path: root/eclipse/changes.txt
diff options
authorTor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com>2012-06-06 14:21:36 -0700
committerTor Norbye <tnorbye@google.com>2012-06-06 16:08:36 -0700
commit7eeb2d6f1bfaab9f93597cda4df760298709f5a8 (patch)
tree8ddeb39f588646a07038b9530389e5df6c02daa0 /eclipse/changes.txt
parent1d81cd8f986b6da1fe22f158474c278078fc0ca2 (diff)
Changes for ADT 20
Change-Id: I1fa969f017176e44d82b604617301544a11affef
Diffstat (limited to 'eclipse/changes.txt')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/eclipse/changes.txt b/eclipse/changes.txt
index 5fa4e4b..6e5bad5 100644
--- a/eclipse/changes.txt
+++ b/eclipse/changes.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,115 @@
-* Aidl files from library projects are now in the import list.
+* A lot of bug fixes, performance fixes and memory fixes.
+* Support for Eclipse 4.x.
+* Build System
+ * Automatic merging of library project manifest files into the
+ including project's manifest. Enable with the
+ manifestmerger.enabled property.
+ * Automatic ProGuard support for the aapt -G flag. This means that
+ the build system will generate a temporary ProGuard keep-rules
+ file containing classes to keep that are referenced from XML files
+ (such as custom views) and pass this to ProGuard at
+ shrink-time. This can make the resulting APK much smaller when
+ using just a small portion of a large library project (such as the
+ Android Support library), since we have also removed the catch-all
+ rules to keep all custom views from the default ProGuard
+ configuration file.
+ * Aidl files from library projects are now in the import list.
+ * Fixes in Ant:
+ * Test projects now have access to the full classpath from the
+ tested projects, including Library Projects and 3rd party jar
+ * Applications embedding tests can now be deployed and tested,
+ including with code coverage, like test applications.
+* Lint
+ * Tighter integration with the layout editor (error and warning
+ icons overlaid views with errors, lint error messages shown as
+ tooltips in the layout canvas and in the outline, error count
+ displayed in the layout actions bar.)
+ * Lint is run incrementally in Java files on save, just like XML
+ files already are.
+ * New lint rules:
+ * Detect usages of Toast.makeText() without calling show() on the
+ result, as well as passing invalid duration parameters (e.g. a
+ number instead of one of the two allowed constants.)
+ * Detect incorrect manifest registrations (where elements such as
+ <uses-library>, <activity> etc are placed under the wrong parent.)
+ * Several security checks: Look for exported content providers
+ without required permissions, look for creation of world readable
+ files and preferences, look for calls to
+ android.webkit.WebSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled.
+ * Check to make sure that Fragment classes are instantiatable. If
+ you accidentally make a fragment innerclass non-static, or forget
+ to have a default constructor, you can hit runtime errors when the
+ system attempts to reinstantiate your fragment after a
+ configuration change.
+ * Look for handler leaks: This check makes sure that a handler inner
+ class does not hold an implicit reference to its outer class.
+ * Duplicate Activity registrations in the manifest. This can lead to
+ subtle errors that can be difficult to understand.
+ * Lint check ensuring that when you edit() a SharedPreference object
+ you call commit()
+* Layout Editor
+ * New property sheet implementation, which offers:
+ * Highlighting (in bold) for important attributes.
+ * Inline preview of colors and images, as well as the
+ corresponding resource name.
+ * Displays default values, when available.
+ * Completion of resource values and enum and flag constants.
+ * Support for showing and hiding "advanced" properties.
+ * Nested properties (and collapse all and expand all) for better
+ categorization. For example, layout params are listed first as a
+ single nested property.
+ * Tooltips over the attribute names, not values, so they never
+ obscure the value column.
+ * Checkbox support for boolean values.
+ * Support for switching between alphabetical and natural sort
+ orders.
+ * New window management. The propertysheet is now automatically
+ docked into the Outline view, and the outline can appear in a
+ maximized editor. The structure and palette views can be minimized
+ and appear temporarily on flyover.
+ * New configuration chooser above the layout editor, which in
+ addition to a visual refresh offers an activity chooser, a nested
+ theme chooser, a single button to flip orientation, better
+ wrapping behavior, etc.
+* SDK Manager:
+ * Cache to avoid downloading repository definitions all the time.
+ * New "Tools > Manage Add-on Sites" option that allows deactivating
+ 3rd party sites (e.g. if one or more are temporarily slow to
+ load.)
+* NDK integration (alpha):
+ * Initial support for building and debugging projects with C/C++
+ code.
+ * To enable this, install the NDK feature (depends on CDT), and then
+ set the path to NDK in Android Preferences.
+ * Add NDK nature to an Android project by right clicking on the
+ project and select "Android Tools -> Add Native Support".
+ * To debug an NDK project, just right click and select "Debug As
+ Android Native Application".
+* Execution
+ * LogCat: Allow users to set colors for different priorities
+ * LogCat: Ctrl + F now brings up a Find dialog to find items (rather
+ than filter)
+ * Allow running on multiple devices with a single launch. The target
+ tab in the launch configuration dialog adds a new option which
+ allows launching on all connected devices, and a drop down allows
+ the user to further narrow down the list to just physical devices
+ or just emulators. (This applies only to Run configurations, not
+ to Debug/JUnit tests.)
+* XML Editing
+ * Code completion support for custom attributes on custom views.
+ * Go to Declaration now works for theme references (?android:attr,
+ ?attr: etc,)
+ * Completion of the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes in
+ manifest files now include version descriptions for each of the
+ API levels
+ * Support XML editor outlines for layout files. Switching back and
+ forth between the text editor and graphical editor will alternate
+ between the two outlines, and in particular the XML editor outline
+ will keep up to date with edits in the editor, and selection will
+ follow the mouse cursor etc.
+* The Asset Studio Wizard now supports padding and disabling
+ background shapes
19.0.0 (does not exist)