path: root/adtproductbuild
diff options
authorSiva Velusamy <vsiva@google.com>2014-09-15 16:16:21 -0700
committerSiva Velusamy <vsiva@google.com>2015-02-03 15:22:10 -0800
commit524448c9867bcb674e5a06fc66ca23b54a4bbe49 (patch)
treefcd2be0e76ebe1c0f82163c30f7f2f1ade094d09 /adtproductbuild
parent892f37b7b2b59bcb1a83cf415dc378d2a997fc0c (diff)
Remove stale scripts
Change-Id: I85fdf33a69cb9adeb1a59d691f3ef92b3bfcd455
Diffstat (limited to 'adtproductbuild')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/adtproductbuild/Android.mk b/adtproductbuild/Android.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 2148cdf..0000000
--- a/adtproductbuild/Android.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project
-# Makefile rules to build the ADT Eclipse IDE.
-# This is invoked from sdk/eclipse/scripts/build_server.sh using
-# something like "make PRODUCT-sdk-adt_eclipse_ide".
-# Expected env vars:
-# ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR: existing directory where to copy the IDE zip files.
-# ADT_IDE_QUALIFIER: a root qualifier to incorporate before the build timestamp in plugins.
-# ADT_IDE_ZIP_QUALIFIER: either a date or build number to incorporate in the zip names.
-# Expose the ADT Eclipse IDE build only for the SDK when building adt_eclipse_ide
-ifneq (,$(is_sdk_build)$(filter sdk sdk_x86 sdk_mips,$(TARGET_PRODUCT)))
-ifneq (,$(filter adt_eclipse_ide,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := adt_eclipse_ide
-LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
-include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/base_rules.mk
-ADT_IDE_MODULE_DEPS := $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild/$(LOCAL_MODULE)
-ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG := $(TOPDIR)out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/adtproduct.log
-ADT_IDE_ARTIFACT_DIR := $(TOPDIR)out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/pbuild/I.RcpBuild
-ADT_IDE_RELEASE_DIR := $(TOPDIR)out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/release
-ADT_IDE_JAVA_LIBS := $(shell $(TOPDIR)sdk/eclipse/scripts/create_all_symlinks.sh -d)
-ADT_IDE_JAVA_TARGET := $(ADT_IDE_RELEASE_DIR)/adt_eclipse_ide_java_build
-ADT_VERSION := $(shell grep Bundle-Version $(TOPDIR)sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | sed 's/.*: \([0-9]\+.[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+\).*/\1/')
-# Common not-quite-phony rule to perform the eclipse build only once
-# This invokes the java builder on eclipse. It generates multiple
-# zipped versions (one per OS, all built at the same time)
-# of the ide as specified in the build.properties file.
-$(ADT_IDE_JAVA_TARGET) : $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild/adt_eclipse_ide \
- $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild/build.xml \
- $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild/build.properties \
- @if [[ ! -d $(TOPDIR)prebuilts/eclipse-build-deps ]]; then \
- echo "*** [adt_eclipse_ide] ERROR: Missing prebuilts/eclipse-build-deps directory. Make sure to run 'repo init -g all;repo sync' first."; \
- exit 1; \
- fi
- $(hide)rm -rf $(TOPDIR)out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/fbuild/plugins
- $(hide)rm -rf $(TOPDIR)out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/pbuild/plugins
- $(hide)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- $(hide) $(TOPDIR)sdk/eclipse/scripts/create_all_symlinks.sh -c
- $(hide)cd $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild && \
- rm -f ../../$(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG) && mkdir -p ../../$(dir $(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG)) && \
- ( java -jar ../../external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.0.v20100507.jar \
- org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main \
- -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \
- -configuration ../../out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/ant-configuration \
- -data ../../out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/ant-workspace \
- 2>&1 && \
- mv -f ../../$(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG) ../../$(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG).1 ) \
- | tee ../../$(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG) \
- | sed 's/^/IDE: /'; \
- if [[ -f ../../$(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG) ]]; then \
- echo "ADT IDE build failed. Full log:" ; \
- cat ../../$(ADT_IDE_BUILD_LOG) ; \
- exit 1 ; \
- fi
- $(hide)$(ACP) -fp $(V) $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild/adt_eclipse_ide $@
-# Defines the zip filename generated for an OS specific android IDE.
-define adt-ide-zip
-# Defines the rule needed to make one of the OS specific android IDE.
-# If ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR it also defines the rule to produce the final dest zip.
-# $1 = the platform (linux|macosx|win32).(gtk|cocoa|win32)
-# $2 = the architecture (x86 or x8_64).
-# $3 = the src zip (from out/host/eclipse/artifacts/RcpBuild-...)
-# $4 = the destination directory (where the unpacked eclipse is created)
-# $5 = the destination zip with the zipped eclipse ide.
-# This rule is in used primarily to post process the .zip file that is
-# generated by the Eclipse PDE build process. Ideally, we'd fix things in the PDE build
-# itself, but since we don't know how we do this. These changes include:
-# - Changing the product definition in eclipse.ini from org.eclipse.platform to ..adt.package.product
-# - Setting eclipse.buildId in eclipse.ini
-# - Setting eclipse.buildId in about.mappings
-# - Changing the splash screen location from platform to adt.package in config.ini
-# - Mac only: The PDE build produces eclipse.app and Eclipse.app folders. This is probably a bug
-# in the PDE build since the filesystems on Mac are case insensitive. In any case, eclipse.ini is
-# present only in eclipse.app, so we copy it over to Eclipse.app and remove the eclipse.app folder.
-# In addition, the root folder has a symlink to Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse. Since .zip files
-# don't support symlinks, this just gets copied over. We don't really need this file as users just
-# open the Eclipse.app application, so we just remove it. Lastly, the .icns file is manually copied
-# over and specified in eclipse.ini, only because including it directly in the product definition
-# causes the build on our servers to fail.
-define mk-adt-ide-2
- $(hide) \
- rm -rf $(V) $(4) && \
- rm -f $(V) $(5) && \
- mkdir -p $(4) && \
- unzip -q $(3) -d $(4) && \
- if [[ "$(1)" == "macosx.cocoa" ]]; then \
- mv $(4)/eclipse/eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse.ini $(4)/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS && \
- rm -rf $(4)/eclipse/eclipse.app && \
- rm -r $(4)/eclipse/eclipse && \
- chmod +x $(4)/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse && \
- cp $(4)/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package*/icons/adt.icns \
- $(4)/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/Resources && \
- sed -i -e 's/Eclipse.icns/adt.icns/g' $(4)/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse.ini && \
- sed -i -e 's/Eclipse.icns/adt.icns/g' $(4)/eclipse/Eclipse.app/Contents/Info.plist ; \
- fi && \
- sed -i -e 's/org.eclipse.platform/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package.product/g' \
- $(4)/eclipse/$(if $(filter macosx.cocoa,$(1)),Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/)eclipse.ini && \
- echo "-Declipse.buildId=v$(ADT_VERSION)-$(ADT_IDE_ZIP_QUALIFIER)" >> \
- $(4)/eclipse/$(if $(filter macosx.cocoa,$(1)),Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/)eclipse.ini && \
- sed -i -e "s/buildId/v$(ADT_VERSION)-$(ADT_IDE_ZIP_QUALIFIER)/g" \
- $(4)/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package_*/about.mappings && \
- sed -i -e 's/org.eclipse.platform.ide/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package.product/g' \
- -e 's/org.eclipse.platform/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package/g' \
- $(4)/eclipse/configuration/config.ini && \
- echo "-XX:MaxPermSize=512M" >> \
- $(4)/eclipse/$(if $(filter macosx.cocoa,$(1)),Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/)eclipse.ini
- $(hide)cd $(4) && zip -9rq ../$(notdir $(5)) eclipse
-ifneq (,$(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR))
-$(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR)/$(notdir $(5)): $(5)
- @mkdir -p $(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR)
- $(hide)cp $(V) $(5) $(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR)/$(notdir $(5))
- @echo "ADT IDE copied to $(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR)/$(notdir $(5))"
- @echo "ADT IDE available at $(5)"
-# Defines the rule needed to make one of the OS specific android IDE.
-# This is just a convenience wrapper that calls mk-adt-ide-2 and presets
-# the source and destination zip paths.
-# It also sets the dependencies we need to produce the final dest zip.
-# $1 = the platform (linux|macosx|win32).(gtk|cocoa|win32)
-# $2 = the architecture (x86 or x8_64).
-define mk-adt-ide
-$(call mk-adt-ide-2,$(1),$(2), \
- $(ADT_IDE_ARTIFACT_DIR)/RcpBuild-$(1).$(2).zip, \
- $(ADT_IDE_RELEASE_DIR)/android-ide-$(1).$(2), \
- $(call adt-ide-zip,$(1),$(2)))
-ADT_IDE_MODULE_DEPS += $(call adt-ide-zip,$(1),$(2))
-ifneq (,$(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR))
-ADT_IDE_MODULE_DEPS += $(ADT_IDE_DEST_DIR)/$(notdir $(call adt-ide-zip,$(1),$(2)))
-$(eval $(call mk-adt-ide,linux.gtk,x86))
-$(eval $(call mk-adt-ide,linux.gtk,x86_64))
-$(eval $(call mk-adt-ide,macosx.cocoa,x86_64))
-$(eval $(call mk-adt-ide,win32.win32,x86))
-$(eval $(call mk-adt-ide,win32.win32,x86_64))
-# This rule triggers the build of the 3 ide zip files.
-# The adt_eclipse_ide script is currently a platceholder used
-# to detect when the build was completed. We may use it later
-# as a launch script.
- @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- $(hide)$(ACP) -fp $(V) $(TOPDIR)sdk/adtproductbuild/adt_eclipse_ide $@
- @echo "Packing of ADT IDE done"
diff --git a/adtproductbuild/adt_eclipse_ide b/adtproductbuild/adt_eclipse_ide
deleted file mode 100644
index ea3355c..0000000
--- a/adtproductbuild/adt_eclipse_ide
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-echo "Placeholder launcher script for the ADT Eclipse IDE."
-exit 1
diff --git a/adtproductbuild/build.properties b/adtproductbuild/build.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 156c3be..0000000
--- a/adtproductbuild/build.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-############# PRODUCT/PACKAGING CONTROL #############
-allowBinaryCycles = true
-############# BASE CONTROL #############
-############# MAP FILE CONTROL ################
-############ REPOSITORY CONTROL ###############
-############# JAVA COMPILER OPTIONS ##############
diff --git a/adtproductbuild/build.xml b/adtproductbuild/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b53823..0000000
--- a/adtproductbuild/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-<project name="com.android.eclipse.rcp.build" default="build">
- <!-- Set QUALIFIER to ADT_IDE_QUALIFIER if defined, otherwise use a date timestamp. -->
- <tstamp>
- <format property="defaultQualifier" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm"/>
- </tstamp>
- <condition property="QUALIFIER" value="v${defaultQualifier}" else="${ADT_IDE_QUALIFIER}">
- <equals arg1="${ADT_IDE_QUALIFIER}" arg2="" />
- </condition>
- <echo message="## ADT IDE Build Qualifier: ${QUALIFIER}"/>
- <!-- Root of Android Source Tree -->
- <property name="ANDROID_SRC" location="../../" />
- <!-- Host Eclipse used for building the RCP -->
- <property name="basebuilder" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/" />
- <!-- Source for target prebuilts -->
- <property name="deltaPackTargetSrcDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/prebuilts/eclipse/" />
- <property name="targetSrcDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/prebuilts/eclipse-build-deps/" />
- <!-- Location where build happens and resulting binaries are generated -->
- <property name="outDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/out/host/eclipse/adtproduct/" />
- <!-- Location where the target platform is created -->
- <property name="targetDir" value="${outDir}/target" />
- <!-- Location where ADT feature build is performed -->
- <property name="featureBuildDir" value="${outDir}/fbuild" />
- <!-- Location where ADT feature build is performed -->
- <property name="productBuildDir" value="${outDir}/pbuild" />
- <!-- Location of the sources -->
- <property name="srcDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/sdk/eclipse/" />
- <!-- Identify configurations to build -->
- <condition property="buildconfigs" value="linux,gtk,x86_64">
- <equals arg1="${buildFor}" arg2="linux" />
- </condition>
- <condition property="buildconfigs" value="macosx,cocoa,x86_64">
- <equals arg1="${buildFor}" arg2="darwin" />
- </condition>
- <condition property="buildconfigs" value="win32,win32,x86_64">
- <equals arg1="${buildFor}" arg2="windows" />
- </condition>
- <!-- if no platforms are provided, then build for all platforms -->
- <property name="buildconfigs" value="linux,gtk,x86 &amp; linux,gtk,x86_64 &amp; win32,win32,x86 &amp; win32,win32,x86_64 &amp; macosx,cocoa,x86_64" />
- <!-- locate launcher plugin inside eclipse -->
- <path id="equinox.launcher.path">
- <fileset dir="${basebuilder}/plugins">
- <include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <property name="equinox.launcher" refid="equinox.launcher.path" />
- <!-- locate pde build plugin inside eclipse -->
- <path id="pde.build.dir.path">
- <dirset dir="${basebuilder}/plugins">
- <include name="org.eclipse.pde.build_*" />
- </dirset>
- </path>
- <property name="pde.build.dir" refid="pde.build.dir.path" />
- <!-- create the build directory, copy plugins and features into it -->
- <target name="copy_srcs">
- <mkdir dir="${featureBuildDir}" />
- <copy todir="${featureBuildDir}" preservelastmodified="true">
- <fileset dir="${srcDir}/">
- <include name="plugins/**" />
- <include name="features/**" />
- <exclude name="plugins/*/bin/**" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <mkdir dir="${productBuildDir}" />
- <copy todir="${productBuildDir}" preservelastmodified="true">
- <fileset dir="${srcDir}/">
- <include name="features/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package/**" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <property name="GooglePlayTranslation.zip" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/tools/vendor/google/TranslationPluginForEclipse/ADT_Translation_Manager_plugin.zip" />
- <available file="${GooglePlayTranslation.zip}" property="translation.plugin.present" />
- <!-- Add localization plugin to the list of features if necessary -->
- <target name="update-features" if="translation.plugin.present">
- <replace file="${productBuildDir}/features/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package/feature.xml"
- token='!--import feature="com.google.i18n.inkstone.eclipse.localization" --'
- value='import feature="com.google.i18n.inkstone.eclipse.localization" /' />
- </target>
- <!-- create target platform -->
- <target name="create-target">
- <mkdir dir="${targetDir}" />
- <mkdir dir="${targetDir}/deltapack" />
- <mkdir dir="${targetDir}/repos" />
- <unzip src="${deltaPackTargetSrcDir}/deltapack/eclipse-4.3.1-delta-pack.zip" dest="${targetDir}/deltapack" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/platform/org.eclipse.platform-4.3.1.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/platform" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/cdt/cdt-master-8.2.1.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/cdt" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/emf/emf-xsd-SDK-2.9.1.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/emf" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/jdt/org.eclipse.jdt.source-4.3.1.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/jdt" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/wtp/wtp4x-repo-R-3.5.1-20130913223750.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/wtp" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/gef/GEF-SDK-3.9.1RC1.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/gef" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/pde/org.eclipse.pde-4.3.1.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/pde" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/egit/org.eclipse.egit.repository-" dest="${targetDir}/repos/egit" overwrite="false" />
- </target>
- <target name="create-translation-target" if="translation.plugin.present">
- <unzip src="${GooglePlayTranslation.zip}" dest="${targetDir}/repos/tpe" overwrite="false" />
- </target>
- <!-- Launch pde build to build the adtpackage product -->
- <target name="feature-build" depends="copy_srcs, update-features, create-target, create-translation-target">
- <java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" fork="true" failonerror="true">
- <arg value="-application" />
- <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner" />
- <arg value="-buildfile" />
- <arg value="${pde.build.dir}/scripts/build.xml" />
- <arg value="-data" />
- <arg value="${featureBuildDir}/workspace" />
- <arg value="-configuration" />
- <arg value="${featureBuildDir}/configuration" />
- <arg value="-Dtimestamp=${timestamp}" />
- <arg value="-DeclipseLocation=${baseBuilder}" />
- <arg value="-DbuildDirectory=${featureBuildDir}" />
- <arg value="-Dbuilder=${ANDROID_SRC}/sdk/eclipse/buildConfig" />
- <arg value="-DbaseLocation=${targetDir}/deltapack/eclipse" />
- <arg value="-DrepoBaseLocation=${targetDir}/repos/" />
- <arg value="-DtransformedRepoLocation=${targetDir}/transformedRepos/" />
- <arg value="-DupdateSiteSource=${ANDROID_SRC}/sdk/eclipse/sites/external" />
- <arg value="-DupdateSiteRoot=${targetDir}/repos/" />
- <arg value="-DforceContextQualifier=${QUALIFIER}" />
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${equinox.launcher}" />
- </classpath>
- </java>
- </target>
- <!-- Launch pde build to build the adtpackage product -->
- <target name="product-build" depends="feature-build">
- <java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" fork="true" failonerror="true">
- <arg value="-application" />
- <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner" />
- <arg value="-buildfile" />
- <arg value="${pde.build.dir}/scripts/productBuild/productBuild.xml" />
- <arg value="-data" />
- <arg value="${productBuildDir}/workspace" />
- <arg value="-configuration" />
- <arg value="${productBuildDir}/configuration" />
- <arg value="-Dtimestamp=${timestamp}" />
- <arg value="-DeclipseLocation=${baseBuilder}" />
- <arg value="-DbuildDirectory=${productBuildDir}" />
- <arg value="-DbaseLocation=${targetDir}/deltapack/eclipse" />
- <arg value="-DrepoBaseLocation=${targetDir}/repos/" />
- <arg value="-DtransformedRepoLocation=${targetDir}/transformedRepos/" />
- <arg value="-Dconfigs=${buildconfigs}" />
- <arg value="-DforceContextQualifier=${QUALIFIER}" />
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${equinox.launcher}" />
- </classpath>
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="clean">
- <delete dir="${outDir}" />
- <delete dir="${targetDir}" />
- </target>
- <!-- Make sure that earlier build results are not present in the repository -->
- <target name="clean-features">
- <delete dir="${featureBuildDir}" />
- <delete dir="${productBuildDir}" />
- <delete dir="${targetDir}/repos/android-eclipse" />
- <delete dir="${targetDir}/transformedRepos" />
- </target>
- <target name="build" depends="clean-features, product-build" />