path: root/monkeyrunner/src/com
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authorJoe Malin <jmalin@google.com>2010-08-05 18:04:42 -0700
committerJoe Malin <jmalin@google.com>2010-08-16 16:36:56 -0700
commitdd8bd6f4051b8eab94a7bfb3701df0451da39251 (patch)
tree8398185cf3026528b4c4553a79b723cd09ae317f /monkeyrunner/src/com
parent1cfea05df04b8cff0fc4d2d9ee62e58009e4e35f (diff)
DOC: Updated doc for MonkeyRunner API
Change-Id: Id2682f2922a5ca509211a0c18c9c1366f0b020dc
Diffstat (limited to 'monkeyrunner/src/com')
3 files changed, 157 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyDevice.java b/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyDevice.java
index 87c54c2..d150c9b 100644
--- a/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyDevice.java
+++ b/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyDevice.java
@@ -57,14 +57,17 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
public abstract void dispose();
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Fetch the screenbuffer from the device and return it.",
- returns = "The captured snapshot.")
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc =
+ "Gets the device's screen buffer, yielding a screen capture of the entire display.",
+ returns = "A MonkeyImage object (a bitmap wrapper)")
public abstract MonkeyImage takeSnapshot();
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a MonkeyRunner property (like build.fingerprint)",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Given the name of a variable on the device, " +
+ "returns the variable's value",
args = {"key"},
- argDocs = {"The key of the property to return"},
- returns = "The value of the property")
+ argDocs = {"The name of the variable. The available names are listed in " +
+ "http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/testing/monkeyrunner.html."},
+ returns = "The variable's value")
public String getProperty(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -72,29 +75,30 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
return getProperty(ap.getString(0));
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a system property (returns the same value as getprop).",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Synonym for getProperty()",
args = {"key"},
- argDocs = {"The key of the property to return"},
- returns = "The value of the property")
+ argDocs = {"The name of the system variable."},
+ returns = "The variable's value.")
public String getSystemProperty(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
return getSystemProperty(ap.getString(0));
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Enumeration of possible touch and press event types. This gets " +
- "passed into a press or touch call to specify the event type.",
- argDocs = {"Indicates the down part of a touch/press event",
- "Indicates the up part of a touch/press event.",
- "Indicates that the monkey should send a down event immediately " +
- "followed by an up event"})
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Enumerates the possible touch and key event types. Use this " +
+ "with touch() or press() to specify the event type.",
+ argDocs = {"Sends a DOWN event",
+ "Sends an UP event",
+ "Sends a DOWN event, immediately followed by an UP event"})
public enum TouchPressType {
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Send a touch event at the specified location",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Sends a touch event at the specified location",
args = { "x", "y", "type" },
- argDocs = { "x coordinate", "y coordinate", "the type of touch event to send"})
+ argDocs = { "x coordinate in pixels",
+ "y coordinate in pixels",
+ "touch event type as returned by TouchPressType()"})
public void touch(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -114,11 +118,11 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
touch(x, y, type);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Simulate a drag on the screen.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Simulates dragging (touch, hold, and move) on the device screen.",
args = { "start", "end", "duration", "steps"},
- argDocs = { "The starting point for the drag (a tuple of x,y)",
- "The end point for the drag (a tuple of x,y)",
- "How long (in seconds) should the drag take (default is 1.0 seconds)",
+ argDocs = { "The starting point for the drag (a tuple (x,y) in pixels)",
+ "The end point for the drag (a tuple (x,y) in pixels",
+ "Duration of the drag in seconds (default is 1.0 seconds)",
"The number of steps to take when interpolating points. (default is 10)"})
public void drag(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -149,9 +153,11 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
drag(startx, starty, endx, endy, steps, ms);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Send a key press event to the specified button",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Send a key event to the specified key",
args = { "name", "type" },
- argDocs = { "the name of the key to press", "the type of touch event to send"})
+ argDocs = { "the keycode of the key to press (see android.view.KeyEvent)",
+ "touch event type as returned by TouchPressType(). To simulate typing a key, " +
+ "send DOWN_AND_UP"})
public void press(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -170,9 +176,10 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
press(name, type);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Type the specified string on the keyboard.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Types the specified string on the keyboard. This is " +
+ "equivalent to calling press(keycode,DOWN_AND_UP) for each character in the string.",
args = { "message" },
- argDocs = { "the message to type." })
+ argDocs = { "The string to send to the keyboard." })
public void type(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -181,10 +188,10 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Execute the given command on the shell.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Executes an adb shell command and returns the result, if any.",
args = { "cmd"},
- argDocs = { "The command to execute" },
- returns = "The output of the command")
+ argDocs = { "The adb shell command to execute." },
+ returns = "The output from the command.")
public String shell(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -193,9 +200,9 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
return shell(cmd);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Reboot the specified device",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Reboots the specified device into a specified bootloader.",
args = { "into" },
- argDocs = { "the bootloader to reboot into (bootloader, recovery, or None)"})
+ argDocs = { "the bootloader to reboot into: bootloader, recovery, or None"})
public void reboot(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -205,10 +212,11 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Install the specified apk onto the device.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Installs the specified Android package (.apk file) " +
+ "onto the device. If the package already exists on the device, it is replaced.",
args = { "path" },
- argDocs = { "The path on the host filesystem to the APK to install." },
- returns = "True if install succeeded")
+ argDocs = { "The package's path and filename on the host filesystem." },
+ returns = "True if the install succeeded")
public boolean installPackage(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -217,10 +225,11 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
return installPackage(path);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Remove the specified package from the device.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Deletes the specified package from the device, including its " +
+ "associated data and cache.",
args = { "package"},
- argDocs = { "The name of the package to uninstall"},
- returns = "'True if remove succeeded")
+ argDocs = { "The name of the package to delete."},
+ returns = "True if remove succeeded")
public boolean removePackage(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -229,18 +238,22 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
return removePackage(packageName);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Start the Activity specified by the intent.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Starts an Activity on the device by sending an Intent " +
+ "constructed from the specified parameters.",
args = { "uri", "action", "data", "mimetype", "categories", "extras",
"component", "flags" },
- argDocs = { "The URI for the intent",
- "The action for the intent",
- "The data URI for the intent",
- "The mime type for the intent",
- "The list of category names for the intent",
- "A dictionary of extras to add to the intent. Types of these extras " +
- "are inferred from the python types of the values",
- "The component of the intent",
- "A list of flags for the intent" })
+ argDocs = { "The URI for the Intent.",
+ "The action for the Intent.",
+ "The data URI for the Intent",
+ "The mime type for the Intent.",
+ "A Python iterable containing the category names for the Intent.",
+ "A dictionary of extras to add to the Intent. Types of these extras " +
+ "are inferred from the python types of the values.",
+ "The component of the Intent.",
+ "An iterable of flags for the Intent." +
+ "All arguments are optional. The default value for each argument is null." +
+ "(see android.content.Intent)"})
public void startActivity(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -258,18 +271,21 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
startActivity(uri, action, data, mimetype, categories, extras, component, flags);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Start the specified broadcast intent on the device.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Sends a broadcast intent to the device.",
args = { "uri", "action", "data", "mimetype", "categories", "extras",
"component", "flags" },
- argDocs = { "The URI for the intent",
- "The action for the intent",
- "The data URI for the intent",
- "The mime type for the intent",
- "The list of category names for the intent",
- "A dictionary of extras to add to the intent. Types of these extras " +
- "are inferred from the python types of the values",
- "The component of the intent",
- "A list of flags for the intent" })
+ argDocs = { "The URI for the Intent.",
+ "The action for the Intent.",
+ "The data URI for the Intent",
+ "The mime type for the Intent.",
+ "An iterable of category names for the Intent.",
+ "A dictionary of extras to add to the Intent. Types of these extras " +
+ "are inferred from the python types of the values.",
+ "The component of the Intent.",
+ "An iterable of flags for the Intent." +
+ "All arguments are optional. " + "" +
+ "The default value for each argument is null." +
+ "(see android.content.Context.sendBroadcast(Intent))"})
public void broadcastIntent(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -287,12 +303,21 @@ public abstract class MonkeyDevice {
broadcastIntent(uri, action, data, mimetype, categories, extras, component, flags);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Instrument the specified package and return the results from it.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Run the specified package with instrumentation and return " +
+ "the output it generates. Use this to run a test package using " +
+ "InstrumentationTestRunner.",
args = { "className", "args" },
- argDocs = { "The class name to instrument (like com.android.test/.TestInstrument)",
- "A Map of String to Objects for the aruments to pass to this " +
- "instrumentation (default value is None)" },
- returns = "A map of string to objects for the results this instrumentation returned")
+ argDocs = { "The class to run with instrumentation. The format is " +
+ "packagename/classname. Use packagename to specify the Android package " +
+ "to run, and classname to specify the class to run within that package. " +
+ "For test packages, this is usually " +
+ "testpackagename/InstrumentationTestRunner",
+ "A map of strings to objects containing the arguments to pass to this " +
+ "instrumentation (default value is None)." },
+ returns = "A map of strings to objects for the output from the package. " +
+ "For a test package, contains a single key-value pair: the key is 'stream' " +
+ "and the value is a string containing the test output.")
public PyDictionary instrument(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
diff --git a/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyImage.java b/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyImage.java
index 7cff67f..6e32b3d 100644
--- a/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyImage.java
+++ b/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyImage.java
@@ -70,10 +70,14 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
return img;
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Encode the image into a format and return the bytes.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Converts the MonkeyImage into a particular format and returns " +
+ "the result as a String. Use this to get access to the raw" +
+ "pixels in a particular format. String output is for better " +
+ "performance.",
args = {"format"},
- argDocs = { "The (optional) format in which to encode the image (PNG for example)" },
- returns = "A String containing the bytes.")
+ argDocs = { "The destination format (for example, 'png' for Portable " +
+ "Network Graphics format). The default is png." },
+ returns = "The resulting image as a String.")
public byte[] convertToBytes(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -91,13 +95,15 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
return os.toByteArray();
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Write out the file to the specified location. If no " +
- "format is specified, this function tries to guess at the output format " +
- "depending on the file extension given. If unable to determine, it uses PNG.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Write the MonkeyImage to a file. If no " +
+ "format is specified, this method guesses the output format " +
+ "based on the extension of the provided file extension. If it is unable to guess the " +
+ "format, it uses PNG.",
args = {"path", "format"},
- argDocs = {"Where to write out the file",
- "The format in which to encode the image (PNG for example)"},
- returns = "True if writing succeeded.")
+ argDocs = {"The output filename, optionally including its path",
+ "The destination format (for example, 'png' for " +
+ " Portable Network Graphics format." },
+ returns = "boolean true if writing succeeded.")
public boolean writeToFile(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -138,10 +144,13 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
return true;
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a single ARGB pixel from the image",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a single ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) pixel at location " +
+ "x,y. The arguments x and y are 0-based, expressed in pixel dimensions. X increases " +
+ "to the right, and Y increases towards the bottom. This method returns a tuple.",
args = { "x", "y" },
argDocs = { "the x offset of the pixel", "the y offset of the pixel" },
- returns = "A tuple of (A, R, G, B) for the pixel")
+ returns = "A tuple of (A, R, G, B) for the pixel. Each item in the tuple has the " +
+ "range 0-255.")
public PyObject getRawPixel(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -156,10 +165,13 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
return new PyTuple(a, r, g ,b);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a single ARGB pixel from the image",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a single ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) pixel at location " +
+ "x,y. The arguments x and y are 0-based, expressed in pixel dimensions. X increases " +
+ "to the right, and Y increases towards the bottom. This method returns an Integer.",
args = { "x", "y" },
argDocs = { "the x offset of the pixel", "the y offset of the pixel" },
- returns = "An integer for the ARGB pixel")
+ returns = "An unsigned integer pixel for x,y. The 8 high-order bits are A, followed" +
+ "by 8 bits for R, 8 for G, and 8 for B.")
public int getRawPixelInt(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -197,12 +209,13 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
return true;
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Compare this image to the other image.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Compare this MonkeyImage object to aother MonkeyImage object.",
args = {"other", "percent"},
- argDocs = {"The other image.",
- "A float from 0.0 to 1.0 indicating the percentage " +
- "of pixels that need to be the same. Defaults to 1.0"},
- returns = "True if they are the same image.")
+ argDocs = {"The other MonkeyImage object.",
+ "A float in the range 0.0 to 1.0, indicating the percentage " +
+ "of pixels that need to be the same for the method to return 'true'. " +
+ "Defaults to 1.0."},
+ returns = "boolean 'true' if the two objects contain the same image.")
public boolean sameAs(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -257,10 +270,12 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Get a sub-image of this image.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Copy a rectangular region of the image.",
args = {"rect"},
- argDocs = {"A Tuple of (x, y, w, h) representing the area of the image to extract."},
- returns = "The newly extracted image.")
+ argDocs = {"A tuple (x, y, w, h) describing the region to copy. x and y specify " +
+ "upper lefthand corner of the region. w is the width of the region in " +
+ "pixels, and h is its height."},
+ returns = "a MonkeyImage object representing the copied region.")
public MonkeyImage getSubImage(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -274,4 +289,4 @@ public abstract class MonkeyImage {
BufferedImage image = getBufferedImage();
return new BufferedImageMonkeyImage(image.getSubimage(x, y, w, h));
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyRunner.java b/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyRunner.java
index cdab926..63ab9eb 100644
--- a/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyRunner.java
+++ b/monkeyrunner/src/com/android/monkeyrunner/MonkeyRunner.java
@@ -47,13 +47,12 @@ public class MonkeyRunner {
MonkeyRunner.backend = backend;
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Wait for the specified device to connect.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Waits for the workstation to connect to the device.",
args = {"timeout", "deviceId"},
- argDocs = {"The timeout in seconds to wait for the device to connect. (default " +
- "is to wait forever)",
- "A regular expression that specifies the device of for valid devices" +
- " to wait for."},
- returns = "A MonkeyDevice representing the connected device.")
+ argDocs = {"The timeout in seconds to wait. The default is to wait indefinitely.",
+ "A regular expression that specifies the device name. See the documentation " +
+ "for 'adb' in the Developer Guide to learn more about device names."},
+ returns = "A MonkeyDevice object representing the connected device.")
public static MonkeyDevice waitForConnection(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -70,10 +69,11 @@ public class MonkeyRunner {
ap.getString(1, ".*"));
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Pause script processing for the specified number of seconds",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Pause the currently running program for the specified " +
+ "number of seconds.",
args = {"seconds"},
- argDocs = {"The number of seconds to pause processing"})
- public static void sleep(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
+ argDocs = {"The number of seconds to pause."})
+ public static void sleep(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ public class MonkeyRunner {
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Simple help command to dump the MonkeyRunner supported " +
- "commands",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Format and display the API reference for MonkeyRunner.",
args = { "format" },
- argDocs = {"The format to return the help text in. (default is text)"},
- returns = "The help text")
+ argDocs = {"The desired format for the output, either 'text' for plain text or " +
+ "'html' for HTML markup."},
+ returns = "A string containing the help text in the desired format.")
public static String help(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ public class MonkeyRunner {
return MonkeyRunnerHelp.helpString(format);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Put up an alert dialog to inform the user of something that " +
- "happened. This is modal dialog and will stop processing of " +
- "the script until the user acknowledges the alert message",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Display an alert dialog to the process running the current " +
+ "script. The dialog is modal, so the script stops until the user dismisses the " +
+ "dialog.",
args = { "message", "title", "okTitle" },
argDocs = {
- "The contents of the message of the dialog box",
- "The title to display for the dialog box. (default value is \"Alert\")",
- "The title to use for the acknowledgement button (default value is \"OK\")"
+ "The message to display in the dialog.",
+ "The dialog's title. The default value is 'Alert'.",
+ "The text to use in the dialog button. The default value is 'OK'."
public static void alert(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
@@ -122,14 +122,18 @@ public class MonkeyRunner {
alert(message, title, buttonTitle);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Put up an input dialog that allows the user to input a string." +
- " This is a modal dialog that will stop processing of the script until the user " +
- "inputs the requested information.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Display a dialog that accepts input. The dialog is ," +
+ "modal, so the script stops until the user clicks one of the two dialog buttons. To " +
+ "enter a value, the user enters the value and clicks the 'OK' button. To quit the " +
+ "dialog without entering a value, the user clicks the 'Cancel' button. Use the " +
+ "supplied arguments for this method to customize the text for these buttons.",
args = {"message", "initialValue", "title", "okTitle", "cancelTitle"},
argDocs = {
- "The message to display for the input.",
- "The initial value to supply the user (default is empty string)",
- "The title of the dialog box to display. (default is \"Input\")"
+ "The prompt message to display in the dialog.",
+ "The initial value to supply to the user. The default is an empty string)",
+ "The dialog's title. The default is 'Input'",
+ "The text to use in the dialog's confirmation button. The default is 'OK'." +
+ "The text to use in the dialog's 'cancel' button. The default is 'Cancel'."
returns = "The test entered by the user, or None if the user canceled the input;"
@@ -144,14 +148,14 @@ public class MonkeyRunner {
return input(message, initialValue, title);
- @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Put up a choice dialog that allows the user to select a single " +
- "item from a list of items that were presented.",
+ @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc = "Display a choice dialog that allows the user to select a single " +
+ "item from a list of items.",
args = {"message", "choices", "title"},
argDocs = {
- "The message to display for the input.",
- "The list of choices to display.",
- "The title of the dialog box to display. (default is \"Input\")" },
- returns = "The numeric offset of the choice selected.")
+ "The prompt message to display in the dialog.",
+ "An iterable Python type containing a list of choices to display",
+ "The dialog's title. The default is 'Input'" },
+ returns = "The 0-based numeric offset of the selected item in the iterable.")
public static int choice(PyObject[] args, String kws[]) {
ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);