path: root/res
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res')
13 files changed, 405 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/res/layout-sw600dp/accessibility_tutorial_container.xml b/res/layout-sw600dp/accessibility_tutorial_container.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2895a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/layout-sw600dp/accessibility_tutorial_container.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ xmlns:android=""
+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:orientation="vertical"
+ android:paddingTop="@dimen/screen_margin_top"
+ android:paddingLeft="@dimen/screen_margin_sides"
+ android:paddingRight="@dimen/screen_margin_sides"
+ android:paddingBottom="@dimen/screen_margin_bottom">
+ <TextView
+ android:id="@+id/title"
+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:minHeight="@dimen/title_height"
+ android:layout_marginLeft="@dimen/content_margin_left"
+ android:textAppearance="@style/AccessibilityTutorialTitle"
+ android:gravity="bottom"
+ android:clickable="false" />
+ <View
+ android:layout_marginTop="8dip"
+ android:layout_marginBottom="8dip"
+ android:layout_below="@id/title"
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialDivider" />
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:id="@+id/content"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="0dip"
+ android:layout_weight="1.0"
+ android:orientation="vertical">
+ </LinearLayout>
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:orientation="vertical">
+ <View
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialDivider" />
+ <TextView
+ android:id="@+id/instructions"
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/description_margin_top"
+ android:layout_marginLeft="@dimen/description_margin_sides"
+ android:layout_marginRight="@dimen/description_margin_sides"
+ android:layout_marginBottom="16dip"
+ android:lineSpacingExtra="5sp"
+ android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium" />
+ </LinearLayout>
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:orientation="vertical">
+ <View
+ android:layout_marginBottom="16dip"
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialDivider" />
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:layout_width="match_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:orientation="horizontal"
+ android:gravity="right">
+ <Button
+ android:id="@+id/back_button"
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialButton"
+ android:text="@string/accessibility_tutorial_back" />
+ <Button
+ android:id="@+id/next_button"
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialButton"
+ android:text="@string/accessibility_tutorial_next" />
+ <Button
+ android:id="@+id/finish_button"
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialButton"
+ android:text="@string/accessibility_tutorial_finish"
+ android:visibility="gone" />
+ </LinearLayout>
+ </LinearLayout>
+</LinearLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_1.xml b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..710e327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ xmlns:android=""
+ android:id="@+id/all_apps"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
+ android:columnWidth="72dip"
+ android:numColumns="auto_fit"
+ android:verticalSpacing="10dip"
+ android:horizontalSpacing="10dip"
+ android:stretchMode="columnWidth" /> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_2.xml b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9c69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ xmlns:android=""
+ android:id="@+id/list_view"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_height="fill_parent" /> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_app_icon.xml b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_app_icon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe8399e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_app_icon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ xmlns:android=""
+ android:id="@+id/app_icon"
+ style="@style/AccessibilityTutorialIcon" /> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_container.xml b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_container.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e949d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/layout/accessibility_tutorial_container.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ xmlns:android=""
+ android:orientation="vertical"
+ android:layout_height="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent">
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:orientation="vertical"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
+ android:paddingLeft="15dip"
+ android:paddingRight="15dip">
+ <TextView
+ android:id="@+id/title"
+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:textAppearance="@style/AccessibilityTutorialTitle"
+ android:layout_marginTop="11dip" />
+ <View
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_height="1dip"
+ android:layout_gravity="center"
+ android:background="@color/divider_color"
+ android:layout_marginTop="14dip"
+ android:layout_marginBottom="13dip"
+ android:focusable="false"
+ android:clickable="false" />
+ </LinearLayout>
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:id="@+id/content"
+ android:orientation="vertical"
+ android:layout_height="0dip"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_weight="1.0"
+ android:paddingLeft="15dip"
+ android:paddingRight="15dip">
+ </LinearLayout>
+ <LinearLayout
+ android:orientation="vertical"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:paddingLeft="15dip"
+ android:paddingRight="15dip">
+ <View
+ android:layout_width="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_height="1dip"
+ android:layout_gravity="center"
+ android:background="@android:drawable/divider_horizontal_dark"
+ android:layout_marginBottom="8dip"
+ android:focusable="false"
+ android:clickable="false" />
+ <TextView
+ android:id="@+id/instructions"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_marginBottom="8dip"
+ android:textAppearance="@style/AccessibilityTutorialBodyTextPrimary" />
+ </LinearLayout>
+ <RelativeLayout
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+ android:background="@android:drawable/bottom_bar">
+ <Button
+ android:id="@+id/back_button"
+ android:layout_width="150dip"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_margin="5dip"
+ android:layout_alignParentLeft="true"
+ android:drawablePadding="3dip"
+ android:text="@string/accessibility_tutorial_back" />
+ <Button
+ android:id="@+id/next_button"
+ android:layout_width="150dip"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_margin="5dip"
+ android:layout_alignParentRight="true"
+ android:drawablePadding="3dip"
+ android:text="@string/accessibility_tutorial_next" />
+ <Button
+ android:id="@+id/finish_button"
+ android:layout_width="150dip"
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:layout_margin="5dip"
+ android:layout_alignParentRight="true"
+ android:text="@string/accessibility_tutorial_finish"
+ android:visibility="gone" />
+ </RelativeLayout>
+</LinearLayout> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/res/values-sw600dp-land/dimens.xml b/res/values-sw600dp-land/dimens.xml
index 9bd2336..994d4bb 100755
--- a/res/values-sw600dp-land/dimens.xml
+++ b/res/values-sw600dp-land/dimens.xml
@@ -16,4 +16,6 @@
<dimen name="screen_margin_sides">128dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_top">72dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_bottom">48dip</dimen>
diff --git a/res/values-sw600dp/colors.xml b/res/values-sw600dp/colors.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4447333..0000000
--- a/res/values-sw600dp/colors.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- <color name="divider_color">#20ffffff</color>
diff --git a/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml b/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml
index bc9f18d..9469a99 100755
--- a/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml
+++ b/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml
@@ -18,4 +18,10 @@
<dimen name="screen_margin_sides">40dip</dimen>
<dimen name="datetime_margin_top">40dip</dimen>
<dimen name="datetime_margin_bottom">40dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="app_icon_size">72dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_top">48dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_bottom">48dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="title_height">48dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="content_margin_left">16dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="description_margin_top">26dip</dimen>
diff --git a/res/values-sw600dp/styles.xml b/res/values-sw600dp/styles.xml
index 1e99e45..3403f3e 100644
--- a/res/values-sw600dp/styles.xml
+++ b/res/values-sw600dp/styles.xml
@@ -58,4 +58,22 @@
<item name="android:textSize">20sp</item>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialTitle" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance.Large">
+ <item name="android:textColor">@color/title_color</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialButton">
+ <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
+ <item name="android:minWidth">208dip</item>
+ <item name="android:layout_height">48dip</item>
+ <item name="android:paddingTop">0dip</item>
+ <item name="android:paddingLeft">0dip</item>
+ <item name="android:paddingRight">0dip</item>
+ <item name="android:paddingBottom">0dip</item>
+ <item name="android:textAppearance">?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium</item>
+ <item name="android:textSize">20dip</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialBodyTextPrimary" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance.Medium">
+ </style>
diff --git a/res/values/colors.xml b/res/values/colors.xml
index 631fb19..09f2ca2 100644
--- a/res/values/colors.xml
+++ b/res/values/colors.xml
@@ -29,5 +29,8 @@
<color name="crypt_keeper_clock_background">#ff9a9a9a</color>
<color name="crypt_keeper_clock_foreground">#ff666666</color>
<color name="crypt_keeper_clock_am_pm">#ff9a9a9a</color>
+ <color name="divider_color">#20ffffff</color>
+ <color name="title_color">#ff99cc00</color>
diff --git a/res/values/dimens.xml b/res/values/dimens.xml
index ace6756..5394743 100755
--- a/res/values/dimens.xml
+++ b/res/values/dimens.xml
@@ -19,4 +19,13 @@
<dimen name="device_memory_usage_button_height">32dip</dimen>
<dimen name="data_usage_chart_height">220dip</dimen>
<dimen name="action_bar_switch_padding">16dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="app_icon_size">56dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_sides">64dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_top">72dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="screen_margin_bottom">48dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="title_height">48dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="content_margin_left">16dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="description_margin_top">26dip</dimen>
+ <dimen name="description_margin_sides">40dip</dimen>
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index af46595..04eec1d 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -2641,6 +2641,15 @@ found in the list of installed applications.</string>
<string name="accessibility_services_category">Accessibility services</string>
<!-- Setting Checkbox title for enabling accessibility services [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="toggle_accessibility_title">Allow accessibility services</string>
+ <!-- Setting Checkbox title for enabling touch exploration mode [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_touch_exploration_title">Enable touch exploration mode</string>
+ <!-- Setting Checkbox summary for enabling touch exploration mode [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_touch_exploration_summary">Allows you to touch the screen to hear the contents under your finger.</string>
+ <!-- Warning message describing changes in interaction from enabling touch exploration mode
+ and suggesting that the user goes through a tutorial, displayed as a dialog message the
+ first time the user selects to enable touch exploration -->
+ <string name="accessibility_touch_exploration_warning">Touch exploration mode changes the way your
+ device handles touch input. Would you like to take a short tutorial on using touch exploration?</string>
<!-- Message for announcing the lack of installed accessibility services. -->
<string name="no_accessibility_services_summary">No installed accessibility services.</string>
<!-- Warning message about security implications of enabling an accessibility service,
@@ -3503,4 +3512,43 @@ found in the list of installed applications.</string>
<!-- Alert dialog confirmation when removing a user CA certificate. -->
<string name="trusted_credentials_remove_confirmation">Permanently remove the user CA certificate?</string>
+ <!-- Title for the touch exploration tutorial. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_title">Touch exploration tutorial</string>
+ <!-- Button label to go to the next touch exploration tutorial lesson. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_next">Next</string>
+ <!-- Button label to go back to the previous touch explorationtutorial lesson. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_back">Back</string>
+ <!-- Button label to exit the touch explorationtutorial. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_finish">Finish</string>
+ <!-- Button label to skip the touch exploration tutorial. [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_skip">Skip</string>
+ <!-- Title for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_title">Exploring the screen</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_text_1">When touch exploration is enabled, you can touch the screen to hear spoken descriptions of the content under your finger. The screen currently contains a list of application icons. Find one of them by placing a finger on the screen and sliding it around.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1, displayed after the user touches one icon. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_text_2_more">Good, keep your finger on the screen and keep sliding around to find at least one more icon.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1, displayed after the user touches a second icon. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_text_3">When you\'ve found a widget that you want to click on, you can tap once to activate it. Slide your finger to find the icon for <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Browser">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1, displayed if the user touched the target area and stays inside it. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_text_4">Your finger is on top of the <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Browser">%s</xliff:g> icon. Tap once to activate the icon.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1, displayed if the user touches inside the target area but moves outside. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_text_4_exited">You\'ve entered and left the <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Browser">%s</xliff:g> icon. Slowly explore again to find the icon while keeping your finger on the screen.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 1, displayed after the user has tapped the target icon. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_1_text_5">Good. To move to the next section, find and activate the button labeled \"<xliff:g id="next" example="Next">%s</xliff:g>\" that\'s located near the bottom-right of the screen.</string>
+ <!-- Title for touch exploration tutorial lesson 2. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_2_title">Scrolling using two fingers</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 2. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_2_text_1">To perform single-finger gestures like scrolling, you can place two fingers on the screen. The screen currently contains a scrollable list of application names. First, try exploring a few of the list items using one finger.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 2, displayed after the user touches one list item. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_2_text_2_more">Good, keep sliding your finger around to find at least one more list item.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 2, displayed after the user touches a second list item. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_2_text_3">Now scroll through the list by placing two fingers on a list item and sliding your fingers up. If you reach the top of the screen, you can place your fingers back on the list and continue.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 2, displayed after the user scrolls a small amount. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_2_text_3_more">Good, keep sliding your fingers up to scroll some more.</string>
+ <!-- Instruction for touch exploration tutorial lesson 2, displayed after the user has scrolled a large amount. -->
+ <string name="accessibility_tutorial_lesson_2_text_4">You have completed the touch exploration tutorial. To exit, find and click the button labeled \"<xliff:g id="finish" example="Finish">%s</xliff:g>.\"</string>
diff --git a/res/values/styles.xml b/res/values/styles.xml
index d7f8d9b..d214d48 100644
--- a/res/values/styles.xml
+++ b/res/values/styles.xml
@@ -158,4 +158,31 @@
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_inputmethod</item>
<item name="android:widgetLayout">@layout/preference_inputmethod_widget</item>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialDivider">
+ <item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
+ <item name="android:layout_height">2dip</item>
+ <item name="android:gravity">fill_horizontal</item>
+ <item name="android:background">@color/divider_color</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialTitle" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance.Large">
+ <item name="android:textColor">@color/title_color</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialBodyTextPrimary" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance.Small">
+ </style>
+ <style name="AccessibilityTutorialIcon">
+ <item name="android:layout_width">96dip</item>
+ <item name="android:layout_height">96dip</item>
+ <item name="android:layout_gravity">center</item>
+ <item name="android:gravity">center_horizontal</item>
+ <item name="android:singleLine">true</item>
+ <item name="android:ellipsize">marquee</item>
+ <item name="android:textSize">12dip</item>
+ <item name="android:textColor">?android:attr/textColorPrimary</item>
+ <item name="android:shadowRadius">2.0</item>
+ <item name="android:shadowColor">#B0000000</item>
+ </style>