path: root/sdklauncher
diff options
authorRaphael <raphael@google.com>2010-01-27 12:48:34 -0800
committerRaphael <raphael@google.com>2010-01-27 20:36:08 -0800
commitea66c92f80d9745721cfa28e22f2726b76579158 (patch)
tree8dbcb425d3f9fc5d64db42c900389471bb62c19c /sdklauncher
parent912fa77151c7814b58c9b6ab46a2f682cd97fcd6 (diff)
SDK Launcher: capture stdout from batch file.
Change-Id: Iab4e8f54bf2039cd9a17b1e814ffdc3ccd3deb23
Diffstat (limited to 'sdklauncher')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/sdklauncher/sdklauncher.c b/sdklauncher/sdklauncher.c
index d052284..23b785d 100644
--- a/sdklauncher/sdklauncher.c
+++ b/sdklauncher/sdklauncher.c
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
* Eventually it should simply replace the batch file.
- * - detect that java is installed; error dialog if not, explaning where to get it.
* - create temp dir, always copy *.jar there, exec android.jar
* - get jars to copy from some file
* - use a version number to copy jars only if needed (tools.revision?)
@@ -32,23 +31,170 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
+void display_error(LPSTR description) {
+ DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ LPSTR s, s2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s, error %ld\n", description, err);
+ if (FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | /* dwFlags */
+ NULL, /* lpSource */
+ err, /* dwMessageId */
+ 0, /* dwLanguageId */
+ (LPSTR)&s, /* lpBuffer */
+ 0, /* nSize */
+ NULL) != 0) { /* va_list args */
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s", s);
+ s2 = (LPSTR) malloc(strlen(description) + strlen(s) + 5);
+ sprintf(s2, "%s\r\n%s", description, s);
+ MessageBox(NULL, s2, "Android SDK Setup - Error", MB_OK);
+ free(s2);
+ LocalFree(s);
+ }
+HANDLE create_temp_file(LPSTR temp_filename) {
+ LPSTR temp_path = (LPSTR) malloc(MAX_PATH);
+ /* Get the temp directory path using GetTempPath.
+ GetTempFilename indicates that the temp path dir should not be larger than MAX_PATH-14.
+ */
+ int ret = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH - 14, temp_path);
+ if (ret > MAX_PATH || ret == 0) {
+ display_error("GetTempPath failed");
+ free(temp_path);
+ }
+ /* Now get a temp filename in the temp directory. */
+ if (!GetTempFileName(temp_path, "txt", 0, temp_filename)) {
+ display_error("GetTempFileName failed");
+ } else {
+ ZeroMemory(&sattr, sizeof(sattr));
+ sattr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
+ sattr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
+ file_handle = CreateFile(temp_filename, // filename
+ GENERIC_WRITE, // access: write
+ FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode: read OK
+ &sattr, // security attributes
+ CREATE_ALWAYS, // create even if exists
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // flags and attributes
+ NULL); // template
+ if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ display_error("Create temp file failed");
+ }
+ }
+ free(temp_path);
+ return file_handle;
+void read_temp_file(LPSTR temp_filename) {
+ HANDLE handle;
+ handle = CreateFile(temp_filename, // filename
+ GENERIC_READ, // access: read
+ FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode: read OK
+ NULL, // security attributes
+ OPEN_EXISTING, // only open existing file
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // flags and attributes
+ NULL); // template
+ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ display_error("Open temp file failed");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Cap the size we're reading.
+ 4K is good enough to display in a message box.
+ */
+ DWORD size = 4096;
+ LPSTR buffer = (LPSTR) malloc(size + 1);
+ LPSTR p = buffer;
+ DWORD num_left = size;
+ DWORD num_read;
+ do {
+ if (!ReadFile(handle, p, num_left, &num_read, NULL)) {
+ display_error("Read Output failed");
+ break;
+ }
+ num_left -= num_read;
+ p += num_read;
+ } while (num_read > 0);
+ if (p != buffer) {
+ *p = 0;
+ /* Only output the buffer if it contains special keywords WARNING or ERROR. */
+ char* s1 = strstr(buffer, "WARNING");
+ char* s2 = strstr(buffer, "ERROR");
+ if (s2 != NULL && s2 < s1) {
+ s1 = s2;
+ }
+ if (s1 != NULL) {
+ /* We end the message at the first occurence of [INFO]. */
+ s2 = strstr(s1, "[INFO]");
+ if (s2 != NULL) {
+ *s2 = 0;
+ }
+ MessageBox(NULL, s1, "Android SDK Setup - Output", MB_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ free(buffer);
+ if (!CloseHandle(handle)) {
+ display_error("CloseHandle read temp file failed");
+ }
int sdk_launcher() {
+ int result = 0;
- char program_path[MAX_PATH];
+ CHAR program_path[MAX_PATH];
int ret;
+ CHAR temp_filename[MAX_PATH];
+ HANDLE temp_handle;
+ ZeroMemory(&pinfo, sizeof(pinfo));
+ temp_handle = create_temp_file(temp_filename);
+ if (temp_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ return 1;
+ }
ZeroMemory(&startup, sizeof(startup));
startup.cb = sizeof(startup);
- ZeroMemory(&pinfo, sizeof(pinfo));
+ startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
+ startup.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ startup.hStdOutput = temp_handle;
+ startup.hStdError = temp_handle;
/* get path of current program */
GetModuleFileName(NULL, program_path, sizeof(program_path));
ret = CreateProcess(
- NULL, /* program path */
- "tools\\android.bat update sdk", /* command-line */
+ NULL, /* program path */
+ "tools\\android.bat update sdk", /* command-line */
NULL, /* process handle is not inheritable */
NULL, /* thread handle is not inheritable */
TRUE, /* yes, inherit some handles */
@@ -59,26 +205,27 @@ int sdk_launcher() {
if (!ret) {
- DWORD err = GetLastError();
- fprintf(stderr, "CreateProcess failure, error %ld\n", err);
- LPSTR s;
- if (FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | /* dwFlags */
- NULL, /* lpSource */
- err, /* dwMessageId */
- 0, /* dwLanguageId */
- (LPSTR)&s, /* lpBuffer */
- 0, /* nSize */
- NULL) != 0) { /* va_list args */
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", s);
- LocalFree(s);
- }
+ display_error("Failed to execute tools\\android.bat:");
+ result = 1;
+ } else {
+ WaitForSingleObject(pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
+ CloseHandle(pinfo.hProcess);
+ CloseHandle(pinfo.hThread);
+ }
+ if (!CloseHandle(temp_handle)) {
+ display_error("CloseHandle temp file failed");
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ read_temp_file(temp_filename);
+ }
- return -1;
+ if (!DeleteFile(temp_filename)) {
+ display_error("Delete temp file failed");
- return 0;
+ return result;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {