests
parent2eb1190bdda1d2d53c049aa3f5000af6a150e2ca (diff)
Add autocomplete to the browser UrlInputView.
Code and tests based on the google search app. A lot less code would be duplicated if we could somehow override AutoCompleteTextView but that is made impossible by it calling a bunch of stuff in its constructor. To do so would require changes to the existing API. I've verified that the unit test passes, but other browser tests appear to fail - even on a clean branch with none of my changes. Also fixes a minor bug in SearchEngines.getSearchableInfo( ). Change-Id: Ic61bc6b8fa27cd210a45dc181ebf15accf503244
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/com/android/browser/autocomplete/ b/tests/src/com/android/browser/autocomplete/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f162e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/android/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import android.os.Parcelable;
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
+import android.text.Editable;
+import android.text.Selection;
+import android.text.Spannable;
+import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
+import android.text.TextWatcher;
+import android.view.AbsSavedState;
+ * Test cases for {@link SuggestedTextController}.
+ */
+public class SuggestedTextControllerTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+ // these two must have a common prefix (but not be identical):
+ private static final String RUBY_MURRAY = "ruby murray";
+ private static final String RUBY_TUESDAY = "ruby tuesday";
+ private static final String EXTRA_USER_TEXT = " curry";
+ // no common prefix with the top two above:
+ private static final String TOD_SLOAN = "tod sloan";
+ private SuggestedTextController mController;
+ private SpannableStringBuilder mString;
+ private SuggestedTextController m2ndController;
+ private SpannableStringBuilder m2ndString;
+ @Override
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ mString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, 0); // position cursor
+ mController = new SuggestedTextController(new BufferTextOwner(mString), Color.GRAY);
+ checkInvariant();
+ }
+ private void create2ndController() {
+ m2ndString = new SpannableStringBuilder();
+ Selection.setSelection(m2ndString, 0); // position cursor
+ m2ndController = new SuggestedTextController(new BufferTextOwner(m2ndString), Color.GRAY);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ }
+ private int cursorPos(Spannable string) {
+ int selStart = Selection.getSelectionStart(string);
+ int selEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(string);
+ assertEquals("Selection has non-zero length", selStart, selEnd);
+ return selEnd;
+ }
+ private int cursorPos() {
+ return cursorPos(mString);
+ }
+ private void insertAtCursor(String text) {
+ mString.insert(cursorPos(), text);
+ checkInvariant();
+ }
+ private void insertAtCursor(char ch) {
+ insertAtCursor(Character.toString(ch));
+ }
+ private void insertAt2ndCursor(String text) {
+ m2ndString.insert(cursorPos(m2ndString), text);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ }
+ private void insertAt2ndCursor(char ch) {
+ insertAt2ndCursor(Character.toString(ch));
+ }
+ private void deleteBeforeCursor(int count) {
+ int pos = cursorPos();
+ count = Math.min(pos, count);
+ mString.delete(pos - count, pos);
+ checkInvariant();
+ }
+ private void replaceSelection(String withThis) {
+ mString.replace(Selection.getSelectionStart(mString),
+ Selection.getSelectionEnd(mString), withThis);
+ checkInvariant();
+ }
+ private void setSuggested(String suggested) {
+ mController.setSuggestedText(suggested);
+ checkInvariant();
+ }
+ private void set2ndSuggested(String suggested) {
+ m2ndController.setSuggestedText(suggested);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ }
+ private void checkInvariant() {
+ mController.checkInvariant(mString);
+ }
+ private void check2ndInvariant() {
+ m2ndController.checkInvariant(m2ndString);
+ }
+ private void assertUserEntered(String expected, SuggestedTextController controller) {
+ assertEquals("User entered text not as expected", expected, controller.getUserText());
+ }
+ private void assertUserEntered(String expected) {
+ assertUserEntered(expected, mController);
+ }
+ private void assertBuffer(String expected, Editable string) {
+ assertEquals("Buffer contents not as expected", expected, string.toString());
+ }
+ private void assertBuffer(String expected) {
+ assertBuffer(expected, mString);
+ }
+ private void assertCursorPos(int where, Spannable string) {
+ assertEquals("Cursor not at expected position", where, cursorPos(string));
+ }
+ private void assertCursorPos(int where) {
+ assertCursorPos(where, mString);
+ }
+ private static final String commonPrefix(String a, String b) {
+ int pos = 0;
+ while (a.charAt(pos) == b.charAt(pos)) {
+ pos++;
+ }
+ assertTrue("No common prefix between '" + a + "' and '" + b + "'", pos > 0);
+ return a.substring(0, pos);
+ }
+ public void testTypeNoSuggested() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < RUBY_MURRAY.length(); ++i) {
+ assertCursorPos(i);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, i));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, i));
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(i, i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ public void testTypeSuggested() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(0);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ for (int i = 0; i < RUBY_MURRAY.length(); ++i) {
+ assertCursorPos(i);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, i));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_MURRAY.charAt(i));
+ }
+ }
+ public void testSetSuggestedAfterTextEntry() {
+ final int count = RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ assertCursorPos(i);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, i));
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(i, i + 1));
+ }
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, count));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testTypeSuggestedUpperCase() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < RUBY_MURRAY.length(); ++i) {
+ assertCursorPos(i);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, i).toUpperCase());
+ assertTrue("Buffer doesn't contain suggested text",
+ RUBY_MURRAY.equalsIgnoreCase(mString.toString()));
+ insertAtCursor(Character.toUpperCase(RUBY_MURRAY.charAt(i)));
+ }
+ }
+ public void testChangeSuggestedText() {
+ String pref = commonPrefix(RUBY_MURRAY, RUBY_TUESDAY);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(pref);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(pref);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_TUESDAY);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_TUESDAY);
+ assertUserEntered(pref);
+ }
+ public void testTypeNonSuggested() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_MURRAY.charAt(0));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor('x');
+ assertBuffer("rx");
+ }
+ public void testTypeNonSuggestedThenNewSuggestion() {
+ final String pref = commonPrefix(RUBY_MURRAY, RUBY_TUESDAY);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(0);
+ insertAtCursor(pref);
+ assertCursorPos(pref.length());
+ assertUserEntered(pref);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_TUESDAY.charAt(pref.length()));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_TUESDAY.substring(0, pref.length() + 1));
+ setSuggested(RUBY_TUESDAY);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_TUESDAY);
+ }
+ public void testChangeSuggestedToNonUserEntered() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ setSuggested(TOD_SLOAN);
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ assertBuffer(half);
+ }
+ public void testChangeSuggestedToUserEntered() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(TOD_SLOAN);
+ setSuggested(TOD_SLOAN);
+ assertUserEntered(TOD_SLOAN);
+ assertBuffer(TOD_SLOAN);
+ }
+ public void testChangeSuggestedToEmpty() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ setSuggested(null);
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ assertBuffer(half);
+ }
+ public void testChangeSuggestedToEmptyFromUserEntered() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ setSuggested(null);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void typeNonSuggestedThenDelete() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ assertCursorPos(0);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor('x');
+ assertBuffer(half + "x");
+ deleteBeforeCursor(1);
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testDeleteMultipleFromSuggested() {
+ final String twoThirds = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, (RUBY_MURRAY.length() * 2) / 3);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(twoThirds);
+ assertCursorPos(twoThirds.length());
+ // select some of the text just entered:
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 3, twoThirds.length());
+ // and delete it:
+ replaceSelection("");
+ assertCursorPos(RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 3);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 3));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testDeleteMultipleToFormSuggested() {
+ final String pref = commonPrefix(RUBY_TUESDAY, RUBY_MURRAY);
+ final int extra = (RUBY_TUESDAY.length() - pref.length()) / 2;
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_TUESDAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra));
+ assertCursorPos(pref.length() + extra);
+ // select and delete extra characters, leaving just prefix
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, pref.length(), pref.length() + extra);
+ replaceSelection("");
+ assertCursorPos(pref.length());
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(pref);
+ }
+ public void testBackspaceWithinUserTextFromSuggested() {
+ StringBuffer half = new StringBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2));
+ insertAtCursor(half.toString());
+ int backSpaceFrom = half.length() / 2;
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, backSpaceFrom);
+ deleteBeforeCursor(1);
+ assertCursorPos(backSpaceFrom - 1);
+ half.delete(backSpaceFrom - 1, backSpaceFrom);
+ assertUserEntered(half.toString());
+ assertBuffer(half.toString());
+ }
+ public void testInsertWithinUserTextToFormSuggested() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ StringBuffer initial = new StringBuffer(half);
+ int pos = initial.length() / 2;
+ char toInsert = initial.charAt(pos);
+ initial.delete(pos, pos + 1);
+ insertAtCursor(initial.toString());
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(initial.toString());
+ assertBuffer(initial.toString());
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, pos);
+ insertAtCursor(toInsert);
+ assertCursorPos(pos + 1);
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testEnterTextBeyondSuggested() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ int i = RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2;
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, i));
+ for (; i < query.length(); ++i) {
+ assertUserEntered(query.substring(0, i));
+ if (i <= RUBY_MURRAY.length()) {
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ insertAtCursor(query.charAt(i));
+ }
+ assertUserEntered(query);
+ }
+ public void testDeleteFromLongerThanSuggested() {
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ final String entered = RUBY_MURRAY + EXTRA_USER_TEXT;
+ insertAtCursor(entered);
+ for (int i = entered.length(); i > (RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2); --i) {
+ assertCursorPos(i);
+ assertUserEntered(entered.substring(0, i));
+ if (i <= RUBY_MURRAY.length()) {
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ deleteBeforeCursor(1);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWithShorterToFormSuggested() {
+ final String pref = commonPrefix(RUBY_TUESDAY, RUBY_MURRAY);
+ final int extra = (RUBY_TUESDAY.length() - pref.length()) / 2;
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_TUESDAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra));
+ assertCursorPos(pref.length() + extra);
+ // select and replace extra characters, to match suggested
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, pref.length(), pref.length() + extra);
+ replaceSelection(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(pref.length(), pref.length() + extra - 1));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra - 1));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWithSameLengthToFormSuggested() {
+ final String pref = commonPrefix(RUBY_TUESDAY, RUBY_MURRAY);
+ final int extra = (RUBY_TUESDAY.length() - pref.length()) / 2;
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_TUESDAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra));
+ assertCursorPos(pref.length() + extra);
+ // select and replace extra characters, to match suggested
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, pref.length(), pref.length() + extra);
+ replaceSelection(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(pref.length(), pref.length() + extra));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra));
+ }
+ public void testReplaceWithLongerToFormSuggested() {
+ final String pref = commonPrefix(RUBY_TUESDAY, RUBY_MURRAY);
+ final int extra = (RUBY_TUESDAY.length() - pref.length()) / 2;
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(RUBY_TUESDAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra));
+ assertCursorPos(pref.length() + extra);
+ // select and replace extra characters, to match suggested
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, pref.length(), pref.length() + extra);
+ replaceSelection(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(pref.length(), pref.length() + extra + 1));
+ assertBuffer(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, pref.length() + extra + 1));
+ }
+ public void testMoveCursorIntoSuggested() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, half.length() + 1);
+ checkInvariant();
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testMoveCursorWithinUserEntered() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, half.length() - 1);
+ checkInvariant();
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ }
+ public void testSelectWithinSuggested() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, half.length() + 1, half.length() + 2);
+ checkInvariant();
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testSelectStraddlingSuggested() {
+ final String half = RUBY_MURRAY.substring(0, RUBY_MURRAY.length() / 2);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, half.length() - 1, half.length() + 1);
+ checkInvariant();
+ assertUserEntered(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ }
+ public void testSaveAndRestoreNoText() {
+ create2ndController();
+ Parcelable state = mController.saveInstanceState(AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE);
+ m2ndController.restoreInstanceState(state);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ assertBuffer("", m2ndString);
+ }
+ public void testSaveAndRestoreWithSuggestedText() {
+ create2ndController();
+ setSuggested(TOD_SLOAN);
+ Parcelable state = mController.saveInstanceState(AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE);
+ m2ndController.restoreInstanceState(state);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ assertBuffer(TOD_SLOAN, m2ndString);
+ assertUserEntered("", m2ndController);
+ }
+ public void testSaveAndRestoreWithUserEnteredAndSuggestedText() {
+ final String half = TOD_SLOAN.substring(0, TOD_SLOAN.length() / 2);
+ create2ndController();
+ setSuggested(TOD_SLOAN);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ Parcelable state = mController.saveInstanceState(AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE);
+ m2ndController.restoreInstanceState(state);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ assertBuffer(TOD_SLOAN, m2ndString);
+ assertUserEntered(half, m2ndController);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length(), m2ndString);
+ }
+ public void testSaveAndRestoreWithNonSuggested() {
+ final String half = TOD_SLOAN.substring(0, TOD_SLOAN.length() / 2);
+ create2ndController();
+ setSuggested(RUBY_MURRAY);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ Parcelable state = mController.saveInstanceState(AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE);
+ m2ndController.restoreInstanceState(state);
+ check2ndInvariant();
+ assertBuffer(half, m2ndString);
+ assertUserEntered(half, m2ndController);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length(), m2ndString);
+ }
+ public void testSaveAndRestoreThenTypeSuggested() {
+ final String half = TOD_SLOAN.substring(0, TOD_SLOAN.length() / 2);
+ create2ndController();
+ set2ndSuggested(TOD_SLOAN);
+ insertAt2ndCursor(half);
+ insertAt2ndCursor('x');
+ Parcelable state = m2ndController.saveInstanceState(AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE);
+ mController.restoreInstanceState(state);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length() + 1);
+ // delete the x
+ deleteBeforeCursor(1);
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ assertBuffer(TOD_SLOAN);
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ }
+ public void testSuspendAndResumeCursorProcessing() {
+ final String half = TOD_SLOAN.substring(0, TOD_SLOAN.length() / 2);
+ setSuggested(TOD_SLOAN);
+ insertAtCursor(half);
+ mController.suspendCursorMovementHandling();
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, TOD_SLOAN.length());
+ Selection.setSelection(mString, half.length());
+ mController.resumeCursorMovementHandlingAndApplyChanges();
+ assertCursorPos(half.length());
+ assertUserEntered(half);
+ assertBuffer(TOD_SLOAN);
+ }
+ private static class BufferTextOwner implements TextOwner {
+ private final Editable mBuffer;
+ public BufferTextOwner(Editable buffer) {
+ mBuffer = buffer;
+ }
+ public void addTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher) {
+ mBuffer.setSpan(watcher , 0, mBuffer.length(), Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ }
+ public void removeTextChangedListener(TextWatcher watcher) {
+ mBuffer.removeSpan(watcher);
+ }
+ public Editable getText() {
+ return mBuffer;
+ }
+ public void setText(String text) {
+ mBuffer.replace(0, mBuffer.length(), text);
+ }
+ }