path: root/monitor/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'monitor/build.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/monitor/build.xml b/monitor/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c2d94..0000000
--- a/monitor/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-<project name="com.android.eclipse.rcp.build" default="build">
- <!-- Root of Android Source Tree -->
- <property name="ANDROID_SRC" location="../../" />
- <!-- Host Eclipse used for building the RCP -->
- <property name="basebuilder" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/external/eclipse-basebuilder/basebuilder-3.6.2/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/" />
- <!-- Source for target prebuilts -->
- <property name="targetSrcDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/prebuilts/eclipse/" />
- <!-- Location where build happens and resulting binaries are generated -->
- <property name="outDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/out/host/eclipse/rcp/" />
- <!-- Location where the target platform is created -->
- <property name="targetDir" value="${outDir}/target" />
- <!-- Location where the target platform is created -->
- <property name="buildDir" value="${outDir}/build" />
- <!-- Location of the sources -->
- <property name="srcDir" value="${ANDROID_SRC}/sdk/eclipse/" />
- <!-- Identify configurations to build -->
- <condition property="buildconfigs" value="linux,gtk,x86 &amp; linux,gtk,x86_64">
- <equals arg1="${buildFor}" arg2="linux" />
- </condition>
- <condition property="buildconfigs" value="macosx,cocoa,x86_64">
- <equals arg1="${buildFor}" arg2="darwin" />
- </condition>
- <condition property="buildconfigs" value="win32,win32,x86 &amp; win32,win32,x86_64">
- <equals arg1="${buildFor}" arg2="windows" />
- </condition>
- <!-- if no platforms are provided, then build for all platforms -->
- <property name="buildconfigs" value="linux,gtk,x86 &amp; linux,gtk,x86_64 &amp; win32,win32,x86 &amp; win32,win32,x86_64 &amp; macosx,cocoa,x86_64" />
- <!-- locate launcher plugin inside eclipse -->
- <path id="equinox.launcher.path">
- <fileset dir="${basebuilder}/plugins">
- <include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <property name="equinox.launcher" refid="equinox.launcher.path" />
- <!-- locate pde build plugin inside eclipse -->
- <path id="pde.build.dir.path">
- <dirset dir="${basebuilder}/plugins">
- <include name="org.eclipse.pde.build_*" />
- </dirset>
- </path>
- <property name="pde.build.dir" refid="pde.build.dir.path" />
- <!-- create the build directory, copy plugins and features into it -->
- <target name="copy_srcs">
- <mkdir dir="${buildDir}" />
- <copy todir="${buildDir}" preservelastmodified="true">
- <fileset dir="${srcDir}/">
- <include name="plugins/**" />
- <include name="features/**" />
- <exclude name="plugins/*/bin/**" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <!-- create target platform -->
- <target name="create-target">
- <mkdir dir="${targetDir}" />
- <mkdir dir="${targetDir}/deltapack" />
- <mkdir dir="${targetDir}/repos" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/deltapack/eclipse-3.7.2-delta-pack.zip" dest="${targetDir}/deltapack" overwrite="false" />
- <unzip src="${targetSrcDir}/platform/org.eclipse.platform-3.7.2.zip" dest="${targetDir}/repos/platform" overwrite="false" />
- </target>
- <!-- Launch pde build -->
- <target name="pde-build" depends="copy_srcs, create-target">
- <java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" fork="true" failonerror="true">
- <arg value="-application" />
- <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner" />
- <arg value="-buildfile" />
- <arg value="${pde.build.dir}/scripts/productBuild/productBuild.xml" />
- <arg value="-data" />
- <arg value="${buildDir}/workspace" />
- <arg value="-configuration" />
- <arg value="${buildDir}/configuration" />
- <arg value="-Dtimestamp=${timestamp}" />
- <arg value="-DeclipseLocation=${baseBuilder}" />
- <arg value="-DbuildDirectory=${buildDir}" />
- <arg value="-DbaseLocation=${targetDir}/deltapack/eclipse" />
- <arg value="-DrepoBaseLocation=${targetDir}/repos/" />
- <arg value="-DtransformedRepoLocation=${targetDir}/transformedRepos/" />
- <arg value="-Dconfigs=${buildconfigs}" />
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${equinox.launcher}" />
- </classpath>
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="clean">
- <delete dir="${outDir}" />
- <delete dir="${targetDir}" />
- </target>
- <target name="build" depends="pde-build" />