path: root/eclipse/scripts
diff options
authorThe Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com>2009-03-03 18:28:16 -0800
committerThe Android Open Source Project <initial-contribution@android.com>2009-03-03 18:28:16 -0800
commit82ea7a177797b844b252effea5c7c7c5d63ea4ac (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /eclipse/scripts
parentc9432be76d50a527da232d518f633add2f76242b (diff)
auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
Diffstat (limited to 'eclipse/scripts')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 913 deletions
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/_mk_icons.sh b/eclipse/scripts/_mk_icons.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b3ea35b..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/_mk_icons.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-function icon() {
- # $1=letter, $2=letter's color (e.g. A red), $3=filename
- ./gen_icon.py ${3}.png 16 white black $2 $1
-icon M green manifest
- icon S blue sharedUserId
- icon S red signature
- icon P green package
-icon I green instrumentation
- icon F green functionalTest
- icon H green handleProfiling
- icon I green icon
- icon T green targetPackage
-icon U blue uses-permission
-icon P red permission
- icon N green name
- icon L blue label
-icon A blue application
- icon P red permission
- icon P blue persistent
- icon P green process
- icon T green taskAffinity
- icon T blue theme
- icon P red provider
- icon A green authorities
- icon I green initOrder
- icon M green multiprocess
- icon R green readPermission
- icon W green writePermission
- icon S green syncable
- icon R green receiver
- icon S blue service
- icon A green activity
- icon C blue clearOnBackground
- icon C green configChanges
- icon E green excludeFromRecents
- icon L green launchMode
- icon S green stateNotNeeded
- icon F blue intent-filter
- icon P green priority
- icon A red action
- icon C green category
- icon D green data
- icon M green mimeType
- icon S green scheme
- icon H green host
- icon P green port
- icon P blue path
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/build_plugins.sh b/eclipse/scripts/build_plugins.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f94ca0..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/build_plugins.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# build script for eclipse adt build on linux platform
-# Usage: development/tools/eclipse/scripts/build_plugins <build_version>
-# It expects environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME to be defined to point to _your_
-# version of Eclipse RCP (must have the WTP & GEF plugins available too.)
-# If ECLIPSE_HOME is not provided, this script will _download_ a reference version
-# of Eclipse RCP and install it in a specific location.
-# Other properties, ant scripts that drive the build are defined in ./buildConfig
-# Currently, this script will create an update site at ${user.home}/www/no_crawl/android-build
-# or at the directory specified using "-d"
-# Known Issues:
-# - Build does not properly clean up after itself (build server always executes from
-# a clean state.)
-# - Script will fail if current absolute path has spaces in it.
-# - Only linux is supported for now
-set -e # abort this script early if any command fails
-# -- Utility methods --
-function printUsage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 <build_qualifier> [-i] [-d <destination-directory>] [-a <archivePrefix>] "
- echo "<build_qualifier>: build qualifier string"
- echo "-i = build internal site. Otherwise, external site will be built"
- echo "-d = destination directory. Default is $USER/www/no_crawl/. Cannot contain spaces."
- echo "-a = archive prefix. Cannot contain spaces."
-function die() {
- echo $@
- exit 1
-function dieWithUsage() {
- echo $@
- echo
- printUsage
- exit 1
-# -- Setup our custom version of Eclipse --
-# The dependency on the linux platform comes from a series of environment
-# variables that the eclipse ant runner expects. These are defined in the
-# build.properties file. We can easily support other platforms but would need
-# to override those values in this script.
-[ "$HOST" == "Linux" ] || die "ERROR: This script is currently only supported on Linux platform"
-# Make sure this runs from the tools/eclipse plugin.
-D=`dirname "$0"`
-cd "$D/.."
-[ `basename "$PWD"` == "eclipse" ] || dieWithUsage "Please run this script from the device/tools/eclipse directory"
-# check for number of parameters
-[ $# -lt 1 ] && dieWithUsage "ERROR: Not enough parameters"
-# check if ECLIPSE_HOME set (ECLIPSE_HOME is were the "eclipse" binary and the
-# "plugins" sub-directory are located)
-if [ -z "$ECLIPSE_HOME" ]; then
- BASE_DIR=/buildbot/eclipse-android
- echo "ECLIPSE_HOME not set, using $BASE_DIR as default"
- if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR" || die "Please create a directory $BASE_DIR where Eclipse will be installed, i.e. execute 'mkdir -p $BASE_DIR && chown $USER $BASE_DIR'."
- fi
- # download the version if not available
- VERSION="3.4.0"
- scripts/setup_eclipse.sh -p "$BASE_DIR"
- ECLIPSE_HOME="$BASE_DIR/eclipse" # path to installed directory
- PID_FILE="$BASE_DIR/eclipse.pid"
- [ -f "$PID_FILE" ] && ECLIPSE_PID=`cat "$PID_FILE"`
-echo "PWD=`pwd`"
-# -- Site parameters and Build version --
-BUILD_VERSION="$1" ; shift
-# parse for build internal site flag. If set, pass in internalSite property to ant scripts
-if [ "-i" == "$1" ]; then
- shift
- echo "Setting for internal site build"
- SITE_PARAM="-DinternalSite=1 -DupdateSiteSource=$PWD/sites/internal"
- SITE_PARAM="-DupdateSiteSource=$PWD/sites/external"
-if [ "-d" == $1 ]; then
- shift
- echo "Setting destination directory to $1"
- SITE_PARAM="$SITE_PARAM -DupdateSiteRoot=$1"
- shift
-if [ "-a" == "$1" ]; then
- shift
- echo "Setting archivePrefix to $1"
- SITE_PARAM="$SITE_PARAM -DarchivePrefix=$1"
- shift
-# -- Configuration directory --
-# The "configuration directory" will hold the workspace for this build.
-# If it contains old data the build may fail so we need to clean it first
-# and create it if it doesn't exist.
-[ -d "$CONFIG_DIR" ] && rm -rfv "$CONFIG_DIR"
-mkdir -p "$CONFIG_DIR"
-# The "buildConfig" directory contains our customized ant rules
-# -- Find Eclipse Launcher --
-# Get the Eclipse launcher and build script to use
-function findFirst() {
- for i in "$@"; do
- if [ -f "$i" ]; then
- echo "$i"
- return
- fi
- done
-LAUNCHER=`findFirst "$ECLIPSE_HOME"/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar`
-BUILDFILE=`findFirst "$ECLIPSE_HOME"/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_*/scripts/build.xml`
-# make sure we found valid files
-if [ ! -f "$LAUNCHER" ]; then
- echo "Installation Error: Eclipse plugin org.eclipse.equinox.launcher...jar not detected. " \
- "Found '$LAUNCHER'. Aborting."
- exit 1
-if [ ! -f "$BUILDFILE" ]; then
- echo "Installation Error: Eclipse build file org.eclipse.pde.build_.../scripts/build.xml " \
- "not detected. Found '$BUILDFILE'. Aborting."
- exit 1
-# -- Print configuration used and actually execute the build --
-echo "Eclipse configuration found:"
-echo " Eclipse Home: $ECLIPSE_HOME"
-echo " Launcher: $LAUNCHER"
-echo " Build File: $BUILDFILE"
-echo " Build Config: $BUILDCONFIG"
-echo " Config Dir: $CONFIG_DIR"
-# clean input directories to make sure there's nothing left from previous run
-rm -fv *.properties *.xml
-find . -name "@*" | xargs rm -rfv
-# Now execute the ant runner
-set +e # don't stop on errors anymore, we want to catch there here
-java \
- -jar $LAUNCHER \
- -data "$CONFIG_DIR" \
- -configuration "$CONFIG_DIR" \
- -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \
- -buildfile $BUILDFILE \
- -Dbuilder=$BUILDCONFIG \
- -DbuildDirectory=$PWD \
- -DforceContextQualifier=$BUILD_VERSION \
-if [ "0" != "$RESULT" ]; then
- echo "JAVA died with error code $RESULT"
- echo "Dump of build config logs:"
- for i in "$CONFIG_DIR"/*.log; do
- if [ -f "$i" ]; then
- echo "----------------------"
- echo "--- $i"
- echo "----------------------"
- cat "$i"
- echo
- fi
- done
-# -- Cleanup
-if [ -n "$ECLIPSE_PID" ] && [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
- rm -fv "$PID_FILE"
- kill -9 "$ECLIPSE_PID"
-# we're done!
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/build_server.sh b/eclipse/scripts/build_server.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 39c8dcd..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/build_server.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Entry point to build the Eclipse plugins for the build server.
-# Input parameters:
-# $1: *Mandatory* destination directory. Must already exist. Cannot contain spaces.
-# $2: Optional build number. If present, will be appended to the date qualifier.
-# The build number cannot contain spaces *nor* periods (dashes are ok.)
-# -z: Optional, prevents the final zip and leaves the udate-site directory intact.
-# -i: Optional, if present, the Google internal update site will be built. Otherwise,
-# the external site will be built
-# Workflow:
-# - make dx, ddms, ping
-# - create symlinks (for eclipse code reorg, for ddms, ping)
-# - call the actual builder script from Brett
-# - zip resulting stuff and move to $DEST
-# Note: currently wrap around existing shell script, reuse most of it,
-# eventually both might merge as needed.
-set -e # Fail this script as soon as a command fails -- fail early, fail fast
-function get_params() {
- # parse input parameters
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [ "$1" == "-z" ]; then
- elif [ "$1" == "-i" ]; then
- elif [ "$1" != "" ] && [ -z "$DEST_DIR" ]; then
- DEST_DIR="$1"
- elif [ "$1" != "" ] && [ -z "$BUILD_NUMBER" ]; then
- fi
- shift
- done
-function die() {
- echo "Error:" $*
- echo "Aborting"
- exit 1
-function check_params() {
- # This needs to run from the top android directory
- # Automatically CD to the top android directory, whatever its name
- D=`dirname "$0"`
- cd "$D/../../../../" && echo "Switched to directory $PWD"
- # The current Eclipse build has some Linux dependency in its config files
- [ `uname` == "Linux" ] || die "This must run from a Linux box."
- # Check dest dir exists
- [ -n "$DEST_DIR" ] || die "Usage: $0 <destination-directory> [build-number]"
- [ -d "$DEST_DIR" ] || die "Destination directory $DEST_DIR must exist."
-function build_libs() {
- MAKE_OPT="-j8"
- echo "*** Building: make $MAKE_OPT dx ping ddms jarutils androidprefs layoutlib_api ninepatch sdklib sdkuilib"
- make $MAKE_OPT dx ping ddms jarutils androidprefs layoutlib_api layoutlib_utils ninepatch sdklib sdkuilib
-function build_plugin {
- development/tools/eclipse/scripts/create_all_symlinks.sh
- # Qualifier is "v" followed by date/time in YYYYMMDDHHSS format and the optional
- # build number.
- DATE=`date +v%Y%m%d%H%M`
- # Compute the final directory name and remove any leftovers from previous
- # runs if any.
- BUILD_PREFIX="android-eclipse"
- if [ "$INTERNAL_BUILD" ]; then
- # append 'eng' signifier to end of archive name to denote internal build
- fi
- # exclude date from build-zip name so it can be auto-calculated by continuous
- # test process unless there's no build number, in which case the date is
- # still used (useful for testing)
- # Perform the Eclipse build and move the result in $DEST_DIR/android-build
- development/tools/eclipse/scripts/build_plugins.sh $QUALIFIER $INTERNAL_BUILD -d "$DEST_DIR" -a "$BUILD_PREFIX"
- # Cleanup
- [ -d "$QUALIFIER" ] && rm -rfv "$QUALIFIER"
- if [ "$CREATE_ZIP" ]; then
- # The result is a full update-site under $DEST_DIR/BUILD_PREFIX
- # Zip it and remove the directory.
- echo "**** Package in $DEST_DIR"
- [ -d "$DEST_DIR/$BUILD_PREFIX" ] || \
- die "Build failed to produce $DEST_DIR/$BUILD_PREFIX"
- cd "$DEST_DIR"
- [ -f "$ZIP_NAME" ] && rm -rfv "$ZIP_NAME"
- zip -9r "../$ZIP_NAME" *
- cd .. # back to $DEST_DIR
- rm -rfv "$BUILD_PREFIX" # removes the directory, not the zip
- echo "ZIP of Update site available at $DEST_DIR/${ZIP_NAME}"
- else
- echo "Update site available in $DEST_DIR/$BUILD_PREFIX"
- fi
-get_params "$@"
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/build_update_site.sh b/eclipse/scripts/build_update_site.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5998756..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/build_update_site.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Entry point to build the Eclipse plugins for local deployment.
-# Input parameters:
-# $1: Optional build number. If present, will be appended to the date qualifier.
-# The build number cannot contain spaces *nor* periods (dashes are ok.)
-# -i: Optional, if present, the Google internal update site will be built. Otherwise,
-# the external site will be built
-# Workflow:
-# - calls buildserver with /home/$USER/www/no_crawl and -z
-# to build and create the update size but do not zip it in the destination directory.
-set -e # Fail this script as soon as a command fails -- fail early, fail fast
-D=`dirname $0`
-# parse input parameters
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [ "$1" == "-i" ]; then
- elif [ "$1" != "" ]; then
- fi
- shift
-[ -z "$DEST_DIR" ] && [ -n "$USER" ] && DEST_DIR="/home/$USER"
-[ -z "$DEST_DIR" ] && DEST_DIR="~"
-"$D/build_server.sh" "$DEST_DIR" "$BUILD_NUMBER" -z "$INTERNAL_BUILD"
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/collect_sources_for_sdk.sh b/eclipse/scripts/collect_sources_for_sdk.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4637595..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/collect_sources_for_sdk.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-function usage() {
- cat <<EOF
- Description:
- This script collects all framework Java sources from the current android
- source code and places them in a source folder suitable for the eclipse ADT
- plugin.
- Usage:
- $0 [-n] <android-git-repo root> <sdk/platforms/xyz/sources>
- The source and destination directories must already exist.
- Use -n for a dry-run.
-if [ "-n" == "$1" ]; then
- DRY="echo"
- shift
-if [ -z "$SRC" ] || [ -z "$DST" ] || [ ! -d "$SRC" ] || [ ! -d "$DST" ]; then
- usage
- exit 1
-function process() {
- echo "Examine" $1
-for i in `find -L "${SRC}/frameworks" -name "*.java"`; do
- if [ -f "$i" ]; then
- # look for ^package (android.view.blah);$
- PACKAGE=`sed -n '/^package [^ ;]\+; */{s/[^ ]* *\([^ ;]*\).*/\1/p;q}' "$i"`
- if [ -n "$PACKAGE" ]; then
- PACKAGE=${PACKAGE//./\/} # e.g. android.view => android/view
- JAVA=`basename "$i"` # e.g. View.java
- [ -z $DRY ] && [ ! -d "$DST/$PACKAGE" ] && mkdir -p -v "$DST/$PACKAGE"
- $DRY cp -v "$i" "$DST/$PACKAGE/$JAVA"
- N=$((N+1))
- else
- echo "Warning: $i does not have a Java package."
- E=$((E+1))
- fi
- fi
-echo "$N java files copied"
-[ $E -gt 0 ] && echo "$E warnings"
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/create_adt_symlinks.sh b/eclipse/scripts/create_adt_symlinks.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 557c4d9..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/create_adt_symlinks.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-function die() {
- echo "Error: $*"
- exit 1
-set -e # fail early
-# CD to the top android directory
-D=`dirname "$0"`
-cd "$D/../../../../"
-# computes "../.." from DEST to here (in /android)
-BACK=`echo $DEST | sed 's@[^/]*@..@g'`
-LIBS="sdkstats jarutils androidprefs layoutlib_api layoutlib_utils ninepatch sdklib sdkuilib"
-echo "make java libs ..."
-make -j3 showcommands $LIBS || die "ADT: Fail to build one of $LIBS."
-echo "Copying java libs to $DEST"
-if [ "$HOST" == "Linux" ]; then
- for LIB in $LIBS; do
- ln -svf $BACK/out/host/linux-x86/framework/$LIB.jar "$DEST/"
- done
- ln -svf $BACK/out/host/linux-x86/framework/kxml2-2.3.0.jar "$DEST/"
-elif [ "$HOST" == "Darwin" ]; then
- for LIB in $LIBS; do
- ln -svf $BACK/out/host/darwin-x86/framework/$LIB.jar "$DEST/"
- done
- ln -svf $BACK/out/host/darwin-x86/framework/kxml2-2.3.0.jar "$DEST/"
-elif [ "${HOST:0:6}" == "CYGWIN" ]; then
- for LIB in $LIBS; do
- cp -vf out/host/windows-x86/framework/$LIB.jar "$DEST/"
- done
- if [ ! -f "$DEST/kxml2-2.3.0.jar" ]; then
- cp -v "prebuilt/common/kxml2/kxml2-2.3.0.jar" "$DEST/"
- fi
- chmod -v a+rx "$DEST"/*.jar
- echo "Unsupported platform ($HOST). Nothing done."
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/create_all_symlinks.sh b/eclipse/scripts/create_all_symlinks.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8508343..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/create_all_symlinks.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-echo "### $0 executing"
-function die() {
- echo "Error: $*"
- exit 1
-# CD to the top android directory
-D=`dirname "$0"`
-cd "$D/../../../../"
-set -e # fail early
-echo ; echo "### ADT ###" ; echo
-$DEST/create_adt_symlinks.sh "$*"
-echo ; echo "### DDMS ###" ; echo
-$DEST/create_ddms_symlinks.sh "$*"
-echo ; echo "### TEST ###" ; echo
-$DEST/create_test_symlinks.sh "$*"
-echo ; echo "### BRIDGE ###" ; echo
-$DEST/create_bridge_symlinks.sh "$*"
-echo "### $0 done"
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/create_bridge_symlinks.sh b/eclipse/scripts/create_bridge_symlinks.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 605ef63..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/create_bridge_symlinks.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-function die() {
- echo "Error: $*"
- exit 1
-set -e # fail early
-# CD to the top android directory
-D=`dirname "$0"`
-cd "$D/../../../../"
-if [ "$HOST" == "Linux" ]; then
- echo # nothing to do
-elif [ "$HOST" == "Darwin" ]; then
- echo # nothing to do
-elif [ "${HOST:0:6}" == "CYGWIN" ]; then
- if [ "x$1" == "x" ] || [ `basename "$1"` != "layoutlib.jar" ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 sdk/platforms/xxx/data/layoutlib.jar"
- echo "Argument 1 should be the path to the layoutlib.jar that should be updated."
- exit 1
- fi
- LIBS="layoutlib ninepatch"
- echo "Make java libs: $LIBS"
- make -j3 showcommands $LIBS || die "Bridge: Failed to build one of $LIBS."
- echo "Updating your SDK in $1"
- cp -vf "out/host/windows-x86/framework/layoutlib.jar" "$1"
- chmod -v a+rx "$1"
- echo "Unsupported platform ($HOST). Nothing done."
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/create_ddms_symlinks.sh b/eclipse/scripts/create_ddms_symlinks.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 276cf9b..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/create_ddms_symlinks.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Creates the links to use ddm{ui}lib in the eclipse-ide plugin.
-# Run this from device/tools/eclipse/scripts
-set -e
-if [ "${HOST:0:6}" == "CYGWIN" ]; then
- # We can't use symlinks under Cygwin
- function cpfile { # $1=dest $2=source
- cp -fv $2 $1/
- }
- function cpdir() { # $1=dest $2=source
- rsync -avW --delete-after $2 $1
- }
- # For all other systems which support symlinks
- # computes the "reverse" path, e.g. "a/b/c" => "../../.."
- function back() {
- echo $1 | sed 's@[^/]*@..@g'
- }
- function cpfile { # $1=dest $2=source
- ln -svf `back $1`/$2 $1/
- }
- function cpdir() { # $1=dest $2=source
- ln -svf `back $1`/$2 $1
- }
-# CD to the top android directory
-D=`dirname "$0"`
-cd "$D/../../../../"
-mkdir -p $DEST
-for i in prebuilt/common/jfreechart/*.jar; do
- cpfile $DEST $i
-mkdir -p $DEST
-for i in development/tools/ddms/libs/ddmlib/src/com/android/ddmlib \
- development/tools/ddms/libs/ddmuilib/src/com/android/ddmuilib ; do
- cpdir $DEST $i
-mkdir -p $DEST
-for i in \
- add.png \
- backward.png \
- clear.png \
- d.png debug-attach.png debug-error.png debug-wait.png delete.png device.png down.png \
- e.png edit.png empty.png emulator.png \
- forward.png \
- gc.png \
- heap.png halt.png \
- i.png importBug.png \
- load.png \
- pause.png play.png pull.png push.png \
- save.png \
- thread.png \
- up.png \
- v.png \
- w.png warning.png ; do
- cpfile $DEST development/tools/ddms/libs/ddmuilib/src/resources/images/$i
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/create_test_symlinks.sh b/eclipse/scripts/create_test_symlinks.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 931dce8..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/create_test_symlinks.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# CD to the top android directory
-D=`dirname "$0"`
-cd "$D/../../../../"
-# computes relative ".." paths from $1 to here (in /android)
-function back() {
- echo $1 | sed 's@[^/]*@..@g'
-if [ "${HOST:0:6}" == "CYGWIN" ]; then
- # We can't use symlinks under Cygwin
- function cpdir() { # $1=dest $2=source
- rsync -avW --delete-after $2 $1
- }
- # For all other systems which support symlinks
- function cpdir() { # $1=dest $2=source
- ln -svf `back $1`/$2 $1
- }
-BACK=`back $DEST`
-if [ "$HOST" == "Linux" ]; then
- ln -svf $BACK/out/host/linux-x86/framework/kxml2-2.3.0.jar "$DEST/"
-elif [ "$HOST" == "Darwin" ]; then
- ln -svf $BACK/out/host/darwin-x86/framework/kxml2-2.3.0.jar "$DEST/"
-elif [ "${HOST:0:6}" == "CYGWIN" ]; then
- if [ ! -f "$DEST/kxml2-2.3.0.jar" ]; then
- cp -v "prebuilt/common/kxml2/kxml2-2.3.0.jar" "$DEST/"
- chmod -v a+rx "$DEST"/*.jar
- fi
- echo "Unsupported platform ($HOST). Nothing done."
-# create link to ddmlib tests
-BACK=`back $DEST`
-cpdir $DEST development/tools/ddms/libs/ddmlib/tests/src/com/android/ddmlib
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/gen_icon.py b/eclipse/scripts/gen_icon.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f6274e1..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/gen_icon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import StringIO
- import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
-except ImportError, e:
- print str(e)
- print "Are you missing the Python Imaging Library? (apt-get install python-imaging)"
- sys.exit(1)
-FONT_PATH = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf"
-class Args(object):
- def __init__(self, dest_name, size, circle_color, border_color,
- letter_color, letter):
- self.dest_name = dest_name
- self.size = size
- self.circle_color = circle_color
- self.border_color = border_color
- self.letter_color = letter_color
- self.letter = letter
-def main(args):
- data = process_args(args)
- if data:
- createImage(data)
-def process_args(args):
- if not args or len(args) != 6:
- usage()
- return Args(*args)
-def usage():
- print """Usage: %s <file_name> <size> <circle-color> <border-color> <letter-color> <letter>""" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(1)
-def createImage(data):
- zoom = 4
- rmin = -zoom/2
- rmax = zoom/2
- if zoom > 1:
- r = range(-zoom/2, zoom/2+1)
- else:
- r = [ 0 ]
- sz = int(data.size)
- sz4 = sz * zoom
- img = Image.new("RGBA", (sz4, sz4), (255,255,255,0))
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
- draw.ellipse((0, 0, sz4-zoom, sz4-zoom),
- fill=data.circle_color, outline=None)
- for i in r:
- draw.ellipse((i, i, sz4-i-zoom, sz4-i-zoom),
- fill=None, outline=data.border_color)
- font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH, int(sz4 * .75))
- tsx, tsy = draw.textsize(data.letter, font=font)
- ptx = (sz4 - tsx) / 2
- pty = (sz4 - tsy) / 2
- for i in r:
- draw.text((ptx + i, pty), data.letter, font=font, fill=data.letter_color)
- img = img.resize((sz, sz), Image.BICUBIC)
- img.save(data.dest_name, "PNG")
- print "Saved", data.dest_name
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/setup_eclipse.sh b/eclipse/scripts/setup_eclipse.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5143e23..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/setup_eclipse.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Quick script used to setup Eclipse for the ADT plugin build.
-# usage:
-# setup_eclipse.sh <dest_dir>
-# Workflow:
-# - downloads & unpack Eclipse if necessary
-# - *runs* it once
-# Note: right now this is invoked by //device/tools/eclipse/doBuild.sh
-# and it *MUST* be invoked with the following destination directory:
-# $ setup_eclipse.sh /buildbot/eclipse-android/3.4.0/
-set -e # abort this script early if any command fails
-function die() {
- echo $@
- exit 1
-if [ "-p" == "$1" ]; then
- GET_PID="-p"
- shift
-[ -n "$1" ] || die "Usage: $0 <dest-dir>"
-# URL for 3.4.0 RCP Linux 32 Bits. Includes GEF, WTP as needed.
-BIN="$BASE_DIR/eclipse/eclipse" # path to installed binary
-if [ ! -f "$BIN" ]; then
- echo "Downloading and installing Eclipse in $BASE_DIR."
- mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR"
- wget --continue --no-verbose --output-document="$TARGZ" "$DOWNLOAD_URL"
- echo "Unpacking $TARGZ"
- (cd "$BASE_DIR" && tar xzf "$TARGZ")
- echo
- echo "*** WARNING: To setup Eclipse correctly, it must be ran at least once manually"
- echo "*** Eclipse will now start."
- echo
- if [ -n "$GET_PID" ]; then
- # if started from the automatic eclipse build, run Eclipse in the background
- "$BIN" &
- echo "*** Eclipse started in background with PID $ECLIPSE_PID"
- echo "$ECLIPSE_PID" > "$BASE_DIR"/eclipse.pid
- sleep 5 # give some time for Eclipse to start and setup its environment
- else
- # if started manually, run Eclipse in the foreground
- "$BIN"
- fi
diff --git a/eclipse/scripts/update_version.sh b/eclipse/scripts/update_version.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a288965..0000000
--- a/eclipse/scripts/update_version.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# sanity check in input args
-if [ -z "$OLD" ] || [ -z "$NEW" ]; then
- cat <<EOF
-Usage: $0 <old> <new>
-Changes the ADT plugin revision number.
- cd tools/eclipse
- scripts/update_version.sh 0.1.2 0.2.3
- exit 1
-# sanity check on current dir
-if [ `basename "$PWD"` != "eclipse" ]; then
- echo "Please run this from tools/eclipse."
- exit 1
-# quote dots for regexps
-# Find all the files with the old pattern, except changes.txt and
-# p4 edit them. Skip that if there's no p4 in path.
-if which g4 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
- grep -rl "$OLD" * | grep -E "\.xml$|\.MF$" | xargs -n 5 g4 edit
-# Now find the same files but this time use sed to replace in-place with
-# the new pattern. Old files get backuped with the .old extension.
-grep -rl "$OLD" * | grep -E "\.xml$|\.MF$" | xargs -n 1 sed -i.old "s/$OLD/$NEW/g"