path: root/emulator/skins/assets/basic_controls.svg
diff options
authorSiva Velusamy <vsiva@google.com>2012-10-08 09:36:50 -0700
committerSiva Velusamy <vsiva@google.com>2012-10-08 11:09:20 -0700
commit097ffd9e09ced21353124c8a4988233c3119bbf1 (patch)
treeb1022abb2336fa17adb5a601d66e25feb4031510 /emulator/skins/assets/basic_controls.svg
parent1fca455a13e2dc7c20904a7e9a89911c7e9a887b (diff)
Add a new skin 'dynamic'.
This skin only defines the parts that can be used. Its layout section is expected to be generated at runtime by the emulator when the option -dynamic-skin is used. The assets used to generate this skin are placed in the assets folder. Change-Id: Ib252ed6a7b1ef16c21c3d45bdc0c977c1ad42466
Diffstat (limited to 'emulator/skins/assets/basic_controls.svg')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emulator/skins/assets/basic_controls.svg b/emulator/skins/assets/basic_controls.svg
new file mode 100644
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